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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eco-efficience des itinéraires techniques viticoles : intérêt et adaptations de l’analyse du cycle de vie pour la prise en compte des spécificités de la viticulture de qualité / Eco-efficiency of vineyard technical management routes : Interests and adaptations of Life Cycle Assessment to account for specificities of quality viticulture

Renaud-Gentié, Christel 21 January 2015 (has links)
Afin d’accompagner les acteurs des filières viticoles, notamment d’AOC, dans la nécessaire amélioration de l’éco-efficience de leurs produits, nous avons voulu identifier dans quelles conditions l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie est une méthode appropriée à l'évaluation environnementale des itinéraires techniques viticoles (ITKv) de production de raisins de qualité, à l’échelle parcellaire, afin de pouvoir choisir les plus performants. Pour établir et tester un cadre méthodologique de l’ACV, adapté à cet objectif, des ITKv réels et variés visant un même objectif qualitatif sont nécessaires. Nous proposons ici une chaîne de traitement d’enquête originale, Typ-iti, qui permet le choix de cas réels représentant chaque groupe. Cinq groupes ont ainsi été identifiés parmi les ITKv de production de raisins de Chenin blanc pour vins blancs secs d’AOC en Moyenne Vallée de la Loire, dont trois en viticulture conventionnelle et deux en viticulture biologique. Cinq cas réels ont été choisis pour les représenter. L’ACV est ici déclinée pour la viticulture sur la base de ces cinq cas, par l’établissement d’un cadre méthodologique qui comprend : i) la définition de limites du système incluant les phases non productives et productives, ii) le choix des modèles disponibles les plus pertinents, pour le calcul des émissions directes de polluants à la vigne, iii) l’adaptation fine du modèle d’émissions de pesticides organiques Pest LCI 2.0 aux spécificités viticoles, iv) la proposition et le test d’unités fonctionnelles basées sur un indicateur de qualité du raisin original permettant la prise en compte de la qualité dans les ACV de raisins destinés à la production de vins de qualité. L’ACV a révélé, à l’échelle parcellaire, i) des éco-efficiences contrastées pour les cinq ITKv contrastés, ii) les pratiques responsables de ces contrastes, iii) des solutions d’amélioration et leurs effets quantifiés sur les performances environnementales. La généricité des résultats de ces cas aux groupes qu’ils représentent varie selon l’homogénéité des groupes et avec les catégories d’impacts selon qu’elles sont, ou non, conditionnées par le milieu. L’effet important du millésime sur les résultats, mis en évidence ici sur un cas, mérite d’être pris en compte dans toute ACV viticole. De nombreuses perspectives d’améliorations méthodologiques sont discutées ici pour accroître la pertinence et la complétude des résultats ainsi que la généricité de la méthode et pour son application auprès d’acteurs du développement des filières viticoles. / In order to contribute to the effort of eco-efficiency improvement of the wine sctor, especially in the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) contaxt, we worked to identify in which conditions Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an appropriate method for environmental assessment, at plot scale, of quality vineyard Technical Management Routes (TMRs), to permit the choice of the most eco-efficient technical operations and TMRs.A methodological framework for LCA suited to this objective was designed and tested on five real and contrasted TMRs, oriented towards a same qualitative objective. These cases were chosen thanks to an original statistical analysis chain, Typ-iti, on the basis of a survey, among the TMRs producing Chenin blanc grapes for PDO dry white wines in the Middle Lore Valley. Five groups were identified and characterized, threee in conventional viticulture, and two in organic viticulture.The methodological framework that was established includes i) the studied system definition including productive and non-productive phases, ii) the choice of the most suitable and available models for calculation of pollutant direct emissions in the vineyard, iii) the customization of the organic pesticide emision calculation model, Pest LCI 2.0, to viticulture specific needs iv) the inclusion of grape quality in the LCA by two functional units including an original grape quality index.LCA proves to be a method complex but powerful, usable at parcel scale for grape production TMRs choice. It revealed i) contrasted eco-efficiencies for the 5 contrasted TMRs, ii) the viticultural practices responsible for these contrasts, iii) solutions for eco-efficiency improvement and quantification of their eco-efficiency effects.The important effect of the production year on the results, highlighted here on one case, must be taken into account in any viticulture LCA. Numerous perspectives of methodological improvement are discussed here in order to increase relevance and completeness of the results as well as genericity of the method and its accessibility for viticulture development stakeholders.

Avaliação do ciclo de vida da produção do painel de madeira MDP no Brasil / Life cycle assessment of MDP wood-based panel production in Brazil

Diogo Aparecido Lopes Silva 12 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) da produção do painel MDP (medium density particleboard), feito de partículas de madeira e adesivo sintético, largamente empregado na indústria moveleira, sendo o painel de madeira mais produzido e consumido no mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ciclo de vida produtivo (cradle to gate) do painel MDP no Brasil. A ACV é normalizada pelas séries ISO 14040 e 14044. Empresas produtoras do MDP no país foram visitadas para a coleta de dados, e na avaliação dos impactos ambientais os resultados foram comparados pelos métodos CML (2001), EDIP (1997) e USEtox (2008). Os resultados apontaram que os principais hotspots foram o óleo BPF (baixo ponto de fluidez) utilizado na planta de energia e a resina UF (ureia formaldeído), aplicada como aglomerante na produção dos painéis. A cadeia produtiva da madeira mostrou maior destaque para as categorias de eutrofização e ecotoxicidade, respectivamente, pelo uso de fertilizantes e do herbicida glifosato no solo. Também verificou-se que na produção de 1 m³ de painel MDP há um crédito de carbono médio de 969 kg de \'CO IND.2\'-eq. Perante os resultados, foram analisados diversos cenários com sugestões de melhorias ambientais, sendo propostas alterações quanto ao consumo das matérias primas: óleo BPF, resina UF e madeira. Para o óleo BPF, o cenário ambientalmente mais adequado foi a sua substituição total pelo uso de somente resíduos de madeira. Sobre a resina UF, verificou-se que os principais impactos estão relacionados às cadeias produtivas do metanol e da ureia, sendo assim sugerida a otimização no consumo destes recursos. Também, a resina UF foi comparada com a resina MUF (melamina ureia formaldeído), e percebeu-se que os impactos ambientais da segunda foram superiores. Porém, mais cenários analisando o emprego de resinas alternativas são requisitados, tendo em vista a busca por resinas análogas à UF, mas com menores impactos potenciais. E sobre a madeira, foi analisada sua substituição pela adição de resíduos de madeira na produção do MDP, tendo sido constatado que quanto maior a quantidade de resíduos adicionados, menores seriam os impactos ambientais. Todavia, os benefícios ambientais verificados com o uso dos resíduos dependem de variáveis, como: dos aspectos ambientais do ciclo de vida dos resíduos, da quantidade de resíduos aplicada na produção dos painéis, do critério de alocação adotado na ACV, e da distância no percurso de transporte dos resíduos até a fábrica de painéis. Portanto, deve-se analisar caso a caso para afirmar sobre a viabilidade ambiental no emprego de resíduos na produção de painéis de madeira. / In this project was carried out a study of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the MDP (medium density particleboard) production, made of wood particles and synthetic adhesive, widely used in furniture industry, being the most produced and consumed wood-based panel in the world. This study aimed to assess the productive life cycle (cradle to gate) of the MDP in Brazil. LCA technique is standardized by ISO 14040 and 14044 documents. The data collection phase in this study occurred realizing technical visits on the Brazilian MDP producers and for the environmental impact assessment, the results were compared considering the following methods: CML (2001), EDIP (1997) and USEtox (2008). The results showed that the main hotspots were the heavy fuel oil used on power plants and UF (urea formaldehyde) resin applied as binder to produce the panels. The wood consumption showed to be more relevant to eutrophication and ecotoxicity impact categories, respectively, by the use of fertilizers and the glyphosate herbicide in the soil. It was also observed that the production of 1m³ of MDP generates an average carbon credit of 969 kg of \'CO IND.2\'-eq. Given the results, several scenarios were analyzed including environmental suggestions of improvements, being proposed changes to the consumption of the raw materials: heavy fuel oil, UF resin and wood. The replacement of heavy fuel oil for wooden residue was the most suitable alternative, because the environmental impacts results were considerably reduced. For the UF resin, it was found that the main impacts are related to the production (cradle to gate) of methanol and urea, thus, we suggested optimizing the consumption of these resources. Also, UF resin was compared with the MUF (melamine urea formaldehyde) resin, and the second one showed more impacts than the first. However, more scenarios analyzing the use of alternatives resins are required, in order to find others options of similar resins to UF, but with lower potential impacts. Considering the wood consumption, it was examined its replacement by wooden residue like raw material to produce the MDP. The results pointed out the addition of residues can promote lower environmental impacts. On the other hand, the environmental benefits related depend of variables such as: the environmental aspects of the life cycle of waste generation, the quantity of waste applied to produce the panels, the allocation criteria adopted to the LCA study, and the distance to transport the waste to the panel industry. Therefore, one must examine each case to assert about the environmental sustainability in the use of waste to produce wood panels.

Contribution to the design and control of a hybrid renewable energy generation system based on reuse of electrical and electronics components for rural electrification in developing countries / Contribution à la conception et la commande optimale d'un système hybride génération d'énergie électrique à base d'énergies renouvelables et de constituants recyclés en vue de l'alimentation d'un village isolé dans un pays en voie de développement

Kim, Bunthern 28 May 2019 (has links)
Bien que le gouvernement cambodgien s’efforce d’augmenter sa production d’électricité pour répondre à sa demande en énergie, il reste toujours dépendant de réseau électrique existant ou de l’extension du réseau dont le coût d’investissement initial est élevé. La solution temporelle consiste à employer un système de production d'énergie distribué qui présente un coût de cycle de vie inférieur et introduit une diversité de technologies pour répondre aux applications. Minimiser les impacts environnementaux représente un objectif majeur du développement durable, compte tenu de l'épuisement des ressources et des capacités d'adaptation limitées de l'environnement. Les ressources en énergies renouvelables ont été bien comprises comme les solutions pour alimenter le développement rural et réduire les impacts environnementaux de la production d’énergie. Suivant les progrès technologiques et de la demande croissante des consommateurs, de grande quantité de déchets électriques et électroniques ont entraîné de graves conséquences pour l’environnement. Les stratégies actuelles reposent principalement sur les techniques classiques de collecte et de traitement des déchets. Ce travail de thèse proposait une solution de réutilisation des composants électroniques dans un système d'énergie renouvelable hybride isolé pour la solution d'électrification pour la zone rurale. Une configuration choisie pour le système proposé est un système de génération hybride solaire-hydroélectrique, car les ressources solaires et hydrauliques sont abondantes dans les zones rurales du Cambodge. Les composants qui sont réutilisés dans la solution comprennent des blocs d’alimentation d’un PC (PSU) pour la partie solaire, des alimentations sans interruption (UPS) et des machines asynchrone triphasées pour la partie hydraulique. Les batteries automobiles usagées sont utilisées pour le stockage d’énergie. Ce travail de thèse aborde dans une première partie l’évaluation des impacts environnementaux de la solution de réutilisation proposée. Cette étude repose sur la méthodologie de l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) qui compare les impacts du cycle de vie de la solution proposée à ceux d’une solution conventionnelle. La deuxième partie de ce travail traite des aspects technologiques de la solution de réutilisation, à la fois en théorie et en expérimentation. La première partie de cet aspect concerne la reconversion des blocs d’alimentations usagées. Le bloc d'alimentation, qui contient généralement l'un des quelques types de convertisseurs DC-DC isolés, est réutilisé comme contrôleur de charge, qui est le composant principal du système de générateur photovoltaïque. La dernière partie de cette thèse décrit une nouvelle configuration de générateur basé sur des moteurs asynchrone triphasés. Le générateur monophasé proposé basé sur une machine triphasée est une version modifiée d'une topologie à base de l’onduleur où deux enroulements sont alimentés séparément par sources d'excitation, et l'autre enroulement est connecté à la charge. Une nouvelle modélisation est proposée. Les résultats de simulation sont comparés aux résultats expérimentaux en alimentation sinus. La comparaison met en évidence une supériorité de la nouvelle configuration par rapport à l'ancienne en termes de rendement et de minimisation de pulsations de couple / While the Cambodia’s government is making effort to increase electricity production for its energy demand, it still remains dependent on the existing or the expansion of the centralized grid lines which have high initial investment cost. The temporally solution is to employ a distributed energy generation system which has lower life cycle cost and provides a diversity of technologies to meet the desired applications. Minimizing environmental impacts represents a major objective of sustainable development considering resources depletion and the limited capabilities of the environment to adapt. The potential of renewable energy resources has been well understood as the solutions to power rural development and to reduce the environmental impacts of energy generation. Due to advance in technologies and increasing consumer demands, there has been a vast amount of electrical and electronic waste which introduces severe impacts on the environment. The current strategies mainly rely on conventional waste collection and processing techniques for material recovery. This thesis proposed a solution of reusing discarded components in an isolated hybrid renewable energy system as the solution for electrification of rural Cambodia. This is frugal innovation, local solution with local materials for and with local people. A suitable configuration for the proposed system is a solar-hydro hybrid generation system since solar and water resources are plentiful in rural Cambodia. The components that are reused in the solution after being discarded include computer power supply units (PSUs) for the solar part, uninterruptable power supply units (UPSs) and three phase induction machines for the electrohydro part. Used auto-mobile batteries will be used for the system storage. The thesis presents in the first part the evaluation of the environmental impacts of the proposed reuse solution for rural electrification. The study of the environmental impacts is based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology which compares the life cycle impacts of the proposed solution to that of a conventional solution. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is achieved in order to evaluate the impacts of uncertainties of the environmental impacts. The second part of this work deals with the technological aspects of the reuse solution in both theory and experimentation. The first part of this aspect is focused on the repurposing of used computer power supply units (PSUs), through limited modifications of the circuits in order to increase its range of operation. The PSU which usually contains one of a few types of isolated DC-DC converters is repurposed as charge controller with MPPT control in a cheap micro-controller with very good results. The last part of this thesis studies a new configuration of generators based on re-used three-phase induction motors. The proposed single-phase generator is based on a three-phase machine in a modified version of the coupling and with a rather uncommon supply. Modelling is highly investigated. An inverterassisted topology where two windings will be supplied separately by two inverters for excitation and the remaining winding is connected to load. A new modeling of the generator has been studied. The results of simulation were compared to experimental test results in open loop study. These results have demonstrated the advantages of the new configuration in comparison to the previously proposed inverter-assisted topology in term of efficiency and minimization of torqueripple

Avaliação exergética do ciclo de vida de um ciclo combinado a gás natural com sistema de oxicombustão /

Cruz, Tatiane Tobias da. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Ivonete Ávila / Resumo: O crescimento populacional e o progresso tecnológico têm levado a crescente demanda por recursos naturais e energia, resultando na intensificação de impactos ambientais. O setor de energia é um dos principais emissores de CO2 antropogênico, principalmente devido a utilização de combustíveis fósseis, o que tem levado à busca por soluções tecnológicas visando a redução dos impactos ambientais associados à sua geração. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho visa realizar uma avaliação de desempenho ambiental da geração de energia elétrica das centrais termelétricas Fernando Gasparian e Piratininga com inserção da técnica de captura de CO2 por oxicombustão. Essa avaliação é realizada por meio de uma proposta conceitual própria que inclui avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) e avaliação termodinâmica com bases exergéticas. A avaliação termodinâmica abrange a operação das termelétricas, por meio de análise energética e exergética utilizando a teoria do custo exergético e o método CExC (cumulative exergy consumption). A ACV abrange desde a extração dos recursos até o fim de vida das instalações, utilizando os métodos de contabilização de recursos CED (cumulative energy demand), CExD (cumulative exergy demand) e CML IA baseline. Os resultados da avaliação termodinâmica permitiram verificar que a câmara de combustão é a principal destruidora de exergia e a inserção da técnica de oxicombustão impõe maior penalidade energética por causa da inserção dos componentes de separação de ar e processamento ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Population growth and technological progress have led to an increasing demand for natural resources and energy, resulting in the intensification of environmental impacts. The energy sector is one of the main emitters of anthropogenic CO2, mainly due to the use of fossil fuels, which has led to the search for technological solutions aimed at reducing the environmental impacts associated with its generation. In this context, this work aims to carry out an environmental performance evaluation of the electric power generation at the Fernando Gasparian and Piratininga thermoelectric plants with the insertion of the CO2 capture technique by oxy-combustion. This assessment is carried out through a conceptual proposal that includes life cycle assessment (LCA) and thermodynamic assessment with exergetic bases. Thermodynamic evaluation covers the operation of thermoelectric plants, through energy and exergetic analysis using the theory of exergetic cost and the CExC method (cumulative exergy consumption). ACV covers everything from resource extraction to the end of the facility's life, using the resource accounting methods CED (cumulative energy demand), CExD (cumulative exergy demand) and CML IA baseline. The results of the thermodynamic evaluation allowed to verify that the combustion chamber is the main destroyer of exergy and the insertion of the oxy-combustion technique imposes a greater energy penalty due to the insertion of the air separation unit and CO2 processing unit for CO2... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor


CATARINA CAMPELO DE MENDONCA 06 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A necessidade de diminuir os impactos ambientais provenientes da indústria da construção civil estimulou a criação de acordos governamentais ao redor do mundo, métricas quantitativas de impactos ambientais, novos materiais e novas técnicas e conceitos para o desenvolvimento de projetos sustentáveis. A reutilização de materiais com alto índice de energia incorporada, como os elementos estruturais de aço, é considerada uma prática válida para atingir este objetivo, sendo mais sustentável do que a reciclagem do aço em termos de emissão de dióxido de carbono, energia incorporada, processamentos e, em alguns casos, transporte. O projeto para desmontar é um conceito aliado à prática de reutilização de aço estrutural e dos demais materiais de construção, promovendo o planejamento de desmontes futuros e contribuição da cadeia de suprimentos com materiais para reutilização. Além disso, o BIM fornece um ambiente promissor para a troca de informações durante todo o ciclo de vida da construção, assim como um novo fluxo de trabalho e informações na fase de concepção de projetos que promove melhorias nas tomadas de decisão no contexto de construções sustentáveis. Este trabalho propõe uma nova dinâmica de troca de informações através de um IDM (Information Delivery Manual) da concepção de um projeto com baixos índices de impactos ambientais a partir da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida e reutilização de materiais. A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida de cenários de uma edificação foi utilizado para desenvolver as tarefas propostas pelo IDM. Os resultados obtidos pelos experimentos indicam que o desenvolvimento de um projeto sustentável não interfere significativamente com os interesses econômicos, práticos, estéticos e que a inclusão da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida é um fator importante nas tomadas de decisões na fase de projeto para melhorar o desempenho ambiental dos materiais utilizados. / [en] The necessity to reduce environmental impacts caused by construction industry promoted the creation of several government agreements around the world, quantitative measures of environmental impacts, new materials and new techniques and concepts for sustainable projects. Reusing materials with a high index of embodied energy, such as structural steel elements, is considered a valid practice to achieve this objective. Steel reuse is more sustainable than recycling in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, embodied energy, processing and, in some cases, transportation. The DfD (Design for Disassembly) is a concept allied to the practice of structural steel reuse and other building materials, planning future disassembly and contributing to the supply chain with reusable materials. Moreover, BIM provides a promising environment for the exchange of information throughout the buildings life cycle, as well as a new workflow in the conceptual design phase, which improves the decision making process in the context of sustainable constructions. This work proposes a new dynamic in terms of information exchange through an IDM (Information Delivery Manual) for developing a project with low levels of environmental impact using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and material reuse. A building s LCA study was used to develop the analysis and interpretation of environmental impact of projects conceived using the proposed IDM. The results indicate that the development of a sustainable project does not significantly interfere with the economic, practical and aesthetic interests and that including LCA is an important parameter in decision-making at the design stage to improve the environmental performance of the materials used.

Contribution to the environmental impact assessment of biodiesel in the context of Spain

Escobar Lanzuela, Neus 04 June 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] In the last decade, there has been an increase in demand for biofuels, fostered by public policies. In the European Union, Directive 2009/28/EC (RED) establishes a 10% target for renewable energy use in the transport sector by 2020, in order to reduce overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In view of the land use change (LUC) that has recently occurred on a global scale as a consequence of bioenergy expansion, environmental considerations are more frequently incorporated into biofuel policies in order to promote only those biofuels delivering substantial GHG savings. The aim of the present thesis has been to analyze the environmental effects of the introduction of biodiesel for transport in the context of Spain, by applying different methodologies under a life cycle perspective, in order to address controversial issues, such as indirect LUC. First of all, the environmental and economic benefits brought about by an integrated process for waste management have been analyzed; biodiesel is obtained from the treatment of used cooking oil (UCO). The evaluation of the environmental performance has been carried out by means of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, while the financial assessment has been performed by applying a Life Cycle Costing (LCC). Both methodologies are based on a holistic approach and are crucial for a more thorough understanding of the sustainability of the proposed system. The combined study shows that the process has the potential to cause significant environmental benefits (subject to methodological assumptions), but this comes at the expense of the profits generated when the analysis is carried out from a municipal point of view. LCA has been subsequently applied to different systems for biodiesel production under a consequential approach, as the only way to measure indirect effects. There are different methodologies to carry out a consequential LCA, and all of them require the application of economic concepts. The first one consists of performing system expansion in order to include the additional functions provided by the co-products, since indirect effects arise from co-product interactions with other life cycles in the international market. This has allowed for the biodiesel domestically produced from UCO to be compared with the soybean biodiesel imported from Argentina. Furthermore, a mathematical programming model has been proposed based on the biodiesel sector's nameplate capacity in Spain. Its aim is to determine the optimal feedstock mix according to economic criteria, in order to meet the target demand for 2020; the biodiesel resulting from the mix must also fulfill the environmental requirements in the RED. The model allows for an LCA to be simultaneously carried out, in order to calculate the emissions associated with each production pathway. Indirect emissions from LUC in the Spanish agriculture can also be estimated. Finally, a general equilibrium model has been used to analyze the global environmental consequences, in terms of GHG emissions and LUC, of increasing the demand for biodiesel in the EU to meet the RED targets, in combination with recent anti-dumping measures on biodiesel imports from some specific countries. The outcomes from these studies have allowed for emission factors to be determined for different biodiesel production pathways in the Spanish market. Not only global warming has been taken into account but also other impact categories, which may be equally critical. In addition, pros and cons of the methodologies applied have been identified, depending on the goal and scope of the study; they should be applied in a complementary manner for a better understanding of the global phenomenon of bioenergy, increasing the confidence in GHG emission results. Reducing uncertainty in LUC estimates is crucial to enhance the applicability of future biofuel policies. / [ES] La demanda de biocombustibles ha aumentado progresivamente en los últimos años, fomentada por políticas públicas. En la Unión Europea, la Directiva 2009/28/EC (RED) establece un objetivo del 10% para el uso de energías renovables en el sector del transporte en 2020, con tal de reducir los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Ante la evidencia del cambio en el uso del suelo (CUS) a escala global a consecuencia del auge de los biocombustibles, se han incorporado consideraciones ambientales para promover únicamente aquellos biocarburantes que causen un ahorro sustancial de GEI. El objetivo de la presente tesis ha sido analizar los efectos ambientales de la introducción de biodiesel en el contexto español, aplicando distintas metodologías bajo una perspectiva del ciclo de vida, con el fin de abordar cuestiones controvertidas como el CUS indirecto. En primer lugar, se han evaluado los beneficios ambientales y económicos derivados de un proceso integrado de tratamiento de residuos donde se produce biodiesel a partir de aceite de cocina usado (ACU). La evaluación ambiental se ha realizado mediante la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), mientras que la evaluación financiera se ha llevado a cabo mediante el cálculo del Coste del Ciclo de Vida. Ambas metodologías comparten el mismo enfoque holístico y son esenciales para una comprensión más completa de la sostenibilidad del sistema propuesto. El análisis combinado revela que, si bien éste presenta el potencial de generar importantes beneficios ambientales (sujeto a supuestos metodológicos), esto ocurre a costa del beneficio económico cuando el análisis se hace desde el punto de vista municipal. A continuación, se ha aplicado el ACV a distintos sistemas de producción de biodiesel bajo un enfoque consecuencial, como la única forma de estimar el CUS indirecto. Existen diferentes metodologías para la realización de un ACV consecuencial y todas ellas requieren la aplicación de conceptos económicos. La primera consiste en aplicar la expansión del sistema para incluir las funciones adicionales desempeñadas por los coproductos, ya que los efectos indirectos surgen de las interacciones de éstos con otros ciclos de vida en el mercado internacional. Ello ha permitido comparar la producción de biodiesel de ACU frente a la importación de biodiesel de soja de Argentina. Se ha propuesto también un modelo de programación matemática basado en la capacidad nominal del sector del biodiesel en España. Su objetivo es determinar la combinación de materias primas óptima, desde el punto de vista económico, para cumplir con de la demanda proyectada para 2020 pero que cumpla a su vez con las exigencias ambientales de la RED. El modelo incorpora un módulo para realizar un ACV de forma simultánea, que permite estimar las emisiones asociadas a las distintas vías de obtención de materias primas. Se pueden calcular incluso las emisiones indirectas por CUS en la agricultura española. Finalmente, se ha aplicado un modelo de equilibrio general para el análisis de las consecuencias ambientales globales (en términos de emisiones de GEI y CUS) de un aumento en la demanda de biodiesel en la UE según la RED, en combinación con las recientes medidas arancelarias sobre las importaciones de determinados países. Todo ello ha permitido calcular factores de emisión para diferentes alternativas de producción de biodiesel destinado al mercado español, no sólo en relación al calentamiento global sino también a otras categorías de impacto que pueden ser igualmente críticas. Además, se han identificado ventajas e inconvenientes de las metodologías aplicadas, dependiendo del objetivo y el alcance de estudio; lo ideal es aplicarlas de forma complementaria para una mayor comprensión del fenómeno global de la bioenergía, contribuyendo a una mayor solidez en los resultados de GEI. Reducir la incertidumbre en las estimaciones de CUS es fundamental para asegurar la a / [CA] La demanda de biocombustibles ha augmentat progressivament els darrers anys, fomentada per polítiques públiques. En la Unió Europea, la Directiva 2009/28/EC (RED) estableix un objectiu del 10% per a l'ús d'energies renovables en el sector del transport en 2020, amb l'objectiu de reduir els gasos d'efecte hivernacle (GEH). Davant l'evidència del canvi en l'ús del sòl (CUS) a escala global a conseqüència de l'auge dels biocombustibles, s'han incorporat consideracions ambientals per promoure únicament aquells biocarburants que causen un estalvi substancial de GEH. L'objectiu de la present tesi ha estat analitzar els efectes ambientals de la introducció de biodièsel en el context espanyol, mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents metodologies sota una perspectiva del cicle de vida, amb la finalitat d'abordar qüestions tan controvertides com el CUS indirecte. En primer lloc, s'han avaluat els beneficis ambientals i econòmics derivats d'un procés integrat de tractament de residus on es produeix biodièsel a partir d'oli de cuina usat (OCU). L'avaluació ambiental s'ha realitzat mitjançant la metodologia d'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV), mentre que l'avaluació financera s'ha dut a terme mitjançant el càlcul del Cost del Cicle de Vida. Ambdues metodologies comparteixen el mateix enfocament holístic i són essencials per a una comprensió més completa de la sostenibilitat del sistema proposat. L'anàlisi combinada revela que, si bé aquest presenta el potencial de generar importants beneficis ambientals (subjecte a supòsits metodològics), això ocorre a costa del benefici econòmic quan l'anàlisi es fa des del punt de vista municipal. A continuació, s'ha aplicat l'ACV a diferents sistemes de producció de biodièsel sota un enfocament conseqüencial, com l'única forma d'estimar el CUS indirecte. Existeixen diferents metodologies per a la realització d'un ACV conseqüencial i totes elles requereixen l'aplicació de conceptes econòmics. La primera consisteix a aplicar l'expansió del sistema per incloure les funcions addicionals exercides pels coproductes, ja que els efectes indirectes sorgeixen de les interaccions d'aquests amb altres cicles de vida al mercat internacional. Això ha permès comparar la producció de biodièsel d'OCU amb la importació de biodièsel de soia de l'Argentina. S'ha proposat també un model de programació matemàtica basat en la capacitat nominal del sector del biodièsel a Espanya. El seu objectiu és determinar la combinació òptima de matèries primeres, des del punt de vista econòmic, per complir amb de la demanda projectada per 2020 però que complisca al seu torn amb les exigències ambientals de la RED. El model incorpora un mòdul per realitzar un ACV de forma simultània, el qual permet estimar les emissions associades a les diferents vies d'obtenció de matèries primeres. Es poden calcular fins i tot les emissions indirectes per CUS en l'agricultura espanyola. Finalment, s'ha aplicat un model d'equilibri general per a l'anàlisi de les conseqüències ambientals globals (en termes d'emissions de GEH i CUS) d'un augment en la demanda de biodièsel en la UE segons la RED, en combinació amb les mesures aranzelàries recents sobre les importacions des de determinats països. Tot això ha permès calcular factors d'emissió per a diferents alternatives de producció de biodièsel destinat al mercat espanyol, no només en relació a l'escalfament global sinó també a altres categories d'impacte que poden ser igualment crítiques. A més, s'han identificat avantatges i inconvenients de les metodologies aplicades, depenent de l'objectiu i l'abast d'estudi; l'ideal és aplicar-les de forma complementària per a una major comprensió del fenomen global de la bioenergia, per contribuir a una major solidesa en els resultats de GEH. Reduir la incertesa en les estimacions de CUS és fonamental per assegurar l'aplicabilitat de les polítiques de biocombustibles en el futur. / Escobar Lanzuela, N. (2015). Contribution to the environmental impact assessment of biodiesel in the context of Spain [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52027 / Compendio

Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle Analysis

Guzmán Mendoza, María Gabriela 07 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los combustibles bajos en carbono (LCF) se evalúan como un sustituto adecuado de los combustibles pesados fósiles actuales para un motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión (CI ICE) en términos de rendimiento del motor, emisiones contaminantes e impacto ambiental. Los combustibles se evalúan de acuerdo con su factibilidad para sustituir los combustibles actuales del mercado con las alternativas LCF. A través de estudios directos y calibración optimizada específica del combustible, se aprovechan las características de bajas emisiones de los LCF para lograr menos emisiones contaminantes sin sacrificar la eficiencia del motor. La calibración se logra mediante la realización de un diseño de experimentos (DOE) a partir del cual se obtienen modelos para cada combustible, para posteriormente optimizar para bajas emisiones de NOx-hollín. Por último, se compara el impacto tanto de la calibración drop-in como de la calibración optimizada en un análisis de ciclo de vida (LCA) que tiene en cuenta la huella de CO2, así como otras categorías de impacto como la acidificación terrestre, la formación de partículas, el consumo de agua y la formación de ozono. En general, se encontró que los LCF probados pueden ser reemplazos adecuados para los CI ICE tanto en las calibraciones directas como en las optimizadas (aunque con algunas consideraciones de hardware), donde se puede alcanzar un rendimiento del motor similar a las líneas de base diésel actuales con importantes reducciones de contaminantes como NOx y hollín. Y adicionalmente, se comprobó que la proporción de renovabilidad del combustible es altamente beneficiosa para la reducción del impacto ambiental del combustible, donde los combustibles completamente renovables (como el LCD100 probado) podrían tener huellas de CO2 por kilómetro similares a las de los vehículos eléctricos en Europa, asumiendo que las materias primas y la energía para la producción de combustible provienen de fuentes renovables. / [CA] Els combustibles baixos en carboni (LCF) s'avaluen com un reemplaçament adequat dels combustibles pesats fòssils actuals per a un motor de combustió interna d'encesa per compressió (CI ICE) en termes de rendiment del motor, emissions contaminants i impacte ambiental. Els combustibles s'avaluen segons la seva viabilitat per substituir els combustibles actuals del mercat per les alternatives LCF. Mitjançant estudis d'abandonament i calibratge optimitzat específic del combustible, s'exploten les característiques de baixes emissions dels LCF per aconseguir emissions menys contaminants sense sacrificar l'eficiència del motor. El calibratge s'aconsegueix mitjançant la realització d'un disseny d'experiments (DOE) a partir del qual s'obtenen models per a cada combustible, per posteriorment optimitzar per a baixes emissions de NOx-sutge. Finalment, es compara l'impacte tant de la caiguda com del calibratge optimitzat en una anàlisi de cicle de vida (LCA) que considera la petjada de CO2, així com altres categories d'impacte com l'acidificació terrestre, la formació de partícules en suspensió, el consum d'aigua i la formació d'ozó. En general, es va trobar que els LCF provats poden ser reemplaçaments adequats per als CI ICE tant en les calibracions d'entrada com optimitzades (encara que amb algunes consideracions de maquinari), on es pot assolir un rendiment del motor similar a les línies de base dièsel actuals amb reduccions importants de contaminants com el NOx i el sutge. I addicionalment, es va comprovar que la proporció de renovable del combustible és altament beneficiosa per a la reducció de l'impacte ambiental del combustible, on els combustibles completament renovables (com el provat LCD100) podrien tenir petjades de CO2 per quilòmetre similars a les dels vehicles elèctrics a Europa, assumint que les matèries primeres i l'energia per a la producció de combustible provenen de fonts renovables. / [EN] Low carbon fuels (LCFs) are evaluated as a suitable replacement for current fossil heavy fuels for a compression ignition internal combustion engine (CI ICE) in terms of engine performance, pollutant emissions and environmental impact. The fuels are evaluated according to their feasibility to substitute current market fuels with the LCF alternatives. Through drop-in studies and fuel-specific optimized calibration, the low emission characteristics of the LCFs to achieve fewer polluting emissions without sacrificing the engine efficiency are exploited. The calibration is achieved by the realization of a design of experiments (DOE) from which models are obtained for each fuel, to be later optimized for low NOx-soot emissions. Finally, the impact of both the drop-in and optimized calibration are compared in a life cycle analysis (LCA) that considers the CO2 footprint, as well as other impact categories such as terrestrial acidification, particulate matter formation, water consumption and ozone formation. Overall, it was found that the tested LCFs can be suitable replacements for CI ICEs in both the drop-in and optimized calibrations (albeit with some hardware considerations), where engine performance similar to current diesel baselines can be reached with important reductions in pollutants like NOx and soot. And additionally, it was verified that the renewability proportion of the fuel is highly beneficial to the reduction of the environmental impact of the fuel, where completely renewable fuels (like the tested LCD100) could have CO2 footprints by kilometer similar to those of electric vehicles in Europe, assuming that raw materials and energy for the fuel production come from renewable sources. / This doctoral thesis has been partially supported by the Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana through the predoctoral contract (ACIF/2021/200). / Guzmán Mendoza, MG. (2024). Impact of Different e-Fuels Types on Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Emissions and CO2 Life Cycle Analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203090


[pt] Considerando a importância estratégica dos sistemas de geração de energia hidrelétrica na matriz energética do Brasil, o objetivo desta dissertação é propor e aplicar um modelo de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) espaço-temporal desses sistemas. A metodologia compreende: (i) pesquisa bibliográfica e documental sobre os temas centrais da pesquisa; (ii) desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual de avaliação do ciclo de vida espaço-temporal de sistemas hidrelétricos de geração de energia; (iii) estudo empírico referente à aplicação do modelo proposto na Usina Hidrelétrica Sinop, localizada no estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. O principal resultado é um modelo de ACV espaço-temporal, validado empiricamente por sua aplicação na referida usina hidrelétrica. Ao integrar parâmetros temporais e espaciais em um novo framework de ACV para sistemas de geração de energia hidrelétrica no Brasil, a aplicação do modelo proposto fornece uma avaliação mais completa e precisa dos impactos ambientais desses sistemas, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento de políticas e estratégias mais sustentáveis no setor energético brasileiro. Poderá auxiliar nos processos de tomada de decisão relacionados a novos empreendimentos de geração de energia hidrelétrica, incluindo a definição de metas para minimizar danos ambientais e à saúde humana durante a implantação e operação desses empreendimentos. Ao fornecer novas informações de inventário do ciclo de vida de sistemas de energia hidrelétrica, esta dissertação também contribuirá para o Banco Nacional de Inventários do Ciclo de Vida (SICV Brasil). / [en] Considering the strategic importance of hydroelectric power generation systems in Brazil s energy matrix, the objective of this dissertation is to propose and apply a space-time life cycle assessment (LCA) model for these systems. The methodology comprises (i) bibliographic and documentary research on the central themes of the research, (ii) development of a conceptual model for the spatiotemporal LCA of hydroelectric power generation systems, and (iii) an empirical study focusing on the application of the proposed model in the Sinop Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The main result is a spatial-temporal LCA model that was empirically validated by its application in the referred hydroelectric power plant. By integrating temporal and spatial parameters into a new LCA framework for hydroelectric power generation systems in Brazil, the proposed model provides a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of the environmental impacts of these systems, thus contributing to the development of more sustainable policies and strategies in the Brazilian energy sector. This may assist in decision-making processes related to new hydroelectric power generation projects, including the definition of goals to minimize environmental and human health damage during the implementation and operation of these projects. By providing new life cycle inventory information for hydroelectric power systems, this dissertation will also contribute to the National Life Cycle Inventory Database (SICV Brazil).

Avaliação do ciclo de vida do álcool etílico hidratado combustível pelos métodos EDIP, exergia e emergia / Life cycle assessment of hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel by EDIP, exergy and emergy methods

Ometto, Aldo Roberto 18 March 2005 (has links)
Uma das formas mais integradas, completas e eficazes para a gestão ambiental de atividades produtivas é baseada no ciclo de vida do produto, sendo a avaliação do ciclo de vida sua principal ferramenta. O produto avaliado é o álcool etílico hidratado combustível, por ser passível de melhorias ambientais durante seu ciclo de vida, alternativo frente aos fósseis e de grande importância estratégica para o Estado de São Paulo e para o Brasil. O objetivo é a avaliação do ciclo de vida do álcool etílico hidratado combustível utilizando o método EDIP (Environmental Development of Industrial Products) e introduzindo as avaliações exergéticas e emergéticas na avaliação e valoração do impacto. A estrutura metodológica está baseada nas normas da série NBR-ISO 14.040 e ISO 14.040. Os resultados do EDIP mostram que a atividade da colheita de cana apresenta o maior potencial de impacto para o consumo de recursos renováveis, o aquecimento global, a formação fotoquímica de ozônio troposférico, a acidificação e a toxicidade humana. O preparo do solo apresenta maior potencial para o consumo de recursos não renováveis e para a ecotoxicidade da água. O trato cultural apresenta maior influência na eutrofização e na ecotoxicidade do solo. Pela exergia, verifica-se que, para cada litro de álcool consumido, há uma perda de exergia pelas emissões atmosféricas de seu ciclo de vida, considerando que 25% da cana colhida seja crua, equivalente à exergia de, aproximadamente, 1,38 litro de álcool. Pela emergia, 69% do consumo de energia solar equivalente é realizado pelo veículo automotor. Portanto, a fim de adequar ambientalmente o ciclo de vida do etanol hidratado combustível, indica-se a eliminação da queimada, a redução do uso de agrotóxicos, de combustível fóssil e formas mais eficientes de uso do álcool combustível. / One of the most integrated, complete and efficacious means for the environmental management of productive activities is based on the life cycle of the product, whose main tool is the life cycle assessment. The assessed product is the hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel because of the environmental improvement possibilities during its life cycle, an alternative for fossil fuel and its great strategic importance to Sao Paulo State and Brazil. The goal is the life cycle assessment of hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel using EDIP (Environmental Development of Industrial Products) method and introducing exergy and emergy methods on the impact assessment and valuation. The methodological structure is based on the norms NBR-ISO 14.040 and ISO 14.040 series. The EDIP results show that the sugar cane harvesting activity presents the highest potential impact for the renewable resources consumption, the global warming, the photochemical ozone formation, the acidification and the human toxicity. The soil preparation activity presents the highest potential for the non-renewable resources and the ecotoxicity in water. The cultivation activity presents the highest potential for the nutrient enrichment and the ecotoxicity in soil. With the exergy method, it is verified that for each liter of alcohol consumed, there is an exergy lost by the atmospheric emissions of its life cycle, considering 25% of the total sugar cane cultivated and harvested is not burned, which is equivalent to the exergy of, approximately, 1.38 liter of alcohol. By the emergy method, 69% of the equivalent solar energy consumption is performed by the vehicle. Therefore, in order to achieve an environmentally benign life cycle of the hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel, it is indicated the sugar cane burning elimination, pesticides and fossil fuel reduction and more efficient manners of using alcohol fuel.

Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique / Reduction and treatment techniques of pollutants in thermal machine

Alkadee, Dareen 10 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, a consisté, dans une première partie, à introduire d’une part, la notion de l’analyse du cycle de vie « ACV » et celle des biocarburants. D’autre part, à présenter l’intérêt d’appliquer une ACV sur des biocarburants afin de valoriser leurs bilans énergétiques et analyser leurs impacts environnementaux face aux carburants conventionnels. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons comparé, d’un point de vue énergétique et environnemental, 3 scénarios de production d’électricité : 2 scénarios de cogénération (turbine à vapeur et ORC) pour la production d’énergie électrique et thermique à partir de biomasse, et un scénario de cogénération par moteur diesel. Ces scénarios sont comparés à l’aide de deux méthodes orientées « analyse des dommages »: Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et IMPACT2002+Dans une troisième partie, on a abordé la valorisation du biogaz sous forme de carburant dans des moteurs "dual fuel" pour des engins agricoles dans le but de déterminer l’impact environnemental lié à l’utilisation de ce carburant alternatif au diesel par rapport aux autres biocarburants. Les méthodes Eco-indicateur 99 (E) et CML ont été utilisées ici. On a pu ainsi identifier les principaux polluants générés à chaque étape du cycle de vie de l’agrocarburant et les étapes qui ont les plus grands impacts environnementaux et on a identifié, selon nos critères et par rapport au contexte, le scénario énergétique le plus compatible avec le principe de développement durable. / This thesis has consisted in a first part to introduce, on one hand, the concept of each of: lifecycle assessment "LCA" and biofuels, on the other hand, to present the benefits of applying aLCA on biofuels to evaluate their energy balances and to analyze their environmental impactsagainst conventional fuels.In a second part, we compared, from point of view energetic and environmental, 3 scenariosof electricity production: 2 scenarios of cogeneration (steam turbine and ORC) for theproduction of electrical energy and of heat from biomass, and a scenario of cogeneration by adiesel engine, these scenarios have been compared using two damage-oriented analysismethods: Eco-indicator 99 (E) and IMPACT2002 +In a third part, we worked on the evaluation of methane as fuel in "dual fuel" engines foragricultural purpose, the aim was to determine the environmental impact associated with theuse of this alternative fuel for diesel compared to other biofuels. Methods Eco-indicator 99(E) and CML have been used here.We were able to identify the main pollutants generated at each stage of the life cycle ofbiofuel and the steps that have the greatest environmental impacts, and to identify, accordingto our criteria and to the context the energy scenario the most consistent with the principle ofsustainable development.

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