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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test method for high acceleration : A concept study of methods for testing electrical and mechanical components under high loads / Provmetod för hög accelerationstestning : En konceptstudie av testmetoder för elektriska och mekaniska komponenter som utsätts för höga påkänningar

Fenelius, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis objective is to present a suitable high acceleration test method for SAAB Dynamics. SAAB is in need for an easy to use and cheaper way to test components such as the fuze and electrical components embedded in the fuze system. SAAB Dynamics develops ground combat weapon systems for the global market as well as civilian products. Products produced by SAAB are being used in armed combat, making this thesis project somewhat controversial. However, the concept produced by this work can be used in civilian applications such as aeronautics, space and material science. This thesis focused on using systematical methods and research to gain as much knowledge about the needs and demands of the customer, in this thesis SAAB. The project presents its own concepts as a valid option instead of buying one from a supplier. The concept is based on the needs of SAAB and is generated through creative brainstorming sessions and a morphological matrix. The concept was benchmarked together with similar test methods and test benches on the market. In order to be able to present a suitable concept the project conducted a large feasibility study of the fuze system and the products in need of testing as well as how other industries test similar acceleration and impacts. The concept consists of a high-grade industrial compressor in order to generate high air pressure inside a pressure chamber. The built up pressure breaks a sensitive disc and releases the air into the launch chamber. In the launch chamber, the projectile accelerates through a rifled pipe and then travels freely in a wider pipe. The projectile then deaccelerates when impact occurs with an energy absorption material such as aluminum honeycomb or foam.

A construção de um modelo de acompanhamento da evolução de startups digitais em contexto de aceleração: o caso Start-Up Brasil / Building a model for monitoring the evolution of digital startups in context of acceleration: the case of Start-Up Brasil program

Pinto, Felipe de Matos Sardinha 18 December 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo metodológico para o acompanhamento da evolução de startups digitais em contexto de aceleração, a partir do estudo de caso do programa governamental de fomento a startups denominado Start-Up Brasil, construído no período compreendido entre 2013 e 2014. Para tanto, descreve o modelo e seu processo de desenvolvimento, bem como os principais elementos presentes na literatura que o embasaram, tais como as abordagens customer development (BLANK, 2003) e lean startup (RIES, 2011), dentre outras. A pesquisa contextualiza os principais conceitos relacionados à temática abordada, tais como startup, aceleradora, ecossistema de empreendedorismo e habitats de inovação. Sendo assim, através de um levantamento teórico e do acompanhamento direto do autor no processo de desenvolvimento e implementação deste modelo, enquanto diretor de operações do programa no período estudado, o trabalho baseia-se em metodologia que combina relato técnico, pesquisa descritiva e revisão bibliográfica a partir de relato técnico para então apresentar o modelo. Considerando a importância das startups para o desenvolvimento de inovações com alto potencial de crescimento, especialmente aquelas ligadas ao setor de tecnologia de informação e comunicação (TIC), espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para o desenvolvimento do setor, uma vez que metodologias de acompanhamento bem implementadas podem levar a uma melhor qualidade na seleção e aceleração de startups, e por consequência, seu desenvolvimento e o incremento dos ecossistemas em que estão inseridas. / This research aims to present a methodological model to monitor the evolution of digital startups in acceleration context, based on the case study of the Brazilian public program Start-Up Brasil, that supports digital startups, specifically in the period between years 2013 and 2014. Thus, it describes the model developed by the program and its development process, as well as the main elements present in the literature that have supported it, such as the customer development (BLANK, 2003) and lean startup (RIES, 2011) approaches, among others. The research also contextualized the main concepts related to the thematic, such as startup, accelerator, entrepreneurship ecosystem and innovation habitats. By utilizing both theoretical references and the professional report of the author, who held the position of Operations Director of the program during that period, this work is based on a combination of technical report, descriptive research and bibliographic review methods to then introduce the model. Considering the importance of startups to the development of high impact innovations, especially those related with the Information Technology and Communications (ITC) sector, it is expected that this work can contribute to the development of this area, once that monitoring methods, when well applied, can lead to a better quality of the selection and acceleration of startups, and as a consequence, to the development of the ecosystems in which they are present.

\"Início de operação e caracterização do sistema injetor do Mícrotron do IFUSP\" / Commissioning of the injector system of the IFUSP Microtron

Silva, Tiago Fiorini da 08 December 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos o início de operação do sistema injetor do Mícrotron do IFUSP. São apresentados estudos inéditos do tratamento de desalinhamentos tanto de uma única lente quanto de um conjunto delas. As lentes magnéticas deste estágio foram alinhadas com precisão melhor que 0,18 mm. Estabelecemos um sistema de aquisição de imagens do feixe e com ele fizemos medidas da emitância, cujo valor foi determinado em (2,32 ± 0,05) pi.mm.mrad, independentemente da tensão de aceleração no canhão de elétrons, devido à limitação imposta pelo colimador da entrada do chopper. / In this work we present the commissioning of the IFUSP Microtron injector system. We developed a new method to treat misalignments on a single lens as well as in a group of them. We installed an image acquisition system to acquire beam images from the fluorescent screen monitor. Emittance was measured and found to be (2,32 ± 0,05) pi.mm.mrad, independently of the beam energy, showing the limitation imposed by the collimator placed at the entrance of the chopper cavity.

Transporte, escape de partículas e propriedades dinâmicas de mapeamentos não lineares / Transport, escape of particles and dynamical properties for non-linear mappings

Costa, Diogo Ricardo da 28 February 2014 (has links)
Investigaremos algumas propriedades dinâmicas e de transporte para um conjunto de partículas clássicas não interagentes em diversos sistemas físicos. Os sistemas descritos aqui, em sua maioria, apresentam estrutura mista no espaço de fase no sentido de que curvas invariantes do tipo spanning, mares de caos e ilhas periódicas estão presentes. A descrição de cada sistema será feita utilizando mapeamentos discretos não lineares. Detalharemos a forma de obter os mapeamentos assim como discutiremos algumas de suas propriedades dinâmicas. Expoentes de Lyapunov serão utilizados para caracterizar a região de caos nos sistemas. Hipóteses de escala são usadas para provar que certos observáveis, por exemplo a energia média ao longo de mares de caos, são invariantes de escala. Consideraremos também que quando uma partícula, ou de forma equivalente um conjunto delas atinge uma determinada altura no espaço de fases, ela pode escapar. Ao estudar o escape de partículas, vemos que o histograma do número de partículas que atingem uma certa altura (ou energia) h no espaço de fases em uma dada iterada n, ao qual observamos ser invariante de escala, cresce rapidamente até atingir um máximo e então tende à zero para n grande. Quando a altura h varia proporcionalmente a posição da primeira curva invariante spanning, podemos confirmar uma invariância de escala do histograma de frequências. O mesmo ocorre para a probabilidade de sobrevivência da partícula à dinâmica. Neste contexto, abordaremos os seguintes problemas: (1) Um guia de ondas senoidalmente corrugado; (2) Uma família de mapas Hamiltonianos bidimensionais que recupera diversos modelos; (3) Partículas confinadas em uma caixa com potenciais infinitos nas bordas e contendo em seu interior um poço de potencial dependente periodicamente do tempo; (4) Analisaremos um bilhar ovóide com dependência temporal introduzida através de giro, onde para certas condições observamos que este não apresenta um aparente crescimento ilimitado de energia (aceleração de Fermi), desta forma sendo um possível contra-exemplo da conjectura LRA. Esta tese é um resumo de 8 artigos que foram publicados em revistas internacionais. / We investigate some dynamical and transport properties for a set of non-interacting classical particles. The systems here described, for the most part, present mixed structure in the phase space in the sense that invariant spanning curves, chaotic seas and periodic islands are present. The dynamics of each model is described by using non-linear mappings. We show all the details to construct the mappings and discuss some of their dynamical properties including fixed points stability among others. Lyapunov exponents will be obtained to characterize the chaotic dynamics observed in the phase space. Moreover some scaling hypotheses are used to prove that certain observables, including the average energy, are scaling invariant. We consider also that when a particle or an ensemble of them reach a certain portion of the phase space, they can escape. When studying the escape, we see that the histogram for the number of particles that reach certain height (or energy) h in the phase space for the iteration n, for which we observe to be scaling invariant, grows quickly until reaching a maximum and then goes towards zero for large enough n. When changing the height h proportionally to the position of the first invariant spanning curve, we can confirm the scaling invariance. The same happens for the survival probability for a particle in the chaotic dynamics. In this way, we will discuss the following problems: (1) A corrugated waveguide; (2) A family of two-dimensional Hamiltonian mappings which can reproduce different scaling exponents; (3) Particles confined to bounce in the interior of a time-dependent potential well; (4) We will analyse a rotating oval billiard, where for certain conditions we observed that this system does not present the unbounded energy growth (Fermi acceleration), in this way it is a possible counterexample of the LRA conjecture. This thesis is as summary of eight papers already published.

Cosmologias aceleradas com criação de matéria: teoria e testes observacionais / Accelerating Cosmologies with Matter Creation: Theory and Observational Tests

Oliveira, Felipe Andrade 13 March 2015 (has links)
Os recentes avanços em cosmologia observacional indicam que o universo esteja passando por uma fase de expansão acelerada. A determinação do mecanismo responsável pela aceleração cósmica constitui um dos problemas mais intrigantes na ciência hoje. Entre os diversos candidatos a mecanismo de aceleração, a explicação mais simples e econômica é assumir a existência de uma constante cosmológica associada à energia do vácuo. Contudo, essa interpretação leva a importantes problemas conceituais associados à natureza dessa componente. Nesta tese, investigamos a dinâmica de diferentes mecanismos de aceleração cósmica, comparando suas previsões com diversos testes observacionais. Em particular, demos ênfase aos cenários baseados na criação de matéria escura fria (CCDM), nos quais a presente aceleração do universo é produzida sem a presença de um fluido exótico, como consequência do processo de produção de partículas de matéria escura gravitacionalmente induzido. Inicialmente, propusemos um modelo no qual o mecanismo de criação de partículas é capaz de gerar uma cosmologia dinamicamente degenerada com o modelo padrão, CDM. Discutimos no chamado modelo de Lima, Jesus & Oliveira (LJO) a dinâmica cosmológica com criação de matéria escura fria e com pressão. Através de um teste estatístico de $\\chi^2$, mostramos que o modelo fornece ótimo ajuste aos dados de supernovas tipo Ia (SNe Ia). Posteriormente, estudamos a evolução de pequenas perturbações de densidade em um fundo homogêneo para modelos tipo CCDM, através do formalismo Neo-Newtoniano. Restringindo-nos ao modelo LJO, comparamos as previsões obtidas nesse contexto com as proveniente do modelo CDM. Mostramos que o modelo é capaz de fornecer excelente ajuste aos dados observacionais de medidas da taxa de crescimento linear, para o caso plano e com velocidade efetiva do som $c^2_=-1$. Ainda dentro do cenário CCDM, investigamos uma segunda proposta original, com capacidade de ajuste às observações similar aos modelos CDM e LJO com mesmo número de parâmetros livres, porém com dinâmica não degenerada com estes. Derivamos a dinâmica cosmológica do modelo e discutimos a sua viabilidade através da análise estatística de medidas de SNe Ia e do parâmetro de Hubble em diferentes redshifts $H(z)$. Finalmente, discutimos a dinâmica de um modelo com decaimento do vácuo ((t)CDM) e sua descrição em campos escalares. Assumindo como forma d o termo de vácuo uma série de potências truncada do parâmetro de Hubble, derivamos as equações dinâmicas básicas e as previsões cosmológicas do modelo. Mostramos que, quando a transferência de energia entre as componentes dos setor escuro se dá através da criação de partículas, modelos CCDM e (t)CDM podem compartilhar a mesma dinâmica e termodinâmica, dentro de certas condições. Adicionalmente, mostramos que o modelo é capaz de prover um bom ajuste às medidas de SNe Ia e da chamada razão CMB/BAO. Obtivemos ainda uma descrição do modelo (t)CDM por um campo escalar, estendendo a validade do modelo para outros espaços-tempos e outras teorias gravitacionais. Nossos resultados mostram que existem diversas alternativas viáveis ao atual modelo padrão em cosmologia, capazes de contornar os problemas as sociados à constante cosmológica. A discussão dessas alternativas é essencial para uma compreensão mais profunda acerca da dinâmica, da composição e do destino do universo. / Recent advances in observational cosmology indicate that the universe is undergoing an accelerating stage of expansion. The determination of the mechanism responsible for the cosmic acceleration is one of the most intriguing problems in science today. Among many candidates for the acceleration mechanism, the simplest and most economical explanation is to assume the existence of a cosmological constant associated with the vacuum energy. However, this interpretation leads to important conceptual problems associated with the nature of this component. In this thesis, we investigate the dynamics of different mechanisms of cosmic acceleration, comparing their predictions through several observational tests. In particular, we emphasize the scenarios based on creation of cold dark matter (CCDM), in which the present acceleration of the universe is produced without the presence of an exotic fluid as a result of the gravitationally induced dark matter production process. Initially, we have proposed a model in which the particle creation mechanism is able to produce a cosmology dynamically degenerated with respect to the standard model, CDM. We discussed the cosmological dynamics for the creation of cold dark matter and dark matter with pressure within the so-called model of Lima, Jesus & Oliveira (LJO). Through a statistical $\\chi^2$ test, we showed that the model provides a good fit to the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data. Subsequently, we studied the evolution of small density perturbations in a homogeneous background for CCDM type models through the Neo-Newtonian formalism. Restricting ourselves to the LJO model, the predictions obtained in this context were compared with those from the CDM model. We showed that the model is able to provide a very good fit to the linear growth rate observational data, for a flat universe and effective speed of sound $c^2_=-1$. Also within the CCDM scenario, we discussed a second original proposal with similar goodnes-of-fit and same degree of freedom to the models CDM and LJO, but with a non-degenerated dynamics. We derived the dynamics of the model and discussed its viability through the statistical analysis of measurements of SNe Ia and Hubble parameter in different redshifts $H(z)$, obtaining results in complete agreement. Finally, we discussed the dynamics of a model with vacuum decay ((t)CDM) and its description by scalar fields. Assuming the form of the vacuum term as a power series in the Hubble parameter, we derived the basic dynamic equations and the cosmological predictions of the model. We showed that when the energy exchange between the components of the dark sector is through the creation of particles, CCDM models and (t)CDM can share the same dynamics and thermodynamics under certain conditions. Additionally, we showed that the model is able to provide a good fit to the SNe Ia data and measurements of the CMB/BAO ratio. We also derived a description of CDM model by a scalar field, extending the validity of the model for other space-times and other gravitational theories. Our results show that there are several viable alternatives to the current standard model of cosmology, able to overcome the problems associated with the cosmological constant. The discussion of these alternatives is essential to a deeper understanding of the dynamics,composition and fate of the universe.

Interferência coulombiana-nuclear no espalhamento inelástico de Dêuterons por ANTIPOT.99,101 Ru. / Coulomb-nuclear interference in the inelastic scattering of deuterons by Ru99, Ru101

Rodrigues, Cleber Lima 31 October 2005 (has links)
Medidas inéditas de Interferência Coulombiana-Nuclear (ICN) nos núcleos ímpares ANTPOT.99,101 Ru complementam a investigação da coletividade da primeira excitação quadrupolar dos isótopos pares de Ru ao redor de A~100, com projéteis que interagem isoescalamente com núcleo. As distribuições angulares do espalhamento inelástico com dêuterons incidentes de 13 MeV, nos núcleos ímpares estáveis de rutênio, foram obtidas no sistema Acelerador Pelletron - Espectrógrafo Magnético Enge, utilizando emulsões nucleares no plano focal. Foram medidos espectros associados a catorze e dezesseis ângulos de espalhamento nos ANTPOT.99 Ru e ANTPOT.101 Ru, respectivamente, com excelente caracterização do mínimo de interferência na primeira excitação qadrupolar do caroço. O exame da ICN foi realizado na descrição DWBA-DOMP com parâmetros globais de potencial óptico, mantendo tratamento consistente com outras análises de ICN na região. O ajuste das previsões teóricas às distribuições angulares experimentais, através da minimização do Chi2 pelo método iterativo de Gauss-Marquardt, possibilitou a extração simultânea do comprimento de deformação de massa ( POT.N) e da razão entre os comprimentos de deformação de carga ( POT.C) e de massa (C= POT.C/ POT.N). Simulações de Monte Carlo com 5000 novos conjuntos de dados, gerados por sorteio gaussiano, mostraram a adequação estatística do método. Os valores experimentais de C se posicionaram ao redor de 1,25 para o ANTPOT.99 Ru 1,40 para o ANTPOT.101 Ru, com incertezas em torno de 5%, indicando maior contribuição de prótons do que de nêutrons na excitação, na comparação com s razões N/Z. As medidas de POT.N, com incertezas menores que 5%, revelaram valores inferiores aos relatados para os núcleos pares vizinhos. Os valores de C e POT.N extraídos permitiram o cálculo das razões B(E2)/B(IS2) para os estados analisados. / Coulomb-Nuclear Interference measurements not previously reported in the 99,10 Ru odd nuclei complement the investigation of the collectivity of the first quadrupolar excitation in even Ru isotopes around A-I00, with projectiles that interact isoscarlarly with the nucleus. The Inelastic scattering angular distributions with 13 MeV incident deuterons on odd Ru stable nuclei were obtained in the facility Pelletron Accelerator - Enge Magnetic Spectrograph, using nuclear emulsion plates in the focal plane. Spectra associated with fourteen and sixteen scattering angles in 99Ru and 101Ru, respectively, were measured achieving an excellent characterization of the interference minimum of the core first quadrupolar excitation. The DWBADOMP description of the CNI with global optical model parameters employed allows the consistent analysis of the data in comparison with other analysis of the region. The simultaneous extraction of g N, mass deformation length and of C = C/N, ratio of charge (C ) and mass (N ) deformation lengths, was obtained in the fit of the theoretical predictions to the experimental angular distributions through the X2 minimization using the iterative Gauss-Marquardt method. Monte Carlo simulations of 5000 new sets of data, gaussian randomly generated, show the statistical adequacy of the method. The experimental values of C obtained distributed around 1.25 for 99Ru and 1.40 for lOlRu, with uncertainties of approximately 5%, indicating higher contribution of protons than neutrons in the excitations, in comparison with the N/Z ratios. The N measurements, with uncertainties less than 5%, point to lower values than published for even neighbor isotopes. The values of N and C extracted allow for the calculation of B(IS2), isoscalar reduced transition probability, and B(E2)/B(IS2), the ratio between electric (B(E2)) and isoscalar reduced transition probabilities.

Análise experimental e numérica da relação entre deformação e aceleração em dutos rígidos submetidos a ensaio de fadiga por ressonância

Stapasolla, Tayron Zilli January 2018 (has links)
O crescimento da produção de petróleo offshore traz consigo a demanda por tubulações para escoamento de hidrocarbonetos capazes de conciliar elevada resistência mecânica, elevada resistência à corrosão e baixo peso estrutural. Para tal, após o projeto mecânico, faz-se necessária a qualificação dessas estruturas por intermédio de ensaios mecânicos. Um dos métodos de teste em risers rígidos que alia baixos custos em equipamentos à rapidez de execução é o teste de fadiga por ressonância. Usualmente, este tipo de teste é controlado através do nível de deformação lido por extensômetros instalados na região central da amostra. Contudo, o tempo de instalação e a fragilidade dos sensores acabam por aumentar significativamente o tempo total de teste. Portanto, o presente estudo propõe que o controle do teste seja feito por intermédio dos níveis de aceleração no centro do tubo, uma vez que acelerômetros são mais robustos e mais fáceis de instalar. Assim, o trabalho traz uma correlação numérica e experimental entre os níveis de deformação e aceleração no centro de tubos submetidos a testes de fadiga por ressonância. Foram realizados testes nas amostras sem água, com água, e com pressão interna de 200 Bar. Foi constatado que a relação entre a aceleração e a deformação no centro das amostras para frequências próximas à frequência de ressonância é linear. Além disso, as diferenças observadas entre os resultados experimentais e os numéricos variaram de 0,13% a 14,73%. Em conclusão, o modelo numérico apresentou resultados consistentes em grande parte dos casos estudados, o que evidencia a viabilidade de implementação do sistema de controle por aceleração. Para tal, foram apresentadas sugestões de melhoria para aplicação em testes futuros, a fim de otimizar a uniformidade dos resultados e completar a validação do modelo numérico. / The development of offshore oil production implies the demand of pipelines for the hydrocarbon flow, which are capable of combining high mechanical and corrosion resistance with low structural weight. For this, after the mechanical design, it is required to qualify these structures by means of mechanical tests. One method of test for rigid risers that combines low equipment costs with quick execution is the resonance fatigue test. Usually, this type of test is controlled by strain levels obtained by strain gauges installed at the pipe center. However, the installation lead time and the sensors fragility increase significantly the overall test time. Therefore, the present study proposes that the test controlling system could be performed by means of the acceleration levels at the middle of the sample, since accelerometers are more robust and the installation is simpler. Thus, this work brings a numerical and experimental relationship between strain and acceleration levels at the center of pipes submitted to resonance fatigue test. Tests were performed on the samples without water, with water, and with internal pressure of 200 Bar. It was found that the relationship between strain and acceleration at the center of the samples is linear for frequencies near the resonant frequency. In addition, the differences between experimental and numerical results ranged from 0.13% to 14.73%. In conclusion, the numerical model presented consistent results in most of the studied cases, which evidences the feasibility of implementing the acceleration controlling system. For this purpose, improvement suggestions for application in future tests were presented in order to optimize the uniformity of the results and to complete the numerical model validation.

FPGA-based programmable embedded platform for image processing applications

Siddiqui, Fahad Manzoor January 2018 (has links)
A vast majority of electronic systems including medical, surveillance and critical infrastructure employs image processing to provide intelligent analysis. They use onboard pre-processing to reduce data bandwidth and memory requirements before sending information to the central system. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represent a strong platform as they permit reconfigurability and pipelining for streaming applications. However, rapid advances and changes in these application use cases crave adaptable hardware architectures that can process dynamic data workloads and be easily programmed to achieve ecient solutions in terms of area, time and power. FPGA-based development needs iterative design cycles, hardware synthesis and place-and-route times which are alien to the software developers. This work proposes an FPGA-based programmable hardware acceleration approach to reduce design effort and time. This allows developers to use FPGAs to profile, optimise and quickly prototype algorithms using a more familiar software-centric, edit-compile-run design flow that enables the programming of the platform by software rather than high-level synthesis (HLS) engineering principles. Central to the work has been the development of an optimised FPGA-based processor called Image Processing Processor (IPPro) which efficiently uses the underlying resources and presents a programmable environment to the programmer using a dataflow design principle. This gives superior performance when compared to competing alternatives. From this, a three-layered platform has been created which enables the realisation of parallel computing skeletons on FPGA which are used to eciently express designs in high-level programming languages. From bottom-up, these layers represent programming (actor, multiple actors and parallel skeletons) and hardware (IPPro core, multicore IPPro, system infrastructure) abstraction. The platform allows acceleration of parallel and non-parallel dataflow applications. A set of point and area image pre-processing functions are implemented on Avnet Zedboard platform which allows the evaluation of the performance. The point function achieved 2.53 times better performance than the area functions and point and area functions achieved performance improvements of 7.80 and 5.27 times over sin- gle core IPPro by exploiting data parallelism. The pipelined execution of multiple stages revealed that a dataflow graph can be decomposed into balanced actors to deliver maximum performance by hiding data transfer and processing time through exploiting task parallelism; otherwise, the maximum achievable performance is limited by the slowest actor due to the ripple effect caused by unbalanced actors. The platform delivered better performance in terms of fps/Watt/Area than Embedded Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) considering both technologies allows a software-centric design flow.

The Study of Energy Consumption of Acceleration Structures for Dynamic CPU and GPU Ray Tracing

Chang, Chen Hao Jason 08 January 2007 (has links)
Battery life has been the slowest growing resource on mobile systems for several decades. Although much work has been done on designing new chips and peripherals that use less energy, there has not been much work on reducing energy consumption by removing energy intensive tasks from graphics algorithms. In our work, we focus on energy consumption of the ray tracing task because it is a resource-intensive, global-illumination algorithm. We focus our effort on ray tracing dynamic scenes, thus we concentrate on identifying the major elements determining the energy consumption of acceleration structures. We believe acceleration structures are critical in reducing energy consumption because they need to be built inexpensively, but must also be complex enough to boost rendering speed. We conducted tests on a Pentium 1.6 GHz laptop with GeForce Go 6800 GPU. In our experiments, we investigated various elements that modify the acceleration structure build algorithm, and we compared the energy usage of CPU and GPU rendering with different acceleration structures. Furthermore, the energy per frame when ray tracing dynamic scenes was gathered and compared to identify the best acceleration structure that provides a good balance between building energy consumption and rendering energy consumption. We found the bounding volume hierarchy to be the best acceleration structure when rendering dynamic scenes with the GPU on our test system. A bounding volume hierarchy is not the most inexpensive structure to build, but it can be rendered cheaply on the GPU while introducing acceptable energy overhead when rebuilding. In addition, we found the fastest algorithm was also the most inexpensive in terms of energy consumption. We propose an energy model based on this finding.

Accelerating Benders decomposition for network design.

Wong, Richard T January 1978 (has links)
Thesis. 1978. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Vita. / Bibliography: leaves 136-144. / Ph.D.

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