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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ukufundisa nokufunda ulwimi ngendlela yejenra

Finini, Nomondo Sinah Soslinah 03 1900 (has links)
Examines genre approach with reference to its use to teach Xhosa to learners. / Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the genre approach with reference to its use to teach Xhosa to learners. Genres or text types are produced by learners through writing texts. Different genres are distinguished, such as social, cultural and also political texts. This study firstly considers definitions of genre by different researchers. Swales (1990) views genre as a set of communicative events whereas Medway (1994) views genre by its common communicative purposes. Kaplan (1996) defines genre as discourse type that has identifiable properties and purposes. Kalantzis (1996) argues that the genre-approach to literacy represents fundamentally new educational approach. The study reviews register, which results from the situation of the speaker and the writer respect to three aspects, namely field, mode and tenor. Littlefair defines the notion of systems of genre as the interrelated genres that interact with each other. These authors consider rhetorical devices in genre, like explanation, narration, persuasion and exposition. This study demonstrates that in constructing the Xhosa text, the level and status of the reader is considered by the writer. The writer chooses different lexical items when constructing the text for readers to understand. If the writer and the reader share the same background knowledge reader it is easy for the reader to interpret the phrases used. The study will demonstrate how the writer constructs the text in terms of the sentential and textual structures. The five community-related Bona articles are examined, illustrate the theoretical assumptions. The ethnography of writing addresses the question who writes what to whom for what purpose why and how. Finally, this study explores the curriculum 2005 outcomes for learning language. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die genre-benadering met betrekking tot die gebruik daarvan om Xhosa aan leerders te onderrig. Genres of tekstipes word geproduseer deur die skryf van tekste deur leerders. Verskillende genres kan onderskei word, bv. genres wat vir sosiale of politieke doeleindes geskryf word. Die studie beskou eerstens definisies van die term genre deur verskillende navorsers. Swales (1990) beskou genre as 'n stel kommunikatiewe gebeurtenisse terwyl Medway (1994) genre definieer in terme van die algemene kommunikatiewe doelstellings daarvan. Kaplan (1996) definieer genre as 'n diskoerstipe wat identifiseerbare eienskappe en doelstellings het. Kalantzis (1996) argumenteer dat die genre benadering tot geletterdheid 'n fundamenteel-verskillende opvoedkundige benadering tot geletterdheid verteenwoordig. Die studie verwys na die konsep van register, wat voortspruit uit die situasie van die spreker en skrywer met betrekking tot drie aspekte, naamlik veld, tenor en modus. Littlefair (1991) definieer die begrip van sisteme van genre as die verbandhoudende genres wat met mekaar in interaksie is. Hierdie outeurs beskou retoriese meganismes in genre, byvoorbeeld verduideliking, narratief, oorreding en eksposisie. Hierdie studie demonstreer dat in die konstruksie van Xhosa tekste, die vlak en status van die leser in ag geneem word deur die skrywer. Die skrywer kies bepaalde leksikale items in die konstruksie van die teks wat lesers kan verstaan. Indien die skrywer en die leser dieselfde agtergrondkennis deel, is dit makliker vir die leser om die teks te interpreteer. Die studie salook demonstreer hoe die skrywer die teks saamstel in terme van tekstuele en sinsstrukture. Die vyf gemeenskaps-verwante BONA artikels wat in die studie ontleed word, illustreer die teoretiese aannames van die genre-benadering. Die etnografie van skryf spreek die vraag aan van: wie skryf wat aan wie, vir watter doel, hoekom en hoe. Laastens ondersoek die studie die beginsels en riglyne van skryfvaardigheid soos uiteengesit in Kurrikulum 2005. / ISICAPHULO: Esi sifundo sophando sijongana nendlela yejenra esetyenziswayo ukufundisa ulwimi kubafundi. Ijenra iveliswa ngokuthetha okanye ukubhala. Injenra ezohlukeneyo ziya setyenziswa ezinjengezentlalo, ezenkcubeko kwakunje nezopholitiko. Esi sifundo sicingela inkcazo ngejenra yababhali abaninzi. uSwales 91990) ubona injera njengeseti yezehlo zoqhagamshelwano xa vena u Medway (1994) ebona ijenra ngeenjongo zoqhagamshelwano. Kaplan (1996) uthetha ngejenra njengohlobo Iwentetho Iwezinto ezikhethekayo. Kalantzis (1996) uxoxa athi uhlobo Iwejenra kufundo lumele uhlobo olusiseko Iwemfundo entsha. uLittlefair (1991) chaza umnabo wolwimi njengento engekhoyo ezinokuthi iititshala ziyive kuphondo lolwimi. Umnabo wolwimi uvela kwimeko yesithethi nonobhala enezinto ezintathu ezi zezi ifilidi, imowudi ne thena. uLittlefair (1991) uchaza uluvo Iwesisistim Iwejenra njengeejenra ezithungeleneyo nezithi zisebenzisane enye kwenye. Ababhali bacinga ngezinto zobuciko ezinjengochazo, ukubalisa, ukucenga nokubhenca. uLittlefair (1991) ujolisa kwiintlobo zejenra zeencwadi ezinjengezenkqubo, iincwadi zolwazi. Xa umbumba isicatshulwa inqanaba nezinga lomlesi uyalicingela umbhali. Umbhali uthi akhethe isigama esohlukileyo xa ebumba isicatshulwa sabalesi ukuze basiqonde. Ukuba umbhali nomlesi bakwizinga elinye lovimba wolwazi kuiuia ukuba umlesi akwazi ukutolika amabinzana amagama asetyenzisiweyo. Igrama Vivo enika intsingiselo kwisicatshulwa. Umbhali ubumba isicatshulwa esekele kwisakhivo sesivakalisi nesakhiwo sesicatshulwa. Imiba ezalaniswa noluntu iyaxoxwa, ixukushwa kusetyenziswa inqqikelelo yengcingane. Ubhalo ngenkcazo yenzululwazi ngcentlanga liphendula umbuzo othi, ngubani obhala, ntoni isiya kubani? Nganjongo zini, kutheni njani? Ukuphetha esi sifundo sijongana neziphumo zokufunda kwikharityhulam 2005.

The consumer advice article in Xhosa as genre-text

Dlepu, Seziwe Everrette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigates text properties of the consumer-advice magazine article in Xhosa within the framework of the genre-based approach to literacy and writing. The view of writing as component of the communication competence component in Grabe and Kaplan's (1996) theory of writing is assumed. It is argued that the analysis of (non-fictional) genres is a core ability in terms of the specifications of Curriculum 2005 for outcomes-based language teaching for writing skills. The term genre as it is used within genre theory refers to a (non-fictional) text which has an identifiable social (or cultural) purpose, an identifiable form (including beginning, middle and end) and specific constrains on the possible deviations allowed in its form. This study will examine seven BONA magazine articles to establish what identifiable generic properties can be attributed to these genretexts. The cognitive move structure of these magazine articles on consumer advice will be analysed to determine whether a typical move structure occurs for this genre. The text-linguistic properties of the various magazine articles will be investigated invoking Grabe and Kaplan's model of text-structure. In particular, properties like pronominal reference conjunctive devices, which contribute to text coherence and cohesion will be considered as well as lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purpose. Finally, the study will briefly address the issue of the significance of the genre-text knowledge underlying writing skills as the relevant kind of knowledge to be developed in terms of the specifications of outcomes-based language teaching in Curriculum 2005. The kind of analytic skills exemplified in the examination of the Xhosa magazine articles are therefore necessitated for accomplishing the outcomes for writing. The nationale for developing such analytic abilities with respect to writing skills is to empower learners to be competent writers in their future career lives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die teks-struktuur eienskappe van die verbruikers-advies tydskrifartikel in Xhosa binne die raamwerk van die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot geletterdheid en skryfvaardigheid. Die beskouing van skryfvaardigheid as 'n komponent van die kommunikasievaardigheid komponent in Grabe en Kaplan (1996) se teorie van skryfvaardigheid word aanvaar. Daar word geargumenteer dat die analise van nie-fiksie (of nie-literêre) genres 'n kemvermoë is in terme van die spesifikasies van Kurrikulum 2005 vir uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig van skryfvaardigheid. Die terme genre, soos dit gebruik word in genre-teorie verwys na 'n (nie-fiksie) teks met 'n identifiseerbare sosiale, kommunikatiewe of kulturele doelstelling, 'n identifiseerbare vorm (insluitende 'n begin, middel en einde) en spesifieke beperkings rakende die toelaatbare afwykings in vorm. Die studie sal sewe BONA tydskrifartikels ondersoek om te bepaal watter identifiseerbare eienskappe toegeskryf kan word aan hierdié genre-tekste. Die kognitiewe skuif-struktuur van hierdie tydskrifartikels oor verbruikersadvies salontleed word om te bepaal watter tipiese skuif-struktuur voorkom vir hierdie genre. Die teks-linguistiese eienskappe van die verskillende tydskrifartikels salondersoek word deur die model van Grabe en Kaplan te gebruik. In die besonder, eienskappe soos voornaamwoordelike verwysing, voegwoord-meganismes wat bydra tot tekskoherensie en kohesie salondersoek word, asook leksikale (woord) keuses as 'n refleksie van die skrywer se kommunikatiewe doelstelling. Laastens, sal die studie kortliks vraagstukke ondersoek rakende die belang van die genreteks kennis wat onderliggend is aan skryfvaardigheid as die relevante soort kennis wat ontwikkel moet word in terme van die spesifikasies van uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005. Die soort analitiese vaardighede wat na vore kom in die ondersoek van die Xhosa tydskrifartikels word genoodsaak ten einde die uitkomste vir skryfvaardigheid te bereik. Die motivering vir die ontwikkeling van sodanige analitiese vermoëns ten opsigte van skryfvaardigheid is om leerders te bemagtig om 'n goeie skryfvaardigheid te hê in hulle toekomstige beroepe. / ISICATSHULWA ISIXHOSA: Esi sifundo sinika sikwabonisa ngokupheleleyo ukuba nabani na obhalayo rnakacacelwe ukuba ubhalela isizwe, ngoko ke rnakabe neenjonge. Makaqiqe akucingisise oko akukhethele ukutyebisela uluntu ngako. Ibonisiwe imigaqo elandelwa ziingcali zaphesheya nezimvo zazo ngobhalo lwesicatshulwa kwaneengxaki abathe bahlangana nazo. Esi sicatshulwa sigxininise kwirnigaqo ernayi landelwe yikharikyularn equlunqwe yalungiselelwa izikolo. Kwikharikyulam kuboniswa ukuba xa kufundiswa ukubhala urnfundi obhalayo, utitshala obhalayo, isikolo, izixhobo zokufundisa kwaneendlela zokufundisa zibaluleke ngokufanayo nangokulinganayo. Kaloku olu hlobo lwesilabhasi lujolise kwiziqhamo. Indlela zokubhala zinikiwe kubekwa umnwe kwindlela apho urnbhali abhalela ukuxela into ethile phofu ezarna ukuqweqwedisela iingqondo zabantu kurnba othile. Iintlobo zokubhaliweyo nazo ziphononongiwe kwaze kwaqononondiswa kuleyo urnntu abhalela ukugqithisa ulwazi ngento ethile. Okubalulekileyo kokokuba lowo ubhalayornakakhethe okunorndla yaye kube serngangathweni. Izicatshulwa ezichongiweyo apha kwesi sifundo zihlonyulwe kwirnagazini yesiXhosa iBona. Zonke zichazwe gabalala phaya kwisahluko sesine, izizicatshulwa ezingeso labathengi. Kweli liso labathengi kucetyiswa kufundiswa abathengi ngeendlela zokuqoqosha ngernpurnelelo njengoko arnaxabiso enyuka umhla nezolo. Incwadi ebhalwe nguGrabe noKaplan isibonisa indlela erna ilandelwe xa ufundisa umntwana ukubhala. Bagxininise kwiiphararnitha: ngubani obhala ntoni, ebhalela bani, enayiphi injongo, ngoba, nini, phi, njani. Ezi phararnitha zisetyenzisiwe ukuphengulula nokuhlalutya ezi ziqwengana zikhethwe kwirnagazini iBona. Esi sifundo sigxininisa kwicala losetyenziso - lwirni kulo rnzekelo. Esi sifundo siphinde saxoxa nzulu ngonxulumano olukhoyo phakathi kwezi ziqwengana zichongwe kwiBona ezingeso labathengi kunye neziqhamo ezisixhenxe ezidweliswe zacaciswa kuxwebhu lwe-OBE (Outcome-based Education) olulungiselelwe izikolo. Olu xwebhu lwe-OBE luzama lusikhanyisela ukuba umntwana xa ebhala isicatshulwa makazicwangcise ngokukuko izimvo zakhe. Ingaba uyakuqonda ekuva na oko kuqulathwe koko akubhalileyo. Umzekelo esiwunikwe ngokaBathia we 'moves' ezisixhenxe athi zinokuchongwa kokubhaliwe yo, nawo usetyenzisiwe ukuxovula isicatshulwa ngasinye. Kolo xovulo kufumaniseke ukuba zintandathu kuphela i'moves' ezichongeka nezifumaneka kwezi zicatshulwa zeBona.

A genre-based approach to the analysis of sports celebrity texts in Xhosa

Ganca, Zanodumo Victor 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the nature of writing instruction which can improve the writing skills of learners as it also takes into account the learners needs. The main aim is to apply the genrebased approach to written texts in Xhosa. This framework for instruction will help learners to be ready for the work place after they have left school. They will acquire the necessary writing skills, which are needed in the work place today. The genre-based use oflanguage will enable them to use written language in different situations and they should be able to write meaningful texts, which will take the reader into consideration, as required by Curriculum 2005. The approaches to teaching communicative writing skills are discussed in relation to both the critical outcomes and the specific outcomes for the learning field Language, Literacy and Communication as specified in the Curriculum 2005 (1997). The framework presented by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is also presented in relation to the specific outcomes that need to be achieved in the Languages, Literacy and communication-learning field. Six BONA Magazine articles on sport celebrities have been analysed according to the model of text-construction within the framework proposed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It is concluded that these types of analytic skills are required in an effective approach to the teaching of writing to accomplish the outcomes of Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard van skryfonderrig wat die skryfvaardigheid van leerders kan verbeter en ook die leerders se behoeftes in ag neem. Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie is om die genre-gebaseerde benadering toe te pas in die analise van geskrewe tekste in Xhosa. Hierdie raamwerk vir onderrig sal leerders help om gereed te wees vir die kommunikatiewe eise van die werkplek nadat hulle die skool verlaat het. Hulle kan, deur die genre-benadering tot skryfonderrig, die vereiste skryfvaardighede ontwikkel wat in die werkplek benodig word. Die genre-gebaseerde gebruik van skriftelike taal kan leerders in staat stelom taal aan te wend in In verskeidenheid situasies, en hulle behoort in staat te wees om betekenisvolle tekste te skryf wat die leser in berekening neem, soos vereis deur Kurrikulum 2005. Die benaderings tot die onderrig van kommunikatiewe skryfvaardigheid word bespreek met betrekking tot sowel kritieke uitkomste as spesifieke uitkomste vir die leerveld Taal, Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005 (1997 weergawe). Die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) word ook behandel met betrekking tot die spesifieke uitkomste in wat bereik moet word in die leerveld Tale, Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie. Ses BONA tydskrifartikels wat handeloor sportpersoonlikhede word ontleed volgens die genre-gebaseerde benadering binne die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan se model vir tekskonstruksie en etnografie vir skriftelike tekste. Daar word bevind dat die onderrig van hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede nodig is vir In doeltreffende benadering tot skryfonderrig vir die bereik van die uitkomste van Kurrikulum 2005.

A genre-based analysis of the society issue magazine text in Sesotho

Kathekiso, J. M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the text-linguistic and genre-analytic properties of Sesotho magazine texts on society issues. In particular, the model of text construction postulated by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is employed as general theoretical framework for the research on Sesotho magazine texts. The writing properties of effective texts dealing with the theme of society issues will be analysed, taking into account the ethnography of writing, i.e. the influence of socio-cultural beliefs and views on writing in Sesotho. The study will present an extensive invesitgation of the genre approach to writing in the context of language teaching. The rationale of the genre approach and its advantages for teaching writing are reviewed. The text-linguistic and genre-analytic properties of texts need to be incorporated in methodology for teaching writing at secondary school. The study presents an extensive analysis of the Sesotho magazine texts as regard properties such as information structuring (topic-comment, theme-theme), coherence relations, cohesion and lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purposes. The linguistic devices in Seotho that characterise these properties are examined extensively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die tekslinguistiese en genre-analitiese kenmerke van Sesotho tydskrifartikel tekste oor sosiale vraagstukke. Die model van tekskonstruksie, soos gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996), word gebruik as algemene teoretiese raamwerk vir die ondersoek van Sesotho tydskrifartikels. Die skryf-kenmerke van effektiewe tekste wat verband hou met die tema van gemeenskapsvraagstukke, salontleed word met inagneming van die etnografie van skryf, d.i. die invloed van sosio-kulturele sieninge op geskrewe tekste in Sesotho. Die studie sal 'n uitgebreide ondersoek bied van die genre-benadering tot geskrewe tekste in die konteks van skryfonderrig. Die rasionaal van die genre-benadering en die voordele daarvan vir skryfonderrig word beskou. Die tekslinguistiese en genre-analitiese kenmerke van tekste moet ingesluit word in 'n metodologie vir skryfonderrig in sekondêre skool. Die studie bied 'n uitgebreide analise van die Sesotho tydskrifartikels t.o.v. eienskappe soos informasiestrukturering, koherensie, kohesie en leksikale keuses as 'n refleksie van kommunikatiewe doelstellings. Die linguistiese elemente in Sesotho wat hierdie kenmerke realiseer word ekstensief ondersoek.


Stockseth, Jennifer Leonore January 1986 (has links)
The purpose of this study was examine the effects of guided recall prompts on the written recalls of community college students. Data were presented relative to the following areas: (1) statistical analysis of frequency of idea units; (2) statistical analysis of frequency as well as proportion of idea units categorized as literal; inferential, text-relevant supplementary, and text-irrelevant supplementary; (3) statistical analysis of frequency as well as proportion of idea supplementary units categorized as relating to character, theme, reader reaction, or none; (4) statistical analysis of holistic scores for quality of recall; (5) statistical analysis of correlation of holistic scores to frequency scores. Descriptive data relative to categorization of supplementary idea units relating to character, theme, reader reaction, or none were also reported. Subjects were students enrolled in developmental reading courses at Pima Community College who demonstrated a reading ability of at least ninth grade level on the Nelson Denny Reading Test. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four recall prompts: (1) guided recall prompt which called attention to character, (2) guided recall prompt which called attention to theme, (3) guided recall prompt which called attention to reader reaction, or (4) free recall prompt. Findings indicated that guided recall prompts had effects on the written recalls and that those effects were specific to the respective prompt. Additionally, the responses of readers provided with the guided recall prompts were qualitatively better than those provided with the free recall prompt. A comparison of the frequency scores to the holistic scores seemed to indicate that the holistic score does reflect some aspects of comprehension--specifically literal and inferential recall; however, data also seemed to indicate that the holistic score measures something beyond those things measured by the frequency data


WILDE, SANDRA JEAN. January 1986 (has links)
This study explores various aspects of the spelling and punctuation development of six Tohono O'odham (Papago) children during their third and fourth grade years. The data used, which was collected in a prior study, consisted of 215 texts (13,793 words) written in natural classroom settings as part of the teacher's ongoing writing curriculum. Field notes decribing what the subjects did as they wrote, as well as written interviews, supplemented the texts themselves. A number of specific features were examined to explore the subjects' use of various level of linguistic information about spelling. Those features included: initial letters, vowel phonemes, consonant digraphs, the letters C and G, consonant gemination, bound morphemes, and homophones. Spellings involving permutation (changes in letter order) and the letters E and Y as final markers, as well as those spellings which were real words, were also examined. Finally, differences between spellers, the subjects' use of punctuation and capitalization, and orthography in the classroom context were analyzed. A number of conclusions were drawn from the analysis. The subjects spelled most words conventionally. The more frequently a word appeared in the subjects' writing, the more likely it was to be spelled conventionally. Selected orthographic features varied widely in how conventionally they were spelled, with those which were less predictable or more abstract tending to be more difficult. Almost every spelling feature examined showed growth from third to fourth grade. The invented spellings of particular features tended to reflect understandable, logical processes. Invented spellings which were either real words or permutations of the intended word were common. There were differences between children not only in how conventionally they spelled but in the types of invented spellings they produced. Punctuation was more difficult than spelling for the subjects, and its use varied greatly between subjects. Capitalization was comparable to spelling in how conventionally it was used. Children used a variety of linguistic information and spelling strategies as they wrote. There was evidence that punctuation usage was driven (at least in some cases) by conscious hypotheses about how it works. Children's metalinguistic knowledge about orthography may or may not parallel their use of it.

Eric A. Havelock and the Origins of Philosophy

Fisher, Jeremy Eleazer 09 1900 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.

Die evaluering van die rektoraatsomsendskrywes as kommunikasiekanaal aan die Universiteit van Suid Afrika

Nel, H. I. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe word binne die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) gebruik as mondstuk vir die Bestuur, maar ook terselfdertyd om inligting van en/of oor Departemente, Afde lings en Institute aan ander Departement, Afde lings en Institute oor te dra. Veral inligting betreffende personeelaangeleenthede, departemente le aange l eenthede, gel eenthede aangebi ed deur 'n Departement, verandering in diensvoorwaardes, die beleid van Unisa, die eksterne publieke van Unisa en die verbetering van die algemene welstand van die personeel word versprei. Die vraag het ontstaan in welke mate hierdie kommunikasiekanaal effektief funksioneer. Daar wil ook vasgestel word hoe belangrik die Rektoraatsomsendskrywes as kommunikasiekanaal beskou word in die totale kommunikasiesisteem van Unisa. 1.3 PROBLEEMFORMULERING Die doel van hierdie studie is om die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe as kommunikasiekanaal binne Unisa te evalueer. 1.4 AANNAMES Die volgende aannames ten opsigte van die huidige status van die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe as kommunikasiekanaal aan Unisa gaan geverifieer en vergelyk word met die riglyne soos wat dit onder punt 3 uiteengesit word. Die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe word beskou as die belangrikste kommunikasiekanaal waardeur die Bestuur vinnig met alle Personeel gelyktydig kan kommunikeer. Die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe funksioneer nie optimaal nie. Personeel verkies Rektoraatsomsendskrywe in ten minste Afrikaans en Engels. Die uitleg van die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe voldoen nie aan die behoeftes van die personeel nie. 3 Te veel Rektoraatsomsendskrywe het gedurende 1995 verskyn, dit wil se oorlading het voorgekom. Die gedrukte formaat Rektoraatsomsendskrywe word verkies bo die Rektoraatsomsendskrywe in elektroniese formaat. Die verspreiding van sekere reekse Rektoraatsomsendskrywe aan sekere teikengroepe het tot gevolg dat inligting wat van toepassing is op alle personeel, slegs aan sekere groepe personeel gestuur word. Daar is nie konsekwentheid in die tipe inligting wat aan die verskillende teikengroepe gestuur word nie. / Communication Science / Unknown

Exploring the Use of Texting within San Antonio Texas Police Emergency Reporting

Almendarez, Deborah Lee 01 January 2016 (has links)
The introduction of wireless device text messaging, as an alternative to a citizen placing a telephone call for police help, generates the need for new polices and processes relevant to police call-taker, police dispatcher, and police officer response to reported emergencies. Little scholarly research explores the policy issues around the use of text 9-1-1 within public safety answering point operations. Using systems theory as the foundation, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the potential use of written communication via a wireless device text message for reporting a police emergency. Research questions focused on the reciprocal relationships in communication used to initiate an emergency call for service and police response. A maximum variation purposeful sampling technique was used to recruit 16 individuals with knowledge of placing, receiving, or responding to a police emergency request, for this study. Data collection methods also included police call-taker observations of four active 9-1-1 calls, 9-1-1 and police radio recordings of the calls, physical artifacts, and documentation. All data were inductively coded and then subjected to a thematic analysis procedure. Findings indicate that text messages may be a preferred option in certain types of situations, such as home invasions, where the victim may not be able to speak to call-takers as a matter of protecting personal safety. However, the use of text messages is also perceived as creating a potential for delayed police response due to the asynchronous nature of the process. Recommendations to police executives and policy makers include enhancing call-taker training and citizen instruction prior to the text messaging integration, thereby promoting positive social change through enhancing public safety by providing another mechanism for direct citizen-police communication.

Sequências didáticas para o argumentar em curso de Pedagogia : a produção escrita da crônica argumentativa e da resenha crítica /

Henrique, Marta Aparecida Broietti. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Lília Santos Abreu-Tardelli / Banca: Solange Aranha / Banca: Douglas Altamiro Consolo / Banca: Glaís Sales Cordeiro / Banca: Luzia Bueno / Resumo: O objetivo geral deste trabalho é compreender a progressão no desenvolvimento das práticas de escrita em língua materna de gêneros argumentativos a partir do ensino sistematizado em um projeto composto por duas sequências didáticas (ferramentas de ensino-aprendizagem que consistem em um conjunto de atividades organizadas para a produção de gêneros textuais) voltadas para a tipologia do argumentar. Com esse objetivo, o trabalho almeja defender a tese de que é possível ampliar a capacidade de argumentar com base em um projeto construído em torno de diferentes gêneros (neste caso, a crônica argumentativa e a resenha crítica), organizado em um conjunto de atividades elaboradas para desenvolver práticas de linguagem, com vistas aos alunos de um curso de ensino superior em Pedagogia. A pesquisa, fundamentada em princípios teóricos e metodológicos do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006, 2008) e dos estudos da Didática de Línguas do grupo de Genebra (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004), mostra a mobilização das capacidades de linguagem (ação, discursiva, linguístico-discursiva) nas produções escritas resultantes de um processo de aplicação da sequência didática, norteada pelo contexto de produção, pela infraestrutura e pelos mecanismos de textualização e enunciativos da crônica argumentativa e da resenha crítica. Nesse sentido, o estudo retrata o processo de desenvolvimento da escrita em contexto acadêmico, buscando discutir os avanços alcançados e as dificuldades apresentadas... / Abstract: The main aim of this study is to understand the progression in the development of firstlanguage writing practices of argumentative genres, resulted from the teaching that was systematized in a project consisting of two didactic sequences (teaching and learning tools that consist of a set of activities organized for the production of textual genres) with a focus on the argumentative typology. With that aim, this study seeks to support the thesis that it is possible to expand the capacity of producing argumentative texts by carrying out a project designed for different genres (in this case, the argumentative crônica and the critical review), organized in a set of activities created to develop language practices, with a focus on undergraduate students in Pedagogy at a private institution. This research, conducted according to the theoretical and methodological principles of the Socio-discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006, 2008) and the studies by the Geneva group of Didactics of Languages (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004), shows the mobilization of language capacities (action, discursive and socio-discursive) in the writing productions resulted from the process of applying a didactic sequence, planned according to the production context, the infra-structure and the textualizing and enunciative mechanisms of the argumentative crônica and the critical review. In this sense, this study shows the process of the development in writing in an academic context, with the aim of ... / Doutor

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