Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diversities"" "subject:"adversity""
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Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Swedish Adolescents : Prevalence, Characteristics, Functions and Associations With Childhood AdversitiesZetterqvist, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), such as intentionally cutting, burning or hitting oneself, is a behavior with potentially detrimental consequences and empirical studies are necessary to gain knowledge of how to prevent NSSI in adolescents. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the prevalence, methods, characteristics and functions of NSSI in a large community sample of Swedish adolescents, and to examine the relationship between NSSI and adverse life events and trauma symptoms. All empirical studies had a cross-sectional design and were based on 3,097 adolescents in the county of Östergötland, aged 15-17 years, in their first year of high school. Participating school classes were selected through a randomization process and administered self-report questionnaires. In study I (n = 3,060) a single item NSSI question resulted in a prevalence rate of 17.2%, while 35.6% of adolescents reported having engaged in NSSI at least once during the past year when given a checklist. The most commonly reported type of NSSI in this sample was “bit yourself”, followed by “hit yourself on purpose”, “erased your skin” and “cut or carved on your skin”. Applying the proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria of NSSI resulted in a prevalence rate of 6.7%. Results in study II (n = 2,964) showed that after controlling for gender, parental occupation and living conditions, adolescents with no self-injurious behavior reported the lowest level of adversities and trauma symptoms, while adolescents with both NSSI and suicide attempts (5.7%) reported the highest levels compared to those with only NSSI or a suicide attempt. Adolescents reporting frequent NSSI reported more adversities and trauma symptoms than those with less frequent NSSI. Automatic functions, such as affect regulation, self-punishment and feeling-generation, were the most commonly reported functions of NSSI. Attempts in study I to confirm Nock and Prinstein’s (2004) four-factor model of underlying factors of NSSI functions resulted in a close to acceptable fit. An attempt to refine the factor analysis on this community sample of Swedish adolescents, using Mplus with cross-validation, was made in study III (n = 836). An exploratory factor analysis resulted in a three-factor model (social influence, automatic functions and non-conformist peer identification), which was validated in confirmatory analysis. In order to adhere more closely to learning theory and the concept of negative and positive reinforcement, the third factor was then split into two factors, resulting in a four-factor model (social influence, automatic functions, peer identification and avoiding demands), which showed excellent fit to the data in the confirmatory factor analysis. Study IV (n = 816) showed that NSSI frequency, gender (female), self-reported experience of emotional and physical abuse, having made a suicide attempt, prolonged illness or handicap and symptoms of depression and dissociation were significant predictors in the final model of the automatic functions, indicating that these variables are important in understanding the mechanisms underlying the need to engage in NSSI to regulate emotions, generate feelings, gain control or to self-punish. Symptoms of depression and dissociation mediated the relationship between sexual, physical and emotional abuse and the automatic functions. Furthermore, frequency of NSSI, gender, emotional abuse, prolonged illness or handicap and symptoms of depression uniquely predicted automatic functions but not social functions. Self-reported experience of physical abuse, having made a suicide attempt, symptoms of anxiety and dissociation were significant in the final model of social functions, i.e., performing NSSI to influence or communicate with others, to avoid demands or to identify with peers. Of these, symptoms of anxiety were uniquely associated with social functions. Symptoms of anxiety and dissociation mediated the relationship between physical abuse and social functions of NSSI. Taken together, this thesis has shown that NSSI is prevalent in Swedish adolescents and findings contribute to the discussion of a potential NSSI diagnosis. It is important to consider the effect of different types of negative life events and trauma symptoms in relation to NSSI in adolescents. Assessing the specific reinforcing functions of NSSI and the underlying factor structure can be helpful in developing functionally relevant individualized treatment. / Självskadebeteende, t ex att avsiktligt skära, bränna eller slå sig själv är potentiellt skadliga beteenden. Empiriska studier är viktiga för att kunna förebygga självskadebeteende hos ungdomar. Föreliggande avhandling syftar till att undersöka självskadebeteendets förekomst, funktion, karaktäristik och metoder hos svenska ungdomar, samt att undersöka relationen till negativa livshändelser och traumasymptom. Samtliga fyra empiriska studier hade en tvärsnittsdesign och baserades på 3,097 ungdomar i Östergötland, 15-17 år, i gymnasieskolans årskurs 1, vars skolklasser valts ut slumpmässigt och som besvarat självskattningsformulär. I studie I (n = 3,060) angav 17.2%, som svar på en allmän självskadefråga, att de avsiktligt skadat sig under sin livstid. När ungdomarna däremot svarade på en checklista med olika självskadebeteenden, angav 35.6% att de hade ägnat sig åt någon typ av självskadebeteende under det senaste året. De vanligaste metoderna var att avsiktligt bita eller slå sig själv, sudda på huden och att skära sig. De föreslagna diagnoskriterierna för icke-suicidal självskada i DSM-5 resulterade i en förekomst av 6.7%. Studie II (n = 2,964) visade att ungdomar utan självskadebeteende rapporterade de lägsta antalet negativa livshändelser och traumasymptom, medan de med erfarenhet av både självskadebeteende och självmordsförsök (5.7%) rapporterade de högsta antalen jämfört med de med endast självskadebeteende eller självmordsförsök. Ungdomar med fler självskadetillfällen rapporterade fler negativa livshändelser och traumasymptom än de med färre tillfällen. Automatiska/intrapersonella funktioner, såsom att generera och reglera känslor samt att straffa sig själv var de vanligaste funktionerna som rapporterades. Försök att konfirmera Nock och Prinsteins (2004) fyrfaktormodell av underliggande funktionsfaktorer i studie I resulterade i en modell med nära acceptabel passform. Ett försök att förbättra faktoranalysen på den aktuella urvalsgruppen gjordes med Mplus i studie III (n = 836). En exploratorisk analys resulterade i en trefaktormodell (interpersonell påverkan, automatisk/intrapersonell funktion samt ”icke-konformistisk” kamratidentifikation), vilken även validerades i den konfirmatoriska analysen. Med utgångspunkt i inlärningsteori och begreppen negativ och positiv förstärkning delades därefter den tredje faktorn upp i två faktorer. Det resulterade i en fyrfaktormodell (interpersonell påverkan, automatisk/intrapersonell funktion, kamratidentifikation samt undvikande av krav). Fyrfaktormodellen visade utmärkt passform i den konfirmatoriska analysen. Studie IV (n = 816) visade att självskadebeteendets frekvens, kön (flicka), självrapporterade erfarenheter av psykisk och fysisk misshandel, självmordsförsök, kronisk sjukdom eller handikapp under uppväxten, liksom symptom på depression och dissociation predicerade automatiska självskadefunktioner. De variablerna är potentiellt viktiga för förståelsen av de mekanismer som är involverade när ungdomar skadar sig själva för att generera och reglera känslor, få kontroll, liksom att straffa sig själva. Relationen mellan psykisk och fysisk misshandel och de automatiska funktionerna medierades av symptom på depression och dissociation. Självskadefrekvens, kön, psykisk misshandel, sjukdom/handikapp och symptom på depression predicerade enbart automatiska men inte sociala funktioner. Självrapporterad fysisk misshandel, självmordsförsök, symptom på ångest och dissociation var signifikanta prediktorer för de sociala funktionerna (att påverka/kommunicera med andra, undvika krav eller identifiera sig med kamrater). Ångestsymptom var unikt associerade med sociala funktioner. Symptom på ångest och dissociation medierade vidare relationen mellan fysisk misshandel och sociala självskadefunktioner. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultaten att självskadebeteende är vanligt förekommande hos ungdomar. Avhandlingen bidrar med empiri till diskussionen gällande icke suicidal självskada i DSM-5. Det är viktigt att beakta olika negativa livserfarenheter och traumasymptom i relation till självskadebeteende hos ungdomar. Att undersöka självskadebeteendets funktioner kan vara kliniskt hjälpsamt för att utveckla och utvärdera individuellt anpassade behandlingsstrategier.
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Childhood socioeconomic status and weight change in later lifeHua, Cassandra Leigh 08 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A Biopsychosocial and Long Term Perspective on Child Behavioral Problems : Impact of Risk and ResilienceAgnafors, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mental health has become a prominent issue in society. Yet, much remains unknown about the etiology of psychiatric disorders. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the association between biological, psychological and social factors of risk and resilience and behavioral problems in a birth cohort of Swedish children. 1723 mothers and their children were followed from birth to the age of 12 as part of the South East Sweden Birth Cohort Study (the SESBiC study). Information was gathered through register data, standardized questionnaires and DNA samples. In study I, stability of maternal symptoms of depression and the impact on child behavior at age 12 were investigated. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was found to be 12.0 % postpartum. Symptoms of postpartum depression significantly increased the risk for subsequent depressive symptoms 12 years later in women. Children whose mothers reported concurrent symptoms of depression and anxiety had an increased risk for both internalizing and externalizing problems at age 12, but no long term effect on child behavior was seen for postpartum depressive symptoms. The greatest risk was seen for children whose mothers reported symptoms of depression on both occasions. In study II, the impact of gene-environment interaction of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met and experience of life events together with symptoms of maternal depression and anxiety on child behavior at age 12 was studied. A main effect of 5-HTTLPR was noticed, but no geneenvironment effects were shown. Similarly to study I, concurrent symptoms of maternal depression and anxiety were an important predictor of child behavioral problems. A high degree of psychosocial stress around childbirth was found to have long lasting detrimental effects on child behavior, increasing the risk for internalizing problems at age 12. Study III investigated the impact of geneenvironment interactions of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met and life events together with symptoms of maternal depression and birth characteristics on behavioral problems at age 3. Symptoms of postpartum depression were found to predict internalizing as well as externalizing problems in children three years later. Child experience of life events was a stable predictor of behavioral problems across the scales similar to sociodemographic factors such as parental immigration status and unemployment. No gene-environment interaction effects of 5-HTTLPR or BDNF Val66Met were shown. Study IV used the risk factors identified in studies I-III to investigate factors of resilience to behavioral problems at age 12. The l/l genotype of 5-HTTLPR was associated with a lower risk for behavioral problems at age 12, especially for children facing low adversity. Good social functioning was found to be a general resource factor, independent of the level of risk, while an easy temperament was associated with resilience for children with a high degree of adversity. However, effect sizes were small. In summary, the results from the present thesis emphasize the importance of maternal mental health and sociodemographic factors for child mental health at ages 3 and 12, which must be taken into account in clinical settings. Moreover, it adds to the null-findings of the gene-environment effect of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met on behavioral problems in children, but indicates a main effect of 5-HTTLPR on internalizing symptoms at age 12.
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Ingen kan allt - men alla kan något : En kvalitativ studie av hur lärare beskriver att elever i matematiksvårigheter hanterar motgångar / No one can do everything - but everyone can do something : A qualitative study of how teachers describes that students in mathematical difficulties handles adversityJohansson, Berith January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att se hur undervisande lärare kan hjälpa alla elever i sitt klassrum. Vad är det som krävs för att komma dit? Vilka studier finns det, vad kommer de fram till? Går det att koppla ihop det känslomässiga med det vetenskapliga, för att få elever att utveckla sina förmågor och självkänsla, ge eleverna ett sätta att hantera motgångar? Studien har genomförts med intervjuer av pedagoger inom skolvärlden för att få fram hur de uppfattar och beskriver att elever i matematiksvårigheter hanterar motgångar. Studiens resultat visar att när det gäller att lära elever att hantera motgångar, vilka i sin tur kan göra att elever tappar motivation, har vi pedagoger och vuxna runt omkring barnet en viktig roll i att stärka dem och få dem att se sina starka sidor, men även se vilka förändringar vi vuxna måste göra. Med en bra attityd gentemot matematiken får eleverna mer motivation, vilket i sin tur ger dem en större chans att hantera motgångar. / The purpose with this study was to examine how educating teachers can help all their pupils in the classroom. What does it take to get there? What studies are there, what do they say? Is it possible to connect the emotional, with the scientific to get pupils to elope their abilities and self-esteem, give the pupils a way to handle adversities? The study was done with interviews of school educators to find how they perceive and describes how pupils with mathematical disabilities handle adversities. This study’s result shows that when it is a question of pupil’s way of handling adversity, which might lead to that the pupils lose their motivation, educators and adults around the child have an important role in strengthening the pupils and make them see their strengths, but also see what kind of changes we as adults have to do. With a good attitude towards mathematic, the pupils get more motivated and it gives them a bigger possibility to handle adversities.
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Conversações com psicólogas clínicas sobre resiliência profissionalPitanga, Artur Vandré 07 October 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-10-07 / Considering the social importance of clinical work by professional psychologists, the
present study pretended to research factors of protection that lead to manage and
overcome risk factors and professional difficulties that are inherent in this professional
category. Twenty female psychologists participated in this study. They belonged to
different approaches. Each of them was interviewed, with the intention to identify
protective factors that help them to overcome difficulties and cope with adverse
moments during treatment sessions. The interviews were recorded and transcribed
verbatim and used for inductive qualitative exploration according to the principles of
Grounded Theory and within a contextualist frame. The contents of the collected
information were submitted to analytic, open coding and subsequent construction of
categories. They were also compared with the literature on relevant topics. The results
suggest the existence of a broad variety of factors that enhance the therapists
professional resilience. These include: attitudes (and characteristics) of the therapist in
her work, acquired wisdom and experience, personal strengths, personal self-care,
intellectual training (and knowledge), professional guidance (including supervision) and
social support. The participants felt these factors to protect both their professional
effectiveness and their personal well-being against deleterious effects of adversities at
the job. / Considerando a importância do trabalho que o profissional em psicologia clínica desempenha na sociedade, o presente estudo se propôs a pesquisar sobre os fatores de proteção que levam a superação e manejo de fatores de risco e dificuldades profissionais relacionados a esse campo de atuação profissional. Esse estudo contou com a participação de vinte psicólogas do sexo feminino de diferentes abordagens. Foi realizada uma entrevista com cada uma das profissionais, buscando identificar fatores de proteção que as ajudam na superação de dificuldades e dos momentos de adversidade vivenciadas nos atendimentos clínicos. As entrevistas foram gravadas e posteriormente transcritas. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de característica qualitativa e exploratória, de acordo com um modelo contextualista, sob o método indutivo, fundamentado nos parâmetros da Grounded Theory. Os conteúdos das informações coletadas foram analisados por codificação analítica e aberta e separados em categorias, os resultados eram constantemente comparados com a literatura vigente sobre o assunto. Os dados indicam um leque de fatores de resiliência incluindo: atitudes (e características) da terapeuta em seu trabalho, sabedoria adquirida e vivências profissionais, recursos pessoais da profissional, cuidados pessoais, formação intelectual (e conhecimento), orientação profissional (incluindo supervisão) e apoio social. Para as participantes estes fatores protegem tanto a efetividade profissional quanto o bem-estar pessoal da terapeuta contra os efeitos negativos das adversidades no trabalho.
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The risk factors for criminal behaviour in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASDs): A comparison of childhood adversities between individuals with HFASDs who exhibit criminal behaviour and those with HFASD and no criminal historiesTsujii, Masatsugu, Nakamura, Kazuhiko, Someki, Fumio, Sugiyama, Toshiro, Ohnishi, Masafumi, Kawakami, Chihiro 04 1900 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 博士(医学)(課程) 学位授与年月日:平成25年3月30日 川上ちひろ氏の博士論文として提出された
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Sticks and Stones: The Effects of Verbal Aggression on Self-Esteem and Intimate Relationships in AdulthoodJones, Jana 21 May 2018 (has links)
This study examines the effects of childhood verbal aggression on self-esteem and intimate relationships in adulthood. This study was based on the premises that an individual’s morals and behaviors are affected by one’s life experiences. A case study analysis approach was used to analyze data gathered from 151 participants in the South East region of the United States. The researcher found that the participants that showed lower levels of intimacy in relationships also have experienced threats, ridicule, or insults during childhood. The conclusions drawn from the findings suggest that an individual that experiences verbal aggression in childhood will affect their levels of intimacy in adulthood.
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Exploring family resilience processes in a low socio-economic grandmother-headed household with HIV affected orphansKnox, Xavier January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the processes of family resilience
within a grandmother-headed household, caring for orphaned grandchildren,
in a low socio-economic South African community. To do so, the researcher
posed questions relating to the existing family processes, resources and how
those are utilised to grow from adverse situations.
A qualitative methodological design was followed to allow the accounts of the
sample to emerge. A single grandmother-headed household was chosen to
take part in a focus group. The transcriptions from the focus group was
analysed using an in-depth inductive thematic analyses in order to induce
themes that emerged from their experiences. These themes were then
analysed in relation to the current literature on family resilience in
grandmother-headed households. This study forms part of a larger
longitudinal project headed by Dr R. Mampane, namely: Building resilience in
families: The role of care workers in mitigating family risk factors.
The themes that emerged as a result of the inductive thematic analysis were:
spirituality; family resilience processes (communication, problem solving, roles
and role reversal, emotional attachment, involvement, managing behaviour,
and knowledge and respect of the individual); resources (inter-familial
resources and external resources); the family’s perceptions (definition of the
family and definition of adversity); and finally adversities (males, physical
impairments, and inter- and intra-familial conflict, amongst others less
pronounced). These findings answered questions regarding the process and
support structures utilised by a grandmother-headed household to overcome
and grow from their adversities.
A conceptual model for family resilience was suggested. A better
understanding of how a grandmother-headed household engages in resilient
processes could assist various professionals and community healthcare workers identify processes of strength and the lack thereof in grandmotherheaded
household who look after their orphaned grandchildren. / Mini-dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted
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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and health-risk behaviors among Latinoadolescents: A pilot study of potential hormonal mediators and social support moderatorsZhen-Duan, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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“No this will not work out to combine with the rest of my life” : the Career Development of Female Football Elite Coaches in SwedenThaung, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the career development of Swedish female elite football coaches, how they have experienced their journey as a coach, what have been perceived as prosperities and adversities, how that has affected and been handled by the participants. Collecting the data by low-structured interviews, thus the participants got to describe their journey, in chronological order, following a couple of key questions. The participants consisted of 12 Swedish elite female women football coaches. The analyzing method used was a reflexive thematic analysis. The data analysis resulted in three main themes: Beginning - From player-to-coach transition, Continuation - Searching for sustainability and, Today - Making decisions for the future. These in turn have sub-themes that explain the participants' different experiences from their journey, for example challenges and strategies. The primary conclusion made was that sustainability among the participants was of great importance for their journeys. Implications that the study can contributed to are new knowledge for future female coaches, sports organizations and how they can work to facilitate and create a more sustainable journey, to, eventually, making the profession more attractive.
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