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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crossing out: transgender (in)visibility in twentieth-century culture

Saunders, Sean 05 1900 (has links)
Spanning the period from the early years of the Cold War to the early twenty-first century, Crossing Out argues that medical theories of gender variance which emerge in the middle of the twentieth century are bound by the Cold-War–era discursive limits within which they were articulated, and that the ideological content of those theories persists into late-century research and treatment protocols. I parallel these analyses with interrogations of literary representations of transgendered subjects. What emerges most powerfully from this analysis of literary works is their tendency to signify in excess of the medical foreclosures, even when they seem consistent with medical discourse. By reading these two discursive systems against each other, the dissertation demonstrates the ability of literary discourse to accommodate multifaceted subject positions which medical discourse is unable to articulate. Literature thus complicates the stories that medical culture tells, revealing complex and multivariate possibilities for transgendered identification absent from traditional medical accounts. In tracing these discursive intersections the dissertation draws on and extends Michel Foucault’s theory of subjugated knowledges and Judith Butler’s writings on the formation of gendered subjects. Chapter One establishes the Cold War context, and argues that there are significant continuities between 1950s theories of intersexuality and Cold War ideology. Chapter Two extends this analysis to take in theories of transsexualism that emerged in the same years, and analyzes the discursive excesses of a 1950s pulp novel representation of a transsexual. Chapter Three establishes that the ideological content of the medical theories remained virtually unchanged by the 1990s, and argues that multivalent literary representations of transgenderism from the same decade promise the emergence of unanticipated forms of gender identity that exceed medical norms. Chapter Four is concerned with transgendered children, as they are represented in medical writing and in young adult and children’s literature. Interrogating fiction which negotiates between established medical discourse and an emergent transgender discourse, the chapter argues that these works at once invite and subvert a pathologizing understanding of gender-variant children while simultaneously providing data that demands to be read through the lens of an emergent affirmative notion of trans-childhood. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Entering into Particulars: Re-conceptualizing Adolescence through Young Adult Literature and Critical Narrative Pedagogy

Trimble, Celeste Leigh Helen, Trimble, Celeste Leigh Helen January 2016 (has links)
This qualitative multiple case study explores the intersection of young adult literature and adolescent memory narratives in an undergraduate course entitled Learning about Adolescence through Literature within an action research framework. This dissertation is motivated by two research questions: (1) What influence might young adult literature and memory narratives of adolescence have on undergraduate students' understandings of the cultural construction of adolescence? (2) How does the text we read affect how we perceive our lived experiences, and, in turn, how does this interchange of story affect the way in which we perceive adolescence in general? Building upon reader response theories and critical narrative pedagogy, findings indicate that YA literature and lifestory narratives can facilitate reconceptualizing previously held notions of adolescence, replacing pejorative and generalized assumptions regarding adolescence with an openness and acknowledgement of diversity. Implications for teachers and other youth workers are discussed, as well as implications for adolescents.

Juventudes e trajetórias de jovens populares urbanos: autonomia, oportunidades sociais e acesso a direitos / Youth and popular urban young people trajectories: autonomy and access to social opportunities and rights

Tâmara Harumi Yamagute Rosa 10 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho se baseia na perspectiva da juventude como construção social, compreendendo a trajetória para a vida adulta como processo não linear resultante dos diferentes modos pelos quais os jovens vivenciam suas experiências. O objetivo é conhecer a percepção de jovens populares urbanos de 18 a 24 anos sobre o processo de construção de sua autonomia e o acesso a oportunidades e direitos sociais, a partir do estudo de suas trajetórias de vida. Por meio da história oral de vida e temática, e da hermenêutica-dialética, são apresentadas narrativas de quatro jovens egressos de Programa de Aprendizagem Profissional e Programas de Medidas Socioeducativas em Meio Aberto - Liberdade Assistida e Prestação de Serviços à Comunidade, do Centro de Orientação ao Adolescente de Campinas - COMEC, partindo das perguntas disparadoras \"Como tem sido a sua trajetória para vida adulta? Como a transição para a vida adulta se relaciona com sua história de vida? Você poderia contar sobre seus caminhos, suas escolhas, suas experiências (escola, trabalho, amigos etc), seus projetos?\". As análises das histórias indicaram quatro eixos temáticos: percursos familiares e de vida, afetos e amizades sob a marca da vulnerabilidade social; a escola e suas (in) visibilidades; trabalho formal, informal, legal e ilegal: fronteiras tênues no acesso ao trabalho; vida, oportunidades sociais, interesses e projetos; apontando para a relevância destes em suas trajetórias para a vida adulta, bem como a necessidade de se pensar alternativas que tragam oportunidades de se alcançar autonomia frente a complexa realidade contemporânea / This study is based on understanding youth as a social construction, taking the trajectory to adulthood as a non linear process as the result from the different ways young people live their experiences. The aim is to study the perceptions of youth from age 18 to 24 years old about the process of autonomy and the access to social opportunities and rights through their life stories. By means of Oral Life History, Thematic Oral History, and Hermeneutic Dialectics methodology, narratives are here presented of four young people who were participants of The Occupational Apprenticeship Program and Social Educational Programs, namely The Assisted Freedom Program and Community Services for youth in conflict with the law from Centro de Orientação ao Adolescente de Campinas - COMEC. The motivating questions were \"How has happened your trajectory to adulthood? How does this transition to adulthood relate to your life story? Can you tell me about your paths, choices projects and experiences (school, work, friends etc)? The analysis of the stories indicated four main themes: family and life paths/affection and friendship under social vulnerability; the the (in) visibility of school; formal, informal, legal and ilegal work: the tenuous line in access to work; social opportunities, interests and projects. They show important features to transition to adulthood, as well as the need of alternatives that bring opportunities to autonomy taking into account the complex contemporary reality

The Evolution of the Sesotho sa Leboa Young Adult Novella : A Critical and Comparative Study (1940-1969)

Nkomo, Puleng Samuel January 2020 (has links)
This is a critical and comparative study that examines the blossoming and maturation of the Sesotho sa Leboa (Northern Sotho) Young Adult (YA) novella from the canon of novels in that language. The periods under examination are divided into three decades, namely, 1940–1949, 1950-1959 and 1960-1969. Taking into account the significant research done by scholars in Sesotho sa Leboa, very little is known about YA literature and in particular, the Young Adult novella (novelette or novel). This somewhat confusing sub-genre is clarified and dissected by literary theorists from different orientations and traditions (schools of thought). It is envisaged that this research work will help language practitioners in Sesotho sa Leboa, and other languages to make informed decisions about the classification of the sub-genre in terms of its literary elements. Defining the age cohort of the young adult has also been, and still is, a hotly debated terrain. Arguably, the problem stems from diverse societies trying to provide a uniform definition of a global community. In many instances, the age definition of ‘who is the young adult’ seems to be more complex and political in nature. In the final analysis, the study provides guidelines for the literary evaluation of texts for use in secondary schools, tertiary institutions and for the selection of books for libraries. Novice writers, in comparison with their predecessors, will also become more conversant with the requirements of the sub-genre. For this reason, Sesotho sa Leboa literature will continue to grow and develop in all facets in relation to quality, insight and world view. / Afrikaans: Hierdie is 'n kritiese en vergelykende studie wat die bloei en volwassenheid van die Sesotho sa Leboa (Noord-Sotho) jong volwassene (YA) novelle vanuit die kanon van romans in daardie taal ondersoek. Die periodes wat ondersoek word, word in drie dekades verdeel, naamlik 1940–1949, 1950-1959 en 1960-1969. Met inagneming van die beduidende navorsing wat wetenskaplikes in Sesotho sa Leboa gedoen het, is daar baie min bekend oor jong volwassene-literatuur en veral die novelle van jong volwassene romans. Hierdie ietwat verwarrende subgenre word deur literêre teoretici uit verskillende oriëntasies en tradisies (denkrigtings) verhelder en gedissekteer. Daar word voorsien dat hierdie navorsingswerk taalpraktisyns in Sesotho sa Leboa en ander tale sal help om ingeligte besluite te neem oor die klassifikasie van die subgenre in terme van die literêre elemente daarvan. Die definisie van die ouderdomsgroep van die jong volwassene was, en is nog steeds, 'n baie gedebatteerde terrein. Die probleem spruit waarskynlik uit uiteenlopende samelewings wat probeer om 'n eenvormige definisie van 'n wêreldgemeenskap te gee. In baie gevalle,lyk die definisie van 'wie die jong volwassene' is, meer kompleks en polities van aard. Uiteindelik bied die studie riglyne vir die literêre evaluering van tekste wat gebruik kan word in sekondêre skole, tersiêre instellings en vir die keuse van boeke vir biblioteke. Beginnersskrywers, in vergelyking met hul voorgangers, sal ook meer vertroud raak met die vereistes van die subgenre. Om hierdie rede sal die literatuur van Sesotho sa Leboa aanhou groei en ontwikkel in alle fasette in verhouding tot kwaliteit, insig en wêreldbeskouing. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / African Languages / DLitt / Unrestricted

Förälder till min förälder – ungdomar och unga vuxnas upplevelse av att ha en förälder med ung demenssjukdom / Parent to my parent – adolescents and young adults experiences of having a parent with young onset dementia

Gunnander, Hanna, Nilsson, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom benämns som “de anhörigas sjukdom” då sjukdomen även påverkar anhöriga. Demenssjukdom delas in i ung och sen, där ung demenssjukdom diagnostiseras före 65 års ålder. Vid ung demenssjukdom befinner sig personen i en annan livssituation och har oftare hemmaboende barn. Syftet var att undersöka ungdomars och unga vuxnas upplevelser av att ha en förälder diagnostiserad med ung demenssjukdom. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats, där 10 artiklar valdes ut till resultatartiklar. Resultat: I resultatet framkom det fyra kategorier: Upplevelse av roll- och relationsförändringar, Upplevelse av personlighets- och beteendeförändringar, Upplevelse av informations- och stödbehov och Upplevelse av copingstrategier. Resultatet visar att barnen upplever ett omvårdnadsansvar över hela familjen, en sorg och förlust av sin förälder. Barnen upplever skam, isolerar sig och hittar olika strategier för att lättare kunna hantera sin vardag. Konklusion: Barn påverkas negativt av att ha en förälder diagnostiserad med ung demenssjukdom och upplever känslor av sorg, förlust, stress, rädsla och skam. Barnen upplever ett behov men brist på information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvården. Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att få kunskap om barns individuella behov för att kunna anpassa den information och stöd de behöver. / Background: Dementia is called “the relatives' disease” as the disease affects the relatives. Dementia is divided into young and late, where young onset dementia is diagnosed before the age of 65. In young onset dementia, the person is in a different life situation and more often has children living at home. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate adolescent’s and young adult’s experiences of having a parent diagnosed with young onset dementia. Method: A structured literature study with an inductive approach, where 10 articles were selected as result articles. Results: The result shows four categories: Experience of role and relationship changes, Experience of personality and behavioral changes, Experience of information and support needs and Experience of coping strategies. The result shows that the children experience a responsibility to care for the whole family, a grief and loss for their parent. The children experience shame, isolate themselves and find different strategies to be able to easily manage their everyday life. Conclusion: Children are negatively affected by having a parent diagnosed with young onset dementia and experience feelings of sadness, loss, stress, fear and shame. The children experience a need but lack of information and support from the healthcare. As a nurse it is important to gain knowledge about children’s individual needs in order to be able to adapt the information and support they need.

Branding, Communication, and Millennials: A Look at the Communication Habits of the Largest Generation in History

Mattix, Christopher James January 2011 (has links)
Millennials are the largest generation in history and are frequently the targets of major marketing campaigns. However, no current research exists that focuses on Millennials' brand related communication habits. Focus groups with 50 college students were used to study the brand related communication habits of Millennials. Focus group data indicate that face-to-face communication is preferred by Millennials when communicating about brands and products; however, participants noted an increased use of digital communication (text messages, instant messages, social networks) when communicating a negative brand experience. Price, family tradition, and product type were found to have the biggest influence over what types of messages were communicated and with whom they were communicated.

Factors Associated with Refeeding Hypophosphatemia in Adolescents and Young Adults Hospitalized with Anorexia Nervosa:

Kells, Meredith Rose January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Susan Kelly-Weeder / Refeeding Hypophosphatemia (RH) is the most common complication of nutritional restoration during medical hospitalization for individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN). Characterized by a drop in serum phosphorus levels, consequences of RH can be seen throughout the body and are potentially life threatening. Despite the seriousness of this outcome, little is known about which individuals with AN are at greatest risk of developing RH and best practices for prevention. The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to examine demographic, feeding, and biochemical factors found in hospitalized adolescent and young adults (AYA) diagnosed with AN that may contribute to the development of RH. Individuals diagnosed with AN who were admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital between the years of 2010-2016 were considered for inclusion. Three hundred charts were analyzed using logistic regression to determine factors associated with RH and multivariate regression to determine factors associated with serum phosphorus nadir. In the final logistic regression model, receiving nasogastric tube feeding (p=0.54), age at admission (p=.022), weight gain during hospitalization (p=.003), serum potassium level (p=.001), and serum magnesium level (p=.024) significantly contributed to the model. Odds of RH were 3 times higher in those who received NG feeding, 1.2 times higher for each year of increasing age, 1.5 times higher for each kilogram of weight gain, 9.2 times higher for each unit reduction in potassium, and 13.7 times higher for each unit reduction in magnesium. With regards to phosphorus nadir, 1-unit increase in magnesium resulted in 1.2 increase in phosphorus, and each unit of admit BMI increased phosphorus by .060. The results indicate that NG feeding, age, weight gain, electrolyte abnormalities, and admit BMI are potential indicators of development of RH in AYA hospitalized with AN. This study will inform clinicians of risk factors associated with RH, and may guide further investigation into the clinical management of AYA diagnosed with AN. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.

A Narratological Study on Characterization, Change and Coming-of-Age in Maggie Stiefvater’s The Dream Thieves

Davidsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
This essay explores the character development of Ronan Lynch in Maggie Stiefvater's The Dream Thieves (2013) with the intention of showing the process of self-acceptance through the narratological concepts character and characterization as well as Young Adult literature research focused on coming-of-age in terms of self-discovery and sexual identity. It was found that Ronan does reach self-acceptance. In terms of characterization, this can be seen through his relationships with other characters and his role in the narrative. When it comes to coming-of-age, his self-acceptance is seen through his self-discovery in regards to sexuality, and especially through his identity construction in relation to his supernatural ability.

Damsel in Distress or Princess in Power? Traditional Masculinity and Femininity in Young Adult Novelizations of Cinderella and the Effects on Agency

Carling, Rylee 09 December 2020 (has links)
Retellings of classic fairy tales have become increasingly popular in the past decade, but little research has been done on the novelizations written for a young adult (YA) audience. Critical multicultural analysis determining the effect of race, gender, disability, and more has been completed for both original fairy tale retellings and fairy tale retellings for children, but scholars have neglected popular YA novelizations. This study aims to determine how traditional masculinity and femininity affect agency in both male and female characters in YA novelizations of Cinderella. To examine the role of traditional masculinity and femininity in young adult novelizations of Cinderella, a qualitative study was designed to look at the five main archetypal characters of Cinderella, the prince, the stepmother and stepsisters, and the fairy godmother. The study used critical multicultural analysis as defined by Botelho & Rudman (2009) to examine uses of agency and other utilization of power from the characters, and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (1974) was employed to determine traditionally masculine and feminine traits exhibited by characters. Each novel was analyzed on an individual level to determine how traditional masculinity and femininity affected the agency of the characters, after the books were examined on a broader level to establish themes found across the selection. The general trend seemed to indicate that traditionally feminine traits hinder the agency of female characters while affecting male characters less or not at all. The analysis is followed by a discussion about the implications for both educators and readers of young adult literature.

The perceptions of young adult males regarding the impact of pornography on their lives

Hodgetts, Chani 16 July 2013 (has links)
Rapid technological development has lead to an increase in the accessibility of pornography. Some professionals have labelled pornography as a social issue due to the increase in accessibility and exposure to pornography. In the past, extensive research has been conducted regarding the possible impact of pornography on adolescents as well as on adults. However, there is discrepancy among professionals with regard to the impact of pornography, as it seems as if there is little agreement on what effects or impact regular pornography consumption may have on the consumer. Some researchers regard pornography as a social issue with severe ramifications for the consumer. Other researchers view pornography as harmless time-consuming activities. Therefore, it seems that inadequate research was previously done to investigate what impact regular exposure to or consumption of pornography may have on the consumer’s life. Young adulthood is considered a crucial phase in human development. Critical developmental tasks such as reaching emotional and financial independence, defining morals, values and principles, establishing intimacy and dedication, choosing a life partner and having children and raise them, are prevalent during this life phase. There is little existing research regarding the impact of pornography on males in this life phase. The hypothesis was made that: should pornography consumption lead to any hindrance in the acquisition of any developmental tasks during this specific life phase, that it may have an effect on the person in a later life phase. The researcher thus endeavoured to address the gap by looking specifically at the possible impact of pornography on young adult males, but the researcher also attempted to contribute to the existing scholarly debate regarding the impact of pornography consumption on the consumer in general. The rationale for this study emanated from the researcher’s desire to add to the existing knowledge base, and to inform professionals in the therapeutic setting about the impact of pornography. The researcher undertook a qualitative, applied research study which enabled her to explore the perceptions of young adult males who have had prolonged experience to pornography consumption. Fifteen (15) young adult male participants were purposefully selected. Snowball sampling was applied as a sampling method to identify possible participants. The researcher utilised in-depth interviewing which is also known as unstructured interviewing as data collection method. One (1) openended question was directed to the participants and it was formulated as follows: “What are your perceptions as a young adult male, with regard to the impact of pornography on young adult males’ lives?” The researcher did a pilot test in order to ensure that this open-ended question provided adequate opportunity for the participants to respond unreservedly. The researcher followed the following steps during the process of data analysis: <ul> <li> Planning for the recording of data by means of audio recordings</li> <li> Managing and organising data by means of detailed transcripts and filing it in folders</li> <li> Reading and writing memos</li> <li> Generating categories, themes and patterns</li> <li> Representing, visualising and displaying the data by means of a complete research report.</li></ul> The research study revealed that pornography consumption may have a significant impact on the lives of young adult males. The following areas of the life of the young adult male were identified which may be affected by pornography consumption: <ul> <li> Self-value</li> <li> The development of a gender-identity (masculinity)</li> <li> Moral and Spiritual development</li> <li> Cognitive development</li> <li> Addiction</li> <li> Career development</li> <li> Sexual development in terms of sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual behaviour</li> <li> Development of interpersonal relationships</li> <li> Development of mentors in society.</li> </ul> It was recommended that there should be improved service delivery for young adult males who are experiencing some of these effects of pornography consumption. Training for professionals and further research regarding this phenomenon will make this recommendation possible. AFRIKAANS : Snelle tegnologiese vooruitgang het ‘n verhoging in die toeganklikheid van pornografiese materiaal tot gevolg. Sekere kenners bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem, juis as gevolg van die verhoging tot die blootstelling aan en toeganklikheid van hierdie materiaal. Bestaande navorsing oor hierdie fenomeen is grootliks uitgevoer met betrekking tot die moontlike impak van pornografie op adolessente en volwassenes. Dit blyk asof daar verskil in bevindinge en opinies onder professionele persone is met betrekking tot die impak van gereelde pornografiese blootstelling op die verbruiker. Sekere navorsers bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem wat erge negatiewe gevolge vir die verbruiker mag inhou. Ander navorsers bestempel pornografie as onskuldige tydverdryf. Daarom blyk dit asof onvoldoende navorsing voorheen uitgevoer is om te ondersoek watter impak blootstelling aan, of verbruiking van pornografie op die verbruiker se lewe mag hê. Jong volwassenheid word as ‘n essensiële fase in menslike ontwikkeling bestempel. Kritieke ontwikkelingstake sluit onder andere die volgende in: om emosionele en finansiële onafhanklikheid te bereik, om morele waardes en beginsels te definieer, om intimiteit en toegewydheid te vestig en om ‘n lewensmaat te kies, kinders te baar en op te voed. Daar is min bestaande navorsing uitgevoer aangaande die impak van pornografie op mans in hierdie lewensfase. Die hipotese was soos volg geformuleer: sou pornografie tot enige obstruksie in die bereiking van enige van die ontwikkelingstake gedurende hierdie spesifieke lewensfase lei, dit ‘n effek op ‘n persoon in ‘n latere lewensfase mag hê. Die navorser het dus gepoog, om die gaping in bestaande navorsing oor die moontlike impak van pornografie op die jong volwassse man aan te spreek, maar die navorser het ook gepoog om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande akademiese debat, met betrekking tot die impak van pornografie op die verbruiker in die algemeen, te lewer. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het uit die navorser se begeerte om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande kennisbasis te lewer en om professionele persone in die terapeutiese omgewing rakende die impak van pornografie in te lig, ontstaan. Die navorser het ‘n kwalitatiewe, toegepaste navorsingstudie onderneem, wat haar in staat gestel het om die persepsies van jong volwasse mans wat ervaring met langdurige verbruik van pornografie het, te verken. Vyftien (15) jong volwasse mans was doelgerig vir deelname aan die studie geselekteer. Sneeubal-steekproef is as steekproefmetode toegepas om moontlike deelnemers aan die studie te identifiseer. Die navorser het van in-diepte onderhoudvoering, wat ook bekend staan as ongestruktureerde onderhoudvoering, as data insamelingsmetode gebruik gemaak. Een (1) oop vraag is soos volg aan die deelnemers gestel: “Wat is jou persepsies as jong volwasse man met berekking tot die impak van pornografie op jong volwasse mans?” Die navorser het ‘n voorondersoek uitgevoer om te verseker dat hierdie oop vraag voldoende geleentheid vir deelnemers skep om onbeperk te reageer. Die navorser het die volgende stappe tydens die proses van data-analise geneem: <ul> <li> Beplanning vir die opneem van data deur middel van oudio-opnames</li> <li> Bestuur en organisering van data deur middel van gedetaileerde transkripsies en die liasering daarvan in lêers</li> <li> Lees en skryf van memmo’s</li> <li>Generering van kategorieë, temas en patrone</li> <li> Verteenwoordiging, visualisering en voorstelling van data deur middel van ‘n volledige navorsingsverslag.</li></ul> Die navorsingstudie het getoon dat die verbruik van pornografie, ‘n kenmerkende impak op die lewe van jong volwasse mans mag hê. Sekere areas in die lewe van die jong volwasse man wat deur die blootstelling aan pornografie beïnvloed kan word, sluit onder andere die volgende in: <ul> <li> Die self-waarde</li> <li>Die ontwikkeling van ‘n gelsagsrol-identiteit (manlikheid)</li> <li> Morele en spirituele ontwikkeling</li> <li> Kognitiewe ontwikkeling</li> <li> Verslawing</li> <li> Loopbaan ontwikkeling</li> <li> Seksuele ontwikkeling in terme van seksuele kennis, seksuele houding en seksuele gedrag</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van interpersoonlike verhoudings</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van mentors in die samelewing</li> </ul> Aanbevelings, in terme van verbeterde en ingeligte dienslewering aan jong volwasse mans waarvan sommige van hierdie effekte van pornografieverbruik presenteer, was gemaak. Opleiding van professionele persone en verdere navorsing met betrekking tot hierdie fenomeen sal die realisering van die aanbeveling moontlik maak. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

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