Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dfd"" "subject:"ffd""
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The role of social learning in participatory planning & management of water resourcesMuro, Melanie January 2008 (has links)
Natural Resource Management processes are undergoing major transformations: technical and regulatory mechanisms are no longer considered sufficiently adaptive to address the complexity and uncertainty which characterise contemporary challenges in the sector, thus motivating wider use of integrated and collaborative approaches. Against this background, new models of participative management are encouraged which emphasise social learning among stakeholders. Yet, reported research which unambiguously demonstrates the role and impact of social learning remains sparse. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the conditions under which social learning occurs, and most importantly the dynamics and benefits of social learning by systematically collecting evidence of the processes and impacts attributed to social learning. The research which employs a sequential mixed methods research design is undertaken with stakeholders involved in various engagement activities forming part of the implementation of the WFD in the UK, Ireland, and Germany and expands the still limited empirical knowledge base on social leaning in stakeholder interaction. Findings demonstrate that participatory platforms are shaped by processes of social learning although they are more noticeable as collaborative initiatives mature. Also, there is some degree of variation in the extent to which people learn or change, with stakeholders readily acquiring knowledge and improving relationships. However, the transformation of views and the development of a shared group identity seem to be limited. Findings clearly illustrate the multitude of factors that constrain the occurrence of learning processes and eventually limit the extent to which these can contribute to sustainable NRM. Foremost, this study reinforces the importance of the actual communicative learning process, the quality and intensity of which is largely influenced by the organisational arrangements and, more fundamentally, the ability of the stakeholders to shape the process.
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Hydromorfologické hodnocení vodních toků na základě distančních podkladů / Hydromorphological assessment of rivers using distance data sourcesKrálová, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on hydromorphological assessment with usage of distance data. The distance method QuaWaDis is defined and the usage of results of image processing within the hydromorphological assessment is considered. The aim of the assessment is classification of hydromorphological conditions of water bodies according to Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. Distance method is based on visual interpretation of public data. Image processing results can extend the number of parameters of the distance method - object based classification was applied on aerial imagery (in land cover classification), unsupervised classification and image reclassification was applied on multispectral satellite data (in water depths classification). The calibration of distance method and the credibility of the distance data was evaluated in comparison with results of field survey EcoRivHab (Matoušková, 2008). Object based image processing was aimed on accuracy assessment, index of efficiency was defined and the concept of fuzzy logic was applied in accuracy assessment. From consideration of classification efficiency is obvious, that large internally heterogeneous objecs is more effectivelly to vectorise manually. Accuracy assessment with usage of concept of fuzzy logic shows the success of object recognition within each...
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Planning for Sustainable Use of WaterHedelin, Beatrice January 2008 (has links)
The basic problem that this work wishes to address concerns the unsustainable use of water resources in many places of the world. In some places, the problem leads to human suffering and death while also obstructing social and economic development. In other places, where the consequences are less severe, natural environments are seriously damaged. A significant part of the solution to this problem lies in the planning and decision-making domain. The overall aim of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the available knowledge on planning and management for the sustainable use of water resources. Planning as a process is in focus, both in itself and in the organisational and legal contexts that affect how planning processes are performed. The main methodological approach used, and the theoretical contribution made here, is the deriving and discussion of a set of deductive criteria for the development and assessment of planning processes for the sustainable use of water resources (Papers III and IV). The criteria were derived using a multi-disciplinary approach, where the relevant literature on how to transform the concepts of ‘integration’ and ‘participation’ – both key principles for sustainable development in relation to planning – into an analytical framework of twelve criteria, was reviewed and synthesised. The derived criteria concern issues such as, how to integrate knowledge and values into the planning process and how to generate commitment, legitimacy or acceptance for the resulting plan, by democratic means. The criteria are then used to assess the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) – an extensive legal framework which will steer water planning in the EU Member States for several decades to come – and to assess the planning processes that follows on from WFD implementation in Sweden. The analysis contained in (Paper V) showed that the WFD erects few formal barriers to good planning practices. The analysis also showed however, that the planning processes that follow on from its implementation will need to be adapted to compensate for the weak legal support in a number of important areas, namely, the use of knowledge from beyond the natural sciences, the use of methodologies for the explicit handling of values and the use of procedures for democratic participation. Several recommendations are also made in respect of how the WFD could be supplemented in order for it to become a stronger support in planning processes for the sustainable use of water. The analysis of the ongoing water planning processes in Sweden (Paper VI) showed that knowledge of how to work with values and how to create forms and methods of participation and collaboration remain clearly underdeveloped. In consequence, the main objectives behind participation – the provision of knowledge and perspectives for the process and the creation of legitimacy, acceptance or engagement – are actually at risk. Recommendations include complementing the existing knowledge base with insights from the social sciences and the humanities, to create well informed learning systems within the new water administration and to make use of alternative methods for the handling of values. In addition to this, two papers from the thesis (Papers I and II) concern the situation pertaining before WFD implementation in Sweden. By comparing the system for municipal land and water planning (the former main system for long-term water planning in Sweden) with WFD prescriptions, and with the organisation of the new water administration bodies, some potential implications of WFD implementation were identified. From here it followed, that the development of forms of co-operation between the concerned administrative organisations, and in respect of the democratic involvement of the public and other concerned actors, were crucial in creating an integrative, effective and democratic system for water planning in Sweden. The thesis also illustrates the use of a tentative model for the operationalisation of ‘sustainable development’. The tentative model is described in the thesis, and it constitutes the methodological baseline for the thesis, since five of the papers contained herein use various approaches related to this model.
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Determination of a hydropower "go-to area" : Klarälven and Dalälven potential assessment and environmental regulation constraintsAparicio Garcia, Paula January 2023 (has links)
The current energy crisis with sky-rocketed prices has created the need for new sustainable solutions in the energy production sector. The REPowerEU Plan, presented by the European Commission, has taken up on this and has established measures to accelerate the introduction of new renewable energy capacity in Europe, such as the designation of “go-to areas” by Member States to shorten authorization permits in areas with high potential and low environmental impacts. This thesis develops a method for the identification of possible hydropower “go-to areas” in Sweden. A study of the rivers Klarälven and Västerdalälven was carried out to find locations with unexploited power potential, followed by a suitability mapping analysis to assess their future development from other technical, geological and economic criteria. Afterwards, the most interesting areas in terms of power and suitability were subjected to a description of the environmental legislation that constraints them to be actually exploited. The methodology is based on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach, through the use of ArcMap, and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Specifically, the AHP technique was utilized, carrying out interviews with five experts to adapt the study to the Swedish context. Also, European and national regulations were considered, including the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nature Directives, as well as the Swedish Environmental Code. Two sites were found to be worthy of "go-to area" consideration, with an average combined power potential of over 125 MW and a medium to very high suitability index for hydropower implementation. However, their water condition was found to be below the minimum required by the WFD, and they were also found to be considered or located in the close surroundings to Nature 2000 areas. Moreover, they all protected locations against hydropower implementation by the national environmental legislation. Therefore, it is pointed out in this thesis that their conversation conditions and protection status forbids them to be used for any activity that would compromise them. It is concluded that a balance is required to be implemented between nature protection and the need for new sustainable energy sources. / Den pågående energikrisen med skyhöga elpriser driver på behovet av nya hållbara lösningar för energiproduktion. REPowerEU-planen, som lagts fram av Europeiska kommissionen, möter krisen med åtgärder som avser att påskynda installationen av ny kapacitet med förnybar energiproduktion i Europa. Detta omfattar bland annat att medlemsstaterna får peka ut särskilda "go-to areas", för att förkorta tillståndsförfarandet i områden med hög potential och låg miljöpåverkan. I detta examensarbete utvecklas en metod för att identifiera möjliga "go-to areas" för ny vattenkraft i Sverige. En studie av Klarälven och Västerdalälven genomfördes för att hitta platser med outnyttjad vattenkraft, följt av en lämplighetskartläggningsanalys för att bedöma potentiell framtida utveckling utifrån tekniska, geologiska och ekonomiska kriterier. Därefter har de intressantaste områdena vad gäller kraftproduktion och lämplighet analyserats utifrån ett miljölagstiftningsperspektiv, vilket kan medföra begränsningar för en eventuell utbyggnad. Metodiken är baserad på en metod som nyttjar ett geospatialt informationssystem (GIS), genom användning av ArcMap, samt Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Specifikt användes AHP-tekniken, genom intervjuer med fem experter för att anpassa studien till ett svenskt sammanhang. Utöver detta har även hänsyn tagits till europeisk och nationell reglering, inklusive direktivet om förnybar energi (RED II), ramdirektivet för vatten (WFD) och naturdirektiven och slutligen den svenska miljöbalken. Två områden identifierades som möjliga "go-to areas". Dessa har en genomsnittlig kombinerad effektpotential på över 125 MW och ett medelhögt till mycket högt lämplighetsindex för implementering av ny vattenkraft. Deras ytvattenstatus visade sig dock vara under det minimikrav som krävs enligt ramdirektivet för vatten. Utöver detta är de presenterade områdena belägna i, eller i närheten av, Natura 2000-områden. Slutligen är platserna skyddade mot utbyggnad av vattenkraft, enligt miljöbalken. I denna uppsats dras slutsatsen att de presenterade områdenas bevarandevillkor och skyddsstatus förbjuder dem att användas för någon verksamhet som skulle påverka dem negativt, men att det krävs en balans mellan naturskydd och behovet av nya hållbara energikällor.
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Développement d’un indice biotique basé sur les foraminifères benthiques ; : application sur la façade méditerranéenne française / Development of a biotic index based on benthic foraminifera; : application in the French Mediterranean coastal watersParent, Briz 11 September 2019 (has links)
Les milieux côtiers subissent de fortes pressions dues aux activités anthropiques. Ces pressions vont parfois impacter les écosystèmes benthiques. En Europe, des réglementations internationales, telle que la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau (DCE), ont vu le jour. La DCE a fixé un cadre pour obtenir le retour et le maintien d’un bon état écologique pour les masses d’eau côtières, jusqu’à un mile de la côte. Pour vérifier si ce bon état écologique est atteint, des outils de mesure adaptés et performants sont nécessaires. L’utilisation d’indices biotiques basés sur les faunes de foraminifères benthiques est un des moyens pour mesurer l’état des écosystèmes. Ces indices basés sur les faunes de foraminifères sont en pleine expansion, notamment en Méditerranée. En termes de méthodologie, nous avons pu améliorer une technique de concentration des foraminifères benthiques par séparation par densité, qui accélère le traitement des échantillons. L’indice TSI-Med a la particularité d’apporter une correction pour l’état trophique naturel, c’est-à-dire le taux d’enrichissement naturel en matière organique, sur la base de la granulométrie du sédiment. Nos données suggèrent néanmoins que cette correction est encore insuffisante. Nous avons également comparé plusieurs indices biotiques basés sur les faunes de foraminifères benthiques le long des côtes méditerranéennes françaises. Les indices basés sur la diversité, notamment l’exp(H’bc), ne sont pas adaptés à notre zone d’étude oligotrophe. Les indices basés sur les groupes écologiques d’espèces que nous avons testés (TSI-Med, Foram-AMBI et FSI) sont plutôt bien corrélés. Le principal facteur qui va induire des différences entre ces indices est la liste d’assignation écologique des espèces. Trop d’espèces n’ont pas encore été assignées et l’assignation de plusieurs espèces majeures est problématique. Néanmoins, nous avons montré que ces indices sont efficaces à détecter l’impact d’un enrichissement en matière organique diffus et/ou provenant de source ponctuelle, telle que les rejets de stations d’épuration (côte israélienne). Pour perfectionner ces indices, des efforts de caractérisation écologique des espèces doivent être poursuivis. / Coastal environments suffer from anthropogenic activities. Various types of pressure can have large impacts on benthic ecosystems. In Europe, international regulations, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), have been implemented. The WFD aims to attain and sustain a good ecological status for all coastal waters, up to one mile from the coast. To verify whether this good status has been reached, adapted and efficient measuring tools are needed. The use of biotic indices based on foraminiferal faunas are a mean to assess the ecosystem status. The use of indices based on foraminiferal faunas rapidly increases, especially in the Mediterranean. In terms of methodology, we were able to improve a method to concentrate benthic foraminifera by density separation, which accelerates the sample treatment. The TSI-Med index includes a correction to take into account the natural trophic state, i.e., the natural enrichment rate in organic matter, on the basis of sediment grain size. However, our data suggest that the applied correction is still insufficient. We also compared several biotic indices based on benthic foraminiferal faunas along the French Mediterranean coast. Indices based on diversity, such as the exp(H’bc), are not suited for our oligotrophic study area. The results of three tested indices based on ecological groups (TSI-Med, Foram-AMBI, FSI) are well correlated. The main factor inducing differences between the indices is the list of ecological assignments for the various species. In general, too many species have not yet been assigned to ecological categories and the assignment of several major species is problematic. Nevertheless, we show that the indices are already efficient in detecting the impact of diffusive organic matter enrichment or enrichment from point sources, such as sewage outlets (Israelian coast). To further perfection the foraminiferal indices, the efforts of ecological assignments of species have to be continued
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The role and use of information in transboundary water managementNilsson, Susanna January 2003 (has links)
<p>Management of water bodies according to their river basinsis becoming increasingly common, as the concept of IntegratedWater Resources Management (IWRM) is getting more and moreacknowl-edged. In Europe, a large portion of thesenewmanagement units will probably be internationalor transboundary. Decisions and policies consideringtransboundary water issues need to be based on reliable andcomprehendible information. In this thesis, a review of variousexisting models that may be used for understanding the role anduse of information in (transboundary) water management ispresented. Further, the thesis reports on an assessment of theinformation management of three transboundary water regimes inEurope, namely the international water commissions for LakeNeusiedl, Lake Constance and Elbe River. Besides examining theinformation management of the regimes as such, the managementwas also related to information needs implied by the IWRMcon-cept and by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Thereviewed models and approaches were grouped into threecategories: information management models, information cyclemodels and communication between actors. The first categorycomprised models that may be used for managing and assessingdifferent types of information. The second group dealt withmodels explaining the production and communication ofinformation predominately from an information producer/senderperspective. The third group focused on ideas concerninginteractions and communication of information between differentkinds of actors. The studies on information management intransboundary water regimes showed that the information needsand strategies often were defined primarily with watercommissionsown needs in mind. The data collected by thecommissions were predominated by monitoring data, describingthe status of the environment and the impact caused by humanactivities. Furthermore, any communication of information toother groups of actors was mainly done through passivechannels. The information management in these transboundarywater regimes was not fully in accordance with informationneeds implied by the IWRM concept and the EU WFD.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);transboundary water management; information; EU Water FrameworkDirective (WFD); regimes; policy and decision making; LakeNeusiedl; Lake Constance; Elbe River.</p>
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Bio-optics, satellite remote sensing and Baltic Sea ecosystems : Applications for monitoring and managementHarvey, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Earth observation satellites cover large areas with frequent temporal repetition and provide us with new insight into ocean and coastal processes. Ocean colour measurements from satellite remote sensing are linked to the bio-optics, which refers to the light interactions with living organisms and dissolved and suspended constituents in the aquatic environment. Human pressures have changed the aquatic ecosystems, by, for example, the increased input of nutrient and organic matter leading to eutrophication. This thesis aims to study and develop the link between bio-optical data and the remote sensing method to the monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. The results are applied to the European Union’s Water Directives, and the Baltic Sea Action Plan from the Helsinki commission. In paper I indicators for eutrophication, chlorophyll-a concentration and Secchi depth were evaluated as a link to remote sensing observations. Chlorophyll-a measurements from an operational satellite service (paper I) were compared to conventional ship-based monitoring in paper II and showed high correlations to the in situ data. The results in paper I, II and IV show that the use of remote sensing can improve both the spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality. The number of observations increased when also using satellite data, thus facilitating the assessment of the ecological and environmental status within the European Union’s water directives. The spatial patterns make it possible to study the changes of e.g. algae blooms and terrestrial input on larger scales. Furthermore, the water quality products from satellites can offer a more holistic and easily accessible view of the information to decision makers and end-users. In paper III variable relationships between in situ bio-optical parameters, such as coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), dissolved organic carbon, salinity and Secchi depth, were found in different parts of the Baltic Sea. In paper IV an in situ empirical model to retrieve suspended particulate matter (SPM) from turbidity was developed and applied to remote sensing data. The use of Secchi depth as an indicator for eutrophication linked to the concentrations of chlorophyll-a and SPM and CDOM absorption was investigated in paper V. The variations in Secchi depth were affected differently by the mentioned parameters in the different regions. Therefore, one must also consider those when evaluating changes in Secchi depth and for setting target levels for water bodies. This thesis shows good examples on the benefits of incorporating bio-optical and remote sensing data to a higher extent within monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>
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Collaboration at a catchment level, a prerequisite for the implementation of the European Community Water Framework Directive? / Samarbete på avrinningsområdesnivå, en förutsättning för implementeringen av Europeiska Genmenskapens Ramdirektiv för Vatten?Edstam, AnnaKarin January 2004 (has links)
<p>The thesis studies one method, focus group discussions, for public participation in the starting of implementing the European Community Water Framework Directive at a catchment level. Focus group discussions can be used as a method for bringing relevant stakeholder-groups into the discussion and evaluation of different possible solutions to problems of managing local waters in order to lower nutrient emissions and stop eutrophication. Of special interest in the study is the participants’ development of collaboration and collaborative learning in the focus groups. Also of interest is their change in attitudes during the focus group process and their will to participate in similar settings. The thesis assesses the results of three questionnaires responded by focus group participants in a study carried out by the Swedish Water Management Research Programme, VASTRA. The participants represent stakeholders in Rönne å catchment in Skåne, and also the results from ten focus group discussions with the same participants.</p>
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Managing water according to river basins : Information management, institutional arrangements and strategic policy support - with focus on the EU Water Framework DirectiveNilsson, Susanna January 2006 (has links)
Today, there is a general notion that water resources are best managed according to their river basins. River basin management may be approached from a wide variety of angles. This thesis focuses on information management, institutional arrangements and strategic policy support, with special reference to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The overall objective is to examine strategies, possibilities and hindrances for river basin management, with the ultimate goal of identifying key aspects to be considered - and prioritised - for “successful” European water management and WFD implementation. An assessment of the information management of three transboundary water regimes in Europe showed that a technical/scientific paradigm ap-pears to dominate in river basin accords. This is visible, for example, in the data collection, which is dominated by state and environmental impact information, and the use of passive channels for communicating with stakeholders and other interest groups. The studies addressing institutional arrangements for river basin management according to the WFD showed that the implementa-tion level of the directive is relatively low – both at national and international levels. For instance, competent authorities have not been established (strictly) according to the borders of the estab-lished River Basin District (RBDs). Further, in international RBDs, the ambitions and plans for cooperation vary considerably. Despite the general low implementation level, steps have still been taken in the “direction” of river basin management. At the national level, all examined countries have established RBDs according to river basins, and at the international level, joint river basin management plans will probably be coordinated for a majority of river basins shared by EU Member States. However, the same pattern could not be discerned for river basins extending outside the borders of the EU. In order to support strategic policy making on issues related to the implementation of the WFD, two assessments were made, one addressing international co-operation and water quality in the Baltic Sea Region, and one encompassing rankings of all the newly established RBDs based on a number of identical indicators. Although there is a need to refine these assessments, they may be regarded as simple – but yet robust – models for bench-marking. / QC 20100914
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Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöarLandbecker, David January 2011 (has links)
According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed. The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication. Macrophytes are one of the five biological quality factors used for lakes. The others are phytoplankton, diatoms, benthic fauna and fish. The two latter were included in this thesis. In addition to the biological factors the chemical factor, nutrients in lakes, i.e. the total phosphorus, was included. The macrophyte composition was investigated in two eutrophic Uppland lakes: Lake Trehörningen and Lake Edasjön. Since the assessment criteria were launched in 2007 there have been problems reported regarding the outcome of the methods. The results are sometimes inconclusive for eutrophicated lakes and especially for lakes with naturally high levels of nutrients. In this study the macrophyte species composition was compared with the nutrient level of different lakes. Some species were found in equal shares in oligotrophic lakes as in eutrophic, e.g. Nymphaea candida and Nuphar lutea. Hence they were considered less suitable as elements in the method evaluated. A couple of species were present in predominantly oligotrophic (e.g. Lobelia dortmanna) or eutrophic (e.g. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) lakes, respectively. They were regarded as better indicators since they ”preferred” lakes either poor or rich in nutrients. It is important to point out that all the other biological quality factors used, except for macrophytes, are multimetric. I conclude that more parameters are needed for evaluation of macrophytes in lakes. Tentatively, the degree of coverage of the plants and algae, the presence and degree of coverage of invasive nonnative species, lake lowerings and the consequent composition and abundance change, all should be tested as additional parameters. A high level of concordance was verified for the status classifications of the four quality factors in lakes of oligotrophy as well as in lakes of eutrophy, i.e. no particular pattern based on trophy level was found. The macrophyte inventories of the two Uppland lakes both resulted in a moderate ecological status for macrophytes.
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