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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Snail Protein Family in Drosophila Neurogenesis: a Dissertation

Ashraf, Shovon I. 05 September 2001 (has links)
The Snail protein functions as a transcriptional regulator to establish early mesodermal cell fate in Drosophila. Later, in germ band-extended embryos, Snail is considered a pan-neural protein based on its extensive expression in neuroblasts. The evidence presented in thesis links snail expression and function in CNS. Cloning and functional characterization of a novel snail homologue, in Drosophila, are also described here. Cloning of this gene, worniu (Chinese for snail), revealed that the neural function of snail is masked by this and another closely related gene escargot. Both Escargot and Worniu contain zinc finger domains that are highly homologous to that of Snail. These three members of Snail protein family are redundantly required for CNS development. Although not affecting formation of neuroblasts, the loss of expression of these three members correlates with disruption of Nb asymmetry and division. Downstream targets of Snail protein family, in these processes, are inscuteable and string. In mutant embryos, which have the three genes deleted, the RNA expression of inscuteable and string is significantly lowered. Consistent with the gene expression defects, the mutant embryos have loss of asymmetric localization of prospero RNA in neuroblasts and nuclear localization of Prospero protein in ganglion mother cells. Transgenic expression of inscuteable and string together, in the snail family deletion mutant, efficiently restores the Prospero expression in GMC, demonstrating that the two genes are key targets of Snail in Nbs. Like in the mesoderm, in CNS Snail function depends on interaction with dCtBP co-repressor. These results suggest that Sna [Snail] family of proteins control both asymmetry and cell division of neuroblasts by activating, perhaps indirectly, the expression of inscuteable and string.

Function of the Zinc-Finger Repressor NLZ in the Developing Zebrafish Hindbrain: a Dissertation

Runko, Alexander Peter 06 October 2003 (has links)
Generation of the primitive neuroectoderm into specialized brain subdivisions, such as the hindbrain primordium, involves the regulated coordination of complex morphogenetic and molecular mechanisms. These processes are evident in the segregation of the zebrafish hindbrain into seven distinct lineage-restricted compartments, termed rhombomeres (r), which are established by the interplay of several spatially-restricted expressed genes. These include transcription factors, members of specific signaling pathways and specialized molecules that mediate cell adhesion and identity. Despite their extensive characterization, it is evident that other genes are involved to mediate the proper specification and segregation of individual rhombomeres. One candidate that likely fits this role is related to the no ocelli/l(2)35Ba gene in Drosophila, termed nlz (nocA-like zinc-finger). Nlz-related proteins behave as transcriptional repressors and are related to the vertebrate Sp1-like family of transcription factors. nlz is dynamically expressed in the zebrafish hindbrain, residing in the caudal hindbrain at gastrula stages and rostrally expanding from presumptive r3/r4 boundary to encompass r3 and r2 at segmentation stages. Nlz localizes to the nucleus and associates with the co-repressors Groucho and histone deacetylases, suggesting that Nlz acts as a repressor. Consistent with this, misexpression of nlz into zebrafish embryos results in a loss of gene expression in the rostral hindbrain (rl-r3). Taken together, the findings in this thesis suggest that Nlz functions as a transcriptional repressor to control segmental gene expression in the rostral hindbrain.

Análise de metilação global em pacientes com puberdade precoce central familial / Global methylation analysis of patients with familial central precocious puberty

Danielle de Souza Bessa 17 August 2018 (has links)
A idade normal para início da puberdade em meninas varia bastante, de 8 a 13 anos, e os genes envolvidos nesse controle são parcialmente conhecidos. Fatores ambientais, como alimentação e exposição a disruptores endócrinos, contribuem para essa variabilidade, de modo que genes modulados epigeneticamente podem justificar parte da complexidade desse processo. O termo epigenética se refere às modificações na expressão gênica que não são causadas por alterações na sequência do DNA. A metilação do DNA é o mecanismo epigenético mais bem estudado. Na última década surgiram evidências demonstrando a relação entre metilação do DNA e desenvolvimento puberal. Em fêmeas de roedores, a hipermetilação do DNA levou à puberdade precoce. Em humanos, a puberdade precoce central (PPC) familial causada por mutações nos genes MKRN3 e DLK1 é considerada um defeito do imprinting, fenômeno epigenético no qual apenas um dos alelos parentais é expresso, estando o outro metilado e inativo. Além disso, um conceito atual propõe que o início da puberdade requer a repressão epigenética de fatores inibidores do eixo gonadotrófico. Recentemente, genes zinc finger (ZNF) foram relacionados ao processo puberal, e muitos deles codificam repressores transcricionais. Neste trabalho, estudamos a metilação do DNA do sangue periférico de 10 pacientes do sexo feminino com PPC familial (casos índices) e 33 meninas com desenvolvimento puberal normal (15 pré-púberes e 18 púberes), usando a plataforma Human Methylation 450 BeadChip. Duas pacientes tinham PPC de causa genética (uma com mutação no MKRN3 e outra com deleção no DLK1) e oito tinham PPC idiopática, sem mutações identificadas pelo sequenciamento exômico global. Cento e vinte regiões diferencialmente metiladas foram identificadas entre as meninas saudáveis pré-púberes e púberes, estando 74% delas no cromossomo X. Apenas uma região mostrou-se hipometilada no grupo púbere e, de maneira importante, contém a região promotora do ZFP57, fator necessário para manutenção do imprinting. Uma vez que a hipermetilação nas regiões promotoras dos genes é relacionada à inibição transcricional, o achado de hipermetilação global do DNA na puberdade sugere que haja inibição de fatores inibidores do eixo gonadotrófico, o que resultaria no início do processo puberal. O receptor estrogênico destacou-se como um fator transcricional que se liga a sete genes diferencialmente metilados entre os controles pré-púberes e púberes. As pacientes com PPC apresentaram mais sítios CpG hipermetilados tanto na comparação com as meninas pré-púberes (81%) quanto púberes (89%). Há doze genes ZNF contendo sítios CpG hipermetilados na PPC. Não foram encontradas anormalidades de metilação nos genes MKRN3 e DLK1 nem em suas regiões regulatórias. Em conclusão, este estudo evidenciou hipermetilação global do DNA em meninas com puberdade normal e precoce, sugerindo que esse padrão é uma marca epigenética da puberdade. Pela primeira vez, mudanças no metiloma de pacientes com PPC foram descritas. Modificações na metilação de vários genes ZNF parecem compor a complexa rede de mecanismos que leva ao início da puberdade humana / Normal puberty initiation varies greatly among girls, from 8 to 13 years, and the genetic basis for its control is partially known. Environmental factors, such as nutrition and exposure to endocrine disruptors, contribute to this variance, and epigenetically modulated genes may justify some of the complexity observed in this process. Epigenetics refers to alterations in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence itself. DNA methylation is the best studied epigenetic mechanism. In the last decade, evidence has emerged showing the relationship between DNA methylation and pubertal development. In female mice, DNA hypermethylation led to precocious puberty. In humans, familial central precocious puberty (CPP) caused by mutations in the MKRN3 and DLK1 genes is considered a disorder of imprinting, an epigenetic phenomenon in which only one parental allele is expressed, and the other allele is methylated and inactive. In addition, animal studies indicated that pubertal timing requires epigenetic repression of inhibitory factors of the gonadotrophic axis. Recently, zinc finger genes (ZNF) were related to pubertal development, many of which encode transcriptional repressors. In the present study, we analyzed the DNA methylation of peripheral blood samples from 10 female patients with familial CPP (index cases) and 33 girls with normal pubertal development (15 pre-pubertal and 18 pubertal), using the Human Methylation 450 BeadChip assay. Genetic CPP was diagnosed in two patients (one with a MKRN3 mutation and the other with a DLK1 deletion). The remaining eight cases with idiopathic CPP were previously evaluated by whole exome sequencing and no causative mutations were identified so far. We evidenced 120 differentially methylated regions between pre-pubertal and pubertal healthy girls, and 74% of them were located at the X chromosome. Only one genomic region was hypomethylated in the pubertal group. Of note, it contains the promoter region of ZFP57, an important factor for imprinting maintenance. As DNA hypermethylation in gene promoters is related to gene silencing, the finding of global DNA hypermethylation in puberty suggests inhibition of inhibitory factors of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis that results in puberty onset. Importantly, the estrogen receptor was identified as a transcriptional factor that binds to seven differentially methylated genes associated with pubertal process. Patients with CPP exhibited more hypermethylated CpG sites compared to both pre-pubertal (81%) and pubertal (89%) controls. Twelve ZNF genes were recognized as having hypermethylated CpG sites in CPP. The methylation analyses of MKRN3 and DLK1 genes showed no abnormalities. In conclusion, this study revealed a widespread DNA hypermethylation in girls with normal and precocious puberty, suggesting that this pattern can be an epigenetic signature of puberty. For the first time, changes in the methylome of patients with CPP were described. We highlight that alterations in methylation levels of several ZNF genes may impact the onset of human puberty

Utilização de informações termodinâmicas e estruturais na predição de sítios de ligação de receptores nucleares ao DNA: uma abordagem computacional / Using thermodynamic and structural information for predicting binding sites of nuclear receptors to DNA: a computational approach

Ana Claudia Mancusi Valeije 04 February 2015 (has links)
Os projetos genoma têm fornecido uma grande quantidade de informação sobre a arquitetura gênica e sobre a configuração física de suas respectivas regiões flanqueadoras (RF). Estas RF contêm informações com o potencial de auxiliar na elucidação de vários processos biológicos, como os mecanismos de expressão gênica e de sua regulação. Estes mecanismos são de extrema importância para a compreensão do correto funcionamento dos organismos e das patologias que os afetam. Uma parte significativa dos mecanismos de controle de expressão gênica atuam na fase transcricional. Na base destes mecanismos está o recrutamento de proteínas que se ligam às regiões promotoras da transcrição, as quais são segmentos específicos de DNA que podem estar localizados tanto próximos à região de início da transcrição (TSS) quanto a centenas ou até a milhares de pares de bases dela. Essas proteínas compõem a maquinaria transcricional e podem ativar ou inibir o processo de transcrição. Experimentalmente, os segmentos regulatórios podem ser identificadas utilizando métodos complexos de biologia molecular, tais como SELEX, ChiP-ChiP, ChIP-Seq, dentre outros. Uma estratégia alternativa aos métodos experimentais é a utilização de metodologias computacionais. Análises computacionais tendem a ser mais rápidas, baratas e flexíveis do que protocolos experimentais, além de poderem ser utilizadas em larga escala. Atualmente, os métodos computacionais disponíveis necessitam de informações experimentais para a definição de padrões globais de preferências de sequências de DNA para a ligação de fatores de transcrição (TFBS, em inglês transcription factor binding sites). Entretanto, esses métodos apresentam uma elevada taxa de falso positivos e, por vezes, apresentam também taxas significativas de falso negativos, além de serem limitados ao estudo de fatores de transcrição de espécies bem conhecidas, o que diminui a área de aplicação dos mesmos. Diante deste cenário, o uso de métodos computacionais que não necessitem da informação referente aos sítios de ligação, bem como os que utilizem parâmetros mais robustos de detecção dos resultados, em detrimento dos escores de pontuação provindos de alinhamentos, podem acrescentar uma sensível melhoria ao processos de predição de regiões regulatórias. Neste projeto, foi desenvolvido um novo modelo computacional (TFBSAnalyzer) para análise e identificação de TFBS em elementos regulatórios, que utiliza técnicas de modelagem molecular para a construção de complexos entre um fator de transcrição ancorado a estruturas de DNA com sequências variáveis de bases e, através de cálculos termodinâmicos de entalpia de ligação, determina uma função de pontuação baseada na energia de ligação e realiza a predição de sítios de ligação ao DNA para o fator de transcrição em análise. Esta abordagem foi testada com três fatores de transcrição como sistemas-modelo, pertencentes à família dos receptores nucleares, a saber: o receptor de estrógeno ER-alfa (Estrogen Receptor Alpha), o receptor de ácido retinoico RAR-beta (Retinoid Acid Receptor Beta) e o receptor X retinóico RXR (Retinoid X Receptor). Os modelos previstos computacionalmente foram comparados aos dados experimentais disponíveis para estes receptores nucleares, os quais apresentaram as seguintes taxas de FP/FN: 10%/0 para RAR-beta e RXR, 21%/6% para ER-alfa. Também simulamos um experimento de ChIP-seq do ER-alfa no genoma humano, cujos genes selecionados foram submetidos a uma análise de enriquecimento de fatores de transcrição curados experimentalmente, que fazem sua regulação, revelando que o receptor de estrógeno está realmente envolvido no processo. Para mostrar a aplicabilidade geral de nosso método, nós modelamos a distribuição de energia de ligação para o receptor NHR-28 isoforma a de Caenorhabditis elegans com DNA . Obtivemos distribuições de energia semelhantes àquelas encontradas para os NRs modelos, portanto seria possível aplicar o método para buscar possíveis TFBSs para este receptor no genoma de C. elegans. Os dados gerados e as metodologias desenvolvidas neste projeto devem acrescentar uma sensível melhoria aos processos de predição de regiões regulatórias e consequentemente auxiliar no entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos no processo de expressão gênica e de sua regulação. / The genome projects have provided a lot of information about the genetic architecture, as well as on the physical configuration of their flanking regions (FR). These FR have the potential to aid in the elucidation of many biological processes, such as the mechanisms involved in gene expression and its regulation. These mechanisms are extremely important for undeerstanfind the correct functioning of organisms as well as the pathologies that affect them. A significant part of the control mechanisms of gene expression act during transcription. On the basis of this mechanisms is the recruitment of proteins that bind to promoter regions of transcription, which are specific segments of DNA that can be located either near the transcription start site or at hundreds or even thousands of base pairs away. These proteins form the transcription machinery, which can activate or inhibit the transcription process. The regulatory segments can be identified experimentally using complex methods of molecular biology, such as SELEX, ChIP-chip, ChIP-seq, among others. An alternative strategy to these experimental methods is the use of computational methodologies for predicting regulatory regions. Computational analysis tend to be faster, cheaper and more flexible than the experimental protocols, and can be used on a larger scale. Currently, the available computational methods require information previously obtained from experiments in order to define global standards of preference of DNA-Binding sequences for transcription factors (TFBS - Transcription Factor Binding Sites). However, these methods have a high rate of false positives and sometimes also have significant rates of false negatives, besides being limited to the study of transcription factors of well-known species, which decreases their application area. In this scenario, the use of computational methods that do not require previous information concerning the binding sites and use more robust parameters of results detection, instead of alignment scores, may add significant improvement to the processes of predicting regulatory regions. In this project, we developed a new computational model TFBSAnalyzer) for analysis and identification of regulatory elements using molecular modeling techniques for the construction of complexes between a transcription factor bound to specific DNA structures with variable sequences of bases and, by means of thermodynamic calculations of bond enthalpy, provides a scoring function based on the binding energy and predicts the DNA binding sites for the transcription factor in analysis. This approach was tested initially with three transcription factors as models, belonging to the nuclear receptor family, namely estrogen receptor ER-alpha (Estrogen Receptor Alpha), the retinoic acid receptor RAR-beta (Retinoid Acid Receptor Beta) and the retinoic X receptor RXR (Retinoid X Receptor). The computationally predicted models were compared to experimental data available for these nuclear receptors, and presented the following rates of FP/FN: 10%/0 for RAR-beta and RXR, 21%/6% for ER-alpha. We also simulated an experiment of ChIP-seq with ER-alpha with the human genome, where the selected genes were subjected to a transcription factor enrichment analysis, with curated information, revealing that the estrogen receptor is indeed involved in their regulation. To show that our method has a general applicability, we modeled the binding energy distribution for the NHR-28 receptor, isoform a, from Caenorhabditis elegans. The energy distributions obtained were similar to the ones obtained for the model NR, so it would be possible to use the method and search for possible TFBS in the C. elegans genome. The data generated and the methodologies developed in this project should add a significant improvement to the prediction processes of regulatory regions and, consequently, help to understand the mechanisms involved in the gene expression process and its regulation.

Interaction de l'or avec des peptides modèles de doigts de zinc : caractérisation de la complexation des sels d'or et application à la toxicologie des nanoparticules d'or / Interaction between gold and zinc finger models : characterization of gold(I) complexes and relevance for toxicology of gold nanoparticles

Jacques, Aurélie 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les complexes d'or(I) tels que l'auranofine et l'aurothiomalate ont été utilisés dans le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde depuis plusieurs décennies. Plus récemment, de nombreux complexes d'or(I) et d'or(III) ont révélé des activités anti-cancéreuses in vitro importantes. Cependant, du fait de la forte affinité de l'or pour les thiols et les sélénols, ces complexes interagissent dans les cellules avec de nombreuses protéines de façon non spécifique. Ce qui explique les effets secondaires observés chez les patients soumis à des traitements prolongés de chrysothérapie et rend plus difficile la compréhension des mécanismes d'actions de ces complexes. Parmi les cibles thérapeutiques proposées, les protéines à doigts de zinc représentent des cibles très intéressantes. En effet, ces protéines sont très abondantes (environ 8 % du protéome humain) et se retrouvent dans des processus clés de la machinerie cellulaire (régulation de gènes, transcription, apoptose, réparation de l'ADN, résistance au stress oxydant…). Ces protéines possèdent un site Zn(Cys)4-x(His)x (x = 0-2) où le zinc permet d'assurer le bon repliement de la protéine et son bon fonctionnement. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à déterminer l'interaction de complexes d'or(I) et d'or(III) avec les protéines doigts de zinc à l'aide de modèles peptidiques de ces sites à zinc. Nous avons caractérisé les produits issus de la réaction entre les peptides et l'or et déterminé les cinétiques de déplacement du zinc par l'or. / Gold(I) complexes such as auranofine and aurothiomalate have been used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis for several decades. More recently, several gold(I) and gold(III) complexes have shown important in vitro anticancer properties. However, because of the high affinity of gold for sulfur and selenium ligands, these complexes interact with lots of proteins in a non-specific manner. This explains some of the side effects observed in patients treated with gold complexes and also why the mechanism of action of these complexes remains misunderstood. Among all the therapeutic target of gold salts that has been proposed, zinc fingers proteins are very interesting targets. Indeed, these proteins are very abundant (ca. 8 % of human proteome) and are involved in key processes of the cell (genes regulation, transcription, apoptose, DNA repair, resistance to oxidant stress…). These proteins contains a Zn(Cys)4-x(His)x (x = 0-2) center where zinc assure the proper fold and function of the protein. We were interested to study the interaction of some gold(I) and gold(III) complexes with zinc finger proteins by using peptidic models these zinc sites. By using different spectroscopic methods, we have characterized the products obtained by reaction between the zinc fingers and the gold salts and determined the kinetics of zinc displacement by gold.

Characterizing the Disorder in Tristetraprolin and its Contribution to Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation: A Dissertation

Deveau, Laura M. 05 May 2016 (has links)
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are important for a wide variety of biological processes involved in gene regulation. However, the structural and dynamic contributions to their biological activity are poorly understood. The tristetraprolin (TTP) family of RBPs, including TTP, TIS11b and TIS11d, regulate the stability of mRNA transcripts encoding for key cancer-related proteins, such as tumor necrosis factor- and vascular endothelial growth factor. Biophysical studies have shown that the RNA binding domain, consisting of two CCCH zinc fingers (ZFs), is folded in the absence of RNA in TIS11d and TIS11b. In TTP, however, only ZF1 adopts a stable fold, while RNA is required to completely fold the tandem zinc finger (TZF). The focus of this research was to understand the origin and biological significance of the structural differences observed for the TZF domains of TTP and TIS11d. Three residues were shown to control the affinity for the structural Zn2+ and determine the folding of ZF2 in the absence of RNA. The partially-folded TZF domain of TTP has greater selectivity for RNA sequences than the fully folded TZF domain of TIS11d. The mRNA destabilizing activity of TTP was increased when the partially disordered RBD of TTP was replaced with the fully structured TZF domain of TIS11d. Disruption of the structure and/or dynamics of the TZF domain observed in the disease-associated mutations of TIS11d, P190L and D219E, results in aberrant cytoplasmic localization. This work demonstrates that the extent of RBD folding in the TTP family is important for differential RNA recognition, mRNA turnover, and protein localization in vivo.

Functional characterization of zinc cluster transcriptional regulators in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans

Soontorngun, Nitnipa. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Zinc Homeostasis using Loz1 from the Fission Yeast

Wilson, Stevin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Análise dos genes GHRH e GL12 em pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento congênita / GHRH and GLI2 genes analysis in patients with congenital growth hormone deficiency

França, Marcela Moura 14 February 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Alterações em genes relacionados com a secreção de GH ou a organogênese hipofisária foram identificadas em pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento (DGH) congênita. Entretanto, poucos casos de DGH têm sua etiologia esclarecida. O GHRH é um candidato óbvio para explicar a deficiência isolada de GH (DIGH). Na literatura, os estudos de análise do GHRH não conseguiram identificar mutações, porém são antigos e utilizaram uma metodologia com limitações. A maioria dos pacientes com deficiência hipotálamo-hipofisária múltipla (DHHM) apresenta neuroipófise ectópica sugerindo a importância do estudo de genes que atuam no início do desenvolvimento hipofisário, com expressão inclusive no infundíbulo. O GLI2 é um fator de transcrição na sinalização Sonic Hedgehog, envolvido com o início da embriogênese hipofisária, expresso na bolsa de Rathke primordial e no diencéfalo ventral. Previamente, mutações no GLI2 foram encontradas em pacientes com holoprosencefalia, e também alterações hipofisárias. Objetivos: Analisar o GHRH em 151 pacientes com DIGH (42 brasileiros e 109 encaminhados de centros internacionais) e analisar o GLI2 em 180 pacientes brasileiros com DIGH ou DHHM por PCR e sequenciamento automático dos genes; e descrever o fenótipo dos pacientes com mutações identificadas. Resultados: No GHRH foram identificadas seis variantes em heterozigose com previsão benigna pelas análises in silico. A análise do GLI2 identificou três mutações novas em heterozigose com códon de parada prematuro (p.L788fsX794, p.L694fsX722 e p.E380X), e geração de proteínas truncadas, com perda do domínio responsável pela ativação transcricional. A mutação p.L788fsX794 foi identificada numa paciente com baixa estatura, polidactilia, epilepsia e hipoglicemias. Apresentava deficiência de GH, TSH, ACTH, prolactina, LH e FSH. Na investigação familiar foi diagnosticada DIGH em dois tios e DHHM numa prima. Estes familiares, além de sua mãe e outros parentes maternos também apresentaram a mutação e polidactilia. A mutação p.L694fsX722 foi identificada num menino com baixa estatura por deficiência de GH, além de lábio leporino e fenda palatina. Seu pai, embora saudável, também apresentou a mutação. A mutação p.E380X foi identificada numa lactente com retardo no desenvolvimento, hipoglicemias, poliúria e polidipsia. Apresentava deficiência de GH, ACTH, TSH e ADH. Sua mãe aparentemente normal também apresentou a mutação. Todos os pacientes com DGH e mutação no GLI2 apresentaram neuroipófise ectópica (não visualizada na paciente com p.E380X), adenoipófise hipoplásica e ausência de holoprosencefalia na ressonância magnética. Dezoito variantes não-sinônimas também foram identificadas no GLI2 em 24 pacientes. Dezesseis dessas variantes foram consideradas deletérias em pelo menos um programa de predição in silico e dez delas não foram encontradas em população controle. O fenótipo dos pacientes foi predominante de DHHM e com neuroipófise ectópica e sem holoprosencefalia. Variantes silenciosas, intrônicas e polimorfismos foram identificados no GLI2, mas aparentemente sem alteração funcional. Conclusão: Não identificamos mutação no GHRH e se realmente existe mutação neste gene como causa de DGH, deve ser muito rara. Variantes no GLI2 são frequentes (15%), indicando seu importante papel na etiologia da DGH congênita. Além disso, ampliamos o espectro fenotípico dos pacientes com mutações no GLI2, que foi caracterizado por DIGH ou DHHM, inclusive com diabetes insipidus, neuroipófise ectópica (maioria) e ausência de holoprosencefalia. Outras características observadas foram polidactilia, defeito de linha média facial e herança autossômica dominante com penetrância incompleta / Introduction: Alterations in genes related to GH secretion and pituitary organogenesis have been identified in patients with congenital GH deficiency (GHD). However, in only few cases of GHD the etiology has been established. GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) is an obvious candidate to explain isolated GH deficiency (IGHD). Previous reports in the literature did not identify mutations in GHRH, however, the methodology used was limited. Most patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) have an ectopic posterior pituitary lobe (EPP) suggesting the study of genes involved in early pituitary development and also expressed in the infundibulum. GLI2 is a transcription factor in Sonic hedgehog signaling expressed in the primordial Rathkes pouch and ventral diencephalon during early pituitary development. Previously, GLI2 mutations were found in patients with holoprosencephaly and pituitary abnormalities. Aim: Analyse GHRH in 151 patients with IGHD (42 Brazilian and 101 from international centers) and GLI2 in 180 Brazilian patients with IGHD or CPHD by PCR and automatic sequencing, and describe the phenotype of patients with mutations. Results: In GHRH, six heterozygous variants that are benign according to in silico analysis were identified. GLI2 study revealed three novel heterozygous mutations leading to premature stop codons (p.L788fsX794, p.L694fsX722 e p.E380X) and truncated proteins, without the transcriptional activator domain. p.L788fsX794 was identified in a girl with short stature, polydactyly, epilepsy and hypoglycemia. She had GH, TSH, ACTH, prolactina, LH and FSH deficiencies. Two uncles had IGHD and one cousin CPHD. These relatives, the mother and other maternal relatives had polydactyly and carried the mutation. p.L694fsX722 was identified in a boy with short stature due to GHD who also had cleft lip and palate. His healthy father also carried the mutation. p.E380X was identified in an infant with delayed development, hypoglycemia, polyuria and polydipsia. She had GH, ACTH, TSH and ADH deficiencies. Her apparently normal mother also carried the mutation. All patients with GHD and GLI2 mutations had an EPP (not visualized in the patient with p.E380X), hypoplastic anterior pituitary lobe and absence of holoprosencephaly on MRI. Eighteen non-synonymous variants in GLI2 were identified in 24 patients. Sixteen of these were considered deleterious in at least one in silico prediction program and ten of these were not found in the control population. The phenotype was mainly of CPHD and EPP without holoprosencephaly. Several synonymous and intronic GLI2 variants and polymorphisms apparently without functional consequences were identified. Conclusions: No mutations in GHRH were identified and if mutations in this gene exist as a cause of IGHD, they must be very rare. Variants in GLI2 are frequent (15%) indicating its important role in the etiology of GHD. Furthermore, we expanded the clinical spectrum of patients with GLI2 mutations characterized by IGHD or CPHD including diabetes insipidus, ectopic posterior pituitary lobe (in most patients) and absence of holoprosencephaly. Additional features were polydactyly and midline facial defects and the inheritance was autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance

Egr-2 and PD-1 Are Required for Induction and Maintenance of T Cell Anergy: A Dissertation

Bishop, Kenneth D. 13 July 2005 (has links)
The prevalence of diabetes is approaching epidemic proportions worldwide. There is currently no cure for type 1 diabetes, and successful treatment requires constant monitoring of blood sugars and use of exogenous insulin to prevent hyperglycemia. Diabetes will be curable when pancreatic β-islet cells can be transplanted into diabetes patients without requiring long-term immunosuppression. This will require learning more about the induction of functional tolerance, a state that maintains the competence of the immune system to most antigens but protects graft-specific antigens from immune rejection, permitting transplantation. One known mechanism of peripheral tolerance is T cell anergy, a phenotype of hypo-reponsiveness in CD4+ T cells. The focus of this thesis is a description of factors shown to be specific to the induction and maintenance of T cell anergy, whose loss reverses the anergic phenotype, restoring the ability of the cells to proliferate in response to antigen. The first of these is Egr-2, a zinc-finger transcription factor, whose presence is required for the induction of anergy induced in T cell clones by TCR stimulation in the absence of costimulation. Egr-2 is shown to be important to anergy induction but not anergy maintenance. In contrast, a negative costimulation receptor, PD-1, is shown to be necessary for the maintenance of anergy. It is possible that learning more about the genetic factors that orchestrate T cell anergy will prove useful in the development of tolerance-based protocols for organ and tissue transplantation without the use of long-term immunosuppression.

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