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人壽保險業之資產配置決策及影響評估 / Decision making and impact analysis in asset allocation for Taiwan life insurance industry蔡沛然 Unknown Date (has links)
資產配置策略由公司相關部門依照風險偏好、負債面考量等各項因素訂定投資決策以及目標報酬率並交由經理人執行。而欲瞭解資產配置策略是否完善,本研究採用追蹤資料模型(Panel data model),以財務績效作為反應變數,並驗證財務績效受到哪些因素影響;此外並以總資產作為分群變數,以集群分析將各公司分群,探討各群內之狀況。
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臺灣地方政府自籌財源影響因素之探討 / A Study on Affecting Factors of Self-Financing Resources by Taiwan Local Government.陳秋美, Chen, Chiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文為探討各地方政府自籌財源之影響因素,首先針對有關地方財政及財政自主性之理論及影響地方自籌財源因素之文獻進行回顧,同時整理臺灣22個縣市可能影響自籌財源相關因素之發展現況,藉以取得適當變數,並將影響地方自籌財源因素分為經濟因素、房地產市場狀況、替代財源、財政能力、稽徵行政因素與政治因素,利用民國91-100年之資料,進行實證分析。本文研究資料涵蓋22個縣市與10個年度,故計量模型採用Panel Data模型,不僅可以分析解釋變數對自籌財源之影響程度,更能透過固定效果模型 (Fixed Effect Model)得知22個縣市之地方特定效果與時間效果。
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滿足CMMI軟體專案管理資料模型設計之研究董基鑑, Tung, Chi-chien Unknown Date (has links)
為公司的知識庫。CMMI 是目前國際上被高度認同的軟體開發流程模式,對提升
時程與確保品質等目標,因此本研究將以滿足CMMI 專案規劃的標準為目標,設
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國際物流業導入跨組織作業基礎成本制之個案研究-以某國際物流公司為例林輝倫 Unknown Date (has links)
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土地資訊系統中含時間維度之資料管理陳怡茹, Che,I-ju Unknown Date (has links)
隨著地籍管理工作在廣度深度上的增加,使得地籍、土地利用等歷史資料的查詢與檢索日益頻繁,但現階段地籍管理系統之建置方法對於歷史資料查詢之效率較差。本文在探討含時間維度資料庫之建置方法,並利用異動時間與異動註記等欄位及異動紀錄表之建立,令目前地籍管理系統可達到以時間維度,或指定地號,進行地籍資料查詢與檢索。 / The more cadastral management is developed, the more historic data query of cadastre and land use are important. The primary purpose of this study is concentrated on the recoveries of parcel linage and areas on any time profile. The targets of this research are placed on design of spatio-temporal data model, and the analysis of efficiency of data recovery and query.
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以業務流程角度建立資料倉儲模式之研究 - 以某事業單位為例嚴千凱, Yen , Chien-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
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都會區發展與住宅價格差異關係之分析 / The Relationship Between Urban Development and Housing Price in Metropolitan Areas郭哲瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用台北市、新北市、桃竹都會區、台中都會區、台南都會區與高雄都會區等六大都會區由1993年至2010年共270筆住宅價格兩兩相除之比例資料,透過縱橫資料模型(Panel Data Model)探討國內六大都會區,兩兩間住宅價格比例變動於經濟與社會面的主要影響因素。實證顯示,當兩兩都會區經常性所得、知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性、辦公室使用執照樓地板面積、治安狀況與空氣品質差異越大,住宅價格差異亦隨之擴張。且各都會區知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性與經常性所得落差對住宅價格差異影響最大。此外,兩兩都會區住宅價格差異亦受到其地區特性與景氣影響。建議政府可透過於弱勢都會區發展適宜知識密集服務業發展之環境,吸引相關產業進駐,提供當地更多知識密集服務業就業機會,降低國內都會區所得落差。此外,應合理分配各都會區公共投資金額,強化弱勢都會區大眾運輸服務水準,以降低國內各都會區住宅價格懸殊情形。 / In Taiwan, because of the dissimilar levels of urban development, housing prices in different metropolitan areas change in sundry ways. This paper uses panel data analysis to identify the relationship between the development gap and the difference in housing prices in metropolitan areas of Taiwan during 1993-2010. The empirical results reveal that the income gap, the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap, the mobility gap, the public investment gap, the office quantity gap, the public security gap, and the air quality gap had significant effects on the difference in housing prices, and the difference in housing prices is also influenced by local characteristics and real estate cycles. Besides, we also discover that the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap and the public investment gap are two key determinants of the difference in housing prices.
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都市蔓延與氣候暖化關係之研究-以台北都會區為例 / The Study of relationship between urban sprawl and climate warming - An example of Taipei metropolitan area賴玫錡, Lai, Mei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實證分析部分使用地理資訊系統之內差法和空間分析方法,以及迴歸分析使用panel data之固定效果模型等工具,內插法之結果得到台北都會區年平均氣溫自1996年至2006年約上升1℃,有些地區甚至上升約2℃,且上升之溫度範圍有擴大的趨勢,呈現放射狀的溫度分布,此與都市蔓延之放射狀發展形態類似。使用空間分析方法則證實了一地人口數的增加會造成該地氣溫上升,並且也發現近來人口數多增加在都市外圍地區,這與上述氣溫分布和都市蔓延之放射狀發展形態也相符合。
迴歸分析結果顯示人口數對於氣溫有相當大之正相關,耕地面積對氣溫則呈現負相關,可見得擁有廣大綠地可以降低區域之氣溫,減緩氣候暖化,因此建議政府需檢討當前農地政策,配合環境保護,適合時宜的提出正確之政策。另外在各鄉鎮市區固定效果估計量方面,可以歸納出若一地區有廣大的公園、綠地、或是有河川流域的經過,對於降低當地氣溫有明顯的幫助;時間趨勢之固定效果估計量顯示台北都會區隨著時間的經過,氣溫將持續上升。因此在未來都市規劃方面,規劃者必須了解各地區特性,善加利用其自然環境以調和氣候暖化之影響、多設置公園綠地、多種植綠色植物、在道路周邊行道樹的設置、建築物間風場之設計等。如此將可以降低都市蔓延對氣候暖化的影響,以及防止氣候暖化的發生。 / In this study, we research the relationship between urban sprawl and climate warming in Taipei metropolitan area. Analyze empirically whether the developed shape of urban sprawl causes the climbing of the temperature. Some studies indicate that the reasons why the climate is getting warmer in Taiwan are the high-speed developments of industry and commerce, the increase of population, the changes of the buildings and the huge increase of the traffic volume. Some other studies also find out that there is a positive correlation between the urbanization and the temperature, and there is a negative correlation between the green space and the temperature.
The empirical analysis in this study is based on the Interpolation Method and Spatial Analysis of GIS. And the regression analysis is based on the Fixed Effect Model of Panel Data. The yearly average temperature increased about 1℃ to 2℃ in the Taipei metropolitan area from 1996 to 2006. Furthermore, the range of the increasing temperature has been trending up, and it reveals a radial distribution. It is similar to the radial developed shape of urban sprawl. By using Spatial Analysis, we prove that the temperature of an area increases when the population rises. And we find out that the population rises in most of the peri-urban areas. It also answers to the radial developed shape of urban sprawl and the distribution of the temperature as above.
The result of using the regression analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between the number of the population and the temperature and is a negative correlation between the farmland areas and the temperature. So that if there is a big green space, it can decrease the temperature in an area, reduce climate warming. For this reason, I suggest that the government should review our current farmland policy, which should be worked with the environmental protection policy, and bring it into practice at the right time right place. From the fixed effect estimation, we concludes that it helps decrease the temperature in an area obviously when there is a big park, big green space or where a river passing through. The time trend of the fixed effect estimation indicates that the climate in the Taipei metropolitan area will be getting warming with time goes by. Therefore, the urban planner should know better of the feature in each area, using the natural environment to accommodate the influence of climate warming. To have more parks, green spaces and plants, plant more trees by the roads, design the wind flow between buildings. Cut down the carbon production by using either way. Thus and so, we can reduce the influence of urban sprawl to climate warming, and also prevent climate warming.
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以企業流程模型導向實施資料庫重構之研究-以S公司為例 / The study of database reverse engineering based on business process module-with S company as an example林于新, Lin, Yu-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究設計一套資料庫重構流程,以企業流程為基礎為企業設計客製化的資料庫,並將資料從套裝軟體移轉至該理想的資料庫。流程分三階段,階段1是運用資料庫反向工程(Database Reverse Engineering)的方法,還原企業現行資料庫的資料語意和模型架構;階段2則結合流程模型(Process Model)和資料模型(Data Model)的概念,建立以企業流程為基礎的理想資料庫;階段3利用ETL(Extract、Transform、Load)和資料整合的技術,將企業資料從現行資料庫中萃取、轉換和載入至理想資料庫,便完成資料庫重構的作業。
最後,總結目前企業老舊資料庫普遍面臨資料庫架構複雜、無法吻合作業流程所需、未制訂完善資料庫管理機制等問題,而本研究之資料庫重構流程的設計概念,能為企業建立以流程為導向的理想資料庫。 / The raising of information technique helped organization governance greatly was started since 1960s, but because of lack information background and knowledge, many organizations just simply brought software packages to assist business processes or organization governance. The result was those software packages which couldn't fit in with the processes of organization' requirements were getting worse because of changes of environment. From the view of database design, it results in low quality of data because of the complexity of database structure, long-term modifications and accessing to data, and the lack of relational database knowledge. Nowadays, the problems of redesign database structure or transform data from a old system to a new system are great challenges to enterprises.
Based on the above, thie research designed a process of database restruction in order to establish customized database based on businesss processes. There are three phases of this process. In phase 1, a company acquires the original data structure and semantic of its software package by the method of database reverse engineering. In phase 2, using concepts of process model and data model, the company establishes its ideal database based on businesss processes. In phase 3, it extracts, transforms, and load data from the current database of software package to ideal database by the technique of ETL and data integration. After these three phases, the company completes the process of data restriction.
The process of database restruction is done in a case company to analyze the design gap between the current data model of software package and the ideal data model based on business processes. In the result of analysis, this research found out there are three gaps between its as-is and to-be data models. These three gaps are the design of database struction, the definition of data semantic, and the design of database normalization. Because of these design gaps, when removing gaps by data transformation, a company should pay attention to clarify the semantic of source data, considerate the consistency and referential integrity of destination data, and clean dirty data from source database.
Finanlly, the summary of the problems a company using old database are the complexity of database structure, the unfit database for businesss processes, the lack of database management, etc. The process of database restruction this research design can assist a company in establishing ideal database based on business processes.
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開放型XML資料庫績效評估工作量之模型 / An Open Workload Model for XML Database Benchmark尤靖雅 Unknown Date (has links)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)是今日新興在網路上所使用的延伸性的標記語言。它具有豐富的語意表達及與展現方式獨立的資料獨立性。由於這些特性,使得XML成為新的資料交換標準並且其應用在資料庫中產生了許多新的研究議題在資料儲存和查詢處理上。在本篇研究中,將研究XML資料庫中的績效評估的議題並且發展一個可適用於不同應用領域及各種平台上的使用者導向且開放型工作量模式以評估XML資料庫績效。此XML開放型的工作量模型包含三個子模型─XML資料模型、查詢模型以及控制模型。XML資料模型將模式化XML文件中階層式的結構概念;查詢模型包含了一連串查詢模組以供測試XML資料庫的處理查詢能力以及一個開放型的查詢輸入介面以供使用者依照需求設定所需的測試查詢;控制模型中定義了一連串變數以供設定績效評估系統中的執行環境。我們發展此系統化且具開放型的工作量方法可以幫助各種不同應用領域的使用者預測及展現XML資料庫系統的績效。 / XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the emerging data format for data processing on the Internet. XML provides a rich data semantics and data independence from the presentation. Thanks to these features, XML becomes a new data exchange standard and leads new storage and query processing issues on database research communities. In this paper, the performance evaluation issues on XML databases have been studied and a generic and requirement-driven XML workload model that is applicable to any application scenario or movable on various platforms is developed. There are three sub-models in this generic workload model, the XML data model, the query model, and the control model. The XML data model formulates the generic hierarchy structure of XML documents and supports a flexible document structure of the test database. The XML query model contains a flexible classical query module selector and an open query input to define the requirement-driven test query model to challenge the XML query processing ability of the XML database. The control model defines variables that are used to set up the implementation of a benchmark. This open, flexible, and systematic workload method permits users in various application domains to predicate or profile the performance of the XML database systems.
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