Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wavelet analysis"" "subject:"avelet analysis""
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Detecting Social Breathing : Quantitative signs of interaction in conversational dataHorns, Cordelia January 2022 (has links)
Human interaction has been a focus of study in psychology for a long time, but until recentlyonly very specific aspects of interaction have been considered. This approach leads to studiesthat gave insights into certain contexts, like parent-child or patient-clinician dynamics [1], [2].There are many theories on narrow subtopics, but no overarching unifying theory describingthe essence of human interaction. To fill this gap, Niclas Kaiser and Emily Butler recentlydeveloped the theory of Social Breathing, considering the participants as parts of a complexsystem [3] which currently lacks a quantitative description. According to their theory, the presence of Social Breathing in an interaction leads to com-plex patterns in multi-variate physiological time series of interacting people. How exactlythis effect could manifest in experimental data remains unclear. However, to distinguishinteraction data from non-interaction data from three independent sources, we tested ex-ploratory analysis methods, including principal component analysis (PCA), cross-wavelettransform and a convolutional neural network. We also developed a Maximum SpectralSimilarity Estimation method based on the cross-wavelet transform. All three data analyzed sets shared the general setup of two participants being in differentvariations of a conversation while one or more (neuro-)physiological variables were tracked. APCA of correlation coefficients we applied to the first data set by Guan et al. from 2015 [4]showed differences in participants’ dynamics, which a support vector machine could capitalizeon with a maximum classification accuracy of 72%. Because physiological dynamics during an interaction are not stable over time, we usedcross-wavelet transforms for time-resolved frequency information. To check for any transientspectral patterns that could be attributed to Social Breathing, we developed Maximum SpectralSimilarity Estimation. It showed that some variables contained spectra that were more similarwithin interaction data compared with less interactional or fake data. This pattern was trueboth for the previously named data source and for the second data source gathered by NiclasKaiser and described in ref. [5]. In this setup, two participants engaged in different stages ofvarying interactional intensity. Contrary to our expectations, interaction distractions resultedin increased similarity. The final experimental setup called NUNA was specifically designed for investigating SocialBreathing in neuro-physiological time series. We used early pilot data from NUNA in this workfor a proof of concept. Training a convolutional neural network on cross-wavelet transformsof functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) brain data to recognize reoccurring frequencypatterns of Social Breathing was unsuccessful. Maximum Spectral Similarity Estimation didnot show convincing differences in spectral similarity between different modes of conversationand fake data. We propose adaptations to the experimental setup and the preprocessing of thedata to better identify Social Breathing.
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Site-Specific Point Positioning and GPS Code Multipath Parameterization and PredictionEDWARDS, KARLA ROBERTA LISA 25 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Respiration and cardio-respiratory interactions during sleep in space: influence of gravity / Respiration et interaction cardio-respiratoire pendant le sommeil en apesanteur: influence de gravitéPereira De Sa, Rui Carlos 12 June 2008 (has links)
Le principal objectif de ce travail est l’étude de l’influence de la pesanteur sur la mécanique <p>respiratoire et le contrôle de la respiration, ainsi que sur les interactions cardio-respiratoires pendant les différents stades du sommeil. <p><p>Le chapitre introductif présente le contexte général et les objectifs de la thèse. Des sections abordant le sommeil, la respiration, et l’interaction cardio-respiratoire y sont présentées, résumant l’état actuel des connaissances sur les effets de la pesanteur sur chacun de ces systèmes. <p>Dans le deuxième chapitre, l’expérience “Sleep and Breathing in microgravity”, qui constitue la source des données à la base de ce travail, est présentée en détail. <p>L’étude des signaux de longue durée requiert avant tout de disposer d’outils performants <p>d’analyse des signaux. La première partie de la thèse présente en détail deux algorithmes :un <p>algorithme de détection automatique d’événements respiratoires (inspiration / expiration) <p>basé sur des réseaux neuronaux artificiels, et un algorithme de quantification de l’amplitude <p>et de la phase de l’arythmie sinusale pendant le sommeil, utilisant la méthode des ondelettes. <p>La validation de chaque algorithme est présentée, et leur performance évaluée. Cette partie <p>inclut aussi des courtes introductions théoriques aux réseaux de neurones artificiels ainsi <p>qu’aux méthodes d’analyse temps–fréquence (Fourier et ondelettes). <p>Une approche similaire à celle utilisée pour la détection automatique d’événements respiratoires a été appliquée à la détection d’événements dans des signaux de vitesse du sang <p>dans l’artère cérébrale moyenne, mesures obtenues par Doppler transcrânien. Ceci est le <p>sujet de la thèse annexe. <p>Ces deux algorithmes ont été appliqués aux données expérimentales pour extraire des <p>informations physiologiques quant à l’impact de la pesanteur sur la mécanique respiratoire et <p>l’interaction cardio-respiratoire. Ceci constitue la deuxième partie de la thèse. Un chapitre <p>est consacré aux effets de l’apesanteur sur la mécanique respiratoire pendant le sommeil. <p>Ce chapitre a mis en évidence, pour tous les stades de sommeil, une augmentation de la <p>contribution abdominale en microgravité, suivi d’un retour progressif vers des valeurs observées avant le vol. L’augmentation initiale était attendue, mais l’adaptation progressive <p>observée ne peut pas être expliquée par un effet purement mécanique, et nous suggère la <p>présence d’un mécanisme d’adaptation central. Un deuxième chapitre présente les résultats <p>comparant l’arythmie sinusale pendant le sommeil avant le vol, en apesanteur et après le retour sur terre. Le rythme cardiaque pendant le sommeil dans l’espace présente une moindre <p>variabilité. Les différences NREM–REM observées sur terre pour les influences vagales et sympathiques sont accentuées dans l’espace. Aucun changement significatif n’est présent pour <p>le gain et la différence de phase entre les les signaux cardiaque et respiratoire en comparant <p>le sommeil sur terre et en apesanteur. <p>La dissertation termine par une discussion générale du travail effectué, incluant les prin- <p>cipales conclusions ainsi que les perspectives qui en découlent. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Longshot hypersonic wind tunnel flow characterization and boundary layer stability investigationsGrossir, Guillaume 01 July 2015 (has links)
The hypersonic laminar to turbulent transition problem above Mach 10 is addressed experimentally in the short duration VKI Longshot gun tunnel. Reentry conditions are partially duplicated in terms of Mach and Reynolds numbers. Pure nitrogen is used as a test gas with flow enthalpies sufficiently low to avoid its dissociation, thus approaching a perfect gas behavior. The stabilizing effects of Mach number and nosetip bluntness on the development of natural boundary layer disturbances are evaluated over a 7 degrees half-angle conical geometry without angle of attack. <p><p>Emphasis is initially placed on the flow characterization of the Longshot wind tunnel where these experiments are performed. Free-stream static pressure diagnostics are implemented in order to complete existing stagnation point pressure and heat flux measurements on a hemispherical probe. An alternative method used to determine accurate free-stream flow conditions is then derived following a rigorous theoretical approach coupled to the VKI Mutation thermo-chemical library. Resulting sensitivities of free-stream quantities to the experimental inputs are determined and the corresponding uncertainties are quantified and discussed. The benefits of this different approach are underlined, revealing the severe weaknesses of traditional methods based on the measurement of reservoir conditions and the following assumptions of an isentropic and adiabatic flow through the nozzle. The operational map of the Longshot wind tunnel is redefined accordingly. The practical limits associated with the onset of nitrogen flow condensation under non-equilibrium conditions are also accounted for. <p><p>Boundary layer transition experiments are then performed in this environment with free-stream Mach numbers ranging between 10-12. Instrumentation along the 800mm long conical model includes flush-mounted thermocouples and fast-response pressure sensors. Transition locations on sharp cones compare favorably with engineering correlations. A strong stabilizing effect of nosetip bluntness is reported and no transition reversal regime is observed for Re_RN<120000. Wavelet analysis of wall pressure traces denote the presence of inviscid instabilities belonging to Mack's second mode. An excellent agreement with Linear Stability Theory results is obtained from which the N-factor of the Longshot wind tunnel in these conditions is inferred. A novel Schlieren technique using a short duration laser light source is developed, allowing for high-quality flow visualization of the boundary layer disturbances. Comparisons of these measurement techniques between each other are finally reported, providing a detailed view of the transition process above Mach 10. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Door closing sound quality related to door sealing stiffnessDerton, Riccardo January 2021 (has links)
The door closing action is a recurrent situation when using a vehicle, and its sound is therefore a common sensation, which would elicit pleasant feelings. Sensory pleasantness is an important aspect in terms of customer’s perspective, and it can be a contributing factor when deciding to buy or not a specific vehicle. The first contact between a prospective customer and the automobile usually happens in car salons or at the car retailer. The initial impression of the vehicle might be sight-based, and the door may commonly be the first physical contact. Depending on the car brand and type, doors differ in terms of mass, structure, dimension. Furthermore, there are differences regarding the latching system and the door sealing structure, in terms of material and construction. The closing sound produced when slamming the door is related to all these parameters. Auditory pleasantness can be described by characteristics of the sound that are described through psychoacoustics. Loudness, sharpness, roughness, and tonality are important auditory parameters to objectively describe this complex sensation. The aim of car doors would be to generate an enthusiastic, low-pitched, and saturated sound, which would elicit feelings of solidity, robustness, and security. On the other side, a metallic, high-pitched, fragmented sound could be a source of annoyance and produce feelings of insecurity and cheap vehicle.The present work aims to provide a broad picture on the mechanics and acoustics of door closing for automobiles. In specific, the closing sound was evaluated in relation to the door gaskets and their sealing performance over time. The sealing performance was analyzed in energy and force terms. The door closing motion was studied as a quasi-static problem, as well as a dynamic problem, where the former is related to the latching capability of the door, the latter is connected to the slamming action. The measurement results include the sealing performance trend from fresh to aged gaskets. From these measurements, the rubber non-linear behaviour could then be evaluated from a sound quality perspective. The acoustic analysis revealed inconsistencies of the psychoacoustic parameters in the description of the hearing sensations. Spectral analysis was also implemented to capture the door closing phenomenon, and the Wavelet transform emerged as the method with the highest resolution in the description of the sound wave progression.Several measurements were performed in order to assess all the established points, and methods were implemented for the sealing stiffness analysis and the acoustic analysis. The severe transiency of the door closing event was put in evidence. The stiffness analysis method showed also potential in helping to adjust the end of line tuning of the vehicle. Finally, benchmarking was included in the project, which enabled comparisons with competitor cars. / Dörrstängning är en återkommande händelse när ett fordon används, och ljudet bör därför ge ett positivt intryck och korrekt information till brukaren. Ett behagligt intryck är en viktig aspekt ur kundens perspektiv och kan vara ett var flera bidragande faktorer när beslut tas om att köpa eller inte köpa ett fordon. Den första kontakten mellan en potentiell kund och bilen sker vanligtvis i bilsalonger eller hos bilhandlare. Det första intrycket av fordonet kan vara visuellt, och dörren är ofta den första fysiska kontakten. Beroende på biltyp och fabrikat skiljer sig dörrarna åt när det kommer till massa, struktur och dimensioner. Dessutom kan det finnas skillnader i låssystem och dörrtätningskonstruktion såsom i både material och utformning. Stängningsljudet som uppstår när dörren slås igen är relaterat till alla dessa parametrar. Ett ljuds upplevda behaglighet i det beror på ljudets egenskaper, som beskrivs med hjälp av psykoakustik. Ljudstyrka, skärpa, råhet och tonalitet är viktiga auditiva parametrar för att objektivt beskriva detta komplexa intryck. Målet med bildörrar bör vara att generera ett dovt och mättat ljud, för att framkalla känslor av soliditet, robusthet och säkerhet. Å andra sidan kan, ett metalliskt, högfrekvent och skramligt ljud vara en källa till irritation och ge känslor av osäkerhet och låg kvalité.Syftet med detta arbete är att ge en övergripande beskrivning av dörrstängning och akustiken kring detta. I synnerhet utvärderades stängningsljudet i förhållande till dörrpackningarna och deras tätningsprestanda mätt över tiden. Tätningsprestanda analyserades i energi- och krafttermer. Dörrens stängningsrörelse studerades både som ett kvasistatiskt problem och som ett dynamiskt problem. Det förstnämnda är relaterat till dörrens låsningsförmåga, medan det sistnämnda är kopplat till smällar i dörren. Mätresultaten visade hur tätningsprestandan förändras över tiden. Gummits icke-linjära beteende har också utvärderats med ett ljudkvalitetsperspektiv. En spektralanalys genomfördes av ljudet från dörrstängningar och Wavelet-transformen visade sig vara den lösning som gav bäst kvalitet. Flera mätningar utfördes för att bedöma alla fastställda punkter och metoder infördes för analysen av tätningens styvhet och för den akustiska analysen. Den kraftiga transiensen i dörrstängningen kunde ses i resultaten. Styvhetsanalysen visade även hur den utvecklade metoden skulle kunna bidra till att justera fordonets end-of-line inställningar. Slutligen ingick benchmarking i projektet vilket möjliggjorde jämförelser med konkurrentbilar.
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