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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prospects for political integration in Southern Africa

Spies, Yolanda Kemp 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines regional integration in Southern Africa and the evolution of SADC. Regional developments are evaluated with the yardsticks of integration theory, against the background of international regionalisation, and in terms of the region's practical record, its rhetoric and future agenda. The extent to which economic integration is progressing, is determined, after which the thesis focuses on political integration within SADC - both de Jure and de facto. Finally, developments within the region are evaluated in light of normative prerequisites for increased political integration. The thesis finds that the integration process in SADC does not fit into traditional integration theory, and concludes that successful economic integration in the region is not necessarily a prerequisite to political integration, but would facilitate it. The research finally concludes that there is evidence of embryonic political integration within SADC, which will wane or grow depending primarily on the political will of its constituents / Political Science / M.A. (Politics)

Developing an appropriate model for regional cooperation in developing countries : the case of Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Ndlovu, Michael 11 1900 (has links)
An appropriate regional cooperation environment makes a vital contribution to the social and economic development of every country in the region. This research thesis focuses specifically on the growing lack of appropriate regional cooperation models in developing countries, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is used as a case study. The research highlights some key issues on the development of the appropriate regional cooperation models. The research information is obtained on the research areas through questionnaire surveys to respondents from South Africa, Tanzania, and Mauritius on the current regional cooperation model and the perceived ideal one. The conclusions drawn are that the regional cooperation models envisaged to be in use in the SADC differ significantly from the theory, which results in inappropriate focus on the requirements of the majority of the states. This is primarily due to the use of inappropriate regional cooperation models. The indications are that traditional market-type integration models, which are used as a “default model” without major adjustments, are inappropriate within the developing countries context, owing to the existence of a fundamental incongruence between the assumptions and requirements of such models and the needs and realities prevailing in Southern Africa. Southern Africa does not satisfy the foremost prerequisites of successful market integration. Despite the considerable advantages the models might have gained in other developed regions, they often fail to meet the requirements of the developing countries. In measuring the satisfaction regarding the current regional cooperation adhering to the requirements of the majority of states, it becomes obvious that the SADC population is generally not satisfied with the results regarding the current regional cooperation. In order to meet the requirements of the majority of states, SADC regional cooperation needs to focus on the appropriate regional cooperation. This requires an understanding and management of three classes of factors, which are environmental factors, capacity factors, and regional organisational factors. The three classes of factors together affect the participation rate of the states. / Business Leadership / DBL (Business Leadership)

Transnational science and technology co-operation in Africa : an evaluation of selected institutions and programmes

Teng-Zeng, Frank Kannigenye 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the aftermath of the Second World War, the development challenges facing Third World countries - those that were independent, those emerging from colonialism and those still under colonialism - led to the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral development institutions. These institutions were intended to assist the developing countries in terms of the provision of both human (technical) skills and material resources as well as to formulate programmes that would promote co-operation for socio-economic development and transformation. If the enormous development problems facing Africa including poverty, hunger, disease can be alleviated, then multilateral institutions have a major role to play in its scientific and technological development as well as in helping to create the appropriate institutional mechanisms for regional and sub-regional co-operation in science and technology (S&T) in Africa. The United Nations system, including UN-affiliated institutions, has therefore come to represent the best hope of realising the dream of most developing countries in their quest for development, due to its institutional capacity to provide development assistance as well as influence the international development agenda which affects Africa. For example, among the institutions in this study, the World Bank Group remains the biggest donor organisation in terms of the funding of development projects and programmes. UNESCO has a leading role as the UN agency whose mandate relates directly to S&T development and peace. The ECA is the representative body of the UN in Africa and therefore able to influence the direction of development policy and programmes. Similarly, the need to develop also led African countries to establish their own regional and sub-regional institutions for co-operation to draw together both human and material resources. However, the development issues discussed and promoted in the developing world over the years have focused more on national income, terms of trade, market access and in recent times on structural adjustment and poverty reduction strategy programmes. But the most important aspect of the development process - the knowledge capability gap (in terms of S&T) - has been much neglected especially at the regional and sub-regional levels. Therefore, in using regional and sub-regional levels of analyses, the research project looks at the programmes supported by the following institutions: the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the African Development Bank (AIDB), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Thus the study uses a theorydriven evaluation based on INEXSK (INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowledge) approach broadly, to investigate the extent to which these multilateral institutions live up to their stated goals of improving the knowledge base for development in the African continent. An important aspect of the study also entails a historical review of science, technology and institutional co-operation in Africa. Furthermore, an important outcome of the study reveals the lack of functional regional and sub-regional organisational frameworks to promote rigorous scientific and technological research and development in the African continent, except for a few centres and programmes supported by some multilateral and bilateral institutions including NGOs. In spite of many years of structural adjustment the World Bank's lending for S&T has marginalised African countries; while the AIDB support for S&T and regional programmes is woefully inadequate. This is a momentous task it has to address if the NEP AD Initiative is to be successful in the years ahead. To guide future initiatives the study draws on the lessons and experiences of the European Union's and the Association of South East Asian Nations' (ASEAN) regional scientific and technology co-operation programmes. The study advocates a knowledge-based development paradigm, which is transnational in approach, and it makes specific recommendations for regional and sub-regional programmes and strategies to promote the socio-economic development and transformation of Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OPSOMMING Ná afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het Derde Wêreldlande - dié reeds onafhanklik, óf besig om kolonialisme af te skud, óf nog steeds onder 'n koloniale moondheid se bewind - sekere ontwikkelingstruikelblokke en -uitdagings in die gesig gestaar. Dit het gelei tot die totstandkoming van verskeie bilaterale en multilaterale ontwikkelingsinstellings. Die doel met sulke instellings se hulpverlening aan ontwikkelende lande was drieledig: om tegniese vaardighede aan te bied; om materiële hulpmiddele te verskaf; en om programme, wat samewerking vir sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en transformasie sou bevorder, te formuleer. Indien die las van die geweldige ontwikkelingsprobleme in Afrika (insluitend armoede, hongersnood en siektes) verlig sou kon word, het multilaterale instellings 'n belangrike rol om te vervul: om te help met, enersyds, die wetenskaplike en tegnologiese ontwikkeling van die kontinent, en andersyds die ontwikkeling van toepaslike institusionele meganismes vir streek- en sub-streeksamewerking in wetenskap en tegnologie (W&T). As gevolg van die Verenigde Nasies se institusionele kapasiteit om ontwikkelingshulp te verskaf, asook om die internasionale ontwikkelingsagenda te beïnvloed, verteenwoordig dié stelsel die beste hoop van die meeste ontwikkelende lande om hulle ontwikkelingsdrome te verwesenlik. Van die instellings wat by die VN geaffillieer is, en wat in hierdie ondersoek geëvalueer word, is die Wêreldbankgroep, die grootste skenkerorganisasie vir die befondsing van ontwikkelingsprogramme en -projekte. So ook het UNESCO 'n leiersrol as die VN agentskap van wie die mandaat direk betrekking het op die ontwikkeling van W&T. Die EKA is die liggaam wat Afrika verteenwoordig by die VN, en beïnvloed daarom die koers van ontwikkelingsbeleid en -programme. Die noodsaak om die kontinent te ontwikkel het ook gelei daartoe dat Afrikalande hulle eie streek- en sub-streekliggame, wat menslike en materiële hulpbronne bymekaar bring, begin stig het. Die ontwikkelingskwessies wat oor die jare in die ontwikkelende wêreld bespreek en aangemoedig is, het egter meer en meer gefokus op nasionale inkomste, handelsvoorwaardes, toegang tot markte en, in die afgelope tyd, strukturele aanpassings en armoede verligtingstrategie programme. Die belangrikste deel van die ontwikkelingsproses - die vernouing van die kennisgaping in W&T - is gevolglik afgeskeep, veral op streek- en substreekvlak. Hierdie navorsingsprojek analiseer dus, op streek- en sub-streekvlak, ontwikkelingsprogramme wat deur die volgende instansies ondersteun word: die Verenigde Nasies se Opvoedkundige, Wetenskaplike en Kulturele Organisasie (UNESCO), die Wêreldbank, die Verenigde Nasies se Ekonomiese Kommissie vir Afrika (EKA), die Organisasie vir Afrika-eenheid (OAE), die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika, die Suider- Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap en die Ekonomiese Gemeenskap van Wes-Afrikaanse State. Die navorsing gebruik 'n teorie-gedrewe evaluering gebaseer op 'n INEXSK ("INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowlege") benadering, om te bepaal in watter mate hierdie multilaterale instellings hulle doelwitte, met betrekking tot die verbetering van die kennisbasis vir ontwikkeling van die Afrika-kontinent, bereik. 'n Historiese oorsig van die wetenskaplike, tegnologiese en institusionele samewerking in Afrika vorm 'n belangrike deel van die navorsingsverslag. Die navorsing dui ook op 'n gebrek aan funksionele organisatoriese raamwerke om op streek en sub-streekvlak streng wetenskaplike en tegnologiese navorsing en ontwikkeling aan te wakker en te bevorder. (Daar is darem 'n paar noemenswaardige uitsonderings van sentra en programme wat deur party van die bilaterale en multilaterale instellings ondersteun word.) Ten spyte van strukturele aanpassings wat oor baie jare plaasgevind het, het die Wêreldbank se lenings vir W&T Afrikalande gemarginaliseer; en die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika se ondersteuning vir W&T en streeksprogramme is heeltemal ontoereikend. Daar is 'n geweldige taak wat in die toekoms aangespreek moet word indien die NEPAD inisiatief hoop om suksesvol te wees. Die verslag gebruik die lesse en ervarings van die Europese Unie en die Vereniging van Suid- Asiatiese Lande se streeksamewerkingsprogramme vir wetenskap en tegnologie as rigtingwyser vir toekomstige inisiatiewe. Die verslag beveel 'n transnasionale kennisgebaseerde ontwikkelingsparadigma aan, en maak spesifieke aanbevelings vir streek en sub-streekprogramme en strategieë om die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en transformasie van Afrika te bevorder.

Dealing with fragile states

Engelhardt, Marie von 28 January 2016 (has links)
Das politische Phänomen ‚fragiler Staaten’ betrifft die Grundfesten des Völkerrechts, und hat dennoch wenig Beachtung in der Rechtswissenschaft gefunden. Staaten, die formal rechtlich anerkannt sind, aber faktisch kaum in der Lage sind, grundlegende staatliche Funktionen auszuüben, beeinträchtigen Funktion und Effektivität der Völkerrechtsordnung. Die Völkerrechtsordnung hängt entscheidend von der Existenz einer effektiven Regierung ab, die zumindest in der Lage ist, Rechte und Pflichten auszuüben und an den internationalen Beziehungen teilzunehmen. In der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit beispielsweise ist die Existenz eines Staates mit rechtlich anerkannter und faktisch handlungsfähiger Regierung eine Grundvoraussetzung für den Transfer finanzieller Ressourcen. Diese Arbeit zeigt mit Blick auf Recht und Praxis der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, dass ‚fragile Staaten’ zwar kein rechtliches Phänomen sind, aber der Umgang von Internationalen Organisationen mit den Herausforderungen fragiler Staatlichkeit durchaus von rechtlicher Relevanz ist. Sie untersucht die formellen und informellen Regeln, die Entwicklungsorganisationen wie die Weltbank für den Umgang mit Staaten mit kaum handlungsfähiger Regierung erlassen haben. Das Resultat ist eine kritische Analyse des sozial konstruierten Phänomens und seiner folgenreichen Übersetzung in rechtliche Regularien. / The political phenomenon of ‘fragile states’ concerns international law’s very foundations, and has yet received little attention from legal scholarship. States that have the legal status of states, but are in fact unable to fulfill even the most basic functions, pose a fundamental problem to the functioning and effectiveness of the international legal order. It crucially depends on the existence of governments with the minimum level of capacity necessary to exercise rights and obligations, and to partake in international cooperation. In development cooperation, for instance, the existence of a state with an authorized and competent government is a basic condition for the transfer of financial assistance. This study looks at the law and practice of development cooperation to show that ‘fragile states’ are a phenomenon beyond law, but how international organizations have addressed the challenges of engaging with fragile states may well be of legal significance. It analyzes the formal and informal rules that development organizations – the World Bank, and a range of regional organizations – have adopted to address the lack or severe limitation of government effectiveness in certain countries. The result is a critical analysis of the discourse on fragile states, and how it has shaped the rule-making activities of international organizations.

Developing an appropriate model for regional cooperation in developing countries : the case of Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Ndlovu, Michael 11 1900 (has links)
An appropriate regional cooperation environment makes a vital contribution to the social and economic development of every country in the region. This research thesis focuses specifically on the growing lack of appropriate regional cooperation models in developing countries, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is used as a case study. The research highlights some key issues on the development of the appropriate regional cooperation models. The research information is obtained on the research areas through questionnaire surveys to respondents from South Africa, Tanzania, and Mauritius on the current regional cooperation model and the perceived ideal one. The conclusions drawn are that the regional cooperation models envisaged to be in use in the SADC differ significantly from the theory, which results in inappropriate focus on the requirements of the majority of the states. This is primarily due to the use of inappropriate regional cooperation models. The indications are that traditional market-type integration models, which are used as a “default model” without major adjustments, are inappropriate within the developing countries context, owing to the existence of a fundamental incongruence between the assumptions and requirements of such models and the needs and realities prevailing in Southern Africa. Southern Africa does not satisfy the foremost prerequisites of successful market integration. Despite the considerable advantages the models might have gained in other developed regions, they often fail to meet the requirements of the developing countries. In measuring the satisfaction regarding the current regional cooperation adhering to the requirements of the majority of states, it becomes obvious that the SADC population is generally not satisfied with the results regarding the current regional cooperation. In order to meet the requirements of the majority of states, SADC regional cooperation needs to focus on the appropriate regional cooperation. This requires an understanding and management of three classes of factors, which are environmental factors, capacity factors, and regional organisational factors. The three classes of factors together affect the participation rate of the states. / Business Leadership / DBL (Business Leadership)

Prospects for political integration in Southern Africa

Spies, Yolanda Kemp 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines regional integration in Southern Africa and the evolution of SADC. Regional developments are evaluated with the yardsticks of integration theory, against the background of international regionalisation, and in terms of the region's practical record, its rhetoric and future agenda. The extent to which economic integration is progressing, is determined, after which the thesis focuses on political integration within SADC - both de Jure and de facto. Finally, developments within the region are evaluated in light of normative prerequisites for increased political integration. The thesis finds that the integration process in SADC does not fit into traditional integration theory, and concludes that successful economic integration in the region is not necessarily a prerequisite to political integration, but would facilitate it. The research finally concludes that there is evidence of embryonic political integration within SADC, which will wane or grow depending primarily on the political will of its constituents / Political Science / M.A. (Politics)

State custodianship of the nation's mineral and petroleum resources and the South African Development Trust Act 18 of 1963 : a critical comparison / Lebogang Mothusi Marumo

Marumo, Lebogang Mothusi January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation envisages the investigation and determination of the possible correlation between the two phenomena, state custodianship and trusteeship with specific reference to land trusts. Custodianship, as captured in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Management Act 28 of 2002, and trusteeship, as embodied in the South African Development Trust legislation, being the Native Trust and Land Act 18 of 1936; the Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994 as enacted by the KwaZulu Legislature on the 24th of April 1994, amended with the status of a national Act (provincial Act) in 1997, and re-enacted [by the RSA Parliament] as the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994, and the National Water Act 54 of 1956, all confer upon a certain body, the fiduciary obligation to hold, protect and manage certain resources in the interest of a particular designated group of people. The objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the trust notion as it functioned in terms of the SADT legislation, ITA and the NWA, and compare it to the novel concept of custodianship as it emanates from the MPRDA in order to determine the inherent similarities and differences as well as the implications thereof. This will assist in determining the true nature and impact of the notion of state custodianship as introduced by the MPRDA. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

State custodianship of the nation's mineral and petroleum resources and the South African Development Trust Act 18 of 1963 : a critical comparison / Lebogang Mothusi Marumo

Marumo, Lebogang Mothusi January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation envisages the investigation and determination of the possible correlation between the two phenomena, state custodianship and trusteeship with specific reference to land trusts. Custodianship, as captured in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Management Act 28 of 2002, and trusteeship, as embodied in the South African Development Trust legislation, being the Native Trust and Land Act 18 of 1936; the Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994 as enacted by the KwaZulu Legislature on the 24th of April 1994, amended with the status of a national Act (provincial Act) in 1997, and re-enacted [by the RSA Parliament] as the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994, and the National Water Act 54 of 1956, all confer upon a certain body, the fiduciary obligation to hold, protect and manage certain resources in the interest of a particular designated group of people. The objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the trust notion as it functioned in terms of the SADT legislation, ITA and the NWA, and compare it to the novel concept of custodianship as it emanates from the MPRDA in order to determine the inherent similarities and differences as well as the implications thereof. This will assist in determining the true nature and impact of the notion of state custodianship as introduced by the MPRDA. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Hedging currency futures basis risk : a SADC uniform currency perspective

Jordaan, Felipe Yvann 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The implementation or adaption of a common currency by a group of countries has managerial as well as risk management implications for these emerging market multinational corporations (EMNC’S). This study sets out to examine these business management implications and the computation of a fictitious uniform currency for the SADC region, “SADC dollar” to derive its optimality should the SADC dollar replace the ZAR. This optimality was determined by comparing the basis risk of currency futures hedge positions using both the USD/ZAR on a ZAR currency index and USD/SADC dollar on a SADC currency index as the respective underlings. Findings indicated that the basis risk and currency risk declined over a time-series analysis which implied better business management decisions, increased profit margins, larger firm value and more effective hedged positions for the companies in South Africa that may adopt this new currency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering of aanvaarding van ‘n gemene wisselkoers deur ‘n groep SADC-lande het besigheidsbestuurs- asook risikobestuursimplikasies vir SADC multinasionale maatskappye. Hierdie studie beoog om die implikasies vir bestuur te ondersoek en te bepaal hoe die skep van ‘n fiktiewe eenvormige wisselkoers vir die SADC-streek gebruik kan word, dit is, sou die “SADC dollar” die ZAR vervang. Hierdie optimaliteit is bereken deur die basisrisiko van verskeie valutatermynkontrakte vergelyk. Die instrument onderliggend aan die verskillende valutatermynkontrakte was die VSA dollar/rand wisselkoers wat op ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse rand (ZAR) valutaindeks gemodelleer is en die VSA dollar/SADC dollar wat op ‘n SADC valutaindeks gemodelleer was. Die resultate van die navorsing op die gekose tydreeks dui daarop dat die basisrisiko sowel as die valutarisiko moontlik sal afneem. Die implikasie hiervan is moonlik beter besigheidsbestuurs-besluite, toename in winsmarges, toenames in maatskapywaardes en meer effektiewe skans posisies vir maatskappye in Suid–Afrika wat hierdie eenvormige wisselkoers sou implementeer.

SADC macro-economic convergence targets beyond 2008 : challenges, gains and opportunities for Namibia

Murorua, Martha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.

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