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Organisation et communication interne : le cas d'un journal interne "en train de se faire" / Organization and internal communication : elaboration process of an in-house journalIvanov, Ivan 08 July 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d’étudier le journal interne comme discours stratégique et agent textuel en train de se faire. Elle se focalise sur son élaboration quotidienne par une multitude d’agents organisationnels et analyse les stratégies personnelles de ceux qui y contribuent. L'analyse est fondée sur une observation participante effectuée pendant deux ans au sein du service Communication d’une organisation nommée Préventika. Les données recueillies ont donné lieu à une analyse mixte (thématique et longitudinale) des onze numéros du journal interne depuis sa création. Cette recherche contribue ainsi à poursuivre les travaux scientifiques sur l’agentivité textuelle initiés par les chercheurs de l'École de Montréal dans lesquels les textes du journal interne sont vus comme des agents organisationnels capables d’agir et de faire agir, à savoir d’agir sur l’organisation qui les produit et de faire agir l’organisation et ses membres. / This research aims to better understand how organizational communication texts contribute to the setting of a strategic discourse and a textual agency by focusing on the process of elaboration of an in-house journal. Our main topics of interest are the personal strategies of those who contribute to the preparation of the in-house journal, the reasons for their day-to-day involvement and the change it brings to the working practice. Our approach is structured around participant observation within the Communication department of Préventika. Based on the data collected for a period of two years, we conduct a mixed methods analysis (thematic and longitudinal) of eleven editions of the in-house journal since its creation. This research contributes to the textual agency approach developed by The Montréal School of Organizational Communication in which the in-house journal texts are seen as agents able to act on and to make act on the organization and its members.
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Agenturní zaměstnávání / Agency employmentTomčíková, Ilona January 2011 (has links)
- Agency Employment For my thesis topic, I have chosen "Agency Employment". It's a relatively young institute, which was incorporated into our legal system only on October 1st, 2004. I believe that Agency Employment topic can be always considered current and positive, because it allows us to flexibly react to the needs of the job market. Since the topic is very broad, the goal of this paper is not a detailed analysis of all aspects of this institute, but only a few of them that I consider to be most important. I shall present and evaluate current law governing the subject and also try to point out its flaws. I have structured the thesis into 4 chapters, further divided into subchapters. The conclusion contains summary and de lege ferenda reflections. At the beginning it is appropriate to introduce the topic, therefore the first chapter is dedicated to the Agency Employment concept and other connected topics. That includes employment mediation, license for employment mediation and dependent work. In the second chapter I examine the progress of Agency Employment law in the Czech Republic. Firstly I present the state, when this institute wasn't included in our legal system, then I put mind to the current law. This chapter includes also a detailed analysis of the International Labour Organisation...
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Vliv agenturního zpravodajství na obsah zahraničních rubrik deníků Lidové noviny a Hospodářské noviny / Influence of press agencies on the Foreign News of Czech dailies Lidové noviny and Hospodářské novinyTrefancová, Miluše January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Influence of press agencies on the foreign news of Czech dailies Lidové noviny and Hospodářské noviny deals with influence of the press agency ČTK and Reuters on the foreign news, March and April 2012 were being analyzed. The Research used quantitative content analysis and describes the way, how editors work with the news from ČTK and Reuters, how much space get the agencies′s news in newspapers and how the journalists mention authorship while taking news from the press agency. This thesis also contains agenda-setting principles, gatekeeping theory, news values and media routines as a theoretical base.
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Analýza personálních agentur / Analysis of employment agenciesČerný, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Analysis of employment agencies Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to explore employment agencies on Czech labour market and find out its functionality and credibility from the side of job seeker. One of the constitutive aim was also using the marketing method Mystery client. The term functionality of employmenet agencies was evaluated as attitude and ability of employment agency to mediate good job for job seekers. Methods: To obtain data, that allows to final evaluation, was used special technique of market research called Mystery client. This method represents hidden observation during job interview. The research was completed with question survey of selected staff consultants. Results: The results of the research indicated that employment agencies are mainly focused on outsourcing and are usually mediating short-term job for young and less educated people. The research also indicated that employment agencies are not able to mediate appropriate job in reached level of education. In spite of these problems, there were recommended three employment agencies that are properly able to communicate and react for job supply and demand. Key words: Employment agency, analysis, mystery shopping, mystery client, questionnaire
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Implementing a fast-pick area at Defense Distribution Center San Joaquin (DDJC)Rush, Marvin P., Burks, Eric H. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / In a warehouse, a fast-pick-area is a region containing many items that can be retrieved quickly and inexpensively to fulfill customer orders. The Defense Distribution Center San Joaquin (DDJC) implements a similar strategy on a wider scale by designating one of many warehouses as a "fast-pick-area." We develop a plan to optimally slot the fast-pick area at DDJC using a computer model that captures the tradeo.s of storage space versus cost of replenishment from bulk storage. Our results suggest that defense distribution centers should consider implementing a fast pick area as a means of reducing operating costs. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy
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L’ordine sociale a tavola : L’interazione tra genitori e figli in famiglie italiane e svedesi / The social order at the dinner table : The interaction between parents and children in Italian and Swedish familiesPauletto, Franco January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation examines mealtime conversations between parents and children in eight Swedish and eight Italian middle class, dual-earner households, exploring the ways in which children are engaged in the cooperative construction of social order. The study is part of an international project (cf. Aronsson & Pontecorvo, 2002), coordinated with prior work in the US (cf. Ochs & Kremer-Sadlik, 2013). Study I explores how children’s accounts work during family dinner conversations. So called proto-accounts (laments, multiple repeats, want-statements) and varied verbal accounts are analyzed in relation to age class or prior language socialization experiences. Study II focuses on the use of endearment terms in directive sequences between parents and children. The findings show an asymmetrical distribution of endearment terms, in that only parents make use of them when interactional problems – children’s non-compliance with parental requests in particular – arise. Study III examines the ways in which Italian parents deploy the discourse marker dai (‘come on’) in directive sequences. This is a flexible linguistic resource that is employed by parents as a cajoling token when children fail to comply with parental requests, hindering the advancement of the in-progress activity. This thesis describes family mealtimes as parent-directed activities where sociality, morality and local understandings of the world (Ochs & Shohet, 2006) are collaboratively re-created and enacted. This confirms the crucial role of everyday family meals as rich cultural sites (Ochs & Shohet, 2006) for reasserting moral attitudes of the family: participants learn moment by moment how to be competent actors that are able to choose between alternative courses of action and that can therefore be held accountable for their actions (Bergmann, 1998: 284). From this point of view, a dinner is paradigmatic of the deep moral sense that permeates the making of a family.
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Costs and Benefits of Delegation : Managerial Discretion as a Bridge between Strategic Management and Corporate GovernancePonomareva, Yuliya January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the question of effective delegation, exploring it through the concept of managerial discretion (i.e., a latitude of managerial actions, which lie in the zone of shareholders’ acceptance). While the corporate governance perspective on managerial discretion focuses mainly on the costs associated with delegation, the strategic management perspective emphasizes its benefits in creating value for the firm. Building on research in corporate governance and strategic management, this dissertation develops and empirically tests a theoretical framework that explains how the two distinct dimensions of managerial discretion jointly influence organizational outcomes. The proposed framework illuminates the importance of balance between the restraining and enabling decisions undertaken by professional managers. This dissertation makes a two-fold contribution to the field of corporate governance. First, it identifies and explains organizational and environmental forces that jointly shape strategic and governance dimensions of managerial discretion, redefining the concept. Second, it conceptually and empirically explores an integrative model of managerial discretion within the broader corporate governance framework, providing evidence of the joint effects of governance and strategic dimensions of discretion on organizational outcomes. The results suggest that the effect of governance dimension of managerial discretion on a firm’s performance is contingent on the strategic dimension of discretion. This draws attention to potential strategic implications of board monitoring over managerial decision making. While the majority of studies emphasize the benefits of increased control over managerial decision making, particularly stressing board monitoring, this dissertation also considers the benefits of delegation for firms’ strategic development. By reversing the polarity of the current emphasis on disciplining managers, this dissertation provides a more balanced view of the notion of corporate governance. The value of this approach derives from the integrated model, which highlights the benefits and the costs of delegation.
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The Effect of Reputation Shocks to Rating Agencies on Corporate DisclosuresSethuraman, Subramanian January 2016 (has links)
<p>This paper explores the effect of credit rating agency’s (CRA) reputation on the discretionary disclosures of corporate bond issuers. Academics, practitioners, and regulators disagree on the informational role played by major CRAs and the usefulness of credit ratings in influencing investors’ perception of the credit risk of bond issuers. Using management earnings forecasts as a measure of discretionary disclosure, I find that investors demand more (less) disclosure from bond issuers when the ratings become less (more) credible. In addition, using content analytics, I find that bond issuers disclose more qualitative information during periods of low CRA reputation to aid investors better assess credit risk. That the corporate managers alter their voluntary disclosure in response to CRA reputation shocks is consistent with credit ratings providing incremental information to investors and reducing adverse selection in lending markets. Overall, my findings suggest that managers rely on voluntary disclosure as a credible mechanism to reduce information asymmetry in bond markets.</p> / Dissertation
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Upphandling av auktoriserad revisor till kommunala aktiebolag : Vilka faktorer påverkar valet av revisionsbyrå? / Procurement of certified auditors in municipal corporations : Which factors affect the choice of audit firm?Ederstål, Kim, Kaller, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
De kommunala aktiebolagen måste granskas av en auktoriserad revisor. Dock måste dessa upphandlas enligt LOU. LOU har kritiserats för att påverka vilka faktorer som avgör vilken revisionsbyrå som upphandlas. De kommunala aktiebolagen har också kritiseras för att brista i transparens. Få tidigare studier har fokuserat på revision inom kommunala aktiebolag på grund av att det hamnar mellan två forskningsfält. Därför är det intressant att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av revisor. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar om sakkunnig yrkesrevisorer anlitade av kommunens revisorer och auktoriserad revisor i kommunens bolag upphandlas från samma revisionsbyrå eller inte. Studien har en deduktiv ansats eftersom befintliga teorier härleds och ligger till grund för studiens hypoteser. En tvärsnittsstudie har genomförts för att förklara sambandet mellan olika faktorer och valet av revisionsbyrå. Empirin består av primär- och sekundärdata och datainsamling har gjorts genom dokumentstudier samt en enkätundersökning. Detta analyseras sedan med hjälp av regressionsanalyser. Studiens resultat visar att det finns faktorer som förklarar valet av revisionsbyrå. Upphandlingsprocessen uppvisar ett signifikant samband med valet av revisionsbyrå. / Municipal corporations require auditing by a certified auditor. These must be procured in accordance with Swedish legislation (LOU). However, this process of procurement has been criticized for affecting auditor choice while Municipal corporations have been criticized for lacking transparency. The fact that municipal corporations are considered part of both the private and public sector have lead to few studies focused on this type of organization. Auditing in municipal corporations is therefor of interest to study. The aim of this thesis is to explain which factors affect whether or not municipal auditors and certified auditors for the municipal corporations are procured from the same audit firm. A deductive approach is used for creating hypotheses based on existing theories. In order to explain the relationship between different factors and the choice of audit firm we use a cross-sectional design. Secondary data is gathered through documents and a survey is designed for the purpose of collecting primary data. The data is analyzed through regression analysis. Results show factors affecting the choice of audit firm. There is a significant relationship between the procurement process and the choice of audit firm.
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Strategická analýza STUDENT Agency, s.r.o. / Strategic Analysis of STUDENT Agency, s.r.o.Pavlovičová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to perform Stategic analysis on the STUDENT Agency company.The analysis is one of the tools which help to create a succesfull strategic plan of the company.The first part is theoretical and it is focused on describing methods applied in the second part. Analysis in the second part is contains macro environment analysis and analysis of the micro environment, analysis of internal resources and capabilities.
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