Spelling suggestions: "subject:"watercourse"" "subject:"watercourses""
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Vodohospodářská analýza a boj se suchem v povodí řeky Rokytné / Water analysis and combating drought in the Rokytná river basinŘíha, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on water management analysis of the Rokytná River and finding suitable precautions usable by municipalities when dealing with drought and lack of water in their administrative district. The short research at the beginning of the thesis summarizes problematic of drought and lack of water in the Czech Republic, including the current state and overall context. Next part focuses on the assessment of current state of the Rokytná River basin, based on performed reconnaissance of the basin and processed analysis of a part of the basin delimited from km 0,0 to km 16,7 of the river, between towns of Ivančice and Moravský Krumlov. This analysis concentrates on finding factors, which can contribute to extent of drought impact in this area. It also contains a suspended load study of the waterway, which writes up granularity characteristics and calculation of the amount of transported material from a suspended load sample, taken from the bed of the Rokytná River. The overview of suitable proceedings and precautions follows, based on findings in previous parts of the diploma thesis. The conclusion of this thesis consists of very suggestion of suitable steps and precautions related to particular localities in the Rokytná River basin. Target is to enhance the retention ability of the region and to minimize the impact of both drought and floods. The result of these actions should be the empowerment of environmental sustainability in this particular area. Conclusions of this thesis can be used by municipalities and other administrative bodies when creating an approach of combating drought and when deciding about the implementation of relevant precautions.
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Hydroekologický monitoring Sopřečského potoka a možnosti zlepšení jeho stavu / Hydromorphological monitoring of Sopřečský stream and and possibilities of its improvementSirůčková, Renáta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the hydroecological monitoring of the Sopřečský potok and possibilities of its improvement. The Sopřečský potok is located in the Pardubice Region in the Elbe River Basin. In the first phase of the work, hydroecological monitoring was carried out and then the hydromorphological state of the watercourse was evaluated. All procedures comply with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. On the basis of its evaluation and taking into account the delimitation of ÚSES elements, the sections on which the measures to improve the state of the watecourse were implemented were selected. The effect of the modifications on the hydromorphological state was again evaluated. In conclusion, there is a comparison and summary of the proposed modifications to the existing state of watercourse.
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Näringsbelastning i Arkelstorpsviken : Samhällens påverkan på övergödande ämnen / Nutritional load in Arkelstorpsviken : The impact of societies on eutrophication substancesOsterman, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Arkelstorpsviken är en sjö i Kristianstads kommun med övergödningsproblematik känd sedan 1970- talet. Flera projekt har drivits under årens lopp i syfte att identifiera och komma till rätta med påverkanskällor. I detta examensarbete har nya provtagningslokaler valts ut för att kunna identifiera ytterligare påverkanskällor. Analys av fosfor och kväve har utförts för att få en uppskattning på vattenstatusen i respektive vattendrag. Syftet har varit att undersöka om det finns specifika skillnader i kväve- och fosforhalterna vid provtagningslokalerna, identifiera punktkällor med negativ påverkan på vattenkvaliteten samt undersöka samhällets påverkan på näringsbelastningen genom att förlägga provtagningspunkter uppströms och nedströms samhällena Lerjevallen och Oppmanna. Två påverkanskällor har identiferats med höga halter av fosfor som kommer från Immelns och Arkelstorps avloppsreningsverk. De båda avloppsreningsverken uppnår dock de krav och begränsningsvärden som ställs enligt avloppsdirektivet. Undersökningar gällande enskilda avlopp och jordbrukets påverkan har inte gett några säkra resultat. För att kunna dra säkra slutsatser kring dessa påverkanskällor bör provtagningstillfällen i fortsatta studier förläggas under till exempel lågvattenföring. Förslag till åtgärd för att förbättra utgående vattenkvalitet från Immelns reningsverk är att anlägga en våtmark som ett ytterligare reningssteg. / Arkelstorpsviken is a lake in Kristianstad municipality with eutrophication problems known since the 1970s. Several projects have been run over the years in order to identify and address sources of influence. In this thesis, new sampling locations have been selected to be able to identify additional sources of influence. Analysis of phosphorus and nitrogen has been performed to obtain an estimate of the water status in each watercourse. The purpose has been to investigate whether there are specific differences in the nitrogen and phosphorus levels at the sampling locations, identify point sources with a negative impact on water quality and investigate society's impact on nutrient load by locating sampling locations upstream and downstream of the communities Lerjevallen and Oppmanna. Two sources of impact were identified with high levels of phosphorus coming from the Immeln and Arkelstorp wastewater treatment plants. However, the two wastewater treatment plants meet the set requirements and limit values according to the wastewater directive. Studies concerning private sewers and the impact of agriculture have not yielded any definite results. In order to be able to draw reliable conclusions about these sources of influence, sampling opportunities in further studies should be located during, for example, low water flow. Proposed measures to improve outgoing water quality from Immeln's wastewater treatment plant are to construct a wetland as an additional treatment step.
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Hevlín – sídlo v krajině / Hevlín – place in the landscapeKubíčková, Karolína Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to create a landscape that supports water retention and helps the river Dyje to create a branched, meandering watercourse. The design also deals with the permeability of the territory and the design of wooden objects that respond in function and shape to the created landscape.
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Evertebraters kolonisation på fin ved i semi-naturliga bäckar / Colonization of invertebrates on fine wood in semi-natural streamsJohansson, Patricia January 2015 (has links)
Wood can be added to streams to create microhabitats that provide macroinvertebrates with an opportunity for re-colonization by making the stream more heterogeneous. I examined colonization on wood substrate by macroinvertebrates in semi-natural streams in northern Finland during a three month period. Each of the streams was divided in three sections A, B and C, half of which were provided with wood. The focus has been on whether the density of macroinvertebrates changes with time, along an upstream-downstream direction in the streams, or in streams with two wood sections if macroinvertebrates will colonize the first section with wood that they come in contact with (upstream section) or if they continue downstream to the second section with wood. Wood from Salix sp. was placed in nine of the 18 enclosures during mid-June. Samples of wood were removed from the streams on three different occasions from August to October 2014. A total of 32 taxa were identified from the wood and assigned to functional feeding groups: shredders, scrapers, active filter feeders, passive filter feeders, collectors, miners, piercers and predators. The results showed that collectors, miners and piercers increased in density during the month of October and the abundance of scrapers was higher in the upstream location than in the downstream location. Total number of macroinvertebrates, collectors, passive filter feeders and predators had a higher colonization on the first substrate they came into contact with. / Ved i homogena vattendrag skapar mikrohabitat och ger evertebrater en möjlighet att återkolonisera vattendraget genom att göra vattendraget mer heterogent. Jag har undersökt makroevertebraters kolonisation på ved i semi-naturliga bäckar under en tre månaders-period i norra Finland. Bäckarna var uppdelade i tre sektioner upp-, mellan- och nedströms respektive A, B och C. Av 18 sektioner var nio ved försedda. Jag har fokuserat på om tätheten av evertebrater och diversiteten förändras med tiden, längs bäckarna dvs. uppströms – nedströms, och om makroevertebrater kommer kolonisera den första vedförsedda sektionen de kommer i kontakt med eller fortsätta till den efterföljande vedförsedda sektionen. Ved från Salix sp. placerades i nio inhägnader i mitten på juni. Prov på ved togs vid tre olika tidpunkter under studieperioden från Augusti till Oktober 2014. En totala av 32 taxa identifierades från veden och grupperades i funktionella födogrupper: Sönderdelare, skrapare, aktiva filtrerare, passiva filtrerare, samlare, växtgrävare, växtsugare och predatorer. Resultatet visade att samlare, växtgrävare och växtsugare ökade i täthet under oktober månad samt att skapare föredrog ett uppströmsläge framför de andra två möjligheterna. Totala antalet evertebrater, samlare, passiva filtrerare och predatorer koloniserade det första substratet de kom i kontakt med i större utsträckning än de andra födogrupperna.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The protection of watercourses is motivated by legal instruments establishing permanent preservation areas (PPAs) along them, being defined from the width of the waterway. However, it is believed that there are other factors to consider, such as ecosystem services offered by PPAs. With the objective of developing a methodology for easy application that supports the identification of ecosystem services promoted by APPs along watercourses, in particular the stability of river embankments, this study developed a Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP), compound for 7 parameters - vegetation, soil texture, stretch of river, slope inclination, soil depth in slope, width of the stream and, use and land cover, assigning them weights 0-4, depending on influence of their categories in the susceptibility to erosion of river embankments. The RAP was applied in 40 sampling units in the watershed of the Arroio Val de Buia, in Silveira Martins, RS. The end result of the RAP for each sample unit allowed the creation of classes of susceptibility to erosion, "stable", "susceptible" and "unstable". Simultaneously, we developed an algorithm programming in Python 2.6 (ArcGIS ® 10) language in order to determine indicators of fragility erosion of slopes of the watercourse areas and the contribution of these in susceptibility to erosion of river embankments. Statistical analysis (t test) revealed significant differences between the units evaluated by RAP. From the techniques of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we observed the occurrence of clustering between different sampling units into two distinct classes, according to the categories of susceptibility to erosion resulting RAP. The basic parameters that determine the groupings were: soil, soil depth on slope, vegetation, portions of the stream and use and land cover. The PCA also showed that the first principal component (PC1) explained 43.54 % of the total variance, while the second explained 25.93 %, which showed the similarities between the "stable" sample units and "unstable", respectively. For indicators of fragility to erosion, the following information was obtained: maximum length of the tributary side, average steepness of maximum length side, accumulated tributary drainage area, average steepness of the cumulative tributary drainage area and, average velocity of maximum length side. The contribution of indicators of fragility in susceptibility to erosion of river embankments can be enhanced or attenuated depending on the category of the parameters evaluated in the RAP. It also pointed out that one of the products of this work was the algorithm programming that originated maps on indicators of fragility erosion down slope. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed protocol was presented as a good tool for rapid assessment of rivers with similar characteristics to Arroio Val de Buia, and useful for zoning and hierarchy of priority areas for environmental management and recovery degraded areas, especially those related to works of natural engineering, may be disseminated and applied, provided to regional characteristics. / A proteção aos cursos d água é motivada por instrumentos legais que instituem áreas de preservação permanente (APPs) ao longo dos mesmos, sendo essas definidas a partir da largura do curso d água. Contudo, acredita-se que há outros fatores a serem considerados, como os serviços ecossistêmicos oferecidos pelas APPs. Com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia de aplicação fácil e que apoie a identificação de serviços ecossistêmicos promovidos pelas APPs ao longo de cursos d água, em particular a estabilidade dos taludes fluviais, este estudo desenvolveu um Protocolo de Avaliação Rápida (PAR), composto por 7 parâmetros - vegetação, textura do solo, trecho do rio, inclinação do talude, profundidade do solo no talude, largura do curso d água e, uso e cobertura da terra, atribuindo a eles pesos de 0 a 4, em função da influência de suas categorias na suscetibilidade à erosão de taludes fluviais. O PAR foi aplicado em 40 unidades amostrais na microbacia do Arroio Val de Buia, no município de Silveira Martins, RS. O resultado final do PAR para cada unidade amostral permitiu a criação de classes de suscetibilidade à erosão: estável , suscetível e instável . Simultaneamente, desenvolveu-se a programação de um algoritmo em linguagem Python 2.6 (ArcGIS® 10), a fim de determinar indicadores de fragilidade à erosão de áreas vertentes ao curso d água e a contribuição dos mesmos na suscetibilidade à erosão de taludes fluviais. A análise estatística (teste t) evidenciou diferenças significativas entre as unidades avaliadas pelo PAR. A partir das técnicas de Análise Hierárquica de Agrupamentos (AHA) e de Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), foi possível observar a ocorrência de agrupamento entre as diferentes unidades amostrais, em duas classes distintas, de acordo com as categorias de suscetibilidade à erosão resultantes do PAR. Os parâmetros fundamentais que determinaram os agrupamentos foram: solo, profundidade do solo no talude, vegetação, trecho do curso d água e uso e cobertura da terra. A ACP mostrou ainda que a primeira componente principal (CP1) explicou 43,54% da variância total dos dados, enquanto a segunda explicou 25,93%, as quais evidenciaram as semelhanças entre as unidades amostrais estáveis e instáveis , respectivamente. Para os indicadores de fragilidade à erosão, foram obtidas as seguintes informações: comprimento máximo de vertente afluente; declividade média da vertente de comprimento máximo; área de drenagem afluente acumulada; declividade média da área de drenagem afluente acumulada e; velocidade média de vertente de comprimento máximo. A contribuição dos indicadores de fragilidade na suscetibilidade à erosão de taludes fluviais pode ser intensificada ou atenuada em função das categorias dos parâmetros avaliados no PAR. Cabe destacar ainda, que um dos produtos deste trabalho foi a programação do algoritmo que originou os mapas relativos aos indicadores de fragilidade à erosão de vertente. Por fim, conclui-se que o protocolo proposto apresentou-se como uma boa ferramenta de avaliação rápida de rios com características semelhantes às do Arroio Val de Buia, e útil para o zoneamento e a hierarquização de áreas prioritárias para o gerenciamento ambiental e a recuperação de áreas degradadas, especialmente aquelas ligadas a obras de engenharia natural, podendo ser difundido e aplicado, desde que adaptado às características regionais.
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Posouzení možnosti revitalizace vodního toku Osoblaha – úsek I / Assessment of the Possibilities The Revitalization of a Watercourse Osoblaha – Reach IMitana, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with the issue revitalization of water stream. Assessment and design of revitalization is done for watercourse Osoblaha, situated in the cadastral territory Osoblaha nad Studnice by Osoblaha. In diploma thesis were designed several of revitalization measures such as stone backfill, willow fence, groyne, casting willow cuttings to supplement the vegetation on river‘s banks, fish shelter and wirestone baskets (gabions). In the given section was designed pool and also was there designed boulder slip, which will replace present downflow step. After designing was made hydrotechnical calculations to demostrate preservation runoff conditions of present stream condition.
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Écologie et dangerosité des Pseudomonas aeruginosa des milieux aquatiques anthropisés / Ecology and health hazard of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from human impacted waterPetit, Stéphanie 21 September 2012 (has links)
En santé publique, de nouveaux programmes de surveillance et de gestion sont à proposer notamment pour les masses d'eaux fortement affectées par l'urbanisation et les rejets urbains par temps de pluie. Les niveaux, les réservoirs et les sources de contamination microbiologique des milieux aquatiques doivent être évalués et identifiés, et leur incidence sur la dissémination des bactéries pathogènes et les risques d'exposition des populations humaines comprises. Parmi les agents pathogènes retrouvés dans les milieux hydriques, Pseudomonas aeruginosa représentent une préoccupation sanitaire majeure. A partir de deux sites expérimentaux, les objectifs de ce travail de thèse furent de définir la contribution des rejets d'eaux usées sur la prévalence de P. aeruginosa dans les cours d'eau récepteurs et d'étudier l'écologie des formes introduites dont ces habitats incluant leur dynamique spatiotemporelle. Les sédiments, les biofilms de surface (périphyton) et les végétaux aquatiques submergés, permettraient leur survie voire la multiplication de certains génotypes de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. La répartition des indicateurs de contaminations fécales et de la bactérie pathogène Aeromonas caviae ont également été étudiée. Il a été mis en évidence que les forces hydrauliques, le morpho-dynamisme de la rivière et les variations saisonnières étaient des facteurs structurants de la répartition des contaminants microbiens analysés. La dangerosité des souches isolées a été évaluée et montré que toutes les souches avaient un potentiel de virulence élevée. Ceci s'est confirmé par la détection de clones épidémiques majeurs au sein de la collection dont des souches apparentées aux clones PA14 ou C. Les capacités métaboliques de ces souches ont été étudiées dont leur antibio-résistance / In Public Health, new monitoring and management programs are needed, especially for the aquatic environments strongly affected by urbanization and urban wet weather discharges. The levels, reservoirs and sources of microbiological contamination of the aquatic environment should be assessed and identified, and their impact on the spread of pathogenic bacteria and the risk of exposure of human populations understood. Among the pathogens found in water environments, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is of major health concern. From two experimental sites, the objectives of this work were to define the contribution of wastewater discharges on the prevalence of P. aeruginosa in receiving watercourses and study the ecology of the introduced forms, including their spatiotemporal dynamic and preferential habitats. Sediments, surface biofilms (periphyton) and the submerged aquatic vegetations appeared to favour the survival or growth of some genotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The distribution of fecal indicator bacteria and of Aeromonas caviae were also studied. It was highlighted that hydraulic forces, the morpho-dynamics of the river and the seasonal vaiations were determinant factors in the distribution of the analyzed microbial contaminants. The health hazard of the clones found in these systems was estimated through indirect molecular approaches. It was shown that all Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains had a high virulence potential and that some were related to the PA14 and C clones which are spread worldwide and pathogenic
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Revitalizace vybraného úseku toku Hartmanického potoka / Revitalization of the selected section of river "Hartmanický potok"Samková, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with revitalization Hartmanice river in district Svitavy. Section of interest is on 0,400 – 1,234 of river km. Part of this thesis is also rating current condition of stream and his vegetation accompaniment. Rating was made on base of reconnaissance terrain, my own measurement and photo documentation. In diploma thesis was design some revitalization steps: stabilization sink with wooden sills and stabilization slopes by using willow fences and similar precautions. There was designed total change of flow trend. Rating of current condition and condition of modified stream was made in software HEC-RAS.
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Návrh PPO na toku ve správě Povodí Moravy, s.p. / Proposal of flood protection on the river in the basin of the MoravaSalingerová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is an appraisal of the stream Oslava which belongs to the Náměšť nad Oslavou region with the focus on flood control of the town. The thesis asseses current state of the stream with respect to the state of riverbed, bulwark of the stream and evaluation of the capacity of the stream channel. Calculation water surface profiles have been made by usage of the 1D mathematical model HEC-RAS for selected N-year flows. The capacity of flows and objects in the given period has been detected. There is also a map of the water runoffs included and possible solutions of how to protect the area surrounding the stream are proposed. The thesis was complemented with hydroecological monitoring of the stream channel - the HEM analysis 2014.
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