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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delegování činností ředitele střední školy na vedoucího domova mládeže. / Delegating secondary school headmaster's activities to senior executive of youth home.

Žigová, Jarmila January 2018 (has links)
Delegating secondary school headmaster's activities to senior executive of youth home Bc. JARMILA ŽIGOVÁ ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with the management of education in the school facility. The main focus is put on the middle management, more precisely on senior executives of secondary schools' youth homes. It studies their role, it defines activities and competencies delegated by secondary school headmasters. The topic of this thesis is based on the fact, that although youth centres are run by school headmasters, activities and order of this education institution is guaranteed by senior executives of youth centres who create important mediators between top management and school establishment staff. The thesis has been made by means of specialized literature and available internet resources. It is based on the applicable legal standards and on the specific laws that modify the area of education and training. In theoretical part the definition of senior executive of youth centre and delegation term is made. Competencies taken over by a senior executive from a headmaster are objects of research part of the thesis. Quantitative research has been carried out by interview survey, content analysis of documents and personal interview. Selected respondents are chief executives of youth centres. It has been...

Developmental Perspectives on Motivational Resilience: Predictors of Eighth-grade At-risk Students' Academic Engagement and Achievement

Brule, Heather Anne 08 January 2015 (has links)
This study uses the concept of stage-environment fit (Eccles et al., 1993) in conjunction with self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) to guide an investigation of at-risk eighth graders' motivational and academic resilience. A developmentally-calibrated method was used to divide students into motivational and academic resilience groups based on their resilient, average, or stress-affected levels of academic engagement and GPA. Data from 167 eighth graders and 155 sixth graders were used to examine the extent to which students' ratings of autonomy, teacher support, peer support, and engagement in garden-based education were related to resilience group membership, and whether these four resources seemed more important to eighth graders than to sixth graders. Results provided support for the overall hypothesis that the four developmental resources (autonomy, teacher support, peer support, and garden engagement) seemed to serve as motivational and/or academic resources, but did not, generally, provide support for their being more important for eighth graders than for sixth graders. Analyses of variance and regressions showed that autonomy, teacher support, and garden engagement were all resources for eighth graders' motivation and achievement, with autonomy and teacher support as the strongest resources. Peer support was only a resource for motivation, and only for eighth-grade boys. In terms of unique effects, only autonomy uniquely predicted eighth graders' dual (motivational and academic) resilience group membership when controlling for the other developmental resources. In contrast, autonomy, teacher support, and garden engagement all uniquely predicted sixth graders' dual resilience group membership. Autonomy's status as the only unique predictor of eighth-grade resilience contrasted with an overall trend in which correlations among all variables were weaker for eighth graders than sixth graders. This contrast suggested that one part of eighth-grade risk might be an increased immunity to motivational resources. Autonomy seemed to fully mediate the relationship between teacher support and dually-resilient group membership for eighth graders, highlighting autonomy's role as a key component in motivational processes for at-risk eighth-graders. The study shed light on the educational risk posed by "eighth-gradeness" in conjunction with having an at-risk demographic status and a being traditional middle school setting, and suggested that autonomy might be a necessary, if not sufficient, route to eighth-grade motivational and academic resilience in light of this risk.

ResistÃncia negra no cÃrculo de cultura sociopoÃtico: pretagogia e produÃÃo didÃtica para implementaÃÃo da Lei 10.639/03 no projovem urbano / Black resistance in the circle of sociopoetic culture: pretagogia and didactic production for implementation of Law 10.639 / 03 in urban ProJovem

Maria Kellynia Farias Alves 27 March 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / A presente pesquisa trata das reflexÃes a partir de uma experiÃncia de formaÃÃo de professores de EJA com vistas a elaborar estratÃgias para fortalecer a implementaÃÃo da Lei 10.639/03 no Ãmbito do Programa Nacional de InclusÃo de Jovens- Projovem Urbano, na perspectiva da pretagogia, da literatura oral afrodescendente e da produÃÃo didÃtica. Pesquisas revelam que a maioria dos alunos na EJA, em particular os de programas como o Projovem, se auto-afirmam negros. Esta modalidade de ensino tem sido marcada pelas desigualdades sociais e o racismo em suas diferentes formas. A Lei n 10.639/03 à uma maneira de ressaltar a importÃncia da cultura negra na formaÃÃo da sociedade brasileira, encontrando ainda desafios para sua implementaÃÃo na EJA. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os estudantes e professores do Projovem Urbano de duas escolas da periferia de Fortaleza e um grupo de estudantes da graduaÃÃo em Pedagogia-UFC. As motivaÃÃes que levaram à necessidade de voltar-se para a questÃo Ãtnico-racial no ProJovem Urbano envolvem desde o meio familiar atà as prÃprias caracterÃsticas do pÃblico atendido pelo Projovem Urbano. O referencial teÃrico que para guiou nossas reflexÃes tem como base a produÃÃo de Petit(2001, 2009), Petit;Silva (2011), Cunha (2010,2011), Gomes(2012, 2003), Munanga(2010,2000), Silva(2003), DeFrantz (2004), Oliveira (2005, 2003, 2008), dentre outros. O aporte metodolÃgico tem a sociopoÃtica como inspiraÃÃo, visto que à uma maneira de experimentar a pesquisa em sua abordagem coletiva e com mÃltiplas linguagens artÃsticas, atravÃs dos cÃrculos de cultura sociopoetizados e do tema gerador resistÃncia negra. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que os estudantes e professores vivenciam diferentes olhares sobre a questÃo Ãtnico-racial na escola, transitando entre silenciamentos, negaÃÃes e afirmaÃÃes sobre o pertencimento Ãtnico-racial e a resistÃncia negra. Os marcadores das africanidades, a literatura oral africana, a Pretagogia e a produÃÃo didÃtica se apresentaram como potencializadores de outras formas de didÃticas na EJA. Conclui-se que a pesquisa diminui a distÃncia entre corpos-territÃrios atravÃs dos cÃrculos de cultura e pela Pretagogia, sendo importante para a reinvenÃÃo didÃtica nas prÃticas dos professores na EJA que promovam a mudanÃa de postura diante das relaÃÃes Ãtnico-raciais, gerando outras implicaÃÃes com a temÃtica e assim repensar prÃticas, currÃculos e aprendizagens para rediscutir as africanidades e possibilitar a transposiÃÃo e produÃÃo didÃtica afroreferenciada. / This research deals with the reflections from an adult education teacher training experience in order to develop strategies to strengthen the implementation of Law 10.639 / 03 under the National Programme of young Inclusion - Projovem Urban in view of âpretagogiaâ, the Afro-descendant and didactic production oral literature. Research shows that most students in adult education, particularly programs like Projovem, self-claim blacks. This type of education has been marked by social inequalities arising and racism in its different forms. Law 10.639 / 03 which deals with the mandatory teaching of history and african-Brazilian and African culture is a way to highlight the importance of black culture in the formation of Brazilian society, still finding challenges to its implementation in adult education. The study subjects are the students and teachers of Urban Projovem two schools on the outskirts of Fortaleza and a group of graduate students in Pedagogy UFC. The motivations that led to the need to turn to the ethnic-racial issue in ProJovem Urban involve from the family environment to the very public characteristics attended by Projovem Urban. The theoretical reference is based on the production of Petit (2001, 2009), Petit, Silva (2011), Cunha (2010.2011), Gomes (2012, 2003), Munanga (2010.2000), Silva (2003), DeFrantz (2004), Oliveira (2005, 2003, 2008), among others, to guide our reflections. The methodological approach has social poetics as inspiration, as it is a way to experience the research in its collective approach and the various artistic languages through âsociopoetizadosâ culture circles and theme generator black resistance. The survey results revealed that students and teachers experience different perspectives on ethnic-racial issue at school, moving between silencing, denials and statements about the ethnic and racial origin and the black resistance which led us to develop the concept of african belonging. Markers of Africanities, the African oral literature, Pretagogia and didactic production is presented as potentiating other forms of teaching in adult education. It is concluded that research bridges the gap between bodies-territories through the culture circles and the Pretagogia, being important for the didactic reinvention practices of teachers in adult education to promote the change of attitude towards the ethnic-racial relations, generating other implications with the theme. So you can rethink practices, curriculum and learning to revisit the Africanities and enable the implementation and afroreferenciada didactic production.

Mediální obraz "šílených" střelců: jsou média pouze zdrojem informací nebo spolupachateli? / Media image of "crazy" shooters: are media only the source of information or accomplices as well?

Pálková, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on searching for relationship between school shootings and media coverage of these tragedies. The theoretical framework is based on media effects theory, especially on the theory of media violence, and it reflects significant empirical research in this course of study. The thesis describes the case of Columbine High School shooting in connection with so called copycat effect problem and it brings the concrete examples of such an influence. The crucial part of the text determines the three problematic areas of school shootings media coverage, which are explained by bringing out the concrete examples from around the world. Moreover, the thesis shows a solution how to better deal with these problematic areas of coverage. The thesis also concludes partial content analyses, which show the way how chosen Czech media coped with these problematic areas of school shootings media coverage. To be concrete, it analyses Lidové noviny, server iDnes.cz and Czech television news.

Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n opvoedkundige perspektief

Meier, Corinne 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In elke samelewing kan die jeug as 'n opsigselfstaande groep geldentifiseer word. Die unieke eienskappe van die jeugfase lei tot die ontstaan· van konstruktiewe of subkulturele jeuggroeperinge en destruktiewe of kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge oefen 'n direkte invloed op die onderwys en opvoeding van die jeug uit. 'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is in die lig daarvan van dwingende belang. 'n Analise van die stambegrippe kultuur, subkultuur en kontrakultuur is 'n voorvereiste vir die begryp en verstaan van die tema ter sprake. Kultuur is die somtotaal van menslike betrokkenheid in sy materiele en nie-materiele wereld. Hierdie betrokkenheid lei tot kultuurvorming. Die vorming, oordrag en verandering van kultuur bet 'n bepaalde gesindheidsverandering by individue tot gevolg. Die nie-konfonnering met kultuurverandering het die fonnulering van 'n altematiewe of subkulturele stel waardes en nonne tot gevolg. 'n Subkultuur kan beskryf word as enige segment van die dominante kultuur waarvan die waarde en normstruktuur van die dominante kultuur verskil, maar nie in konflik daarmee is nie. Die algehele afwysing of pogings tot die omverwerp van dominante waardes en nonne het kontrakulturele waardes en norme tot gevolg. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is eiesoortig van aard. Subkulturele jeuggroeperinge funksioneer met gemak in die dominante kultuur. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge word deur die dominante kultuur as 'n bedreiging beskou. Die faktore wat tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika aanleiding gee, kan kortliks saamgevat word as: politieke omstandighede, ideologiese invloede, ekonomiese, demografiese, sosiale (waaronder 'n gedepriveerde sosiale omgewing en huislike faktore, gesinsgrootte, enkelouergesinne, gesagskrisis, generasiekonflik en religieuse faktore), kulturele vervreemding en onderwyskundige faktore. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge wat op geweld uitloop, bet 'n destruktiewe invloed op die fisiese en psigiese omgewing van die skool, die medeleerlinge, die gesagsdraers en die leeromgewing. Desnieteenstaande staan die skool in 'n ideate posisie ten opsigte van die identifisering, rehabilitering en akkommodering van kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge en die onderrig van lewensvaardighede waardeur anti-normatiewe gedrag afgewys kan word. / In every society the youth can be identified as a separate group. The unique characteristics of the youth phase results in constructive or subcultural youth groupings, as well as destructive or countercultural youth groupings. Sub- and countercultural groupings exert a direct influence on the instruction and education of the youth. An investigation of the factors giving rise to the development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings is therefore imperative. An analysis of the key concepts of culture, subculture and counterculture is a prerequisite for the comprehension of the theme at issue. Culture is the sum total of people's involvement in their material and nonmaterial world. This involvement generates culture. Culture, and the forming, transmission and change of culture results in a change of mindset in individuals. Nonconformity with cultural change results in the formulation of an alternative or subcultural set of values and norms. A subculture can be defined as any segment of the dominant culture that subscribes to a set of values and norms that differ from, but are not in conflict with, those of the dominant culture. Complete rejection of, or attempts to overthrow dominant values and norms result in the formation of countercultural values and norms. Sub- and countercultural youth groupings are unique. Subcultural youth groupings function with ease in the context of the dominant culture. Countercultural youth groupings are perceived as a threat by the dominant culture. The factors leading to the origin and development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings in South Africa can be briefly summarised as: political circumstances, ideological influences, economic, demographic and social influences (including a deprived social environment and domestic factors, family size, single-parent families, authority crises, generation conflict and religious factors), cultural alienation and educational factors. Countercultural youth groupings that resort to violence have a destructive influence on the physical and psychic school environment, on fellow pupils, on office-bearers and on the learning environment. Despite all this, however, the school is ideally placed to identify, rehabilitate and accommodate countercultural youth groupings and to provide instruction in life skills with a view to expelling antinormative behaviour. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n opvoedkundige perspektief

Meier, Corinne 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In elke samelewing kan die jeug as 'n opsigselfstaande groep geldentifiseer word. Die unieke eienskappe van die jeugfase lei tot die ontstaan· van konstruktiewe of subkulturele jeuggroeperinge en destruktiewe of kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge oefen 'n direkte invloed op die onderwys en opvoeding van die jeug uit. 'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is in die lig daarvan van dwingende belang. 'n Analise van die stambegrippe kultuur, subkultuur en kontrakultuur is 'n voorvereiste vir die begryp en verstaan van die tema ter sprake. Kultuur is die somtotaal van menslike betrokkenheid in sy materiele en nie-materiele wereld. Hierdie betrokkenheid lei tot kultuurvorming. Die vorming, oordrag en verandering van kultuur bet 'n bepaalde gesindheidsverandering by individue tot gevolg. Die nie-konfonnering met kultuurverandering het die fonnulering van 'n altematiewe of subkulturele stel waardes en nonne tot gevolg. 'n Subkultuur kan beskryf word as enige segment van die dominante kultuur waarvan die waarde en normstruktuur van die dominante kultuur verskil, maar nie in konflik daarmee is nie. Die algehele afwysing of pogings tot die omverwerp van dominante waardes en nonne het kontrakulturele waardes en norme tot gevolg. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is eiesoortig van aard. Subkulturele jeuggroeperinge funksioneer met gemak in die dominante kultuur. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge word deur die dominante kultuur as 'n bedreiging beskou. Die faktore wat tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika aanleiding gee, kan kortliks saamgevat word as: politieke omstandighede, ideologiese invloede, ekonomiese, demografiese, sosiale (waaronder 'n gedepriveerde sosiale omgewing en huislike faktore, gesinsgrootte, enkelouergesinne, gesagskrisis, generasiekonflik en religieuse faktore), kulturele vervreemding en onderwyskundige faktore. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge wat op geweld uitloop, bet 'n destruktiewe invloed op die fisiese en psigiese omgewing van die skool, die medeleerlinge, die gesagsdraers en die leeromgewing. Desnieteenstaande staan die skool in 'n ideate posisie ten opsigte van die identifisering, rehabilitering en akkommodering van kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge en die onderrig van lewensvaardighede waardeur anti-normatiewe gedrag afgewys kan word. / In every society the youth can be identified as a separate group. The unique characteristics of the youth phase results in constructive or subcultural youth groupings, as well as destructive or countercultural youth groupings. Sub- and countercultural groupings exert a direct influence on the instruction and education of the youth. An investigation of the factors giving rise to the development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings is therefore imperative. An analysis of the key concepts of culture, subculture and counterculture is a prerequisite for the comprehension of the theme at issue. Culture is the sum total of people's involvement in their material and nonmaterial world. This involvement generates culture. Culture, and the forming, transmission and change of culture results in a change of mindset in individuals. Nonconformity with cultural change results in the formulation of an alternative or subcultural set of values and norms. A subculture can be defined as any segment of the dominant culture that subscribes to a set of values and norms that differ from, but are not in conflict with, those of the dominant culture. Complete rejection of, or attempts to overthrow dominant values and norms result in the formation of countercultural values and norms. Sub- and countercultural youth groupings are unique. Subcultural youth groupings function with ease in the context of the dominant culture. Countercultural youth groupings are perceived as a threat by the dominant culture. The factors leading to the origin and development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings in South Africa can be briefly summarised as: political circumstances, ideological influences, economic, demographic and social influences (including a deprived social environment and domestic factors, family size, single-parent families, authority crises, generation conflict and religious factors), cultural alienation and educational factors. Countercultural youth groupings that resort to violence have a destructive influence on the physical and psychic school environment, on fellow pupils, on office-bearers and on the learning environment. Despite all this, however, the school is ideally placed to identify, rehabilitate and accommodate countercultural youth groupings and to provide instruction in life skills with a view to expelling antinormative behaviour. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

A Narrative Inquiry Approach Investigating Black Males' Reading Motivation and Their Perceived Sense of Belonging in K-12 School and Public Libraries

Fontno, Tiffeni J. 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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