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An Investigation Into the Effects of Free-Access Acidified Milk Replacer Feeding Programs on the Productivity and Welfare of the CalfTodd, Cynthia 10 June 2013 (has links)
Free-access acidified milk feeding is increasingly being adopted to feed dairy and veal calves. Acidification is used to preserve milk and facilitate free-access feeding. There is, however, little controlled research to support the adoption of free-access acidified milk feeding over traditional feeding programs. The objectives of this thesis were to describe the preweaned calf management and feeding practices used on dairy farms in Ontario, Canada, and to investigate the effects of milk replacer acidification and free-access feeding on the productivity and welfare of calves. A total of 140 Ontario dairy producers participated in a cross-sectional study and were surveyed about on-farm calf management and feeding practices. Results from this study documented that there are currently a range of management practices and several different feeding programs being used on farms. Colostrum and milk feeding management are the areas where the most progress has been made in recent years; however, several other aspects of calf management and feeding still warrant improvement. A pilot study was conducted to examine the effects of milk replacer acidification and free-access feeding on the nutrient intake, growth, rumen papillary development and behaviour of calves. A field study was designed to evaluate the effects of a free-access acidified milk replacer feeding program on the pre and postweaning health and growth of dairy and veal calves. A randomized controlled study was completed to investigate how milk replacer acidification, under free-access feeding conditions, affects the pre and postweaning performance and health of veal calves. Results from these studies demonstrated that milk replacer acidification limited calves’ intake of milk replacer by approximately 1 L/d, resulted in more fragmented feeding behaviour, promoted earlier solid feed intake and tended to support improved respiratory health, but had little impact on rumen development or long-term calf performance. Moreover, free-access feeding facilitated larger intakes of milk, resulted in fewer signs of hunger or frustration, and supported greater preweaning growth, but delayed the onset of solid feed consumption and appeared to negatively affect rumen development, compared to restricted feeding. Collectively, these results demonstrate that free-access acidified milk feeding promotes greater early life productivity and enhances calf welfare. / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Ontario Veal Association, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Grober Nutrition and 3M Canada
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Summer cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea - implications for copepod recruitmentHogfors, Hedvig January 2012 (has links)
During summer, the Baltic Sea is subjected to the world’s largest cyanobacterial blooms. These blooms are linked to eutrophication and raise many questions concerning their effects on the ecosystem. To understand their impacts on the food web dynamics, it is essential to assess growth responses of grazers to these cyanobacteria. In the northern Baltic proper, copepods are the most important herbivores providing an essential link between the primary producers and higher trophic levels. In this Thesis, Papers I & II evaluate methods to estimate copepod growth in response to feeding conditions in situ. The most conspicuous diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacterium in the Baltic Sea is Nodularia spumigena, a producer of nodularin which is highly toxic to vertebrates, yet its ecological role is largely unknown. In Paper III, reciprocal interactions between cyanobacteria, sympatric algae and copepods are studied. The results suggest that nodularin is likely involved in allelopathic interactions, but it is not an inducible defense against grazers. Furthermore, the results of Papers IV & V, indicate that natural assemblages of N. spumigena and Anabaena spp. may support copepod reproduction and that total diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacteria appear to provide a beneficial feeding environment for the feeding stages of copepod nauplii, most probably by stimulating the microbial communities that nauplii feed upon. Since cyanobacterial blooms are projected to increase due to global climate change, the combined effects of toxic cyanobacteria, ocean acidification and global warming predicted for year 2100 are further investigated on copepods in Paper IV. Taken together, these studies indicate that filamentous diazotrophic cyanobacteria contribute to sustaining secondary productivity and have potential implications of management practices with respect to combating eutrophication, global climate change and sustaining fish feeding conditions. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>
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Essays on Environmental and Energy EconomicsYu, Haishan January 2014 (has links)
Essay I: In January, 2005, the EU launched the first international emissions trading system (EU ETS), aimed at reducing carbon emissions in a cost-effective way by means of a market-based instrument. In this paper, we use the treatment/control, before/after design of the natural experiment approach to investigate the treatment effect of the EU ETS on the profitability of a sample of Swedish energy firms in 2005 and 2006. We also investigate whether under-cap and over-cap firms respond differently to the EU ETS. The estimation results in general suggest no significant impact in 2005 and a negative significant impact in 2006. The sub-sample analysis suggests that profitability of under-cap and over-cap firms were affected differently by the EU ETS in 2005, but not in 2006. Essay II: The paper empirically explores the possible causes behind electricity price jumps in the Nordic electricity market, Nord Pool. A time-series model (a mixed GARCH-EARJI jump model) capturing the common statistical features of electricity prices is used to identify price jumps. By the model, a categorical variable is defined distinguishing no, positive and negative jumps. The causes for the jumps are then explored through the use of ordered probit models in a second stage. The empirical results indicate that the structure of the market plays an important role in whether shocks in the demand and supply for electricity translate into price jumps. Essay III: Scientific evidence indicates that human development faces multiple and interacting regime-switching environmental thresholds such as climate change, ocean acidification and biodiversity loss. And crossing one or more such thresholds would trigger rapid and large changes in our life-support system with widespread consequences. This paper attempts to study the effects of such thresholds on human well-being in a growth theoretical framework. We derive the accounting prices of pollution stocks such as the concentration of greenhouse gases for the risk of triggering catastrophic events, which are needed for conducting a dynamic cost-benefit analysis. We first analyze a simple model with a single threshold and then extend it to a planar system with correlated double thresholds with a joint probability distribution. the results can be applied for analyzing global climate change and ocean acidification risks, which are highlighted in a Nature article by Rockström et al. (2009). Essay IV: Lump-sum transfers as a means of tackling climate change are mainly perceived as a theoretical construct to achieve the first best Pareto optimum. The previous literature on lump-sum transfers normally focuses on the two polar cases: the absence of lump-sum transfers and perfect or unconstrained lump-sum transfers, leaving the middle way aside. In this paper, we attempt to explore the unmarked part by developing a model where transfer costs are explicitly taken into account. We show that whether the Pareto optimum characterized by the equalization of marginal abatement costs is attainable depends on the formation of transfer costs. When the marginal transfer cost is zero, the separability of equity and efficiency under perfect lump-sum transfers is kept. However, when the marginal transfer cost is positive, the optimum with equalization of marginal abatement costs is neither attainable, nor desirable. We also simulate a policy experiment in China to review the optimal abatement and transfer patterns between China's provinces within a framework of imperfect lump-sum transfers. The highlighted welfare gains is supportive of considering lump-sum transfers as a national climate change policy.
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Seasonal variability of sea surface carbonate chemistry and temperatureMatthews, John Brian Robin 20 December 2013 (has links)
Ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 causes ocean acidification, a secular, global-scale decline in the pH of seawater. In order to better understand the implications of contemporary acidification for marine organisms and ecosystems, there is a need to better characterise natural variability in carbonate chemistry. In this thesis, climatological seasonal variability of sea surface pH and aragonite saturation state (OmegaA) in the open ocean is indirectly derived from other parameters of the marine CO2 system, namely total alkalinity (TA) and seawater pCO2/fCO2 (pCO2sw/fCO2sw). New monthly sea surface TA, fCO2sw and temperature climatologies are developed for this purpose, utilising newly-released observational synthesis products (PACIFICA for TA and SOCAT v2 for fCO2sw). Two versions of the new SST climatology are developed, referred to as upper and lower SST (USST and LSST), to test sensitivity to the depth range of the input observations. Annual ranges are generally found to be larger for the USST climatology, derived using observations from the upper 2 m, compared to LSST (which is based on deeper observations). Further, a seasonal cycle is found in the monthly average of the differences between these climatologies north of 30 degN, perhaps partly due to seasonal variation in near-surface stratification. The USST seasonal ranges are also found to be generally larger than in two previous SST climatologies, however, difference in the depth distribution of the input measurements is unlikely the main cause. The new monthly sea surface TA climatology extends coverage into the Nordic seas, excluded from previous climatologies. TA seasonality is found to be small outside of regions with large seasonal ranges in salinity. Large seasonal ranges in salinity and TA are found beneath the Intertropical Convergence Zone, in the Antarctic seasonal sea ice zone and in the western Greenland Sea. Non-salinity driven TA seasonality is found to be large in the Gulf of Alaska, eastern equatorial Pacific and western Greenland Sea. Compared to the Lee et al. (2006) TA climatology, substantially lower annual means and seasonal ranges are found for the subarctic Pacific, a region with greatly improved coverage courtesy of PACIFICA. The pH/OmegaA climatologies derived in the final chapter suggest pH seasonality is predominantly temperature driven in the subtropics and mainly driven by variation in salinity normalised dissolved inorganic carbon (sDIC) in the subpolar north Atlantic, western subarctic Pacific and Southern Ocean. Salinity variation is found to only exert a strong influence on pH seasonality in the western Greenland Sea. Climatological seasonal pH ranges are found to be mostly small in the tropics (<0.05), moderate in the subtropics (0.05-0.10) but very large (>0.1) in parts of the Ross, Weddell, Irminger and Iceland Seas and western subarctic Pacific gyre. OmegaA seasonality is found to be predominantly sDIC-driven everywhere except in the western Greenland Sea, with temperature variation generally being of modest influence. Seasonal cycles of pH and OmegaA are found to be in anti-phase where pH is mainly thermally driven and in-phase where pH is mainly sDIC-forced (both pH and OmegaA vary inversely with DIC). Comparison is made between the primary new pH/OmegaA climatology and various open ocean carbonate chemistry time-series. The climatology captures the general form of the climatological seasonal cycles of pH and OmegaA from the time-series, although with some differences in phasing and seasonal range. Analysing the time-series for long-term trends, I find that inter-decadal anthropogenic CO2 uptake driven pH and OmegaA declines can be modulated by trends in temperature, salinity or sTA. Investigation is also conducted into how the amplitude of pH and OmegaA seasonal cycles might change by 2100 for a subpolar and subtropical time-series. Under a high CO2 emissions scenario, the seasonal range of pH is found to be strongly enhanced for the subpolar time-series and moderately reduced for the subtropical time-series, with both being due to changes in seawater buffer capacity. / Graduate / 0425 / 0415 / robdj87@hotmail.com
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NMR als Mittel zur Beobachtung der gelösten Eisen-Konzentration im Porenraum von Sedimenten / Using Magnetic Resonance Measurements to observe the dissolved iron concentration in the pore space of sedimentsMitreiter, Ivonne 29 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Methode der magnetischen Kernspinresonanz (NMR) eingesetzt, um beim Schadstoffabbau stattfindende Prozesse und geochemische Reaktionen zerstörungs- und beprobungsfrei zu untersuchen. Dies ist möglich, da die gelösten Elektronenakzeptoren Sauerstoff und Eisen paramagnetisch sind und somit einen Ein uss auf die NMRRelaxationszeiten ausüben. Der lineare Zusammenhang zwischen der gelösten Sauerstoff- beziehungsweise Eisen-Konzentration und den NMR-Relaxationsraten 1/T1 und 1/T2 wurde quantifiziert. Weiterhin wurde der bereits bekannte Einfluss der Matrixoberflächen von porösen Medien auf die Relaxation von Wasser nachgewiesen. Die paramagnetischen Zentren auf Sandoberflächen führen ebenfalls zu einer Verkürzung der Relaxationszeiten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die kleinsten Korngrößen der verwendeten Sande den größten Einfluss auf die Oberflächenrelaxation haben. Wird die Oberflächenrelaxation berücksichtigt, ist auch in porösen Medien die ermittelte lineare Abhängigkeit der Relaxationszeiten von der Ionenkonzentration anwendbar, um den Gehalt an gelösten paramagnetischen Ionen aus Relaxationsmessungen zu ermitteln. Beispielhaft wurde der Anstieg der Eisen(III)-Konzentration in der Porenlösung von natürlichen Sanden infolge der Auflösung eisenhaltiger Mineralien von den Oberflächen zeitlich und räumlich detailliert betrachtet. Eine durchgeführte Modellierung zeigte, dass das Reaktionssystem zu Beginn der Reaktion von der Diffusion dominiert wird, am Ende dann die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der bestimmende Parameter ist. Die beim biologischen Schadstoffabbau auftretenden Redoxprozesse des Eisens wurden durch rein chemische Reaktionen unter Verwendung von Oxidations- und Reduktionsmitteln simuliert. Die zeitlich und räumlich detaillierte Beobachtung des Anstiegs beziehungsweise des Abfalls der gelösten Eisen(III)-Konzentration in der (Poren-)Lösung war mit NMR-Relaxometrie trotz der Schnelligkeit der Reaktionen möglich. Mit Hilfe der anschliessenden Modellierung wurde der wichtige Einfluss des pH-Wertes auf den genauen Ablauf der Reaktionen deutlich gemacht. Nur in sehr sauren pH-Bereichen (pH < 3) liegen die Eisen(III)-Ionen in Lösung vor. Weiterhin wurde der Einfluss der Mikroorganismen selbst auf die NMR-Relaxations- und Diffusionsmessungen untersucht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde an Medien mit Lactobacillus und Penicillium eine Verschiebungen in den Relaxationszeitverteilungen hin zu kleineren Relaxationszeiten gemessen. Dies basiert auf der bereits bekannten Verringerung der Mobilität der Spins innerhalb der Biomasse. Für Bakterien von Geobacter metallireducens konnte erstmals der Verbrauch von Eisen(III)-Ionen durch Reduktion während des Wachstum anhand der ansteigenden T2-Relaxationszeit gezeigt werden.
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Temporal och spatial variation för pH och relaterade parametrar i Bastuån, Jämtland / Temporal and spatial variation of pH and related paramters in Bastuån, JämtlandEnetjärn, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Anthropogenic emissions of acidifying substances, mainly sulfur dioxide, during the second half of the 20th century caused a widespread acidification of many European freshwater environments. Even relatively remote areas, such as inland northern Sweden, experienced reduced pH-values, much due to low buffering capacity in the environment. Extensive liming has taken place in Sweden over the past fifty years to counteract negative effects on limnic ecosystems. Despite a general increase in pH over the last decades, problems with acidification still occur. However, this can be hard to separate from natural acidity due to a large landscape variability. This study aims at describing the temporal and spatial variation of pH and pH-related parameters in Bastuån, a 46 km2 watershed in Jämtland, Sweden, which is being investigated for future liming measures. Existing water chemistry data sets were analyzed and extended with an additional field study, sampling the twelve largest tributaries to Bastuån. Results show that pronounced high and low pH values has become increasingly rare while the average is basically unchanged between 1999 and 2017. Low pH is mainly associated with high discharge during snowmelt or rain events. Anthropogenic SO42- concentrations seems to contribute relatively little to pH-depressions while organic acids plays a more important role. Large water chemical variations in the tributaries indicate that several different biological and physical properties within the watershed regulates pH. However, any credible function that can predict pH using such properties remains to be found.
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Aplicação superficial de calcário: até onde migram e até quando persistem os efeitos no perfil do solo? / Surface application of limestone: up to what depth and how long it effects soil profile?Gonzatto, Renan 04 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil acidity is a major limiting factor in crop production. The low solubility of lime is a critical
limitation which restricts its dissolution as well as neutralization of soil acidity in the vicinity of its
particles. This study aimed to monitor the lime vertical movement and its persistence effects along the
soil profile and also to evaluate the influence of lime application methods on the re-acidification
process in a long term. Two field experiments were installed in the experimental field area of the
Federal University of Santa Maria. The first was installed on a Rhodic Paleudalf soil, and last tillage
was carried out on April, 1988 with lime application to increase the 0-20 cm soil layer pH up to 6.0
and thereafter adopted as no-tillage system (NTS). In October 1994, a need for reapplication of lime
(3.6 Mg ha-1) was noticed. Therefore, it was decided to install the experiment under following
treatments: no lime; a full dose in 1994; a half dose (applied in 1994, 1996 and 1998) and a third dose
(applied in 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998) in total 0, 3.6, 5.4 and 6.0 Mg ha-1, respectively. The
second study was carried out on a Hapludalf under natural pasture with high potential acidity. The
main plot consisted of liming, surface or mixed, while the subplots of lime (October 1994) were: 0.0;
2.0; 8.5 and 17.0 (recommended dose to raise pH up to 6.0) Mg ha-1. The dose of 2 Mg ha-1 was
surface reapplication during years 1996, 1998 and 2000, with a total of 8 Mg ha-1. In both experiments,
in October 2006 and 2012 i.e., after 144 and 216 months of experiment installation, a trench for each
plot was developed and soil sample were collected at each 1cm form 1 to 10 cm depth, at each 2.5 cm
from 10 to 25 cm depth, at each 5 cm from 25 to 50 cm depth and last from 50 to 60 cm soil layer. In
each soil layer, certain chemical attributes were monitored which were associated to the soil acidity.
The results showed that even after 24 years of without reapplication of limestone, the release of
exchangeable Al and increased potential soil acidity was not enough to reach the levels of soil acidity
near to those values observed for the soil (control) in its natural condition. The Liming promotes the
formation of an alkalizing medium on the soil surface that slowly advanced to the deeper layers of the
soil profile thus softening the acidity of the soil up to 60 cm depth. Lime incorporation accelerated
these reaction and thus neutralizing soil acidity rapidly in the layer where the soil was mobilized. The
deeper layers where incorporation of lime was not conducted, the remaining products of the
dissolution of limestone slowly migrate to the deeper layers of the soil profile in a similar fashion to
what occurs when limestone is applied to the soil surface without incorporation. Liming followed by
mixing prior to the adoption of the NTS ensures that the soil, especially in subsoil do not present
constraints to the development of the root system of plants. So it is concluded that the soil acidity as a
result of re-acidification process can be easily neutralized by liming. / A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes na produção agrícola. A baixa solubilidade do
calcário e a limitação espacial de sua dissolução restringem à neutralização da acidez do solo no
entorno de onde estão suas partículas. O presente trabalho objetivou monitorar a migração e a
persistência dos efeitos do calcário no perfil do solo em função de métodos de aplicação perante o
processo de reacidificação em longo prazo. Dois experimentos de campo instalados na área da
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria serviram como base de estudo do presente trabalho. O primeiro
deles, instalado num Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, no qual foi feita a última mobilização do
solo em abril de 1988 com aplicação de calcário para a elevação do pH do solo da camada de 0 20 cm
a 6,0 e foi adotado sistema plantio direto (SPD). Em outubro de 1994, constatou-se necessidade de
reaplicação de calcário (3,6Mg ha 1). Optou-se, então, pela instalação do experimento, cujos
tratamentos consistiram numa testemunha sem calcário; a dose integral em 1994; a metade da dose
(1994, 1996 e 1998) e um terço da dose (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 e 1998), totalizando 0, 3,6, 5,4 e 6,0
Mg ha 1, respectivamente. O segundo estudo foi instalado num Argissolo Acinzentado distrófico
plíntico sob pastagem natural com elevada acidez potencial. A parcela principal constituiu-se da
aplicação de calcário, superficial ou incorporado, enquanto as subparcelas, das doses de calcário
(outubro de 1994) que foram de: 0,0; 2,0; 8,5 e 17,0 (dose recomendada para pH 6,0) Mg ha-1. A dose
de 2 Mg ha-1foi reaplicada em 1996, 1998 e 2000, sempre na superfície, totalizando 8 Mg ha-1. Nos
dois experimentos, em outubro de 2006 e 2012, aos 144 e 216 meses após sua instalação, numa
trincheira por parcela, coletaram-se amostras de solo em camadas de 1 cm até os 10 cm de
profundidade, de 2,5 cm até os 25 cm, de 5 cm até os 50 cm e da camada de 50-60 cm, nas quais foram
determinados os atributos químicos relacionados a acidez do solo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram
que mesmo após 24 anos sem reaplicar calcário, a liberação de Al trocável e o aumento da acidez
potencial não foi suficiente para atingir patamares de acidez próximos dos observados para o solo em
sua condição natural. A aplicação superficial de calcário promove a formação de uma frente
alcalinizante a partir da superfície do solo que avança lentamente às camadas mais profundas do perfil
do solo amenizando a acidez do solo até os 60 cm de profundidade. A incorporação do calcário acelera
a sua reação no solo e neutralização da acidez ocorre rapidamente na camada em que o solo foi
mobilizado. Abaixo da profundidade de incorporação, o restante dos produtos da dissolução do
calcário que não reagiram, migram lentamente para camadas mais profundas do perfil do solo
similarmente ao que ocorre quando o calcário é aplicado na superfície, sem incorporação. A aplicação
de calcário seguida de incorporação previamente à adoção do SPD é a garantia que o solo,
especialmente nas camadas subsuperficias, não apresentará restrições ao desenvolvimento do sistema
radicular das plantas. A acidez do solo proveniente da reacidificação do solo é facilmente neutralizada
pela calagem superficial.
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Identificação e caracterização da microbiota lática isolada de queijo mussarela de búfala /Silva, Luana Faria. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Lúcia Barretto Penna / Banca: Kátia Sivieri / Banca: Eleni Gomes / Resumo: No Brasil, o queijo Mussarela elaborado com leite de búfala, tem uma boa aceitação pelos consumidores e mercado em expansão. Entretanto, poucas são as pesquisas em âmbito nacional sobre a microbiota e influência das bactérias ácido-láticas utilizadas na produção, sobre a qualidade tecnológica deste queijo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi compor um banco de culturas representativo da microbiota isolada de queijo Mussarela fabricado com leite de búfala e efetuar a caracterização das bactérias ácido-láticas (BAL). Foram realizadas três coletas em dois laticínios (Laticínios A e B), em diferentes etapas do processo de fabricação, assim como no produto acabado (queijo Mussarela e soro de conservação) recém processado e com 14 e 28 dias de estocagem. Foi feita a contagem de colônias viáveis, isolamento dos mesófilos e termófilos, caracterização morfológica por coloração de Gram e teste de catalase. Foram obtidos 313 isolados que apresentaram características de BAL. As culturas isoladas das amostras do queijo do Laticínio B foram identificadas pela técnica de RAPD e sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e caracterizadas quanto à atividade acidificante, capacidade de utilizarem o citrato, atividade proteolítica e capacidade de produzirem compostos voláteis precursores de aromas. Para os dois laticínios, a população de microorganismos termófilos prevaleceu sobre os mesofilos. Os isolados foram identificados como Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus e Leuconostoc mesenteroides. A velocidade máxima de acidificação para os isolados variou de 0,0005 e 0,0305 unidades de pH por minuto após 20 min e 18 h 50 min do início do processo de fermentação, respectivamente para termófilos e mesófilos. O tempo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In Brazil, the Mozzarella cheese prepared with buffalo milk has a good acceptance and market expansion. However, there are few national studies about microflora and influence of lactic acid bacteria, used in production, on the technological quality of this cheese. The aim this study was to compose a representative bank of the microbial cultures isolated from Mozzarella cheese produced with buffalo milk and to characterize the lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Three collections were performed in two dairy (Dairy A and B) at different stages of the manufacturing process as well as the finished product (Mozzarella cheese and whey conservation) newly processed and with 14 and 28 days of storage. It was followed a count of viable colony, isolation of mesophiles and thermophiles, morphological characterization by Gram staining and catalase test. It was obtained 313 isolates that exhibited characteristics of LAB. The cultures isolated of the cheese samples of the cheese from the Dairy B were identified by RAPD and 16S rRNA gene sequencing and characterized by acidifying activity, ability to utilize citrate, proteolytic activity and ability to produce volatile compounds that are flavor precursors. At two dairies, the population of thermophilic microorganisms was higher than mesophylic. The isolates were identified as Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Leuconostoc mesenteroides. The top speed of acidification for the isolates ranged from 0.0005 and 0.0305 pH units per minute after 20 minutes and 18:50 of the beginning of the fermentation process, respectively for thermophiles and mesophiles. The time required to reach the pH 5.0 ranged from 4h50min to 60h the beginning of... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Características bioquímicas e microbiológicas do biofilme dentário formado in situ sobre materiais que contêm flúor ou fosfato de cálcio amorfoFerreira, Lilian [UNESP] 24 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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ferreira_l_me_araca.pdf: 1328677 bytes, checksum: e8654f5c6e3eb77d8eb2d430f398667d (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Muito tem se avaliado a respeito das propriedades físicas e químicas dos selantes de fóssulas e fissuras, mas pouco sobre seus efeitos no biofilme dentário. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as características bioquímicas e microbiológicas do biofilme dentário formado in situ sobre materiais que liberam flúor ou cálcio e fosfato. Dez voluntários utilizaram dispositivo intrabucal palatino contendo corpos-de-prova de materiais (Fuji IX GP, Auralay XF e Aegis) ou blocos de esmalte bovino. A fase experimental consistiu de 4 etapas de 8 dias cada e a utilização de sacarose para formação do biofilme. No 7º dia dos períodos experimentais foi determinado o pH do biofilme e no 8º dia, o biofilme dentário formado foi coletado para determinação de flúor (F), cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P) e polissacarídeos extracelulares insolúveis (PEI) além da microbiota. Verificou-se a liberação de F, Ca e P de cada material e dos blocos de esmalte após ciclagem de pH. Após a verificação da homogeneidade dos dados, testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos foram realizados para análise dos resultados (p<0,05). O biofilme dentário formado sobre os materiais que liberam flúor apresentou maior presença de F, Ca e P e menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans quando comparado ao bloco de esmalte. Após o uso da sacarose (7º dia), o pH do biofilme foi maior na presença do material ionomérico. O biofilme sobre o material que contém fosfato de cálcio amorfo mostrou similar concentração de Ca e P, quando comparado aos materiais que contém flúor, e uma ação tamponante no meio, sem efeito na microbiota. Concluiu-se que os materiais que liberam flúor aumentaram as concentrações de F, Ca e P e diminuíram a de PEI e a microbiota cariogênica do biofilme dentário; e o que contém fosfato de cálcio amorfo aumentou as concentrações de Ca e P / The chemical and physical properties of the pit and fissures sealants have been widely evaluated but rare researches focus on the effects on dental plaque. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biochemical and microbiological characteristics of the in situ dental plaque formed on materials that release fluoride or calcium and phosphate. Ten volunteers wore an intraoral palatal device containing specimens of materials (Fuji IX GP, Auralay XF and Aegis) or bovine enamel blocks. The experimental phase consisted of 4 stages with duration of 8 days each and use of sucrose to form the dental plaque. The dental plaque pH was determined at the 7th day of the experimental periods and the dental plaque was collected at the 8th day to determine the fluoride (F), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), insoluble extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and microbiota. It was observed release of F, Ca and P from each material and from the enamel blocks after pH cycling. After verification of data homogeneity, parametric and non-parametric tests were performed (p<0.05). The dental plaque formed on the materials that release fluoride presented more F, Ca and P and reduced number of Streptococcus mutans in comparison to the enamel block. After use of sucrose (7th day), the dental plaque pH was higher with the presence of ionomeric material. The dental plaque on the material containing amorphous calcium phosphate exhibited similar Ca and P concentration compared to the ones on fluoride materials, and buffering action with no effect on the microbiota. It was concluded that the materials that release fluoride increased F, Ca and P concentrations, decreased EPS concentration and the cariogenic microbiota of the dental plaque; the amorphous calcium phosphate material increased concentrations of Ca and P
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Propriétés techno-fonctionnelles du lait de dromadaire / Techno-functional properties of dromadery milkLajnaf, Roua 22 September 2017 (has links)
Le lait de dromadaire, connu pour ses propriétés nutritionnelles et ses vertus médicinales, possède aussi une bonne aptitude moussante. Sa composition protéique différente de celle du lait de vache (absence de β-lactoglobuline et taux plus élevé de caséine β) suggère l’implication de mécanismes différents pour justifier de telles propriétés moussantes. Afin d’approfondir ces mécanismes, les propriétés interfaciales et moussantes des protéines du lait de dromadaire ont été étudiées seules, en mélange ou dans leur environnement naturel en fonction de certaines conditions physico-chimiques, notamment l’impact du pH et celui de traitements thermiques. Deux barèmes différents, 70°C et 90°C pendant 30 min, ont été étudiés à pH neutre et acide afin de comprendre le rôle de chacune des dénaturations appliquées et leur impact sur les propriétés moussantes. Cette étude a été réalisée en parallèle sur le lait de vache afin de pouvoir corréler et approfondir leurs propriétés respectives.Dans la première partie de ce travail, l’α-lactalbumine et la caséine β, protéines majeures des phases solubles et colloïdales du lait de dromadaire, ont été purifiées à partir de lait frais écrémé afin de caractériser leurs propriétés moussantes respectives. L’impact du traitement thermique (70°C ou 90°C pendant 30 min) et du pH a été étudié sur leurs propriétés interfaciales et moussantes. A pH neutre, le traitement thermique améliore les propriétés moussantes de l’α-lactalbumine du lait du dromadaire contrairement aux pH acides (4,3), où ces propriétés diminuent à cause de l’agrégation des protéines, facilitée par la diminution des répulsions et par la mise en place de ponts disulfures. Par ailleurs, la baisse de pH de 7 à 5 diminue aussi les propriétés moussantes de la caséine β suite à sa moins bonne solubilité proche de son pH isoélectrique. La caséine β bovine, moins hydrophobe que la caséine β du lait de dromadaire, donne dans ces conditions une mousse plus stable dans le temps.Le deuxième volet de ce travail s’est tourné vers l’étude des systèmes protéiques du lait de dromadaire dans les fractions solubles (lactosérums doux et acides) et sous forme de caséinates de sodium, ainsi que dans différents mélanges binaires de protéines purifiées α-lactalbumine/β-caséine à différents ratios massiques. Les lactosérums acides issus du lait de dromadaire ont montré de très bonnes propriétés moussantes ainsi qu’une meilleure stabilité au cours du temps par rapport à ceux du lait de vache. Cette tensioactivité des protéines du lactosérum acide à l’interface air/eau a été conservée, même après un traitement thermique à 90°C, ce qui explique l’aptitude importante au moussage de ces lactosérums.Concernant les caséinates de sodium, ces protéines produisent le maximum de mousse à pH neutre avec une efficacité plus importante pour les caséinates de sodium du lait de dromadaire, probablement grâce aux teneurs plus importantes en caséine β, associées à la forte amphipolarité de cette caséine. La stabilité des mousses ainsi créées a été augmentée après le traitement thermique des solutions de caséinates, notamment à pH 5 pour les caséinates de sodium bovines. Ainsi, les agrégats induits par l’acidification et le chauffage s’adsorbent lentement, mais contribuent fortement au maintien du film protéique créé.L’étude du mélange binaire contenant l’α-La et la caséine β issues du lait de dromadaire a été effectuée et comparée aux protéines bovines : α-La/β-caséine et β-Lg/β-caséine. Les résultats obtenus dans ce travail indiquent que les mélanges protéiques contenant des taux plus élevés en caséine β présentent les meilleures propriétés moussantes, stabilisantes et interfaciales. Ainsi, la caséine β joue un rôle important dans la création et la stabilisation des mousses du lait de dromadaire. / Camel milk proteins isolates, prior to foaming properties, were studied as a function of pH and temperature of heat treatment. The purity of the extracted camel α-lactalbumin (α-La) and β-casein was estimated by combining different analytical methods such as high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis.The increased temperature treatment changed the foaming properties of camel α-La solution and its ability to unfold at the air/water interface. At neutral pH, heat treatment was found to improve foamability, whereas at acid pH (4.3) this property decreased. Heat treatment caused changes in α-La surface charge and free thiol group concentration, which confirmed the pronounced aggregation of heated camel α-La solution. Otherwise, the foaming and interfacial properties of extracted bovine and camel β-casein showed that at neutral pH, maximum of foam volume was achieved by both camel and bovine β-caseins. This property decreased at acid pH because of the casein precipitation and the lower surface protein coverage. Findings indicated also that varying pH affected the physicochemical properties of the bovine and camel β-casein solutions by decreasing the surface negative charge and intrinsic fluorescence. These results were more pronounced on the bovine β-casein suggesting a higher acid-sensitivity of this protein when compared to its camel counterpart.The second part of this work investigated the foaming and adsorption behavior of camel proteins mixed systems compared to bovine systems including whey fraction, sodium caseinates (Na-cas) and α-La/β-casein mixed systems at different ratios. The results showed that, acid wheys gave better foams when compared to sweet whey for both milks, with higher values for the camel whey. This behavior was explained by the proximity of the isoelectric point (pI) of whey proteins (4.9–5.2), where proteins were found to carry the lowest negative charge as confirmed by the zeta potential measurements. Unlike whey fraction, camel and bovine Na-cas exhibited lowest foaming and interfacial properties near its pI because of the casein precipitation. Whereas, created foams were more stable at pH 5 than at pH 7 especially after a heat treatment. The heat treatment of 70 °C and 90 °C during 30 min affected also the physicochemical properties of the bovine and camel Na-cas by decreasing intrinsic fluorescence confirming also the pronounced caseins precipitation at pH 5 where caseins were found to carry the lowest negative charge as found by the zeta potential measurementsMixed solutions of the two isolated camel proteins (α-La and β-casein) at different ratios (100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100) give more foam with a higher β-casein amount in all camel and bovine mixtures. Good correlation was observed with the adsorption and the interfacial rheological properties of camel and bovine protein mixtures. Thus, the proteins adsorbed layers are mainly affected by the presence of β-casein molecules, which are suggested to be probably the most abundant protein at interface and the most efficient in reducing the interfacial properties. Whereas, globular proteins such as α-La and β-Lg are involved in the protein layer composition but could not compact well at the interface to ensure foams creation and stabilization because of their rigid molecular structure.This work therefore suggests new alternatives for the production of foam from proteins derived from dromedary milk, a dairy product characterized both by a high biological value but also by interesting functional properties of its proteins, in particular their surfactant power.
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