Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women - cocial conditions."" "subject:"women - bsocial conditions.""
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Tranças, turbantes e empoderamento de mulheres negras: artefatos de moda como tecnologias de gênero e raça no evento Afro Chic (Curitiba-PR) / Braids, headwraps and black women's empowerment: fashion artifacts as gender and race technologies at the Afro Chic event (Curitiba-PR)Santos, Ana Paula Medeiros Teixeira dos 31 March 2017 (has links)
CAPES / Esta dissertação discute as articulações entre gênero, raça e cultura material na construção dos corpos de mulheres negras que passam pelo processo de transição capilar. A pesquisa está centrada no evento Afro Chic, que acontece em Curitiba e promove ações afirmativas relacionadas ao cabelo crespo e empoderamento de mulheres negras. Percebo esse evento como uma das estratégias da Geração Tombamento, movimento cultural que utiliza a moda e a estética como ferramentas políticas para desconstrução de estereótipos de raça e gênero. A partir de uma análise dos processos históricos ligados à ideologia de branqueamento no Brasil, busco compreender as rejeições e resistências a estética negra no país. Neste evento, me interessam principalmente as oficinas de tranças e turbantes, que ensinam essas técnicas e articulam seu uso à ligação com a cultura afro-brasileira, incentivando um olhar para a diversidade e para o corpo como um todo que é construído por diversos elementos, incluindo a cultura material. A pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo, tendo sido realizada observação participativa na segunda edição do evento, com registro em diário de campo e entrevistas com as facilitadoras das oficinas, com base no método de história oral e história de vida. A partir da teoria de cultura material e dos estudos de interseccionalidade, entendo tranças e turbantes como artefatos de moda e busco compreender como participam do processo de empoderamento de mulheres negras que passam pela transição capilar. Estes artefatos também constroem e desconstroem, marcam gênero e raça nos corpos e, deste modo, argumento que o uso de tranças e turbantes no processo de transição capilar é uma das propostas de “desbranqueamento” dos padrões estéticos no Brasil e estratégia de resistência ao racismo. / This dissertation discusses the articulations between gender, race and material culture in the black women’s bodies construction who undergo the process of hair transition. The research is centered on the Afro Chic event, which happens in Curitiba and promotes affirmative actions related to curly hair and black women’s empowerment. I perceive this event as one of the strategies of the Tombamento Generation, a cultural movement that uses fashion and aesthetics as political tools for the deconstruction of race and gender stereotypes. By an analysis of the historical processes related to the bleaching ideology in Brazil, I try to understand the rejections and resistances of the black aesthetics in the country. In this event, I am interested mainly in the braids and headwraps workshops, which teaches these techniques and articulate their use in connection with the Afro-Brazilian culture, encouraging a look at diversity and for the body as a whole constructed by different elements, including material culture. The research is qualitative, with participatory observation in the second edition of the event, with a field journal and interviews with the facilitators of the workshops, based on the method of oral history and life history. By the theory of material culture and intersectionality studies, I understand braids and turbans as fashionable artifacts and try to understand how they participate in the process of empowering black women who undergo the hair transition. This artifact also construct and deconstruct gender and race in the bodies and, therefore, I argue that the use of braids and turbans in the process of capillary transition is one of the proposals of "unbleaching" of Brazilian aesthetic standards and racism’s resistance strategy.
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Tranças, turbantes e empoderamento de mulheres negras: artefatos de moda como tecnologias de gênero e raça no evento Afro Chic (Curitiba-PR) / Braids, headwraps and black women's empowerment: fashion artifacts as gender and race technologies at the Afro Chic event (Curitiba-PR)Santos, Ana Paula Medeiros Teixeira dos 31 March 2017 (has links)
CAPES / Esta dissertação discute as articulações entre gênero, raça e cultura material na construção dos corpos de mulheres negras que passam pelo processo de transição capilar. A pesquisa está centrada no evento Afro Chic, que acontece em Curitiba e promove ações afirmativas relacionadas ao cabelo crespo e empoderamento de mulheres negras. Percebo esse evento como uma das estratégias da Geração Tombamento, movimento cultural que utiliza a moda e a estética como ferramentas políticas para desconstrução de estereótipos de raça e gênero. A partir de uma análise dos processos históricos ligados à ideologia de branqueamento no Brasil, busco compreender as rejeições e resistências a estética negra no país. Neste evento, me interessam principalmente as oficinas de tranças e turbantes, que ensinam essas técnicas e articulam seu uso à ligação com a cultura afro-brasileira, incentivando um olhar para a diversidade e para o corpo como um todo que é construído por diversos elementos, incluindo a cultura material. A pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo, tendo sido realizada observação participativa na segunda edição do evento, com registro em diário de campo e entrevistas com as facilitadoras das oficinas, com base no método de história oral e história de vida. A partir da teoria de cultura material e dos estudos de interseccionalidade, entendo tranças e turbantes como artefatos de moda e busco compreender como participam do processo de empoderamento de mulheres negras que passam pela transição capilar. Estes artefatos também constroem e desconstroem, marcam gênero e raça nos corpos e, deste modo, argumento que o uso de tranças e turbantes no processo de transição capilar é uma das propostas de “desbranqueamento” dos padrões estéticos no Brasil e estratégia de resistência ao racismo. / This dissertation discusses the articulations between gender, race and material culture in the black women’s bodies construction who undergo the process of hair transition. The research is centered on the Afro Chic event, which happens in Curitiba and promotes affirmative actions related to curly hair and black women’s empowerment. I perceive this event as one of the strategies of the Tombamento Generation, a cultural movement that uses fashion and aesthetics as political tools for the deconstruction of race and gender stereotypes. By an analysis of the historical processes related to the bleaching ideology in Brazil, I try to understand the rejections and resistances of the black aesthetics in the country. In this event, I am interested mainly in the braids and headwraps workshops, which teaches these techniques and articulate their use in connection with the Afro-Brazilian culture, encouraging a look at diversity and for the body as a whole constructed by different elements, including material culture. The research is qualitative, with participatory observation in the second edition of the event, with a field journal and interviews with the facilitators of the workshops, based on the method of oral history and life history. By the theory of material culture and intersectionality studies, I understand braids and turbans as fashionable artifacts and try to understand how they participate in the process of empowering black women who undergo the hair transition. This artifact also construct and deconstruct gender and race in the bodies and, therefore, I argue that the use of braids and turbans in the process of capillary transition is one of the proposals of "unbleaching" of Brazilian aesthetic standards and racism’s resistance strategy.
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La condition de la femme arabe vue au travers de sa participation aux institutions politiques: étude comparée du cas de la citadine d'Alger et du CaireDelcroix, Catherine January 1983 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Matronae equestres: la parenté féminine des chevaliers romains originaires des provinces occidentales sous le Haut-Empire romain, Ier-IIIe siècles / Female kinship of the roman knights from the western provinces during the Roman Empire, 1st-3rd Centuries.Alvarez Melero, Anthony 05 February 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude des parentes de chevaliers romains, dénommées matronae equestres, originaires des provinces d’Occident, entre les règnes d’Auguste et de Gallien. L’optique choisie est celle de l’approche prosopographique qui demeure la seule possible pour collecter suffisamment d’informations à leur propos. Après une analyse des différentes titulatures équestres, l’accent a été porté sur trois thématiques liées entre elles, telles que le mariage, les pratiques religieuses et les voyages, qui ont permis une réévaluation du rôle des femmes apparentées aux chevaliers. Le chapitre consacré aux alliances matrimoniales a mis au jour diverses stratégies auxquelles elles prirent part :mariages égaux, exogamie et remariages avec des personnages de toutes les catégories sociales. La section suivante a souligné leur degré d’implication parfois active à la vie religieuse de leur communauté entre sacerdoces, participation aux rites et vœux. Enfin, on a montré que ces dames se déplaçaient de manière pratiquement systématique avec leurs parents, dans tous les recoins de l’Empire, pacifiés ou non. Le catalogue prosopographique figure, quant à lui, dans le volume II, subdivisé en quatre tomes. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La citoyenneté sociale des femmes au GuatemalaCarrier, Alain January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Par-delà le féminisme, le féminisme musulman? le cas de l'écriture-femmes en Arabie Saoudite, 1958-2008 / Beyond feminism, islamic feminism? a study case, women writing in Saudi Arabia, 1958-2008Temsamani, Hafsa 18 October 2012 (has links)
Lorsqu’on s’interroge sur l’essor du mouvement féministe dans les pays musulmans, d’autres questions, lancinantes, se font jour. Car l’enjeu culturel, sur fond religieux, d’un islam souvent imbriqué dans la vie politique elle-même, interpelle les féministes et les penseurs de tout l’Occident. En effet, contrairement à ce qui se passe au sein de la civilisation occidentale où généralement s’est transmise une idée de la laïcité bien précise, il n’en ira guère de même dans les pays à prédominance musulmane. Dans ces contrées, la problématique féministe différera sensiblement de celle en vigueur dans les pays occidentaux. Pour les nations soumises à la loi de la charia, le champ d’action du mouvement féministe visera avant tout à libérer les femmes d’une emprise patriarcale qui se réfèrera le plus souvent à de libres interprétations des textes sacrés pour exiger de leur part une soumission absolue. <p>Dans les études sur le féminisme et le genre, l’Arabie Saoudite, il est vrai, constitue « une énigme ». Et c’est précisément ce qui nous a incité à explorer cet univers « voilé » dont nous allons, au gré de notre étude, tenter de « dévoiler » un tant soit peu le mystère.<p>Nous avons entrepris dans ce but une recherche approfondie à propos de l’écriture-femmes saoudienne romanesque depuis son essor en 1958 jusqu’à 2008. Ce sont donc cinquante années d’écriture-femmes saoudienne sur lesquelles nous nous pencherons au cours de notre étude. Le lecteur l’aura compris :le fil conducteur de notre recherche reposera sur l’écriture en tant que vecteur de prise de conscience féministe. <p>En définitive, ce travail se composera donc de trois grandes parties, chacune subdivisée en chapitres. Dans la première partie, nous développerons la question du féminisme en rapport avec l’islam. Le premier chapitre exposera le féminisme et le genre en tant qu’approche méthodologique des discours et des arguments féministes. Le deuxième chapitre traitera de la question de l’islam et de la laïcité. En effet, pour la plupart des pays musulmans, l’islam est une religion d’Etat. La charia est la source principale du droit, voire exclusive dans certains pays, comme en Arabie Saoudite où elle est considérée comme complète, suprême, supérieure à toute loi. Logiquement, une autre question surgira, celle qui sous-tend le troisième chapitre de cette première partie, au cours duquel nous nous demanderons si un « féminisme musulman » représente une réalité vraiment envisageable. La deuxième partie sera censée investiguer le contexte idéologique en vigueur en Arabie Saoudite. Ensuite, nous évoquerons une esquisse de la littérature en Arabie Saoudite et les orientations des écrivains saoudiens et saoudiennes. La troisième partie se centrera sur une analyse thématique de l’écriture-femmes romanesque saoudienne s’étalant sur une période allant de 1958 à 2008. Nous nous étendrons d’abord sur un panorama de cette écriture dans les contrées en général, avant d’aborder les thématiques les plus spécifiques de cette écriture, approuvant qu’il s’agisse d’un pays encore très mystérieux aux yeux des étrangers: l’Arabie Saoudite.<p>Il apparaîtra qu’une parenté certaine entre « écriture » et « militantisme féministe » sous-tend, à l’évidence, l’univers romanesque des femmes saoudiennes. En clair, l’apport de l’écriture-femmes saoudienne a été considérable :elle nous a offert une peinture vivante de l’Arabie Saoudite et de la condition féminine. Elle contribue à l’émergence d’un style de militantisme marqué par son berceau saoudien et, de ce fait, elle participe à l’avènement d’un féminisme proprement saoudien. <p><p><p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Ecofeminism: towards integrating the concerns of women, poor people and nature into developmentNhanenge, Jytte 02 1900 (has links)
Ecofeminism perceives an interconnection between the domination of women and poor people, and the domination of nature. This domination is founded on modern, Western, patriarchal, dualised structures, which subordinate all considered as "the other" compared to the superior masculine archetype. Hence, all feminine is seen as inferior and may therefore be exploited. This is presently manifested in the neo-liberal economic development ideal. Its global penetration generates huge economic profits, which are reaped by Northern and Southern elites, while its devastating crises of poverty, violence, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses makes life increasingly unmanageable for Southern women, poor people and nature. Feminism and ecology have therefore come together aiming at liberating women, poor people and nature. They want to change the dualised, reductionist perception of reality into a holistic cosmology. Ecofeminism consequently aims to integrate the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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The worlds between, above and below : "growing up" and "falling down" in Alice in Wonderland and StardustPotter, Mary-Anne 2012 November 1900 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to conduct an intertextual study of two fantasy texts — Alice in Wonderland by Victorian author Lewis Carroll, and Stardust by postmodern fantasy author Neil Gaiman — and their filmic re-visionings by Tim Burton and Matthew Vaughn respectively. In scrutinising these texts, drawing on insights from feminist, children’s literature and intertextual theorists, the actions of ‘growing up’ and ‘falling down’ are shown to be indicative of a paradoxical becoming of the text’s central female protagonists, Alice and Yvaine. The social mechanisms of the Victorian age that educate the girl-child into becoming accepting of their domestic roles ultimately alienate her from her true state of being. While she may garner some sense of importance within the imaginary realms of fantasy narratives, as these female protagonists demonstrate, she is reduced to the position of submissive in reality – in ‘growing up’, she must assume a ‘fallen down’ state in relation to the male. / English Studies / M.A. (English)
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Ecofeminism: towards integrating the concerns of women, poor people and nature into developmentNhanenge, Jytte 02 1900 (has links)
Ecofeminism perceives an interconnection between the domination of women and poor people, and the domination of nature. This domination is founded on modern, Western, patriarchal, dualised structures, which subordinate all considered as "the other" compared to the superior masculine archetype. Hence, all feminine is seen as inferior and may therefore be exploited. This is presently manifested in the neo-liberal economic development ideal. Its global penetration generates huge economic profits, which are reaped by Northern and Southern elites, while its devastating crises of poverty, violence, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses makes life increasingly unmanageable for Southern women, poor people and nature. Feminism and ecology have therefore come together aiming at liberating women, poor people and nature. They want to change the dualised, reductionist perception of reality into a holistic cosmology. Ecofeminism consequently aims to integrate the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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The worlds between, above and below : "growing up" and "falling down" in Alice in Wonderland and StardustPotter, Mary-Anne January 1900 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to conduct an intertextual study of two fantasy texts — Alice in Wonderland by Victorian author Lewis Carroll, and Stardust by postmodern fantasy author Neil Gaiman — and their filmic re-visionings by Tim Burton and Matthew Vaughn respectively. In scrutinising these texts, drawing on insights from feminist, children’s literature and intertextual theorists, the actions of ‘growing up’ and ‘falling down’ are shown to be indicative of a paradoxical becoming of the text’s central female protagonists, Alice and Yvaine. The social mechanisms of the Victorian age that educate the girl-child into becoming accepting of their domestic roles ultimately alienate her from her true state of being. While she may garner some sense of importance within the imaginary realms of fantasy narratives, as these female protagonists demonstrate, she is reduced to the position of submissive in reality – in ‘growing up’, she must assume a ‘fallen down’ state in relation to the male. / English Studies / M.A. (English)
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