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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental legibility and acute cognitive impairment among the hospitalized elderly a report submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science (Gerontological Nursing) ... /

Coccia, Rebecca J. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1993.

Do physiotherapy staff record treatment time accurately? An observational study

Bagley, Pamela J., Hudson, M., Green, J.R., Forster, A., Young, J. January 2009 (has links)
No / To assess the reliability of duration of treatment time measured by physiotherapy staff in early-stage stroke patients. DESIGN: Comparison of physiotherapy staff's recording of treatment sessions and video recording. SETTING: Rehabilitation stroke unit in a general hospital. SUBJECTS: Thirty-nine stroke patients without trunk control or who were unable to stand with an erect trunk without the support of two therapists recruited to a randomized trial evaluating the Oswestry Standing Frame. Twenty-six physiotherapy staff who were involved in patient treatment. MAIN MEASURES: Contemporaneous recording by physiotherapy staff of treatment time (in minutes) compared with video recording. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Intraclass correlation with 95% confidence interval and the Bland and Altman method for assessing agreement by calculating the mean difference (standard deviation; 95% confidence interval), reliability coefficient and 95% limits of agreement for the differences between the measurements. RESULTS: The mean duration (standard deviation, SD) of treatment time recorded by physiotherapy staff was 32 (11) minutes compared with 25 (9) minutes as evidenced in the video recording. The mean difference (SD) was -6 (9) minutes (95% confidence interval (CI) -9 to -3). The reliability coefficient was 18 minutes and the 95% limits of agreement were -24 to 12 minutes. Intraclass correlation coefficient for agreement between the two methods was 0.50 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.73). CONCLUSIONS: Physiotherapy staff's recording of duration of treatment time was not reliable and was systematically greater than the video recording.

Analyse exploratoire du comportement de deux catégories de jeunes consommateurs marocains de spectacles de football et de jeux vidéo de football / Exploratory analysis of the of two categories of young moroccan consumers behaviours on football events and football video games

Belkebir, Joumana 27 June 2018 (has links)
Il existe aujourd’hui un intérêt managérial et académique à analyser les comportements de consommation des jeunes marocains de 8 à 24 ans spectateurs de football et pratiquants de jeux vidéo de football. D’une part, un intérêt managérial car ces jeunes marocains constituent un débouché majeur et une source de recettes pour le secteur du football au Maroc. D’autre part, un intérêt académique car peu de travaux existent dans la littérature marketing internationale et marocaine portant sur les comportements de cette population. Le concept d’identité, dont l’application est particulièrement pertinente à cette catégorie d’adolescents, nous semble central pour enrichir la compréhension de ces comportements. Dans cette perspective, notre travail doctoral vise à montrer l’importance de la prise en compte de la double identité jeune et marocaine en relation avec d’autres variables plus classiques (environnementales, sociodémographiques et expérientielles), lorsqu’il s'agit de consommations passionnées et (ou) partisanes des spectacles de football et des jeux vidéo de football. À partir d’une approche exploratoire qualitative et quantitative, notre recherche permet de mettre en évidence des profils de jeunes marocains spectateurs et joueurs, et d'étudier la relation entre leur consommation des spectacles de football et de jeux vidéo de football. De plus, cette étude met en avant l’émergence d’une nouvelle consommation féminine et connectée des spectacles de football. Au final, nos résultas peuvent permettre aux gestionnaires d’adapter leurs politiques de distribution et de communication des jeux vidéo et des spectacles de football à ces segments. / Nowadays, there is a managerial and academic interest in analyzing the consumption behavior of moroccan football spectators and football video game players aged between 8 and 24. A managerial interest because the young Moroccans constitute a major market and a source of revenue for the football sector in Morocco and an academic interest considering the lack of research in the international and Moroccan marketing literature concerning these types of behaviors. The concept of identity is particularly important to explain the behavior of this category of adolescents. In this perspective, our doctoral work aims to show the importance of the young and Moroccan identity in relation to other more traditional variables (environmental, socio-demographic and experiential), when it is related to passionate and (or) partisan consumption of football shows and football video games. Through a qualitative and quantitative exploratory approach, our research essentially highlights profiles of young moroccan spectators and players, and analyzes the relationship between the consumption of football shows and football video games. In addition, this study highlights the emergence of a female and connected football consumption shows among young Moroccans between 8 to 24. Finally, our results can help managers to adapt their distribution and communication strategies of football video games and football shows to these segments.

A study on the relationship between formal and informal support systems for the elderly : case studies on family care and day care service in Hong Kong /

Cheng, Kwai-ho. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.

Components of internalized homophobia, self-disclosure of sexual orientation to physician, and durable power of attorney for health care completion in older gay men

Mostade, S. Jeffrey. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Kent State University, 2004. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Apr. 27, 2006). Includes bibliographical references (p. 175-209).

Effects of weight loss and exercise on chemerin serum concentrations and adipose tissue expression in human obesity

Chakaroun, Rima 14 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Chemerin is a chemoattractant adipokine that regulates adipogenesis and may induce insulin resistance. Chemerin serum concentrations are elevated in obese, insulin-resistant, and inflammatory states in vivo. Here we investigate the role of omental (OM) and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue chemerin and CMKLR1 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in human obesity. In addition, we test the hypothesis that changes in chemerin serum concentrations are primarily associated with reduced body fat mass in the context of 3 weight loss intervention studies. Chemerin serum concentration was measured in 740 individuals in a cross-sectional (n = 629) study including a subgroup (n = 161) for which OM and SC chemerin mRNA expression has been analyzed as well as in 3 interventions including 12 weeks of exercise (n = 60), 6 months of calorie-restricted diet (n = 19) studies, and 12 months after bariatric surgery (n = 32). Chemerin mRNA is significantly higher expressed in adipose tissue of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and correlates with circulating chemerin, body mass index (BMI), percentage body fat, C-reactive protein, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, and glucose infusion rate in euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps. CMKLR1 mRNA expression was not significantly different between the 2 fat depots. Obesity surgery–induced weight loss causes a significant reduction on both OM and SC chemerin expression. All interventions led to significantly reduced chemerin serum concentrations. Decreased chemerin serum concentrations significantly correlate with improved glucose infusion rate and reduced C-reactive protein levels independently of changes in BMI. Insulin resistance and inflammation are BMI-independent predictors of elevated chemerin serum concentrations. Reduced chemerin expression and serum concentration may contribute to improved insulin sensitivity and subclinical inflammation beyond significant weight loss.

Effects of weight loss and exercise on chemerin serum concentrations and adipose tissue expression in human obesity

Chakaroun, Rima 13 January 2014 (has links)
Chemerin is a chemoattractant adipokine that regulates adipogenesis and may induce insulin resistance. Chemerin serum concentrations are elevated in obese, insulin-resistant, and inflammatory states in vivo. Here we investigate the role of omental (OM) and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue chemerin and CMKLR1 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in human obesity. In addition, we test the hypothesis that changes in chemerin serum concentrations are primarily associated with reduced body fat mass in the context of 3 weight loss intervention studies. Chemerin serum concentration was measured in 740 individuals in a cross-sectional (n = 629) study including a subgroup (n = 161) for which OM and SC chemerin mRNA expression has been analyzed as well as in 3 interventions including 12 weeks of exercise (n = 60), 6 months of calorie-restricted diet (n = 19) studies, and 12 months after bariatric surgery (n = 32). Chemerin mRNA is significantly higher expressed in adipose tissue of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and correlates with circulating chemerin, body mass index (BMI), percentage body fat, C-reactive protein, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, and glucose infusion rate in euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps. CMKLR1 mRNA expression was not significantly different between the 2 fat depots. Obesity surgery–induced weight loss causes a significant reduction on both OM and SC chemerin expression. All interventions led to significantly reduced chemerin serum concentrations. Decreased chemerin serum concentrations significantly correlate with improved glucose infusion rate and reduced C-reactive protein levels independently of changes in BMI. Insulin resistance and inflammation are BMI-independent predictors of elevated chemerin serum concentrations. Reduced chemerin expression and serum concentration may contribute to improved insulin sensitivity and subclinical inflammation beyond significant weight loss.

Фактори ризика за пад и функционална способност старих особа / Faktori rizika za pad i funkcionalna sposobnost starih osoba / Fall risk factors and functionality in elderly persons

Ivanović Sunčica 12 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Увод. Годишње најмање 30% особа старијих од 65 година доживи један или више падова. Са повећањем година повећава се и озбиљност компликација услед пада, степен функционалног оштећења и ниво инвалидитета. Одговорност за пад приписује се многим факторима ризика. Због сложености њихове природе, од кључног је значаја да се ревидирају концептуални и методолошки оквири за разумевање и предвиђање пада у популацији старих особа. Циљеви истраживања. Утврдити учесталост падова код особа старијих од 65 година; утврдити најзначајније факторе ризика од пада и проценити њихову интеракцију са функционалним способностима и забринутост због пада. Материјал и методологија. Истраживање је спроведено у од фебруара до јуна 2014. године у виду студије пресека и обухватило је 400 испитаника старијих од 65 година. Испитаници су тестирани у кућним условима приликом посете патронажне службе. Коришћени су следећи инструменти: општи упитник, Elderly Fall Screening Test &ndash; ЕFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire &ndash; MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale &minus; IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Стaтистички прорaчуни су вршени прогрaмом SPSS верзијa 20. Резултати истраживања. Резултати студије показују да је пад доживело 55% испитаника. Регресиони модел EFST са варијаблама био је статистички значајан, а као независни предиктори показали су се женски пол (OR = 2,751; &lt; 0,001), године старости (OR = 1,138; p &lt; 0,001), и степен образовања (OR = 0,554; p = 0,027). Слични резултати су добијении и за регресиони модел са Тинетијевим скором где су се као независни предиктори показали пол (Beta = -0,107; p = 0,029) старост (Beta = -0,260; p &lt; 0,001) и степен образовања (Beta = 0,191; p &lt; 0,001). Све корелације између ЕFST, FESI, IADL и скором Тинетијевог теста биле су статистички значајне (p &lt; 0,05). Вредности скора FESI биле су у јакој позитивној корелацији са скором ЕFST и изузетно негативној корелацији са IADL и скором Тинетијевог теста. Скор ЕFST показао је умерену негативну корелацију са скором IADL и јаку негативну са скором Тинетијевог теста, док су скор IADL и скор Тинетијевог теста показали умерену позитивну корелацију. Модел EFST био је статистички значајан и у целини тачно класификује 83,3% случајева. Варијабле које су се показале као независни предиктори били су: Тинети скор (OR = 0,783; p &lt; 0,001), скор (OR = 1,041; p = 0,019) и ортостатска хипотензија (OR = 2,291; p = 0,035). Закључак. У испитиваној популацији падови су веома учестала појава и више од половине особа доживела је пад у последњих годину дана. У повећаном ризику од пада су жене. Такође ризик од пада повећава се са годинама старости. Нижи степен образовања показао се као независни предиктор пада. Предикција ризика од пада утврђеног на основу скрининг тест за пад код старих особа у општој популацији могућа је уз висок степен детерминације на основу скора Тинетијевог теста и, скора FESI и ортостатске хипотензије.</p> / <p>Uvod. Godišnje najmanje 30% osoba starijih od 65 godina doživi jedan ili više padova. Sa povećanjem godina povećava se i ozbiljnost komplikacija usled pada, stepen funkcionalnog oštećenja i nivo invaliditeta. Odgovornost za pad pripisuje se mnogim faktorima rizika. Zbog složenosti njihove prirode, od ključnog je značaja da se revidiraju konceptualni i metodološki okviri za razumevanje i predviđanje pada u populaciji starih osoba. Ciljevi istraživanja. Utvrditi učestalost padova kod osoba starijih od 65 godina; utvrditi najznačajnije faktore rizika od pada i proceniti njihovu interakciju sa funkcionalnim sposobnostima i zabrinutost zbog pada. Materijal i metodologija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u od februara do juna 2014. godine u vidu studije preseka i obuhvatilo je 400 ispitanika starijih od 65 godina. Ispitanici su testirani u kućnim uslovima prilikom posete patronažne službe. Korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: opšti upitnik, Elderly Fall Screening Test &ndash; EFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire &ndash; MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale &minus; IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Statistički proračuni su vršeni programom SPSS verzija 20. Rezultati istraživanja. Rezultati studije pokazuju da je pad doživelo 55% ispitanika. Regresioni model EFST sa varijablama bio je statistički značajan, a kao nezavisni prediktori pokazali su se ženski pol (OR = 2,751; &lt; 0,001), godine starosti (OR = 1,138; p &lt; 0,001), i stepen obrazovanja (OR = 0,554; p = 0,027). Slični rezultati su dobijenii i za regresioni model sa Tinetijevim skorom gde su se kao nezavisni prediktori pokazali pol (Beta = -0,107; p = 0,029) starost (Beta = -0,260; p &lt; 0,001) i stepen obrazovanja (Beta = 0,191; p &lt; 0,001). Sve korelacije između EFST, FESI, IADL i skorom Tinetijevog testa bile su statistički značajne (p &lt; 0,05). Vrednosti skora FESI bile su u jakoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa skorom EFST i izuzetno negativnoj korelaciji sa IADL i skorom Tinetijevog testa. Skor EFST pokazao je umerenu negativnu korelaciju sa skorom IADL i jaku negativnu sa skorom Tinetijevog testa, dok su skor IADL i skor Tinetijevog testa pokazali umerenu pozitivnu korelaciju. Model EFST bio je statistički značajan i u celini tačno klasifikuje 83,3% slučajeva. Varijable koje su se pokazale kao nezavisni prediktori bili su: Tineti skor (OR = 0,783; p &lt; 0,001), skor (OR = 1,041; p = 0,019) i ortostatska hipotenzija (OR = 2,291; p = 0,035). Zaključak. U ispitivanoj populaciji padovi su veoma učestala pojava i više od polovine osoba doživela je pad u poslednjih godinu dana. U povećanom riziku od pada su žene. Takođe rizik od pada povećava se sa godinama starosti. Niži stepen obrazovanja pokazao se kao nezavisni prediktor pada. Predikcija rizika od pada utvrđenog na osnovu skrining test za pad kod starih osoba u opštoj populaciji moguća je uz visok stepen determinacije na osnovu skora Tinetijevog testa i, skora FESI i ortostatske hipotenzije.</p> / <p>Introduction. Annually at least 30% of people over 65 experience one or more falls. With the increase in years, the severity of complications due to falls, degree of functional impairment and level of disability also increase. The responsibility for the fall is attributed to many risk factors. Due to the complexity of their nature, it is crucial that the conceptual and methodological frameworks for understanding and predicting the decline in the elderly population are revised. Research goals. Determine the incidence of falls in people over 65 years of age; identify the most important risk factors of the fall and evaluate their interaction with functional abilities and fear for falling. Material and methodology. The survey was conducted from February to June 2014 in the form of a cross sectional study and included 400 respondents over 65 years of age. Respondents were tested at home during a visit of the patronage service. The following instruments were used: general questionnaire, Elderly Fall Screening Test - EFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire - MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale - IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Statistical calculations were performed by the SPSS version 20 program. Research results. The results of the study show that the fall was experienced by 55% of respondents. The regression model EFST with variables was statistically significant, and as independent predictors the female sex (OR = 2,751; &lt;0,001), age (OR = 1,138; p &lt;0,001), and the level of education (OR = 0,554; p = 0.027) were shown. Similar results were obtained for the regression model with the Tinetti&#39;s score, where the gender (Beta = -0.107; p = 0.029) age (Beta = -0.260; p &lt;0.001) and education (Beta = 0.191; p &lt; 0.001) were shown as independent predictors. All correlations between EFST, FESI, IADL and the Tinetti&#39;s test score were statistically significant (p &lt;0.05). The FESI score values were in a strong positive correlation with the EFST score and extremely negative correlation with IADL and the Tinetti&rsquo;s test score. The EFST score showed a moderate negative correlation with the IADL score and a strong negative with the Tinetti&rsquo;s test score, while the IADL score and the Tinetti test score showed moderate positive correlation. The EFST model was statistically significant and in its entirety accurately classified 83.3% of cases. Variables that proved to be independent predictors were: Tinetti score (OR = 0.783; p &lt;0.001), score (OR = 1.041; p = 0.019) and orthostatic hypotension (OR = 2.291; p = 0.035). Conclusion. In the studied population, falls are a very common occurrence and more than half of the people experienced a fall in the past year. Women are at increased risk of falling. Also, the risk of falling increases with age. A lower level of education has proven to be an independent fall predictor. Prediction of the risk of a fall that has been established on the basis of a screening test for elderly people in the general population is possible with a high degree of determination based on the Tinetti test score and, recent FESI and orthostatic hypotension.</p>

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