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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Bibbia e la Certosa. Letture dal De Tralatione Bibliae di Petrus Sutor (1525) sullo sfondo del contrasto tra Erasmo e i teologi di Parigi e Lovanio

SARTORI, PAOLO 30 March 2007 (has links)
Prima parte: L'analisi del rapporto tra spiritualità certosina e devotio moderna consente di individuare il contesto in cui maturò ed ebbe fortuna il De tralatione Bibliae di Petrus Sutor, monaco certosino. La spiritualità certosina ebbe forte influsso sulla Congregazione di Montaigu, espressione estrema della devotio moderna, nella quale lo stesso Sutor fu massima autorità spirituale in qualità di priore della Certosa di Parigi. Alla Congregazione di Montaigu appartennero i principali oppositori di Erasmo nel campo della filologia biblica nell'area di Parigi e Lovanio. In essa ebbe fortuna l'opera di Sutor, anche se il mondo di Montaigu mostra due facce. Il mondo parigino di Montaigu risulta infatti più conservatore di quello lovaniense, che nelle figure di Iacobus Latomus e Frans Titelmans mostra una certa apertura all'umanesimo. Seconda parte e appendice: i contenuti del De tralatione Bibliae mostrano i rapporti di Sutor con altri oppositori erasmiani, Stunica in particolare. Emergono le fonti che stanno alla base delle informazioni storiche fornite da Sutor, tra cui emerge Petrus Comestor, e la risonanza del De tralatione Bibliae negli ambienti culturali inglesi, in particolare in John Fisher. / First Part: In order to supply with due context Sutor's De tralatione Bibliae, it is necessary to rediscover the interplay between Carthusian spirituality and devotio moderna. The carthusian influence was particulary strong in the Congregation of Montaigu, which formed an extreme wing of devotio moderna. Sutor himself played a very important role in the Congregation of Montaigu having been his major authority for three years as Prior of the Parisian Charterhouse. The main critics of Erasmus in the field of biblical philology, who were active in Paris and Louvain theological units belonged to the Montaigu Congregation. There were differences between the Paris and Louvain Montaigu cultural and spiritual habits. Louvain shows a particular trend to moderation and acceptance of some fundamental humanistic issues, that we can trace in Iacobus Latomus and Francis Titelmans. Second Part and Appendix: The contents of Sutor's De tralatione Bibliae display the relationship between Sutor and other critics of Erasmus, in particular Stunica. Through the text we rediscover the different sources Sutor uses in order to supply the reader with historical information, especially Petrus Comestor, and we can identify some echoes of Sutor's works in John Fisher and the English cultural circles.

Concurences poétiques : identités collectives et identités singulières autour de la "Pléiade" (1549 - 1586) / Poetry competition : collective identities and singular identities around the « Pléiade » (1549-1586)

Bonifay, Florence 02 December 2016 (has links)
De la Deffence, et illustration de la langue françoyse (1549) au tombeau de Ronsard réuni par Binet (1586), la sociabilité littéraire mise en scène dans quelque trois cents recueils d’environ soixante-dix poètes est envisagée comme le support de constructions identitaires à la fois collectives et individuelles. En effet, le foisonnement des pièces de contact valorise l’émulation lettrée et donne de la visibilité à l’émergence d’un « champ poétique » où le positionnement de chacun est fait, tout à la fois, d’identification à des groupes et de différenciation pour défendre un style singulier. L’identité valorisée collectivement est celle de « Poète ». Dans un élan commun et à la suite de Marot, il s’agit de donner tout son prestige à ce « mestier » – dont la visibilité est favorisée par la publication imprimée – ainsi que de convaincre les grands de son utilité politique. L’étiquette fédératrice se subdivise en identités collectives aux contours plus restreints, par exemple autour d’un genre pratiqué (les « Amours »), autour d’une langue (« poëtes françoys »), ou encore autour d’une implantation géographique (les poètes du Clain, les poètes gascons, etc.). Ce morcellement s’accompagne de tentatives de classements de valeur. Cela provoque des mouvements d’humeur (des poètes de province contre le milieu parisien naissant, par exemple), voire des conflits (poètes nouveaux contre poètes vieux, poètes chrétiens contre poètes païens, etc.), ainsi qu’une démultiplication des figures de chefs de file. Dans le même temps, chaque auteur essaie de faire valoir sa singularité, notamment en développant l’ethos du poète solitaire ou du poète mélancolique, et s’attache à ouvrir des voies nouvelles, dans un mouvement collectif de valorisation de l’originalité. Entrent ainsi en tension la structure pyramidale hiérarchique et l’affirmation d’un droit à la différence qui rend inclassable. / From the Deffence, et illustration de la langue françoyse (1549) to Ronsard's tomb texts collected by Binet in 1586, the literary sociability depicted in some three hundred volumes of poetry gathering together about seventy poets is regarded as the mean to construct identities both collective and individual. Indeed the flurry of common topics is at the origin of a literary emulation and makes the emergence of a "poetic field" noticeable; so the position of each poet is both defined with an identification to groups or with a differentiation to defend their proper styles.Being "a poet" is the identity collectively valued. Altogether on Marot's tracks, the point is to make this "craft" prestigious - printed publication makes it visible - and to convince the greats of its political importance. The unifying label is subdivided in collective identities with restricted outlines like a popular topic (the "Amours"), a language ("poëtes françoys") or eventually a location (the poets from the river Clain, the Gascon poets, etc). Therefore this fragmentation leads to an attempt of classification of value. This is at the origin of disagreements (some provincial poets against the emerging Parisian milieu for instance), even conflicts (modern poets against old poets, Christian poets versus pagan poets, etc), as well as an increase of leading figures. Meanwhile each author attempts to defend their own singularities, notably by working on the ethos of the solitary poet or of the melancholic poet and endeavours to open new poetic paths, within a collective movement defending originality. Hence the tension opposing the hierarchical organisation and the assertion of the right to be different and thus unique.

L'architecture domestique de Rashîd du XVIème siècle au XIXème siécle (Étude comparatives) / Residential Buildinq Pudonq Rashidi

Abou Bakr, Salwa 11 December 2009 (has links)
Après le Caire, Rashîd est l’une des villes d’Égypte ayant gardé un important héritage architectural et urbain. Tout au long de son histoire elle a joué un rôle considérable dans le Delta, notamment pendant la période ottomane. Elle a connu tout le long de cette partie de son histoire un essor économique et commercial intéressant à expliquer les raisons. Elles sont multiples, mais particulièrement sa situation géographique dans la région qui a joué le rôle le plus prépondérant. Le fait qu’elle soit la ville égyptienne la plus proche à la fois d’Istanbul et de l’Europe lui a permis de développer avec celles-ci des relations économiques et commerciales prospères qui ont induit un véritable développement urbain de la ville. Rashîd s'est ainsi dotée d’un style architectural particulier et d’un nombre important de constructions domestiques. / Rashid City is considered once of the richest Egyptian cities in term of Arabian Monuments; it comes second in its monumental wealth after the city of Cairo. Rashid city keeps until this moment a number of monuments which were built during the Ottoman era, on top of which comes a number of monumental houses (20 houses) which are unique in style.Rashaid city had also played a remarkable role in aspects of history, culture, architecture, and art, which had placed such city in high regard among the Arab cities. Arab cities joined Al- rasheed in founding such unique buildings.Building were affected in both shape and essence by geographical, economic, political, cultural, and religious factors found in such era; thus buildings appeared to have mostly similar shapes in some cities, while they appeared to be different in others. Such buildings were also buit using similar materials in some cities, while using different ones in others; however all the buildings were built to provide a shelter for humans in order to achieve their privacy, and protection against any natural or man-made dangers.Thus such unique architecture which took notice of essence rather than appearance – the Arabian housing architecture – had emerged to fulfill all these constant human needs regardless of time or place.Such remaining architectural relics must be placed under athorough historical and technical study, so that we would have the sufficient expertise needed to contribute in preserving such historical buildings.

Temporalités dans les Novelle de Matteo Bandello et les Ecatommiti de Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio / Temporalities in Matteo Bandello’s Novelle and Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio’s Ecatommiti

Boni, Enrica 05 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d’enquêter sur les temporalités dans les Novelle (1554 et 1573) de Matteo Bandello et dans les Ecatommiti (1565) de Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio. Ces deux ouvrages se distinguent des autres recueils de nouvelles du XVIe siècle par leur proximité chronologique et, surtout, par leurs singularités et nouveautés structurelles : émiettement temporel et formel de l’histoire-cadre dans le recueil de Bandello ; et irruption, au milieu des successions narratives du novelliere de Giraldi, d’un long texte théorique, Dialoghi della vita civile, dont les trois parties correspondent aux trois âges de la vie (l’enfance, l’adolescence et l’état adulte). Nos auteurs, qui ont vécu les secousses des Guerres d’Italie, puis la stabilité retrouvée sur des bases nouvelles, rendent compte, par des choix très différents dans l’approche du modèle du Décaméron, d’une période de transformation sociale, politique, culturelle et scientifique qui questionne plusieurs aspects de la nature et de la maîtrise du Temps. Après une première partie consacrée à l’analyse du temps chronologique et des données concrètes et mesurables (indication de l'heure, représentation des âges de la vie humaine), l'étude examine la mise en fiction des temporalités dans les deux recueils, afin de saisir les possibles enjeux théoriques de la construction narrative de la durée. L'analyse se focalisera en particulier sur les rapports entre « temps du récit » et « temps de l'histoire », ainsi que sur les liens entre dimensions temporelle et spatiale.Enfin, l'étude abordera la question de la mise en écriture du présent historique des auteurs, à partir des conceptions linguistiques et historiographiques de chacun. De ce point de vue, les perspectives différentes (mais parfois convergentes) de Bandello et de Giraldi infléchissent la mise en écriture de l’Histoire dans leurs recueils respectifs, en déterminant une élaboration complexe du rapport entre passés proche et lointain, présent et futur. / This study aims to investigate temporalities in Matteo Bandello’s Novelle (1554 and 1573) and Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio’s Ecatommiti (1565). These two literary works are distinct from other sixteenth-century collections of novellas in their chronological proximity and, above all, their structural innovations and peculiarities: temporal and formal fragmentation of the frame story in Bandello’s collection; and the irruption, amid the narrative sequences of Giraldi’s novelliere, of a long theoretical text, Dialoghi della vita civile, made up of three parts that correspond to the three stages of life (childhood, adolescence and adulthood). The authors, who experienced the upheavals of the Italian Wars, then stability restored on a new foundation, approach the model of the Decameron in very different ways, while each giving an account of a time of social, political, cultural and scientific change that questions many aspects of nature and man’s mastery over Time. After a first part, which concentrates on the treatment of chronological time and concrete, measurable data (indications of time, representations of the stages of human life), the study considers the fictional presentation of time lines in the two collections, in order to grasp the possible theoretical issues of the narrative construction of time scales. The analysis will especially focus on the relationships between “narrative time” and “discourse time”, as well as on the links between temporal and spatial dimensions. Finally, the study addresses the issue of putting the historical present of the authors in writing, relying on the linguistic and historiographical views held by each of them. From this point of view, the different (though sometimes convergent) perspectives of Bandello and Giraldi influenced the way in which History was put in writing in their respective collections, triggering an intricate relationship between near and distant past, present and future.

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