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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ART-related body composition changes in adult women in a semi-rural South African context

De Bruto, Petro C. 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate practical methods of monitoring AIDS related wasting and lipodystrophy in a resource-poor clinical setting with HIV infected women as the population group of interest. Measurement of body composition changes using anthropometry is both cost- and time-efficient. Various different skinfolds were taken and two different equations (the equations of Pollock et al. (1975) and Durnin and Womersley (1974) for calculating body fat were used to determine the most promising method or methods of monitoring body composition changes in a clinical setting. Detailed anthropometric measurements were performed, as well as selected measurements for haematological parameters and quality of life (QoL) for a group of 8 participants on antiretroviral medication (ART group) and 6 participants who were not on treatment (TN group). New variables namely, intra-abdominal indicator (IAI) and a percent of ideal body mass to percent of ideal arm circumference ratio (%IBW:%IAC) were investigated as possible indicators of lipodystrophy. Although measurements were taken at various timepoints, three specific time-points were chosen for data-analysis for the ART group and two time points for the TN group. These three time-points were, baseline (on the day of recruitment for TN participants and within one month before the initiation of treatment for ART participants), short-term (2 to 12 weeks after treatment initiation or the baseline measurement or for the ART and the TN participants) and long-term (within one and a half year of treatment initiation for the ART group). ART and TN participants did not differ for many variables at baseline. The major differences between ART and TN were in measured and derived variables of the arm, especially percent of ideal arm circumference (%IAC) and upper arm fat area (UAFA), which were significantly lower in the ART group. CD4+ and QoL improved significantly for the ART participants from baseline to long-term. This was not associated with changes in muscle mass, but rather some fat mass variables. Participants on antiretroviral medication exhibited changes relating to abdominal obesity. It was concluded that antiretroviral therapy contributed greatly to the QoL of the participants and it probably aided in the recovery from wasting for at least one participant in this study. Measures of the arm can be used in a rural clinical setting to effectively monitor patients with regard to AIDS related wasting. The new variables IAI and %IBW:%IAC could be helpful in the monitoring of lipodystrophy and should be investigated in future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om praktiese metodes te ondersoek om VIGS-verwante uittering en lipodistrofie te meet in ‘n plattelandse kliniese omgewing (waar hulpbronne dikwels beperk is) met MIV ge-infekteerde vroue as populasiegroep. Die gebruik van antropometrie om veranderinge in liggaamssamestelling te meet is beide koste- en tydeffektief. Verskeie velvoumetings is geneem en twee verskillende vergelykings (die vergelykings van Pollock et al. (1975) en Durnin en Womersley (1974)) is gebruik om liggaamsvetinhoud te bereken, met die doel om ‘n belowende metode te vind om veranderinge in liggaamssamestelling te meet in ‘n kliniese omgewing. Verskeie antropometriese metings is geneem, sowel as uitgesoekte hematologiese en lewenskwaliteitmetings (QoL) vir ‘n groep van agt deelnemers wat antiretrovirale medikasie ontvang het (ART groep) en ses deelnemers wat nie hierdie behandeling ontvang het nie (TN groep). Nuwe veranderlikes (binnebuikindikator (IAI) en die verhouding van persentasie van ideale liggaamsmassa tot persentasie van ideale armomtrek (%IBW:%IAC)) is ondersoek as moontlike aanwysers van lipodistrofie. Drie spesifieke tydpunte vir die ART groep en twee tydpunte vir die TN groep is gekies uit die verskeie tydpunte waarby metings geneem is, nl. basislyn (gedefinieer as die dag wat TN deelnemers in die studie opgeneem is en 0 tot 4 weke voor die begin van behandeling vir die ART deelnemers), korttermyn (2 tot 12 weke nadat behandeling begin is of na die basislyn meting) en lang-termyn (binne een en ‘n half jaar nadat behandeling begin is vir die ART groep). By die basislyn tydpunt het min van die ART en TN deelnemers se gemete veranderlikes verskil. Die ART en TN groepe het hoofsaaklik verskil ten opsigte van veranderlikes wat betrekking het op die arm, veral persentasie van ideale armomtrek (%IAC) en bo-arm vetarea (UAFA). Hierdie twee veranderlikes was beduidend laer in die ART groep as in die TN groep. CD4+ seltelling en lewenskwaliteit tellings het beduidend verbeter vir die ART deelnemers van die basislyn tot die lang-termyn tydpunt. Hierdie veranderinge is nie samehangend met veranderinge in spiermassa nie, maar eerder met sommige vetmassa veranderlikes. Deelnemers wat antiretrovirale medikasie ontvang het, het veranderinge getoon wat gedui het op ‘n verhoogde neerlegging van vet in die buikarea. Ten slotte is bevind dat antiretrovirale medikasie bygedra het tot die verbeterde lewenskwaliteit van die deelnemers en dat dit waarskynlik ook die omkeer van uittering van ten minste een deelnemer aangehelp het. Daar is ook bevind dat armverwante metinge gebruik kan word in die plattelandse kliniese omgewing om pasiënte suksesvol te monitor ten opsigte van VIGSverwante uittering. Die nuwe veranderlikes, IAI en %IBW:%IAC kan moontlik gebruik word om lipodistrofie-verwante veranderings te meet en die gebruik van hierdie veranderlikes behoort ondersoek te word in verdere navorsing.

The power of patriarchy : its manifestation in rape

Ackerman, Carla 06 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1995. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates womens' perceptions of social power, as illustrated by their experiences of rape. In the first chapter the principles of subjective feminist research are analyzed against the background of feminist critique on so-called objective science. This introduction also discusses the feminist research methodology used in the study. This is followed by an examination of mainstream political science's conception of "power". How mainstream political scientists conceptualise "power", how they define "the exercise of power". Analyses of the feminist critique against the mainstream conception of "power" are discussed. The account of Foucault's ideas on "power" is, to some degree, a link between mainstream political science's views and feminists views. An examination of patriarchy, the three main dichotomies present in our society that determine female/male relations and gendered sexuality follows. It is against the aforementioned background that the literature study moves into a practical research stage. The next chapter analyses womens' conceptions and experiences of "power" relations by looking at the feminist theory of rape. This is followed by an analysis of the research data and a discussion of the popular rape myths in our society. A historical overview and analysis of the current rape law is then given, while the last chapter examines a feminist alternative conception of "power"relations by re-visiting "power" and by providing a feminist vision of women-power. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek vrouens se persepsies van sosiale mag soos geïllustreer deur hulle ervarings van verkragting. In die eerste hoofstuk word die beginsels van subjektiewe feministiese navorsing geanaliseer teen die agtergrond van die feministiese kritiek teen sogenaamde objektiewe wetenskap. Dit verskaf 'n bespreking van die feministiese navorsingsmetodologie wat in die studie gebruik is. In die daaropvolgende hoofstuk word hoofstroom politieke wetenskap se konsepsie van "mag" ondersoek deur te kyk na hoe hoofstroom politieke wetenskap "mag" konseptualiseer, hoe dit "die uitoefening van mag" definieer en deur die analise van feministiese kritiek teen hoofstroom politieke wetenskap se konsepsie van "mag". Die opsomming van Faucault se idees oor "mag" is in sommige opsigte 'n skakel tussen hoofstroom politieke wetenskap se sieninge en die van feministe. 'n Ondersoek na patriargie, die drie belangrikste tweeledighede ("dichotomies") in ons samelewing wat die verhoudings tussen vrouens en mans bepaal en geslagtelike seksualiteit ("gendered sexuality") volg. Dit is teen die agtergrond van die voorafgaande dat die literatuurstudie gevolg word deur 'n praktiese navorsingsfase. Daar volg'In analise van vrouens se konsepsies en ondervindings van "magsverhoudinge" deur eerstens na die feministiese teorie van verkragting te kyk. Hierna volg 'n analise van die navorsingsdata en In bespreking van populêre verkragtingsmites in ons samelewing. In aansluiting by bogenoemde volg 'n historiese oorsig en analise van die huidige verkragtingswet en vrouens se ervarings daarvan. Laastens volg 'n feministiese alternatiewe konsepsie van "magsverhoudinge" deur 'n her-analise van "mag" voor te stel en deur 'n feministiese visie van vroue-mag ("women-power") te verskaf.

An analysis of the emerging patterns of reproductive behaviour among rural women in South Africa : a case study of the Victoria East District of the Eastern Cape Province

Mfono, Zanele Ntombizanele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study describes and analyses changes in women's reproductive behaviour ID developing communities. These changes took more than hundred years to occur ID Western communities but only two to three decades in developing communities such as Taiwan and Barbados. The population of Victoria East district of the Eastern Cape province of South Afiica was chosen as a case study of these changes. Changes in the reproductive behaviour of women are described over a period of twenty-two years. The base year for the study is 1978 and data were collected up to 2001. Changes increased in particular since 1988. Statistical descriptive analyses were undertaken with regard to patterns of changes in variables such as age at the onset of births, child spacing, the mean number of births per woman, fertility regulation, and the number of children ever bom. Variations in patterns were analysed according to age cohorts, occupation and marital status. Information regarding these variables was collected from records at hospitals and clinics. Focus group interviews were held to reflect women's own descriptions and experiences regarding these variables. The research design thus combines the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The findings confirm a pattern of fertility decline that Caldwell described as the African pattern, which is different from that seen in Europe and Asia. It is characterized by a progressive delay in onset of childbearing and reductions in the mean number of childbirths that occur across all age cohorts and are associated with contraceptive accessibility. The high incidence of non-marital childbearing in the Victoria East district however sets the population studied apart from the polygamous Afiican societies on which Caldwell based the African transition. In this respect the population considered resembles the scenarios seen in Latin America, the Caribbean, Botswana and in recent years Europe. The study population shows a divergence in the patterns of marital and non-marital childbearing, with marital childbearing following the African pattem. Because of its high incidence, non-marital childbearing is dominant and the major contributor to the fertility decline that is afoot. The implications of this pattern needs much more in-depth study before comparisons with the above-mentioned communities can be made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie beskryf en ontleed veranderinge in vroue se reproduktiewe gedrag in ontwikkelende gemeenskappe. Hierdie veranderinge het in Westerse gemeenskappe meer as honderd jaar geneem om plaas te vind maar slegs twee tot drie dekades in ontwikkelende gemeenskappe soos Taiwan en Barbados. Die bevolking van die landelike Victoria-Oosdistrik: in die Oos-Kaapprovinsie is gekies as 'n gevalstudie daarvan in Suid- Afrika. Veranderinge in die reproduktiewe gedrag van vroue in hierdie gemeenskap word oor 'n periode van twee-en-twintigjaar beskryf Die basisjaar van die studie is 1978 en data is ingesamel tot en met 2001. Veranderinge het veral toegeneem vanaf 1988. Statistiese-beskrywende ontleding is gedoen ten opsigte van patrone van verandering in veranderlikes soos die ouderdom by die skenk van geboorte, geboorte-spasiëring, die gemiddelde aantal geboortes per vrou, fertiliteitsregulering en die aantal kinders ooit gebore. Variasies in patrone is ook na aanleiding van huwelikstaat en beroep bepaal. Inligting aangaande hierdie veranderlikes is verky vanaf rekords wat by hospitale en klinieke gehou word. Fokusgroeponderhoude is ook onderneem waarvolgens vroue se eie beskrywings en ervarings aangaande die genoemde veranderlikes verkry is. Groepe is saamgestel volgens verskeie ouderdomskohorte en huwelikstaat. Die navorsingsmetodologie behels dus 'n kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe benaderings. Die bevindings bevestig 'n patroon van fertiliteitsafhame wat deur Caldwell as die Afrikapatroon beskryf word en afwyk van die Europese en Asiatiese patroon. Dit word gekenmerk deur 'n progressiewe vertraging in die aanvang van geboorte-skenk, afhame in die gemiddelde aantal geboortes oor al die ouderdomskohorte en word geassosieer met kontraseptiewe toegankliheid. Die hoë voorkoms van buite-egtelike geboortes in die Victoria-Oosdistrik onderskei egter die bestudeerde bevolking van die poligame Afrika gemeenskappe waarop Caldwell die Afrika-oorgangstipe gebaseer het. In hierdie opsig vertoon die bevolking eerder ooreenkomste met ontwikkelende gemeenskappe m Suid-Amerika, die Karibbiese Eilande, Botswana en die meer onlangse Europa. Die bestudeerde bevolking vertoon uiteenlopende patrone van binne-egtelike en buite-egtelike geboortes met die binneegtelike patroon meer in ooreenstemming met die Afrika-patroon. Die hoë voorkoms van buite-egtelike geboortes domineer egter die algehele patroon en kan beskou work as die hoof bydraende faktor in the afhemende fertiliteit wat waargeneem is. Die implikasies hiervan moet egter veel dieper studie ondergaan alvorens verdere vergelykings met die bogenoemde gemeenskappe gemaak kan word.

Gender discrimination in the SANDF : women as combat soldiers in the South African Army with reference to the Western Province Command

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As early as the unification of South Africa in 1910 enforced discrimination in the military has been an issue that affected both race and gender. The advent of democracy in South Africa has brought fundamental changes in spheres of governance. One of these changes is the transformation of the public service of which the Department of Defence, in particular the South African National Defence Force, is part. The constitutional and judicial imperatives stipulated to the government departments to be representative of the demographic composition of the population of South Africa. The Department of Defence has provided a policy on equal opportunity and affirmative action to redress the racial and gender imbalances of the past, to protect individual and groups against unfair discrimination andto work towards achievement of employment equity. The study seeks to establish the extent and influence of gender discrimination in the South African National Defence with particular reference to the SA Army's Western Province Command. To achieve this, the attitude of the middle and top management of the WP Command towards the utilisation or employment of women in combat roles were assessed. The study also investigated whether the mentioned management does encourage women to be involved or participate in combat roles. Data was collected from respondents by means of a structured questionnaire consisting of 58 questions (plus 8 unstructured questions). The sample was drawn from the SA Army's WP Command and the focus was on middle and top management. Findings of the study indicate that the SA Army's WP Command's middle and top management supports the equality of men and women in general, but is reluctant to allow women to participate in combat roles side by side with their male counterparts. Although there seems to be an understanding and support for the policies of addressing equal opportunities, traditional cultural beliefs or stereotypes about women still shape and influence the acceptance and the non-acceptance of women in combat roles Finally, recommendations highlight issues of consideration when drafting policy vis-a-vis the utilisation of women as combat soldiers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds so vroeg as Uniewording van Suid Afrika in 1910 was geforseerde diskriminasie binne die weermag 'n kwessie wat beide ras en geslag beïnvloed het. Die totstandkoming van 'n demokrasie in Suid Afrika het fundamentele veranderinge in die sfeer van Staatsbestuur te weeg gebring. Een van hierdie veranderinge het betrekking op die transformasie van die staatsdiens, waarvan die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag 'n deel is. Daar rus 'n konstitusionele en juridiese verpligting op staatsdepartmente om die demografiese samestelling van die bevolking van Suid Afrika te weerspieel. Die Department van Verdediging het 'n beleid van gelyke geleenthede en regstellende optrede ontwikkelom die rasse- en geslagsongelykhede van die verlede aan te spreek. Die beleid poog om individue en groepe teen onregverdige diskriminasie te beskerm en om billikheid in die werksomgewing te verseker. Hierdie studie poog om die omvang en invloed van geslagsdiskriminasie in die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale .Weermag te bepaal, met spesifieke verwysing na Kommandement Westelike Provinsie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Leer. Ten einde die omvang en invloed te bepaal is die houdings van middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement WP beoordeel met betrekking tot die aanwending of benutting van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die studie poog om te bepaal of genoemde bestuurders vrouens aanmoedig om betrokke te raak by, of deel te neem in 'n gevegsrol. Data insameling het geskied deur middel van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat 58 vrae bevat het (Daar was ook 8 ongestruktureerde vrae ingesluit). Die steekproef is getrek uit lede van die Suid Afrikaanse Leer verbonde aan Kommandement Westelike Provinsie, met die spesifieke fokus op middel- en topbestuur. Bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement Westelike Provinsie (SA Leer) oor die algemeen gelykheid tussen mans en dames ondersteun. Hulle is egter onwillig om vrouens toe te laat om sy aan sy met hul manlike eweknie in 'n gevegsrol te funksioneer. Alhoewel dit blyk dat daar begrip en steun bestaan vir die beleid wat gelyke geleenthede voorskryf, bepaal tradisionele kulturele oortuigings of stereotipes met betrekking tot vroue steeds die aanvaarding of nie-aanvaarding van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die finale aanbeveling beklemtoon dat daar sekere kwessies is wat oorweging moet geniet wanneer 'n beleid ten opsigte van die benutting van vroue as soldate in 'n gevegsrol, opgestel word.

Life kills : surviving the battles of everyday life in an age of HIV/AIDS

Human, Johanna S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study gives us insight into the daily lives and battles for survival of poor women in an age of HIV/AIDS in rural areas of the Western Cape, South Africa. I set out to get an understanding of the shortcomings of the current interventions aimed at combating HIV and AIDS. Soon after I commenced my fieldwork I realised that it is the socio-economic circumstances of the people I encountered that was mostly responsible for their HIV positive status or the reason why they are living with HIV/AIDS rather than the choices they make. However, most of the interventions aimed at combating the global HIV/AIDS epidemic focuses on behavioural interventions or the provision of medical care. By entering the spheres in which women living with HIV/AIDS live their daily lives I aimed to get a better comprehension of the challenges they encounter and why the interventions that focus on behaviour and medical treatment fail to address the needs of these women. In doing so I learned about their struggles to merely stay alive and that protecting yourself against a disease like HIV/AIDS can appear as a luxury. A luxury you cannot afford when your only means of an income is your body which you need to barter in exchange for money or food and shelter. I learned about their powerlessness in protecting themselves against the disease and the loneliness they have to endure once they learn they are infected with the virus. In addition to this, it also came to my attention that their conditions of poverty are of such an extent that even ‘free’ medical treatment can sometimes be too expensive for them to afford because of hidden costs such as transport. At the end of my study it was my conclusion that we need to pay more attention to the root causes of the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in order to combat it successfully, also at the entry levels of the healthcare system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie bied insig in die daaglikese lewens en stryd om oorlewing van arm vroue in ‘n tyd van MIV/VIGS in die landelike gebiede van die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Ek het die studie begin met ‘n poging om die tekortkominge van die huidige intervensies om MIV/VIGS te bekamp beter te verstaan. Kort nadat ek met my veldwerk begin het het ek reeds tot die besef gekom dat die die sosio-ekonomiese omstandigehede die oorsaak is dat die vroue met die virus leef, eerder as die keuses wat hulle vrywilliglik maak. Ten spyte van my bevinding fokus meeste intervensies tans op gedragsveranderinge en mediese behandeling. Ek het die lewensruimtes van hierdie vroue binnegegaan in ‘n poging om die daaglikse uitdagings te verstaan, asook die redes hoekom die huidige intervensies nie hierdie vroue se behoeftes aanspreek nie. Deur dit te doen het ek geleer hoe dit as ‘n luuksheid beskou kan word om jouself teen infeksie met die virus te beskerm. ‘n Luuksheid wat jy nie kan bekostig indien jou lyf jou enigste bron van inkomste is wat jy moet gebruik om geld mee in te win of kos en woonplek te verseker nie. Vroue is dikwels magteloos om hulself teen infeksie met MIV/VIGS te beskerm en die eensaamheid waarmee hul moet saamleef wanneer hul wel met die virus ge-infekteer is. Dit het ook onder my aandag gekom dat die armoede van so ‘n aard is dat selfs ‘gratis’ mediese behandeling soms onbekostigbaar is as gevolg van versteekte kostes, soos vervoer. Aan die einde van my studie was dit my gevolgtrekking dat daar meer aandag geskenk moet word aan die oorsake wat aanleiding gee tot die verspreiding van die MIV/VIGS epidemie indien ons dit suksesvol wil bekamp, ook op die intreevlakke van die gesondheidstelsel.

Women and the management of household food security in Paternoster

Swartz, Eleanor 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the gendered social relations that are attached to food, through an exploration of women’s management of food and food security in poor households in Paternoster, a small fishing community on the west coast of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. My study explores how women navigate the everyday provision, management and distribution of food within a context of limited resources, with food understood both in terms of sustenance and as implicated in processes whereby gender norms and larger concerns with ‘respectability’ (ordentlikheid) are established and maintained under difficult economic conditions. One of the important strategies employed to ensure food security within households in Paternoster is the establishment and maintenance by and among women of foodways in and between households. An exploration of foodways between households sheds light on the various social networks that exist in Paternoster and the important role of women within these networks. Paternoster is a space where the navigation of these issues is informed by the long history of subsistence fishing in the area and the symbolism attached to fish and fishing in the ways in which the local fishing community engages with the challenges of food security. Of particular interest is how women manage individual and/or household food security in Paternoster in the light of existing gender dynamics involved in the production, collection and consumption of food. The sharp division of labour historically has meant that women have traditionally been involved in the pre- and post-harvest sector, rather than in the actual catching of fish. This study is also driven by concerns around the impacts of the changing fishing environment on food security and social relations in this small village. One of the major consequences of these changes is the feeling of impending food insecurity experienced by many households. The increase in mechanization in marine resource use activities, drastic changes in fishing policies and the process of fisheries rights allocations as well as diminishing fish stocks are systematically impacting on the social systems and lived experiences of the people who were, and still are, heavily dependent on the fishing industry in Paternoster for their livelihoods.. Paternoster has seen the development of new sources of employment as a result of the growth of tourism, which has presented women in particular with new work opportunities, including working in guest houses and restaurants. However, this is on the low wage end. In this context the management of food security within the household and between households through maintaining foodways and established food networks is predominantly the responsibility of women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op sosiale verhoudings van gender wat verband hou met voedsel, deur‘n verkenning van vroue se bestuur van voedsel en voedselsekerheid in arm huishoudings in Paternoster, ‘n klein vissersgemeenskap aan die weskus van die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. My studie verken hoe vroue die daaglikse voorsiening, bestuur en verspreiding van voedsel navigeer in ‘n konteks van beperkte hulpbronne, met ‘n begrip van voedsel as lewensmiddele sowel as geïmpliseer in prosesse waarin gender-norme en ‘n gerigtheid op 'ordentlikheid' onder moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede gevestig en onderhou word. Een van die belangrike strategieë wat deur en tussen vroue in huishoudings in Paternoster onderneem word om voedselsekerheid te verseker is die vestiging en onderhouding van voedselnetwerke (foodways) in en tussen huishoudings. ‘n Verkenning van voedselnetwerke tussen huishoudings werp lig op die verskeidenheid sosiale netwerke wat in Paternoster bestaan en die belangrike rol van vroue in hierdie netwerke. Paternoster is ‘n plek waar die navigasie van hierdie kwessies ingelig word deur die lang geskiedenis van bestaansvissery in die gebied sowel as die simboliek wat aan vis en visvang geheg word in die wyses waarop die plaaslike gemeenskap met die uitdagings van voedselsekerheid handel. Wat van besondere belang is, is hoe vroue individuele en huishoudelike voedselsekerheid in Paternoster bestuur in die lig van die bestaande gender-dinamika met betrekking tot die produksie, versameling en gebruik van voedsel. Die skerp historiese geslagsverdeling van arbeid het beteken dat vroue tradisioneel betrokke was in die voor- en na-oes proses, eerder as in die werklike vang van vis. Hierdie studie word ook gemotiveer deur kommer oor die impak wat die veranderende vissery-omgewing op voedselsekerheid en sosiale verhoudings in hierdie dorpie het. Een van die belangrikste gevolge van hierdie veranderinge is die gevoel van dreigende voedselonsekerheid wat deur talle huishoudings ondervind word. Die toename in meganisering in die aktiwiteite rondom die gebruik van mariene hulpbronne, die drastiese veranderinge in visserybeleid en die toekenningsproses van visregte asook die afname in visbronne impakteer sistemies op die sosiale sisteme en ervaring van die mense wat sterk afhanklik was van die visindustrie in Paternoster vir hul leeftog afhanklik was en nog steeds is. Paternoster het die ontwikkeling van nuwe bronne van werk ervaar as gevolg van die groei van toerisme. Dit het aan vroue veral nuwe werksgeleenthede gebied, insluitend werk in gastehuise en restourante. Hierdie werk was egter op die lae loonvlak. In hierdie konteks is die bestuur van voedselsekerheid binne die huishouding en tussen huishoudings, deur die handhawing van foodways en gevestigde voedselnetwerke hoofsaaklik die verantwoordelikheid van vroue.

A study of motivation and performance of women entrepreneurs in Western Cape : South Africa

Jacob, Zukeka P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study presents an empirical investigation into the association between motivation and performance of women entrepreneurs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Motivations behind women starting their own businesses are defined. It assesses the performance of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the economic growth (turnover, size of business, number of people employed) of the country. By applying statistical evaluation methods (frequency analysis) this research adds to existing knowledge in this field, by defining the association between the intention of starting a business and the performance of their businesses. Analysis shows that the women's motives for starting their businesses are generally positive. However, there are still a high number of women whose motives are influenced by negative factors (such as loss of income sources). Also, the overall performance of their businesses is still low in terms of revenues generated and the number of people that they employ on a full-time basis. Networking levels are high, indicating a desire to succeed. An association between motivation and performance has been established. However, findings have indicated no significant association between the type of motivation (positive or negative) and performance. The present study concludes with recommendations to enable women to improve the performance of their businesses. Findings have indicated a higher level of positive factors of motivation, in comparison with negative factors of motivation; which implies that there are other factors which could be hindering them from improving the economic performance of their businesses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bied 'n empiriese ondersoek van die verband tussen die motivering en die werkverrigting van vroue entrepreneurs in die Wes Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Die dryfveer van vroue entrepreneurs word omskryf. Verder assesseer die studie die werkverrigting van vroue entrepreneurs en hulle bydrae tot die ekonomiese groei (arbeidsomset, grootte van die besigheid, getal personeel) van die land. Deur die aanwending van statistiese evaluasiemetodes (frekwensie analise) dra die studie by tot die bestaande kennis in hierdiee studieveld, en word gedoen deur die definieering van die verband tussen die besluit om 'n besigheid te begin en die uiteindelike prestasie van hulle besighede. Analise toon dat die vroue se motiewe vir die begin van hulle besighede gewoonlik positief is. Daar is egter ook nog 'n groot aantal vroue wie se motiewe beinvloed word deur negatiewe faktore (soos verlies van inkomstebronne). Die algehele prestasie van hulle besighede is ook nog swak in terme van inkomste gegenereer en die getal werknemers wat op 'n voltydse basis in diens geneem word. Netwerkvlakke is hoog, wat 'n aanduiding is van die wil om te slaag. 'n Assosiasie tussen motivering en prestasie is vasgestel. Daar is egter gevind dat geen beduidende assosiasie bestaan tussen die tipe motivering (positief of negatief) en prestasie of werkverrigting nie. Die studie sluit af met voorstelle vir die verbetering van prestasie vir vroue aan die hoof van besighede. Bevindinge toon dat in vergelyking met negatiewe motiverende faktore, daar 'n hoer vlak van positiewe faktore is, wat impliseer dat daar ander faktore bestaan wat die ekonomiese prestasie van hulle besighede kan verhinder.

Commentary on South Africa's position regarding equal pay for work of equal value: a comparative perspective.

Hlongwane, Nomagugu January 2004 (has links)
This paper compared the South African concepts of pay equity and equal pay for work of equal value with those of industrialised countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. The study considered how South Africa recognized the right to promote equal pay, in the absence of a proper legal framework which expressly includes such a right. The paper also focused on the impact of statutes and case law on the developments of equal pay in the aforementioned industrialized countries. It also considered the impact of the decisions of the European Court of Justice on such developments as well as it impact on the interpretation of equal pay in these industrialised countries. The purpose of such comparison was not to transplant the legal system of these industrialised countries but to assist South Africa in remedying its weaknesses by creating legal rules for the promotion of equal pay for work of equal value.

Creating 'space' for publication: challenges faced by women academic staff members at historically Black South African universities

Maurtin-Cairncross, Anita January 2003 (has links)
In this study an attempt was made to explore the challenges with regard to publications experienced by academic women at three selected Historically Black Universities (HBUs). Although based predominantly within a feminist qualitative metholodogical framework, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in this study. Based on the findings of the study, the recommendations illustrated participants' responses. Some of the recommendations illustrated participants' expressed need of staff development with a specific focus on training in publication skills / mentoring and support networks / assistance and support for their publishing venture at both institutional and departmental level and the development of strategies that would assist academic women in 'juggling' their personal and academic roles.

Contributory factors for HIV upsurge among children aged three to eighteen months in Mangaung, Free State province

Phakisi, Selloane 07 1900 (has links)
First eleven leaves not numbered / The purpose of this study was to identify, explore and describe the potential contributing factors of the upsurge of HIV among children aged three to eighteen months in the Mangaung Metropolitan area of the Free State Province in South Africa. The study was conducted at five primary healthcare facilities and one hospital in the Mangaung metropolitan municipality of the Free State Province with sixty randomly selected mothers of children testing HIV-positive for the first time between the ages of three and eighteen months. The convergent mixed-methods research design was opted for, according to which both qualitative and quantitative data were collected at the same health facilities selected by means of cluster sampling. The review of medical records, unstructured interviews, and structured questionnaires were used for qualitative and quantitative data collection, while random cluster sampling was used for participant selection. Thematic data analysis was applied for the interpretation of recurrent patterns of qualitative and quantitative data. The study results revealed that mothers were well-informed about the prevention of mother-to-child-transmission. The main factors that contributed to more children testing HIV positive after the routine tests were conducted at ten weeks included non-adherence factors to PMTCT prescripts mainly by mothers, such as: babies were not brought to the clinics for testing and immunisations at ten weeks, and that mothers acquired HIV infection during the breastfeeding period. Some other potential contributing factors were late antenatal booking which lead to the delay in initiation of antiretroviral treatment, nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy, and mixed feeding. The themes that emerged from the qualitative data were psychological factors, emotional factors, socioeconomic factors, missed opportunities, risky behaviour, as well as women disempowerment; while some mothers were left with unanswered questions. The results of the qualitative part complemented the quantitative findings as they uncovered the factors that led to the deviation from the PMTCT prescripts by the mothers. The study’s recommendations include PMTCT psychological assessment and counselling; partner and community involvement; women empowerment; and that couple testing at antenatal and postnatal clinics should be a national policy subjected to protracted monitoring and evaluation processes. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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