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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rituximab vid behandling av granulomatös polyangit (Wegener) : En retrospektiv studie från Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala, Sverige

Hallenberg, Hanna January 2011 (has links)
Introduktion Granulomatös polyangit (Wegener) (GPA (WG)) är en allvarlig sjukdom som orsakar inflammation på insidan av kroppens små blodkärl. Behandling utgörs av höga doser kortison samt cyklofosfamid. När sjukdomen är under kontroll ersätts cyklofosfamid av andra, mildare läkemedel. Benägenhet för återfall och med det ökad risk för allvarliga biverkningar av cyklofosfamid gör att behovet av säkrare behandlingsalternativ är stort. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera det biologiska läkemedlet rituximab med avseende på indikation för behandling, effekt och säkerhet vid underhållsbehandling av patienter med återkommande GPA (WG).   Material och metoder Retrospektiv insamling av journaldata. Patienter diagnosticerade med GPA (WG) enligt vedertagna kriterier, vårdade på reumatologiska kliniken vid Akademiska sjukhuset, som fått minst en infusion rituximab inkluderades och följdes till och med 2011-11-30. Resultat Elva patienter inkluderades varav sex var kvinnor. För tio av patienterna var behandlingsindikationen terapivikt med tidigare behandling. Medianåldern vid diagnos var 46 år och uppföljningstiden i genomsnitt 28 månader. Patienterna hade haft i genomsnitt tre återfall innan rituximab och antal olika läkemedel i genomsnitt drygt fem. Nio patienter har fått minst tre kurer rituximab och alla har svarat på behandlingen varav sju inte har några symptom från sin GPA (WG). Ur säkerhetssynpunkt var rituximab vältolererat med drygt fyra oönskade händelser per patient och år. Konklusion Resultaten av denna studie indikerar att rituximab kan fungera som underhållsbehandling vid GPA (WG) med benägenhet för återfall. Resultaten begränsas av att rituximabs effekt i förhållande till konventionell underhållsbehandling inte har studerats. Inte heller har potentiella risker vid långtidsexponering kunnat utvärderas.

Der Kampf der Schüler mit dem Plural : Eine vergleichende Untersuchung schwedischer Deutschlehrwerke und Grammatiken

Molldius, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Die Autoren des jüngst erschienenen Deutsch–Lehrbuchs Einverstanden leiten den Abschnitt zur Pluralbildung mit folgender Entschuldigung ein: "Leider gibt es viele Ausnahmen von den Regeln für die Pluralbildung im Deutschen. Deshalb tust du gut daran, die deutschen Substantive immer mit bestimmtem Artikel und der Pluralform zu lernen." Diese Ansicht ist in der schwedischen Germanistik gut verankert und wird deutlich, wenn man sowohl ältere als auch neuere Lehrbücher und Grammatiken liest. Die Zahl der Pluralformen variiert und es gibt viele unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen, sie zu präsentieren. Das macht es verständlich, dass die deutsche Nominalflexion als "kompliziert" angesehen wird. Auch deutsche Linguisten sind über die Anzahl deutscher Pluralallomorphe uneins. Die Diskussion erstreckte und erstreckt sich von einer vollständigen Ablehnung eines regelbasierten Pluralsystems bis hin zu Ideen, der deutsche Plural sei erlernbar und zwar ausgehend von einer festen Anzahl von Regeln. Schwedische Deutsch–Grammatikbücher für die Grundschule und das Gymnasium stellen das Pluralsystem vollständig dar, d.h. nach Regeln und Ausnahmen, was für eine wissenschaftliche Grammatik auch geboten ist. In den in diesem Aufsatz untersuchten Lehrbüchern wird allerdings nicht nur auf diese Grammatiken verwiesen, sondern man versucht ebenfalls, die Pluralbildung auf linguistische Weise zu erklären. Dass schwedische Schüler deshalb oder trotzdem mit dem deutschen Plural kämpfen, ist nicht verwunderlich. Mit dieser Problematik beschäftigt sich dieser Aufsatz.

Estudo da trombose microvascular em biópsias pulmonares de pacientes com granulomatose de Wegener / Study of microvascular thrombosis in lung biopsies of patients with Wegeners granulomatosis

Santana, Alfredo Nicodemos da Cruz 12 August 2008 (has links)
Santana, ANC. Estudo da trombose microvascular em biópsias pulmonares de pacientes com Granulomatose de Wegener. [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2008. A granulomatose de Wegener (GW) é associada com eventos trombo-embólicos. Neste trabalho, quantificamos os trombos em artérias pulmonares de pequeno/médio calibre de pacientes com GW (n:24), comparando com um grupo Controle normal (n:16). O resultado mostrou que a área total das artérias no grupo GW foi similar a do grupo Controle. Já a área do trombo foi significativamente maior no grupo GW em relação ao Controle. Em contrapartida, a área livre do lúmen do vaso foi significativamente menor no grupo GW em comparação ao Controle. Concluindo, este estudo demonstra uma obstrução da microcirculação pulmonar na GW, sugerindo um papel da trombose in situ na fisiopatologia desta doença / Wegeners granulomatosis (GW) is associated with thromboembolic events. In this work, we quantified the thrombus in small/medium-sized pulmonary arteries of patients with GW (n:24) compared to normal controls (n:16). The results showed that the GW and control arteries were similar regarding total area. The thrombus area was significantly increased in GW compared to controls; in contrast, the free lumen area was significantly decreased in GW compared to controls. In summary, this study shows obstruction of microvascular bed in GW, suggesting a possible role of thrombosis in situ in pathophysiology of this vasculitis

Estudo da trombose microvascular em biópsias pulmonares de pacientes com granulomatose de Wegener / Study of microvascular thrombosis in lung biopsies of patients with Wegeners granulomatosis

Alfredo Nicodemos da Cruz Santana 12 August 2008 (has links)
Santana, ANC. Estudo da trombose microvascular em biópsias pulmonares de pacientes com Granulomatose de Wegener. [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2008. A granulomatose de Wegener (GW) é associada com eventos trombo-embólicos. Neste trabalho, quantificamos os trombos em artérias pulmonares de pequeno/médio calibre de pacientes com GW (n:24), comparando com um grupo Controle normal (n:16). O resultado mostrou que a área total das artérias no grupo GW foi similar a do grupo Controle. Já a área do trombo foi significativamente maior no grupo GW em relação ao Controle. Em contrapartida, a área livre do lúmen do vaso foi significativamente menor no grupo GW em comparação ao Controle. Concluindo, este estudo demonstra uma obstrução da microcirculação pulmonar na GW, sugerindo um papel da trombose in situ na fisiopatologia desta doença / Wegeners granulomatosis (GW) is associated with thromboembolic events. In this work, we quantified the thrombus in small/medium-sized pulmonary arteries of patients with GW (n:24) compared to normal controls (n:16). The results showed that the GW and control arteries were similar regarding total area. The thrombus area was significantly increased in GW compared to controls; in contrast, the free lumen area was significantly decreased in GW compared to controls. In summary, this study shows obstruction of microvascular bed in GW, suggesting a possible role of thrombosis in situ in pathophysiology of this vasculitis

Clinical and Epidemiological Studies of Wegener´s Granulomatosis

Knight, Ann January 2007 (has links)
<p>Wegener´s granulomatosis (WG) is an unusual, serious, systemic vasculitis with specific clinical findings. The studies in this thesis aim at broadening our understanding of the aetiology and outcome of WG.</p><p>Patients with WG were identified in the In-patient Register 1975-2001. During this time the incidence increased three-fold, and neither ANCA-related increased awareness, nor diagnostic drift, seem to fully explain this trend, but it is still unclear if a true rise in incidence exists. </p><p>Anti- neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) have been presented as highly specific for vasculitis. In a series of consecutive cANCA/PR3-ANCA positive patients, we investigated the positive predictive value for ANCA, and the outcome of patients with a positive cANCA/PR3-ANCA but not vasculitis. These patients have a low future risk of developing vasculitis, possibly indicating that ANCA, in this setting, reflects neutrophil activating properties not specific to vasculitis.</p><p>By linkage of the WG-cohort, and randomly selected population controls, to the Multi-generation register, we identified all first-degree relatives and spouses of patients and controls, totally encompassing some 2,000 patients and 70,000 relatives. Familial aggregation of WG was the exception, with absolute risks of < 1 per 1000.However, relative risks in first-grade relatives amounted to 1.56 (95% CI 0.35-6.90) such that a moderate familial aggregation cannot be excluded.</p><p>In the WG-cohort, cancer occurrence and risk was compared to that of the general population. Patients with WG have an overall doubled risk of cancer, with particularly increased risks of bladder-cancer, haematopoietic cancers including lymphomas and squamous skin-cancer. In a case-control study nested within the WG-cohort, treatment with cyclophosphamide was compared among bladder-cancer patients and matched cancer-free controls. Absolute risk of bladder cancer as high as 10% some years after diagnosis were found, and this risk can partly be attributed to cyclophosphamide-treatment, with a dose-response relationship.</p>

Clinical and Epidemiological Studies of Wegener´s Granulomatosis

Knight, Ann January 2007 (has links)
Wegener´s granulomatosis (WG) is an unusual, serious, systemic vasculitis with specific clinical findings. The studies in this thesis aim at broadening our understanding of the aetiology and outcome of WG. Patients with WG were identified in the In-patient Register 1975-2001. During this time the incidence increased three-fold, and neither ANCA-related increased awareness, nor diagnostic drift, seem to fully explain this trend, but it is still unclear if a true rise in incidence exists. Anti- neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) have been presented as highly specific for vasculitis. In a series of consecutive cANCA/PR3-ANCA positive patients, we investigated the positive predictive value for ANCA, and the outcome of patients with a positive cANCA/PR3-ANCA but not vasculitis. These patients have a low future risk of developing vasculitis, possibly indicating that ANCA, in this setting, reflects neutrophil activating properties not specific to vasculitis. By linkage of the WG-cohort, and randomly selected population controls, to the Multi-generation register, we identified all first-degree relatives and spouses of patients and controls, totally encompassing some 2,000 patients and 70,000 relatives. Familial aggregation of WG was the exception, with absolute risks of &lt; 1 per 1000.However, relative risks in first-grade relatives amounted to 1.56 (95% CI 0.35-6.90) such that a moderate familial aggregation cannot be excluded. In the WG-cohort, cancer occurrence and risk was compared to that of the general population. Patients with WG have an overall doubled risk of cancer, with particularly increased risks of bladder-cancer, haematopoietic cancers including lymphomas and squamous skin-cancer. In a case-control study nested within the WG-cohort, treatment with cyclophosphamide was compared among bladder-cancer patients and matched cancer-free controls. Absolute risk of bladder cancer as high as 10% some years after diagnosis were found, and this risk can partly be attributed to cyclophosphamide-treatment, with a dose-response relationship.

Expression von Lymphotaktin (XCL1) bei der Wegener'schen Granulomatose / Expression of Lymphotaktin (XCL1) in Wegener's Granulomatosis

Brandt, Philip 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Autoantikörpern gegen Proteinase 3 auf monozytäre Zellfunktionen bei der Wegenerschen Granulomatose

Bickenbach, Annette 16 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Autoantikörper gegen Proteinase 3 (cANCA) stellen einen hochsensitiven und spezifischen Seromarker für das Krankheitsbild der Wegenersche Granulomatose dar. Während die Ätiologie dieser systemischen Vaskulitis unbekannt ist, weisen zahlreiche klinische und experimentelle Daten darauf hin, daß cANCA an der Entstehung und Chronifizierung dieser Erkrankung beteiligt sind. Insbesondere die Konsequenzen einer cANCA-Ligation an Proteinase 3 (PR3)-exprimierende Neutrophile wurden intensiv untersucht und man geht davon aus, daß Anti-PR3-Antikörper über die Aktivierung inflammatorischer, neutrophiler Zellfunktionen die Vaskulitis fördern. Über die Auswirkungen von cANCA auf Monozyten, die eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation der Immunantwort spielen und weitere Zielzellen dieser Antikörper darstellen, ist hingegen bisher wenig bekannt. Aktivierte Monozyten sind nicht nur ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Granulome, sondern sind auch entscheidend an den vaskulären Entzündungsinfiltraten beteiligt. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, die Effekte von cANCA auf inflammatorische Zellfunktionen PR3-exprimierender Monozyten zu charakterisieren. Dabei war insbesondere ihr Einfluß auf die transendotheliale Migration und die Sekretion proinflammatorischer Mediatoren von Interesse. Die Isolation humaner Monozyten erfolgte mittels Gegenstromzentrifugation. Die monozytäre Transmigration wurde in mit humanen Endothelzellen bewachsenen Filtereinsätzen untersucht und mittels eines chemotaktischen Gradienten und/oder TNF-Stimulation der Endothelzellen gefördert. Die transendotheliale Migration von mit murinen, monoklonalen Anti-PR3-Antikörpern vorinkubierten Monozyten war, unabhängig vom Aktivierungszustand der Endothelzellen, deutlich vermindert. Dieser Effekt konnte sowohl durch vier von fünf cANCA-IgG-Fraktionen von Patienten mit aktiver WG als auch durch F(ab´)2-Fragmente der Autoantikörper reproduziert werden. Da bekannt ist, daß cANCA die proteolytische Aktivität von PR3 inhibieren und membrangebundenen Formen der leukozytären Serinproteasen PR3, humaner leukozytärer Elastase (HLE) und Cathepsin G (CathG) eine Rolle bei der Extravasion von Leukozyten zugesprochen wird, wurde daraufhin überprüft, ob PR3 für die monozytäre Transmigration von Bedeutung ist. Der physiologische Inhibitor dieser Serinproteasen, 1-Antitrypsin, und ein synthetischer Inhibitor von PR3 und HLE, CE-2072, verminderten die Anzahl migrierender Monozyten in gleichem Maße wie der vollständige Anti-PR3-Antikörper bzw. dessen F(ab´)2-Fragmente. Dahingegen hatte SLPI, ein Serpin, das lediglich CathG und HLE inhibiert, keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl migrierender Zellen. Dabei waren die Effekte von Anti-PR3-Antikörpern und 1-Antitrypsin nicht additiv, wodurch die Annahme, daß die Anti-PR3-mediierte Reduktion der monozytären Transmigration auf einer funktionellen Inhibition von PR3 beruht, untermauert wird. Die Reduktion der monozytären Transmigration ging nicht mit einer modifizierten endothelialen Adhäsion der Monozyten einher, wie unter dynamischen und statischen Bedingungen gezeigt werden konnte. Weder die rollende noch die feste Adhäsion der Monozyten wurde durch Anti-PR3-Antikörper oder Serinproteaseinhibitoren beeinträchtigt. Auch die durchflußzytometrisch quantifizierte Expression monozytärer ß1- und ß2-Integrine wurde durch die Autoantikörper nicht beeinflußt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen erstmals, daß PR3 an der transendothelialen Migration, nicht aber der Adhäsion von Monozyten teilhat. Ein weiteres, wesentliches Ergebnis der vorliegenden Studie ist die, im Vergleich zu entsprechenden IgG-Kontrollen, massive Freisetzung proinflammatorischer Mediatoren aus Monozyten in Gegenwart muriner Anti-PR3-Antikörper bzw. humaner cANCA, die mittels ELISA ermittelt wurde. Die Sekretion war zeitabhängig, wobei die Sekretion von TNF- und IL-1ß der von Thromboxan A2, IL-6 und IL-8 vorausging. Im Gegensatz zu den Auswirkungen von cANCA auf die monozytäre Transmigration, konnten diese Effekte nicht durch die alleinige Ligation des Antikörpers an das Antigen PR3 reproduziert werden, sondern waren von einer simultanen Ligation der Autoantikörper an PR3 und FcR auf der monozytären Oberfläche abhängig. Eine cANCA-mediierte Retention adhärenter Monozyten im Gefäßbett bei gleichzeitiger Aktivierung der monozytären Freisetzung inflammatorischer Zytokine und Prostanoide durch cANCA, könnte nicht nur die Entstehung der extra- und perivaskulären, granulomatösen Entzündung, sondern auch die Aufrechterhaltung der nekrotisierenden Vaskulitis fördern. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie erstmals auf eine funktionelle Rolle von PR3 bei der transendothelialen Migration von Monozyten hin. Außerdem liefern sie weitere wesentliche Hinweise darauf, wie die Interaktion von cANCA mit Monozyten an der Pathogenese der Wegenerschen Granulomatose beteiligt sein könnten.

Ativação endotelial na granulomatose com poliangeíte (granulomatose de Wegener) / Endothelial activation in granulomatosis with polyangiits

Dourado, Letícia Barbosa Kawano 24 February 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Eventos vasculares e imunológicos são centrais na patogênese da granulomatose com poliangeíte (GPA). Moléculas de adesão celular tem papel fundamental no recrutamento de células inflamatórias do sangue para os tecidos. Diferentes leitos vasculares apresentam particularidades na expressão de moléculas de adesão celular explicando talvez parte da especificidade da GPA por determinados órgãos. A elevação no nível sérico de moléculas de adesão celular e aumento da expressão destas em amostras de biópsia renal já foram demonstrados em pacientes com vasculite ANCA associada. No entanto, o fenômeno ainda não foi estudado in situ no pulmão. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o padrão de expressão endotelial pulmonar de três moléculas de adesão celular na GPA, in situ: molécula de adesão intercelular 1 (ICAM-1), molécula e adesão vascular 1 (VCAM-1) e E-selectina. MÉTODOS: Examinou-se a expressão endotelial de ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectina usando marcação imuno-histoquímica em secções de pulmão fixadas e parafinadas de lesões de GPA (n = 8 casos, 90 secções transversais de vasos analisados). Foram também analisados controles positivos: amostras de pulmão de doença intersticial associada à esclerodermia (SScl) (n = 8 casos, 96 secções transversais de vasos analisados) e controles negativos (n = 9 casos, 90 secções transversais de vasos analisados). A quantificação imuno-histoquímica foi realizada no aumento de 400x usando a técnica de point-counting. RESULTADOS: ICAM-1: A expressão endotelial mediana de ICAM-1 esteve aumentada de forma semelhante na GPA e na SScl (81% and 73%, respectivamente; p = 0.97). A comparação com o grupo controle (26.3%) revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre controle e GPA (p <0.001) quanto entre controle e SScl (p = 0.017). VCAM-1: A expressão mediana de VCAM-1 esteve significativamente aumentada na GPA se comparada a SScl (79.5% vs 41.4%; p = 0.012), no entanto, a expressão endotelial de VCAM-1 nos controles também esteve moderadamente aumentada (49.8%) e não houve diferença estatística entre SScl e controles ( p = 0.549) ou entre GPA e controles (p = 0.242). E-selectina: A expressão endotelial mediana de E-selectina esteve aumentada de forma semelhante na GPA e SScl (100% e 88.2%, respectivamente; p = 0.272). A comparação com o grupo controle (13.8%) revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre controle e GPA (p < 0.001) e controle e SScl (p = 0.045). CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados evidenciam o fenômeno de ativação endotelial pulmonar in situ em lesões de GPA. O perfil de expressão de moléculas de adesão parece ter particularidades em diferentes doenças a exemplo da maior expressão de VCAM-1 na GPA em relação à SScl. Essas observações contribuem para o conhecimento fisiopatogênico na GPA. / INTRODUCTION: Vascular and immunologic processes are central to the pathogenesis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Endothelial cellular adhesion molecules have a central role in recruiting leukocytes to sites of inflammation. Moreover, different vascular beds are phenotypically and functionally distinct with regard to expression of cellular adhesion molecules. They have been shown to be elevated in sera and in renal biopsies of patients with active ANCA-associated vasculitis. Despite of that, the expression of cellular adhesion molecules has not been studied in situ in the lungs. OBJECTIVE: Within this context, the aim of this study was to analyze the in situ pulmonary endothelial immunohistochemical pattern of expression of three cellular adhesion molecules in GPA: intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and E-selectin . METHODS: For such, we examined formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of lung lesions of GPA (n = 8 cases, 90 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels), negative controls which were obtained from autopsies ( n = 9 cases, 90 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels analyzed) and positive controls which were cases of interstitial lung disease associated with systemic sclerosis (SScl) (n = 8 cases, 96 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels). The quantification of the immunohistochemical staining was performed at x400 magnification using the technique of point-counting, previously described. RESULTS: ICAM-1: Median endothelial expression of ICAM-1 was similarly enhanced in GPA and SScl (81% and 73%, respectively; p = 0.97). When compared to controls (26.3%), both GPA (p <0.001) and SScl (p = 0.017) had significantly higher endothelial expression of ICAM-1. VCAM-1: Median endothelial expression of VCAM-1 was significantly enhanced in GPA when compared to SScl (79.5% vs 41.4%; p = 0.012), however the endothelial expression of VCAM-1 in the controls was also moderately enhanced (49.8%) and no statistically significant difference was found between SScl and controls ( p = 0.549) or between GPA and controls (p = 0.242). E-selectin: Median endothelial expression of E-selectin was similarly enhanced in GPA and SScl (100% and 88.2%), respectively; p = 0.272. When compared to controls (13.8%), both GPA (p < 0.001) and SScl (p = 0.045) had significantly higher endothelial expression of E-selectin. CONCLUSION: These observations are evidence of in situ pulmonary endothelial activation in lesions of GPA. The profile of expression of cellular adhesion molecules seems to be particular for each disease state and timing as evidenced by the enhanced expression of VCAM-1 in GPA when compared to SScl. These observations add information to the pathogenetic knowledge of GPA

Ativação endotelial na granulomatose com poliangeíte (granulomatose de Wegener) / Endothelial activation in granulomatosis with polyangiits

Letícia Barbosa Kawano Dourado 24 February 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Eventos vasculares e imunológicos são centrais na patogênese da granulomatose com poliangeíte (GPA). Moléculas de adesão celular tem papel fundamental no recrutamento de células inflamatórias do sangue para os tecidos. Diferentes leitos vasculares apresentam particularidades na expressão de moléculas de adesão celular explicando talvez parte da especificidade da GPA por determinados órgãos. A elevação no nível sérico de moléculas de adesão celular e aumento da expressão destas em amostras de biópsia renal já foram demonstrados em pacientes com vasculite ANCA associada. No entanto, o fenômeno ainda não foi estudado in situ no pulmão. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o padrão de expressão endotelial pulmonar de três moléculas de adesão celular na GPA, in situ: molécula de adesão intercelular 1 (ICAM-1), molécula e adesão vascular 1 (VCAM-1) e E-selectina. MÉTODOS: Examinou-se a expressão endotelial de ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectina usando marcação imuno-histoquímica em secções de pulmão fixadas e parafinadas de lesões de GPA (n = 8 casos, 90 secções transversais de vasos analisados). Foram também analisados controles positivos: amostras de pulmão de doença intersticial associada à esclerodermia (SScl) (n = 8 casos, 96 secções transversais de vasos analisados) e controles negativos (n = 9 casos, 90 secções transversais de vasos analisados). A quantificação imuno-histoquímica foi realizada no aumento de 400x usando a técnica de point-counting. RESULTADOS: ICAM-1: A expressão endotelial mediana de ICAM-1 esteve aumentada de forma semelhante na GPA e na SScl (81% and 73%, respectivamente; p = 0.97). A comparação com o grupo controle (26.3%) revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre controle e GPA (p <0.001) quanto entre controle e SScl (p = 0.017). VCAM-1: A expressão mediana de VCAM-1 esteve significativamente aumentada na GPA se comparada a SScl (79.5% vs 41.4%; p = 0.012), no entanto, a expressão endotelial de VCAM-1 nos controles também esteve moderadamente aumentada (49.8%) e não houve diferença estatística entre SScl e controles ( p = 0.549) ou entre GPA e controles (p = 0.242). E-selectina: A expressão endotelial mediana de E-selectina esteve aumentada de forma semelhante na GPA e SScl (100% e 88.2%, respectivamente; p = 0.272). A comparação com o grupo controle (13.8%) revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre controle e GPA (p < 0.001) e controle e SScl (p = 0.045). CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados evidenciam o fenômeno de ativação endotelial pulmonar in situ em lesões de GPA. O perfil de expressão de moléculas de adesão parece ter particularidades em diferentes doenças a exemplo da maior expressão de VCAM-1 na GPA em relação à SScl. Essas observações contribuem para o conhecimento fisiopatogênico na GPA. / INTRODUCTION: Vascular and immunologic processes are central to the pathogenesis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Endothelial cellular adhesion molecules have a central role in recruiting leukocytes to sites of inflammation. Moreover, different vascular beds are phenotypically and functionally distinct with regard to expression of cellular adhesion molecules. They have been shown to be elevated in sera and in renal biopsies of patients with active ANCA-associated vasculitis. Despite of that, the expression of cellular adhesion molecules has not been studied in situ in the lungs. OBJECTIVE: Within this context, the aim of this study was to analyze the in situ pulmonary endothelial immunohistochemical pattern of expression of three cellular adhesion molecules in GPA: intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and E-selectin . METHODS: For such, we examined formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of lung lesions of GPA (n = 8 cases, 90 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels), negative controls which were obtained from autopsies ( n = 9 cases, 90 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels analyzed) and positive controls which were cases of interstitial lung disease associated with systemic sclerosis (SScl) (n = 8 cases, 96 transverse sections of pulmonary vessels). The quantification of the immunohistochemical staining was performed at x400 magnification using the technique of point-counting, previously described. RESULTS: ICAM-1: Median endothelial expression of ICAM-1 was similarly enhanced in GPA and SScl (81% and 73%, respectively; p = 0.97). When compared to controls (26.3%), both GPA (p <0.001) and SScl (p = 0.017) had significantly higher endothelial expression of ICAM-1. VCAM-1: Median endothelial expression of VCAM-1 was significantly enhanced in GPA when compared to SScl (79.5% vs 41.4%; p = 0.012), however the endothelial expression of VCAM-1 in the controls was also moderately enhanced (49.8%) and no statistically significant difference was found between SScl and controls ( p = 0.549) or between GPA and controls (p = 0.242). E-selectin: Median endothelial expression of E-selectin was similarly enhanced in GPA and SScl (100% and 88.2%), respectively; p = 0.272. When compared to controls (13.8%), both GPA (p < 0.001) and SScl (p = 0.045) had significantly higher endothelial expression of E-selectin. CONCLUSION: These observations are evidence of in situ pulmonary endothelial activation in lesions of GPA. The profile of expression of cellular adhesion molecules seems to be particular for each disease state and timing as evidenced by the enhanced expression of VCAM-1 in GPA when compared to SScl. These observations add information to the pathogenetic knowledge of GPA

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