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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variabilitätsmodellierung in Kartographierungs- und Lokalisierungsverfahren

Werner, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
In der heutigen Zeit spielt die Automatisierung eine immer bedeutendere Rolle, speziell im Bereich der Robotik entwickeln sich immer neue Einsatzgebiete, in denen der Mensch durch autonome Fahrzeuge ersetzt wird. Dabei orientiert sich der Großteil der eingesetzten Roboter an Streckenmarkierungen, die in den Einsatzumgebungen installiert sind. Bei diesen Systemen gibt es jedoch einen hohen Installationsaufwand, was die Entwicklung von Robotersystemen, die sich mithilfe ihrer verbauten Sensorik orientieren, vorantreibt. Es existiert zwar eine Vielzahl an Robotern die dafür verwendet werden können. Die Entwicklung der Steuerungssoftware ist aber immer noch Teil der Forschung. Für die Steuerung wird eine Umgebungskarte benötigt, an der sich der Roboter orientieren kann. Hierfür eignen sich besonders SLAM-Verfahren, die simultanes Lokalisieren und Kartographieren durchführen. Dabei baut der Roboter während seiner Bewegung durch den Raum mithilfe seiner Sensordaten eine Umgebungskarte auf und lokalisiert sich daran, um seine Position auf der Karte exakt zu bestimmen. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit wurden über 30 verschiedene SLAM Implementierungen bzw. Umsetzungen gefunden die das SLAM Problem lösen. Diese sind jedoch größtenteils an spezielle Systembzw. Umgebungsvoraussetzungen angepasste eigenständige Implementierungen. Es existiert keine öffentlich zugängliche Übersicht, die einen Vergleich aller bzw. des Großteils der Verfahren, z.B. in Bezug auf ihre Funktionsweise, Systemvoraussetzungen (Sensorik, Roboterplattform), Umgebungsvoraussetzungen (Indoor, Outdoor, ...), Genauigkeit oder Geschwindigkeit, gibt. Viele dieser SLAMs besitzen Implementierungen und Dokumentationen in denen ihre Einsatzgebiete, Testvoraussetzungen oder Weiterentwicklungen im Vergleich zu anderen SLAMVerfahren beschrieben werden, was aber bei der großen Anzahl an Veröffentlichungen das Finden eines passenden SLAM-Verfahrens nicht erleichtert. Bei einer solchen Menge an SLAM-Verfahren und Implementierungen stellen sich aus softwaretechnologischer Sicht folgende Fragen: 1. Besteht die Möglichkeit einzelne Teile des SLAM wiederzuverwenden? 2. Besteht die Möglichkeit einzelne Teile des SLAM dynamisch auszutauschen? Mit dieser Arbeit wird das Ziel verfolgt, diese beiden Fragen zu beantworten. Hierfür wird zu Beginn eine Übersicht über alle gefundenen SLAMs aufgebaut um diese in ihren grundlegenden Eigenschaften zu unterscheiden. Aus der Vielzahl von Verfahren werden die rasterbasierten Verfahren, welche Laserscanner bzw. Tiefenbildkamera als Sensorik verwenden, als zu untersuchende Menge ausgewählt. Diese Teilmenge an SLAM-Verfahren wird hinsichtlich ihrer nichtfunktionalen Eigenschaften genauer untersucht und versucht in Komponenten zu unterteilen, welche in mehreren verschiedenen Implementierungen wiederverwendet werden können. Anhand der extrahierten Komponenten soll ein Featurebaum aufgebaut werden, der dem Anwender einen Überblick und die Möglichkeit bereitstellt SLAM-Verfahren nach speziellen Kriterien (Systemvoraussetzungen, Umgebungen, ...) zusammenzusetzen bzw. zur Laufzeit anzupassen. Dafür müssen die verfügbaren SLAM Implementierungen und dazugehörigen Dokumentationen in Bezug auf ihre Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede analysiert werden.

Rab-domain dynamics in endocytic membrane trafficking

Rink, Jochen C. 07 March 2005 (has links)
Eukaryotic cells depend on cargo uptake into the endocytic membrane system, which comprises a functionally interconnected network of endosomal compartments. The establishment and maintenance of such diverse compartments in face of the high rates of exchange between them, poses a major challenge for obtaining a molecular understanding of the endocytic system. Rab-GTPases have emerged as architectural key element thereof: Individual family members localize selectively to endosomal compartments, where they recruit a multitude of cytoplasmic effector proteins and coordinate them into membrane sub-domains. Such "Rab-domains" constitute modules of molecular membrane identity, which pattern the endocytic membrane system into a mosaic of Rab-domains. The main objective of this thesis research was to link such "static" mosaic-view with the highly dynamic nature of the endosomal system. The following questions were addressed: How are neighbouring Rab-domains coordinated? Are Rab-domains stable or can they undergo assembly and disassembly? Are the dynamics of Rab-domains utilized in cargo transport? The first part of this thesis research focused on the organization of Rab-domains in the recycling pathway. Utilizing Total Internal Reflection (TIRF) microscopy, Rab11-, but neither Rab4- nor Rab5-positive vesicles were observed to fuse with the plasma membrane. Rab4-positive membranes, however, could be induced to fuse in presence of Brefeldin A. Thus, these experiments complete the view of the recycling pathway by the following steps: a) Rab11-carriers likely mediate the return of recycling cargo to the surface; b) such carriers are presumably generated in an Arf-dependent fission reaction from Rab4-positive compartments. Rab11-chromatography was subsequently carried out in the hope of identifying Rab11-effectors functioning at the Rab4-Rab11 domain interface. An as yet uncharacterized ubiquitin ligase was identified, which selectively interacts with both Rab4 and Rab11. Contrary to expectations, however, the protein (termed RUL for *R*ab interacting *U*biquitin *L*igase) does not function in recycling,but appears to mediate trafficking between Golgi/TGN and endosomes instead.In order to address the dynamics of Rab-domains, fluorescently tagged Rab-GTPases were imaged during cargo transport reactions in living cells. Herefore high-speed/long-term imaging procedures and novel computational image analysis tools were developed. The application of such methodology to the analysis of Rab5-positive early endosomes showed that a) The amount of Rab5 associated with individual endosomes fluctuates strongly over time; b) such fluctuations can lead to the "catastrophic" loss of the Rab5-machinery from membranes; c) Rab5 catastrophe is part of a functional cycle of early endosomes, involving net centripetal motility, continuous growth and increase in Rab5 density. Next, the relevance of Rab5 catastrophe with respect to cargo transfer into either the recycling- or degradative pathway was examined. Recycling cargo (transferrin) could be observed to exit Rab5-positive early endosomes via the frequent budding of tubular exit carriers. Exit of degradative cargo (LDL) from Rab5-positive endosomes did not involve budding, but the rapid loss of Rab5 from the limiting membrane.Rab5-loss was further coordinated with the concomitant acquisition of Rab7, suggesting "Rab conversion" as mechanism of transport between early- and late endosomes.Altogether, this thesis research has shown that first, Rab-machineries can be acquired and lost from membranes. Second, such dynamics provide a molecular mechanism for cargo exchange between endosomal compartments. Jointly, these findings lead to the concept of Rab-domain dynamics modulation in /trans/ between neighbouring domains as mechanistic principle behind the dynamic organization of membrane trafficking pathways.

Entwurfsmethodik für Funkempfänger: Architekturauswahl und Blockspezifikation unter schwerpunktmäßiger Betrachtung des Direct-Conversion- und des Superheterodynprinzipes

Rühle, Thomas 21 January 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Entwurf von Funkempfängern für digitale Modulation betrachtet. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtungen beim Finden einer geeigneten Empfängerarchitektur, der Spezifikation der einzusetzenden Bausteine, der Auswahl einer geeigneten Arbeitsfrequenz und eines passenden Modulationsverfahrens sowie der Festlegung einer dem Einsatzzweck angepaßten Datenrate. Ein wesentlicher Punkt ist die der Empfangsaufgabe angepaßte gewichtete Bekämpfung der auftretenden Störbeiträge. Dafür werden zunächst Grundlagen, wie wichtige Modulationsverfahren, Empfängerarchitekturen sowie Bestimmungsgleichungen für Parameter eingeführt. Darauf aufbauend wird eine allgemeingültige Methode zum Entwurf von Funkempfängern für digitale Modulation entwickelt. Diese Methode kann stets angewendet werden, wenn ein Empfänger für digitale Modulation entworfen werden soll. Wesentliche zu berücksichtigende Einsatzparameter und Randbedingungen werden an passender Stelle in den Entwurf einbezogen und eine entsprechend angepaßte Lösung wird weiterverwendet. Die Entwurfsmethode eignet sich sowohl für den freien Empfängerentwurf als auch für Entwürfe, die sich an der Einhaltung von Standards orientieren müssen. Der Kerngedanke besteht darin, das alle Störeinflüsse einen gleichgroßen Beitrag zur Signalverfälschung liefern sollen. Um dies zu erreichen, werden potentielle Störeinflüsse analysiert und entsprechend ihres Einflusses gewichtet zur weiteren Bestimmung der notwendigen Eigenschaften der Empfängerbaugruppen herangezogen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird hauptsächlich der allgemeine Anwendungsfall des freien nicht standardbezogenen Empfängerentwurfes betrachtet. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie durch die Analyse und entsprechende Berücksichtigung einer variablen Anzahl von Störeinflüssen die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Empfängerkomponenten jeweils bestmöglich eingestellt werden können. Diese Methode wird anschließend anhand von verschiedenartigen Beispielen weiter illustriert und ihre erfolgreiche Anwendbarkeit veranschaulicht. Anhand einer Mischerschaltung wird beispielhaft auf grundlegende Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Linearitätseigenschaften eingegangen. Dabei werden spezifische Unterschiede zwischen einer Superhet- bzw. einer Direktmischarchitektur hervorgehoben. Weiterhin wird eine Methode zur Wiederverwendung (Re-Use) von analogen Schaltungen oder ähnlichen Objekten vorgeschlagen. Dabei werden die Schaltungen anhand einer Vorgabe bewertet, und es wird eine Rangfolge aufgestellt. Damit ist gewährleistet, daß die der Vorgabe am besten entsprechende Schaltung gefunden werden kann, auch wenn eine 100%ige Übereinstimmung nicht gegeben ist. Die hierfür notwendigen Bewertungsalgorithmen werden ausführlich dargestellt und ihr jeweiliger Einsatz wird erläutert. Abschließend erfolgt eine überblicksweise Darstellung von Simulationswerkzeugen und -verfahren, die für den Empfängerentwurf bedeutsam sind. Dabei wird hauptsächlich auf die Verbindung von System- und Schaltungsentwurf eingegangen, und es werden bestehende Probleme dargelegt sowie vorhandene Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Einige im Zusammenhang mit der Simulation interessante Modellierungsgesichtspunkte werden ebenfalls dargestellt.

Untersuchung von Stäben und Gelegen aus rezyklierten Carbonfasern

Baumgärtel, Enrico 10 November 2022 (has links)
Die Wiederverwendung von Carbonfasern gewinnt angesichts steigender Ressourcenknappheit und Klimaschutzbestrebungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Insbesondere die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von geschlossenen Stoffkreisläufen erreicht im Bauwesen einen immer höheren Stellenwert. Durch das Aufbereiten und In-Form-Bringen von Carbonfasern zu Halbzeugen wird der noch offene Stoffkreislauf geschlossen. Aufgrund von unterschiedlichen technologischen Hürden unterliegt die konstante Herstellung von Stäben und Gelegen aus recycelten Carbonfasern bei gleichbleibender Qualität noch großen Schwankungen. Ziel der Forschung ist die Untersuchung und Charakterisierung von Carbonstäben und Carbongelegen aus recycelten Fasern im Vergleich zu Halbzeugen aus neuen Carbonfasern.

MKM – ein Metamodell für Korpusmetadaten / Dokumentation und Wiederverwendung historischer Korpora

Odebrecht, Carolin 11 September 2018 (has links)
Korpusdokumentation wird in dieser Arbeit als eine Voraussetzung für die Wiederverwendung von Korpora und als ein Bestandteil des Forschungsdatenmanagements verstanden, welches unter anderem die Veröffentlichung und Archivierung von Korpora umfasst. Verschiedene Forschungsdaten stellen ganz unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Dokumentation und können auch unterschiedlich wiederverwendet werden. Ein geeignetes Anwendungsbeispiel stellen historische Textkorpora dar, da sie in vielen Fächern als empirische Grundlage für die Forschung genutzt werden können. Sie zeichnen sich im Weiteren durch vielfältige Unterschiede in ihrer Aufbereitung und durch ein komplexes Verhältnis zu der historischen Vorlage aus. Die Ergebnisse von Transkription und Normalisierung müssen als eigenständige Repräsentationen und Interpretationen im Vergleich zur Vorlage verstanden werden. Was müssen Forscherinnen und Forscher über ihr Korpus mit Hilfe von Metadaten dokumentieren, um dessen Erschließung und Wiederverwendung für andere Forscherinnen und Forscher zu ermöglichen? Welche Funktionen übernehmen dabei die Metadaten? Wie können Metadaten modelliert werden, um auf alle Arten von historischen Korpora angewendet werden zu können? Die Arbeit und ihre Fragestellung sind fest in einem interdisziplinären Kontext verortet. Für die Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurden Erkenntnisse und Methoden aus den Fachbereichen der Korpuslinguistik, der historischen Linguistik, der Informationswissenschaft sowie der Informatik theoretisch und empirisch betrachtet und für die Entwicklung eines Metamodells für Korpusmetadaten fruchtbar gemacht. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in UML entwickelte Metamodell für Korpusmetadaten modelliert Metadaten von historischen textbasierten Korpora aus einer technisch-abstrakten, produktorientierten und überfachlichen Perspektive und ist in einer TEI-Spezifikation mit Hilfe der TEI-eigenen Modellierungssprache ODD realisiert. / Corpus documentation is a requirement for enabling corpus reuse scenarios and is a part of research data management which covers, among others, data publication and archiving. Different types of research data make differing demands on corpus documentation, and may be reused in various ways. Historical corpora represent an interesting and challenging use case because they are the foundation for empirical studies in many disciplines and show a great variety of reuse possibilities, of data creation, and of data annotation. Furthermore, the relation between the historical corpus and the historical original is complex. The transcription and normalisation of historical texts must be understood as independent representations and interpretations in their own right. Which kind of metadata information, then, must be included in a corpus documentation in order to enable intellectual access and reuse scenarios? What kind of role do metadata play? How can metadata be designed to be applicable to all types of historical corpora? These research questions can only be addressed with help of an interdisciplinary approach, considering findings and methods of corpus linguistics, historical linguistics, information science and computer science. The metamodel developed in this thesis models metadata of historical text-based corpora from a technical, abstract, and interdisciplinary point of view with help of UML. It is realised as a TEI-specification using the modelling language ODD.

Innovative Desinfektionsverfahren zur Brauchwassergewinnung in der dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung - Elektrolyse und UV/Elektrolyse-Hybridtechnik

Haaken, Daniela 10 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
According to estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), more than 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025. The pressure on water resources is increased not only in arid and semiarid regions, but also in fast growing megacities around the world as a result of, amongst other factors, the changing nutritional and consumer behavior (rising living standards). Over 90 % of the annual water consumption of the newly industrializing and developing countries in the arid and semiarid climate zone is used for agricultural irrigation to ensure the nutrition of the population. Thus, since the beginning of the 20th century, the planned/controlled reuse of wastewater has developed into a central task of the sustainable water resources management. Wastewater represents a valuable resource in view of its composition (e. g. nutrients P, N for soil fertilizing) and its reliable, weather-independent availability in every household. The establishment of a closed-loop water management can enhance the efficiency of water usage. Therefore, activities in research and development are currently focused on decentralized and semi-centralized concepts, since their structures offer better conditions for the establishment of closed-loop systems and innovations in wastewater technology can be implemented more easily. In general, the hygienic quality requirements for wastewater reuse are predominantly oriented towards the planned usage. These are, in turn, regulated by thresholds and guidance values, e. g. for faecal indicator bacteria (e. g. faecal coliforms: E. coli), in widely differing norms and legal provisions specific to the respective countries. In Germany since 2005, small wastewater treatment plants can obtain the discharge class +H by the German Institute for Civil Engineering (DIBt: Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) if secondary effluents contain less than 100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL. This ensures a safe effluent seepage in karst and water protection areas. Due to the infectious risk caused by a multitude of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, worm eggs, protozoa) which are still contained in wastewater after mechanical-biological treatment, specific disinfection methods are indispensable for their satisfactory reduction. Demands on disinfection methods for wastewater reclamation are quite complex. They should be characterized by a high and constant disinfection efficiency at low or moderate formation of disinfection by-products. The reclaimed wastewater should be able to be stored safely. Moreover, the disinfection method should be technically simple, scaleable, space-saving, subjected to low maintenance and realized at moderate investment and operating costs without applying external toxic chemicals. Established methods in decentralized wastewater disinfection are mainly based on membrane and UV technologies. However, these methods are currently working under high operating costs (high maintenance and cleaning efforts). Furthermore, the high investment costs of the membrane filtration are disadvantageous. In addition, both methods do not provide a disinfection residual. Thus, further research is required for the development and testing of alternative disinfection technologies. Against this background, the applicability of the electrolysis and UV/electrolysis hybrid technology for the decentralized wastewater reclamation was investigated and assessed in this dissertation. Results have shown that the electrochemical disinfection of biologically treated wastewater represents an efficient method at temperatures of > 6 °C, pH values of < 8.5 and DOC con-centrations of < 22 mg L-1. Under these conditions, an E. coli reduction of four log levels was achieved at a concentration of free chlorine ranging from 0.4 mg L-1 to 0.6 mg L-1 and at an after-reaction time of 15...20 min. However, it becomes simultaneously apparent that low temperatures, high pH values and high DOC concentrations are limiting parameters for this disinfection method to reclaim biologically treated wastewater. A high energy consumption of the electrolysis cell equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes (2...2.6 kWh m-3) represents a further unfavourable effect. Moreover, the undesired formation of chlorate (c = 1.3 mg L-1) and perchlorate (c = 18 mg L-1) at BDD electrodes can be considered as critical, since these disinfection by-products are, amongst others, human-toxicologically relevant. The concentration of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) and trihalomethanes (THMs) proved to be marginal to moderate. Due to the synergistic effect of the combined application of UV irradiation (primary disinfection method) and electrolysis, the disadvantages of the single methods can be compensated. Decisive drawbacks of UV irradiation are photo and dark repair mechanisms of reversibly damaged bacteria. It was observed that the reactivation of reversibly UV-damaged E. coli even occurs at low temperatures (T = 10 °C) and strongly differing pH values (pH = 5.7...8.1) as well as at low light intensities and in darkness to an extent excluding a safe usage and storage of the reclaimed wastewater. The reactivation processes might be lowered by increased UV fluences. However, this is limited by high concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS). In spite of high UV fluences of > 400 J m-1, no complete removal of E. coli bacteria can be achieved at TSS concentrations of > 17 mg L-1. Therefore, it is indispensable to prevent bacterial reactivation caused by photo and dark repair processes. This topic was studied in the current work by electrochemically produced oxidants using an electrolysis cell positioned downstream of the UV unit. Results have shown that photo and dark reactivation were completely prevented by oxidants in a total concentration of 0.5...0.6 mg L-1 at a TSS concentration of 8...11 mg L-1, at pH values ranging from 5.7 to 8.1 and at temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 30 °C (t = 24....72 h). Even at a high TSS concentration of 75 mg L-1, the reactivation of E. coli (ctotal oxidants = 1.8 mg L-1) and, up to a TSS concentration of 32 mg L-1, the reactivation of total coliforms (except E. coli, ctotal oxidants = 1.0 mg L-1) can be prevented at a high initial germ concentration of 2…3 105 per 100 mL. The lowest energy consumption could be observed when mixed oxide electrodes (MOX electrodes) were applied. This result and the fact that no chlorate and perchlorate were observed at MOX electrodes argue for the application of these electrodes in practice. All in all, the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology represents an energy-efficient method for reclamation of biologically treated wastewater with TSS concentrations ranging from < 11 to 32 mg L-1 (E = 0.17…0.24 kWh m-3, MOX electrodes). Thereby, the reclaimed wastewater meet the hygienic quality requirements for a multitude of reuse categories starting from agricultural irrigation to urban and recreational reuse. Moreover, the requirements of the discharge class +H (100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL) are complied with reliably. The operational stability of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology should also be ensured within the required maintenance intervals (t > 6 months). The undesired formation of coverings caused by biofouling processes on quartz glass surfaces could be prevented by electrochemically produced oxidants in a total concentration of 1 mg L-1 within an experimental duration of 5.5 months. However, the application of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology is limited by increased particle concentrations and faecal loadings (initial E. coli concentration). The resulting enhanced demand of electrochemically produced oxidants for the prevention of bacterial reactivation results in a considerable increase of the electric charge input and energy consumption.

Innovative Desinfektionsverfahren zur Brauchwassergewinnung in der dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung - Elektrolyse und UV/Elektrolyse-Hybridtechnik

Haaken, Daniela 24 April 2015 (has links)
According to estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), more than 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025. The pressure on water resources is increased not only in arid and semiarid regions, but also in fast growing megacities around the world as a result of, amongst other factors, the changing nutritional and consumer behavior (rising living standards). Over 90 % of the annual water consumption of the newly industrializing and developing countries in the arid and semiarid climate zone is used for agricultural irrigation to ensure the nutrition of the population. Thus, since the beginning of the 20th century, the planned/controlled reuse of wastewater has developed into a central task of the sustainable water resources management. Wastewater represents a valuable resource in view of its composition (e. g. nutrients P, N for soil fertilizing) and its reliable, weather-independent availability in every household. The establishment of a closed-loop water management can enhance the efficiency of water usage. Therefore, activities in research and development are currently focused on decentralized and semi-centralized concepts, since their structures offer better conditions for the establishment of closed-loop systems and innovations in wastewater technology can be implemented more easily. In general, the hygienic quality requirements for wastewater reuse are predominantly oriented towards the planned usage. These are, in turn, regulated by thresholds and guidance values, e. g. for faecal indicator bacteria (e. g. faecal coliforms: E. coli), in widely differing norms and legal provisions specific to the respective countries. In Germany since 2005, small wastewater treatment plants can obtain the discharge class +H by the German Institute for Civil Engineering (DIBt: Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) if secondary effluents contain less than 100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL. This ensures a safe effluent seepage in karst and water protection areas. Due to the infectious risk caused by a multitude of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, worm eggs, protozoa) which are still contained in wastewater after mechanical-biological treatment, specific disinfection methods are indispensable for their satisfactory reduction. Demands on disinfection methods for wastewater reclamation are quite complex. They should be characterized by a high and constant disinfection efficiency at low or moderate formation of disinfection by-products. The reclaimed wastewater should be able to be stored safely. Moreover, the disinfection method should be technically simple, scaleable, space-saving, subjected to low maintenance and realized at moderate investment and operating costs without applying external toxic chemicals. Established methods in decentralized wastewater disinfection are mainly based on membrane and UV technologies. However, these methods are currently working under high operating costs (high maintenance and cleaning efforts). Furthermore, the high investment costs of the membrane filtration are disadvantageous. In addition, both methods do not provide a disinfection residual. Thus, further research is required for the development and testing of alternative disinfection technologies. Against this background, the applicability of the electrolysis and UV/electrolysis hybrid technology for the decentralized wastewater reclamation was investigated and assessed in this dissertation. Results have shown that the electrochemical disinfection of biologically treated wastewater represents an efficient method at temperatures of > 6 °C, pH values of < 8.5 and DOC con-centrations of < 22 mg L-1. Under these conditions, an E. coli reduction of four log levels was achieved at a concentration of free chlorine ranging from 0.4 mg L-1 to 0.6 mg L-1 and at an after-reaction time of 15...20 min. However, it becomes simultaneously apparent that low temperatures, high pH values and high DOC concentrations are limiting parameters for this disinfection method to reclaim biologically treated wastewater. A high energy consumption of the electrolysis cell equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes (2...2.6 kWh m-3) represents a further unfavourable effect. Moreover, the undesired formation of chlorate (c = 1.3 mg L-1) and perchlorate (c = 18 mg L-1) at BDD electrodes can be considered as critical, since these disinfection by-products are, amongst others, human-toxicologically relevant. The concentration of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) and trihalomethanes (THMs) proved to be marginal to moderate. Due to the synergistic effect of the combined application of UV irradiation (primary disinfection method) and electrolysis, the disadvantages of the single methods can be compensated. Decisive drawbacks of UV irradiation are photo and dark repair mechanisms of reversibly damaged bacteria. It was observed that the reactivation of reversibly UV-damaged E. coli even occurs at low temperatures (T = 10 °C) and strongly differing pH values (pH = 5.7...8.1) as well as at low light intensities and in darkness to an extent excluding a safe usage and storage of the reclaimed wastewater. The reactivation processes might be lowered by increased UV fluences. However, this is limited by high concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS). In spite of high UV fluences of > 400 J m-1, no complete removal of E. coli bacteria can be achieved at TSS concentrations of > 17 mg L-1. Therefore, it is indispensable to prevent bacterial reactivation caused by photo and dark repair processes. This topic was studied in the current work by electrochemically produced oxidants using an electrolysis cell positioned downstream of the UV unit. Results have shown that photo and dark reactivation were completely prevented by oxidants in a total concentration of 0.5...0.6 mg L-1 at a TSS concentration of 8...11 mg L-1, at pH values ranging from 5.7 to 8.1 and at temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 30 °C (t = 24....72 h). Even at a high TSS concentration of 75 mg L-1, the reactivation of E. coli (ctotal oxidants = 1.8 mg L-1) and, up to a TSS concentration of 32 mg L-1, the reactivation of total coliforms (except E. coli, ctotal oxidants = 1.0 mg L-1) can be prevented at a high initial germ concentration of 2…3 105 per 100 mL. The lowest energy consumption could be observed when mixed oxide electrodes (MOX electrodes) were applied. This result and the fact that no chlorate and perchlorate were observed at MOX electrodes argue for the application of these electrodes in practice. All in all, the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology represents an energy-efficient method for reclamation of biologically treated wastewater with TSS concentrations ranging from < 11 to 32 mg L-1 (E = 0.17…0.24 kWh m-3, MOX electrodes). Thereby, the reclaimed wastewater meet the hygienic quality requirements for a multitude of reuse categories starting from agricultural irrigation to urban and recreational reuse. Moreover, the requirements of the discharge class +H (100 faecal coliforms (E. coli) per 100 mL) are complied with reliably. The operational stability of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology should also be ensured within the required maintenance intervals (t > 6 months). The undesired formation of coverings caused by biofouling processes on quartz glass surfaces could be prevented by electrochemically produced oxidants in a total concentration of 1 mg L-1 within an experimental duration of 5.5 months. However, the application of the UV/electrolysis hybrid technology is limited by increased particle concentrations and faecal loadings (initial E. coli concentration). The resulting enhanced demand of electrochemically produced oxidants for the prevention of bacterial reactivation results in a considerable increase of the electric charge input and energy consumption.

Potential for water reuse in Vietnam

Oertlé, Emmanuel, Vu, Duc Toan, Nguyen, Dinh Chuc, Näf, Laurin, Müller, Sandra Regina 14 May 2020 (has links)
Southeast Asian countries and Vietnam in particular are facing water security challenges; water reclamation is increasingly being considered as a favorable solution. Despite the availability of suitable technologies, several constraints often prevent stakeholders and especially decision makers exploiting their potential. In this paper we present the results of applying a decision support tool (DST) to evaluate water reclamation, support pre-feasibility studies and build capacity for water reclamation in Vietnam. The DST and its data are open access, providing information related to local and international water and wastewater quality standards. In this research we identified high potential Vietnamese case studies and conducted a systematic PISTLE analysis considering six dimensions (Political, Institutional, Social, Technical, Legal and Economic) at a multiple local stakeholder workshop. Key barriers and drivers for water reclamation implementation were identified. Measures proposed during the workshop could serve as a starting point for the development of water reclamation projects in Vietnam. / Các nước Đông Nam Á và đặc biệt là Việt Nam nói riêng hiện đang phải đối mặt với những thách thức về đảm bảo an ninh nguồn nước; cải tạo nguồn nước hiện đang được xem là một giải pháp thuận lợi. Mặc dù các công nghệ phù hợp đã có sẵn, nhưng một số hạn chế đã ngăn cản các bên liên quan và đặc biệt là những nhà làm chính sách có thể khai thác các tiềm năng của những công nghệ này. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi trình bày các kết quả của việc áp dụng một công cụ hỗ trợ quyết định (DST) để đánh giá việc cải tạo nguồn nước, hỗ trợ các nghiên cứu tiền khả thi và xây dựng các khả năng cải tạo nguồn nước ở Việt Nam. DST và dữ liệu của nó là nguồn truy cập mở, cung cấp thông tin liên quan đến những tiêu chuẩn về chất lượng nước và nước thải của địa phương và quốc tế. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đã xác định các tình huống điển hình có tiềm năng cao của Việt Nam và tiến hành phân tích PISTLE có hệ thống xem xét sáu khía cạnh (Chính trị, Thể chế, Xã hội, Kỹ thuật, Pháp lý và Kinh tế) tại một hội thảo của các bên liên quan tại địa phương. Những rào cản chính và yếu tố vận hành của việc thực hiện cải tạo nguồn nước cũng đã được xác định. Các giải pháp được đề xuất trong hội thảo này có thể đóng vai trò là điểm khởi đầu để phát triển các dự án cải tạo nguồn nước ở Việt Nam.

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