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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die man wie se vrou 'n mastektomie gehad het : 'n pastorale beradingsmodel

Barnard, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus 03 April 2014 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ‘n Praktiese teologiese probleem is in die bediening geïndentifiseer: die man wie se vrou ‘n mastektomie gehad het, word nie pastoraal ondersteun nie. Hierdie probleem is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing ondersoek. Met die kennis uit die navorsing en die literatuurstudie is daaraan die navorsingsdoelstelling beantwoord. Hierdeur is die praktiese teologie op ‘n unieke wyse verryk, deur ‘n wetenskaplike bydrae om die pastorale berader beter te bekwaam. Borskanker is ‘n lewensbedreigde siekte waarop geen man voorberei is nie. Met die verlies van ‘n kosbare liggaamsdeel van die vrou en haar behoefte aan ondersteuning van haar man, begin hy om sy ware-man wees (identiteit) te bevraagteken. Die verlies het ook trauma by die man tot gevolg. As die man deur sy emosies oorweldig word en hy nie oor die vermoë beskik om dit te verwerk nie, kan hy in wanhoop verval. Die man lewe in die postmoderne era. Die uitdagings en onsekerhede van hierdie era het ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die “Post-foundational” praktiese teologiese benadering gelewer. Daarom het die navorser besluit om hierdie benadering in die studie te volg. Hierdeur is ‘n gesprek tussen die praktiese teologie, mediese- en geesteswetenskappe vanuit ‘n transversale perspektief moontlik, om die invloed van die mastektomie op die man te bepaal. Duidelike behoeftes en vrae kom navore wat vereis dat die berader homself sal onderskei in kennis van die onderskeie pastorale benaderings en tegnieke, toepaslike mediese, Bybel- en geestes wetenskappe. Die omstandighede waarin die man hom bevind het die bevraagtekening van sy spiritualiteit tot gevolg. Sy spiritualiteit kan vir hom van groot waarde wees. Die doel van die beradingsmodel is om die man te fasiliteer om sy ware identiteit in Christus te ontdek. Deur die genade van die Here word geloofsvolwassenheid in die man ‘n waarheid. Daardeur vind transendering ten opsigte van ‘n “bevraagde identiteit” na ‘n “identiteit van betekenis en hoop” plaas. Deur die werking van die Heilige Gees word die man op die vervulling van God se heilsbeloftes vir die nood waarin verkeer verseker. Die doel van hierdie beradingsmodel vir die praktiese teologie, is ‘n geloofsvolwasse man met ‘n nuwe toekomsverhaal. / A practical theological problem was identified in the ministry: a husband whose wife undergoes a mastectomy does not receive pastoral care. This problem was investigated through a qualitative research study. The research objective was answered by doing research and a literature study. This scientific research enriches the practical theology in an unique way so that the pastoral counsellor is supported and can be more competent. Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease that no husband is prepared for. The wife loses an intimate part of her body and needs to be supported by her husband. He starts to question his own manhood (identity). This loss is also a traumatic experiences for him. He is overwhelmed by his emotions and can fall into despair if he does not have the ability to process the problem. We live in the post-modern era. This has lead to the development of the Post-foundational practical theological approach. The researcher therefore decided to follow this approach in his study. This help to determine the influence of the disruption and uncertainties in the life of the man through a discourse between the practical theology, medical- and human science from a transversal perspective. Evident questions were raised for which the counsellor needs to distinguish himself with knowledge about the various pastoral approaches and techniques, appropriate knowledge of the Bible, medical- and human science. The circumstances in which the man finds himself raise questions about the meaning of his spirituality. Spirituality can be of great help for the husband. The aim of this counseling model is to facilitate the husband through the narrative approach to find the meaning of his true identity in Christ. Through the grace of God the husband becomes spiritually mature. The dependence on God through a process of transcendence changes the ‘question identity’ to an ‘identity of value and hope’. Through the work of Holy Spirit the husband is reassured of the fulfillment of the promises of salvation by God. The aim of this counseling model for the practical theology is a spiritually matured husband with a new future story. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Seventh-Day Adventism and the abuse of women

Finucane, Colin. 06 1900 (has links)
Women have been abused from the beginning of time and it would appear that a patriarchal system has facilitated this abuse. Churches, in general, and Seventh-Day Adventists, in particular, have been silent on the issue of Abuse. It is my thesis that a predominantly confessional Seventh-Day Adventist's view and use of Scripture are foundational to this silence on human rights issues. Adventist eschatology is predominantly apocalyptic in nature, focussing on end-time events, thus, the present is viewed secondary. Human rights issues are marginalised with the focus on evangelism. Thus, relationships are secondary and abused women have not been accommodated within the Seventh-Day Adventist framework of worship and caring. / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Women storying HIV/AIDS in community

Nieuwmeyer, Susan Mary 11 1900 (has links)
The research is about African women living with HIV and women grieving the death of loved ones as a result of AIDS. We discuss the women's preferred care for the ill person and for the family as well as for the bereaved family. We consider together the effects of HIV/AIDS in the community: the stigma attached to the disease and the fears of people that they may contract HIV. The women and I acknowledge the closely woven relationships between faith and culture in a predominantly Xhosa community. Participatory action research is used and contextual feminist theology within a postmodern social construction approach to narrative pastoral therapy. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Women storying HIV/AIDS in community

Nieuwmeyer, Susan Mary 11 1900 (has links)
The research is about African women living with HIV and women grieving the death of loved ones as a result of AIDS. We discuss the women's preferred care for the ill person and for the family as well as for the bereaved family. We consider together the effects of HIV/AIDS in the community: the stigma attached to the disease and the fears of people that they may contract HIV. The women and I acknowledge the closely woven relationships between faith and culture in a predominantly Xhosa community. Participatory action research is used and contextual feminist theology within a postmodern social construction approach to narrative pastoral therapy. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

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