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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbial treatment of textile wastewater applicable in developing countries

Forss, Jörgen January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis of zeolites from geological materials and industrial wastes for potential application in environmental problems

Rios Reyes, Carlos A. January 2008 (has links)
Zeolites are among the least-known products for environmental pollution control, separation science and technology. Due to their unique porous properties, they are used in various applications in petrochemical cracking, ion-exchange and separation and removal of gases and solvents. The preparation of synthetic zeolites from chemical reagents is expensive. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, zeolite researchers are seeking cheaper aluminosilicate bearing raw materials, such as clay minerals, to produce synthetic zeolites. This research concerns the synthesis of zeolites and zeotypes derived from low-cost materials like kaolinite (KAO), natural clinker (NC) and fly ash (FA). The motivation for using these sources as the starting materials in zeolite synthesis is driven by factors, such as they are cheap and available in bulk quantities, are currently under-utilized, have high workability, and require less water (or solution) for activation. The raw materials were activated by two different routes: (1) classic alkaline hydrothermal synthesis and (2) alkaline fusion prior to hydrothermal synthesis. In the first method, the synthesis of zeolitic materials was carried out generally in alkaline media, although KAO or its calcination product, metakaolinite (MTK), was also activated in the presence or absence of structure directing agents (SDAs) and additional silica (precipitated SiO2), with the last one determining the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the reaction mixture and the time given for zeolitization. Synthesis in fluoride- and calcium-bearing media was also used to activate kaolinite. The process of synthesis was optimized by applying a wide range of experimental conditions with a wide range of reaction temperature, time, mineralizer concentration and solid/solution ratio. In the second approach, an alkaline fusion step was conducted prior to hydrothermal treatment, because it plays an important role in enhancing the hydrothermal conditions for zeolite synthesis. On the other hand, this approach was adopted because it can dissolve more aluminosilicates. The main synthesis products obtained after activation of KAO in NaOH solutions included zeolite LTA (LTA), sodalite (SOD), cancrinite (CAN), faujasite (FAU), zeolite Na-P1 (GIS), JBW-type zeolite (JBW), analcime (ANA), whereas the activation of KAO in KOH solutions produced chabazite (CHA), zeolite Barrer-KF, phillipsite (PHI) and K-feldspar. The hydrothermal conversion of kaolinite in fluoride media did not produce successful results, although traces of FAU, GIS, CHA, SOD and CAN crystallized. The activation of KAO in the system CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O promoted the formation of different calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phases, including hydrogarnet (HYD) and tobermorite (TOB). Following the fusion approach, the main zeolitic phases obtained using NaOH as mineralizer were LTA and CAN. The main as-synthesized zeolites obtained from NC by the conventional hydrothermal treatment method include PHI, SOD and CAN. Using the fusion approach, FAU and LTA were obtained with NaOH as an activator, whereas non-zeolitic material crystallized when KOH was used. The main as-synthesized zeolitic materials obtained by hydrothermal reaction of FA include PHI, zeolite Barrer-KF, CHA and SOD with traces of TOB, ANA, zeolite LTF (LTF) and herschelite (HER), appearing occasionally. By the fusion approach, FAU was obtained with NaOH as activator, whereas no zeolitic material crystallized using KOH. Experimental results indicate that the method, mineralizer, concentration and time have strong effects on the type and degree of crystallinity of the synthesis products. On the other hand, the type and chemical composition of the as-synthesized products are strongly dependent on the chemical composition of the starting material. The chemistry of zeolite synthesis was subject to perturbations caused by the presence of impurities in the raw materials, which may remain insoluble during crystallization and cause undesired species to nucleate, developing mixtures of different types of zeolites. However, other physicochemical factors may play a very important role in the thermodynamics and kinetics of zeolite formation. The raw materials have very high contents of SiO2 and Al2O3, with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios appropriate for the synthesis of low-Si zeolitic materials with high crystallinity and cation exchange capacity (CEC). However, although zeolites’ CEC represents a very important characteristic quality in the removal of undesired species from polluted effluents, it is not the deciding factor in determining zeolite performance during ion exchange processes, since numerous other factors also need to be considered. Finally, the potential application of the raw materials and their as-synthesized products as low-cost sorbents in the remediation of metal ions and ammonium from wastewater effluents was investigated. PHI showed a lower efficiency than FAU. Selectivity of FAU for metal removal was, in decreasing order, Fe>As>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cr. Based on these results, the use of these materials has the potential to provide improved methods for the treatment of contaminated effluents.

Avloppsvattenbehandling med membranbioreaktor : En jämförande systemanalys avseende exergi, miljöpåverkan samt återföring av närsalter

Hessel, Cecilia January 2005 (has links)
<p>In the pilot plant at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket, several new methods are tested in order to achieve a good use of resources. When a new technique is considered it is often the performance of the technique itself, under given conditions, that is evaluated. However, in order to evaluate the overall function the whole picture is needed. With a system analysis it becomes possible to make a comparison where all the positive aspects are put up against the negative ones, for the technique itself as well as its requirements. In this way the influence that minor components have on an entire system can be considered.</p><p>This report presents a system analysis of an anaerobic membrane reactor (MBR) with a VSEP-membrane (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process). The MBR is tested at the research treatment plant at Hammarby Sjöstad. In the analysis presented two different treatment techniques treating two different types of wastewaters are compared. The considered techniques are conventional (represented by an active sludge process) and the MBRtechnique. The waters treated are a mixed wastewater and wastewater from a separating system where closet water is separated from greywater and mixed with food waste from waste disposers.</p><p>The system analysis has been carried out with the URWARE (URban WAter REsearch) system analysis tool. A new URWARE-model that describes the anaerobic reactor and the VSEP membrane was created in order to generate the system structures needed for the analysis. The model consists of two submodels, which as the other URWARE-models are mass-flow, steady-state models based on yearly average-values. The model was tested and calibrated from the test-results at the Hammarby Sjöstad pilot plant. In the study the systems are compared considering energy, exergy and recirculation of nutrients.</p><p>The VSEP-technique has some advantages compared to the conventional system as it ensures that a large part of the nutritional content in the wastewater can be retained. The advantage is more obvious with the separated system, where food waste is mixed with closet water. Also the global warming potential of the new technique is lower. However, conventional treatment is better from an exergy-perspective. This is mostly due to the high energy consumption as a result of the reversed osmosis (RO) required for post treatment.</p> / <p>I försöksanläggningen vid Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket undersöks flera olika metoder för att uppnå största möjliga resursutnyttjande. När en ny teknik utprovas är det i allmänhet funktionen hos den givna metoden under givna förutsättningar som undersöks. För att få ett helhetsperspektiv krävs emellertid att den sätts in i sitt sammanhang. En systemanalys gör det möjligt att få en bild av alla för- och nackdelar, såväl av tekniken i sig som av de förutsättningar den kräver. Även effekter som små delar har på ett helt system kan då belysas och dess betydelse för helheten fastställas.</p><p>Föreliggande studie möjliggör en systemanalytisk utvärdering av en anaerob membranbioreaktor (MBR) kopplad till ett VSEP-membran (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process) som är under utprovning vid Sjöstadsverket. Studien jämför två vattenreningstekniker för behandling av två olika typer av avloppsvatten. Dels rör det sig om konventionell teknik (aktiv slam-rening liknande den behandlingsmetod som används idag), dels den nya MBRtekniken. De vatten som behandlas är blandat avloppsvatten respektive sorterat klosettvatten blandat med matavfall från avfallskvarnar.</p><p>Systemanalysen har utförts med hjälp av systemanalysverktyget URWARE (URban WAter REsearch). För att kunna bygga upp önskade systemstrukturer har en ny modell för att beskriva den anaeroba reaktorn och VSEP-membranet skapats inom ramen för detta examensarbete. Modellen består av två delmodeller, som liksom övriga modeller i URWARE är substansflödesmodeller där beräkningar är baserade på årsmedelvärden. Modellen har utprovats och kalibrerats mot mätresultat från pilotförsöken vid Sjöstadsverket. I studien jämförs systemen med avseende på energi, exergi och återföring av närsalter.</p><p>Utifrån systemanalysen konstateras att MBR-tekniken ger vissa fördelar gentemot konventionell teknik då en stor del av näringsinnehållet från avloppsvattnet kan fångas upp. Detta gäller speciellt då tekniken används i kombination med ett separerat avloppssystem där matavfall blandas med klosettvatten. Även växthuspotential för den nya tekniken är lägre totalt sett. Ur exergisynpunkt är konventionell teknik emellertid mer fördelaktig. Till stor del beror detta på hög energiförbrukning pga. den efterbehandling med omvänd osmos (RO) som systemet i dess nuvarande utformning kräver.</p>

Environnmental life cycle assessment of potable water production.

Friedrich, Elena. January 2001 (has links)
This study investigates and compares the environmental burdens of two different methods for producing potable water by using the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA). The first method, for the production of potable water, is used by Umgeni Water at their Wiggins Waterworks and it involves conventional processes. The second method is based on a South African membrane technology and currently it is used in three pilot plants around the country. The life cycle concept gives the means understand the environmental impacts associated with a product. process or activity by considering all life-cycle stages, from cradle- to-grave. Formal methodologies for conducting such studies have been developed and in this project the methodological framework endorsed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 14040 series of standards has been used. By using this methodology and by tracing all processes involved in the production of potable water, it was found that the main contribution towards the environmental burdens of potable water is due to electricity generation. This conclusion is valid for both methods in vestigated. and as a result the recommendations focus on increasing the energy efficiency of waterworks in order to increase their overall environmental performance. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2001.

Nutrient removal with integrated constructed wetlands : microbial ecology and treatment performance evaluation of full-scale integrated constructed wetlands

Mustafa, Atif January 2010 (has links)
Wastewaters from intensive agricultural activities contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus that contributes to water management problems. During the past few years, there has been considerable interest in the use of constructed wetlands for treating surface water runoff from farmyards. If the contaminated runoff is not treated, this wastewater along with other non-point sources of pollution can seriously contaminate the surface water and groundwater. Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICWs) are a type of free water surface wetlands. They are engineered systems that are designed, constructed and operated successfully for treating farmyard runoff in the British Isles. However, the long-term treatment performance of these systems, the processes involved in contaminant removal and the impact on associated water bodies are not well-known. The aims of this project were to assess the performance of full-scale integrated constructed wetlands and understand nutrient removal in them. Performance evaluation of these systems through physical, chemical and microbiological parameters collected for more than 7 years showed good removal efficiencies compared to international literature. The monitored nutrient concentrations in groundwater and surface waters indicate that ICW systems did not pollute the receiving waters. The role of plants (Typha latifolia) and sediment in removing nutrients was also assessed. More nitrogen and phosphorus were stored in wetland soils and sediments than in plants. The results demonstrate that the soil component of a mature wetland system is an important and sustainable nutrient storage compartment. A novel molecular toolbox was used to characterise and compare microbial diversity responsible for nitrogen removal in sediment and litter components of ICW systems. Diverse populations of nitrogen removing bacteria were detected. The litter component of the wetland systems supported more diverse nitrogen removing bacteria than the sediments. Nitrogen removing bacteria in the wetland systems appeared to be stochastically assembled from the same source community. The self-organising map model was applied as a prediction tool for the performance of ICW and to investigate an alternative method of analysing water quality performance indicators. The model performed very well in predicting nutrients and biochemical oxygen demand with easy to measure and cost-effective water quality parameters. The results indicate that the model was an appropriate approach to monitor wastewater treatment processes and can be used to support management of ICW in real-time.

Water treatment at personal level : An examination of five products intended for a small scale, personal point-of-use

Österdahl, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
Water, and particularly clean water is essential for humans with a profound effect on health and has the capacity to reduce illnesses. Paradoxical, water is a medium where disease causing agents could be transmitted into the human body. Water can cause illness both from distribution of pathogenic organisms into the human system and also if not consumed in a required amount, leading to dehydration and other complications. Today catastrophes and disasters hit different areas in various forms. When such an event occurs, infrastructure is often disturbed or destroyed, and the supply of fresh water may be threatened. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is a government agency in Sweden, with a task to developing the community’ssocietal ability to prevent and handle emergencies, accidents and crises. The agency support various actors when a crisis or an accident occurs, both abroad and at a national level. The personnelal supporting at a crisis zone is sometimes working under extreme conditions where basic needs, such as access to food and fresh water can be a deficiency. To ensure that the personnel working at these sites can continue to solve problems without risking their own health caused by dehydration or other waterborne diseases, different methods can be used to treat water for personal use. Five different products intended for personal water treatment are chlorine dioxide pills, chlorine dioxide liquid, the Katadyn filter bottle, the Lifesaver filter bottle and the UV-lamp SteriPEN. These products use different water treatment techniques to purify water and secure the access to fresh water during exposed conditions. The aim with this study is to create an information basis in order for MSB to choose water treatment product for their future international missions. This is done by examine four parameters of these different products; purification capacity, manageability, environmental impact and economic aspects. The study showed that there is no product that pervading is best according to all parameters, they all have their pros and cons. The product that was best on average throughout the whole study is the SteriPEN but only if used during 10 or more missions. If a product should be used for only five or fewer missions, the chlorine dioxide liquid is recommended to use. At sites where the raw water is heavily contaminated a combination of two products could be an option, as a result of this thesis it is recommended to combine the chlorine dioxide liquid and the SteriPEN. This study is done qualitative and the result is based on literature, laboratorial reports and own measurements and calculations. Actual field tests are needed to further evaluate the products. The importance is that the product functions practically during MSBs working conditions, so relief workers really applicate the product to purify water and not refrain because it is not compatible with the working situations. If the product isn’t used because of these reasons it shouldn’t be used because it puts the relief workers at health risks. / Vatten, och i synnerhet rent vatten är livsavgörande för människor och har en grundlig hälsoeffekt med en förmåga att reducera hälsoåkommor. Paradoxalt nog är vatten samtidigt ett transportmedium för ämnen som orsakar sjukdomar. Vatten kan orsaka sjukdom och illamående både från distributionen av patogena ämnen in i människokroppen men också om intaget av vatten inte är tillräckligt för kroppen, vilket kan leda till uttorkning med stora komplikationer. Idag drabbas vissa områden av katastrofer och olyckor i varierande form. När sådana kriser och katastrofer sker, blir ofta infrastruktur skadad eller förstörd vilket kan medföra att tillgången till rent vatten hotas. Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap (MSB) är en myndighet i Sverige, med uppgift att utveckla social kapacitet för att motverka och hantera nödsituationer, olyckor och kriser. Myndigheten stödjer olika aktörer när en kris eller olycka uppstår, både utomlands och på nationell nivå. Personalen som stödjer på plats i en kriszon arbetar ibland under extrema förhållanden där basala nödvändigheter, som t.ex. tillgången till mat och rent vatten kan vara en bristvara. För att säkerhetsställa att personalen som arbetar på dessa platser kan fortsätta att lösa sin uppgift utan att riskera sitt eget välbefinnande på grund av vattenbrist eller andra vattenrelaterade sjukdomar, kan olika metoder för vattenrening på personlig nivå användas. I den här studien valdes fem olika produkter avsedda för personlig vattenrening ut; klordioxid i tablettform, klordioxid i vätskeform, Katadynflaskan, Lifesaverflaskan och UV-lampan SteriPEN. Dessa produkter utnyttjar olika tekniker för att rena vatten och säkerhetsställa tillgången av rent vatten under utsatta situationer. Målet med den här studien är att skapa en informationsbas som underlag för MSB att använda sig av när de väljer vattenreningsmetod för kommande internationella insatser. Fem produkter utvärderats därför utifrån fyra parametrar; reningskapacitet, handhavande, miljöpåverkan och ekonomisk aspekt. Studien visade att det inte var någon enskild produkt som genomgående var bäst utifrån alla parametrar, de hade alla sina för och nackdelar. Produkten som överlag fick bäst resultat genom studien var SteriPEN men det utifrån att produkten används under tio insatser eller mer. Om en produkt endast ska användas under ett fåtal insatser är klordioxid i vätskeform att föredra. På platser där råvattnet är skarpt kontaminerat kan en kombination av två olika produkter vara aktuell, rekommenderat är att kombinera klordioxid i vätskeform med SteriPEN, draget som slutsats av resultatet av denna studie. Det här är en kvalitativ studie och resultatet grundar sig på litteratur, analysresultat från laboratorietester samt egna mätningar och beräkningar. Faktiska tester i fält är nödvändiga för att vidare utvärdera produkterna. Det viktiga är att produkten faktiskt fungerar praktiskt baserat på förhållandena MSB arbetar under så att hjälparbetare verkligen använder produkten för att rena kontaminerat vatten och inte avstår att använda produkten på grund av att den inte är kompatibel med arbetsförhållandena. Om produkten inte används på grund av den anledningen ska den inte användas i fält då den utsätter hjälparbetarnas hälsa för risk. / <p>2016-12-01</p>

Influence des caractéristiques structurelles et morphologiques sur l'activité photocatalytique de films nanostructurés d'oxyde de titane obtenus par anodisation électrochimique : application à la photodégradation de la 4-nitroaniline

Alshibeh alwattar, Nisreen 26 March 2012 (has links)
Cette étude avait pour objectif de développer un nouveau support photocatalytique pour des applications potentielles dans le domaine du traitement des eaux. Le choix s'est porté sur les nanotubes d'oxyde de titane (TiO2) et l'étude a plus particulièrement porté sur l'optimisation de leurs propriétés photocatalytiques vis-à-vis de la l'oxydation de solution aqueuse de composés azotés. Les nanotubes de TiO2 ont été préparés par anodisation électrochimique en faisant varier le potentiel appliqué, la durée d'anodisation, le pH et la viscosité du milieu électrolytique (milieu aqueux ou milieu glycérol), ainsi que la nature du substrat sur lequel étaient déposés ces nanotubes. Une fois anodisés, ces nanotubes amorphes et se présentant sous forme sous-stœchiométrique (O/Ti <2) ont été recuits à différentes températures afin d'obtenir des phases de TiO2 variées (anatase, anatase/rutile). Au cours de ces différentes étapes, les différents nanotubes obtenus ont été caractérisés morphologiquement et structurellement par analyses par diffraction des rayons X (DRX) et par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB).L'activité photocatalytique de ces différents matériaux a été déterminée à partir des rendements de photodégradation d'un composé modèle, la 4-nitroaniline. Là aussi, différents facteurs ont été étudiés, à savoir le pH du milieu réactionnel, le type de lampe UV et les durées d'irradiation.Les résultats montrent que les performances photocatalytiques des nanotubes de TiO2 les meilleures sont obtenues lorsqu'ils sont déposés sur substrat de Ti massif, anodisés en solution aqueuse à 20 V et pendant 20 minutes, et recuits à 450 °C (structure anatase). / This study aimed to design a new photocatalytic support for potential uses in the field of water treatment. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes were chosen and studied as a function of their photocatalytic properties towards nitrogenous compounds.TiO2 nanotubes were prepared by electrochemical anodization by varying the applied potential, anodization duration, pH and viscosity of the electrolytic medium (aqueous or glycerol medium), and by the nature of substrates where these nanotubes were deposited (titanium foil (Ti) or deposited on silicon (Ti / Si)). Once anodized, these amorphous and under-stoechiometric (O/Ti <2) were calcined at various temperatures in order to obtain different TiO2 phases (anatase or anatase/rutile). During these different steps, the whole nanotubes obtained were morphologically and structurally characterized par X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic activity of the different materials was determined from the photodegradation yields of a model compound, namely 4-nitroaniline. Here again, different factors were studied, such as pH of reaction medium, kind of UV lamps and irradiation durations. The results show that the best photocatalytic performances of TiO2 nanotubes were obtained when deposited on Ti foils, anodized in aqueous medium at 20 V and for 20 minutes, and calcined at 450 °C (anatase phase).

Electroflocculation of river water using iron and aluminium electrodes

Mashamaite, Aubrey Nare 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / A novel technology in the treatment of river water, which involves an electrochemical treatment technique to produce domestic or drinking water is being investigated using aluminium and iron electrodes in an electrochemical circuit. Coagulation and flocculation are traditional methods for the treatment of polluted water. Electrocoagulation presents a robust novel and innovative alternative in which a sacrificial metal anode treats water electrochemically. This has the major advantage of providing mainly active cations required for coagulation and flocculation, without increasing the salinity of the water. Electrocoagulation is a complex process with a multitude of mechanisms operating synergistically to remove pollutants from the water. A wide variety of opinions exist in the literature for key mechanisms. A lack of a systematic approach has resulted in a myriad of designs for electrocoagulation reactors without due consideration of the complexity of the system. A systematic, holistic approach is required to understand electrocoagulation and its controlling parameters. An electrocoagulation-flotation process has been developed for water treatment. This involved an electrolytic reactor with aluminium and/or iron electrodes. The water to be treated (river water) was subjected to coagulation, by Al(III) and Fe(II) ions dissolved from the electrodes, resulting in floes floating after being captured by hydrogen gas bubbles generated at the cathode surfaces. Apparent current efficiencies for AI and Fe dissolution as aqueous Al(III) and Fe(II) species at pH 6.5 and 7.8 were greater than unity. This was due to additional chemical reactions occurring parallel with electrochemical AI and Fe dissolution: oxygen reduction at anodes and cathodes, and hydrogen evolution at cathodes, resulting in net (i.e. oxidation plus reduction) currents at both anodes and cathodes. Investigation results illustrate the feasibility of ferrous and aluminium ion electrochemical treatment as being a successful method of water treatment. Better results were achieved under conditions of relatively high raw water alkalinity, relatively low raw water turbidity, and when high mixing energy conditions were available.

Investigation of biochemical methane potential in Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in Vietnam

Deo, Anurag, Axelsson Bjerg, Mette January 2017 (has links)
Currently Vietnam is facing several problems with waste handling. For instance, a lot of the municipal organic solid waste is dumped at landfills, which contributes to environmental difficulties such as greenhouse gas emissions. Anaerobic digestion has proven to be an adequate method for solving environmental problems such as waste treatment, where biogas can be produced. The methane content in the biogas can subsequently be used as a prosperous energy source for heating, electricity and vehicle fuel. The production and utilization of biogas in Vietnam is in a developing face. However, there are issues that should be tackled to improve and expand the biogas production and use. In Vietnam the main substrate used for anaerobic digestion is animal manure as most of the biogas digesters are placed on farms. The purpose of this master thesis was to identify additional potential substrates for biogas production, with focus on Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in the Thái Nguyên province. In order to find suitable substrates, interviews and literature research were carried out in Vietnam. Subsequently biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were performed for the identified and acquired substrates. The BMP-tests were first performed at Thái Nguyên University but as the results were inconclusive, further experiments were performed at Linköping University (Sweden) where eight substrates from the Thái Nguyên province were investigated. The identified substrates used for the BMP-tests were three types of beer waste from the Vicoba brewery in Thái Nguyên city, food waste from different restaurants in Sông Công city, fruit waste from the fruit market in Thái Nguyên and household vegetable waste. The highest methane yield could be observed for household vegetable waste (543 Nml/g VS) followed by beer waste (yeast) with a methane potential of 497 Nml/g VS. Beer waste (hops boiling) had the lowest methane potential with a value of 230 Nml/g VS. Estimation of the total methane potential in both cities together from food waste from restaurants, beer waste and sewage sludge from the upcoming waste water treatment plant (WWTP) in Thái Nguyen city were made by combining data from interviews, literature values and the BMP-results. The estimation showed that from Thái Nguyên City and Sông Công city about 137,500 m3 CH4/year can be produced from food waste from restaurants, about 1.7 millionCH4 m3/year can be produced from sludge from the WWTP in Thái Nguyên city (under construction) and there is also a possibility to produce about 10,700 m3 CH4/year from the beer brewery in Thái Nguyên city. Thus, the total estimated methane potential sums up to 1.8 million m3 CH4/year. The results show that Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city have potential wastes that preferably could be used as substrates for biogas production which could add on to the biogas produced currently at farm level in the Thái Nguyên region. / I dagsläget står Vietnam inför svåra problem med rådande avfallshantering. En stor del av det organiska avfallet deponeras. Detta bidrar till miljöproblem som exempelvis utsläpp av växthusgaser. Kontrollerad rötning har visat sig vara en bra metod för avfallshantering av organiskt avfall, eftersom biogasen som produceras exempelvis kan användas som energikälla för matlagning, elektricitet och fordonsbränsle, samtidigt som avfallsmängden kraftigt reduceras. Utvecklingen av kommersiell biogasproduktion i Vietnam är fortfarande i ett inledande stadie. De främsta substraten för biogassubstratet som används i landet i nuläget är olika typer av gödsel med anledning av att de flesta rötkammare är placerade på bondgårdar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kompletterande potentiella substrat som kan användas för biogasproduktion i städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công som är belägna i provinsen Thái Nguyên. För att identifiera möjliga biogassubstrat genomfördes intervjuer på plats tillsammans med litteraturundersökningar. Vidare genomfördes metanpotentialbestämningar (BMP) för identifierade, utvalda och, erhållna substrat. Det visade sig ej vara möjligt inom tidsramen för besöket att genomföra BMP-testerna på ett fullgott sätt vid Thái Nguyêns universitet med anledning av begränsningar i metodförutsättningar, varför BMP-tester även genomfördes på Linköpings universitet. Totalt testades metanpotentialen för åtta olika substrat från städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. De identifierade substraten som användes i BMP-studien var tre typer av bryggeriavfall från Vicoba bryggeri i Thái Nguyên, matavfall från olika restauranger i Sông Công, fruktavfall från fruktmarknaden i Thái Nguyên och hushållsavfall från ett hushåll i Thái Nguyên. Det högsta metanutbytet kunde observeras för matavfall från hushåll (543 Nml/g VS) följt av bryggeriavfall i form av jäst (497 Nml/g VS). Ölavfall från vörtkokning påvisade det lägsta metanutbytet av samtliga testade substrat motsvarande 230 Nml/g VS. En uppskattning av den totala metanpotentialen i de båda städerna från matavfall från restauranger, bryggeriavfall samt avloppsslam från reningsverket som är under uppbyggnad i Thái Nguyên genomfördes baserat på intervjuer, litteraturvärden samt genomförda metanpotentialtester (BMP). Uppskattningen visade att cirka 137 500 m3 CH4/år skulle kunna produceras från matavfall från restauranger, cirka 1,7 miljoner CH4 m3/år från avloppsreningsverksslam samt från ölbryggeriet i Thái Nguyên är det möjligt att producera cirka 10 700 CH4 m3/år. Sammantaget indikerar det en uppskattad metanpotential motsvarande ca 1,8 miljoner CH4 m3/år. Slutsatsen av den här studien visar att det finns stor potential för biogasproduktion i Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. / Developing strategies and methods for participatory planning in Thái Nguyên and Linköping

Potentiel d’utilisation de la spectrofluorimétrie 3D pour la caractérisation en ligne de la matière organique dissoute : de la station d’épuration au milieu récepteur / Application potential of 3D spectrofluorimetry for on-line dissoled organic matter characterisation : from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving middle

Goffin, Angélique 29 November 2017 (has links)
Les travaux effectués au cours de ce doctorat, en collaboration étroite avec la Direction du Développement et de la Prospective (DDP) du Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l’Assainissement de l’Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP), s’inscrivent dans le cadre du programme de recherche MOCOPEE (Modélisation, Contrôle et Optimisation des Procédés d’Epuration des Eaux) et s’intéressent aux potentielles applications de la spectrofluorimétrie 3D pour caractériser les quantités et qualités de la matière organique dissoute (MOD) dans les eaux de station d’épuration des eaux usées (STEU) et dans les eaux du milieu naturel. La première partie de ce manuscrit est dédié aux applications de la spectrofluorescence 3D pour caractériser la MOD des eaux de STEU. Une méthodologie de traitement des spectres de fluorescence reposant sur l’utilisation d’un algorithme de déconvolution nommée PARAFAC, a été appliquée pour les eaux usées de la STEU « Seine Centre ». Un fractionnement par hydrophobicité ainsi qu’une étude de biodégradabilité ont permis d’apporter de nouvelles informations sur les propriétés des fluorophores de la MOD des eaux usées de STEU. Des relations entre des indicateurs de fluorescence et les mesures de demandes biologiques en Oxygène (DBO5) soluble ainsi qu’avec les mesures de demande chimiques en oxygène (DCO) soluble ont été mises en évidence pour les eaux usées d’entrée de 6 STEU (n=83) de la région parisienne (SIAAP). Ces modèles de prédiction pourront être utilisés pour optimiser la gestion des filières de traitements épuratoires des eaux usées (ex : ajouts de réactifs). Enfin, les fluorophores identifiés ont été utilisés pour suivre l’évolution de la MOD le long des filières épuratoires des STEU de « Seine Centre » et « Seine Grésillons ». La deuxième partie traite des potentiels d’applications de cette méthodologie dans les eaux du milieu naturel. Grâce au réseau de suivi MeSeine (Mesure en Seine), 373 prélèvements ont été réalisés par le SIAAP, lors d’un suivi hebdomadaire de Juillet 2015 à Juin 2016, dans le bassin versant de la Seine. Ce suivi intègre 12 points de prélèvements de l’amont vers l’aval de Paris et deux des principaux affluents de la Seine (Marne et Oise). De ce suivi, un modèle PARAFAC de 10 composantes a été mis en évidence. Des variations spatio-temporelles de qualité de MOD ont été observées entre les différents cours d’eau étudiés. L’impact de la pression urbaine (rejets de STEU) sur la qualité de la MOD entre l’amont et l’aval de l’agglomération parisienne a également pu être observé. Ainsi, une caractérisation physico-chimique rapide de la MOD et de ses sources en milieu aquatique urbain, peut être effectuée par spectrofluorescence 3D. La mise en place de ce type de suivi in situ apportera des informations rapides sur la qualité et quantité de MOD des milieux aquatiques naturels pour les gestionnaires de stations de potabilisations qui pourront connaitre la qualité de la MOD des eaux de prélèvements et anticiper la formation de sous-produits de désinfections. Les gestionnaires des milieux aquatiques pourront également anticiper la survenue d’épisodes de pollution des eaux de surface. Enfin, un modèle de prédiction de la concentration en carbone organique dissoute par spectrofluorescence 3D combiné à la spectrométrie d’absorbance a été mis en évidence. Les conclusions mises en évidence par ce travail contribueront à une meilleure compréhension de la MOD fluorescente des eaux usées de STEU (optimisation des filières de traitement biologique) et des milieux aquatiques. Ainsi, ce type de travail ne se limite pas à la communauté scientifique, mais s’étend aux gestionnaires et opérationnels du domaine de l’eau / The work carried out during this PhD, in close collaboration with the Development and Prospective Development Department (DDP) of the Interdepartmental Syndicate for the Sanitation of the Paris Metropolitan Area (SIAAP), is part of the research program MOCOPEE (Research Modeling, Control and Optimization of Water Treatment Processes) and are interested in the potential applications of 3D spectrofluorimetry to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) quantity and quality in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and in natural middle. The first part of this manuscript is devoted to the potential applications of 3D fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize wastewater DOM quality and quality. A methodology for the treatment of 3D fluorescence spectra based on the use of a deconvolution algorithm named PARAFAC has been applied to wastewater from the Seine Center WWTP. Specific MOD fluorophores were observed, allowing a finer approach to the fluorescence characteristics of MOD. Resin fractionation and a biodegradability study yielded new information on raw sewage DOM fluorophores. Relationships between DOM fluorescence indicators and soluble Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) measurements as well as soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measurements have been demonstrated in raw sewage from 6 Parisian WWTP (SIAAP). Prediction models of soluble BOD5 and soluble COD by 3D spectrofluorimetry can be used to anticipate variations of raw sewage quality and quantity, and to optimize biological treatment processes (eg reagent additions). Finally, DOM fluorescence was analyzed along "Seine Center" and "Seine Grésillons" WWTPs. The second part deals with applications potential of 3D fluorescence spectroscopy in natural middles. Thanks to the MeSeine monitoring network (Mesure en Seine), a total of 373 samples were taken during a weekly monitoring from July 2015 to June 2016 in the Seine catchment area and include 12 sampling points from upstream to downstream of Paris and two of its main tributaries (Marne river and Oise river). From this monitoring, a PARAFAC model with 10 components was highlighted. Variations in DOM quality were observed between the different streams studied. The impact of urban pressure on DOM quality was also observed by fluorescence, between the upstream and downstream of the Parisian agglomeration. We have also been able to monitor WWTP effluent impacts on the Seine during a maintenance operation for its treatment processes. Variations in the quality of MOD between low and high water periods were also observed. Thus, 3D spectrofluorimetry help to provide a rapid physicochemical characterization of DOM and its sources in urban aquatic environments. Theses information will help drinking water plants managers to rapidly know DOM quality to anticipate formation of disinfections by-products. Managers of aquatic environments will also be able to anticipate occurrence of surface water pollution episodes. Finally, 3D fluorescence spectroscopy and absorbance spectroscopy were combined to develop a dissolved organic carbon concentration prediction model. The findings highlighted by this work will contribute, on their scale, to a better understanding of DOM fluorescence in raw sewage water (optimization of biological treatment channels) and in aquatic environments. In this sense, the usefulness of this type of work is not limited to the scientific community, but extends to managers and the operational fields

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