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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technologie paprskového řezání / Cutting beams technologies

Kocman, Luděk January 2013 (has links)
The diploma´s thesis deals with cutting beams technologies. It shows the current knowledge of these cutting methods, their possibilities and applications. The practical part rates benefits of replacement water jet with laser from economic and technological perspective.

Návrh technologie výroby tvarového víka / Design of production technology of shaped cover

Doležal, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a design technology of forming a shaped lid focused on cutting, bending, drawing, as well as trimming and making the required holes. There is described several basic variants of sheet metal forming based on the literature. Production of holes of specified cover, for an annual production of 100 pieces of shaped lid, is solved by unconventional technologies. From subsequent economic evaluation of selected technologies is chosen an appropriate technology to minimize production costs.

3D abrazivní vodní paprsek / 3D abrasive water jet

Maříková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with abrasive water jet cutting in the introduction. Another part is focused on deploying technology 3D cutting with abrasive water jet in conditions of a medium-sized company. This technology allows the elimination of bevels, and angel cutting. The following sections deal with technological capabilities of the specific machine and experimental comparison of samples cut by AWJ and DWJ technology. The work also includes a sample layout of machines on existing premises, the proposal for a potential component base and economic evaluation.

Návrh zařízení pro erozi materiálu vodním paprskem / Design of device for water jet erosion of materials

Mikulášek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to design experimental setup for planar samples erosion by means of the water jet on the rotational sample configuration, laboratory experimental testing and its evaluation by means of the 3D optodigital microscope Olympus DSX 510. There were observed typical erosion patterns at the solid tested material surfaces as well as the cavitation erosion. Experiments were carried out at the following water pressures: 0.432 MPa, 1.50 MPa on the rotating sample, at 2.50 MPa on steady sample and on flooded sample for different treatment times. Experimental results of waterjet impact on rotating sample were compared with the theoretical modelling data obtained by CFD modelling. Computational modelling was done in two parts: 3D modelling of water jet flow impact on rigid steady surface and 3D modelling of water jet impact on rigid moving surface. The latter modelling was solved as two phase modelling, where the computational model “Volume of Fluid” was employed. The aim of the study was to find out for the individual cases under study appearance of the water flow and the changes of the magnitude of the force of the impinging water jet on the wall.

Volba vhodné technologie pro výrobu svařované konstrukce elektrokotle JE 12 a JE 6 / Selection of appropriate technology for the production of welded constructions of boiler JE 12 and JE 6

Janás, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the selection of appropriate technology to produce the welded construction of electric boiler JE6 / 12 aims to evaluate available production technologies and choose the most suitable of them. Choosing the technologies focuses primarily on those that are available at Slokov. Due to the connection of the welding robot to the production, it is necessary to consider the overall connection of the production and the high accuracy of the production. The individual methods of production, material separation, welding, bending and surface treatment are first theoretically analyzed and their advantages, disadvantages and parameters are summarized. Subsequently, it is practically tested individual technologies for a representative part and it evaluates the achieved parameters and economics of production. With the results obtained, the most suitable technologies are selected. With the selection of technologies, there is a need for a change in design and production parameters. Changes and modifications to the design describe another point. To achieve maximum efficiency and quality of production, a welding robot is used to make welds. The description of the production, modifications and overall design of the robot describes the next point of this work. The last part summarizes the economics of selected production technologies and details the technological process. The aim of the thesis is to design such technologies that will be advantageous from the point of view of the economy and from the perspective of the available possibilities of the company.

Wasserstrahldichtung: ein Beitrag zur Abdichtung beweglicher Konstruktionen im Wasserbau

Aigner, Detlef 22 November 1983 (has links)
No description available.


Andruetto, Claudia January 2019 (has links)
Progressing constraints on green house gas emissions lead to a sustainability trend,which greatly a↵ects the transport sector. Nowadays, companies show increasing interest indeveloping sustainable solutions.This thesis has been started thanks to a project given by Sj¨or¨addningss¨allskapet, themost relevant association that performs sea rescue operations in Swedish waters.Sj¨or¨addningss¨allskapet would like to explore the possibility of making their rescue boat fleetentirely carbon-free, hence more sustainable.What may provide a suitable solution is an electric drive train with hybrid energy storage,composed by a battery pack and a fuel cell stack. The research question is whether it wouldbe feasible to combine fuel cell stacks and battery packs to provide power to a fast smallboat.From a sketch of a rescue boat, the drive train design for such boat is studied in itsintegrity, from the water jet pump to the battery and fuel cell systems.The required power has been calculated empirically, using data from online tests on waterjet boats. Di↵erent tests have been considered, resulting in a mean power curve and a meanconsumption curve and allowing comparison between the hybrid electric drive train withan internal combustion engine drive train.Three profiles of speed, power and consumption have been assumed for the calculation ofthe required energy and hence rate the energy storage system. A design has been proposedin terms of fuel cell capacity and battery capacity.The propulsion unit, composed by the electric machine and water jet, has been studied,focusing on di↵erent electric drive technologies. Few conclusions on both the weight andsustainability requirements are discussed.A sustainability analysis is carried out in terms of CO2 emissions, through a life cycleassessment accounting for the environmental impact of the system during the whole lifecycle, from cradle to grave. / Ökande begränsningar för utsläpp av växthusgaser leder till en hållbarhetsutveckling, vilket påverkar transportsektorn kraftigt. Nuförtiden visar företag ett ökande intresse för att utveckla hållbara lösningar.‌Denna avhandling har startats tack vare ett projekt som ges av Sjöräddningssällskapet, den viktigaste föreningen som utför havsräddningsinsatser i svenska vatten.Sjöräddningssällskapet vill undersöka möjligheten att göra deras räddningsbåtflotta helt emissionfri, och därmed mer hållbar.Det som kan ge en lämplig lösning är ett elektriskt drivsystem med hybrid energilagring, sammansatt av ett batteripaket och en bränslecell-stapel. Forskningsfrågan är om det skulle vara möjligt att kombinera bränslecellstaplar och batteripaket för att driva en snabb liten båt.Från en skiss av en räddningsbåt studeras designen för en sådan båt i dess integritet, från vattenstrålpumpen till batteri och bränslecellsystem.Den erforderliga kraften har beräknats empiriskt med hjälp av data från onlinetest av vattenstrålbåtar. Olika tester har beaktats, vilket resulterar i en genomsnittlig e↵ektkurva och en genomsnittlig förbrukningskurva och möjliggör en jämförelse mellan det hybridelektriska drivsystemet med ett förbränningsmotordrivsystem.Tre profiler av hastighet, e↵ekt och förbrukning har antagits för beräkning av den erforderliga energin och därmed för energilagringssystemet. En design har föreslagits vad gäller bränslecellkapacitet och batterikapacitet.Framdrivningsenheten, sammansatt av den elektriska maskinen och vattenstrålen, har studerats med fokus på olika elektriska drivtekniker. Några slutsatser om både vikten och hållbarhetskraven diskuteras.En hållbarhetsanalys utförs med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp genom en livscykelbedömningsom redovisar systemets miljöpåverkan under hela livscykeln, från vagga till grav.

Electrically powered manoeuvring of water jets / Elektrisk manövrering av vattenjetaggregat

Engström, Joel January 2021 (has links)
A shift towards electric and hybrid propulsion within the marine sector create new challenges for conventional water jet units manoeuvred by hydraulic systems. The high efficiency in high speed water jet crafts benefit from being powered by electricity but will be compromised by constantly running hydraulic pumps, draining available electric capacity on-board. Wear and tear on hydraulic components are also an environmental contamination hazard, due to high pressure oil and exposed cylinder rods. However, conventional hydraulic power packs with subsystems to manoeuvre water jet unit is a well proven and reliable marine application.Steer-by-wire is not an uncommon subject, as it is frequently used in several industries such as aviation, automotive and offshore. The purpose of the study is to prepare a concept design proposal with CAD-models and drawings of electrically powered manoeuvring system for Marine Jet Powers DRB 750 steering units. The study did a literature study on the topic and qualitative research to fulfil the purpose. A generic product and concept development is conducted and computer aided design is done to present proposed prototype design.Results from the research gave 4 commercially available electrical actuators, all with significantly different functionality from each other resulting in 4 different concepts and thereof 1 prototype proposal integrated in the waterjet unit according to DNV standards.The selected concept in the study will need some further manufacturing configuration and optimisation for a full installation and working prototype. / Ett skifte mot elektisk och hybriddrift inom marina fartyg och framdrivningssystem skapar nya utmaningar och möjligheter, även så för höghastighetsfartyg där vattenjet har en fördel i sin karaktäristiska höga effektivitet. Idag manövreras vattenjetsaggregat med hjälp av hydraulik, som många gånger drivs med framdrivningsmaskineriet och/eller med en elektisk pump. Dessa system blir en energitjuv i en elektrisk eller hybridlösning för framdrivningen och så saknar det en naturlig lösning på hur en hydraulisk pump ska drivas. Slitage och skador på hydrauliska system kan även leda till miljöfarliga utsläpp av hydraulolja. Framför allt då det handlar om höga hydrauliska tryck och bland annat kolvstänger som är utsatta för påfrestningar från fartygens yttre miljö. Dock är hydrauliska system väl beprövade och pålitliga i marina miljöer.Styrning med hjälp av elkraft är inget som är nytt, även kallat Steer-by-wire, det har gjorts och används inom många områden så som flygplans-, bil- och offshoreindustrin. Syftet med studien är att skapa ett prototypförslag för elektisk manövrering av Marine Jet Powers vattenjetaggregat DRB 750. För att uppnå detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts och kvalitativ forskning för att samla information och få förståelse för ämnet. En generisk product- och konceptutveckling har använts med hjälp av datorstödd konstruktion för att presentera ett prototypförslag.Det har resulterat i 4 koncept med integrerade lösningar från olika tillverkare, som alla skiljer från varandra i funktionalitet och skulle kunna användas på ett sätt för att uppnå målet. Varav ett koncept som valdes, det vidareutvecklades till ett prototypförslag med skruvförband i vattenjetaggregatet och som även sågs till att uppfylla DNV:s standarder och regler. Det valda konceptet behöver vidare utveckling, integrering och optimering för att kunna installeras och testas i fungerande prototyp.

Technicko-ekonomické porovnání nekonvenčních technologií AWJ a LBM z hlediska potřeb firmy / Cost-effect and technical comparison of nonconventional technologies AWJ and LBM with the view of needs of a company

Malát, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This study deals with unconventional materials cutting technology with a fo-cus on abrasive water jet cutting and CO2 laser. The thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental section. The theoretical part describes principles and functions of nonconventional technologies, the basic division and practical applications. The practical part is focused on choosing the best technology with the production of samples and their subsequent comparison. The thesis recommends producer and type of the machine which best meets requirements on basis of the test results.

Technologie výroby součásti / Technology of production part

Straka, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is developed within my Master’s degree studies, branch mechanical engineering (M21 K), and specialization in M STM. The aim of this thesis is to solve the technology of mechanical production (machining, tooling) for the machine component called ‚shape lid‘. I execute the analysis of this technology from the perspective of the conventional machining process, and alternatively, some of the non conventional machining process, too. Conventional machining process is so far used for manufacturing of this sort of machine’s element. It‘s implying laborious work difficulties, even it’s economically disadvantageous. I suggest a new technology of manufacturing. At first, a semi-finished component could be sized by conventional machining process, and then it could be finished by the CNC (computer numerical control) milling machine. By the non-conventional machining process assume the usage of an electro-erosive machining, plasma machining, or water jet machining.Conventional technology suppose the usage of CNC milling machines. Thereinafter, feasibility aspects of this brand new technology are considered in technical and economical perspective.

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