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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstruktion av webbaserat SMS-system med Bluetooth teknik : Jämförelse mellan programspråk för Bluetooth applikation i Windows XP

Holm, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Behovet av tillgänglighet på kommunikation innebär att vi idag har krav på att meddelanden som skrivs över webben inte bara når oss via en dator utan även till våra mobiltelefoner. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att genom litteraturstudie och intervjuer konstruera ett webbaserat SMS-system som kan användas till att sända SMS textmeddelande till en godtycklig mobiltelefonenhet. Meddelande som sänds ska även lagras i databas och administreras via webbsidan. En jämförelse har även genomförts där syftet har varit att undersöka bäst lämpat programspråk för Bluetooth applikation. Metoden har grundat sig på kriterier. Jämförelsen mellan programspråken gav att Java med bibliotek från BlueCove var det bäst lämpade programspråket.  För konstruktion av SMS-systemet har en objektbaserad utvecklingsmodell tillämpats, dock inte i full skala. SMS-systemet är konstruerat av webbsida, databas, blåtandsapplikation, Bluetooth- och mobiltelefonenhet. Webbsidan bygger på ASP.NET 2.0, databasen XML och blåtandsapplikation programmerades i Java. Kontroll har utförts att systemet uppfyller kravspecifikation. / As there is now wide access to the World Wide Web, demand now exists for Web messages to be available not only via a computer but also via cell phones. The aim of the project was, by means of literature studies and interviews, to create a web-based SMS-system which can be used to send SMS text messages to arbitrary mobile phone devices from a web page.  The sent messages are also to be stored in a database and administered by means of the website. A comparison was also conducted in which the aim was to investigate the most suitable programming language for the Bluetooth application. The model for the study was based on given criteria. The comparison suggested that the Java programming language with its library from BlueCove was the most suitable. For the development of the system an object-based model has been applied, but this has not been adopted in a full scale manner at the present time. The SMS-system has been constructed by means of a Website, database, Bluetooth application and mobile phone unit. The website is based on an ASP.NET 2.0, database on XML and the Bluetooth application was written using Java. A control was conducted in order to test that the system meets the required specifications.

Visualisering av datastrukturer : Utveckling av ett tolkningsverktyg

Adborn, Mats January 2013 (has links)
Tolking och tillgodogörande av datastrukturer, organiserad information ochprogramkodsfiler förekommer frekvent i arbete med mjukvaruutveckling. Dennainformation är lagrad i textbaserad form och dess förståelse kräver stornoggrannhet och tidsinvestering från utvecklarens sida. I syfte att försöka förenklaprocessen beskriver detta examensarbete utvecklingen av en prototyp till ettverktygsprogram, vilket automatiserar tolkning av XML-data och källkodsfiler förprogrammeringsspråken C och C++. Programmet skapar och presenterar sedanen visuell graf av den undersökta strukturen. Algoritmen klarar av att presenteragodtyckligt stora XML-filer samt ett begränsat antal samtidigt inlästakällkodsfiler. Effekterna på tolkningens tidsåtgång och dess tillförlitlighet harutvärderats i en undersökning bland studenter inom mjukvaruutveckling.Resultatet visade på en viss mätbar ökning i antalet korrekta slutsatser somanvändaren drog efter att ha studerat datasammanhanget grafiskt jämfört meddess ursprungliga textform. Tidsåtgången mättes inte mer noggrant än subjektivthos användarna, av vilka en övervägande andel ansåg att tiden förkortades medden grafiska representationen till deras hjälp. Examensarbetet visar attanvändandet av detta eller motsvarande verktyg kan öka tillgodogörandet avdatastrukturer genom att både höja graden av tillförlitligheten hos dennainformation och samtidigt minska tidsåtgången. Däremot är den kvantifierbaravinsten av dessa resultat inte statistiskt säkerställd till en högre grad. / Interpretation and assimilation of data structures, organized information andsource code files are frequently occuring during software development. This kindof information is stored in text-based form and its understanding requires greatthoroughness and investment in time from the developer's part. This thesisdescribes the development of a utility program prototype, which automates theparsing of XML data and source code files from the programming languages Cand C++, in purpose of trying to simplify the interpretation process. The programcreates and presents a visual graph of the structure found, using an algorithmwhich can present arbitrary large XML files as well as a limited number ofconcurrent source code files. The effects on the interpretation time and itsreliablity has been evaluated in a survey among software development students.The result showed a certain increase in the number of correct conclusions fromthe participants' side after studying the visual representation compared to itsorignial text-based form. The amount of time used was not measured other thansubjectively by the users themselves, of which a predominant proportionconsidered a reduction in needed time when using the graphical representation.The thesis shows that the use of this or an equivalent utility can enhance theassimilation of data structures by increasing the rate of reliabilty whilesimultaneously decreasing the needed amount of time. Still, the quantifyable gainsof these results remains statistically largely uncertain.

Safe Template Processing of XML Documents

Hartmann, Falk 01 July 2011 (has links)
Templates sind eine etablierte Technik zur Zusammenführung verschiedener Datenquellen, welche zum Zwecke der Separation of Concerns getrennt gehalten werden sollen. Bei der Benutzung bestehender Ansätze tritt das Problem auf, dass zur Zeit der Erstellung eines Templates keine Aussagen über die Ergebnisse der Ausprägung des Templates gemacht werden können. Die Arbeit konzipiert einen alternativen Template-Ansatz und setzt diesen für XML-basierte Zielsprachen um. Die dadurch ermöglichte sichere templategestützte Verarbeitung von XML-Dokumenten zeichnet sich durch dadurch aus, das bereits zur Erstellungszeit eines Templates Aussagen über das Ergebnis der Template-Ausprägung getroffen werden können. Darüber hinaus adressiert der neue Ansatz weitere Fehlerquellen, welche typischerweise bei der Ausprägung von Templates auftreten.

Define responsive design for web-forms using layout editor

Andersson, Robin, Hytönen, Jimmy January 2015 (has links)
There has recently been an emergence of new devices in which users can access the web. These devices have significantly smaller screen sizes than the more common desktop. This results in that the approach to designing web content has to be changed. The approach to design web content that adapts its visual layout to different screen sizes, is referred to as Responsive Web Design. Ida Infront is a company that develops systems and solutions for informationintensive businesses. They are currently examining how to design a layout editor that can be used to define responsive design for web-forms. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a prototype of such a layout editor, which will then be evaluated by Ida Infront. The project is divided into two phases, starting out with the research process, followed by the prototype design process. In the research process, the following is examined: structure of the XML file describing web-forms, Responsive Web Design techniques and technologies appropriate for the layout editor. In the prototype design process, a layout editor prototype allowing responsive design for web-form components, is designed and implemented. The responsive design configuration is added to the web-form XML file. We found that Bootstrap is a suitable technology to define responsive design of web-forms, since placement of web-form components can be translated into a Bootstrap grid system. The resulting layout editor prototype allows responsive configuration in Bootstrap. This is done by utilising the grid system as the underlying structure for placement of web-form components. The prototype also allows configuration for each of the four Bootstrap device classifications, named xs, sm, md and lg. Position and size of webform components are stored for each Bootstrap device classification. The resulting responsive configuration is added into the existing XML file for the web-form. / Den senaste tiden så har det uppkommit nya enheter som man kan komma åt webben med. Dessa enheter har betydligt mindre skärmar än de mer vanliga stationära enheterna. Det har resulterat i att sättet man designar webbinnehåll måste ändras. Metoden att designa webbinnehåll så det anpassar sin grafiska utformning efter olika skärmstorlekar kallas för responsiv webb design. Ida Infront är ett företag som utvecklar system och lösningar för informationsintensiva verksamheter. De undersöker just nu hur man designar en layout editor som kan användas för att definiera responsiv design för webb-formulär. Syftet med detta projekt är att designa och implementera en prototyp av en sådan layout editor, som sedan kommer utvärderas av Ida Infront. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i två faser, det inleds med forskningsfasen och efterföljs av prototypfasen. I forskningsfasen undersöks följande: strukturen i XML filen som beskriver webb-formulär, olika tekniker för responsiv webb design och lämpliga teknologier att använda i en layout editor. I prototypfasen, designas och implementeras en prototyp som gör det möjligt att definera responsiv konfiguration för webb-formulär. Konfiguration för responsiv design läggs till i den befintliga XML filen. Vi kom fram till att Bootstrap är en lämplig teknologi för att definera responsiv design för webb-formulär. Eftersom placeringen av komponenter i webb-formulär kan översättas till Bootstraps rutnät. Den resulterande layout editorn gör det möjligt att definera responsiv design i Bootstrap. Detta genom att använda Bootstraps rutnät som underliggande struktur för placering av webb-formulärets komponenter. Prototypen gör det också möjligt att konfiguera för var och en av de fyra Bootstrap enhets klasserna, namngivna som xs, sm, md och lg. Position och storlek för webb-formulärets komponenter lagras för varje Bootstrap enhets klass. Den resulterande responsiva konfigurationen läggs till i den befintliga XML filen för webb-formuläret.

Liblouis – A universal solution for Braille transcription services

Egli, Christian January 2010 (has links)
Software support for the generation of good Braille has historically been hampered by fragmented and small markets. Some languages have good commercial support, others are lacking. Fortunately Liblouis, an open source tool for complete Braille transcription services, is emerging as a universal solution. Liblouis provides Braille translation for literary and computer Braille, offers support for contracted and uncontracted translation for many languages and includes support for Braille mathematics codes such as Nemeth. Liblouis also provides Braille formatting, which can handle many document formats including DTBook XML. Both the translation and the formatting can easily be adapted to new languages and document formats. This paper shows how Liblouis will be used at the Swiss Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired to integrate Braille generation into a production workflow based around DTBook XML.

UI Performance Comparison of Jetpack Compose and XML in Native Android Applications / UI-Prestanda jämförelse mellan Jetpack Compose och XML inom Nativa Android Applikationer

Noori, Zaed, Eriksson, Caesar January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the differences in UI performance between Jetpack Compose, a modern declarative UI toolkit, and traditional XML in the context of UI design for native Android applications. The aim is to provide developers with insights into the potential tradeoffs associated with each approach, particularly in terms of the end user experience. In order to achieve this, a series of benchmark tests were conducted on two prototype applications: one developed with XML and the other with Jetpack Compose, in order to evaluate the UI performance in various scenarios of real-world use cases. The data collected was subsequently analyzed and discussed, in order to evaluate which UI design approach delivers better performance for the end user. The test results indicate that Jetpack Compose and XML excel at different use cases. Jetpack Compose is demonstrated to have faster app startup time and rendering time for navigation and animation, whereas XML delivers smoother and faster rendering time when scrolling through a layout. Notably, Jetpack Compose has also shown an improvement in UI performance since previous works were conducted. / Den här studien utforskar skillnaden i användargränssnitt-prestanda mellan Jetpack Compose, ett modernt deklarativt användargränssnitt verktyg, och traditionell XML i kontexten av användargränssnitt design för nativa Android applikationer. Syftet är att förse utvecklare med insikter om de potentiella avvägningar som är förknippade med varje tillvägagångssätt, särskilt när det gäller slutanvändarupplevelsen. För att uppnå detta genomfördes en serie prestandatester på två prototyp applikationer: en utvecklad med XML och den andra med Jetpack Compose, för att utvärdera användargränssnitt-prestandan inom olika scenarier av verkliga användningsfall. Den insamlade datan analyserades och diskuterades sedan för att utvärdera vilken användargränssnitt-design metod som levererar bättre prestanda för slutanvändaren. Testresultaten indikerar att Jetpack Compose samt XML presterar bättre vid olika användningsfall. Jetpack Compose har visat sig ha snabbare applikations starttid och renderingstid för navigering och animering, medan XML ger smidigare och snabbare renderingstid vid skrollning genom en layout. Framför allt har Jetpack Compose dessutom visat en förbättring i användargränssnitt-prestanda sedan tidigare arbeten utfördes.

XML manipulation by non-expert users / Manipulation des données XML par des utilisateurs non-experts

Tekli, Gilbert 04 October 2011 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, les ordinateurs et l’Internet sont partout dans le monde : dans chaque maison, domaine et plateforme. Dans ce contexte, le standard XML s’est établi comme un moyen insigne pour la représentation et l’échange efficaces des données. Les communications et les échanges d’informations entre utilisateurs, applications et systèmes d’information hétérogènes sont désormais réalisés moyennant XML afin de garantir l’interopérabilité des données. Le codage simple et robuste de XML, à base de données textuelles semi-structurées, a fait que ce standard a rapidement envahi les communications medias. Ces communications sont devenues inter-domaines, partant de l’informatique et s’intégrant dans les domaines médical, commercial, et social, etc. Par conséquent, et au vu du niveau croissant des données XML flottantes entre des utilisateurs non-experts (employés, scientifiques, etc.), que ce soit sur les messageries instantanées, réseaux sociaux, stockage de données ou autres, il devient incontournable de permettre aux utilisateurs non-experts de manipuler et contrôler leurs données (e.g., des parents qui souhaitent appliquer du contrôle parental sur les messageries instantanées de leur maison, un journaliste qui désire regrouper et filtrer des informations provenant de différents flux RSS, etc.). L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude des manipulations des données XML par des utilisateurs non-experts. Quatre principales catégories ont été identifiées dans la littérature : i) les langages visuels orientés XML, ii) les Mashups, iii) les techniques de manipulation des données XML, et iv) les DFVPL (langages de programmation visuel à base de Dataflow), couvrant différentes pistes. Cependant, aucune d’entre elles ne fournit une solution complète. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous avons formellement défini un Framework de manipulation XML, intitulé XA2C (XML-oriented mAnipulAtion Compositions). XA2C représente un environnement de programmation visuel (e.g., Visual-Studio) pour un DFVPL orienté XML, intitulé XCDL (XML-oriented Composition Definition Language) qui constitue la contribution majeure de cette thèse. XCDL, basé sur les réseaux de Pétri colorés, permet aux non-experts de définir, d’arranger et de composer des opérations de manipulation orientées XML. Ces opérations peuvent être des simples sélections/projections de données, ainsi que des opérations plus complexes de modifications de données (insertion, suppression, tatouage, etc.). Le langage proposé traite les données XML à base de documents ou de fragments. En plus de la définition formelle (syntaxique et sémantique) du langage XCDL, XA2C introduit une architecture complète à base d’un compilateur et un environnement d'exécution dédiés. Afin de tester et d’évaluer notre approche théorique, nous avons développé un prototype, intitulé X-Man, avec un Framework d’évaluation pour les langages et outils visuels de programmation orientés XML. Une série d'études de cas et d’expérimentations a été réalisée afin d'évaluer la qualité d'usage de notre langage, et de le comparer aux solutions existantes. Les résultats obtenus soulignent la supériorité de note approche, notamment en termes de qualité d’interaction, de visualisation, et d’utilisation. Plusieurs pistes sont en cours d’exploration, telles que l'intégration des opérations plus complexes (opérateurs de contrôle, boucles, etc.), les compositions automatiques, et l’extension du langage pour gérer la spécificité des formats dérivés du standard XML (flux RSS, RDF, SMIL, etc.) / Computers and the Internet are everywhere nowadays, in every home, domain and field. Communications between users, applications and heterogeneous information systems are mainly done via XML structured data. XML, based on simple textual data and not requiring any specific platform or environment, has invaded and governed the communication Medias. In the 21stcentury, these communications are now inter-domain and have stepped outside the scope of computer science into other areas (i.e., medical, commerce, social, etc.). As a consequence, and due to the increasing amount of XML data floating between non-expert users (programmers, scientists, etc.), whether on instant messaging, social networks, data storage and others, it is becoming crucial and imperative to allow non-experts to be able to manipulate and control their data (e.g.,parents who want to apply parental control over instant messaging tools in their house, a journalist who wants to gather information from different RSS feeds and filter them out, etc.). The main objective of this work is the study of XML manipulations by non-expert users. Four main related categories have been identified in the literature: XML-oriented visual languages, Mashups, XML manipulation by security and adaptation techniques, and Dataflow visual programming languages. However, none of them provides a full-fledged solution for appropriate XML data manipulation. In our research, we formally defined an XML manipulation framework, entitled XA2C (XML Alteration/Adaptation Composition Framework). XA2C represents a visual studio for an XML-oriented DFVPL (Dataflow Visual Programming Language), called XCDL (XML-oriented Composition Definition Language) which constitutes the major contribution of this study. XCDL is based on Colored Petri Nets allowing non-expert users to compose manipulation operations. The XML manipulations range from simple data selection/projection to data modification (insertion, removal, obfuscation, etc.). The language is oriented to deal with XML data (XML documents and fragments), providing users with means to compose XML oriented operations. Complementary to the language syntax and semantics, XA2C formally defines also the compiler and runtime environment of XCDL. In addition to the theoretical contribution, we developed a prototype, called X-Man, and formally defined an evaluation framework for XML-oriented visual languages and tools that was used in a set of case studies and experiments to evaluate the quality of use of our language and compare it to existing approaches. The obtained assessments and results were positive and show that our approach outperforms existing ones. Several future tracks are being studied such as integration of more complex operations (control operators, loops, etc.), automated compositions, and language derivation to define specific languages oriented towards different XML-based standards (e.g., RSS, RDF, SMIL, etc.)

開放型XML資料庫績效評估工作量之模型 / An Open Workload Model for XML Database Benchmark

尤靖雅 Unknown Date (has links)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)是今日新興在網路上所使用的延伸性的標記語言。它具有豐富的語意表達及與展現方式獨立的資料獨立性。由於這些特性,使得XML成為新的資料交換標準並且其應用在資料庫中產生了許多新的研究議題在資料儲存和查詢處理上。在本篇研究中,將研究XML資料庫中的績效評估的議題並且發展一個可適用於不同應用領域及各種平台上的使用者導向且開放型工作量模式以評估XML資料庫績效。此XML開放型的工作量模型包含三個子模型─XML資料模型、查詢模型以及控制模型。XML資料模型將模式化XML文件中階層式的結構概念;查詢模型包含了一連串查詢模組以供測試XML資料庫的處理查詢能力以及一個開放型的查詢輸入介面以供使用者依照需求設定所需的測試查詢;控制模型中定義了一連串變數以供設定績效評估系統中的執行環境。我們發展此系統化且具開放型的工作量方法可以幫助各種不同應用領域的使用者預測及展現XML資料庫系統的績效。 / XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the emerging data format for data processing on the Internet. XML provides a rich data semantics and data independence from the presentation. Thanks to these features, XML becomes a new data exchange standard and leads new storage and query processing issues on database research communities. In this paper, the performance evaluation issues on XML databases have been studied and a generic and requirement-driven XML workload model that is applicable to any application scenario or movable on various platforms is developed. There are three sub-models in this generic workload model, the XML data model, the query model, and the control model. The XML data model formulates the generic hierarchy structure of XML documents and supports a flexible document structure of the test database. The XML query model contains a flexible classical query module selector and an open query input to define the requirement-driven test query model to challenge the XML query processing ability of the XML database. The control model defines variables that are used to set up the implementation of a benchmark. This open, flexible, and systematic workload method permits users in various application domains to predicate or profile the performance of the XML database systems.

Nativní XML rozhraní pro relační databázi / Native XML Interface for a Relational Database

Piwko, Karel January 2010 (has links)
XML has emerged as leading document format for exchanging data. Because of vast amounts of XML documents available and transfered, there is a strong need to store and query information in these documents. However, the most companies are still using a RDBMS for their data warehouses and it is often necessary to combine legacy data with the ones in XML format, so it might be useful to consider storage possibilities for XML documents in a relation database. In this thesis we focused on structured and semi-structured data-based XML documents, because they are the most common when exchanging data and they can be easily validated against an XML schema. We propose a slightly modified Hybrid algorithm to shred doc- uments into relations using an XSD scheme and we allowed redundancy to make queries faster. Our goal was not to provide an academic solution, but fully working system supporting latest standards, which will beat up native XML databases both by performance and vertical scalability.

Transformace webových aplikací na webové služby / Transformation of Web Applications into Web Services

Zámečník, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
Present web is aiming to the possibility of automatization of user behavior on web applications. Adding of semantics and creation of web service interface are the main approaches for accomplishment of this user comfort. Nevertheless, this direction brings some problems which can make more difficult publishing and implementation of web documents. Web services can connect heterogeneous systems, because they are based on XML markup language that is a place where all applications can meet without lost of platform independence. The automatic transformation of a web application into a web service could be considerably more effective than to create a web service from the beginning. However, this step is for some applications almost unreal without knowledge of their inner structure. In most cases, the transformation will be done semiautomatically with help of human decisions.

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