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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of multiple perspectives and knowledge in adverse drug reaction decision-making : Volume 1

O'Brien, Michelle . University of Ballarat. January 2004 (has links)
Injury and illness associated with drugs are major problems in Australia and around the world, despite significant developments in the area of adverse drug reaction (ADR) decision support technology. The aims of this thesis are: to investigate the ADR decision domain; to determine factors that may assist in the prevention, detection and management of ADRs; and, to inform the pre-requirements analysis phase of the development of decision support systems. An approach has been taken that permits open and grounded study of the decision environment. This approach can then be used to frame and inform the design of an ADR decision support system. Fifteen case studies that comprise self selected consumers, the treating medical practitioner/s and expert perspectives of a single instance of an ADR (fifteen in-depth consumer interviews, eight in-depth medical practitioner interviews and 30 expert written questionnaires), have been collected and analysed using a grounded theory approach, a symbolic interactionist theoretical framework and a social constructionist epistemology. The analysis was performed from three perspectives: individual case study analysis (all interviews for an instance of an ADR); group analysis (consumer, medical practitioner and expert views) and analysis combining the individual case studies and groups of data. Concepts, themes and theory have emerged from these data in the following areas: • the contribution of the differences in understanding of the core concepts within this domain, to misunderstandings between decision-makers; • the consumer as a diagnostic decision-maker in the ADR decision domain; • differential diagnostic strategies used by the consumers and medical practitioners; • complexities in the ADR decision domain that make diagnosis difficult; • the role of ADR information in consumer and medical practitioner decision-making; • decision types used by consumers and medical practitioners in the ADR decision domain; • resources used by consumers, medical practitioners and experts to inform their ADR decisions; • decision-making with partial knowledge of the consumer case history, drug behaviour and diseases; • the impact of suspected ADRs on consumers and on future decision-making; • medical practitioner/consumer decision-making models; and, • reasons for low ADR reporting and the impact on the development of new ADR knowledge. The results above suggest the following: • The ADR decision domain is more complex than the current ADR decision support focus and that broadening this focus may assist in providing a more complete and useful decision support solution. • Improving the prevention, detection and management of ADRs requires more than providing prescribers with up to date ADR information. Other important factors are sharing of information, awareness of the role of the consumer, a collaborative approach between the consumers and medical practitioners, and generation of new ADR knowledge. • A grounded theory analysis of case study data using the theoretical perspectives of social constructionism and symbolic interactionism provided insight into this domain from the perspectives of multiple decision-makers. This may be an approach that can be used by systems analysts to inform the requirements analysis phases of decision support within other domains. The results of this qualitative work are preliminary. Future work is required to confirm and expand these results. / Doctor of Philosophy

Effets indésirables médicamenteux chez les sujets âgés atteints de maladie d’Alzheimer ou syndromes apparentés / Adverse drug reaction in elderly subject with Alzheimer’s disease or other related illnesses

Kanagaratnam, Lukshe 23 January 2017 (has links)
Les pathologies démentielles, essentiellement représentées par la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), ne cessent de croître avec le vieillissement de la population. Dans cette population, les données concernant la prévalence ou les facteurs de risque d’effets indésirables médicamenteux (EIM) sont peu nombreuses. C’est pourquoi le Plan Alzheimer 2008-2013 avait fixé pour objectif (mesure 14), l’amélioration des connaissances de la iatrogénie médicamenteuse. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de décrire les EIM, les médicaments suspectés dans la survenue de ces EIM, et identifier les facteurs de risque d’EIM dans une population de sujets âgés hospitalisés dans une unité spécialisée dans la prise en charge des pathologies démentielles. Pour réaliser ce travail, une étude ad hoc a été réalisée dans une unité aiguë de médecine gériatrique spécialisée dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de syndrome démentiel. Cette étude a été complétée par les données du centre régional de pharmacovigilance de Champagne-Ardenne et une analyse exhaustive de la littérature. La prescription des inhibiteurs de l’enzyme de conversion ou antagoniste du récepteur de l’angiotensine II, des neuroleptiques, des traitements de la MA, et d’anti-arythmiques doit se faire avec précaution. Les caractéristiques des patients doivent être prises en compte lors de la prescription médicamenteuse. Une détection précoce des patients dépendants et la mise en place d’aide à domicile pourraient éviter certains EIM liés à des erreurs de prise médicamenteuse. / All forms of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, are increasing in line with population ageing. In this population, there are few data available regarding the prevalence and risk factors of adverse drug reaction (ADR). For this reason, one of the measures of the French government initiative for Alzheimer’s disease for the period 2008–2012 was to improve the state of the knowledge on ADR in this population. The aims of this PhD thesis were to describe ADRs, drug suspected in the occurrence of these ADRs and to identify the risk factors for the occurrence of ADR in older subjects hospitalised in an acute geriatric medicine ward specialised in the management of patients with dementia syndrome. An ad hoc study was conducted in this population. This study was completed by data from Regional Pharmacovigilance Center of Champagne-Ardenne and a systematic review of the literature. Caution is needed when prescribing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers, neuroleptics, antidementia drugs, or certain types of antiarrhythmics in patients suffering from dementia. Our findings underline the importance of taking into consideration the characteristics of the patients when prescribing drugs in this specific population. Early detection of dependency in cognitive impaired subjects and the implementation of home help could help to avoid ADRs related to errors in taking medications.

Análise do perfil de segurança do tratamento para hanseníase em um hospital universitário de Salvador, Bahia

Santos, Carla de Jesus January 2016 (has links)
A hanseníase é uma das doenças mais antigas da humanidade, chamada anteriormente no Brasil de lepra e encontrada em registros de antes de Cristo. É uma doença infecciosa, de evolução crônica, que acomete predominantemente a pele, os nervos periféricos e as mucosas, além de outros órgãos e estruturas, sendo o agente etiológico, o Mycobacterium leprae. A Organização Mundial de Saúde propõe o uso dos esquemas terapêuticos padronizados ou substitutivos para controle desta doença. É pressuposto que um dos motivos de abandono do tratamento seja a ocorrência de reações adversas relativas à terapia. A estratégia global de controle da hanseníase, portanto, deve incluir o desenvolvimento de uma vigilância efetiva dentro dos serviços de saúde. Com o objetivo de analisar o perfil de segurança da farmacoterapia utilizada no tratamento da hanseníase, foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal, retrospectivo com a população de pacientes em tratamento para hanseníase, com esquemas padrão ou substitutivo, em Hospital Universitário de Salvador/BA, 2009 a 2015. Dos 292 pacientes eleitos, 68,8% dos indivíduos eram procedentes da capital; 70,5% pertenciam à faixa etária de adultos; 52,7% eram do gênero feminino; 47,6% eram de cor parda; 40,1% dos indivíduos eram casados; 15,4% tinham apenas ensino fundamental incompleto; 64,4% apresentaram resultado de baciloscopia negativo; 60,3% classificados como paucibacilares; 30,5% dos pacientes com forma clínica predominante tuberculóide e 59,9% das pessoas não desenvolveram surto reacional durante a poliquimioterapia. Foram notificados 114 indivíduos com suspeita de pelo menos uma reação adversa a medicamento (RAM), resultando em 150 notificações. A suspeita de reação mais frequente foi anemia (57%), seguida de xerose cutânea (6%), hiperpigmentação (3%) e cefaleia (4%), dentre outras. Em 75,4% dos casos notificados, a dapsona foi o medicamento suspeito no desencadeamento da reação adversa. A razão de prevalência foi calculada para as notificações de suspeita realizadas e 52% dos pacientes com resultado normal para deficiência da enzima glicose 6-fosfato desidrogenase foram notificados com suspeita de anemia, além de 31,6% de substituições de esquema dentre os notificados com suspeita de reação adversa. A poliquimioterapia padrão, nesta população especificamente, demonstrou ser segura, uma vez que apesar do número elevado de notificações de suspeitas de RAM, a maioria apresentou resolução no curso da terapia, com um percentual reduzido de substituições. A pesquisa agregou valores frente à escassez de achados na literatura para tal população. Os resultados poderão contribuir para um maior cuidado com os pacientes assistidos, ratificando a necessidade de vigilância contínua do uso da poliquimioterapia. / Hansen's Disease is one of the oldest diseases of mankind, formerly known as leprosy, and found in records from before Christ. It is an infectious disease, of chronic evolution, which predominantly affects the skin, peripheral nerves and mucous membranes, as well as other organs and structures. Its etiologic agent is Mycobacterium leprae. The World Health Organization suggest the use of the standard therapeutic regimen or replacement regimen in order to treat the disease. It is assumed that one reason for treatment withdrawal is the occurrence of adverse reactions during the therapy. In order to analyze the safety profile of the pharmacotherapy chosen in the treatment, an observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out with the population of patients undergoing treatment for Hansen's Disease with standard or replacement regimens at the University Hospital in Salvador - BA, 2009 to 2015. 292 patients were elected: 68.8% of them were from the capital; 70.5% belonged to the adult age group; 52.7% were female; 47.6% were brown; 40.1% of the individuals were married; 15.4% had not finished middle school; 64.4% presented negative sputum culture results; 60.3% classified as paucibacillary cases; 30.5% of the patients were diagnosed with predominant tuberculoid clinical form and 59.9% of the patients did not develop a reaction outbreak during multidrug therapy. Reports showed that 114 subjects were suspected of having at least one drug adverse reaction, resulting in 150 reports. The most frequent suspected reaction was anemia (57%), followed by xerodermia (6%), hyperpigmentation (3%) and headache (4%), among others. In 75.4% of reported cases, Dapsone was the suspected drug. The prevalence ratio was calculated for the suspected reports. 52% of patients with normal results for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency were suspected of having anemia, in addition to 31.6% of regimen replacements among those reported with suspected adverse reactions. The standard multidrug therapy, particularly among this population, has been proven to be a safe choice, despite the high numbers of suspected reports of ADR, most patients presented signs of resolution during of therapy, with a low percentage of replacements. The research added values regarding the safety profile of the treatment for Hansen's Disease in the face of the scarcity of findings in the literature for such population. The results not only will contribute to a greater care with the elected patients, but will also confirm the need for continuous watching of multidrug therapy use.

Análise do perfil de segurança do tratamento para hanseníase em um hospital universitário de Salvador, Bahia

Santos, Carla de Jesus January 2016 (has links)
A hanseníase é uma das doenças mais antigas da humanidade, chamada anteriormente no Brasil de lepra e encontrada em registros de antes de Cristo. É uma doença infecciosa, de evolução crônica, que acomete predominantemente a pele, os nervos periféricos e as mucosas, além de outros órgãos e estruturas, sendo o agente etiológico, o Mycobacterium leprae. A Organização Mundial de Saúde propõe o uso dos esquemas terapêuticos padronizados ou substitutivos para controle desta doença. É pressuposto que um dos motivos de abandono do tratamento seja a ocorrência de reações adversas relativas à terapia. A estratégia global de controle da hanseníase, portanto, deve incluir o desenvolvimento de uma vigilância efetiva dentro dos serviços de saúde. Com o objetivo de analisar o perfil de segurança da farmacoterapia utilizada no tratamento da hanseníase, foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal, retrospectivo com a população de pacientes em tratamento para hanseníase, com esquemas padrão ou substitutivo, em Hospital Universitário de Salvador/BA, 2009 a 2015. Dos 292 pacientes eleitos, 68,8% dos indivíduos eram procedentes da capital; 70,5% pertenciam à faixa etária de adultos; 52,7% eram do gênero feminino; 47,6% eram de cor parda; 40,1% dos indivíduos eram casados; 15,4% tinham apenas ensino fundamental incompleto; 64,4% apresentaram resultado de baciloscopia negativo; 60,3% classificados como paucibacilares; 30,5% dos pacientes com forma clínica predominante tuberculóide e 59,9% das pessoas não desenvolveram surto reacional durante a poliquimioterapia. Foram notificados 114 indivíduos com suspeita de pelo menos uma reação adversa a medicamento (RAM), resultando em 150 notificações. A suspeita de reação mais frequente foi anemia (57%), seguida de xerose cutânea (6%), hiperpigmentação (3%) e cefaleia (4%), dentre outras. Em 75,4% dos casos notificados, a dapsona foi o medicamento suspeito no desencadeamento da reação adversa. A razão de prevalência foi calculada para as notificações de suspeita realizadas e 52% dos pacientes com resultado normal para deficiência da enzima glicose 6-fosfato desidrogenase foram notificados com suspeita de anemia, além de 31,6% de substituições de esquema dentre os notificados com suspeita de reação adversa. A poliquimioterapia padrão, nesta população especificamente, demonstrou ser segura, uma vez que apesar do número elevado de notificações de suspeitas de RAM, a maioria apresentou resolução no curso da terapia, com um percentual reduzido de substituições. A pesquisa agregou valores frente à escassez de achados na literatura para tal população. Os resultados poderão contribuir para um maior cuidado com os pacientes assistidos, ratificando a necessidade de vigilância contínua do uso da poliquimioterapia. / Hansen's Disease is one of the oldest diseases of mankind, formerly known as leprosy, and found in records from before Christ. It is an infectious disease, of chronic evolution, which predominantly affects the skin, peripheral nerves and mucous membranes, as well as other organs and structures. Its etiologic agent is Mycobacterium leprae. The World Health Organization suggest the use of the standard therapeutic regimen or replacement regimen in order to treat the disease. It is assumed that one reason for treatment withdrawal is the occurrence of adverse reactions during the therapy. In order to analyze the safety profile of the pharmacotherapy chosen in the treatment, an observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out with the population of patients undergoing treatment for Hansen's Disease with standard or replacement regimens at the University Hospital in Salvador - BA, 2009 to 2015. 292 patients were elected: 68.8% of them were from the capital; 70.5% belonged to the adult age group; 52.7% were female; 47.6% were brown; 40.1% of the individuals were married; 15.4% had not finished middle school; 64.4% presented negative sputum culture results; 60.3% classified as paucibacillary cases; 30.5% of the patients were diagnosed with predominant tuberculoid clinical form and 59.9% of the patients did not develop a reaction outbreak during multidrug therapy. Reports showed that 114 subjects were suspected of having at least one drug adverse reaction, resulting in 150 reports. The most frequent suspected reaction was anemia (57%), followed by xerodermia (6%), hyperpigmentation (3%) and headache (4%), among others. In 75.4% of reported cases, Dapsone was the suspected drug. The prevalence ratio was calculated for the suspected reports. 52% of patients with normal results for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency were suspected of having anemia, in addition to 31.6% of regimen replacements among those reported with suspected adverse reactions. The standard multidrug therapy, particularly among this population, has been proven to be a safe choice, despite the high numbers of suspected reports of ADR, most patients presented signs of resolution during of therapy, with a low percentage of replacements. The research added values regarding the safety profile of the treatment for Hansen's Disease in the face of the scarcity of findings in the literature for such population. The results not only will contribute to a greater care with the elected patients, but will also confirm the need for continuous watching of multidrug therapy use.

Reações adversas à medicamentos associadas à prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriadas em idosos um estudo coorte /

Alves, Lilian Dias dos Santos January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas / Resumo: Introdução: A prescrição de Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados (MPIs) é altamente prevalente em idosos e estes frequentemente estão associados à maior risco de interações medicamentosas, aumento das admissões hospitalares e Reações Adversas à Medicamentos (RAM), podendo ser prejudiciais à saúde do idoso. Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência de MPI em idosos em uma unidade de internação de hospital terciário e associação com a ocorrência de RAM durante a hospitalização. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal, do tipo coorte, realizado em 2015 na Enfermaria da Clínica do HCFMB – UNESP com acompanhamento de 155 pacientes. Foram incluídos pacientes com 60 anos ou mais internados por condição clínica de ambos os sexos, e excluídos pacientes hospitalizados por um período inferior a 72 horas, e com internação prévia há menos de 30 dias. Foi utilizado como instrumento para identificar a associação entre o medicamento e a RAM o algorítimo de Naranjo, e utilizado os Critérios de Beers (2015) para categorizar os medicamentos como MPI. Resultados: Faziam uso contínuo de MPI antes da internação 113 (73,3%) idosos e receberam MPI durante a internação 139 (89,7%). Na análise multivariável observou-se associação de MPI na internação com uso de MPI antes da internação (RR=1,09; IC 95% = 0,00 – 0,57), Doença Arterial Coronariana (DAC) (RR = 1,39; IC 95% = 1,18 – 69,41) com p < 0,05. Identificou-se que 49 (36,1%) apresentam RAM, sendo no total 71 reações. Os principais medica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: Prescription of Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMs) is highly prevalent in the elderly, and these are often associated with increased risk of drug interactions, increased hospital admissions, and Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), which may be detrimental to the health of the elderly. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of PIM in the elderly in a tertiary hospital admission unit and association with the occurrence of ADR during hospitalization. Material and methods: This is a longitudinal study, cohort type, carried out in 2015 at the HCFMB Clinic Infirmary - UNESP, with follow-up of 155 patients. Patients with 60 years or more hospitalized due to clinical condition of both sexes, excluding patients hospitalized for less than 72 hours, and hospitalized for less than 30 days were included. The Naranjo algorithm was used as an instrument to identify the association between the drug and ADR and the criteria of Beers (2015) were used to categorize the drugs as PIM. Results: PIM were continuously used before hospitalization (73.3%), and received PIM during hospitalization (89.7%). In the multivariate analysis, the association of PIM was observed in the interment with PIM before admission (RR = 1.09, 95% CI = 0.00 - 0.57), Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) (RR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.18 - 69.41) with p <0.05. It was identified that 49 (36.1%) presented ADR, being in total 71 reactions. The main drugs involved in ADR were furosemide (10), enoxoparin (5) and haloperidol (4... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

A Severe Case of Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction Secondary to a Novice Drug: Idelalisib

Gabriel, Joseph Gabriel, Kapila, Aaysha, Gonzalez-Estrada, Alexei 01 May 2017 (has links)
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase δ (PIK3δ) is a tyrosine kinase essential for B cell survival, making it an important target in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Idelalisib is an inhibitor of PIK3δ demonstrating initial success in disease response, but is now shown to have a decreased overall survival and life-threatening serious adverse events. The following is an unfortunate case of a grade III adverse skin reaction secondary to idelalisib with the likely complication of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia.

A child's genotype predicted CYP2D6 phenotype correlates with parent initiated contact following tonsillectomy

Kara, Jacqueline M. 20 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting Adverse Drug Reactions in Electronic Health Records by using the Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting System

Tang, Huaxiu 20 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of pharmacogenomic-guided pathways and their effect on medication changes and hospital admissions: A systematic review and meta-analysis

David, Victoria, Fylan, Beth, Bryant, E., Smith, Heather, Sagoo, G.S., Rattray, Marcus 18 September 2024 (has links)
Yes / Ninety-five percent of the population are estimated to carry at least one genetic variant that is discordant with at least one medication. Pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing has the potential to identify patients with genetic variants that puts them at risk of adverse drug reactions and sub-optimal therapy. Predicting a patient's response to medications could support the safe management of medications and reduce hospitalization. These benefits can only be realized if prescribing clinicians make the medication changes prompted by PGx test results. This review examines the current evidence on the impact PGx testing has on hospital admissions and whether it prompts medication changes. A systematic search was performed in three databases (Medline, CINAHL and EMBASE) to search all the relevant studies published up to the year 2020, comparing hospitalization rates and medication changes amongst PGx tested patients with patients receiving treatment-as-usual (TAU). Data extracted from full texts were narratively synthesized using a process model developed from the included studies, to derive themes associated to a suggested workflow for PGx-guided care and its expected benefit for medications optimization and hospitalization. A meta-analysis was undertaken on all the studies that report the number of PGx tested patients that had medication change(s) and the number of PGx tested patients that were hospitalized, compared to participants that received TAU. The search strategy identified 5 hospitalization themed studies and 5 medication change themed studies for analysis. The meta-analysis showed that medication changes occurred significantly more frequently in the PGx tested arm across 4 of 5 studies. Meta-analysis showed that all-cause hospitalization occurred significantly less frequently in the PGx tested arm than the TAU. The results show proof of concept for the use of PGx in prescribing that produces patient benefit. However, the review also highlights the opportunities and evidence gaps that are important when considering the introduction of PGx into health systems; namely patient involvement in PGx prescribing decisions, thus a better understanding of the perspective of patients and prescribers. We highlight the opportunities and evidence gaps that are important when considering the introduction of PGx into health systems. / This research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (NIHR Yorkshire and Humber PSTRC). GS was supported by the National Institute for Health Research Leeds In vitro Diagnostics Co-operative. This manuscript presents independent research funded by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the University of Bradford.

Pharmacovigilance : spontaneous reporting in health care

Ekman, Elisabet January 2013 (has links)
Pharmacovigilance in healthcare is essential for safe drug treatment. Spontaneous reporting is the most common source of information in the context of implementing label changes and taking a drug off the market. However, underreporting is found to be very prevalent. One way to decrease underreporting is to include different categories of healthcare professionals in such reporting and to investigate attitudes towards and incentives for reporting adverse drug reaction (ADR)s. As nurses form the largest group of health professionals, a sample of nurses were allowed and encouraged to report ADR during a 12 month period after they had received training in pharmacovigilance. A questionnaire posted to physicians and nurses investigated their knowledge and attitudes towards reporting. Spontaneous reports of torsade de pointes (TdP) and erectile dysfunction (ED) were scrutinized with respect to the reported drugs, risk factors and if the reaction was listed in the summary of product characteristics (SPC). After training, the nurses produced relevant reports and three years after the introduction of nurses in the reporting scheme, more than half of the responding nurses were aware of their role as reporters. Both nurses and physicians stated that the most important factor for reporting a suspected ADR was the severity of the ADR and an ADR arising in response to a newly approved drug. A web-based reporting system was deemed to facilitate the reporting. In spontaneous reports of TdP, citalopram was reported as a suspected drug. However, neither QT prolongations, nor TdP, were labelled in the SPC. ED was reported for all antihypertensive drugs including angiotensin II type I blockers. A positive information component (IC), assessing the disproportionality between the observed and the expected number of reports, was found indicating that ED was reported more often in association with antihypertensive drug classes, except for angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. This thesis demonstrates the importance of pharmacoviglilance in healthcare in terms of capturing new signals. By including nurses as reporters, the overall safety of drugs might improve. Information and education are needed to secure safe treatment when applying drugs.

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