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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'hypo-socialisation du mouvement : prévention durable des troubles musculo-squelettiques chez des fossoyeurs municipaux / Hypo-socialization of the movement : sustainable prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in municipal gravediggers

Simonet, Pascal 05 December 2011 (has links)
Les troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) liés au travail sont des maladies qui interrogent la formation du geste professionnel. Il est admis que ces maladies plurifactorielles nécessitent pour leur prévention des approches interdisciplinaires. Notre action s'inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie historico-culturelle de l'activité (Vygotski, 1978). La recherche en clinique de l'activité organise l'action d'appropriation par les sujets de nouveaux moyens d'agir sur eux-mêmes et sur la situation de travail. Elle débute toujours par une intervention dans un milieu professionnel donné. Nous avons répondu à la demande du service de médecine du travail d'une grande ville française. Des TMS au niveau des épaules et des lombalgies ont été diagnostiqués chez des fossoyeurs municipaux. Nous avons conduit cette intervention en psychologie du travail dans un cadre méthodologique clinique de l'activité ouvert aux coopérations interdisciplinaires avec l'ergonomie de l'activité et l'analyse biomécanique. La co-analyse de gestes techniques au sein de trois collectifs de fossoyeurs a pu bénéficier des apports méthodologiques de l'interdisciplinarité. L'intervention a aussi permis des avancées dans l'action de prévention initiée par les membres de la direction et les préventeurs réunis en comité de pilotage. Au plan conceptuel, le geste est une unité physiologique, psychologique et sociale. Dans l'analyse psychologique et sociale du mouvement (Clot & Fernandez, 2005) cette unité est appréhendée dans la complexité de sa dynamique inter fonctionnelle (Luria, 1973). Le développement du geste est pensé en termes de réorganisation qualitative des rapports internes entre automatisme et geste et entre geste et mouvement (Fernandez, 2004). Cette modélisation est construite sur le modèle des rapports inter fonctionnels entre opération et action et entre action et activité (Léontiev, 1984) ainsi que sur le modèle de l'activité dirigée (Clot, 1999). Ce parcours théorique et nos résultats empiriques font apparaître que les TMS sont des maladies de l'hypo-socialisation du mouvement par défaut d'interférences entre les contextes de sa réalisation. La dynamique des controverses gestuelles entre professionnels et l'organisation d'interférences inter-contextuelles sont analysées comme des méthodes indirectes favorisant la socialisation du mouvement en vue de prévenir les troubles musculo-squelettiques. / Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) are diseases that question the making of the professional gesture. It said that the prevention of these multifactorial diseases needs interdisciplinary approaches. Our action is in line with the historico-cultural theory of activity (Vygotski, 1978). Research in clinic of activity organizes the subjects' action of appropriation of new means of action both on themselves and on the work situation. It always begins by an intervention within a specific professional environment. We answered the demand of the occupational medicine department of a big French city. WRMSD on the region of the shoulders and lumbers troubles have been diagnosed among municipal gravediggers. We led this intervention in psychology of work within a clinic of activity methodological frame open to interdisciplinary cooperation with ergonomics of activity and biomechanical analysis. Co- analysis of technical gestures within three gravedigger collectives has benefited from the methodological contributions of interdisciplinarity. The intervention has also allowed advances in the action of prevention initiated by managers and preventors together in a piloting committee. From a conceptual viewpoint the gesture is a physiological, psychological and social unit. In the psychological and social analysis of movement (Clot & Fernandez, 2005) this unit is comprehended in the complexity of its interfunctional dynamics (Luria, 1973). The development of the gesture is thought of in terms of qualitative reorganization of internal relations between automatism and gesture and between gesture and movement. This modelling is built on the model of the interfunctional relationships between operation and action and between action and activity (Léontiev, 1984) as well as on the model of directed activity (Clot, 1999). This theoretical route and our empirical findings show that the WRMSD are diseases linked to hypo-socialization of movement by lack of interferences between contexts of its realization. The dynamic of gestural controversies between professionals and the organization of inter-contextual interferences are analysed as indirect methods facilitating the socialization of the movement in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

Fonction psychologique et sociale du collectif pour la santé au travail : le cas de l’activité d’opérateurs de montage automobile / Psychological and social function of a peer group to promote health at work : a case study of operators' activity in car industry

Quillerou-Grivot, Edwige 07 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au travail collectif d’opérateurs de montage travaillant en « îlot de production » et à la construction de la santé dans ce contexte de transformations du monde ouvrier. Lors d’une intervention dans une entreprise de logistique, dernier maillon de la chaîne de sous-traitance de l’industrie automobile, nous avons proposé d’installer un cadre clinique de l’activité en psychologie du travail. Ainsi, les opérateurs volontaires ont pu découvrir combien les expériences des autres - même ceux croisés ponctuellement de par le turn-over des intérimaires - et les débats autour des façons de faire des collègues, pouvaient devenir une ressource pour leur propre travail. Malgré la difficulté de maintenir un travail de co-analyse avec un fort turn-over, les opérateurs ont aussi pris conscience de la fonction sociale de leur collectif au sein de l’entreprise, lors du dernier comité de pilotage de notre intervention. Ce double processus psychologique et social de la fonction du collectif chez les opérateurs leur permet de créer de nouvelles manières de transformer le travail, participant ainsi au développement de leur santé. / This thesis speaks about collective work of the operators of assembly in modular manufacturing unit and health building in this context of industrial work transformations. During an intervention in a company of car logistics, the last link of the chain of subcontracting at car industry, we proposed them to construct a clinical frame of activity in work psychology. So, volunteers’ operators were able to discover how much the experiences of the others - even those crossed punctually due to the turnover of the temporary workers - and the debates around the manners to make the other colleagues could become a resource for their own work. In spite of the difficulty to maintain a work of co-analysis with temporary operators, the operators could also became aware of their collective social function, during the last steering committee of our intervention. This double psychological and social process of the collective function at the operators allows creating new ways to transform their work, so participating in the development of their health.

Organizace práce ve zdravotnictví. Případová studie zavádění zaměstnaneckého manuálu na standardním lůžkovém oddělení Nemocnice Pelhřimov / The work organization in health care. The case study implementation of employee manual for standard ward Hospital of Pelhřimov

Palánová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The organization of work in health care. Case study of implementing employee manual on standard hospital wards Pelhřimov "manual describes the creation of employment for nurses working in inpatient department standard and the introduction of this manual into practice. The work is divided into theoretical part, which consists of five chapters and practical. The theoretical part of the information, human resources management, teamwork, employee evaluation, problem solving and team work quality in healthcare facilities. The practical part describes the process of creating the manual setting of the main goals and sub-goals and progress of cooperation author of the thesis members of the team formed for the creation of the manual. We'll also find an evaluation questionnaire, finding an employee satisfaction nurses manual and usability of information for practice. The result of the research is to determine employee satisfaction to employee maual. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Negociação coletiva no serviço público federal

Casali, Rodrigo Guedes 13 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Guedes Casali.pdf: 50227586 bytes, checksum: 737e1069d703888bd9e4cc046ac94f81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-13 / The work aims to study the collective bargaining labour institute, with the presenting of his concept for both the homeland doctrine as to the ILO, its specific principles, its relation to the principle of freedom of association, the regulatory instruments (agreement and collective bargaining agreement), scope, finally, its main aspects. Study will be, even if it is possible federal civil servants carry out collective bargaining work, as they are submitted to a constitutional pay system requiring budgetary provision for the creation of job or change in salary is preceded by legal provision, and as that that law should be a private initiative of the Chief Executive (Article 167, item II, Article 61, paragraph 1, item II, point a, Article 169, paragraph 1, Article 37, item X, all of the Constitution) . Presents other arguments that prevent collective bargaining in the federal public service, for example, the absence of item XXVI of Article 7 of the Constitution in the list of social rights of civil servants contained in paragraph 3 of Article 39 also of the Constitution; the decision of the Supreme Court handed down in the records of direct action of unconstitutionality No. 492-1 / 1990, which was the origin of the subtraction of paragraph d of Article 240 of Law No. 8,112 / 1990, which provided for collective bargaining as a right of server, but it was revoked. It also presents some arguments conducive to the realization of collective bargaining in the federal public service, as the entry into force of the Convention in our legal system No. 151 of the ILO, 1978 and the forecast of the right to free union association and union strike to the servers, so, how can design the right to strike without providing for the right to collective bargaining? Finally, it is practical aspects of the implementation of the negotiation that takes place today between federal public servants and the Union (Direct and Indirect Administration). / O trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o instituto da negociação coletiva de trabalho com a apresentação de seu conceito tanto para a doutrina pátria quanto para a OIT, seus princípios específicos, sua relação com o princípio da liberdade sindical, os instrumentos normativos (acordo e convenção coletiva de trabalho), abrangência, enfim, seus principais aspectos. Estudar-se-á, ainda, se é possível os servidores públicos federais realizarem negociação coletiva de trabalho, pois estão submetidos a um sistema constitucional de remuneração que exige previsão orçamentária para a criação de cargo ou alteração no vencimento que seja precedida de previsão legal, bem como que referida lei deve ser de iniciativa privativa do Chefe do Poder Executivo (artigo 167, inciso II; artigo 61, §1ş, inciso II, alínea a; artigo 169, §1ş; artigo 37, inciso X, todos da Constituição). Apresentam-se outros argumentos que impedem a negociação coletiva de trabalho no serviço público federal, como, por exemplo, a ausência do inciso XXVI, do artigo 7ş, da Constituição no rol de direitos sociais dos servidores públicos contido no §3ş, do artigo 39, também da Constituição; a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal proferida nos autos da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 492-1/1990, que foi a origem da subtração da alínea d, do artigo 240, da Lei nº 8.112/1990, que previa a negociação coletiva como direito do servidor, mas foi revogada. Também se apresentam alguns argumentos favoráveis à realização da negociação coletiva no serviço público federal, como a entrada em vigor em nosso ordenamento jurídico da Convenção nº 151 da OIT, de 1978 e a previsão dos direitos à livre associação sindical e realização de greve aos servidores, assim, como é possível conceber o direito de greve sem prever o direito à negociação coletiva? Por fim, trata-se de aspectos práticos da realização da negociação que acontece hoje entre servidores públicos federais e a União (Administração Direta e Indireta).

Libéralisation du marché de l'énergie, réorganisation du travail et mobilisation collective dans l'entreprise : le cas de Gaz de Bordeaux

Dif-Pradalier, Maël 13 November 2009 (has links)
Jusqu’ici en situation monopolistique et fonctionnant sur un mode politico-administratif, Gaz de Bordeaux est une industrie de réseau s’inscrivant désormais dans un marché concurrentiel. Cette étude de cas a cherché à cerner la nature et à mesurer les effets de la modernisation de ce service public local, aussi bien sur les systèmes de régulation sociale et les identités professionnelles, que sur les capacités d’action et les formes d’appropriation/résistance développées par les différentes catégories d’acteurs. D’un point de vue méthodologique, elle a combiné approches qualitative et quantitative et a cherché à articuler l’analyse du travail en train de se faire avec celle de l’action collective. Au moment où le travail gagne en intensité, au double sens de pression productive, mais aussi d’intérêt, l’entreprise apparaît trop irrespectueuse de la qualité du travail possible et des capacités mobilisables par les individus que le management moderne a précisément contribué à développer. Face à cette réorganisation du travail, les syndicats peinent de leur côté à saisir les enjeux contenus dans la relation de travail moderne et à traduire les plaintes individuelles renouvelées en revendications collectives. Parce que le développement de comportements individuels de retrait n’empêche pas les collectifs de travail de se recomposer sur de nouvelles bases, nous reconsidérons l’origine de la souffrance au travail et mettons en évidence un des problèmes majeurs lié à ses transformations contemporaines : celui qui se joue autour de ce que les salariés nomment « le travail bien fait » au moment même où le discours managérial affiche la qualité au centre de ses préoccupations. / Formerly in a monopolistic situation and running on a politico-administrative mode, Gaz de Bordeaux is a network industry now part of a competitive market. The present case study of this local public utility is meant to identify the nature of its modernisation and to measure its effects as well on the system of social regulations and professional identities, as on the capacities of action and forms of appropriation/resistance developed by the various categories of actors within the company. From a methodological point of view, we pledged ourselves with a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, aiming at articulating analysis of the work being done with that of collective action, both considered as linked realities. As work gains in intensity, in both senses of productive pressure (do more in less time and with fewer staff) and interest (given the need expressed by every person to come true by the reality of its work), the company appears as disrespectful of the quality of work possible and the capacities mobilized by individuals that modern management precisely contributed to develop. Faced with this reorganisation of work, labor unions struggle to grasp the issues at stake in modern employment relationships and translate individual complaints in renewed collective claims. Despite increasing individual withdrawal behaviours, working collectives recompose on new bases. We therefore revisit the origin of suffering at work; from its contemporary mutations, we present evidence for what we believe is one of its current major problems: the one at stake around what employees call a "well done work", at the very moment when management is concerned with quality.

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