Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eeb services."" "subject:"beb services.""
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Tjänsteorienterad Integration, ESBBood, Martin, Fisk, Karl-Johan January 2007 (has links)
För att dagens system och deras allt mer komplexa applikationer ska kunna integreras med varandra krävs det att de kommunicerar via tjänster. Denna tjänsteorienterade integration uppnås genom att man använder sig av Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) som bygger på löst kopplade tjänster som kommunicerar med varandra på ett standardiserat sätt. En viktig del i en integrationslösning är Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). I denna rapport kommer vi förklara grunderna i tjänsteorienterad integration och sedan fördjupa oss i ESB. Då ESB är ett luddigt begrepp ska vi på ett enkelt och lättbegripligt sätt ge vår syn på begreppet, samt dess fördelar och nackdelar. Vi kommer även att ge marknadens syn på ESB genom en enkätundersökning som innefattar både leverantörer, konsulter och kunder. / If today’s software systems and their complex applications shall be able to integrate with each other, they have to communicate through services. This service oriented integration can be accomplished by using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) where all components are loosely coupled and communicate in a standardized way. An important part when building an integrated solution is the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). In this report we will explain the basics of SOA and take a more detailed look at the world of ESB. The concept of ESB is not well defined and hence means different things to different people. We are going to present an interpretation of the ESB and its benefits and disadvantages. To find out what the market thinks about ESB we have been talking to producers, consultants and customers.
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How Far Web Services Tools Support OASIS Message Security Standards?Sistla Shambhu, Maharaj Sastry January 2005 (has links)
There is a great deal of interest burgeoning in the intellectual community regarding Web Services and their usage. Many writers have tried to bring awareness about some unconceived threats lurking behind the enticing Web Services. Threats due to Web Services are on an all time high giving an alarming knock to the Web Services security community. This led to the, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) made some constraints mandatory in order to standardize message security and these constraints and specifications are presented through a document called WS Security -2004. This work is an attempt to check the support offered by various Web Services Tools available currently. It introduces the reader to Web Services and presents an overview of how far some of the tools have reached in order to make the Web Services environment safe, secure and robust to meet the current day’s requirements. A quantitative approach was taken to investigate the support offered by servers like BEA, Apache Axis etc. The conclusions drawn show that most of the tools meet the imposed standards but a lot more is expected from the web community and these tools; if at all the visions about safe and secure Web Services are to be realized.
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Utvärdering av svenska företags användning av interna och externa Web Services och deras syn på Web Services fördelarOhlsson, Sara January 2005 (has links)
Web Services är en av de mest populära utvecklingstrenderna som finns idag. Inom litteraturen tas en mycket positiv bild fram av Web Services som är en relativt ny teknik och är därmed inte helt färdigutvecklad. Enligt Deitel et al. (2003) kan det därför vara svårt för företag att utnyttja tekniken för att kunna uppnå alla fördelar som teoretiskt sägs finnas med interna och externa Web Services. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka i vilken omfattning som Web Services finns idag på svenska företag när det gäller interna och externa Web Services, och hur företagen anser att tekniken fungerar med avseende på fördelar, jämfört med vad som sägs inom litteraturen. För att besvara problemställningen har litteraturstudier och intervjuer genomförts. Resultatet visade att svenska företag har mestadels interna Web Services men att omfattningen även innefattar externa Web Services, vilka för tillfället växer. Svenska företag upplever att Web Services kan tillföra främst tekniska fördelar, men är osäkra på om de gynnas av de ekonomiska fördelarna.
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Web services for a Software Development PlatformWang, Yue January 2010 (has links)
Web service is a sophisticated SOA technology with a lot of infrastructure. In this thesis we will get to understand the core aspects and advance futures of Web services and get a solution based on Sauer-Danfoss’s requirements. The critical requirement include to find appropriate Web services application server, to realize an automatic update process and to get a general overview of Web services technology. The challenges in this thesis is obviously in getting understand Web services architecture and programming in unfamiliar language using chosen Web services framework.
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Decentralized resource brokering for heterogeneous grid environmentsTordsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
The emergence of Grid computing infrastructures enables researchers to share resources and collaborate in more efficient ways than before, despite belonging to different organizations and being distanced geographically. While the Grid computing paradigm offers new opportunities, it also gives rise to new difficulties. One such problem is the selection of resources for user applications. Given the large and disparate set of Grid resources, manual resource selection becomes impractical, even for experienced users. This thesis investigates methods, algorithms and software for a Grid resource broker, i.e., a scheduling agent that automates the resource selection process for the user. The development of such a component is a non-trivial task as Grid resources are heterogeneous in hardware, software, availability, ownership and usage policies. A wide range of algorithmically difficult issues must also be solved, including characterization of jobs, prediction of resource performance, data placement considerations, and, how to provide Quality of Service guarantees. One contribution of this thesis is the development of resource brokering algorithms that enable resource selection based on Grid job performance predictions and use advance reservations to provide Quality of Service guarantees. The thesis also includes an algorithm for coallocation of sets of jobs. This algorithm guarantees a simultaneous start of each subjob, as required e.g., when running larger-than-supercomputer simulations that involve multiple resources. We today have the somewhat paradoxal situation where Grids, originally aimed to overcome interoperability problems between different computing platforms, themselves struggle with interoperability problems caused by the wide range of interfaces, protocols and data formats that are used in different environments. The reasons for this situation are obvious, expected and almost impossible to avoid, as the task of defining appropriate standards, models and best-practices must be preceded by basic research, proof-of-concept implementations and real-world testing. We address the interoperability problem with a generic Grid resource brokering architecture and job submission service. By using (proposed) standard formats and protocols, the service acts as an interoperability-bridge that translates job requests between clients and resources running different Grid middlewares. This concept is demonstrated by the integration of the service with three different Grid middlewares. The service also enables users to both fine-tune the existing resource selection algorithms and plug in custom brokering algorithms tailored to their requirements.
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Användandet av web services inom 24–timmarsmyndighetenAhlberg, Viktor January 2005 (has links)
Regeringen har en vision att en given fråga skall besvaras med ett samlat svar från flera myndigheter. För att lyckas med detta måste myndigheterna samarbeta i en större utsträckning än vad som sker i dag. Speciellt viktigt är det att information kan utbytas mellan myndigheterna på ett effektivt sätt. För att lyckas med detta så har statskontoret gått ut med att web services är en teknik som kan användas. Om tekniken skall kunna användas ut fullt krävs att det finns ett gemensamt register. I det här arbetet används enkäter för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning web services användes inom myndigheterna i dag, samt för att undersöka myndigheternas inställning till tekniken. Det visade sig att det fins en positiv inställning till web services. Dock finns det inget gemensamt register, vilket är oroande då det kan bidra till att dra ner tjänsteutbytet mellan myndigheterna.
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Web Service Performance on Heterogeneous Systems : A performance comparison between J2EE and .NET on heterogeneous systemsUrkia Kortabarria, Mikel January 2013 (has links)
At the moment, two main web platforms have the monopoly of web service business; NET and J2EE have been competitors in this area for many years. Within last years, a technological advance has occurred with the appearance of Mono, an open source project that allows NET technologies to be taken into operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. This opens an information gap that needs to be solved with a new and actualised performance analysis. This thesis work identifies the performance characteristics of the web platforms on heterogeneous systems. The aim of this study is to investigate different performance characteristics of .NET and J2EE web services in heterogeneous systems. The student systems are Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux. A set of web services is built following different service structures, which are then exposed to some quantitative and qualitative test following predefined criteria. The results demonstrate that both .NET and J2EE are suitable web platforms under different circumstances, based mostly on the communication protocol and operating system. This work identifies the best combination of web platform and operating system for each of the web service structures, which can vary for each company.
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Automatiserad uppsättning av distribuerade system i molnet för mjukvarutestning / Automated Set-up of Distributed Systems in the Cloud for Software TestingTörngren, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Molntjänster av olika slag har blivit allt vanligare i samhället de senaste åren. Bland de mest använda molntjänsterna finns Dropbox, Microsoft Azure och Amazon Web Services (AWS). Den sistnämnda molntjänsten är något som företaget Infor har fått ögonen på. AWS erbjuder inte endast datalagring som Dropbox gör utan även dataexekvering, databaslösningar, nätverkslösningar, driftsättning och hantering av datorsystem. Den här rapporten kommer gå igenom hur AWS molntjänster har använts för att testa en av Infors produkter på ett distribuerat system i molnet istället för på egen hårdvara. De molnlösningar som kommer att undersökas i denna rapport är främst AWS OpsWorks och AWS CloudFormation tillsammans med programmet Chef. / Cloud computing services of various kinds have become increasingly common in society in recent years. Among the most widely used cloud computing services are Dropbox, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The latter service is something that the company Infor have got their eyes on. AWS offers not only data storage like Dropbox does, but also data execution, database solutions, network solutions, deployment and management of computer systems. This report will go over how AWS have been used to test one of Infor's products on a distributed system in the cloud instead of on their own hardware. The cloud computing services that will be examined in this report are primarily AWS OpsWorks and AWS CloudFormation, together with the program Chef.
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Design and Implementation of a Next Generation Web Application SaaS prototype.Reva, Roman January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Structured peer-to-peer networks:hierarchical architecture and performance evaluationOu, Z. (Zhonghong) 16 August 2010 (has links)
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking changes the way of people utilizing Internet, for example, sharing and consuming digital content, from the ground up. It continues to show its power and strength when it is combined with other emerging technologies, such as Web Services. This thesis contributes to the research and development of P2P networks from four aspects.
Firstly, a P2P and Web Services converged multiple-tier system architecture is proposed. The architecture proposed enables providing Web Services in the context of heterogeneous access networks in an efficient way by utilizing P2P paradigm. A lightweight middleware architecture is introduced to fit the diversified mobile terminals. A theoretical analysis is given to provide a comparative study with the conventional centralized architecture.
Secondly, a General Truncated Pyramid Peer-to-Peer (GTPP) architecture is presented to analyze the performance of hierarchical architecture compared with flat architecture. The motivation behind the GTPP architecture is to see whether an added tier can bring with it added value and functionality. A detailed mathematical analysis is provided which takes into consideration various performance metrics, including the lookup hopcount, lookup latency, maintenance traffic from a single peer point of view, and maintenance traffic from the whole system point of view. Furthermore, simulation results with respect to the lookup hopcount are also provided. Through mathematical analysis and simulation results, an optimal value regarding the number of tiers of the GTPP architecture is found, showing that 2~3 tiers are appropriate for most of situations. A specialized model is also proposed to improve the performance of hierarchical architecture.
Thirdly, the performance evaluation of a communication-oriented Kademlia-based P2P system is provided in detail. NetHawk EAST-based simulation models and a prototype are both utilized to evaluate the performance. Simulation results from NetHawk EAST-based simulation models demonstrate the optimal design choices regarding the resource lookup parallelism degree and resource replication degree, and show the unnecessary existence of the messages used to detect the liveness of peers in a DHT overlay. Measurements from the prototype show the feasibility of mobile nodes acting as fully fledged overlay nodes from three different perspectives, namely CPU processing load, network traffic load, and battery consumption. The optimal size of packets which consumes battery in the most efficient way is also found through battery consumption measurements.
Fourthly, the effects of different churn models on the performance of structured P2P networks are analyzed. Specifically, three typical churn models are analyzed to provide a comparative result. The simulation results show that the difference among the effects of different churn models on the performance of structured P2P networks is quantitative rather than qualitative. This provides some guidance for the selection of different churn models for the contemporary researchers.
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