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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv stárnutí, ročního období a teploty na práh bolesti u laboratorního potkana / Effect of aging, season and temperature on pain threshold in laboratory rat

Vítková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Every living creature meets with pain up to these days. Many researches are made in labour conditions, we try to find out how the pain works and how we can suppress it or how we can utilize it in our welfare. Our work is focused on the effect of aging, season, acclimatization and ambient temperature on thermal and mechanic pain threshold in laboratory rats. We were interested how these factors affect the results of the research. Adult male Wistar rats were used in all experiments. Thermal pain thresholds were measured by withdrawal reaction of three body sites: forelimbs, hind limbs and tail. Mechanic pain thresholds were measured by von Frey filaments and a skin temperature was measured by IR thermometer, both of three body sites. Our results demonstrate that : (i) aging have effect on nociceptive pain threshold; (ii) there is presence of cranio-caudal distribution of nociceptive sensitivity in aging and in changing of ambient temperature - forelimbs have lower latency than hind limbs; (iii) thermal pain threshold depends indirectly on ambient and skin temperature; (iv) there was no effect of repeated measurement on nociceptive thresholds of the three body sites; (v) hind limbs and tails are more sensitive to changes of ambient temperature than forepaws; (vi) mechanic pain threshold not change...

En jämförande studie av vattenfiltreringsegenskaper mellan musslor inom olika habitat / A comparative study of water filtration characteristics between mussels within different habitats

Rickard, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om den vanliga sötvattensmusselarten Unio tumidus (U. tumidus), som har en viktig roll i vattenrening genom att filtrera organiskt material. Studien undersöker hur exponering för laboratorieförhållanden påverkar musslornas filtreringsförmåga genom att jämföra musslor som har anpassats till laboratorieförhållanden under olika tidsperioder. Experimentet undersökte effekterna av temperatur och laboratorieanpassningstid på U. tumidus. Fyra akvarier användes, två vid 5°C och två vid 15°C, och sex experimentkammare fanns i vardera akvarier. Musslorna som antingen hade hållits i laboratoriemiljö i ungefär ett år eller nyligen fångats vilda, anpassades till den nya temperaturen i cirka en dag innan experimentet startade och vattenprover togs vid tre olika tidpunkter för att mäta turbiditet och klorofyllkoncentration. En tvåfaktors ANOVA-analys användes för att mäta filtreringsförmågan. Resultaten visar att testtemperaturen var signifikant vid 3 och 46 timmar för turbiditet och vid 46 timmar för klorofyll, vilket tyder på att skillnaderna mellan testtemperaturen vid dessa tidpunkter troligen inte är slumpmässiga och att filtreringshastigheten var högre vid högre temperatur. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan musselkälla (labb vs vilda) vid båda tidpunkterna för vare sig turbiditet eller klorofyll, vilket tyder på att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan laboratorieanpassade och vilda musslor. Vid 46 timmar var signifikansnivån för source*testtemperatur signifikant för klorofyll. Sammantaget tyder resultaten på att temperaturen kan påverka klorofyllnivåerna, där högre temperatur ger effektivare filtrering både för laboratorieanpassade och vilda musslor, med viss evidens för att laboratorieanpassning kan påverka klorofyllfiltrering vid låga temperaturer. Resultaten av denna studie är också relevanta för diskussionen om musslors ekosystemtjänster. Detta kan vara särskilt viktigt i ekosystem där vattnet är förorenat och där musslor kan hjälpa till att minska mängden föroreningar i vattnet. / This study is about the common freshwater mussel species Unio tumidus (U. tumidus), which plays an important role in water purification by filtering organic material. This study investigates how exposure to lab conditions affects the filtering ability of these mussels by comparing mussels acclimated to lab conditions over different time periods. The experiment examined the effects of temperature and lab acclimation time on U. tumidus. Four aquaria were used two at 5°C and two at 15°C and were performed with six experimental chambers each. The mussels which constituted a group held in the lab for approximately 1 year or recently wild caught, were acclimated to the new temperature for about 1 day before the experiment began, and water samples were taken at three different times to measure turbidity and chlorophyll concentration. A two-factor ANOVA analysis was used to measure filtration ability. The results show that the test temperature was significant at 3 and 46 hours for turbidity and at 46 hours for chlorophyll, indicating that the differences between test temperature at these times are likely not random and that filtration rates were higher at higher temperature. There was no significance between source (lab vs wild) at both times for both turbidity and chlorophyll, suggesting that there is no significant difference between laboratory-acclimated and wild mussels. At 46 hours the significance level for source*testtemperature was significant for chlorophyll. Overall, the results suggest that can affect chlorophyll levels with higher temperature providing more efficient filtration for both lab-acclimated and wild caught mussels, with some evidence that lab acclimation can affect performance of chlorophyll filtration at low temperatures. The result of this study is also relevant to the discussion of mussel ecosystem services. This may be particularly important in ecosystems where water is polluted and where mussels can help reduce the amount of pollutants in the water.

Métrologie de la douleur animale : validation de méthodes sur un modèle arthrosique chez le rat

Gervais, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Les modèles animaux d’arthrose sont utilisés sur le rat depuis des décennies pour évaluer l’efficacité analgésique de nombreux composés. Cependant, la méthodologie utilisée, en particulier les protocoles d’évaluation de la douleur, est très différente d’une étude à une autre, rendant difficile la comparaison entre chaque projet. Afin d'améliorer le transfert des résultats précliniques vers la recherche clinique, ce projet propose d'établir un protocole d'évaluation de la douleur fiable et pertinent, et de le valider à l’aide du modèle d’arthrose expérimental le plus populaire, soit l’injection intra-articulaire de mono-iodoacétate de sodium (MIA). La répétabilité et la fiabilité inter-évaluateur de diverses méthodes d’évaluation de la douleur ont été évaluées, et le protocole d'acclimatation le plus fiable a été déterminé. Ensuite, les méthodes les plus intéressantes ont été testées pour leur sensibilité à détecter les altérations douloureuses induites par l’injection de MIA, ainsi que leur réponse au traitement analgésique, soit une injection intra-articulaire de lidocaïne. Une période d'acclimatation adéquate associée à un protocole d'évaluation combinant des mesures réflexes, des comportements spontanés ainsi que des tests opérants ont témoigné avec succès des changements douloureux liés à l'injection de MIA. Le test opérant fut la méthode la plus sensible pour détecter l'effet analgésique de la lidocaïne. Cette étude a permis d’établir le protocole d’acclimatation et les méthodes de l’évaluation de la douleur les plus fiables et sensibles. Aussi, il a démontré la pertinence du test opérant pour détecter la composante affective de la douleur chez les rongeurs. / Animal models of osteoarthritis pain have been used for decades in rats to test the analgesia response of numerous compounds. Study methodology, in particular the pain assessment methods, is quite variable, making the comparison between each project difficult and sometimes simply impossible. In order to improve the translation of new therapies from the preclinical research to the clinical field, this study proposed to establish the reliability and concurrent validity of a panel of pain assessment methods. The concurrent validation was performed in the most popular osteoarthritis rat model, i.e. using the intra-articular injection of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA). The repeatability and inter-observer reliability of various pain assessment methods were evaluated, and the most reliable acclimatization protocol was determined. Then, the most reliable methods were tested comparatively in the rat MIA osteoarthritis model for their sensitivity in detecting painful changes related to the MIA injection. Their responsiveness to treatment, i.e. an intra-articular injection of lidocaine, was also assessed. A complete pain evaluation protocol and reliable acclimatization period, combining reflexive and spontaneous behavior measures as well as operant testing, successfully demonstrated the pain related changes of the MIA injection. Operant testing was the most responsive to the analgesic effect of lidocaine. This study established the most reliable and sensitive methods of pain assessment and optimized acclimatization protocol. Moreover it defined the operant testing as a highly relevant tool to demonstrate the affective component of pain in rodent.

Micropropagação e acompanhamento bioquímico, fisiológico e nutricional da babosa (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) cultivada ex vitro em doses de nitrogênio / Micropropagation and biochemical, physiological and nutritional aspects of Aloe vera (L.) burm.f cultivated ex vitro under nitrogen rates

Oliveira, Enio Tiago de 14 December 2007 (has links)
A babosa (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.), família Asphodelaceae, reconhecida e explorada mundialmente pela indústria farmacêutica e cosmética devido aos princípios medicinais de seus compostos fenólicos e principalmente ao gel de polissacarídeos específicos, foi submetida a dois experimentos interligados. O primeiro, refere-se a micropropagação no qual foram avaliados tratamentos de desinfestação de ápices caulinares, multiplicação in vitro e condições de aclimatação ex vitro. O segundo experimento refere-se ao cultivo das plantas em areia lavada e irrigada com solução nutritiva, em condições controladas de casa de vegetação, onde foram testados os efeitos de doses (105; 210 e 315 ppm) de nitrogênio avaliados aos 90; 180 e 270 dias de cultivo. Os efeitos foram avaliados em função dos teores foliares dos macronutrientes e dos micronutrientes boro, cobre, ferro manganês e zinco, de proteínas totais solúveis (PTS), de açúcares redutores (AR) e açúcares totais solúveis (ATS) e sobre o crescimento por meio do índice de área foliar (IAF), da taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL), taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR), taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) e incrementos de massas de matérias fresca (IMMF) e seca (IMMS). Todos os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. Em relação a micropropagação, a eficiência de desinfestação foi aumentada em torno de 40% na obtenção de ápices caulinares verdes em início de brotação quando as plantas colhidas a campo foram previamente desinfestadas por lavagem com solução de hipoclorito de sódio com 0,5% de cloro ativo ou com solução de dicloroisocianurato de sódio (Sumaveg®) 0,66%. p.v-1 e os ápices caulinares submetidos a imersões alternadas nas soluções dos dois produtos utilizados. A fase multiplicativa da microproagação em meio MS apresentou um rendimento de 1:5,3 a cada intervalo de 30 dias de multiplicação. A partir de 136 ápices caulinares desinfestados, verdes, em início de brotação, foram obtidas 40.495 microplantas. Classificadas em pequenas, médias e grandes, foram submetidas a condições de aclimatação observando-se que bandejas de 64 células com 40 cm3 de substrato apresentaram economia em torno de 50% de substrato e em espaço físico na casa-de-vegetação com micro-aspersão e exaustão de ar em sistema \"pad-house\", e durante o processo de aclimatação e transporte das microplantas aclimatadas. Em relação ao cultivo das plantas em doses de nitrogênio, apesar de algumas variáveis responderem melhor à dose de 105 ppm e outras à dose de 315 ppm, a dose de 210 ppm de nitrogênio favoreceu as melhores respostas para os teores de açúcares totais solúveis (504,21 mgATS.g-1 de MMS), que são diretamente relacionados ao conteúdo de polissacarídeos específicos, de interesse comercial da cultura de Aloe vera. Esses teores, por sua vez, foram propiciados pelos melhores valores de IAF, TCA, IMMF e IMMS, todos observados aos 270 dias de cultivo, ratificando a significância do fator tempo e da dose de 210 ppm de nitrogênio no cultivo dessa espécie vegetal. / Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., family Asphodelaceae, worldwide renowned and explored by pharmaceutics and cosmetics industries due to its phenolics bearing medicinal principles and mainly to the specific polysaccharides present in the gel, was submitted to two interlinked experiments. The first one refers to apical shoot micropropagation evaluating different disinfection treatments of the explants, the in vitro bud multiplication and ex vitro acclimatization of the microplants. The second one refers to cultivation in greenhouse of the micropropagated plants in washed sand and irrigated with nutritive solution, in the presence of three nitrogen rates (105, 210 and 315 ppm); the plant material was harvested at 90-, 180- and 270-day. All data were statistically analyzed. The effects of nitrogen were evaluated on the content of the macronutrients, the following micronutrients: B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn and total soluble proteins, reducing sugars, total soluble sugars; the growth of the Aloe vera plants was measured through the foliar area index, the rate of liquid assimilation, rates of relative and absolute growth and increases in the fresh and dry weights. In regards to micropropagtion, the efficiency of the disinfection process was increased by 40% when the plants harvested in the field were previously washed either with sodium hypochloride (0.5% active chlorine) solution or sodium dichloroisocyanurate (Sumaveg®) 0.66% w.v-1 solution and the apical shoots explants were afterwards alternatively treated with the two disinfectants. The multiplication phase in MS medium showed a rate of 1:5.3 of microplant production at each 30-day interval with a production of 40.495 microplants out of the 136 initial disinfected apical shoots. The microplants were classified as small, medium and large plants and acclimatized in polyethylene trays bearing 64 cells with 40 cm3 of substrate each cell, a 50% saving in terms of substrate amount and free space in the greenhouse equipped with micro-aspersion irrigation, pad-house and air exhaustion systems and also in the transport of the acclimatized microplants. In regards to the effect of nitrogen rates on the development of Aloe vera plants, besides the fact that the best responses were observed either to 105 ppm or 315 ppm nitrogen by some variables, at 210 ppm nitrogen rates the best result was obtained for total soluble sugars (504.21 mg.g-1DW); the sugars are directly related to specific polysaccharides of Aloe vera and are of great importance for the industries. On the other hand, these values were favored by the best values reached by the physiological variables studied in this work at 270-day validate the significance of the time factor and the 210 ppm N rates in the Aloe vera production system.

Épidémiologie du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin dans deux régions de densités porcines différentes au Québec

Lambert, Marie-Ève 06 1900 (has links)
Le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est actuellement l’une des principales menaces pour la santé des troupeaux porcins. Les multiples voies de transmission complexifient l’épidémiologie de l’infection et en font une maladie particulièrement difficile à contrôler. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche était de déterminer les facteurs associés au statut SRRP des sites de production afin de mieux comprendre l’épidémiologie de cette maladie au sein de deux régions du Québec ayant des densités porcines différentes. Les stratégies d’introduction des cochettes de remplacement ont d’abord été examinées. Des lacunes importantes ont été identifiées représentant un risque potentiel pour l’introduction du virus ou pour la recirculation d’une souche endémique au sein d’un troupeau reproducteur. Ainsi, appliquée à titre de stratégie de contrôle, l’acclimatation s’est révélée particulièrement problématique. Les principes de base étaient peu respectés, pouvant donc avoir un impact négatif considérable sur la circulation virale au sein du troupeau et potentiellement sur le voisinage immédiat. La fréquence de plusieurs mesures de biosécurité externe a ensuite été évaluée, permettant d’identifier certains problèmes dont ceux touchant principalement les mesures d’hygiène relatives au protocole d’entrée. Des différences de fréquence entre les régions et les types de production ont également été notées, ce qui peut orienter les interventions de rehaussement. Une classification multivariée a permis de grouper les sites en différents patrons de biosécurité pour constituer par le fait même un index de biosécurité. Cette étape a permis d’évaluer l’association entre certaines caractéristiques de l’élevage et le niveau de biosécurité indiqué par l’index. La distribution géographique des patrons au sein des deux régions, couplée à la détection d’agrégats spatiaux de sites ayant un patron similaire, a également permis de cibler davantage les interventions en fonction de la localisation des sites. Suite à l’investigation du statut SRRP des sites, une prévalence apparente très élevée a été obtenue pour les deux régions, complexifiant le contrôle de la maladie. L’étude de facteurs de risque dans la région de densité modérée a mis en évidence quatre facteurs associés au statut SRRP positif des sites, soit un inventaire important, la proximité du site porcin immédiat, l’absence de douche ainsi que le libre accès au site par l’équarrisseur. Une action préventive intégrant des mesures de biosécurité spécifiques peut donc être entreprise directement à la ferme au regard des deux derniers facteurs. Le fait d’utiliser un index de biosécurité plutôt que des mesures de biosécurité spécifiques a également été évalué. Les résultats ne supportent pas l’index global dans l’évaluation de l’association entre la biosécurité et le statut SRRP des sites de production. Finalement, la corrélation entre les distances génétique, euclidienne et temporelle des souches de SRRP, considérant également l’appartenance au même ou à des propriétaires différents, a été évaluée au sein de la région de haute densité. Une corrélation positive entre la distance génétique et euclidienne observée jusqu’à 5 km a souligné l’importance de la propagation régionale impliquant les aérosols, les insectes, d’autres espèces animales ou les objets inanimés. De plus, les souches génétiquement similaires appartenaient davantage à des sites ayant le même propriétaire, ce qui sous-tend des mécanismes de transmission impliquant une source commune d’animaux, d’employés, d’équipement, voire de véhicules. / The economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) on swine industry compelled us to improve our knowledge on the epidemiology of the disease in a perspective of prevention. On-farm and regional management of the disease is complex due to the numerous pathways of transmission of the virus. The main objective of this project was to determine factors associated with PRRS status of production sites in two areas of different swine density in Quebec to improve our knowledge on the epidemiology of PRRS. Gilt replacement strategies were first investigated and practices potentially at risk for PRRSV introduction or recirculation into the sow herd were identified. Acclimatization, which is reported to be an effective strategy to control PRRSV within a herd, was the most common but was the worst applied strategy in the participating herds. Basic principles were not respected which could enhance PRRSV circulation into the sow herd and potentially in the neighbourhood. The frequency of different biosecurity practices was also examined and led to the identification of some shortcomings, mainly related to the entrance protocol for people; these should be addressed at the farm level before implementing any PRRS regional control. Differences of frequency were observed between regions and production types, thus using this information could help targeting future intervention of biosecurity enhancement. A biosecurity index was developed by grouping sites in different biosecurity patterns using a multivariable technique of classification. This allowed the identification of associations between biosecurity index and characteristic of sites. The geographical distribution of biosecurity patterns among each region combined with the detection of cluster of sites having similar pattern would help to target intervention based on site location. PRRS status of sites was determined and a high apparent prevalences of infected sites were obtained in both regions which will complicate PRRS management. In the moderate density area, four variables were associated with PRRS positive status: high inventory, proximity to the closest pig site, absence of shower and free access to the site by rendering trucks. Whereas the first two factors are non modifiable characteristics of site, the other ones can be directly managed on the site by biosecurity. The impact of using a biosecurity index instead of specific biosecurity variables was also evaluated. Results do not support the use of a global index to assess association between biosecurity and PRRS status. Finally, the correlation among genetic, Euclidean and temporal distances and ownership of PRRSV strains was assessed in the high density area. Positive correlation between genetic distance and ownership suggests either common sources of animals or semen, employees, technical services or vehicles. A positive correlation was also obtained between genetic and Euclidean distances up to 5 km, suggesting the importance of mechanisms involved in area spread such as aerosols, insects, others animal species or fomites.

Impact of cold acclimatization on nutrient utilization and enteric methane emissions of beef cows overwintered on low-quality forage diets supplemented with dried distillers grain with solubles

Bernier, Jennilee 21 September 2011 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine if nutrient utilization and enteric methane (CH4) emissions could be improved in overwintering beef cows consuming low-quality forage supplemented with protein in the form of dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) in thermal-neutral and cold-stressed environments. Thirty mature, dry and non-pregnant beef cows were divided into three treatment groups and fed diets consisting of low-quality (6.0% crude protein; CP) forage with no DDGS (control, CON), 10% DDGS (borderline sufficient CP, 8.7% CP), or 20% DDGS (excess CP, 11.6% CP). Cold acclimatization did not appear to affect nutrient intake and digestibility by beef cows, but increased N and P excretion by 1.2x and 2.5x, respectively. Cold acclimatized cows reduced energy excretion by 26.8% (7.1 vs. 5.2 ± 0.30% GEI in fall and winter, respectively; P < 0.0001) in accordance with a 33.8% increase in rumen fluid rate of passage (ROP). Supplementation with DDGS improved digestibility of N and P (40.6 vs. 61.2 ± 2.45% N and -23.9 vs. 5.7 ± 5.95% P for CON and 20%DDGS, respectively; P < 0.0001) by increasing digestible substrate in the diet. Protein supplementation increased rumen NH3-N concentrations (1.5, 2.1 and 3.1 ± 0.15 mg 100 mL-1; P < 0.0001) enough to increase rumen fermentation efficiency, resulting in 18.5% lower enteric CH4 emissions when CP was fed in excess of animal requirements. Total excretion of N and P were increased two- and 45-fold, respectively, when excess CP was fed. Reduced enteric CH4 emissions as a result of cold acclimatization suggest an advantage for the Canadian beef herd in terms of environmental sustainability. Supplementing CP in excess of cow requirements may improve nutrient utilization and rumen fermentation efficiency, and mitigate enteric CH4 emissions in beef cows fed low-quality forage diets, but may also contribute to greater N and P loading of soil and ground water.

Impact of cold acclimatization on nutrient utilization and enteric methane emissions of beef cows overwintered on low-quality forage diets supplemented with dried distillers grain with solubles

Bernier, Jennilee 21 September 2011 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine if nutrient utilization and enteric methane (CH4) emissions could be improved in overwintering beef cows consuming low-quality forage supplemented with protein in the form of dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) in thermal-neutral and cold-stressed environments. Thirty mature, dry and non-pregnant beef cows were divided into three treatment groups and fed diets consisting of low-quality (6.0% crude protein; CP) forage with no DDGS (control, CON), 10% DDGS (borderline sufficient CP, 8.7% CP), or 20% DDGS (excess CP, 11.6% CP). Cold acclimatization did not appear to affect nutrient intake and digestibility by beef cows, but increased N and P excretion by 1.2x and 2.5x, respectively. Cold acclimatized cows reduced energy excretion by 26.8% (7.1 vs. 5.2 ± 0.30% GEI in fall and winter, respectively; P < 0.0001) in accordance with a 33.8% increase in rumen fluid rate of passage (ROP). Supplementation with DDGS improved digestibility of N and P (40.6 vs. 61.2 ± 2.45% N and -23.9 vs. 5.7 ± 5.95% P for CON and 20%DDGS, respectively; P < 0.0001) by increasing digestible substrate in the diet. Protein supplementation increased rumen NH3-N concentrations (1.5, 2.1 and 3.1 ± 0.15 mg 100 mL-1; P < 0.0001) enough to increase rumen fermentation efficiency, resulting in 18.5% lower enteric CH4 emissions when CP was fed in excess of animal requirements. Total excretion of N and P were increased two- and 45-fold, respectively, when excess CP was fed. Reduced enteric CH4 emissions as a result of cold acclimatization suggest an advantage for the Canadian beef herd in terms of environmental sustainability. Supplementing CP in excess of cow requirements may improve nutrient utilization and rumen fermentation efficiency, and mitigate enteric CH4 emissions in beef cows fed low-quality forage diets, but may also contribute to greater N and P loading of soil and ground water.

Micropropagação e acompanhamento bioquímico, fisiológico e nutricional da babosa (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) cultivada ex vitro em doses de nitrogênio / Micropropagation and biochemical, physiological and nutritional aspects of Aloe vera (L.) burm.f cultivated ex vitro under nitrogen rates

Enio Tiago de Oliveira 14 December 2007 (has links)
A babosa (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.), família Asphodelaceae, reconhecida e explorada mundialmente pela indústria farmacêutica e cosmética devido aos princípios medicinais de seus compostos fenólicos e principalmente ao gel de polissacarídeos específicos, foi submetida a dois experimentos interligados. O primeiro, refere-se a micropropagação no qual foram avaliados tratamentos de desinfestação de ápices caulinares, multiplicação in vitro e condições de aclimatação ex vitro. O segundo experimento refere-se ao cultivo das plantas em areia lavada e irrigada com solução nutritiva, em condições controladas de casa de vegetação, onde foram testados os efeitos de doses (105; 210 e 315 ppm) de nitrogênio avaliados aos 90; 180 e 270 dias de cultivo. Os efeitos foram avaliados em função dos teores foliares dos macronutrientes e dos micronutrientes boro, cobre, ferro manganês e zinco, de proteínas totais solúveis (PTS), de açúcares redutores (AR) e açúcares totais solúveis (ATS) e sobre o crescimento por meio do índice de área foliar (IAF), da taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL), taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR), taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) e incrementos de massas de matérias fresca (IMMF) e seca (IMMS). Todos os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. Em relação a micropropagação, a eficiência de desinfestação foi aumentada em torno de 40% na obtenção de ápices caulinares verdes em início de brotação quando as plantas colhidas a campo foram previamente desinfestadas por lavagem com solução de hipoclorito de sódio com 0,5% de cloro ativo ou com solução de dicloroisocianurato de sódio (Sumaveg®) 0,66%. p.v-1 e os ápices caulinares submetidos a imersões alternadas nas soluções dos dois produtos utilizados. A fase multiplicativa da microproagação em meio MS apresentou um rendimento de 1:5,3 a cada intervalo de 30 dias de multiplicação. A partir de 136 ápices caulinares desinfestados, verdes, em início de brotação, foram obtidas 40.495 microplantas. Classificadas em pequenas, médias e grandes, foram submetidas a condições de aclimatação observando-se que bandejas de 64 células com 40 cm3 de substrato apresentaram economia em torno de 50% de substrato e em espaço físico na casa-de-vegetação com micro-aspersão e exaustão de ar em sistema \"pad-house\", e durante o processo de aclimatação e transporte das microplantas aclimatadas. Em relação ao cultivo das plantas em doses de nitrogênio, apesar de algumas variáveis responderem melhor à dose de 105 ppm e outras à dose de 315 ppm, a dose de 210 ppm de nitrogênio favoreceu as melhores respostas para os teores de açúcares totais solúveis (504,21 mgATS.g-1 de MMS), que são diretamente relacionados ao conteúdo de polissacarídeos específicos, de interesse comercial da cultura de Aloe vera. Esses teores, por sua vez, foram propiciados pelos melhores valores de IAF, TCA, IMMF e IMMS, todos observados aos 270 dias de cultivo, ratificando a significância do fator tempo e da dose de 210 ppm de nitrogênio no cultivo dessa espécie vegetal. / Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., family Asphodelaceae, worldwide renowned and explored by pharmaceutics and cosmetics industries due to its phenolics bearing medicinal principles and mainly to the specific polysaccharides present in the gel, was submitted to two interlinked experiments. The first one refers to apical shoot micropropagation evaluating different disinfection treatments of the explants, the in vitro bud multiplication and ex vitro acclimatization of the microplants. The second one refers to cultivation in greenhouse of the micropropagated plants in washed sand and irrigated with nutritive solution, in the presence of three nitrogen rates (105, 210 and 315 ppm); the plant material was harvested at 90-, 180- and 270-day. All data were statistically analyzed. The effects of nitrogen were evaluated on the content of the macronutrients, the following micronutrients: B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn and total soluble proteins, reducing sugars, total soluble sugars; the growth of the Aloe vera plants was measured through the foliar area index, the rate of liquid assimilation, rates of relative and absolute growth and increases in the fresh and dry weights. In regards to micropropagtion, the efficiency of the disinfection process was increased by 40% when the plants harvested in the field were previously washed either with sodium hypochloride (0.5% active chlorine) solution or sodium dichloroisocyanurate (Sumaveg®) 0.66% w.v-1 solution and the apical shoots explants were afterwards alternatively treated with the two disinfectants. The multiplication phase in MS medium showed a rate of 1:5.3 of microplant production at each 30-day interval with a production of 40.495 microplants out of the 136 initial disinfected apical shoots. The microplants were classified as small, medium and large plants and acclimatized in polyethylene trays bearing 64 cells with 40 cm3 of substrate each cell, a 50% saving in terms of substrate amount and free space in the greenhouse equipped with micro-aspersion irrigation, pad-house and air exhaustion systems and also in the transport of the acclimatized microplants. In regards to the effect of nitrogen rates on the development of Aloe vera plants, besides the fact that the best responses were observed either to 105 ppm or 315 ppm nitrogen by some variables, at 210 ppm nitrogen rates the best result was obtained for total soluble sugars (504.21 mg.g-1DW); the sugars are directly related to specific polysaccharides of Aloe vera and are of great importance for the industries. On the other hand, these values were favored by the best values reached by the physiological variables studied in this work at 270-day validate the significance of the time factor and the 210 ppm N rates in the Aloe vera production system.

Estresse oxidativo em plantas micropropagadas de pitcairnia albiflos herb. (bromeliaceae) durante a aclimatização e sob estresse hídrico

Braga, Virgínia Fernandes 20 April 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-20T19:32:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 virginiafernandesbraga.pdf: 2075207 bytes, checksum: 720e5dba0516d172aec1843372dcecc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-22T15:25:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 virginiafernandesbraga.pdf: 2075207 bytes, checksum: 720e5dba0516d172aec1843372dcecc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-22T15:25:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 virginiafernandesbraga.pdf: 2075207 bytes, checksum: 720e5dba0516d172aec1843372dcecc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-20 / Pitcairnia albiflos Herb. (Bromeliaceae) atualmente se encontra na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Essa espécie é endêmica dos afloramentos rochosos do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, e vem sofrendo com o pisoteio de alpinistas, queimadas, invasão de gramíneas exóticas e extrativismo vegetal. A micropropagação pode ser utilizada como alternativa às condições de risco em que as populações dessa espécie se encontram submetidas, visando à recomposição de populações ameaçadas em ambiente natural, assim como o abastecimento do mercado consumidor. A etapa final da micropropagação é a aclimatização, período em que as plantas ficam mais susceptíveis e sofrem com o estresse oxidativo devido às mudanças nas condições ambientais. No presente trabalho foram avaliadas as atividades enzimáticas antioxidativas da CAT, SOD, POD, PPO e o conteúdo de prolina, além dos teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos em plantas de Pitcairnia albiflos cultivados in vitro, em meios de cultura contendo duas concentrações de sacarose (15 ou 30 g L-1), tampas não vedadas que permitiam trocas gasosas e frascos vedados com tampas e filme plástico de PVC, que impediam a ventilação. Sob essas condições, as plantas foram cultivadas em meios contendo GA3 ou ANA. Após o período de crescimento in vitro, as plantas foram transferidas para condições ex vitro em casa de vegetação. As análises supra-citadas e a determinação dos teores de carboidratos solúveis totais, sacarose, amido, açúcares redutores, conteúdo relativo de água e suculência também foram realizadas nas plantas previamente cultivadas in vitro com 15 ou 30 g L-1 de sacarose e GA3 em tubos com tampas vedadas, após submissão das mesmas a estresse hídrico durante 24, 38 ou 52 dias. Após o período de estresse hídrico, as plantas foram reidratadas durante 34 dias sob irrigação periódica em casa de vegetação. Nos tecidos cultivados in vitro percebeu-se o surgimento de características de hiperidricidade nas plantas cultivadas com 15 g L-1 de sacarose, GA3 e tubos com tampas vedadas, o que foi evidenciado pelo menor acúmulo de prolina, aumento das atividades das enzimas antioxidantes e menor acúmulo de pigmentos fotossintetizantes. Na condição ex vitro, as plantas cultivadas anteriormente em meio de cultura contendo 15 g L-1 de sacarose apresentaram maior atividade das enzimas antioxidantes não havendo, em alguns casos, diferenças significativas em comparação com a concentração mais elevada de sacarose. Nessa condição o acúmulo de prolina foi menor, o que é indicativo de maior estresse oxidativo nessas plantas durante a aclimatização. Durante o estresse hídrico houve queda na atividade de todas as enzimas estudadas, embora essa queda tenha sido mais acentuada para as plantas que inicialmente foram cultivadas com 15 g L-1 de vi sacarose. O acúmulo de prolina aumentou com o prolongamento do estresse hídrico, sendo maior nas plantas que foram cultivadas in vitro com 30 g L-1 de sacarose. Não houve diferenças significativas no conteúdo de pigmentos fotossintetizantes e nas suas relações para nenhuma das concentrações de sacarose, exceto para os carotenóides totais, que apresentaram aumento significativo ao longo do período de estresse hídrico para as plantas previamente cultivadas com a menor concentração de sacarose. Os conteúdos de carboidratos solúveis totais e sacarose aumentaram com o prolongamento do estresse, sendo mais acentuados na concentração de 30 g L-1 de sacarose. Os conteúdos de amido, o conteúdo relativo de água e a suculência apresentaram redução com o aumento do estresse hídrico. Após a reidratação, todas as plantas mostraram capacidade de recuperação, apresentando valores próximos aos dos controles para todas as variáveis analisadas. Ressalta-se, todavia, que as plantas tratadas com 30 g L-1 de sacarose tiveram melhor recuperação quando comparadas com aquelas que foram tratadas com 15 g L-1 de sacarose. Em função dos resultados obtidos, é possível concluir que a concentração de sacarose utilizada in vitro apresenta influência no processo de aclimatização ex vitro e também, posteriormente, no campo, na capacidade de recuperação das plantas à seca quando elas são submetidas a estresse hídrico. As plantas cultivadas in vitro com 15 g L-1 de sacarose se mostraram mais sensíveis à seca e, possivelmente, não sobreviveriam caso fossem transferidas dos tubos de ensaio diretamente para o campo. As plantas cultivadas in vitro com 30 g L-1 de sacarose aparentemente eram mais resistentes ao processo de aclimatização ex vitro, apresentando maiores chances de sobrevivência em campo, maior tolerância à seca e maior capacidade de recuperação após períodos prolongados de estresse hídrico. / Pitcairnia albiflos Herb. (Bromeliaceae) is currently in the list of endangered species. This species is endemic of the inselbergs of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, and has been suffering with the mountaineer’s trampling, wildfires, invasion of exotic grasses and plant extraction. The micropropagation can be used as an alternative to the risk conditions under which populations of this species are submitted, aiming at the recomposition of endangered populations in the natural environment, as well as the supply of the consumer market. The final stage of the micropropagation is the acclimatization, period in which the plants become more susceptible and suffer from oxidative stress due to the changes in the environmental conditions. In the present study it were evaluated the antioxidative enzymatic activities of CAT, SOD, POD, PPO and proline content, besides the levels of photosynthetic pigments in plants of Pitcairnia albiflos grown in vitro in culture mediums containing two sucrose concentrations (15 or 30 g L-1). Part was covered with unsealed lids that allowed gas exchanges and part was kept in sealed flasks with lids and PVC plastic film, that didn’t allow the ventilation. Under these conditions, the plants were cultivated in culture mediums containing GA3 or NAA. After the in vitro growth period, the plants were transferred to ex vitro conditions at a greenhouse. The above mentioned analyses and the determination of total soluble carbohydrate levels, sucrose, starch, reducer sugars, relative water content and succulence were also performed on the plants previously grown in vitro with 15 or 30 g L-1 of sucrose and GA3 in tubes with sealed lids, after the submission of these to water stress during 24, 38 or 52 days. After the water stress period, the plants were rehydrated for 34 days under regular irrigation at the greenhouse. In the in vitro cultivated tissues it was noted the emergence of hyperhydricity characteristics in the plants grown with 15 g L-1 of sucrose, GA3 and tubes with sealed lids, which was evidenced by the lowest proline accumulation, the increased in the antioxidative enzymatic activities and the lowest accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. In the ex vitro condition, the plants previously grown in culture mediums containing 15 g L-1 of sucrose presented larger antioxidative enzymatic activities, which did not show, in some cases, significant differences compared with the largest concentration of sucrose. In this condition, the proline accumulation was lower, which is an indicative of larger oxidative stress in these plants during acclimatization. During the water stress, there was a fall in the activity of all studied enzymes, although that fall had been more evident in the plants that were initially cultivated with 15 g L-1 of sucrose. The proline accumulation increased with the extension of the water stress, being larger in the plants grown in vitro with 30 g L-1 of sucrose. There were no viii significant differences in the content of photosynthetic pigments and in their relation with any sucrose concentrations, except for total carotenoids, which significantly increased over the period of water stress for the plants previously grown with the lowest concentration of sucrose. The contents of total soluble carbohydrates and sucrose increased with the extension of the stress, being more accentuated in the 30 g L-1 of sucrose concentration. The contents of starch, the relative content of water and succulence presented a reduction with the increase of water stress. After the rehydration, all plants showed recovery capacity, presenting values close to those from the control groups for all the analyzed variables. It should be noted, however, that the plants treated with 30 g L-1 of sucrose had better recovery compared with those that were treated with 15 g L-1 of sucrose. According to the obtained results, it is possible to conclude that the concentration of sucrose used in vitro presents influence on the process of ex vitro acclimatization and also, later in the field, in the recovery capacity of the plants to drought when they are submitted to water stress. The plants grown in vitro with 15 g L-1 of sucrose were more sensitive to drought and, possibly, would not survive if they were transferred from the test tubes directly to the field. The plants grown in vitro with 30 g L-1 of sucrose were apparently more resistant to the ex vitro acclimatization process, presenting greater survival chances in the field, larger drought tolerance and larger recovery capacity after extended periods of water stress.

Acclimatation aux appareils auditifs par les personnes âgées avec perte auditive

Wright, Dominique 08 1900 (has links)
Les aides auditives (AA) sont les principaux outils d’intervention de réadaptation recommandés aux personnes âgées ayant une perte auditive, car elles offrent un large éventail d’avantages. Cependant, beaucoup de personnes qui possèdent des AA ne les utilisent pas ou les sous-utilisent. La raison la plus récurrente exprimée par ces non-utilisateurs d’AA est la difficulté persistante à comprendre les conversations dans des environnements bruyants. Il n’est pas mentionné si ces personnes ont essayé de porter leurs AA pendant un certain temps avant de décider de ne plus les porter. Dans l’éventualité où elles auraient abandonné peu de temps après l’obtention de leurs AA, il est possible que ces individus n’aient pas bénéficié d’une adaptation optimale à l’environnement sonore, appelée acclimatation auditive. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’apport de l’expérience avec les AA sur l’acclimatation auditive. La première étude visait à déterminer, au moyen d'une revue systématique, si un effet d’acclimatation se produit après l’utilisation d’AA et, le cas échéant, à établir l’amplitude et l’évolution dans le temps de cet effet. Quatorze articles évaluant l’acclimatation via des mesures comportementales, d’auto-évaluation et électrophysiologiques répondaient aux critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion. Bien que leur qualité scientifique générale soit faible ou très faible, les résultats de la revue systématique appuient l’hypothèse qu’un effet d'acclimatation est présent, tel que documenté par les trois types de mesures. Pour la reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit, l’amélioration varie entre 2 et 3 dB en termes de rapport signal sur bruit (RSB) sur une période minimale d'un mois. Cette étude met en évidence l'importance d’utiliser les AA après l’appareillage afin d’optimiser les bénéfices que celles-ci peuvent procurer. L’objectif du deuxième article était de rapporter les résultats d’une étude longitudinale pour déterminer si l’acclimatation aux AA des personnes âgées peut être évaluée par leurs performances à des tâches de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit ainsi que par des mesures d’effort auditif. Trente-deux nouveaux utilisateurs d’AA et 15 utilisateurs expérimentés ont été évalués sur une période de 38 semaines en utilisant un paradigme de double tâche. Pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, les résultats ont révélé une amélioration significative de 2 dB RSB sur un test de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit après quatre semaines d’utilisation des AA, et aucune diminution de l’effort auditif, tel que mesuré par le coût proportionnel de la double tâche et par le temps de réponse à la tâche secondaire. Chez les utilisateurs expérimentés, les résultats n’ont dévoilé aucune amélioration de leur performance de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit suite à l’utilisation des AA. En conclusion, les résultats confirment la présence d’un effet d’acclimatation tel qu’évalué par des mesures comportementales, d’auto-évaluation et électrophysiologiques suite à une utilisation régulière d’AA. Plus précisément, les nouveaux utilisateurs présentaient une amélioration cliniquement significative de 2 à 3 dB en termes de RSB après une utilisation régulière de leurs AA. Par conséquent, les nouveaux utilisateurs d’AA devraient être informés de cette possible amélioration au fil du temps, car cela pourrait les inciter à continuer de s’adapter à leurs AA plus longtemps avant de décider de les utiliser ou non. / Hearing aids (HAs) are the primary rehabilitation intervention recommended for older adults with hearing loss, as they provide a wide range of benefits. However, a large proportion of individuals who own HAs does not use or underuse them. The most recurring reason reported by non-HA users is their difficulty to understand conversations in noisy environments even when they use HAs. It is unclear if these individuals tried to use their HAs for an extended period of time before abandoning their use. If they gave up too soon after being fitted with their HAs they may not have benefited from an auditory adaptation to the new auditory stimulation, referred to as auditory acclimatization. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the contribution of HA experience on auditory acclimatization. The first study aimed to determine, by means of a systematic review, if an acclimatization effect occurs after HA use and if so, to establish the magnitude and time-course of this effect. Fourteen articles that assessed acclimatization through behavioural, self-reported and physiological outcomes met the inclusion and the exclusion criteria. Although their general scientific quality was low or very low, the results of systematic review support the existence of an acclimatization effect as calculated by all three types of outcome measures. For speechrecognition- in-noise performance, improvement ranged from 2 to 3 dB in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over a minimum period of 1-month. This study highlights the importance of using the HAs on a regular basis after being fitted with HAs. The goal of the second study was to conduct a longitudinal investigation in order to determine whether acclimatization to HAs by older adults can be assessed data obtained on a speech-recognition-in-noise task and by measures of listening effort. Thirty-two new HA users and 15 experienced HA users were tested over a 38-week period using a dual-task paradigm. For new HA users, the results showed a significant improvement of 2 dB SNR on a speech-recognitionin- noise task after 4 weeks of using the HAs post fitting. Based on the proportional dual-task cost data and by the response time measures recorded on the secondary task. No improvement of speech perception performance in noise was observed for the experienced HA users. 8 The general findings from this thesis support the presence of an acclimatization effect as measured by behavioural, self-reported and physiological measures following regular HA use. Specifically, new HA users show a clinically significant change of 2 and 3 dB SNR on speechrecognition- in noise tasks following their initial fitting. Therefore, new HA users should be informed of the possible improvement in speech recognition over time, as it could entice them to pursue the use of their HAs for a longer period of time before deciding to abandon them.

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