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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weigh-in Environment and Weight Intentionality and Management of Female Collegiate Athletes

Tackett, Bailey 12 1900 (has links)
Research suggests that female athletes, in particular, experience “sport-environment” pressures such as: weight, performance, and body image demands from their coaches, teammates, and judges. These influences in tandem with society’s portrayal of the thin ideal are thought to considerably increase the risk of developing disordered eating problems in this population. Although numerous studies have been conducted over the past decade on the prevalence of eating disorders and pathogenic weight control behaviors among female athletes, few have examined in detail the weight pressures that exist within the sport environment, such as whether or not (and how often) athletes are weighed by their coaches, and how athletes respond to those pressures in terms of weight management practices. In the proposed study, we will examine the weigh-in environment, weight satisfaction, weight management practices, menstrual health, and reported source of nutritional guidance. The sample includes 414 NCAA Division I female collegiate swimmers/divers and gymnasts drawn from 26 universities across the U.S. Participants anonymously completed a series of questionnaires as part of a larger study on student-athlete health and well-being. This study found that 41% of athletes were weighed, and most often by an athletic trainer in private. Despite most weigh-ins were reportedly conducted in a positive manner, the majority of the athletes who were weighed (75%) reported using at least one strategy to manage their weight prior to weigh-ins (e.g. restrict food, increase exercise). Athletes desire to lose weight, caloric intake, and menstrual cycles were not related to whether athletes were or were not weighed. The majority of athletes received qualified nutritional guidance about how to healthfully manage their weight. Overall, weighing is occurring in a more positive manner than expected; however, athletes are continuing to report using unhealthy weight management strategies at a high rate. It seems important for athletic departments to set policies regarding weighing and to continue to provide support and education to coaching and support staff regarding eating disorder identification, referral, and treatment.

Le rôle d’une insatisfaction corporelle dans l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescents québécois

Roy, Mathieu 06 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de recherche principal poursuivi dans cette thèse de doctorat est de mieux comprendre le rôle d’une insatisfaction corporelle dans l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescent(e)s québécois(es). Pour atteindre cet objectif de recherche principal, trois articles scientifiques liés les uns aux autres ont été rédigés. Chaque article poursuit des objectifs spécifiques (1er article: estimer les proportions d’adolescent(e)s québécois(e)s poursuivant un objectif de poids apparié et non-apparié à leur poids actuel et identifier les déterminants des objectifs de poids non-apparié au poids actuel, 2e article: identifier des associations entre un objectif de poids apparié vs. non-apparié au poids actuel et la fréquence d’utilisation de différents comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation, 3e article: observer des associations entre différents degrés d’insatisfaction corporelle et l’utilisation de divers comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation et examiner le rôle modérateur d’un objectif de poids apparié vs. non-apparié au poids actuel dans ces associations) permettant de répondre à l’objectif de recherche principal. Ces articles ont tous été élaborés à partir de l’analyse secondaire d’une banque de données quantitatives constituée par l’Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) et nommée: Enquête sociale et de santé auprès des enfants et des adolescents québécois (ESSEA). L’ESSEA a été constitué auprès d’un échantillon populationnel et représentatif d’enfants et d’adolescent(e)s québécois(es) âgé(e)s de neuf, 13 et 16 ans. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent qu’une insatisfaction corporelle est associée à la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel, ainsi qu’à l’utilisation de comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation sains, malsains et déviants. Des associations ont également été observées entre l’objectif de poids poursuivi par un adolescent(e) et divers comportements utilisés pour l’atteindre. En effet, la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel est associée à l’utilisation de comportements malsains. Cette association n’est cependant pas présente en ce qui à trait à l’utilisation de comportements sains et déviants, ceux-ci étant strictement prédits par une insatisfaction corporelle. Des effets de médiation et de modération ont aussi été identifiés. Une insatisfaction corporelle est une variable de médiation entre une détresse psychologique chez les adolescentes et la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel. Finalement, un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel est une variable modifiant l’association entre une insatisfaction corporelle et l’utilisation de comportements malsains chez les adolescent(e)s québécois(es). En conclusion, il existe diverses associations entre une insatisfaction corporelle et l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescent(e)s québécois(es). Une insatisfaction corporelle est donc une cible d’intervention pertinente pour la santé publique puisqu’elle peut servir de base à l’élaboration d’interventions visant la promotion d’un poids santé ainsi que de saines stratégies de contrôle du poids. / The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to better understand the role of body (dis)satisfaction in the adoption of practices directed toward body weight maintenance or body weight modification among Quebec adolescents. To reach this overall thesis objective, three theoretically and conceptually linked scientific papers were written. Although linked to one another, each paper pursues specific research objectives (1st article: to estimate proportions of adolescents with a weight goal that matched and mismatched weight status, and to identify correlates of a mismatched weight goal, 2nd article: to examine associations between matched vs. mismatched weight goals and the frequency of use of different weight-related behaviors, 3rd article: to examine associations between different levels of body dissatisfaction and different frequencies of use of weight-related behaviors and, to investigate whether or not the person’s weight goal moderates these associations) which allow for answering the main thesis objective. These papers were generated from secondary data analyses on a quantitative dataset built by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) and named: Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey. This dataset was based on data collected from a representative population-based sample of Quebec children and adolescents aged nine, 13, and 16 years old. The results of this thesis indicate that body dissatisfaction is associated with pursuing a mismatched weight goal as well as with the use of healthy, unhealthy, and disordered health behaviors. Associations are also observed between weight goals and weight-related behaviors used to reach weight goals. Indeed, pursuing a mismatched weight goal was found to be associated with the use of unhealthy weight-related behaviors across both sexes. This association is however not significant for the use of healthy and disordered health behaviors. These behaviors were solely predicted by body dissatisfaction. Mediation and moderation effects were also identified. It was found that being body dissatisfied mediated the association between psychological distress among adolescent girls and pursuing a mismatched weight goal. Finally, pursuing a mismatched weight goal was also found to moderate associations between body dissatisfaction and using unhealthy weight-related behaviors among both Quebec adolescent boys and girls. We conclude that there are various associations between body dissatisfaction and the adoption of practices directed toward body weight maintenance or body weight modification among Quebec adolescents. Body dissatisfaction thus represents a pertinent target for public health intervention in the sense that it can serve as the basis for the elaboration of interventions aimed at promoting healthy body weights and healthy weight management strategies.

L’objectif de modifier ou de contrôler son poids chez les adolescents : vecteur de promotion des saines habitudes de vie ou facteur de risque à la santé ?

Durocher, Elyse 07 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de modifier son poids est associé à certains comportements potentiellement dangereux, mais ses retombées sur les saines habitudes de vie des adolescents sont peu connues. L’objectif du mémoire est de quantifier les associations entre l’objectif relatif au contrôle du poids et la consommation de fruits et légumes, de boissons sucrées et d’aliments de restauration rapide, la prise du déjeuner et la pratique d’activité physique. Des régressions logistiques ont été effectuées sur les données de l’Enquête québécoise sur la santé des jeunes du secondaire 2010-2011. Respectivement, 25 %, 34 %, 12 % et 29 % des adolescents essayaient de perdre, maintenir, gagner du poids et ne rien faire à propos de leur poids. Chez les garçons et les filles, essayer de perdre du poids était associé à une probabilité plus faible de déjeuner quotidiennement (RC garçons = 0,72 ; 95%IC = 0,61 - 0,84, RC filles = 0,61 ; 95%IC = 0,56 -0,70) et chez les filles, cela était aussi associé à une probabilité plus élevée de consommer au moins cinq portions de fruits et légumes par jour (RC = 1,20 ; 95%IC = 1,04 - 1,37) et une probabilité plus faible de consommer des boissons sucrées quotidiennement (RC = 0,77 ; 95%IC = 0,66 - 0,90). Essayer de maintenir son poids et de gagner du poids étaient minimalement associés à une habitude plus délétère. L’objectif de contrôler son poids n’est donc pas strictement positif ou négatif. Il semble plus prudent de promouvoir directement les saines habitudes de vie plutôt que d’encourager l’adoption d’un objectif de contrôle du poids. / One’s weight management goal is associated with some potentially harmful behaviours among adolescents, but its association with healthy lifestyle are less well known. The aim of this thesis is to quantify associations between one’s weight management goal and fruits and vegetables consumption, fast-food and sugar-sweetened beverages consumption, eating breakfast, and physical activity. Logistic regressions were performed on data from the 2010-2011 Enquête québécoise sur la santé des jeunes du secondaire. About 25%, 34%, 12%, and 29% of adolescents were respectively trying to lose weight, to maintain their weight, to gain weight, and not trying to do anything about their weight. Among boys and girls, trying to lose weight was associated with lower likelihood of eating breakfast daily (OR boys = 0.72, 95%CI = 0.61, 0.84, OR girls = 0.61, 95%CI = 0.56, 0.70). Among girls, it was also associated with higher likelihood of eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables per day (OR = 1.20, 95%CI = 1.04, 1.37) and lower likelihood of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages daily (OR = 0.77, 95%CI = 0.66, 0.90). Trying to maintain weight or to gain weight were also associated with at least one unhealthy behaviour. Weight management goal is neither strictly positive nor negative. In implementing public health interventions aimed at adolescents, it therefore appears more prudent to directly promote lifestyle behaviours than to promote adoption of a weight management goal.

Le rôle d’une insatisfaction corporelle dans l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescents québécois

Roy, Mathieu 06 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de recherche principal poursuivi dans cette thèse de doctorat est de mieux comprendre le rôle d’une insatisfaction corporelle dans l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescent(e)s québécois(es). Pour atteindre cet objectif de recherche principal, trois articles scientifiques liés les uns aux autres ont été rédigés. Chaque article poursuit des objectifs spécifiques (1er article: estimer les proportions d’adolescent(e)s québécois(e)s poursuivant un objectif de poids apparié et non-apparié à leur poids actuel et identifier les déterminants des objectifs de poids non-apparié au poids actuel, 2e article: identifier des associations entre un objectif de poids apparié vs. non-apparié au poids actuel et la fréquence d’utilisation de différents comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation, 3e article: observer des associations entre différents degrés d’insatisfaction corporelle et l’utilisation de divers comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation et examiner le rôle modérateur d’un objectif de poids apparié vs. non-apparié au poids actuel dans ces associations) permettant de répondre à l’objectif de recherche principal. Ces articles ont tous été élaborés à partir de l’analyse secondaire d’une banque de données quantitatives constituée par l’Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) et nommée: Enquête sociale et de santé auprès des enfants et des adolescents québécois (ESSEA). L’ESSEA a été constitué auprès d’un échantillon populationnel et représentatif d’enfants et d’adolescent(e)s québécois(es) âgé(e)s de neuf, 13 et 16 ans. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent qu’une insatisfaction corporelle est associée à la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel, ainsi qu’à l’utilisation de comportements liés au poids et à l’alimentation sains, malsains et déviants. Des associations ont également été observées entre l’objectif de poids poursuivi par un adolescent(e) et divers comportements utilisés pour l’atteindre. En effet, la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel est associée à l’utilisation de comportements malsains. Cette association n’est cependant pas présente en ce qui à trait à l’utilisation de comportements sains et déviants, ceux-ci étant strictement prédits par une insatisfaction corporelle. Des effets de médiation et de modération ont aussi été identifiés. Une insatisfaction corporelle est une variable de médiation entre une détresse psychologique chez les adolescentes et la poursuite d’un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel. Finalement, un objectif de poids non-apparié au poids actuel est une variable modifiant l’association entre une insatisfaction corporelle et l’utilisation de comportements malsains chez les adolescent(e)s québécois(es). En conclusion, il existe diverses associations entre une insatisfaction corporelle et l’adoption de pratiques de maintien et de changement du poids chez des adolescent(e)s québécois(es). Une insatisfaction corporelle est donc une cible d’intervention pertinente pour la santé publique puisqu’elle peut servir de base à l’élaboration d’interventions visant la promotion d’un poids santé ainsi que de saines stratégies de contrôle du poids. / The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to better understand the role of body (dis)satisfaction in the adoption of practices directed toward body weight maintenance or body weight modification among Quebec adolescents. To reach this overall thesis objective, three theoretically and conceptually linked scientific papers were written. Although linked to one another, each paper pursues specific research objectives (1st article: to estimate proportions of adolescents with a weight goal that matched and mismatched weight status, and to identify correlates of a mismatched weight goal, 2nd article: to examine associations between matched vs. mismatched weight goals and the frequency of use of different weight-related behaviors, 3rd article: to examine associations between different levels of body dissatisfaction and different frequencies of use of weight-related behaviors and, to investigate whether or not the person’s weight goal moderates these associations) which allow for answering the main thesis objective. These papers were generated from secondary data analyses on a quantitative dataset built by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) and named: Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey. This dataset was based on data collected from a representative population-based sample of Quebec children and adolescents aged nine, 13, and 16 years old. The results of this thesis indicate that body dissatisfaction is associated with pursuing a mismatched weight goal as well as with the use of healthy, unhealthy, and disordered health behaviors. Associations are also observed between weight goals and weight-related behaviors used to reach weight goals. Indeed, pursuing a mismatched weight goal was found to be associated with the use of unhealthy weight-related behaviors across both sexes. This association is however not significant for the use of healthy and disordered health behaviors. These behaviors were solely predicted by body dissatisfaction. Mediation and moderation effects were also identified. It was found that being body dissatisfied mediated the association between psychological distress among adolescent girls and pursuing a mismatched weight goal. Finally, pursuing a mismatched weight goal was also found to moderate associations between body dissatisfaction and using unhealthy weight-related behaviors among both Quebec adolescent boys and girls. We conclude that there are various associations between body dissatisfaction and the adoption of practices directed toward body weight maintenance or body weight modification among Quebec adolescents. Body dissatisfaction thus represents a pertinent target for public health intervention in the sense that it can serve as the basis for the elaboration of interventions aimed at promoting healthy body weights and healthy weight management strategies.

A Qualitative Investigation of the Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients (CLIP-OA) Virtual Intervention Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hohn, Stephanie R. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Nonnutritive Sweetener and Weight Management: A Potential Paradox in Modern Dieting

Wright, Katharine Mary 01 January 2014 (has links)
Obesity is a serious health concern in modern society. One way to reduce caloric intake is with nonnutritive sweeteners (NNS). However, recent research suggests they may be compounding the obesity problem. Nonnutritive sweeteners have been linked to increased body mass in a few studies and may be a barrier to effective weight management for some individuals. Under the framework of the health belief model, the research question was: Does this pattern of NNS-BMI covariance exist in young adults at the University of North Florida and, if so, are there other dietary or activity differences that might partially explain this relationship? A sample of 113 students completed an online survey based on the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey to answer this question. Their responses quantified BMI, activity level estimates, NNS intake, and produce consumption. There was a no trend of covariance between BMI and NNS intake overall. However, there was a significant relationship between length of NNS usage and both BMI (p<0.01) and NNS intake (p<0.05). A positive correlation also existed between NNS usage and fruit and vegetable intake (p<.005). Weight variability was positively related to NNS due to the maintenance of previous weight loss (p<0.005). There was no correlation between NNS and activity. There is a tendency to have a higher BMI the longer NNS is consumed. This pattern does not appear to be explained by nutrient intake or activity. However, it may be due to increased tolerance towards sweets over time. Nurse practitioners can make recommendations that facilitate healthy behaviors amongst their patients. Therefore, this is an important issue for advanced practice nursing.

Exploring Determinants of Self-Regulatory Behavior and Schedules of Extended Care Contact for Weight Loss Maintenance: Results of the Randomized Controlled Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program in Knee Osteoarthritis Expansion Pilot Trial

Chaplow, Zachary L. 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Professional Black South African women : body image, cultural expectations and the workplace

Papakyriakou, Xanthipi Malama 02 1900 (has links)
The study explored the body image of Professional Black South African women, cultural expectations, and their experiences in Westernised working milieus, utilising a phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design, located within Constructionism. Data were collected through purposive sampling (and snowballing) through individual face-to-face voice-recorded semi-structured interviews with 11 participants in/around Gauteng. Analysis was done through content analysis utilising thematic networks (Attride-Stirling). Major findings: Western values have influenced participants; Lower weight and thinness do not automatically correspond with assumptions about HIV/AIDS, instead correspond with healthier lifestyle choices; Body shape not weight or size was the prominent area of focus for most participants; Clothes size determines perception of overweight; Overweight has consequences. Forty-five per cent of participants were content with their bodies, 18% dissatisfied/unhappy, 18% satisfied, one happy, one apathetic. Tswanas were generally smaller-figured; Zulus, Northern Sotho/Pedi, Xhosa in general traditionally expected full-bodied women. Overt expectations in the workplace were not found. / Psychology / Master of Arts (Psychology)

Professional Black South African women : body image, cultural expectations and the workplace

Papakyriakou, Xanthipi Malama (Beba) 02 1900 (has links)
The study explored the body image of Professional Black South African women, cultural expectations, and their experiences in Westernised working milieus, utilising a phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design, located within Constructionism. Data were collected through purposive sampling (and snowballing) through individual face-to-face voice-recorded semi-structured interviews with 11 participants in/around Gauteng. Analysis was done through content analysis utilising thematic networks (Attride-Stirling). Major findings: Western values have influenced participants; Lower weight and thinness do not automatically correspond with assumptions about HIV/AIDS, instead correspond with healthier lifestyle choices; Body shape not weight or size was the prominent area of focus for most participants; Clothes size determines perception of overweight; Overweight has consequences. Forty-five per cent of participants were content with their bodies, 18% dissatisfied/unhappy, 18% satisfied, one happy, one apathetic. Tswanas were generally smaller-figured; Zulus, Northern Sotho/Pedi, Xhosa in general traditionally expected full-bodied women. Overt expectations in the workplace were not found. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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