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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensamkommande ungdomars behov : En kvalitativ intervjustudie som kartlägger ensamkommande ungdomarnas fysiska och psykiska mående utifrån boendepersonalens uppfattningar

Wallström, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to identify how the work is conducted in five municipal homes for care and accommodation for unaccompanied refugee youths. Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with six respondents who work as staff in the youth accommodation for unaccompanied refugee youths. The results were analyzed based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The results showed a spread among the youths where some had difficulties with the most basic needs such as eating and sleeping, while other young people had worked their way up in the hierarchy and were on the top of the stairs working for self-actualization. / Syftet med den här studien har varit att kartlägga hur arbetet ser ut på fem kommunala hem för vård och boende för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar. Fem kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med sex respondenter som arbetar som personal på ungdomsboenden för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar. Resultatet analyserades med utgångspunkt i Maslows behovstrappa. Resultatet visade en spridning bland ungdomarna där en del har svårigheter med de mest grundläggande behoven såsom matintag och sömn, medan andra ungdomar har arbetat sig upp till behovstrappans högsta punkt och arbetar för självförverkligande.

La toxicomanie des adolescents en Iran : les facteurs familiaux affectant les 18-25 ans dans la ville de Dezfoul / Non communiqué

Hallajzadeh-Khaledian, Hoda 09 June 2011 (has links)
De nos jours la consommation de drogue est un phénomène sanitaire, mental et social. Cependant elle a existé de tout temps. L'usage des drogues licites et illicites chez les adolescents a connu une progression notable au cours des dernières décennies, au point que la drogue est devenue un problème sérieux sur la santé physique, psychologique et sociale. Ce qui reste le plus considérable réside dans l'augmentation du nombre des toxicomanes, et la décroissance de l’âge de la première consommation, ce qui est toujours inquiétant pour les familles et les responsableschargés de la prise en charge des adolescents. La famille est le premier environnement culturel pour les enfants. D'autres institutions sociales ont eu à jouer ce rôle, mais aucune n'a pu entreprendre parfaitement la tâche de façon efficace. Étant donné qu'une société saine dépend de l'équilibre et de la santé des familles, en vérité l'origine, ou la source, de la déviance et de la délinquance sociale se trouvent à l'intérieur de la cellule familiale. [etc.] / The consumption of drugs is the phenomenon of health, mental and social development of our days has obviously always existed. The use of licit and illicit drugs among youths has been a notable increase in recent decades that it is a serious problem on the physical, psychological and social healthy. The increase of the numbers of addicts and the declining age of them, which is always worrisome to families and responsible are very significant. The family is the first cultural environment for children. Despite the time it attributes much of his duties to the other social institutions, but any institutions could not undertake these functions perfectly. Whereas the health of society is dependent on family health, and indeed the originalsource of many of the social deviance and delinquency are within this social unit. [etc.]

Bryta upp och möta framtiden : Nyanlända ungdomars berättelser om studie- och yrkesval från ett land till ett annat / Being uprooted and facing the future : Young migrants’ stories about study- and career choices from one country to another

Karlsson, Therese, Claesson, Vessi January 2016 (has links)
Syftet har varit att genom nyanlända ungdomars berättelser undersöka vilka faktorer som kan ha påverkat deras studie- och yrkesval. För att undersöka detta har livsberättelser använts som metodansats. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju nyanlända ungdomar i åldern 19-21 år, som har studerat i hemlandet, flyttat till Sverige och idag studerar på ett nationellt gymnasieprogram. Intervjumaterialet bearbetades och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att de nyanlända ungdomarna såg positivt på sin framtid och att de studie-och yrkesval som gjorts i hemlandet till viss del fanns kvar. Skolgångens utformning och svårigheter med det svenska språket har dock begränsat ungdomarnas möjligheter till att kunna visa sina kunskaper, något som skulle kunna leda till att aspirationerna förändras, kunskapsutvecklingen stannar upp och studietiden förlängs. / The purpose has been, through young migrants’ stories, to examining the factors that may have affected their study- and career choices. In order to study this, life stories have been used as method approach. Partly structured interviews were conducted with seven young migrants’ ages 19-21 years, who have studied in their home countries, moved to Sweden and today study in a national high school program. Interview material were processed and analyzed with the help of thematic content analysis. The results showed that the young migrants’ felt positive about their futures and that the study and career choices made in their home countries, to some extent, still exist. The schooling system and difficulty with the Swedish language have limited the youths’ possibilities to demonstrate their knowledge, which could lead to that their aspirations may change, their academic development may be impeded and their academic years prolonged.


Chen, Hsing-Jung 18 November 2009 (has links)
Based on a resilience framework, the purpose of this study was to address knowledge gaps about minority youths who lived in rural and poor areas, had a primary caregiver with a diagnosis of depression, and faced multiple psychosocial stressors. Three research objectives included: 1) To explore the association between ecological protective factors and four developmental outcomes-emotional adjustment, behavioral adjustment, school performance, and educational aspiration; 2) To identify the robust protective factors; and 3) To explore the interactive relationships between risk and robust protective factors. Families (N=126) where the primary caregiver had a diagnosis of major depression and had a child aged 10-14 years old were selected for this study. This study used a longitudinal data set: Family and Community Health Study (FACHS). Six theoretical protective factors in individual-family-community levels and four youths’ developmental outcomes were selected from the FACHS: emotional adjustment; behavioral adjustment; school performance; and educational aspiration. Separate hierarchical regression analyses were conducted for each of the youths’ developmental outcomes. Before conducting the regression analyses, factor analysis, power analysis, data screening and regression assumptions assessment were conducted. For the research objective 1 and 2, this study’s findings suggested that overall, with the exception of parental monitoring, these theoretical protective factors only operated in specific developmental domains. Only parental monitoring was identified as a robust protective factor for this population. The regression model (R2adj) explained 11.5 % of the variance of depression, 29.8 % of conduct behavior, 15.2 % of school performance, and 18.7 % of educational aspiration. Youths’ optimism (ß=-.215) significantly contributed to the Emotional Adjustment Model. Youths’ self control (ß=-.210), prosocial friendship (ß=-.187), and parental monitoring (ß=-.250) significantly contributed to the Behavioral Adjustment Model. Parental monitoring (ß=.189) significantly contributed to the School Performance Model. Parental monitoring (ß=.278) and teacher’s support (ß=.292) significantly contributed to the Educational Aspiration Model. For objective 3, this study suggested that the effect of parental monitoring did not vary by the risk levels. In other words, regardless of the change of risk effect, parental monitoring consistently functioned as a protective effect on youth’s educational aspiration. Based on the findings from this study, six suggestions for future research, four recommendations for intervention and mental health-related services systems, and one suggestion for social work education were provided.

An investigation of Swedish beauty vloggers’ use of code-switching between Swedish and English / En undersökning av svenska skönhetsvideobloggares användande av kodväxling mellan svenska och engelska

Hultgren Korkis, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Much research has been done in the area of code-switching; that is, changing from one language to another in the middle of the same utterance, especially in bilingual communities. Yet, there seems to be little research done on code-switching between English and Swedish among Swedish young adults. In this study, the speech of four different young beauty vloggers will be investigated with regard to their use of code-switching between English and Swedish. All four have Swedish as their first language. The results show that the amount and the types of code-switching differ between the four vloggers in the study.  The results also show that code-switching occurs relatively frequently, and that it is especially common to use English words and expressions with Swedish morphology. This is also supported by previous studies. Furthermore, two areas were found to be especially prone to code-switching: commerce (i.e. the make-up industry with imported brands and names), and youth culture; i.e. the vloggers seem to want to code-switch to be trendy and to communicate something about their identity.

Pesquisa de transição da escola para o trabalho: uma avaliação para o Brasil / School-to-work transition survey: an analysis for Brazil

Garcias, Marcos de Oliveira 27 October 2017 (has links)
Jovens passam por grandes mudanças no período de transição entre educação e trabalho. Expectativas educacionais não bem-sucedidas e altos níveis de desemprego de jovens são indicativos de dificuldades encontradas por esses na passagem para a vida adulta. Enquanto muitas políticas são continuamente propostas no Brasil para tentar amenizar possíveis efeitos negativos dessas mudanças, há poucas pesquisas empíricas para auxiliar os tomadores de decisão. Esta tese, formada por dois ensaios complementares, pretende analisar os fatores que afetam a transição entre a escola e o trabalho e propor ideias de como auxiliar no desenho de políticas efetivas para os adolescentes. Para tanto, foi utilizada a Pesquisa Transição da Escola para o Trabalho (School-to-Work Transition Survey), realizada pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho em 2013. A base de dados apresenta questões retrospectivas em relação às características socioeconômicas dos pais, permitindo mensurar a mobilidade entre gerações para os jovens - o que possibilitou a elaboração do primeiro ensaio dessa tese. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam uma elevada mobilidade entre gerações, principalmente quando os pais tinham níveis mais baixos de educação. Já para analisar os retornos da educação sobre os rendimentos, segundo objetivo do primeiro ensaio, foram estimadas equações de rendimentos pelo modelo de seleção de Heckman. A educação dos jovens e dos pais mostrou ter impacto relevante sobre o rendimento. No segundo ensaio, avaliou-se a satisfação no trabalho, que até o momento tem sido pouco estudada em países em desenvolvimento. A relação entre as capacidades profissionais dos indivíduos e as demandas do mercado de trabalho ainda é pouco compreendida. Foi então realizada uma análise da satisfação profissional dos jovens de 15 a 29 anos. Ao contrário dos estudos já realizados sobre o tema satisfação profissional, a análise aqui desenvolvida se concentrou apenas nos jovens trabalhadores. Seguindo a literatura existente, utilizou-se o modelo próbite ordenado, sendo a variável dependente o grau de satisfação profissional dos jovens. Observou-se um efeito negativo sobre a satisfação do excesso de qualificação dos jovens. A magnitude desse efeito variou entre indivíduos empregados e aqueles que trabalham por conta própria. Considerados os resultados de ambos os ensaios, tem-se evidências de que houve uma melhora na qualificação dos jovens brasileiros, muitos deles apresentando escolaridade maior do que a de seus pais. Todavia, essa qualificação não está associada, necessariamente, a uma melhoria na satisfação dos jovens com o trabalho principal. Assim, os resultados encontrados poderão chamar a atenção dos formuladores de políticas públicas e de organizações não governamentais para a importância, não apenas da criação de novos postos de trabalho, mas também da criação de oportunidades de emprego com qualidade para os jovens brasileiros. / Youths suffer major changes in the transition period between education and work. Unsuccessful educational expectations and high levels of youth\'s unemployment are indicative of difficulties encountered by young people as they move into adult life. While many policies are continually being proposed in Brazil to try to mitigate these changes, there is little empirical research to assist policy makers. This dissertation aimed to analyze the factors that affect the transition between school and work and to propose ideas on how to design effective policies for youth. To do so, we used the School-to-Work Transition Survey carried out by the International Labor Organization in 2013. The database presents retrospective questions regarding the socioeconomic characteristics of the parents, allowing us to measure the mobility between generations from 15 to 29 years of age. The results obtained in the first paper show a huge mobility between generations, especially when parents had lower levels of education. To analyze the returns to education on wages, the income equations were estimated by Heckman selection model. The education of youth and parents had a great impact on earnings. The second paper evaluated the question of job satisfaction, which has a small number of studies in developing countries. The adjustment between individuals\' occupational skills and the labor market demand is still poorly understood. The objective was to carry out a comparative analysis of the professional satisfaction of young people aged 15 to 29 years old. Contrary to previous studies that address the subject of job satisfaction, the analysis developed here focused only on young workers. Following the existing literature, an ordered probit model was used, with the dependent variable being the degree of job satisfaction among young people. A negative and significant effect of over education was observed, the magnitude of the effect varies for individuals employees and those who are self-employed. These results show that there was an improvement in the qualification of Brazilian youths, many of whom presented higher educational levels than their parents. However, such qualification is not necessarily associated with improved job satisfaction for young people. Thus, the results found here may attract the attention of public policy makers as well as non-governmental organizations to the importance of not only creating new jobs, but also creating quality employment opportunities for Brazilian youths.

A longitudinal study of a social justice orientation model for Latina/o students

Perez-Gualdron, Leyla M. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Janet E. Helms / Researchers have argued that whether Latina/o students and other students of Color resist their negative educational experiences with feelings of hopelessness or consider them challenges to overcome, depends on whether they have developed a Social Justice Orientation (SJO) (Cammarota, 2004; Diemer, 2009; Watts, Griffith, & Abdul-Adil, 1999). SJO is the motivation to promote justice and equality among all in society. The purpose of the present study was to develop and test a longitudinal model of predictors and outcomes of SJO among Latina/o youths, the SJOLY model. The constructs investigated were (a) environmental factors (i.e., school relational and language climates), (b) personal skills (English proficiency and Spanish language background) and characteristics (SJO and agency), and (c) social (i.e., community engagement) and academic outcomes (school behavioral disengagement, grades, and school dropout). The study was conducted with a subsample of Latinas/os taken from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988. Participants were enrolled in eighth grade (N = 1,472), sampled from different schools and regions in the U.S., and followed through three waves of data collection until the 12th grade. The age range of the participants at Time 1 was 13 years to 16 years (M = 14.46, SD = .65), and 49.6% were girls. The SJOLY model was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results indicated that school relational climate was a positive predictor of SJO, which in turn predicted more community and school engagement, higher grades, and decreased likelihood of dropping out of school via its impact on personal agency. In addition, school language climate and language skills predicted greater sense of personal agency, which in turn predicted higher grades and decreased likelihood of dropping out. Gender differences were observed, as more SJO was associated with higher levels of personal agency for girls, but not for boys. Higher levels of personal agency were associated with less likelihood of dropping out of schools for boys, but not for girls. Implications of the study results for education, counseling, and research are discussed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology.

Cidadania : da reflexão à prática : contribuições do ensino de história

Faturi, Fábio Rosa January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação, produzida por um professor que reflete sobre a sua prática em sala de aula, aborda o tema da cidadania e da juventude a partir do Ensino de História. É desenvolvida inicialmente uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, por meio de um questionário, para recuperar a compreensão de cidadania compartilhada pelos estudantes examinados, alunas e alunos de uma escola pública do município de Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul. Partindo da análise desses dados iniciais, recuperando e examinando as diretrizes e prescrições curriculares e legais sobre o tema, com especial atenção para a leitura da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), é proposta a construção conjunta de um Caderno de Textos e Atividades que mobiliza diferentes tipos de temas em torno da discussão sobre cidadania e juventudes, tais como: participação política, educação e cidadania e direitos humanos. Analisa-se o processo de construção deste material que ocorreu de forma compartilhada com os estudantes a partir da noção de aluno-autor e conclui-se com a reflexão do uso deste material em sala de aula, afirmando a importância e a validade dos saberes construídos a partir da sala de aula e da prática docente. / This dissertation, carried out by a teacher reflecting on his practice in classroom, approaches the subject of citizenship and youth from the Teaching of History perspective. Initially, a qualitative and quantitative research was conducted, using a questionnaire, in order to understand the comprehension of citizenship shared by the students of a public school in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul. From the analysis of the initial data collected, reviewing and examining both curricular and legal guidelines and directives on the subject, and with special attention to the National Common Curricular Basis (BNCC), a collaborative elaboration of a Texts and Activities Notebook is proposed, which mobilizes a range of different topics on the discussion of citizenship and youths (i.e. political participation, education and citizenship, and human rights). The elaboration process, which was accomplished with the students based on a student-author notion, is analyzed and it is concluded with the reflection of its use in classroom, reaffirming the importance and validity of the knowledge built inside the classroom and also through the teaching practice.

Aligners, lovers and deceptors : aspirations and strategies of young urban hustlers in the Gambia

Ceesay, Ismaila January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates young Gambians’ social and economic aspirations. It considers how young Gambians’ aspirations are shaped and negotiated, and the strategies they employ to achieve their objectives. Whilst existing research tends to view young Gambians’ social and economic advancement through a lens of international migration, this study focuses on the aspirations and strategies of those who find themselves in a state of ‘involuntary immobility’ – that is, an aspiration to migrate but the inability to do so. The study looks at how two groups of young urban Gambians from low socio-economic backgrounds pursue local livelihoods. Known as ‘beach hustlers’ and ‘chanters’, these youths take advantage of the resources of the tourism sector and of opportunities provided by information and communication technologies (ICT) in an attempt to fulfil their aspirations. Drawing on data collected from multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2013 and 2014 in Kololi, the country’s main tourism hotspot on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, and Brikama, where internet use in cybercafés has rapidly grown over the past two decades, I use the cases of ‘beach hustlers’ and ‘chanters’ (cyber hustlers) to shed light on the life-trajectories of young Gambians. I discuss how ‘beach hustlers’ take advantage of the Gambia’s booming tourism industry by engaging in diverse informal economic activities. I then consider how ‘chanters’ accumulate wealth by employing various methods and ruses in their interactions with toubabs (white westerners) through internet-mediated encounters. This study shows that the majority of young Gambians who find it increasingly difficult to migrate to the West pursue local livelihoods to fulfil their aspirations of social and economic advancement. The aspirations and strategies of the hustlers in this study are shaped and influenced by intervening social, cultural and religious obligations and expectations. The study argues that the formation of Gambian hustlers’ aspirations is the result of an interplay between familial and societal dynamics; such as generational and gender relations and reciprocal social exchange, and personal desires of upward social mobility. The study further shows that the strategies young Gambians employ are influenced by the structural constraints and opportunities that appear in specific space–time conditions. By doing so, this study contributes to the literature on the aspirations of urban youths in developing countries and the strategies they employ to achieve them, and how young people experience and respond to conditions of ‘involuntary immobility’.


Guimarães, Vinicius Oliveira Seabra 27 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-08T13:25:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinicius Oliveira Seabra Guimarães.pdf: 18393623 bytes, checksum: af73e78637dc20bc350a550c6a0e949e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T13:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinicius Oliveira Seabra Guimarães.pdf: 18393623 bytes, checksum: af73e78637dc20bc350a550c6a0e949e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-27 / This work is linked to the line of research entitled "Education, Society and Culture" of the Graduate Program in Education at the Catholic University of Goiás. It aims to investigate the sociocultural and historical factors entered in the trajectory of life of four escapees youth of school, aged six nineteen p.m. years living in the 3rd stage of the Buriti Sereno Sector in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. a part from the following problem: What memories, school history and future prospects of four poor young people living in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Aparecida de Goiania? Guided by the historical and dialectical and relational perspective, considering the movement inserted in history as a determining factor in the daily relationships of agents in their social spaces. He steadied the studies of Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Pierre Bourdieu, Robert Castel, Paul Ricoeur, Aristides Moyses, Ricardo Antunes and David Harvey. It was used questionnaires, interviews and observations and notes in a field diary. The first chapter presents the pauperism and the state of poverty naturalization as something structural, present in the relationship with religion since the Middle Ages, with the State in the Modern Age, with the world of work, with the notion of criminalization and philanthropic management of poverty. In the second chapter is the analysis of the urbanization process employed in the Brazilian Midwest, we seek to discuss the planned segregation, culminating in the emergence of peripheries, as well as the new representations of poverty in the urban setting of Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia . Finally, the third chapter discusses the concept of youth and its specificities with the popular classes, giving voice to the subjects investigated for a better understanding of life their own trajectories. The conclusion is that young people do Buriti Sereno Sector live in their objective conditions, social limitation to these imposed as a historical building and the result of an intentional urban segregation, which is given by way of informal work and truancy. if contacted that oblivion and denial of the past are peculiar characteristics of these young people, being in front survival strategy to pauperism reality experienced by agents. / Este trabalho vincula-se à linha de pesquisa intitulada “Educação, Sociedade e Cultura” do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. Tem como objetivo investigar os fatores socioculturais e históricos inseridos na trajetória de vida de quatro jovens evadidos da escola, com idade entre dezoito e dezenove anos, residentes na 3ª etapa do Setor Buriti Sereno, em Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Parte-se do seguinte problema: Quais as memórias, as trajetórias escolares e as perspectivas de futuro de quatro jovens pobres residentes em um bairro da periferia de Aparecida de Goiânia? Orientou-se pela perspectiva histórico-dialética e relacional, considerando o movimento inserido na história como fator determinante nas relações cotidianas dos agentes em seus espaços sociais. Amparou-se nos estudos de Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Pierre Bourdieu, Robert Castel, Paul Ricoeur, Aristides Moysés, Ricardo Antunes e David Harvey. Utilizou-se de aplicação de questionários, realização de entrevistas e observações e anotações em diário de campo. No primeiro capítulo apresenta-se o pauperismo e o estado de naturalização da pobreza como algo estrutural, presente na relação com a religião desde a Idade Média, com o Estado na Idade Moderna, com o mundo do trabalho, com a noção de criminalização e com a gestão filantrópica da pobreza. No segundo capítulo faz-se a análise do processo de urbanização empregado no Centro-Oeste brasileiro, busca-se discutir a segregação planejada, que culmina no surgimento de periferias, assim como as novas representações da pobreza no cenário urbano de Goiânia e Aparecida de Goiânia. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo discute-se o conceito de juventudes e suas especificidades junto às classes populares, dando voz aos sujeitos investigados, para uma melhor compreensão das trajetórias de vida deles próprios. Conclui-se que os jovens do Setor Buriti Sereno vivem, em suas condições objetivas, uma limitação social a estes imposta como construção histórica e fruto de uma intencional segregação urbana, que se dá pelas vias do trabalho informal e da evasão escolar. Contatou-se que o esquecimento e a negação do passado são características peculiares destes jovens, constituindo-se em estratégia de sobrevivência frente à realidade de pauperismo vivenciado pelos agentes.

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