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Étude théorique de l'extinction de fluorescence des protéines fluorescentes : champ de forces, mécanisme moléculaire et modèle cinétiqueJonasson, Gabriella 18 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les protéines fluorescentes, comme la GFP (green fluorescent protein), sont des protéines naturellement fluorescentes qui sont utilisées pour leur rôle de marqueur, permettant de localiser des protéines dans les cellules et d'en suivre les déplacements. De nombreuses études expérimentales et théoriques ont été menées ces dix dernières années sur les protéines fluorescentes. De là, se forge une compréhension essentiellement qualitative du rôle de la protéine vis-à-vis de l'obtention ou non d'une émission radiative : il apparaît que la protéine permet la fluorescence en bloquant les processus qui la désactivent ; ces processus de désactivation sont très rapides et efficaces (à l'échelle de la picoseconde) dans le cas du chromophore seul, et ils sont bien identifiés comme étant des torsions autour des liaisons intercycles (tau et phi). Dans la protéine, la sensibilité des temps de vie de fluorescence à des mutations proches ou non du chromophore, à des modifications de pH ou de température laisse supposer un contrôle de la dynamique du chromophore par différents paramètres, sans qu'ils soient pour autant identifiés et mis en relation.Une étude de la dynamique de la protéine permettrait de faire la lumière sur les mécanismes responsables de ces phénomènes photophysiques pour lesquels une analyse structurale ne suffit pas. Cependant l'étude de la dynamique est limitée par la taille du système (>30 000 atomes), par l'échelle de temps des phénomènes photophysiques considérés (dizaine de nanosecondes) et par le fait que les deux torsions tau et phi sont fortement couplées dans l'état excité du chromophore. Ces trois facteurs excluent les méthodes de dynamique existantes aujourd'hui ; dynamique quantique (AIMD), dynamique mixte classique-quantique (QM/MD) et dynamique moléculaire classique (MD).Nous avons surmonté le problème par la modélisation de la surface d'énergie potentielle de torsion du chromophore à l'état excité basée sur des calculs quantiques de haute précision, par une interpolation des valeurs obtenues par une expression analytique appropriée en fonction des angles de torsion tau et phi et avec une précision suffisante pour reproduire des barrières de l'ordre de la kcal/mol, et enfin, par l'implémentation de cette expression analytique dans le programme parallèle AMBER. Une deuxième difficulté théorique concerne la simulation et l'analyse statistique d'événements peu fréquents à l'échelle de la nanoseconde, et dont on ne connait pas le chemin de réaction, ici les déformations de la protéine et du chromophore conduisant aux géométries favorables à la conversion interne. Grâce à ces développements et aux simulations qu'ils ont permises, nous avons réalisé la première modélisation de la désactivation non-radiative par conversion interne à l'échelle de la nanoseconde dans trois protéines fluorescentes différentes. L'analyse des dynamiques moléculaires classiques nous donne une évaluation quantitative des temps de vie de l'extinction de fluorescence, en accord avec les données expérimentales. Par ailleurs elle nous a permis d'identifier les mouvements moléculaires concertés de la protéine et du chromophore conduisant à cette extinction. De ces résultats, émerge une représentation plus complète du mécanisme qui libère la torsion du chromophore ou qui la déclenche : il peut venir d'un mouvement spécifique de la protéine, qui se produit à l'échelle de la nanoseconde, ou bien de plusieurs mouvements spécifiques, plus fréquents (rupture de liaisons hydrogène, rotation de chaînes latérales, dynamique d'agrégats d'eau), mais qui coïncident seulement à l'échelle de la nanoseconde. Ces mouvements spécifiques n'ont pas un coût énergétique important mais la nécessité de leur coïncidence crée un délai de l'ordre de quelques nanosecondes alors que dans le vide la torsion se produit en quelques picosecondes. Dans le cas des protéines étudiées, on a identifié en grande partie les mécanismes et les acides aminés qui sont impliqués.
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Cinétique et dépendance en température des réactions neutre-neutre dans le gaz interstellaire froidFaure, Alexandre 29 October 1999 (has links) (PDF)
La physico-chimie du gaz interstellaire froid est caractérisée par l'extrême rareté des associations ternaires et par la faible énergie cinétique disponible lors des collisions. Dans ce contexte, les réactions entre espèces neutres sont en général très peu efficaces, car "gelées" par d'importantes barrières d'activation. Depuis 1992, cependant , l'expérience CRESU montreque de nombreuses réactions neutre-neutre impliquant des radicaux tels que CN ou OH sont extrêmement rapides à basse température et ralentissent anormalement à plus haute température. Outre leurs conséquences sur les modèles de chimie interstellaire, ces résultats remettent en cause l'utilisation des théories de capture à longue-portée, incapables de rendre compte de la forte décroissance des constantes de vitesses avec l'élévation de la température. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner l'influence des effets à. courte et moyenne-portée sur la cinétique du système représentatif CN + NH3 et de dégager un mécanisme générique permettant de reproduire la dépendance mesurée en température. Nous montrons, à partir de calculs de chimie quantique ab initio, que la réactivité inhabituelle de ce système ne provient pas d'une particularité de l'interaction radical-molécule à moyenne portée, mais vraisemblablement d'effets dynamiques à plus courte-portée. Nous mettons en évidence à l'aide de trajectoires quasi-classiques, l'influence de l'excitation rotationnelle sur le processus de capture et nous présentons un modèle de sélectivité angulaire permettant de reproduire quantitativement les mesures CRESU. Nous illustrons enfin, dans le cadre d'une étude triatomique simple, le rôle joué par les forces à courte-portée et nous confirmons l'importance des effets liés à l'état rotationnel des réactifs. Nos résultats soulignent ainsi la nécessité de considérer en détaille couplage entre le mécanisme de capture et l'évolution consécutive du complexe de réaction.
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Etude théorique et simulations de petites molécules de sodium excitées, immergées dans des matrices d'argon.Douady, Julie 30 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier l'influence d'un environnement de gaz rare sur les propriétés statiques et dynamiques de petites molécules de sodium. Les différentes propriétés physicochimiques de ce système permettent une modélisation à deux niveaux dans laquelle seuls les degrés de liberté associés aux électrons de valence de la molécule sont traités quantiquement. Nous avons développé une approche générale permettant de traiter le problème de la structure électronique de la molécule immergée par une méthode d'interaction de configurations, dans laquelle ses noyaux et les atomes de gaz rare sont traités en dynamique moléculaire classique d'atomes polarisables.<br />En adaptant ce modèle théorique, à l'atome et aux dimères de sodium immergés dans des matrices d'argon, nous avons déterminé la géométrie d'équilibre et les propriétés spectrales de ces systèmes. Le site de piégeage le plus favorable du dimère est différent selon qu'il soit chargé ou pas. Nous retrouvons ce résultat de manière dynamique si l'on procède à l'ionisation du Na2 immergé. <br />En étudiant la dynamique sur le premier état excité de Na2+, nous avons observé l'importance de la taille de la matrice sur la dissociation de ce dimère. Nous avons ainsi déterminé un nombre critique d'argon au-delà duquel la dissociation est empêchée dû à un changement de site du Na2+ au sein de sa rangée d'insertion. Mais en introduisant les couplages non adiabatiques au moyen d'un algorithme de saut de surfaces, ce changement de site, observé pour les systèmes comportant plus d'une centaine d'argon, est avorté grâce à une désexcitation non radiative vers l'état fondamental au bout de quelques picosecondes.
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Multiscale modelling and simulation of slip boundary conditions at fluid-solid interfacesPham, Thanh Tung 25 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In most applications concerning a fluid flowing over a solid surface, the no-slip velocity condition was widely used because it is simple and produces the results in agreement with experiments. However, this dynamical boundary condition is not appropriate when the flow under consideration is at a micro or nano length scale.In order to model this effect at the macroscopic scale, the Navier boundary conditions have been introduced, with the slip length as a parameter. When the fluid is a gas, this length is related to the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) and the mean free path, according to the Maxwell model. The aim of this work is to systematically address this model using a multi-scale approach and to extend it by incorporating both the morphology and the anisotropy of a surface. The thesis consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, the basics of the kinetic theory of gases, the Boltzmann equation and related solutions (Navier-Stokes-Fourier, Burnett, Grad, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo ...) are briefly presented. The models of gas-wall interaction and slip models introduced in the fluid mechanics are also recalled. The chapter ends with a description of the computational method used for the molecular dynamics simulations performed in this work. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the development of a simple technique to simulate the pressure driven flows. The principle is to rely on the atomistic formulas of the stress tensor (Irving Kirkwood, Method of Plane, Virial Stress) and to modify the periodic conditions by maintaining the difference between the kinetic energy of the ingoing and outgoing particles of the simulation domain. Several types of channels are studied with this technique. The results (temperature, velocity ...) are discussed and compared. Chapter 3 deals with the study of the gas-wall interaction potential by the ab-initio method. The code CRYSTAL 09 is used to obtain the potential between an atom of argon (Ar) and a surface of platinum (Pt) <111> as a function of distance. Then the gas-wall potential is decomposed into binary potential and approached by an analytic function. This function is then implemented in a MD code to simulate the gas-wall collisions and determine the TMAC coefficient. In Chapter 4, the effect of morphology is studied. The multi-body Quantum Sutton Chen (QSC) potential is used for Pt <100> solid and the binary potential proposed in the previous chapter for the Ar-Pt couple is employed. The QSC potential is needed to reproduce the surface effects that affect the final results. Different surfaces are treated : smooth, nanostructured surface and, random surface obtained by Chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The TMAC is determined using a generalized approach, i.e. depending on the angle of incident flux of gas atoms on the surface. The surface anisotropy and the scattering kernel are also examined. In Chapter 5, we propose a model of anisotropic slip for fluids based on accommodation tensor. The model is obtained by the analytical approximate calculations developed in the framework of the kinetic theory. We thus generalize Maxwell's equation by showing that the slip length tensor is directly related to the accommodation tensor. The model is in good agreement with the MD results. Thanks to our MD simulations, we develop a suitable technique for reproducing the anisotropy of the accommodation tensor. The thesis ends with a conclusion section in which we suggest some perspectives for a continuation of this work
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High resolution microwave spectroscopic studies of hydrates of carboxylic acidsOuyang, Bin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies the monohydrate, dihydrate and in some cases, trihydrate of five carboxylic acids, namely acetic acid, propanoic acid, T-difluoroacetic acid, Gdifluoroacetic acid and trifluoacetic acid using the technique of Fourier tranform microwave spectroscopy. The rotational and centrifugal distortion constants of these hydrates were determined with high accuracy. Ab initio calculations were also performed to locate the different conformational minima of the hydrates and to optimize their structures. Comparison of the ab initio predicted rotational and centrifugal distortion constants with the experimentally observed values allows us to determine the structures of the global minimum conformations of the various hydrates without ambiguity. Hydrogen-bonded ring structures are found to be the predominant feature in all observed hydrates. In this structural arrangement, all the hydrogen bonds formed are located in the same ring, and the cooperativity effect between them significantly strengthens each hydrogen bond, as suggested by the sharp increase of their binding energies in the larger hydrates. The fine and hyperfine splittings observed in the specrum were also successfully analyzed, which allows information on the dynamics of the intramolecular large amplitude tunnelling motions to be extracted explicitly. In the final part of this thesis, the equilibrium constants for the formation of monohydrates of the different carboxylic acids involved in this thesis, together with that of formic acid whose microwave spectrum has been analyzed elsewhere, were calculated to approximately derive their abundances under typical atmospheric conditions. It was found that about 2% of FMA, ACA and PPA will complex with one H2O molecule to form monohydrates in the low troposphere, while for TFA, the value increases to about 15%, mainly as a result of the larger binding energy of TFA–(H2O) due to fluorination on the end group.
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Estudos cristalográficos e da densidade de carga de novas formas sólidas derivadas de compostos antirretrovirais / Crystallography and charge density studies of new solid forms of antiretroviral drugsClavijo, Juan Carlos Tenorio 09 October 2018 (has links)
Este documento de Tese é o resultado de um trabalho de pesquisa voltado à análise cristalográfica de novas formas sólidas cristalinas derivadas de fármacos antirretrovirais, diante do contexto da engenharia de cristais para o desenho das novas formas sólidas, e principalmente diante da ótica da análise das densidades de carga, o que permitiu um entendimento mais acurado da estrutura eletrônica molecular desta classe de compostos. Compostos farmacêuticos antirretrovirais do tipo inibidores nucleosídeos da transcriptase reversa (INTRs), são de grande importância, uma vez que são amplamente usados na terapêutica antirretroviral, principalmente contra o vírus HIV. Nesse contexto, são conhecidos alguns problemas associados na manufatura destes fármacos, principalmente aos processos de extração e purificação dos fármacos Lamivudina (3TC) e Emtricitabina (FTC). Diante desta problemática, a engenharia de cristais fornece uma solução, mediante o planejamento racional de formas sólidas (sais, cocristais, solvatos, polimorfos, etc.) que apresentam maior estabilidade e facilitem principalmente o processo de purificação em grande escala. Daí surge a importância de estudar a estrutura molecular das diferentes formas sólidas derivadas destes fármacos, sendo uma das principais técnicas para este estudo a difração de raios X em monocristais (DRXM). Neste trabalho um total de nove novas formas sólidas foram avaliadas e reportadas, com uma discussão detalhada das conformações moleculares e supramoleculares. Entretanto, é realizada uma análise das densidades de carga mediante métodos experimentais, uma vez que foram conduzidos experimentos de DRXM em alta resolução, em virtude da boa qualidade dos cristais que algumas das formas sólidas apresentaram. Desta maneira foi possível propor modelos de densidade de carga experimentais construídos mediante o formalismo de Hansen & Coppens, utilizando refinamento por mínimos quadrados baseados nos dados de difração em alta resolução. Por último, com o intuito de ter um estudo mais completo e detalhado da estrutura eletrônica, foram realizados cálculos teóricos de primeiros princípios em condições gasosas e periódicas de contorno. Desta forma, é apresentada uma sinergia entre os resultados obtidos pelas análises das distribuições de densidade de cargas de algumas formas sólidas, com os resultados gerais da engenharia de cristais e, portanto, concluir e extrapolar alguns aspectos importantes, principalmente no que se refere às energias associadas com as interações intermoleculares. A sinergia dos estudos de engenharia de cristais e de densidade de carga, é um tipo de pesquisa pouco publicada dentro da área da cristalografia de pequenas moléculas. / This Thesis is the result of the research proposal aimed to the crystallographic analysis of new crystalline solid forms derived from antiretroviral drugs, in the context of the crystal engineering for the design of the new solid forms, mainly since the viewpoint of the charge density analysis, which allowed an accurate comprehension of the molecular electronic structure of this kind of compounds. Antiretroviral drug compounds of nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) type, are of great importance once they are large used in the antiretroviral therapy, mainly against the HIV. In this context, some problems are known regard to the manufacture process of these drugs, mainly in the extraction and purification procedures of the lamivudine (3TC) and emtricitabine (FTC) drugs. On this issue, the crystal engineering provides an answer, through the rational planning of solid forms (salts, cocrystals, solvates, polymorphs, etc.) that exhibit an increased stability and facilitate mainly the large-scale purification process. Hence is important to study the molecular structure of the diverse solid forms derived from these drugs, mainly through the single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXD) experiments. In this research a total of nine new solid forms were assessed and reported, along with a detailed discussion of the molecular and supramolecular conformations. Meantime, it was carried out an analysis of the experimental charge density, once it was performed high-resolution SCXD experiments, since some of the solid forms showed good quality single crystals. In this way, it was possible to propose models of experimental charge density through the Hansen & Coppens formalism, using least-square refinement against high-resolution X-ray diffraction data. Finally, with the aim to have a more complete and detailed study of the electronic structure, it was also carried out first principles theoretical calculations in gas-phase and periodic boundary conditions. Thus, it is shown a synergy between the results obtained by the analysis of the charge density distributions of some solid forms and the crystal engineering results and, therefore, to conclude and to extrapolate some important aspects, mainly involved with the intermolecular interaction energies. The synergy of the crystal engineering and charge density studies is a kind of research little published, within the small molecule crystallography area.
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Efeito Rashba em isolantes topológicos / Rashba effect in Topological InsulatorsPérez, Oscar Andres Babilonia 21 November 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho de mestrado apresentamos um estudo sobre a manifestação do efeito Rashba em isolantes topológicos na ausência de simetria de inversão estrutural. Os cálculos das propriedades atomísticas, energéticas e as estruturas eletrônicas são abordados através de métodos de primeiros princípios baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade. E seus resultados foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de hamiltoniana efetiva baseado no modelo de Zhang. Realizamos o estudo de dois sistemas: 1) Bi$_2$Se$_3$ com átomos de Sn depositados na superfície: Este sistema pode ser entendido através da manifestação do efeito Rashba sobre um isolante topológico dada a quebra de simetria de inversão estrutural. Para um sítio de deposição específico, os átomos de Sn causam uma reconstrução da superfície e um terceiro cone de Dirac é observado na estrutura eletrônica. Este terceiro cone é não localizado na superfície e pode ser entendido como a manifestação do efeito Rashba. 2) PbBiI: Reportado aqui como um novo isolante topológico 2D com efeito Rashba. Descobrimos este sistema por um estudo sistemático sobre uma família de materiais formados por átomos tipo IV, V, e VII, cuja estrutura cristalina é hexagonal e não centrossimétrica. Mostramos que o PbBiI possui: i) Estabilidade mecânica, ii) Spin-splitting Rashba de 60 meV, iii) um gap de energia não trivial de 0.14 eV, iv) retroespalhamento proibido entre os estados de borda e v) retroespalhamento proibido entre os estados do bulk no entorno do nível de Fermi. Estas propriedades fazem do PbBiI um candidato para construção de dispositivos de spintrônica que atenua a perda de energia. / In this work, were studied the Rashba effect in topological insulators without structural inversion symmetry. We performed a first principles study based on density functional theory to calculate the atomistic properties, formation energy and electronic structure. These results were used to development a effective Hamiltonian based on Zhang model. They were studied two systems: 1) Bi$_2$Se$_3$ with Sn atoms deposited on the surface: This system can be seen as the Rashba effect manifestation on a topological insulator due to the structural inversion symmetry breaking. For a specific deposition site, the Sn atoms cause a reconstruction of the surface and display a third Dirac cone in the electronic structure. This third cone is not located on the surface and can be understood as the giant Rashba effect manifestation. 2) We propose a new non-centrosymmetric honeycomb-lattice QSH insulator family formed by the IV, V, and VII elements. The system formed by Bi, Pb and I atoms is reported here as a new 2D topological insulator with Rashba effect. We show that this system has: i) Mechanical stability, ii) spin-splitting Rashba of 60 meV, iii) nontrivial energy gap of 0.14 eV, iv) backscattering forbidden for both edge and bulk conductivity channels in the nanoribbon band structure. These properties make PbBiI a good candidate to construct spintronic devices with less energy loss.
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Dados empíricos e ab initio no método CALPHAD: os sistemas Fe-Cr-Mo-C e Nb-Ni-Si. / Experimental and ab initio data in the CALPHAD method: the Fe-Cr-Mo-C and Nb-Ni-Si systems.Eleno, Luiz Tadeu Fernandes 18 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente projeto é a combinação de abordagens experimentais e teóricas para o desenvolvimento de bancos de dados termodinâmicos, visando o modelamento de aços e ligas de alto desempenho. Entre esses materiais estão as superligas fundidas por centrifugação para aplicações em fornos de reforma e pirólise, bem como aços-ferramenta reforçados por fases intermetálicas. Os métodos teóricos mencionados correspondem à combinação de cálculos de estrutura eletrônica e modelamento termodinâmico em temperaturas finitas, através do protocolo Calphad. Esta metodologia vem sendo aplicada com sucesso por vários grupos de pesquisa brasileiros e internacionais. Utilizando-nos de dados experimentais para o sistema Fe-Cr-Mo-C, obtidos recentemente em nosso laboratório, e cálculos de primeiros princípios para o sistema Ni-Nb-Si, aliados a outros resultados experimentais da literatura, aperfeiçoamos os bancos de dados termodinâmicos existentes para estes dois sistemas, minimizando as inconsistências quanto às evidências experimentais em relação aos campos de estabilidade e equilíbrio entre fases. No sistema Fe-Cr-Mo-C, utilizamo-nos de dados experimentais para uma reotimização da descrição termodinâmica. Adotamos novas descrições para os binários Cr-Fe, C-Cr e C-Fe, com novos modelos para as fases cementita no sistema C-Fe e sigma no sistema Cr-Fe. Com essas alterações, fomos levados a reavaliar todas as descrições dos ternários, reotimizando-os quando necessário (C-Cr-Fe) ou apenas revalidando os modelamentos pré-existentes (C-Cr-Mo). Por fim, reotimizamos o quaternário como um todo, chegando a resultados satisfatórios quando comparados a resultados experimentais. As propriedades termodinâmicas do sistema Nb-Ni-Si são pouquíssimo conhecidas. Por este motivo, não há dados suficientes na literatura para realizar um assessment completo deste sistema. Por isto, decidimos realizar cálculos de primeiros princípios de estrutura eletrônica, para a determinação de energias de formação dos compostos ternários presentes neste sistema. Os sistemas binários Nb-Ni, Nb-Si e Ni-Si, por outro lado, são bem conhecidos, cada um deles contando com diversas descrições termodinâmicas publicadas ao longo dos últimos anos. Por esta razão, adotamos as mais recentes descrições termodinâmicas dos binários como ponto de partida para o modelamento do sistema ternário. O resultado do modelamento, quando comparado aos poucos dados experimentais disponíveis, é bastante satisfatório. / The aim of this project is the combination of advanced experimental and theoretical approaches for the development of thermodynamic databases dedicated to modelling steels and high performance alloys. Examples of materials are centrifugally-cast superalloys designed for use in reforming and pyrolisis furnaces, as well as intermetallic-reinforced tool steels. The theoretical methods are the combination of electronic structure calculations and thermodynamic modeling at finite temperatures using the CALPHAD method. This methodology has been used by different scientific groups, both in Brazil and around the world. Using experimental data in the Fe-Cr-Mo-C sytem, recently determined in our laboratory, and first principles calculations in the Nb-Ni-Si system, together with other experimental results from the literature, we improved the existing thermodynamic databases for these two systems, minimizing discrepancies regarding the experimental evidence about phase stability fields and phase equilibria. In the Fe-Cr-Mo-C system, we employed experimental data for a reoptimization of the thermodynamic description. We adopted new descriptions for the binary Cr-Fe, C-Cr, and C-Fe systems, with new models for cementite in the C-Fe system, and sigma in the Cr-Fe system. Because of these alterations, a reevaluation of the ternary descriptions was necessary, reassessing them when required (C-Cr-Fe) or just revalidating existing models (C-Cr-Mo). After that, we re-optimized the quaternary system, arriving at satisfactory results, in comparison with experimental data. The thermodynamic properties of the Ni-Nb-Si system is almost completely unknown. For that reason, there are not enough data in the literature to perform a complete assessment of the system. With that in mind, we decided to perform first-principles electronic structure calculations, in order to determine the formation energies of the ternary compounds. The binary systems, on the other hand, are very well-known, each one of them with several published thermodynamic assessments during the last few years. For this reason, we adopted the most recent thermodynamic descriptions of the binaries as a starting point for the modelling of the ternary system. The result of the modelling is very satisfactory, in comparison with the few experimental information available.
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Experimental design of a strong Magneto-Electric coupling system between a ferroelectric and a magnetic phase transition alloy : BaTiO3/FeRh, and theoretical study of the metamagnetic transition of FeRh / Réalisation expérimentale d'un système à fort couplage magneto-électrique entre un ferroelectrique et un alliage à transition de phase magnétique : BaTiO3/FeRh, et étude théorique des mécanismes de la transition méta-magnétique de FeRhCherifi, Ryan 25 June 2015 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, la puissance de calcul des processeurs et la capacité de stockage des disques durs tels que conçus dans l'électronique moderne sont limités par la limite thermodynamique aux systèmes finis. Pour garder une vitesse de développement tel que prédit par la loi de Moore, il est donc nécessaire de considérer de nouveaux types d’architecture d’unité de calcul et stockage d’information. Un autre problème réside dans la gestion des pertes de courant par effet Joule, qui deviennent critiques dès lors que l’on atteint de très fortes densités de transistors et bits magnétiques. Notre étude s’inscrit dans ces problématiques, par la conception de nouveaux systèmes à fort couplage magnéto-électrique qui permettrait de contrôler l’information magnétique par l’injection de faibles courants électriques. Notre objectif a été de concevoir un système à fort couplage magnéto-électrique. Il existe des matériaux possédant un couplage entre ordre magnétique et ordre ferroélectrique de façon intrinsèque. Ce type de structures représente une bonne base d’analyse conceptuelle sur la nature d’hybridation des ordres férroiques. Cependant le couplage y est généralement faible, et ne permet pas l’intégration de ces matériaux dans l’électronique moderne.Une autre option consiste à artificiellement générer un couplage magnéto-électrique à travers l’interface entre deux matériaux possédant chacun un des ordres férroiques. Nous avons travaillé essentiellement sur ce type d’hétérostructure binaire, alliant un substrat ferroélectrique type, (BaTiO3) avec, dans un premier temps, un film ultra-mince ferromagnétique type (Fe, Co, FeNi). Nous avons montré la présence d’une signature d’un couplage magnéto-électrique faible à l’interface de ces systèmes. Nous avons ensuite proposé de remplacer le matériau ferromagnétique typique par un film mince de FeRh, un alliage qui possède une transition de phase magnétique d’antiferromagnétique à ferromagnétique juste au-dessus de la température ambiante, qui dépend à la fois de la température, de la pression et du champ magnétique.Nous avons alors réalisé une étude de croissance de FeRh en films ultra-minces. Nous avons pu montrer que l’alliage garde une température de transition bulk et une transition assez abrupte jusqu’à 5nm d’épaisseur. Nous avons ensuite étudié le couplage magnéto-électrique dans le système FeRh(22nm)/BaTiO3 par magnétométrie SQUID sous champ électrique. Nous avons démontré un très fort effet magnéto-électrique induit par contrainte mécanique, possédant une constante de couplage record, α = 1.6 x 10-5 s.m-1, un ordre de grandeur au-dessus des valeurs rapportées dans la littérature.Utilisant notre connaissance du système, nous avons montré l’intérêt conceptuel d’utiliser un matériau à transition de phase dans les architectures novatrices de mémoire, en proposant une description mathématique d’un comportement memristif dans le système FeRh/piézoélectrique.Finalement, l’utilisation pratique de FeRh nous a amené à étudier l’alliage par calculs Ab Initio sous contrainte mécanique et sous injection de charges, pour comprendre plus fondamentalement la nature et les mécanismes de la transition. / One of the most practical concept used in physics and engineering is the concept of triggeror switch, consisting of a means to start a controlled chain of energy transformation.A switch can lead to reversible or irreversible consequences. Technological developmentusually seeks to make use of the former because it allows for repetitive logical tasks. Suchtriggers exist via the coupling between two or more types of energetic transformations.It is formally described by the interaction between two or more distinct fields and theirexpression on a system. Amongst the most studied coupling in material physics, we findelectro-mechanical couplings such as piezoelectricity or ferroelectricity, electro-caloric ormagneto-caloric couplings such as pyroelectricity and pyro-magnetism, magneto-electric,etc. The fundamental and experimental domestication and understanding of these couplingsis usually followed (and very often motivated) by the design of practical applicationin electronics engineering technology.
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Polimorfismo da Clorpropamida investigado atravÃs de Espectroscopia Vibracional / Polymorphism of Chlorpropamide investigated through of the vibrational spectroscopyMÃrcia de Windson Costa Caetano 14 March 2006 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A clorpropamida (C10H13ClN2O3S, (1-[4-chlorobenzenesulphonyl]-3-propyl urea)) à uma droga usada para tratar o diabetes tipo II (nÃo dependente da insulina), em particular em pessoas cujo diabetes nÃo pode ser controlada sà pelo regime alimentÃcio. O polimorfismo desta droga se encontra amplamente documentado exibindo, pelo menos, cinco diferentes formas cristalinas. Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo de quatro destes polimorfos atravÃs das espectroscopias Raman, infravermelho e infravermelho prÃximo. O objetivo desta investigaÃÃo vibracional à estabelecer correlaÃÃes entre os modos vibracionais e as possÃveis estruturas cristalinas, alÃm de avaliar estes mÃtodos como ferramentas para a identificaÃÃo e controle de qualidade das matÃrias primas e produtos formulados. No intuito de prover uma caracterizaÃÃo detalhada tambÃm empregamos anÃlises tÃrmicas e difraÃÃo de raios- X para a identificaÃÃo prÃvia das formas cristalinas. Finalmente, a classificaÃÃo das bandas observadas nos espectros vibracionais em termos dos modos normais de vibraÃÃo da molÃcula foi realizada com a ajuda de cÃlculos computacionais baseados na teoria do funcional de densidade. Estes resultados tambÃm nos permitiram investigar a estabilidade conformacional da clorpropamida e estabelecer correlaÃÃes com o polimorfismo da mesma. / Chlorpropamide (C10H13ClN2O3S, (1-[4-chlorobenzenesulphonyl]-3-propyl urea)) is a drug used to treat type II diabetes (non-dependent of insulin), especially when the diabetes can not be controlled by alimentary regimes. The polymorphism of this drug is widely documented exhibiting at least five crystalline forms. In this work, we present a vibrational study of four of these polymorphs by using Raman, infrared and near-infrared spectroscopies. The objective of this vibrational investigation is to correlate the vibrational modes with the possible crystalline structures, as well as, to evaluate these methods as a tool for identification and quality control of raw materials and formulated products. In order to provide a detailed characterization we also applied thermal analyses and x-ray powder diffraction techniques to identify the crystalline forms. Finally, the assignment of the bands observed in the vibrational spectra in terms of the normal vibrational modes was performed with the help the quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory. These results allow us to investigate the conformational stability of chlorpropamide establishing correlations with the polymorphism of this drug.
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