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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O profissional coordenador e os processos de trabalho na estratégia de saúde da família

Lima, Jéssica Hilário de January 2017 (has links)
A proposta da implantação das Estratégias de Saúde da Família (ESF) para organização da assistência em saúde faz com que o processo de trabalho da AB se reestruture com a finalidade de substituir as práticas educativas convencionais. Para que as organizações de saúde se tornem eficazes é necessário que se estabeleçam relações educativas entre as pessoas, tecnologias, recursos e administração. Para tanto, a função de coordenação é de suma importância nas instituições de saúde. O objetivo desse estudo é compreender o processo educativo no trabalho do Coordenador da Estratégia de Saúde da Família do Distrito Glória/Cruzeiro/Cristal – GCC do município de Porto Alegre (RS), com vistas a sugerir a implementação de ações de educação interprofissional em saúde para os Coordenadores. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, iniciado com um questionário on-line (Google Forms) para caracterização dos 21 sujeitos da pesquisa, com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Após, foram realizadas duas sessões de grupo focal, com 14 coordenadores das Unidades de Saúde da Família GCC. Na análise dos dados emergiram 4 categorias: De programa a política de saúde: estratégia de saúde da família e os desafios da gestão; A coordenação da Atenção Básica – Gestão em saúde: “O calcanhar e o garrão”, Processo de trabalho e a saúde do trabalhador na AB – Saúde do trabalhador: do profissional da saúde à própria saúde; Utopia trabalhar transdiciplinaridade e ensino interprofissional na AB? Trabalho multi / inter / transdisciplinar – Ubuntu – “Sou quem sou, porque somos todos nós”. Por conseguinte, a pesquisa apresentada reúne informações relevantes para a compreensão do cotidiano do trabalho da coordenação. Sugere-se estratégias de EIP e a normatização de carga horária para esse cargo gerencial. / The proposal of the implantation of the Family Health Strategies for the organization of health care causes that the work process of Primary Care is restructured in order to replace conventional educational practices. For health organizations to become effective it is necessary to establish educational relationships between people, technologies, resources and administration. The purpose of this study is to understand the educational process in the work of the District Family Health Strategy Coordinator Glória/Cruzeiro/Cristal – GCC of the municipality of Porto Alegre with a view to suggesting the implementation of interprofessional health education actions for the Coordinators. This is a qualitative research of an exploratory nature, started with a questionnaire on line (Google Forms) to characterize the 21 subjects of the research, with open and closed questions. After that, two focal group sessions were held, with 14 coordinators of the Family Health Units GCC. In the analysis of the data emerged 4 categories: From Program health politic: family health strategy and management challenges; The coordination of Basic Attention – Health management: "The heel and the garron", Work process and worker health in AB – Worker's health: from the health professional to the health itself; Utopia work transdisciplinary and interprofessional teaching in AB? Multi / inter / transdisciplinary work – Ubuntu – " I'm who I am, because we are all of us". Therefore, the presented research gathers information relevant to the understanding of the daily work of the coordination. We suggest EIP strategies and the standardization of workload for this managerial position.

Finanskrisens påverkan på revisionen : En studie om hur svenska revisorers arbete påverkas av risk. / The financial crisis and its impact on audit : a study on how Swedish auditors' work is affected by risk.

Allstrin, Tim, Felczak, Fredrik, Lohman, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Den här studien belyser hur revisorer i Sverige har påverkats av den globala finanskrisen. Inledningsvis presenteras tidigare skandaler och kriser som en bakgrund för studien, med anledning att upplysa läsaren om vilka konsekvenser det har fått för revisionsarbetet. Historiskt sett har yrket upprepade gånger haft motgångar som resulterat i hårdare krav och nya arbetsprocesser för revisorerna, där man gång på gång tvingats upprätthålla sitt förtroende och professionella status för allmänheten. Ämnet finner vi intressant eftersom det är under krissituationer som yrket prövas på allvar. För den här studien har vi valt en kvantitativ ansats som har baserats på en enkätundersökning. Enkäten har skickats till alla auktoriserade och godkända revisorer i landet, den utgörs av ett antal väl utvalda frågor som berör arbetsprocessen med risk som tema. Den teoretiska referensramen kommer att behandla revisorernas arbetsprocess och utförligt beskriva relevanta riskverktyg, tillgångsposter och begrepp. Teorin kommer att jämföras mot det empiriska materialet och sedan presenteras i en analys för studien. I resultatet kan vi konstatera att finanskrisen har haft en tydlig påverkan på revisionsarbetet. Det intressanta för studien är att vi har fått en bredare helhetssyn över hur revisorerna påverkats. Statistiska variabler har skapat förutsättningar för olika grupperingar och bidragit med värdefull information som har presenterats i analysen. Konsekvensen av finanskrisen har varit både positiva och negativa. Den ökade risken tvingar revisorerna till ett mer djupgående riskanalyser, detta upplever vi som en positiv konsekvens av finanskrisen. Även granskningsarbetet har fått ett ökat fokus och tvingat revisorerna till ett mer noggrannare arbete. En negativ konsekvens är att kraven för dokumentationen har ökat vilket skapat betydligt mer arbete för revisorerna, något som vi anser kan komma att påverka effektiviteten för revisionsarbetet.

"Gerência enquanto instrumento para mudanças em um serviço substitutivo de saúde mental no município de Uberaba - estudo de caso" / Management as a changing instrument in a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba – a case study.

Cunha, Maria Thereza Rodrigues da 14 February 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, realizado no Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial - NAPS “Maria Boneca", um serviço substitutivo de Saúde Mental, na cidade de Uberaba-MG e busca compreender a dinâmica da gerência do referido serviço, enquanto um instrumento capaz de propiciar mudanças nas práticas de atenção ao paciente portador de sofrimento mental. O pressuposto deste estudo é creditar à gerência a potência de dar ao serviço substitutivo de saúde mental uma organização e dinâmica capaz de produzir no portador de sofrimento mental uma vida mais humana, mais digna e cidadã, permitindo-lhe participar do mundo em sociedade, não com o traço da estranheza e periculosidade, como geralmente lhe é atribuído, mas como alguém portador de uma diferença. A pesquisa foi realizada com dez (10) trabalhadores do NAPS, um por categoria profissional, sendo escolhidos pelo critério da antigüidade, com os quais foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O material empírico foi organizado segundo o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e a análise do material, feita segundo a análise de conteúdo, na vertente da Análise Temática. Do movimento de análise foi possível identificar dois (2) grandes temas: A expressão da subjetividade no trabalho em saúde mental – um trabalho muito especial e O processo de trabalho participativo enquanto um componente da gerência nos serviços substitutivos. É identificado no estudo, segundo os trabalhadores entrevistados, a importância do processo de gerência nos serviços, principalmente naqueles que pretendem atender aos portadores de sofrimento mental, demanda tão segregada socialmente e tão excluída da convivência social, especialmente da familiar. Evidencia-se a importância da participação dos usuários nos processos decisórios, pois os mesmos colaboram no sentido de permitir aos pacientes uma vivência integradora da vida e uma busca de sua identidade perdida por anos a fio nas internações psiquiátricas, e o (re)encontro com a cidadania. O trabalho aponta, como formas de participação nas decisões instâncias como a Assembléia Geral, a Reunião Clínica e as decisões que ocorrem de maneira informal, denominada de “decisões de corredor". No estudo feito, a equipe de trabalhadores do NAPS “Maria Boneca", se considera coesa, afetuosa, portadora de um projeto coletivo, apesar de dificuldades e diferenças; mesmo a equipe se colocando como condutora do processo gerencial, existem membros que desejariam ver no serviço uma gerência mais autoritária e hierárquica. / This study is characterized as a case study conducted in the Nucleus of Psychosocial Care – NAPS Maria Boneca, a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais State. It aimed at understanding the management dynamics in that service as an instrument that can propitiate changes in the practice of caregiving to patients with mental suffering. This study assumes that managers should be given the power to provide the substitute mental health service with an organization and dynamics that could offer patients with mental suffering a more human, respectale and rightful life, thus allowing them to participate in the social world, not under the shadow of strangeness or perilousness that is usuallly cast over them, but as people who bear a difference. The study was conducted with 10 (ten) workers from NAPS, one from each professioal category, who were selected according to the antiquity criterion and to whom the interviews were applied. The empirical material was organized according to the Collective Subject’s Discourse method and the analysis of such material was made through content analysis based on Thematic Analysis. From the analytical movement, it was possible to identify 2 (two) broad themes: The expression of subjectivity in mental health work – a very special type of work and The participative work process as a management component in substitute services. According to the interviewed workers, the importance of the management process in services, especially in those intending to assist mental health patients, is identified – a demand that is so discriminated socially and excluded from social living, particularly from social life. The importance of the participation of users in decision-making processes is emphasized since they contribute in order to offer patients an integrating life experience and an opportunity to search for their identity lost through the years of psychiatric hospitalizations and to the re-encountering with citizenship. The work suggests the following forms of participation in decision making: General Assembly, Clinical Meeting and the decisions that were made informally and denominated “hallway decisions". The team of workers at NAPS Maria Boneca regards itself as cohesive, affectionate, and involved with a collective project in spite of the difficulties and differences, in addition to playing the role of a conductor of the managerial process, although there are members who would like the service to have a more authoritarian and hierarchical management.

O território como elemento constituinte do processo de trabalho das Equipes de Saúde da Família: relevância e desafios / The territory as a constituent element of the work process of the Family Health Teams: relevance and challenges

Eduardo Guadagnin 19 December 2013 (has links)
Objetivos - Compreender como as equipes de Saúde da Família consideram o território em seu processo de trabalho. Identificar e analisar as concepções de território dos profissionais das equipes de saúde da família. Analisar as potencialidades e limitações presentes nas concepções de território dos profissionais das equipes de saúde da família na perspectiva do cuidado integral à saúde na atenção básica. Procedimentos metodológicos - Pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa. Realizada analise documental e 22 entrevistas com profissionais de duas unidades de saúde da família do município de Jacareí - SP. Resultados - Os profissionais entrevistados apresentaram diferentes concepções sobre o território que atuam. Alguns profissionais associaram o território às características geopolíticas do mesmo, considerando apenas o território solo. Outros profissionais correlacionaram tais características com o modo de vida da população, considerando a ocupação e as dinâmicas existentes no mesmo, trabalhando com a lógica do território singularizado. Diversos profissionais trouxeram uma compreensão do território a partir dos determinantes e condicionantes do processo saúde-doença. Estas concepções trouxeram influencias do modelo de Programas de Saúde, do modelo das Vigilâncias em Saúde e do Modelo em Defesa da Vida. As diferentes concepções influenciaram de forma diversa nos processos de trabalho das equipes. As concepções relacionadas ao modelo dos Programas de Saúde favoreceram a inclusão de usuários com um conjunto de patologias pré-estabelecidas. As concepções baseadas no modelo das Vigilâncias em Saúde possibilitaram uma maior compreensão dos determinantes e condicionantes do processo saúde-doença. As concepções baseadas no modelo em Defesa da Vida se mostraram mais eficazes para a compreensão e consideração das necessidades de saúde dos usuários no processo de trabalho das equipes. Houve diferenças na organização dos processos de trabalho, na organização do cuidado e na forma de gestão das duas unidades estudadas. As equipes estudadas consideram parcialmente o território na organização do processo de trabalho, porém é necessária a ampliação do olhar sobre as vulnerabilidades existentes no processo saúde-doença, favorecendo uma clínica ampliada, mediante de arranjos institucionais pautados no vínculo, acolhimento e responsabilização da equipe com o cuidado integral em saúde, a partir das necessidades de saúde dos usuários / Objectives - Understand how teams of the Family Health consider the territory in their work process. Identify and analyze the concepts of territory of professional teams of family health. Analyze the strengths and limitations present in the territory conceptions of professional of teams of the Family Health in the perspective of comprehensive health care in primary care. Methodological Procedures - Research with a qualitative approach. Held documental analysis and conducted 22 interviews with two units of family health in the city of Jacareí-SP. Results - The professionals interviewed had different conceptions about territory they serve. Some professionals associated territory geopolitical features of it, considering only the ground territory. Other professionals such characteristics correlated with the mode of life, considering the occupation and the existing dynamic in it, working with the logic singled territory. Several professionals have brought an understanding of the territory from the determinants and constraints of the health-disease process. These conceptions brought influences the model of Health Programs, the model of Surveillance in Healthcare and Model in Defense of Life. Different attitudes influenced differently in the work processes of teams. The concepts related to the model of Health Programs favored the inclusion of users with a set of pre-established conditions. The concepts based on the model of Surveillance in Health allowed a greater understanding of the determinants and determinants of health-disease process. Conceptions based on the model in Defense of Life proved more effective for understanding and consideration of the health needs of the users in the team work process. There were differences in the organization of work processes in the organization of care and management in the form of the two units studied. The teams studied consider the territory part in the organization of the work process, but look at the expansion of existing vulnerabilities in the health- disease process is required, favoring an expanded, guided by the institutional arrangements in the bond, hosting and accountability of staff with clinical the comprehensive health care from the health needs of the users

"A reforma psiquiátrica em Cuiabá/MT: análise do processo de trabalho das equipes de saúde mental" / "The Psychiatric Reform in Cuiabá/MT: an analysis of the work process of the mental health teams"

Oliveira, Alice Guimarães Bottaro de 17 December 2003 (has links)
O objeto desta tese é o movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica no Município de Cuiabá/MT, analisado por meio dos processos de trabalho das equipes de saúde mental nos serviços extra-hospitalares de atenção à saúde mental, numa abordagem dialética-marxista. Compreende-se que o processo de trabalho, sendo o fundamento do modo de produção e, portanto, da sociabilidade humana, permite analisar toda a problemática envolvida nas práticas de saúde, que se efetivam em uma determinada realidade concreta, complexa e representam a síntese de múltiplas determinações histórico-sociais. O movimento de Reforma Psiquiátrica nos anos 1970/1980 teve, em Cuiabá/MT, uma correspondência com a expansão da rede hospitalar psiquiátrica privada, determinada pelo peculiar processo de desenvolvimento econômico-social local. Atualmente, constata-se uma hegemonia do setor hospitalar privado no contexto de assistência à saúde mental em Cuiabá e, simultaneamente, uma discreta reorganização administrativa da assistência orientada para práticas extra-hospitalares que, entretanto, não confronta, quantitativa e qualitativamente, com o modelo de atenção médico-psiquiátrico que embasa as práticas da psiquiatria hospitalar. Tal reorganização visa atender, prioritariamente, às regras atuais de financiamento do setor. Observou-se uma centralização do poder administrativo e vínculos, muitas vezes, precários de trabalho dos profissionais, além da ausência ou restrição de número e de categorias de profissionais que seriam necessários para imprimir uma modificação no modelo de atenção ao trabalho das equipes. A cidadania – instrumento e finalidade do processo terapêutico na Reforma Psiquiátrica - é dissociada da vivência e organização do trabalho de profissionais e usuários. A referência de cidadania predominante nos processos de trabalho foi a cidadania tutelada. Não se observou uma problematização da condição de cidadania de doentes mentais e, não sendo exploradas as contradições das práticas que os profissionais operam - simultaneamente restrição de liberdade e atenção psicossocial - observou-se uma alienação dos mesmos em relação ao seu trabalho, que ficou então reduzido à realização de atividades. A medicalização é o mecanismo estruturante de todas as práticas analisadas e os instrumentos mais evidentes na abordagem terapêutica são os medicamentos psicotrópicos. A conformação de um novo paradigma de assistência – Reforma Psiquiátrica – requer a confrontação com o antigo modelo médico psiquiátrico, o que não se observou na realidade estudada. / The study object of this thesis is the movement for a Psychiatric Reform carried out in the district of Cuiabá (MT), analyzed through the work processes of the teams in charge of mental health outpatient attention and based on a dialectic-Marxist approach. It is understood that the working process, being the foundation of the production manner and human interaction, allows us to analyze all the problems involved in health practices which become effective in a certain concrete and complex reality. These practices represent a synthesis of the multiple socio-historical orders. The movement of Psychiatric Reform in the 70’s and 80’s in Cuiabá coincided with the growth of the number of hospitals in the private area, determined by the peculiar local socio-economic development process. We can, nowadays, notice the preeminence of private hospitals in the context of mental health assistance in Cuiabá and, at the same time, observe a slight administrative re-organization of the assistance to outpatients although it cannot be compared, in quantity nor quality, to the medical-psychiatric attention model provided by hospital psychiatry. This re-organization seeks to attend to, on a first instance, the present financing rules of the sector. A centralization of the administrative power has been observed together with somehow failing work-bonds for professionals and the absence or restriction of number and professional categories that should be considered essential to achieve a modified pattern of attention to the teams’ work. Citizenship – instrument and purpose of the therapeutic process within the Psychiatric Reform – is disassociated from the experience and working organization of professionals and users. The predominant reference to citizenship in the working processes is that of a tutored citizenship. We were not able to observe the problematics of the citizenship condition of the mentally disabled and as the contradictions in the professionals’ practice – simultaneous occurrence of independence restrictions and psycho-social attention – were not explored, a certain alienation was detected as far as their work was concerned, which was reduced to task compliance. Medication is the structuring mechanism of all the analyzed practices and the most apparent instruments for the therapeutic approach are psychotropic drugs. The conformation of a new assistance paradigm – Psychiatric Reform – requires the confrontation with the old psychiatric medicine model, which was not observed in the reality context we studied.

Reabilitação psicossocial em hospital psiquiátrico: as representações e práticas dos trabalhadores / Psychosocial rehabilitation in psychiatric hospital : the representations and practice of workers

Andrade, Talita Moreira 27 November 2012 (has links)
Diante do expressivo número de Hospitais Psiquiátricos no Estado de São Paulo, que continuam presentes no atendimento das pessoas com transtornos mentais mesmo frente à política de desinstitucionalização e a priorização do atendimento nos serviços substitutivos, surge a questão se os profissionais que trabalham neles conhecem e discutem o conceito de reabilitação psicossocial e como trabalham no contexto da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Este estudo objetivou analisar as possibilidades e impossibilidades de se implantar estratégias de reabilitação psicossocial em hospitais psiquiátricos, foi escolhido como objeto as representações que os trabalhadores têm sobre a reabilitação psicossocial e como categorias analíticas, as representações sociais e o processo de trabalho em saúde. Os dados foram coletados no período entre novembro e dezembro de 2011, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com questões norteadoras, junto a dezoito trabalhadores dos lares abrigados em um hospital psiquiátrico no Município de São Paulo. Após a transcrição das falas, os dados foram analisados conforme a metodologia de análise temática. A análise dos discursos dos entrevistados revelou temas que por aproximação configuraram a categoria Processo de Trabalho: Os temas que formaram esta categoria foram: o agente, instrumentos, objeto, finalidade e as dificuldades e facilidades do processo de trabalho. Também foram encontrados temas que por aproximação configuraram a categoria Processo de Reabilitação Psicossocial: objeto, instrumentos e finalidade do processo de reabilitação psicossocial. A categoria representações sociais possibilitou compreender a concepção dos trabalhadores sobre a reabilitação psicossocial; sendo sua finalidade independência, aumento do poder contratual, resgate da cidadania e dos direitos: de morar, trabalhar e reestabelecer laços sociais. A categoria analítica processo de trabalho desvelou o próprio processo de trabalho da equipe e o processo de reabilitar; os discursos apresentaram contradições em que coexistem as concepções embasadas no modelo da psiquiatria tradicional e concepções coerentes com as da reabilitação psicossocial. O que limita as possibilidades de reabilitação é: a precariedade da rede de saúde mental em São Paulo, escassez de recursos humanos e materiais, resistência por parte das famílias. As possibilidades ocorrem pela superação das práticas centradas na doença para práticas centradas nas necessidades materiais e psicossociais da pessoa. Os trabalhadores compreendem o hospital psiquiátrico como local de zero troca, reiterando vasta literatura sobre o tema, por isso, a finalidade do processo de trabalho é a alta do morador. Pode-se dizer que o trabalho nos lares abrigados proporciona a desospitalização do paciente e uma permanência com possibilidade de vida mais digna do que em enfermarias, pois tem a possibilidade de habitar e não simplesmente estar. Entretanto, é importante salientar que os moradores continuam sob o poder do hospital psiquiátrico e da equipe, limitados às normas institucionais, menos rígidas em relação às das enfermarias, mas ainda presentes, o que a análise revelou ser entendido pelos trabalhadores, evidenciando uma superação em relação à concepção do hospital como protetor ou local para tratar a crise. / Facing the expressive number of psychiatric hospitals in the state of São Paulo, which are still present in the assistance of people with mental disorders even facing the politics of desinstitutionalization and the prioritization in the assistance of substitutive services, arises the question whether the professional who works in them know and discuss the concept of psychosocial rehabilitation and how they work in the context of Psychiatric Reform. This study aimed in analyzing the impossibilities of implanting strategies of psychosocial rehabilitation in psychiatric hospitals, it was chosen as object the social representations in which workers have about the psychosocial rehabilitation and as analytical categories the social representations and in health work process. The data were collected between the periods from November to December of 2011, by means of semi-structured interviews with leading questions, with eighteen workers from shelters in a psychiatric hospital in the city of São Paulo. After the voices transcriptions, the data were analyzed following the methodology of thematics analysis. The analysis of the interviewed people have revealed themes that per approaching set the category Process of Work: the themes which have formed this category were : the agent, the instruments, objects, purpose and the difficulties and facilities in the process of work. There were also found themes that per approaching set the category Process in Psychosocial Rehabilitation: object, instruments and purpose in the process of psychosocial rehabilitation. The category social representations have allowed to make it understood the conception of workers about the psychosocial rehabilitation, being its purpose the independency, increase of contractual power, rescue of citizenship and the rights: of living, working and reestablish social bonds. The analytical category process of work unveiled the own team process of work and the process of rehabilitate; the discourses have shown contradictions where there is the coexistence the conceptions based on the model of traditional psychiatry and conceptions consistent with the psychosocial rehabilitation one. What limits the possibilities of rehabilitation are: the precariousness in the mental health of public services in São Paulo, lack of human resources and materials, resistance from part of the families. The possibilities are given in the overcoming of practices centered in the disease for centered practices in the persons material and psychosocial necessities. The workers comprehend the psychiatric hospital as a place of zero Exchange, reiterating wide literature about the theme, thats why the purpose in the work process is the cure of the inhabitant. We could say that the work in the shelters allows the patient not to be in the hospital any longer with the chance of a healthier life than in the nursing, because there is the chance of living and not simply being. However, it is important to mention that the inhabitants keep under the control of the psychiatric hospital and its staff, being limited to the institutional, less strict when comparing to the nursing ones, but yet present, the analysis have shown it was understood by the workers making it evident an overcoming in relation to the concept of the hospital as a protector or a place to treat the crisis.

O território como elemento constituinte do processo de trabalho das Equipes de Saúde da Família: relevância e desafios / The territory as a constituent element of the work process of the Family Health Teams: relevance and challenges

Guadagnin, Eduardo 19 December 2013 (has links)
Objetivos - Compreender como as equipes de Saúde da Família consideram o território em seu processo de trabalho. Identificar e analisar as concepções de território dos profissionais das equipes de saúde da família. Analisar as potencialidades e limitações presentes nas concepções de território dos profissionais das equipes de saúde da família na perspectiva do cuidado integral à saúde na atenção básica. Procedimentos metodológicos - Pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa. Realizada analise documental e 22 entrevistas com profissionais de duas unidades de saúde da família do município de Jacareí - SP. Resultados - Os profissionais entrevistados apresentaram diferentes concepções sobre o território que atuam. Alguns profissionais associaram o território às características geopolíticas do mesmo, considerando apenas o território solo. Outros profissionais correlacionaram tais características com o modo de vida da população, considerando a ocupação e as dinâmicas existentes no mesmo, trabalhando com a lógica do território singularizado. Diversos profissionais trouxeram uma compreensão do território a partir dos determinantes e condicionantes do processo saúde-doença. Estas concepções trouxeram influencias do modelo de Programas de Saúde, do modelo das Vigilâncias em Saúde e do Modelo em Defesa da Vida. As diferentes concepções influenciaram de forma diversa nos processos de trabalho das equipes. As concepções relacionadas ao modelo dos Programas de Saúde favoreceram a inclusão de usuários com um conjunto de patologias pré-estabelecidas. As concepções baseadas no modelo das Vigilâncias em Saúde possibilitaram uma maior compreensão dos determinantes e condicionantes do processo saúde-doença. As concepções baseadas no modelo em Defesa da Vida se mostraram mais eficazes para a compreensão e consideração das necessidades de saúde dos usuários no processo de trabalho das equipes. Houve diferenças na organização dos processos de trabalho, na organização do cuidado e na forma de gestão das duas unidades estudadas. As equipes estudadas consideram parcialmente o território na organização do processo de trabalho, porém é necessária a ampliação do olhar sobre as vulnerabilidades existentes no processo saúde-doença, favorecendo uma clínica ampliada, mediante de arranjos institucionais pautados no vínculo, acolhimento e responsabilização da equipe com o cuidado integral em saúde, a partir das necessidades de saúde dos usuários / Objectives - Understand how teams of the Family Health consider the territory in their work process. Identify and analyze the concepts of territory of professional teams of family health. Analyze the strengths and limitations present in the territory conceptions of professional of teams of the Family Health in the perspective of comprehensive health care in primary care. Methodological Procedures - Research with a qualitative approach. Held documental analysis and conducted 22 interviews with two units of family health in the city of Jacareí-SP. Results - The professionals interviewed had different conceptions about territory they serve. Some professionals associated territory geopolitical features of it, considering only the ground territory. Other professionals such characteristics correlated with the mode of life, considering the occupation and the existing dynamic in it, working with the logic singled territory. Several professionals have brought an understanding of the territory from the determinants and constraints of the health-disease process. These conceptions brought influences the model of Health Programs, the model of Surveillance in Healthcare and Model in Defense of Life. Different attitudes influenced differently in the work processes of teams. The concepts related to the model of Health Programs favored the inclusion of users with a set of pre-established conditions. The concepts based on the model of Surveillance in Health allowed a greater understanding of the determinants and determinants of health-disease process. Conceptions based on the model in Defense of Life proved more effective for understanding and consideration of the health needs of the users in the team work process. There were differences in the organization of work processes in the organization of care and management in the form of the two units studied. The teams studied consider the territory part in the organization of the work process, but look at the expansion of existing vulnerabilities in the health- disease process is required, favoring an expanded, guided by the institutional arrangements in the bond, hosting and accountability of staff with clinical the comprehensive health care from the health needs of the users

Balkonger i trähus : Systematisering av konstruktionsarbete

Ersson, Tina January 2019 (has links)
House construction today is largely project-based, where the buildings are tailored tounique conditions and locations that are rarely the same as another build on anotherbuilding site. In addition to the building itself and the building site, involved actorsusually also change from project to project. As a result of today's project-basedconstruction, there is a lack of a standardized and systematic work process forconstruction work. A systematic work process could contribute to all the players' pursuitof profit. To explore the possibilities of creating an improved work process, this study focusedon balconies of wooden houses. The purpose and objectives of the work were therefore designed to evaluate today'sconstruction work for the design of balconies in wooden houses, where possible areasof improvement were evaluated to create a systematic work process for constructorsin designing and dimensioning balconies in wooden houses.In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the work, four questions have beendeveloped that focus on the production of systematic work processes, the current workprocess of the construction work, design methods and balconies in wooden houses.Existing research and published material were found through a literature and contextstudy to further develop the study’s work. Theory regarding systematisation and process development, balconies,dimensioning of supporting structures, etc. was the basis for how the work would becarried out. The systematized work process for balcony design was, however, createdusing information from the qualitative interview study with a total of eight (8)respondents in different roles I house building. The work process was then partiallytested in a quantitative verification. The work resulted in a systematic work process in the form of a checklist that includesgeneral tips as well as a chronological workflow that describes how, when, with whomand what should and can be done at the balcony design to get the best possible results.A description of the existing balcony types has also been developed to simplify workand to clarify important points and tasks in the design of a particular type of balcony. The workflow is divided into the activities of the design and dimensioning, such asstart-up, design and dimensioning of the balcony's main components, detail designand dimensioning of fastening components, drawing up drawings and assemblydescriptions, and follow-up and development of the work process. Based on the results of the study, the questions were answered with a description ofthe four (4) types of balcony, which were based on theory and were strengthened bymeans of empirical data from the respondents. Two (2) of the balcony types are viiiconsidered more common, balconies with pillars to land and rods above the balconyplate, where the latter is considered the most common in wooden houses at present.Today's construction work for designing and dimensioning balconies in woodenhouses is similar in large part, but due to the use of prefabrication and standardizationdegree the work differs from each other. The verification of a part of the work process resulted in a balcony solution with crosslaminated timber as a balcony slab and in a comparison between results from aproposed software and hand calculations. The comparison showed that the softwarecan be used for dimensioning balconies with cross laminated timber, with the exceptionthat the dimensioning for fire must be done by hand because of deficiencies in thesoftware's settings. The study has shown that systematisation is often based on LEAN Production, whichwas created by the Japanese automotive industry, which focuses on creating efficientwork processes by circularly examining, testing, evaluating and developing workprocesses. The conclusion of the work is that it is possible to systematise construction work, butunlike the manufacturing industry, the work process must have adjustment possibilitiesduring the work to meet the commonly occurring changes in house construction.However, in order for the systematisation work to be carried out, increasedunderstanding and involvement from and by other actors than constructors arerequired. A systematic work process together with type solutions and standardized calculationmethods can shorten the design time, improve and secure the solutions, and allowmore time for creative thinking to further improve the balcony solutions and the workprocess.

Byggprocessen i förändring - Visionen om BIM / The Construction process in change - The vision of BIM

Atto, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Det primära syftet med detta examensarbete kan sägas vara att skapa en uppfattning hos Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydost, som är initiativtagare till detta examensarbete, om vad BIM (Building Information Model) är och hur det lättast kan implementeras i deras arbetsprocesser. Det skulle vara omöjligt att täcka in alla aspekter av BIM under den korta tid som funnits till förfogande och inom ramen för detta examensarbete, därför har de aspekter som ansetts vara viktiga för företaget samt författaren lyfts upp för utredning. För att kunna nå dit har examensarbetet till uppgift att kartlägga och synliggöra de skillnader som finns mellan dagens byggprocess och BIM (Building Information Model) och utifrån det föreslå möjliga sätt att implementera denna arbetsmetod hos Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydost. I examensarbetets första kapitel ges en kort introduktion och bakgrund till hur byggprocessen förändrats under tidens gång. Ett syfte och en frågeställning formuleras och en avgränsning för examensarbetets omfattning görs. I examensarbetets andra kapitel ges den teoretiska bakgrunden till dagens byggprocess. Viktiga aspekter av dagens byggprocess lyfts fram och förklaras. Därefter följer en presentation av begreppet BIM och vad det innebär. Därefter görs en kort genomgång för hur arbetet med BIM ser ut hos Skanska Sverige AB och generellt i byggbranschen. I examensarbetets tredje kapitel presenteras hur BIM används idag på vägprojekt utanför Katrineholm i ett projekt kallat för Förbifart Katrineholm där BIM tillämpats i viss utsträckning. Skillnaderna som finns mellan dagens byggprocess och BIM samt de för- och nackdelar som kan konstateras hos BIM i relation till dagens byggprocess presenteras. I examensarbetes fjärde kapitel besvaras frågeställningarna och resultatet analyseras samt diskuteras ur viktiga aspekter för byggande, för att i det femte kapitlet komma med konkreta förslag på hur en implementering av BIM i Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydosts arbetsprocesser kan se ut. / The primary purpose of this thesis can be said to be to create a perception at Skanska Civil Southeast, which is the initiator of this thesis, on what BIM (Building Information Model) is and how it can most easily be implemented in their work processes. It would be impossible to cover all aspects of BIM in the short amount of time that has been available and in the context of this thesis, therefore, the aspects that were deemed important to the company and to the author has been picked up for investigation. To achieve this, the task of the thesis is to identify and highlight the differences between today's construction process, and BIM (Building Information Model) and from that suggest possible ways to implement this way of working to Skanska Civil Southeast. The thesis first chapter provides a brief introduction and background to the construction process and how it has changed over time. A purpose and questions on which the thesis is being based on are formulated and a boundary for the thesis is done. The thesis second chapter provides the theoretical background to today's construction process. Key aspects of today's construction process are highlighted and explained. This is followed by a presentation of the concept of BIM and what it means. After that, a brief review of how the work with BIM looks at Skanska Sweden AB and in the construction industry generally. The thesis third chapter presents how BIM is currently used on a road project just outside of Katrineholm in a project called Förbifart Katrineholm where BIM is being applied to some extent. The differences that exist between today’s construction process and the BIM and the pros and con that can be observed in BIM relative to today's construction process is presented. In the thesis fourth chapter answers the questions and the results are analyzed and discussed on important aspects of construction, to, in the fifth chapter make concrete proposals on how an implementation of BIM in Skanska Civil Southeast work processes may look like.

Not Just Another Team Member : How management is affected when the customer is a member of the global virtual team

Jörgensen, Niklas, Meléus, Sammy January 2015 (has links)
Purpose - The aim of the paper is to understand how management is affected by having the customer as a member of the global virtual team within agile work methods. Research Method - This research is based on a qualitative methodological choice, and an embedded single case study conducted through a cross-sectional time horizon. The research is based on primary and secondary data. The primary data has been collected from management, employees, and customer, through semi- and in depth interviews, and observations in Sri Lanka. Secondary data is conceptualized from literature in the Global Virtual Team research field. Results - A customer is seen as a colleague and a critical team member, where the developers and management work closely with the customer. However, the customer is not fully seen as a traditional colleague. The customer’s influence outweighs the influence of the supplier, resulting in a dynamic shift of influence towards the customer. Not allowing the dynamic shift, i.e. not increasing attention towards the customer significantly, could result in a loss of business. Furthermore, the background of the customer affects the manager’s role as a Bridge Maker. How efficient the collaboration turns out within the team is dependent on the customer background, and how well the management allocates time and efforts accordingly. Research limitations - Due to time and resource limits, and the depth scope of the study, only one case firm and one customer laid the basis of this paper. Further investigation of how management is affected by having the customer as a member of the global virtual team could be the direction of future studies. Practical implications - The findings allow management to allocate their time and resources more effectively cross projects and increase the understanding of how the firm is affected by having the customer as a member of the team in the global virtual team setting. As a result, it will potentially increase the overall success of the company. Originality/value - This study supplies the contribution to existing management literature as it includes an external stakeholder, the customer, in the global virtual team, which is a growing phenomenon that has not been captured by current literature. Keywords - Global teams, Virtual teams, Multicultural teams, Customer as a team member, Bridge Maker, Team leadership, Biculturalism, Agile work process Paper type – Master thesis

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