Spelling suggestions: "subject:"waterproofing"" "subject:"weatherproofing""
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Analýza rizik hydroizolačních systémů staveb / Risk analysis of waterproofing systems of buildingsVepřek, Karel January 2015 (has links)
A general overview of the waterproofing materials. Distribution waterproofing systems according to their use in construction. Listing the possible risks of defects waterproofing systems. Remediation and prevention of defects in the insulation. General summary of the risk lifecycle isolation and analysis of defects in the insulating elements on the real structure.
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Adheze spojů asfaltových pásů mechanicky kotvených / Adhesion connections asphalt strips mechanically fastenedPetříček, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
One-layer mechanical fastening waterproofing systems are often used within the compositions of flat roofs. Although in case of plastic based systems it is a common solution, for asphalt felts it handles about a relatively new approach, since the application of asphalt has a long history in the building industry. There are some key factors which all of the one-layer mechanically fastening systems should meet, especially water-resistance and resistance against the suction of wind. The application of dynamic loads on the joints may damage the bonds, which may lead to leakage of water. In particular the most delicate locations are the anchoring points at places where the waterproofing sheets are not connected mutually and the wind is captured. The characteristics of mechanically fastening waterproofing membranes may be verified by a specific test which is able to simulate the winds suction force, nonetheless it is quite expensive. Throughout the solution of the presented work an equipment was designed to observe the behaviour of roof compositions on smaller segments while taking into account the fastening elements, thus bringing the results closer to reality. In the first phase the presented dissertation aims to look at the possibilities of comparison of mechanically fastening bitumen reinforced sheets in a way, that they would show the extent to which the joints depend on the parameters of bitumen sheet - like the quality of the bitumen mass, the type bearing linen, the thickness of the layer or just the width of strip overlap. In the next phase the research was focused on the extent at which the strength of the resulting mechanically fastened joints is affected by the placement of fastenings elements within the strip overlap, including the possibilities when the distances from the edges of the bitumen strip cannot be maintained or because of improper geometry of fastening elements. The measurements were performed on both variants of flat roofs, thermally insulated
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Projekt logistické koncepce se zaměřením na distribuci / Project Logistics Concepts Focusing on the DistributionŽamberská, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with logistics concepts in the company ROMEX Inc. Theoretic part contains basic concepts of the issue. The current state and process orders are in the analytical part. The final part is devoted to suggestions for improvement and conditions of their implementation so as to lead a comprehensive development of the company, better order processing, and cost and time savings
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Hotel / HotelJakš, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves design of the building for temporary accommodation - hotel in the city of Brno Lisen street Novolíšeňská on plot no. 5049/24. The land is gently sloping and its area is 41,546 square meters. The outer dimensions of the building are 49.0 m x 28.3 m. The hotel has four floors and a basement. The roof is designed single-layer flat. The building is of brick construction of two-way system of Porotherm blocks based on reinforced concrete footings. Ceilings consist of reinforced concrete monolithic slabs. The hotel is equipped with 27 rooms for 50 guests.
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Analys av skador i virkestorkar : En undersökning av betong i virkestorkar / Analysis of damage in wood kilns : A survey of concrete in drying kilnsVerdugo, Esteban, Jama, Hassan January 2014 (has links)
Numera sker all industriell torkning av virke i sågverken i virkestorkar, som värms upp och därmed torkar virket till den optimala slutfuktkvot som tillönskas. Virkestorkar byggda i betong har länge varit ett stort problem för sågverksindustrin. Problematiken går tillbaka till 80-talet då man tvingades riva ett flertal torkar på grund av att betongtorkarna höll på att vittra sönder. Detta gällde för alla betongtorkar byggda fram till 70-talet. Det genomfördes i slutet på 90-talet en stor rapportundersökningen som behandlade de flesta typer av skador i betongtorkar. Fram tills idag har en närmare undersökning ej gjorts och det har fortfarande inte hittats standarder för reparation och underhåll som förlänger livslängden på betongtorkar. Sågverksindustrin förlorar varje år 10-tals miljoner kronor på reparationer och underhåll som i de flesta fall inte verkar fungera. Därför finns det en stor efterfrågan av tydliga instruktioner för val av material och hur dessa reparationer skall gå till. Rapporten behandlar den allmänna problematiken av skador som uppstår p.g.a. bland annat väldigt högt temperaturbelastade virkestorkar som är konstruerade i betong. Arbetet är uppdelat i två faser den ena fasen består av en teoridel som bland annat förklarar skadorna och dess uppkomst i betongtorkar. Den andra fasen behandlar en fältundersökning som genomfördes under rapportskrivningen samt de förslag till åtgärder som tagits fram. Denna rapport är en liten del av ett stort pågående projekt, där CBI Betonginstitutet och SP trä är projektutförare och samverkar med deltagande sågverk i Sverige och Norge samt leverantörer. Projektet ska mynna ut i en Guideline till sågverksindustrin, för att kunna utföra rätt reparationer med rätt materialval och därmed förlänga betongtorkarnas livslängd. Detta med utgångspunkt från fältundersökningens provtagningar. / Nowadays, all the process of industrial drying of lumber in sawmills are done in kilns, which the wood is heated and dried for the desired optimal moisture content. Timber drying kilns built in concrete has for a long time been a major issues for the sawmill industry. The problems goes as far back to the 80s when several wood kilns was forced to be demolished due to concrete kilns were about to crumble. This was mainly for all the concrete dries built up until the 70s. In the late 90's a report survey was carried out to investigate the damages that were inflicted in concrete dries. No other survey has been done since then and the report didn’t give tangible standards for repairs and maintenance that extends the service life in wood kilns. The sawmill industry loses each year tens of millions on repairs and maintenance that hasn’t shown any results of working. Therefore, there is a great demand of clear instructions for the selection of materials and how these repairs need to be done. The report deals with the general issues of very high temperature-loaded kilns constructed in concrete. The work is divided into two phases; one phase consists of a theoretical part including explaining of the damages and its emergence in the concrete kilns. The second phase deals with a field survey conducted during the report writing as well as the proposed measures have been developed. This report is one small part of a large ongoing project, where CBI and SP wood are the project implementers and interact with participating sawmills in Sweden and Norway and the suppliers. The project will culminate in a Guideline for the sawmill industry, to be able to perform the correct repair with proper materials and thereby extend the life of concrete kilns. This is based on field survey sampling. The project will culminate in a Guideline for the sawmill industry, to be able to perform the correct repair with proper materials and thereby extend the life of concrete drying. This is based on field survey sampling.
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Skladová hala s provozovnou / Storage hall with establishmentKukučka, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a proposal of a warehouse hall and an operation hall in Sokolnice. A land of the investor is located on Kobylnická street. Designed building is devided into two buildings which are a warehouse hall and an administrative building. The warehouse hall is designed as three-ship and has one floor above the ground. This building is designed for feed storage and breeding needs. The administrative building has got two floors above the ground. There is an office space for administrative company activity, facilities for employees and a company store. The support system of both buildings is made of steel structure, which is clad with insulating sandwich panels. A ceiling construction in the administrative building is also designed of steel support elements and trapezoidal sheet metal which is covered with a concrete layer. A roof construction of both buildings is flat, single skin and drained by means of a vacuum pipe. A roof composition consists of trapezoidal sheet metal, vapor barriers, dropped thermal insulator and from coating waterproofing. Internal layout is designed from plasterboard partitions. Thermal insulation in the plinth area at the warehouse is solved by using ETICS system. Foundation structures are designed as monolithic. Diploma thesis, according to the assignment, contain the creating of project documentation for the construction.
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Návrh sekundárního městského kolektoru s důrazem na ochranu před průnikem podzemní vody / Design of the secondary city utility tunnel with an emphasis on protection against ingress of groundwaterVrána, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
In the first part, the master’s thesis deals with the history of utility tunnels, methods of construction processes and materials from which they are built. It also mentions methods and materials which protect against the effects of groundwater. The thesis is mainly dedicated to the design and structural design of the secondary utility tunnel lining with an emphasis on protection against ingress of groundwater. The mathematical model was created in Plaxis 2DAE software.
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Freeze-Thaw Effects on Soils Treated for Water RepellencyFink, Dwayne H., Mitchell, Stanley T. 12 April 1975 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1975 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 11-12, 1975, Tempe, Arizona / Water can be supplied to many arid areas by harvesting the precipitation that falls on artificially prepared water-repellent soil catchments. The failure, in 1973, of wax-treated water harvesting catchment led to this study which indicates that the failure was due to swelling and shrinking of the treated soil which caused complete structural breakdown and loss of repellency. The laboratory freeze-thaw studies demonstrated that the smoother the plot, the less chance of freeze-thaw damage. Generally, coarser-textured soil can withstand freeze-thaw cycles better than finer-textured soils. Soil properties, other than texture, may also affect resistance to damage by freeze-thaw cycles. Increasing the repellent application rate may improve resistance to breakdown.
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Multifunkční dům / Multifunctional building objectBobek, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis solves the design and creation of project documentation for the construction of new multifunctional building on parcel 399/30 in the cadastral area Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice. This building plot is intended for construction and is owned by the town of Uherské Hradiště. The location is located in close proximity to the block of flats Pod Svahy. The enclosed building documentation is made in accordance with applicable laws, decrees and standards. Designed multifunctional house is a multipurpose building with one underground and five above ground floors. Basement areas serve as collective garages and backroom areas for residential units. The first floor has a commercial use with cafes, design offices, copy center and a hairdresser. Other above ground floors serve as permanent accommodation in the form of thirteen residential units. A reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton is designed as a support system. The roof is made in the form of a flat roof. The object is based on a base plate.
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Gelový infuzní clonový systém pro dodatečnou hydroizolaci různých druhů zdiva s využitím druhotných surovin / Gel infusion screen system for additional waterproofing of various types of masonry with share of secondary raw materialsMelichar, Jindřich Unknown Date (has links)
Virtually any construction project in our climate zone is facing some form of moisture. Older and historical buildings are mostly affected by the negative impact of water. Previously, the additional reduction of the moisture was executed only by mechanical methods, pushing insulating sheets or breaking through and cutting of masonry. Over time chemical methods were also invented, which are compared to the mechanical considerably simpler and user friendly applications to statics of treated buildings, making them ideal for the treatment of historical buildings or buildings that would not bear significant disruption. The main principle of chemical methods of redevelopment of wet masonry is the application of special material into the line of drilled holes with a given pitch. Subsequent penetration of the grouting material is believed to intersect an arc of individual drill holes, and thus to create so-called grout curtain that prevents the accumulation of water above it. Injection material may also contain a proportion of secondary raw materials, thereby reducing the influence of the impact of production on the environment. Efficiency infusion materials in masonry affected by many factors, such as temperature, humidity, or the type of material treated. It is also an important factor to determine the effectiveness of the remediation of the material, proving its ability to penetrate the building material by identifying its presence in it.
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