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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vodní paprsek s 3D hlavou / Water jet with 3D head

Vlček, Hynek January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on waterjet technology, dimensional and shape accuracy of manufactured parts. In the theoretical section, the principle of technlogy and its use in engineering industry at the present time, are described. Moreover, the theoretical section includes discription of every single parts of the machine of waterjet cutting, that are nowadays used. The biggest part of diploma thesis focuses on 3D cutting technology and on attachments for elimination of undercutting. Practical section focuses on dimensional and shape accuracy of manufactured parts manufactured by waterjet technology that makes use of 3D head and different cutting speed. The practical section also includes operating and maintenance cost of the machine. In terms of maintenance, real service life of components is compared there with a lifespan declarated by machine producer.

Sledování vlivu složení betonu na odolnost proti abrazi / Monitoring the influence of concrete composition on abrasion resistance

Černá, Hana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the resistance of concrete to abrasion with regard to the raw materials used for their production. In the theoretical part of the thesis are described admixtures, different types of aggregate and aggregate composition which influence the resistance of concrete to abrasion. In the experimental part, 15 different C30 / 37, S4 concrete formulations were proposed. Different types of aggregates - fecal gravel (Žabčice), biotic granodiorite (Olbramovice) and amphibolite (Želešice) have always been used in the recipes. Fine ground limestone, micro-silica, high-temperature fly ash and finely ground slag were ingredients that were added to the proposed recipes. Consistency was determined by the method of cone seating and the density of fresh concrete. In the hardened state, concrete density, compressive strength, bending tensile strength, tensile strength, watertightness, concrete absorption, and abrasion resistance were determined using the Böhm method and wide wheel method. The test specimens were tested after 7, 28, and 90 days of maturation.

Dental microwear texture analysis correlations in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and sheep (Ovis aries) suggest that dental microwear texture signal consistency is species-specific

Martin, Louise Francoise, Winkler, Daniela Eileen, Ackermans, Nicole Lauren, Müller, Jaqueline, Tütken, Thomas, Kaiser, Thomas, Codron, Daryl, Schulz-Kornas, Ellen, Hatt, Jean-Michel, Clauss, Marcus 28 November 2023 (has links)
Dental microwear texture (DMT) analysis is used to differentiate abrasive dental wear patterns in many species fed different diets. Because DMT parameters all describe the same surface, they are expected to correlate with each other distinctively. Here, we explore the data range of, and correlations between, DMT parameters to increase the understanding of how this group of proxies records wear within and across species. The analysis was based on subsets of previously published DMT analyses in guinea pigs, sheep, and rabbits fed either a natural whole plant diet (lucerne, grass, bamboo) or pelleted diets with or without added quartz abrasives (guinea pigs and rabbits: up to 45 days, sheep: 17 months). The normalized DMT parameter range (P4: 0.69 0.25; M2: 0.83 0.16) and correlation coefficients (P4: 0.50 0.31; M2: 0.63 0.31) increased along the tooth row in guinea pigs, suggesting that strong correlations may be partially explained by data range. A comparison between sheep and guinea pigs revealed a higher DMT data range in sheep (0.93 0.16; guinea pigs: 0.47 0.29), but this did not translate into more substantial correlation coefficients (sheep: 0.35 0.28; guinea pigs: 0.55 0.32). Adding rabbits to an interspecies comparison of low abrasive dental wear (pelleted lucerne diet), the softer enamel of the hypselodont species showed a smaller data range for DMT parameters (guinea pigs 0.49 0.32, rabbit 0.19 0.18, sheep 0.78 0.22) but again slightly higher correlations coefficients compared to the hypsodont teeth (guinea pigs 0.55 0.31, rabbits 0.56 0.30, sheep 0.42 0.27). The findings suggest that the softer enamel of fast-replaced ever-growing hypselodont cheek teeth shows a greater inherent wear trace consistency, whereas the harder enamel of permanent and non-replaced enamel of hypsodont ruminant teeth records less coherent wear patterns. Because consistent diets were used across taxa, this effect cannot be ascribed to the random overwriting of individual wear traces on the more durable hypsodont teeth. This matches literature reports on reduced DMT pattern consistency on harder materials; possibly, individual wear events become more random in nature on harder material. Given the species-specific differences in enamel characteristics, the findings suggest a certain species-specificity of DMT patterns.

Mechanical dry grinding process of saw chain

Svensson, Dennis, Falk Svärd, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
The cutting links on chainsaws needs to be sharpened regularly to retain its sharpness. The most effective way is to use a machine wheel grinder. However, due to high friction there is a high risk of tempering the steel and damaging the sustainability to wear, resulting in a dull cutting edge. In order to develop a grinding method that produces a good result every time, a series of parameters were tested in order to determine which combination of these generated the best grinding results. With all parameters established the results shows that the attributes of each grinding wheel are the main parameter controlling the grinding result. This project investigates the attributes of different grinding wheels and their impact on grinding results. By comparing the energy each grinding wheel uses to perform the same amount of work, each grinding wheels suitability is rated based on its performance.   The calculations and the results from the analyses and tests show which of the grinding wheels performed the work with the lowest amount of increased energy.

Contribuição ao estudo dos concretos de elevado desempenho: propriedades mecânicas, durabilidade e microestrutura. / Contribution to the study of high performance concretes: mechanical properties, durability and microstructure.

Silva, Isac José da 11 October 2000 (has links)
O concreto de elevado desempenho (CED) é aquele que atende aos requisitos de durabilidade e de resistência mecânica da construção, produzido a partir de materiais selecionados, com equipamentos eficientes e procedimentos controlados. Desenvolveu-se, assim, um estudo experimental, tendo como objetivo principal analisar e estabelecer correlações a partir de propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade com a microestrutura da matriz. Para tanto, considera-se: a) emprego de agregados da região de São Carlos SP, analisando as suas características fundamentais; b) o emprego de cimentos Portland CP II E 32, CP V ARI Plus e CP V ARI RS em conformidade com ABNT, estabelecendo uma sinergia com os outros materiais envolvidos; c) o estabelecimento de dosagens buscando uma maior compacidade; d) a relação entre os constituintes, correlacionando-os com as formas produtivas e características de aplicações; e) o acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da hidratação e da microestrutura das composições estabelecidas e da influência adição da sílica ativa na matriz como um todo. A análise da microestrutura fundamentou-se em ensaios de poro simetria por intrusão de mercúrio, poro simetria por adsorção de gás nitrogênio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, termogravimetria e difração de raio-X. Os resultados indicam que a sílica ativa tem forte influência na qualidade dos concretos de alto desempenho, principalmente quando em associação com escória de alto fomo, indicando a possibilidade de se produzir concretos duráveis. Da mesma forma, os resultados mecânicos sugerem excelentes perspectivas na produção do CED, com altas resistências à compressão, na faixa de até 110MPa, à tração na flexão da ordem de 10MPa e resistência à abrasão cerca de 40% superior a dos concretos convencionais. / High performance concrete (HPC) is concrete that meets the requisites of hardness and mechanical strength of construction applications, and is produced with selected materiaIs, efficient equipment and controlled procedures. An experimental study was carried out with the main purpose of analyzing and establishing correlations based on mechanical properties and durability of the matrix\'s microstructure. To this end, the following factors were taken into consideration: a) the use of aggregates available in the region of São Carlos, SP, analyzing their fundamental characteristics; b) the use of Portland CP II E 32, CP V AR! Plus and CP V AR! RS cements according to the ABNT code, establishing a synergy with the other materiais involved; c) the establishment of dosages in the search for greater compactness; d) the relation among the constituents, correlating them with the forms of production and characteristics of application; e) follow-up of the development of hydration and of the microstructures of the compositions established, and the influence of the addition of active silica in the matrix as a whole. The microstructural analysis was based on tests of porosity by mercury intrusion, porosity by adsorption of nitrogen gas, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that active silica exerts a strong influence on the quality of high performance concretes, particularly when associated with slag, indicating the possibility of producing durable concretes. Similarly, the mechanical findings suggest excellent prospects for HPC production, with high compressive strength in the range of up to 110MPa, flexural strength in the order of 10MPa, and abrasive strength approximately 40% superior to that of conventional concretes.

Desgaste e fadiga térmica de ligas \'aço matriz + NbC\'. / Wear and thermal fatigue of \'matrix steel + NbC\' alloys.

Silva, Paula Fernanda da 10 November 2006 (has links)
Utilizou-se o conceito de ?aço matriz + NbC? para produzir ligas com a matriz do aço rápido M2 ( 0,5%C ? 2%W ? 3%Mo ? 4,6%Cr ? 1%V) e variadas frações volumétricas de carbonetos de nióbio. Adicionou-se 2,5 e 5% de nióbio e carbono estequiométrico para a obtenção de carbonetos NbC e titânio (0,1%) para modificação da morfologia dos carbonetos NbC. Os carbonetos NbC apresentaram-se como carbonetos eutéticos com morfologia de escrita chinesa, como carbonetos primários com a morfologia de cruz de malta e como carbonetos eutéticos e primários com morfologia poligonal, estes últimos modificados com a adição de titânio. Após tratamento térmico de têmpera e revenimento para obtenção da máxima dureza, as ligas foram submetidas a ensaios de fadiga térmica (100 ciclos, 650ºC), de abrasão (roda de borracha ? 130N, 200rpm, 30min, hematita como abrasivo) e de deslizamento alternado (disco contra esfera ? 70,6N, amplitude: 6mm, freqüência, 6 Hz, 2h) para estudar o efeito da fração volumétrica e da morfologia dos carbonetos frente a estas solicitações. As ligas com carbonetos com morfologia poligonal e menor fração volumétrica de carbonetos (comparando-se morfologias iguais) apresentaram o melhor desempenho sob fadiga térmica devido ao baixo valor do parâmetro C/Dm da microestrutura (continuidade de carbonetos/distância livre média entre carbonetos). Os corpos-de-prova foram caracterizados por meio de microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura para determinar os sítios de nucleação e caminhos de propagação das trincas. Nos ensaios em roda de borracha as ligas com carbonetos eutéticos divorciados com morfologia poligonal apresentaram maior resistência ao desgaste do que os aços contendo carbonetos eutéticos cooperativos. O aumento da fração volumétrica de carbonetos NbC teve um máximo na resistência a abrasão e depois uma queda devido a presença de carbonetos primários grosseiros que fraturaram na superfície ensaiada e foram arrancados aumentanto a perda de massa. Nos ensaios de deslizamento alternado não foi possível hierarquizar o comportamento das ligas. Os corpos-de-prova de abrasão e de deslizamento foram caracterizados por microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura para determinar os mecanismos de desgaste atuantes. Um aço rápido para cilindros de laminação a quente (2%C ? 5%Cr ? 5%Mo ? 5%V) foi ensaiado sob condições idênticas às aplicadas às ligas estudadas, objetivando comparar desempenhos. O aço rápido apresentou desempenho superior nos ensaios de abrasão e de deslizamento alternado (devido a alta fração volumétrica de carbonetos eutéticos) e inferior no ensaio de fadiga térmica (devido ao alto parâmetro C/Dm da microestrutura oriundo da alta fração volumétrica de carbonetos eutéticos). / The concept of ?matrix steel + NbC? was used to cast alloys with the M2 steel matrix (0,5%C ? 2%W ? 3%Mo ? 4,6%Cr ? 1%V) and different volume fractions of niobium carbides. Niobium (2,5 e 5%) and stoichiometric carbon were added to produce NbC carbides and titanium (0,1%) to modify de NbC carbides morphology. NbC presented three basic morphologies: Chinese script (coupled eutectic); primary carbides with cross morphology and polygonal primary and eutectic carbides (divorced eutectics). After heat treatment of quench and temper in order to obtain the maximum hardness, the alloys were submitted to thermal fatigue test (100 cycles, 650ºC), dry rubber wheel abrasive wear test (130N, 200rpm, 30min, hematite as abrasive) and reciprocating sliding wear test (70,6N, amplitude: 6mm, frequency: 6Hz, 2h). The alloys with polygonal NbC carbides and lower volume fractions of carbides (for the same morphology) showed the best behaviour due to their low ?carbide continuity/carbide free path? ratio of the microstructure. The alloys were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM to investigate de cracks nucleation and propagation. In the dry rubber wheel tests, polygonal NbC eutectic carbides (divorced eutectics) showed better behaviour than Chinese script NbC eutectic carbides. High volume fractions of NbC carbides improved the abrasion resistance until a maximum and after that, the presence of big primary NbC carbides, lowered the abrasion resistance due to cracks in those big carbides. The results of the reciprocating sliding tests have not allowed to rank the performance of the alloys. Abrasion and sliding specimens were submitted to optical microscopy and SEM in order to evaluate the prevalent wear mechanisms. One high speed steel for hot rolling mill rolls (2%C ? 5%Cr ? 5%Mo ? 5%V) was tested under the same conditions that the alloys studied were tested in order to compare their performances. The high speed steel showed better performance in abrasion and reciprocating sliding wear due to the high volume fraction of coupled eutectic carbides and lower performance in thermal fatigue due to the high ?carbide continuity/carbide free path? ratio of the microstructure than the alloys studied.

Estudo do desgaste e atrito de um par metálico sob deslizamento lubrificado. / Study on the wear and the friction of a metallic pair under lubricated sliding.

Maru, Marcia Marie 28 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de um estudo experimental das respostas de desgaste e de atrito encontradas em um sistema deslizante lubrificado. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de deslizamento em um equipamento para ensaios de desgaste, adotando-se o dispositivo pino-contra-disco, para ensaios com movimento relativo rotativo contínuo entre as amostras, e o dispositivo pino-contra-placa, para ensaios com movimento relativo alternado, ou oscilatório, entre as amostras. Os materiais metálicos ensaiados foram pinos de aço AISI 52100 e contra-corpos de aço AISI 8640. O óleo lubrificante foi o mineral de base parafínico, IV 100. Foram variadas as condições de aditivação e de contaminação do óleo lubrificante e foram utilizados dois níveis de carregamento mecânico, determinada pela relação velocidade/carga. O desgaste foi estudado por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, medição da área afetada pelo desgaste, perfilometria das superfícies desgastadas e análise de óleo. O atrito e o potencial de contato foram monitorados ao longo dos ensaios. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o desgaste dos corpos metálicos foi sensível ao carregamento mecânico, à aditivação e à contaminação do óleo. Diferenças foram notadas nas morfologias superficiais entre os resultados de desgaste dos ensaios rotativos e oscilatórios. / This work concerns with experimental study of wear and friction responses of lubricated sliding system. Sliding tests were carried out using pin-on-disk wear testing machine for tests with continuous rotating movement, and the pin-on-plate device, for reciprocating tests between specimens. The metallic test coupons were AISI 52100 steel pins and AISI 8640 steel counter-faces. The used lubricant was paraffinic mineral oil, VI 100. The presence of additives and contamination in the lubricant oil were investigated under two mechanical loading levels, determined by the velocity/load relation. The wear was studied by means of optic and scanning electronic microscopes, perfilometry and dimensional analysis of the worn surfaces and oil analysis. The friction and the contact potential were monitored through out the sliding tests. The results showed that the wear of the metallic materials was susceptible to the mechanical loading, the additive and the contamination existence in the oil. It was observed differences among the wear results of the rotating and the reciprocating tests in terms of surface morphologies.

Rock cutting by abrasive water jet: an energy approach / Corte de rocha com jato d\'água abrasivo: uma abordagem baseada em energia

Arab, Paola Bruno 20 March 2017 (has links)
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting is a versatile technique which has been effectively applied to rock cutting since the late 1980s. The complexity of the interaction between the waterjet and the rocks complicates the thorough understanding of the phenomena involved in AWJ rock cutting. On one hand, rocks are complex materials which are generated through different processes in an uncontrolled environment without human interference. On the other hand, the AWJ acts with high velocity and turbulence, complicating direct observation and the perception of details. In this respect, the present research aims to contribute to the study of AWJ cutting applied to rocks, including the analysis of qualitative and quantitative information, both of great importance regarding the study of complex materials. Concerning quantitative data, special attention is given to the investigation of the cutting efficiency, which can be analyzed by observing conditions in which the higher cutting rate is associated with the minimum energy provided by the AWJ machine per removed volume of rock. Moreover, the real efficiency can be analyzed through the investigation of the conditions in which the major part of the energy provided by the AWJ machine is used effectively for rock cutting, deducting dissipation losses. The effects of varying traverse velocity and pump pressure on cutting parameters were also investigated, in addition to the influence of rock properties on the effective energy of cutting. The effective energy was calculated based both on the specific energy and specific destruction work of the materials. With respect to the qualitative investigation, petrographic and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were conducted in order to visualize and better understand the different effects of cutting on the studied rocks. Cutting tests with a traverse velocity of 200 mm/min and a pump pressure of 400 MPa presented the most efficient rock cutting regarding both methods of efficiency analysis. Dry density and tensile strength presented fair correlations with the effective cutting energy, while the modulus ratio presented the best correlations. It was observed that brittleness plays a key role in the understanding of the phenomena involved in AWJ rock cutting. / O jato d\'água abrasivo (AWJ) é uma técnica versátil que tem sido efetivamente aplicada ao corte de rochas desde o fim da década de 1980. A complexidade da interação entre o jato e as rochas dificulta a compreensão detalhada dos fenômenos envolvidos no corte de rochas com AWJ. Por um lado, rochas são materiais complexos gerados em ambientes sem interferência humana. Por outro lado, o AWJ age com alta velocidade e turbulência, dificultando a observação direta do procedimento. Assim, a presente tese de doutorado visa a contribuir com o estudo do corte de rochas com AWJ, incluindo análises de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, ambos de grande importância em estudos de materiais complexos. A análise quantitativa possui foco na investigação da eficiência de corte, a qual pode ser analisada por meio da observação das condições em que há a maior taxa de corte associada à mínima energia fornecida pelo AWJ por volume de rocha removido. Além disso, a eficiência real do corte pode ser analisada a partir da investigação das condições em que a maior parte da energia fornecida pelo AWJ é usada para efetivamente cortar a rocha, descontando perdas por dissipação. Os efeitos da variação da velocidade transversal de corte e da pressão da bomba nos parâmetros de corte também foram investigados, além da influência das propriedades das rochas na energia efetiva de corte. A energia efetiva de corte, denominada energia relativa de formação da ranhura (EKR), foi calculada com base na energia específica e no trabalho de destruição específico dos materiais. Análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e petrografia foram conduzidas para visualizar e compreender melhor os diferentes efeitos do corte nas rochas estudadas. Os testes de corte realizados com velocidade transversal do bocal de 200 mm/min e pressão da bomba de 400 MPa apresentaram as melhores eficiências de corte considerando-se ambos os métodos de análise de eficiência. Dentre as propriedades das rochas investigadas, a massa específica e a resistência à tração por compressão diametral apresentaram correlações razoáveis com EKR, enquanto que o modulus ratio apresentou as melhores correlações. Observou-se que a ruptibilidade possui papel fundamental na compreensão dos fenômenos envolvidos no corte de rochas com AWJ.

Gravação de materiais de engenharia com jato d\'água abrasivo. / Etching on engennering material with abrasives water jet.

Lauand, Valena Hennies 16 December 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve a utilização do jato d\'água abrasivo como ferramenta de gravação em ladrilhos de Mármore Branco de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim e em placas de vidro plano comum. São apresentadas as variações de desempenho do processo de gravação, assim como as várias geometrias de ranhuras obtidas com a variação de diversos parâmetros do equipamento. Os resultados da gravação em diversas amostras foram digitalizadas e fotografadas. Além disso apresenta o resultado da gravação, em mármore e vidro de um desenho de geometria complexa. Finalmente discussões e conclusões a respeito dos resultados obtidos são apresentadas. / The current thesis describes the use of abrasive water jet as an etching tool in Branco de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Marble plate and in float glass plate. Etching process performance variations are introduced as well as different kerf geometries obtained with variation of many processes parameters. The results of the etching in several samples have been photographed and scanned. Furthermore the results of the etching of a complex drawing in marble and glass is shown. Finally conclusions and discussions over the achieved results are described.

Desgaste abrasivo de uma resina composta, através de três diferentes métodos (disco retificado, escovação e nanodurômetro) / Abrasive wear of a composite resin, using three different methods (ground disc, toothbrushing and nanodurometer)

Freitas, Márcia Furtado Antunes de 16 September 2011 (has links)
Neste estudo, foi avaliada a resistência ao desgaste abrasivo de uma resina composta, através de três diferentes métodos: do disco retificado, por escovação e do nanodurômetro. Nos dois primeiros métodos, foram utilizados 20 espécimes da resina Filtek Z250 (10 da cor Incisal e 10 da cor C4, ambos fotopolimerizados por 30 segundos cada) e 10 de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA), atuando estes últimos como padrão de referência. Para os ensaios com o nanodurômetro, foi utilizado apenas um espécime de cada cor, assim como um único de PMMA, em cujas superfícies planas foram efetuadas sete medições, o que foi considerado equivalente a sete espécimes. No método do disco retificado, cada espécime de resina composta era confeccionado diretamente numa cavidade semicircular, localizada na periferia de um disco-suporte; os espécimes de PMMA consistiam em discos constituídos exclusivamente por este material; o desgaste de cada espécime era promovido por um disco de porcelana e seu conseqüente deslocamento era detectado por um palpador; assim, a taxa de desgaste era estabelecida, expressa em milímetros cúbicos por newton por segundo (mm3/N.s). No método de escovação, cada espécime cilíndrico ficava preso numa placa metálica, a qual era fixada no interior da máquina de escovação; sua perda de massa (em miligramas) era verificada através de uma balança analítica. No método do nanodurômetro, existiu apenas um espécime ci líndrico para cada condição, em cuja face plana superior eram feitos sete sulcos (equivalentes a sete espécimes); o coeficiente de atrito permitia estabelecer a respectiva resistência ao desgaste. Para cada método utilizado, os dados foram tratados estatisticamente, através de análise de variância (ANOVA) e de teste de Tukey. Pôde-se concluir que, através do disco retificado, a taxa de desgaste (em mm3/N.s) dos materiais foi: Incisal (0,6807) > C4 (0,5012) > PMMA (0,1439); que, através da escovação, a taxa de desgaste (em mg) foi de 5,40 para Incisal, de 9,35 para C4 e de 5,88 para PMMA, sem diferença significante apenas entre Incisal e PMMA, os mais resistentes; e que, através do nanodurômtero, a resistência ao desgaste abrasivo (expressa pelo coeficiente de atrito) foi de 0,207 para Incisal, de 0,214 para C4 e de 0,281 para PMMA, sem diferença significante agora apenas entre Incisal e C4, os menos resistentes. / Abrasive wear of a composite resin, using three different methods (ground disc, toothbrushing and nanodurometer). The aim at this study was to evaluate the resistance to abrasive wear of a composite resin, using three different methods: ground disc, toothbrushing and nanodurometer. At the first two methods were employed 20 specimens of Filtek Z250 composite resin (10 of Incisal and 10 of C4, both the colors cured for 30 seconds each one) and 10 of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), the latter acting as a reference standard. For the tests with the nanodurometer it was used only one specimen of each color, as well as just one of PMMA, in whose flat surfaces seven measurements were made, what was considered equivalent to seven specimens. At the ground disc method, each composite resin specimen was directly made on a semicircular cavity located on the periphery of a supporting disc; PMMA specimens consisted of discs made up exclusively with this material; the wear of each specimen was promoted by a ceramic disc and its consequent displacement was detected by a sensor; thus, the wear rate was established, expressed in cubic millimeters per newton per second (mm3/N.s). At the toothbrushing method, each cylindrical specimen was trapped in a metal plate, which was fixed inside the machine brushing; its weight loss (in milligrams) was verified by an analytical balance. At the nanodurometer method, there was only one cylindrical specimen for each condition, in whose flat upper face seven grooves were made (what was equivalent to seven specimens); the coefficient of friction was used to establish its wear resistance. For each method, data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey\'s test. It could be concluded that, by ground disc method, materials wear rate (in mm3/N.s) was Incisal (0.6807) > C4 (0.5012) > PMMA (0.1439); by brushing method, materials wear rate (in mg) was 5.40 for Incisal, 9.35 for C4 and 5.88 for PMMA, without significant difference only between Incisal and PMMA (the toughest); by nanodurometer method, abrasive wear resistance (expressed by the coefficient of friction) was 0.207 for Incisal, 0.214 for C4 and 0.281 for PMMA, now without significant difference just between Incisal and C4, the least resistant.

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