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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emprego do babaçu (Orbignya phalerata) como fonte energética para catetos (Tayassu tajacu). / Uses of babassu (Orbignya phalerata) to an energy source for peccaries (Tayassu tajacu).

Natália Inagaki de Albuquerque 06 March 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o emprego de babaçu integral e do seu subproduto (torta de babaçu), como fontes energéticas alternativas substituindo parte do milho na alimentação do cateto em sistemas de produção em cativeiro. Na primeira fase do trabalho, experimento - I, avaliou-se o desempenho de 12 animais, testando-se o babaçu integral como fonte energética alternativa em substituição ao milho em rações para catetos em fase inicial de reprodução. No experimento - II avaliou-se o desempenho de 12 animais, testando-se a torta de babaçu, e após a fase de terminação os mesmos foram abatidos para análise de suas carcaças e carne. Avaliaram-se parâmetros de carcaça (rendimento, composição corporal, medidas da carcaça, órgãos e glândulas e cortes comerciais). As carnes dos pernis dos animais abatidos foram avaliadas quanto as suas propriedades (perda de peso ao cozimento, força de cisalhamento, pH e capacidade de retenção de água) e o conteúdo de ácidos graxos. O Ganho diário de peso (GDP) e o consumo diário de ração (CDR) dos animais que receberam níveis crescentes da amêndoa de babaçu integral, diminuiu a medida que a proporção do babaçu integral aumentava, mas até o nível de 25% de inclusão do mesmo os animais em fase inicial de reprodução conseguiram obter CDR satisfatório. Levando-se em conta a disponibilidade e o custo reduzido do babaçu integral na Amazônia em relação ao milho, sugere-se até o nível de 25% de babaçu integral em substituição ao milho em rações de catetos em fase inicial de reprodução. Embora não tenham sido observados efeitos significativos (P> 0,05) dos níveis de torta de babaçu sobre o ganho de peso e consumo diários, os resultados sugerem que, pode-se incluir até o nível de 40% de torta de babaçu na ração de catetos em fase de terminação, obtendo desempenho satisfatório dos animais. Não foram observados efeitos significativos (P> 0,05) dos níveis de torta de babaçu para as variáveis, peso vivo, peso em jejum, carcaça quente, carcaça fria, comprimento, sangue, couro, patas traseiras e patas dianteiras, rendimento de carcaça quente e fria e cortes comerciais. Quanto aos órgãos e glândulas houve efeito quadrático da torta de babaçu no pulmão (P=0,01) e no fígado (P=0,04). Não foram observados efeitos significativos (P> 0,05) dos níveis de torta de babaçu para as propriedades da carne, e os ácidos graxos (AG) insaturados (mono e poliinsaturados) foram encontrados em maior quantidade que os ácidos graxos saturados na carne de pernil de catetos. Houve uma tendência para um maior GDP, consumo, bons rendimentos de carcaça e peso de cortes comerciais no nível de inclusão da torta de babaçu até 40%, podendo-se sugerir a mesma como alternativa energética em substituição ao milho em rações para catetos na fase de terminação. Comparando-se a carne de catetos com as carnes de bovinos, ovinos e suínos nota-se que em catetos o teor de AG insaturados (mono e poliinsaturados), foi superior ao de AG saturados, baseando-se na teoria de que os AG poliinsaturados ingeridos na dieta humana são responsáveis por uma redução nos níveis séricos de colesterol, sugere-se.que a carne de catetos é uma fonte alternativa excelente de proteína / The objective of this work was to study the use of integral babassu and its sub product (babassu meal), as an alternative energy source substituting part of corn on feeding of peccaries in captivity production systems. At the first phase of the work, experiment - I, the performance of 12 animals was evaluated where the integral babassu was tested as an alternative energy source to substitute the corn in maintenance diets. In the experiment - II, the performance of 12 animals was evaluated and the babassu meal was tested as an alternative energy source to substitute the corn in finishing phase diets and after that, the animals were slaughtered to analyze their carcasses and meat. The carcass characteristics were evaluated (dressing percentage, corporal composition, carcass measurements, organs and glands and commercial cuts). The slaughtered animals? ham meats were evaluated on their properties (cooking losses, shear force, pH and water holding capacity) and the fatty acids contents. The average daily gain and the average daily feed intake of the animals that received crescent levels of the integral babassu, decreased when the proportion of the integral babassu increased, but until the level of 25% of inclusion of integral babassu the animals on maintenance obtained a satisfactory feed intake. Considering the availability and low costs of the integral babassu in Amazônia beside the corn, it can suggests until the level of 25% of inclusion of integral babassu in peccaries maintenance diets. Although there were observed no significant differences (P> 0.05) of the levels of babassu meal on the average daily gain and the average daily feed intake, the results suggested that the inclusion of 40% of babassu meal in the diet of peccaries in finishing phase obtaining satisfactory development of the animals. There were observed no significant differences (P> 0.05) of the babassu meal levels to the variables live weight, fasting weight, hot carcass, cold carcass, length, blood, leather, hind and front feet, hot and cold dressing percentage and commercial cuts. There were a quadratic effect of the babassu meal to the organs and glands on the lung (P=0.01) and on the liver (P=0.04). There were observed no significant differences (P> 0.05) of the babassu meal levels for the meat properties and the unsaturated fatty acids (mono and polyunsaturated) were found in more quantity than the saturated fatty acids on the ham meat of peccaries. It seems that there is a tendency for a larger daily weight gain, intake, good dressing percentage and weight of the commercial cuts at the diet until 40% of babassu meal, then it can recommend the same as an alternative energetic in substitution of corn in diets for peccaries in finishing phase. Comparing the peccary meat with the bovine one, ovine and swine meat, the unsaturated (mono and polyunsaturated) were higher than the saturated fatty acids on the peccary meat, based on the theory that the polyunsaturated fatty acids ingested on the human diet are responsible of one reduction of the seric levels of cholesterol, then it can suggest that the peccary meat is an excellent alternative source of protein.

Pesquisa de carrapatos, agentes transmitidos por carrapatos e tripanossomatídeos em animais silvestres do estados de Mato Grosso e Pará / Research of ticks, tick-borne diseases and trypanosomatids in wild animals from Mato Grosso and Pará states

Herbert Sousa Soares 25 November 2013 (has links)
O bioma Amazônia possui uma vasta dimensão territorial e grande abundância e diversidade de espécies e habitats, contudo pouco se sabe sobre a epidemiologia das doenças que acometem os animais silvestres, em especial os que possuem carrapatos como vetores. O presente estudo teve por objetivo fazer o levantamento epidemiológico dos agentes transmitidos por carrapatos (Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Hepatozoon, Babesia, Coxiella e Borrelia) e tripanossomatídeos (Trypanosoma e Leishmania) em animais silvestres dos estados do Mato Grosso (MT) e Pará (PA), de fevereiro de 2009 a junho de 2012, incluindo-se mamíferos, aves e répteis. Foram coletadas amostras de tecidos e carrapatos de 181 animais silvestres, sendo 49 do Mato Grosso e 132 do Pará, e estas foram submetidas à extração de DNA, PCR e sequenciamento dos produtos amplificados. Todas as amostras de tecido foram negativas para Borrelia, Coxiella, Rickettsia e Trypanosomatidae. No Mato Grosso, das 49 amostras, 5 (10,2%) foram positivas para o gênero Hepatozoon, 5 (10,2%) para ordem Piroplasmida, 4 (8,2%) para Anaplasma e 1 (2,0%) para Ehrlichia. No Pará, das 132 amostras testadas, 2 (1,5%) foram positivas para Hepatozoon, 11 (8,3%) para Piroplasmida, 13 (9,8% para Anaplasma e 3 (2,3%) para Ehrlichia. Do total de 232 carrapatos do estado do Mato Grosso testados pela PCR, 139 (59,9%) foram positivos. Dentre os 117 carrapatos procedentes do Pará, 27 (23,1%) foram positivos. As amostras foram sequenciadas, sendo detectadas Rickettsia amblyommii, Rickettsia rhipicephali e Rickettsia monteiroi-like, nas espécies Amblyomma cajennense, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi e Amblyomma naponense, respectivamente, no Mato Grosso, R. amblyommii em Amblyomma longirostre e Amblyomma humerale, Rickettsia bellii em A. humerale e A. naponense, Rickettsia felis em A. humerale e Rickettsia c. f. africae em A. naponense. No presente trabalho foram detectados patógenos dos gêneros Rickettsia e Hepatozoon, membros da família Anaplasmataceae e da ordem Piroplasmida em espécies animais e regiões ainda não estudadas, revelando o enorme potencial para pesquisas aplicadas a animais silvestres da fauna Amazônica, cuja literatura ainda é bastante escassa em relação à ocorrência de patógenos, bem como a interação parasita hospedeiro. / The Brazilian Amazon biome has a wide territorial dimension and great abundance and diversity of species and habitats, however little is known about the epidemiology of diseases affecting wild animals, especially those with ticks as vectors. This study aimed to survey epidemiological agents transmitted by ticks (Rickettsia , Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Hepatozoon, Babesia, Borrelia and Coxiella) and trypanosomatids (Trypanosoma and Leishmania ) in wild animals in the states of Mato Grosso (MT) and Pará (PA), from February 2009 to June 2012 , including mammals, birds and reptiles. We collected tissue samples and ticks from 181 wild animals, 49 of Mato Grosso and Pará 132, and these were submitted to DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing of the amplified products. All tissue samples were negative for Borrelia, Coxiella, Rickettsia and Trypanosomatidae. We tested 49 samples from Mato Grosso and found 5 (10.2%) were positive for Hepatozoon, 5 (10.2%) for Piroplasmida, 4 (8.2%) to Anaplasma and 1 (2%) to Ehrlichia. We tested 132 samples from Pará and found 2 (1.5%) positive for the genus Hepatozoon, 11 (8.3%) to order Piroplasmida, 13 (9.8%) for Anaplasma and 3 (2.3 %) for Ehrlichia. Among 232 ticks coming from Mato Grosso, 139 (59.9 %) were positive and sequenced, detecting Rickettsia amblyommii, R. rhipicephali and Rickettsia monteiroi-like species in Amblyomma cajennense and A. auricularium, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi and A. naponense respectively. The samples tested from Pará (117) 27 were positive and sequenced detecting R. amblyommii in A. longirostre and A. humerale, R. bellii in A. humerale and A. naponense, R. felis in A. humerale and Rickettsia. c. f. africae in A. naponense. In this study were detected pathogens of the genus Rickettsia and Hepatozoon , family members Anaplasmataceae and order Piroplasmida in animal species and regions not yet studied, revealing the enormous potential for research applied to wildlife amazon fauna, whose literature is still quite scarce in relation to the occurrence of pathogens and the host parasite interaction.

Estudo ultraestrutural do desenvolvimento da espermatogênese e da via espermática de preás (Galea spixii, Wagler, 1831) criados em cativeiro / Ultrastructural study of the development of spermatogenesis and sperm airway in preá (Galea spixii; Wagler, 1831)

Paulo Ramos da Silva Santos 05 July 2012 (has links)
A potencialidade da produção de inúmeras espécies silvestres vem sendo pesquisada em todo mundo, demonstrando que estas podem se transformar em fontes renováveis de produtos de grande rentabilidade. Alguns espécimes vêm sendo explorados indiscriminadamente como fonte de proteína de origem animal, como o preá (Galea spixii) que já está sendo criado com objetivo de manejo e reprodução, com repercussão econômica. Para perspectiva de produção comercial e de preservação da espécie, tem de haver estudo das diversas etapas do desenvolvimento testicular, especialmente daquelas associadas à puberdade e a maturidade sexual na reprodução. Assim, o presente projeto desenvolvido teve como objetivo avaliar os detalhes ultraestruturais dos componentes dos compartimentos testiculares, a evolução do processo espermatogênico e os aspectos relativos à evolução dos demais órgãos da via espermática em preás em diferentes fases do ciclo reprodutivo. Fragmentos testiculares e da via espermática de preás machos em diferentes idades foram coletados no Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, Mossoró, RN, por ocasião do projeto de IC (Processo FAPESP n º 08/57190-8). O material coletado foi processado para microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As observações e eletromicrografias sub-celulares e de superfície foram realizadas nos microscópios eletrônicos de transmissão e varredura do Setor de Anatomia da FMVZ/USP. Dados microscópicos revelaram a presença de espermatozoides no lúmen do túbulo seminífero e do epidídimo aos 45 dias de idade. O desenvolvimento das células de Sertoli e Leydig está diretamente relacionado com a entrada à puberdade dos preás. Os estádios de desenvolvimento sexual em preás podem ser classificados nas seguintes fases: impúbere (zero e 15 dias), pré-púbere (30 dias), púbere (45, 60, 75 e 90 dias de idade) e pós-púbere (120 e 150 dias). / The production capability of many wild species has been researched worldwide, demonstrating that these can turn into renewable products with high profitability. Some specimens have been indiscriminately exploited as a source of animal protein, such as the cavy (Galea spixii) that is already created with the purpose of handling and reproduction, with economic impact. To view the commercial production and preservation of the species, there must be study of the various stages of testicular development, especially those associated with puberty and sexual maturity in reproduction. Thus, this project was developed to evaluate the ultrastructure details of the components of testicular compartments, the evolution of the spermatogenic process and aspects of the evolution of spermatic via in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different stages of the reproductive cycle. Testicular fragments and spermatic via the male spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy at different ages were collected Multiplication Center of Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido, Mossoró, RN, at the Scientific Initiation Project (FAPESP Process No. 08/57190-8). The collected material was processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The observations and photomicrographs cellular and surface were performed in transmission and scanning electron microscopes of the Department of Anatomy FMVZ / USP. Microscopic data revealed the presence of spermatozoa in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule and epididymis at 45 days old. The development of Sertoli and Leydig cells are directly related to the entry of puberty in spix\'s yellow-toothed cavy. The stages of sexual development in spix\'s yellowtoothed cavy may be classified into the following phases: impuberal (zero and 15 days), prepubertal (30 days), pubertal (45, 60, 75 and 90 days old) and post pubertal (120 and 150 days).

Estresse oxidativo e integridade do DNA em sêmen resfriado de gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus, SCHREBER, 1775) / Oxidative Stress and DNA integrity in chilled sêmen of tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus, SCHREBER, 1775)

Paulo Menezes Holanda Barros 18 December 2007 (has links)
A sobrevivência da maioria das espécies de Felideos selvagens conhecidas, foi colocada em risco por diversos fatores, entre eles a perda difusa de habitat, a caça ilegal e a fragmentação e degradação de suas áreas de ocorrência. Para o sucesso de um plano conservacionista faz-se necessária a utilização de biotecnologias direcionadas à preservação da variabilidade genética das populações de animais selvagens. Na prática, a aplicação de biotécnicas reprodutivas no manejo destas populações enfrenta dificuldades como a distância entre os indivíduos que se deseja acasalar ou a distância destes em relação aos centros de pesquisa onde se encontra a estrutura necessária para manipulação de seus gametas. O resfriamento é uma técnica de conservação de sêmen frequentemente utilizada para contornar estes problemas, porém pode submeter os gametas ao estresse oxidativo. Sabe-se que as espécies reativas ao oxigênio responsáveis por este estresse podem causar danos estruturais significantes às membranas e, principalmente, ao material genético dos espermatozóides. O uso de diluidores e antioxidantes que possam promover uma proteção aos espermatozóides contra os danos do estresse oxidativo pode ser uma alternativa para manter a qualidade do sêmen sob refrigeração. Para avaliar esta hipótese, o sêmen do gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus, SCHREBER, 1775) foi submetido a testes convencionais e funcionais em diferentes tempos de refrigeração a 4°C (2, 12 e 24 horas), utilizando-se três diluidores (TCM 199, Ham F10 e tris-gema-citrato) e o tratamento com glutationa reduzida (GSH) em diferentes concentrações (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5mM) para obter uma melhora na qualidade do sêmen. Os testes convencionais utilizados foram a motilidade e vigor. Os funcionais compreenderam as avaliações da integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, da atividade mitocondrial, e da fragmentação do material genético. Também foi avaliada a suscetibilidade das células espermáticas à peroxidação lipídica induzida através da mensuração da concentração de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS). Os resultados obtidos para as provas convencionais e funcionais, com exceção da resistência dos espermatozóides ao estresse oxidativo por meio da dosagem TBARS, indicaram que o diluidor tris-gema-citrato (TGC) foi superior aos diluidores TCM 199 (TCM) e Ham F10 (HAM), sendo que não houve efeito do tratamento com GSH. Para todos os diluidores as variáveis referentes aos testes funcionais apresentaram correlação com as variáveis referentes aos testes convencionais. Apenas para os diluidores HAM e TGC a concentração de TBARS apresentou correlação com a atividade mitocondrial e integridade acrossomal. Nas amostras diluídas no TGC não foram verificados efeitos do tratamento com GSH, ou do tempo de refrigeração no grau de integridade do DNA das células espermáticas. Também nas amostras diluídas em TGC, a integridade do DNA correlacionou-se com a concentração de TBARS e com aatividade mitocondrial, mas não com os testes convencionais e os outros testes funcionais. Conclui-se que o melhor diluidor para manter o sêmen do gato-do-mato-pequeno sob refrigeração a 4ºC, por 24 horas, é o diluidor à base de gema de ovo (TGC), sendo que o tratamento antioxidante com GSH nas concentrações utilizadas não apresentou efeito sobre a qualidade deste sêmen. / The survival of most of the known wild feline species was jeopardized by diffuse habitat lost, illegal hunting and fragmentation and devastation of their occurrence areas. The use of biotechnologies aiming to preserve the genetic variability of wild animal populations is crucial for the success of a conservationist program. The practical application of reproductive biotechnologies on the management of these populations faces difficulties such as the distance between individuals included in a breeding plan or between the animals and the research centers where the necessary structure to manipulate their gametes is located. Semen cooling is a conservation technique frequently used to overcome those problems. However such technology may submit the spermatozoa to the oxidative stress. It is well known that the reactive oxygen species which are responsible for this stress can cause structural damages to the membranes and especially to the genetic material of the spermatozoa. The use of extenders and antioxidants that could protect the spermatozoa against oxidative damages can be an alternative to maintain the quality of semen samples under cooling. In order to test this hypothesis semen samples of tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus, SCHREBER, 1775) was submitted to conventional and functional tests at different cooling periods (4°C; 2, 12 and 24 hours), using three extenders (TCM 199, Ham\'s F10 and Tris-egg yolk-citrate) and treatment with reduced glutathione (GSH) in different concentrations (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5mM). Conventional tests used in the present experiment were motility and vigor. Functional tests included the evaluation of plasmatic and acrosomal membrane integrity, of mitochondrial activity and of DNA fragmentation. The susceptibility of the spermatozoa to the induced lipidic peroxidation followed by the measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances concentration (TBARS) was used as an index of oxidative stress. Results obtained for the conventional and functional tests indicated that the tris-egg yolk citrate (TGC) extender was superior to the TCM 199 (TCM) and the Ham\'s F10 (HAM). No effect of GSH was observed. For all extenders, correlations were found between the functional tests and the conventional tests variables. Only for the HAM and TGC extenders, the concentration of TBARS showed negative correlation with mitochondrial activity and acrosomal integrity. For the samples diluted in TGC, no effects of GSH treatment or cooling time was observed on the spermatic cells DNA integrity. Also in sample diluted in TGC, the DNA integrity was correlated with the concentration of TBARS and the mitochondrial activity, but not with conventional tests the others functional tests. Results of the present experiment suggested that the best extender to maintain the semen of tigrina under 4°C for 24 hours is the one containing egg yolk (TGC), and the antioxidant treatment with GSH showed no effect on semen quality.

Estudo da freqüência de micoplasma no trato urogenital, conjuntiva e orofaringe de macacos silvestres (Cebus). / Study of mycoplasma frequency in the urogenital tract, ororpharynx, and conjunctiva of wild monkeys.

Renata Lopes Neto 03 September 2007 (has links)
Pesquisou-se a freqüência de Mollicutes na orofaringe, conjuntiva e trato urogenital de 58 macacos. Na orofaringe detectou-se Mollicutes em 55,17 % e Ureaplasma spp em 43,10%. As espécies identificadas nesta região foram: M. arginini (43,10%), M salivarium (41,37%), e M. pneumoniae (18,96%). No trato genital detectou-se Mollicutes em 27,58% sendo identificado M. arginini em 8,62%, A. laidlawii em 1,72 % e Ureaplasma spp em 32,75%. Na conjuntiva detectou-se Mollicutes em 29,31 % e A. laidlawii em 1,72 %. Os cultivos apresentaram limitações pelo alto índice de contaminação e obtiveram-se apenas dois isolamentos da conjuntiva. As espécies detectadas constituem-se o achado inicial destas bactérias em macacos no Brasil. / The frequency of Mollicutes in oropharynx, conjunctiva, and urogenital tract were accessed in 58 monkeys. In oropharynx, Mollicutes and Ureaplasma spp were detected in 55.17% and 43.01% of the samples, respectively. The identified species in this site included: M. arginini (43.10%), M. salivarium (41.37%), and M. pneumoniae (18.96%). In the urogenital tract, Mollicutes were detected in 27.58% of the samples; including M. arginini (8.62%), A. laidlawii (1.72%) and Ureaplasma spp (32.75%). In the conjunctiva, Mollicutes were detected in 29.31% and A. laidlawii in 1.72% of the animals. Mollicutes culture showed technical limitations because of the high level of contamination and only two isolates were obtained; both from conjunctival sites. The Mollicute specie surveillance of this study provided initial and new insights about these bacteria in Brazilian monkeys.

Diversidade de parasitas dos gêneros Leishmania e Trypanosoma em animais silvestres de uma unidade de conservação e animais domésticos do seu entorno no Estado do Espírito Santo / Diversity of parasites of the genus Leishmania and Trypanosoma in a wildlife conservation area and pets from their surroundings in Espírito Santo

Igor da Cunha Lima Acosta 19 November 2013 (has links)
As espécies do gênero Trypanosoma parasitam vertebrados de todas as classes (peixes, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos) e as espécies do gênero Leishmania parasitam mamíferos no Velho e Novo Mundo. Possuem ciclos de vida com alternância entre vertebrados e invertebrados. A maioria das espécies se desenvolve em artrópodes hematófagos que podem pertencer a diversas ordens e famílias. Os tripanossomas circulam no ambiente silvestre como enzootias, associados com os hospedeiros e seus respectivos ecótopos. A Leishmaniose visceral é uma importante zoonose e possui canídeos silvestres e domésticos como importantes reservatórios conhecidos. Estudos realizados com algumas espécies de tripanossomas apontam uma grande complexidade do ciclo silvestre em biomas brasileiros, incluindo a Mata Atlântica e a diversidade genética de L. (L.) infantum chagasi no Brasil ainda não é conhecida. Ressalta-se o fato que existem poucos trabalhos realizados no Estado do Espírito Santo. Até o momento, não foram avaliados os pequenos mamíferos terrestres, grandes mamíferos (Tapirus terrestris) e morcegos como reservatórios silvestres destes parasitas neste Estado. O presente estudo tem por objetivo principal, o conhecimento da diversidade de parasitas do gênero Leishmania e Trypanosoma em animais silvestres da Reserva Biológica Córrego do Veado e domésticos do seu entorno na cidade de Pinheiros no estado do Espírito Santo através do isolamento, caracterização molecular e estudos filogenéticos com marcadores tradicionais utilizados para o grupo. Foram realizadas duas campanhas de captura nos meses de junho e novembro de 2012 totalizando um esforço de 28800 armadilhas/dia para os pequenos mamíferos terrestres e 12600 h/m2 com um total de 157 indivíduos, pertencentes a cinco ordens distintas, 23 gêneros e 27 espécies. Do total de animais capturados 18 (11.46%) apresentaram hemocultura positivas e 11 (7.01%) culturas foram estabelecidas e criopreservadas com morfologia compatível a parasitas do gênero Trypanosoma. Os isolados foram identificados e posicionados através de sequências da região V7V8 SSU rDNA e um isolados de T. cruzi marinkellei e oito de T. dionisii foram detectados em hospedeiros quirópteros e dois isolados de Tapirus terrestris apresentaram morfologia distinta das já descritas para o gênero Trypanosoma e a caracterização parcial através do gene 18S rDNA completo e gGAPDH apontam para uma nova espécie deste gênero e tratam-se dos primeiros isolados obtidos nestes hospedeiros. Nos cães, foram obtidas cultura de linfonodo poplíteo bilateral e todos animais foram negativos. Além disso, a análise sorológica também foi negativa para todos os animais domésticos amostrados no entorno. / The species of the genus Trypanosoma parasites of all vertebrate classes (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) and the genus Leishmania parasites mammals in the New World and have life cycles with alternating between vertebrates and invertebrates. Most species develops in arthropod vectors, which may belong to different orders and families. Trypanosomes circulating in sylvatic enzootic diseases as associated with the hosts and their ecotopes. Most species are not pathogenic, Visceral Leishmaniasis is an important zoonosis and has wild and domestic canids as important reservoirs known. Studies in some species of trypanosomes show a great complexity of the sylvatic cycle in biomes, including the Atlantic and genetic diversity of L. (L.) infantum chagasi in Brazil is not known. We emphasize the fact that there are few studies in the State of Espírito Santo. So far, have not been evaluated small terrestrial mammals, large mammals (Tapirus terrestris) and wild bats as reservoirs of these parasites in this state. This study\'s main objective, knowledge of the diversity of parasites of the genus Leishmania and Trypanosoma in wild Biological Reserve Stream Deer and domestic of your surroundings in the Pinheiros city in the state of Espírito Santo through isolation, characterization and molecular studies with traditional phylogenetic markers used for the group. There were two campaigns capture in June and November 2012 totaling an effort of 28,800 trap / day for small terrestrial mammals and h.m2 12600 with a total of 157 individuals belonging to five distinct orders, 23 genera and 27 species. Of the total of 18 animals captured (11:46%) had positive blood cultures and 11 (7.1%) cultures were established and cryopreserved with morphology the parasites of the genus Trypanosoma. Isolates were identified and positioned through V7V8 region sequences of SSU rDNA and one isolate of T. cruzi marinkellei and eight T. dionisii hosts were detected in bats and two isolates showed a distinct morphology Tapirus terrestris those already described for the genus Trypanosoma and partial characterization by 18S rDNA gene gGAPDH complete and point to a new species of this genus and these are the first isolates from these hosts. In domestic animals, dogs were obtained culture of popliteal lymph node of both hind legs and all animals were negative. Furthermore, serological analysis was also negative for all dogs sampled in the vicinity of the Biological Reserve of Deer Creek.

Avaliação do sistema estomatognático e de sincrânios de lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) em vida livre e cativeiro / Oral and skull evaluation of captive and wildlife maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus)

Fernanda Maria Lopes 11 February 2009 (has links)
O lobo-guará corresponde à maior espécie de canídeo da América do Sul, habitando regiões de gramado, cerrado e florestas de arbustos. A alimentação destes animais consiste de uma dieta onívora, incluindo pequenos mamíferos, répteis, insetos, plantas forrageiras e frutos. Há escassa literatura acerca das enfermidades orais nesta espécie, tanto em vida livre quanto em cativeiro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das principais afecções do sistema estomatognático e de sincrânios de lobos-guará, de indivíduos provenientes de vida livre e cativeiro, avaliar se há diferenças nas prevalências de lesões orais entre os grupos, e determinar parâmetros e características fisiológicas do sistema estomatognático para a espécie. Para isso, foram estudados 80 espécimes, sendo 63 sincrânios e 17 animais vivos. As afecções orais mais freqüentes foram: desgaste dentário (87,3%), fratura dentária (54,4%), doença periodontal (49,3%), anomalia dentária (49,3%), e cárie (11,4%). Dentre as anomalias dentárias, a presença de raiz acessória foi expressiva, correspondendo a 37,1% dos sincrânios, sendo mais prevalente no primeiro molar superior (46,7%) e segundo molar inferior (26,7%). As lesões sugestivas de cárie foram observadas em 18 dentes de nove lobos-guará, sendo seis deles provenientes de vida livre. A gravidade e a prevalência de doença periodontal foram mais acentuadas em animais de cativeiro, correspondendo a 66,6% deste grupo e a 47,3% do grupo de vida livre. Defeitos ósseos de fenestração e deiscência foram encontrados, respectivamente, em 22,5% e 61,3% dos sincrânios. A maioria das fraturas dentárias apresentou exposição da câmara pulpar (84%), ocorrendo principalmente nos dentes caninos e incisivos. Conclui-se que o lobo-guará apresenta fórmula dentária e padrão oclusal semelhante ao do cão doméstico, e que as afecções orais são achados freqüentes na espécie. A prevalência de algumas enfermidades, como a doença periodontal, apresenta diferenças entre os grupos de vida livre e cativeiro. A presença de raiz acessória e defeitos ósseos alveolares observados na espécie, assim como a prevalência de outras afecções orais necessitam de mais estudos para elucidação dos fatores envolvidos. / The maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus, is the largest wild canid inhabiting South America, specially areas with tall grass, fence and bush forest. They are omnivorous and their most important dietary components are small mammals, reptiles, insects, forage plants and fruits. There are few studies about oral diseases in free-ranging and captive maned wolves. The present study performed a survey about diseases of the stomatognatic system and skulls of free ranging and captive maned wolves, differences between both groups and determination of the physiological parameters and characteristics of the specie. Eighty specimens were evaluated (63 skulls and 17 living animals). The most frequent oral diseases included: teeth wearing (87,3%), and fracture (54,4%), periodontal disease (49,3%), teeth anomalies (49,3%), caries (11,4%). According to teeth anomalies, the presence of extra roots was significant, corresponding to 37,1% of the skulls. The upper first molar (46,7%) and the lower second molar (26,7%) were the most prevalent. Caries suggestive-lesions were observed in 18 teeth of nine maned wolves, and six of them were free-ranging animals. The severity and prevalence of periodontal disease were more pronounced in captive specimens, corresponding to 66,6% of this group and 47,3% of the free-ranging maned wolves. Osseous defects, both fenestration and dehiscence were present in 22,5% e 61,3% of the skulls, respectively. The majority of teeth fractures exposed the pulp chamber (84%), occuring mainly at the canines and incisors. In conclusion, the maned wolf has a dental formula and occlusal pattern similar to the domestic dog. Oral diseases are common in maned wolves. The prevalence of some injuries, as periodontal disease, presents differences between free-ranging and captive animals. Extra roots, alveolar osseous defects and other oral diseases need more studies to elucidate which factors are involved.

Lov zvěře v raném středověku / Hunting in the early Middle Ages

Vaníčková Žemličková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The thesis is devoted to hunting in Early Middle Ages in Czech Republic. The work summarizes the current knowledge of written sources and iconography. This knowledge are compared with zooarchaeological dates from sites dating to the Early Middle Ages. The thesis deals with the hunting law, hunting reserves and the hunting organization. The major part of this work is focused on game and its use. A portion of game on several hill forts and rural sites was also studied because hunting was not available for all social classes.

Studies on the impacts of off-road driving and the influence of tourists' consciousness and attitudes on soil compactionand associated vegetation in the Makuleke Contractual Park, Kruger National Park

Nortje, Gerhardus Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Eco-tourism activities specifically, sometimes have very negative environmental impacts. One such activity which has been observed to have severe negative impacts is driving in dirt tracks (ungravelled natural soil) by game drive vehicles in private game reserves and some National Parks (Nortjé 2005; Laker 2009). It has also been observed that the severity of the impacts and the resilience (recovery potential) of the affected areas differ widely between different areas. It is strongly linked to the properties and qualities of different soils. This study has shown that off-road driving (ORD) has the same effects, and to a greater extent, if it is not well managed and judiciously controlled. Wild animals tend to concentrate in areas with the most nutritious en most palatable vegetation. Consequently these are also the areas where predators, e.g. lion, leopard and cheetah are most likely to be found. It can be expected that these will be the areas with the highest frequencies of ORD in order to get close to these animals. In many landscapes these are the areas which are the most vulnerable to negative impacts by actions like ORD and have the lowest resilience. It has also been observed during game drives and personal communications at several occasions that there is tremendous ignorance amongst tourists regarding the negative environmental impacts of certain activities. This study proved that ORD have strong negative impacts on vegetation recovery, soil resilience and root density distribution through soil crusting and sub-soil compaction. An important finding is that these negative impacts are during both dry and wet soil conditions. Game drive vehicles driving off-road damages the surface soil structure, which lead to soil crust formation and sub-surface compaction. A highly significant result is that most crusting and sub-soil compaction occurred during the first pass of the game drive vehicle, irrespective of the soil type and tyre pressure, thus rewriting the current guidelines for ORD of the South African National Parks, SANParks. Furthermore, results of this study indicated that a significant area in the flood plains of the Makuleke Contractual Park is impacted by ORD. The impacts are serious if one looks at the amount of land that an ORD vehicle can disturb. One of the recommendations would thus be to drive in the same tracks when driving off-road, and lower the tyre pressures. Driving in the same tracks is known as "controlled-traffic" in the agricultural industry. Controlled traffic is very important to minimize compaction. Driving in the same University of Pretoria etd Nortjé, G.P. (2013) tracks during off-road incidents does not significantly affect the degree of compaction under the tracks, but greatly reduces the compacted area. Further results indicated a strong lateral effect of the vehicle tracks, in most cases the whole area between the two tyre tracks as well as up to a distance outside of the vehicle tracks, thus increasing the total area disturbed by ORD. Comparing these vehicle impacts with animal path resulted in some important findings. Animals only caused a soil crust with soil strength values much lower than that of vehicles. The effects of animals are also much more vertical than lateral as with vehicles. Another important finding is the role that historical human activities play in such study areas and how it may influence results. The results in this study are aggravated by the historical human activities in this study area, as indicated. These historical activities were the main cause of the surface crusting, and the resultant low vegetation growth in the area. This, therefore, explains partially the relatively high control values and also the soil’s higher susceptibility to compaction due to vehicle ORD. The root density trials had very interesting and important results. Significant differences occurred between mean root density fractions across all tyre pressures at all three trial sites. The trend is that an increase in tyre pressure causes a decrease in root density distribution. These results show clearly that even lower tyre pressures are harmful, but are more environmental friendly than higher tyre pressures. Results of the second part of the study with regards to tourists' perceptions on ORD, and the impact of their activities on the environment, showed that the majority of tourists areignorant when it comes to the impacts of their activities on soil and vegetation. Tourists' had significantly variable demographic characteristics. Tourists' environmental perceptions varied, but a significant majority of tourists agreed that ORD has a negative impact on the environment. Contradictions exist between what they know or perceive as being damaging and what they prefer to act on. Results indicate a need for improved visitor education on the possible negative impacts of demands for ORD, and a need for government intervention with regards to the enforcement of legal measures to control ORD. The results also indicate that game guides and tourism operators can play a major role in educating the tourists. The results demonstrate that both an understanding of the chemical and physical factors influencing soil compaction, as well as tourists' environmental views are important in formulating a management strategy to control and manage these impacts. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Animal and Wildlife Sciences / unrestricted

The re-introduction of captive bred cheetah into a wild environment, Makulu Makete Wildlife Reserve, Limpopo province, South Africa

Maruping, Nkabeng Thato 04 July 2011 (has links)
The conservation benefits of animals in captivity are limited to education and genetic preservation. However, where species or sub-species are critically endangered, the release of captive bred animals into the wild can be used as a strategy to supplement existing populations or to form new founder populations. Cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus born in captivity have no prior experience of survival in wild circumstances. Captive bred cheetahs are currently the greatest source of individuals. This project worked in conjunction with IUCN reintroduction guidelines and pre-existing recommendations in an attempt to develop an ideal methodology of reintroducing captive bred cheetah into the wild. Three captive bred cheetahs, one female and two males, were reintroduced onto Makulu Makete Wildlife Reserve, a predator proofed reserve in the Limpopo province of South Africa, as part of an experimental rehabilitation project. The cheetahs had to lose their homing instinct, be habituated to researchers, become accustomed to eating venison, chewing skin, infrequent large meals and strength development within the three months spent in the enclosures. The cheetahs were habituated to the field researchers on foot and to research vehicles for ease of monitoring. A soft release methodology was used to ease the cheetahs into the environment. Upon release they were tracked twice daily to observe behavior and interaction with their environment. The duration of the project was 20 months which includes enclosure time. The establishment of a home range indicated that the resource need of the cheetahs was satisfied. Eight habitat types were identified in the study area and all cheetahs encompassed part of each in their home range. Though the hunting instinct was present in all the cheetahs, the appropriate hunting techniques and prey selection had to be learned overtime. There was no difference between what was stalked and what was caught. From the observed kills, prey weight ranged from small <40 kg to medium <160 kg. This weight range is comparable to wild cheetahs that select prey within the same range. Each cheetah hunted every four to five days and consumed three to five kilograms of meat per day. Nine prey species were identified, two of which were not detected during direct observations. In the collection of scat, the trained dog found approximately a scat per hour while each direct observation by the researchers took approximately 10 hours. These captive bred cheetahs had to learn how to hunt and how to select appropriate prey thus addressing learned behavior versus instinct. Given the frequency and intensity of injuries sustained and the extensive human influence in the form of veterinary treatment, the reintroduction was not a success. However the techniques developed and modified are relevant for future endeavors‟. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Animal and Wildlife Sciences / unrestricted

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