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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A imagem, o faraó e o deus na época de Amarna: continuidades e rupturas. (Egito século XIV a.C.) / The image, the pharaoh and the god in Amarna: continuities and ruptures (Egypt, XIV century BC)

Ferreira, Carolina Velloza 10 August 2018 (has links)
Sabe-se que a profunda ligação existente entre deuses e o soberano do antigo Egito é tida como um dos elementos mais significativos na legitimação do poder faraônico, notadamente divinizado naquela civilização. Valendo-se desse contexto e se aproveitando do período Amarniano como um estudo de caso privilegiado (Antigo Egito, 1353 a.C. - 1335 a.C.), o trabalho visa examinar a rearticulação que Amarna propôs a essa relação. Uma rearticulação que implicou em um reposicionamento do rei e em uma readequação do panteão politeísta, privilegiando o deus Aton. Esse processo não se esgota em uma simples abstração mental, ao contrário, ele se textualiza sobretudo nos dois hinos ao deus Aton, e se materializa em imagens do período. A respeito destas, além de tomá-las como fonte primordial de análise, buscaremos permitir que a sua metodologia tradicional de trato dê lugar a uma reflexão mais abrangente, baseada em sugestões da teoria da agência que visam entendê-las como imagens construtoras e modificadoras das realidades nas quais se inserem. / It is known that the deep connection between gods and Ancient Egypts sovereign is considered as one of the most significant elements in pharaonic discourse legitimacys construction, notably divinized in that civilization. Based on the Amarna period (Ancient Egypt, 1353 BC - 1335 BC) this research aims to study the reticulation to this relationship proposed on that period. A reticulation that implied on kings repositioning and on a polytheistic pantheons readjustment, privileging the god Aten. This process is not exhausted in a simple mental abstraction, on the contrary, it is textualized, especially in the two hymns to the god Aten, and materialized in images of that period. Regarding these images, besides taking them as analysis primary source, we will also seek to allow its traditional treatment methodology to lead into a more comprehensive reflection, based on suggestions from the Agency Theory that aim to understand images as a constructive power, being able to modify the realities in which they are inserted on.

A comunicação pública e o jornalismo da Agência Brasil Considerações sobre a visibilidade dada ao governo nas reportagens sobre o Código Florestal / -

Cerozzi, Melissa Thereza 03 May 2018 (has links)
\"A quem a comunicação pública serve?\". De forma simples e objetiva, poderíamos responder o que parece o que parece óbvio: ela serve à sociedade como um todo, uma vez que a comunicação pública é aquela que concorre para os assuntos que são de interesse público. Apesar de ser clara e direta, a resposta parece não atender à complexidade do tema. O debate acerca da construção de um conceito sobre comunicação pública, bem como a compreensão de sua prática, tem suscitado pesquisas acadêmicas nacionais e internacionais, dedes o final do século XX. Interpretada de forma genérica, a palavra Comunicação, legitima todo tipo de discurso e atende aos diferentes interesses, inclusive os governistas. Neste sentido a falha (ou a falta) de consenso sobre o que é e o que não é comunicação pública parece ser uma vantagem a organizações privadas (como empresas e partidos políticos) e, sobretudo, para a administração pública. O objetivo é que informações sejam divulgadas pelos veículos de comunicação como assuntos de interesse público. Melhor ainda se esses \"assuntos\" forem classificados como notícia jornalística e divulgados pela imprensa, seja ela comercial ou pública. É disso que iremos tratar neste trabalho. O corpus da nossa pesquisa compreende às reportagens sobre o novo Código Florestal, noticiadas pela Agência Brasil, site de notícias da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), que pertence ao Governo Federal. O recorte escolhido para análise compreende ao período de 1º. de janeiro a 31 de maio de 2012, fase em o assunto teve amplo destaque na imprensa brasileira. Nossa investigação parte de uma hipótese de que houve uma inclinação favorável às ações e interesses do governo nas reportagens do Código Florestal, divulgadas pela Agência Brasil. Isso indicaria uma forma instrumentalização da máquina pública, o que afrontaria os princípios da Impessoalidade e Publicidade dispostos na Constituição Federal. / \"Who does public communication serve?\" In a simple and objective way, we could respond to what seems obvious: it serves society as a whole, since public communication is one that competes for matters that are of public interest. Although it is clear and straight forward, the answer does not seem to address the complexity of the topic. The debate about the construction of a concept on public communication, as well as the understanding of its practice, has provoked national and international academic research, from the end of the twentieth century. Interpreted in a generic way, the word Communication legitimizes all kinds of discourse and serves different interests, including government. In this sense, the failure (or lack) of consensus on what is and is not public communication seems to be an advantage to private organizations (such as companies and political parties) and, above all, to the public administration. The aim is for information to be disclosed by the media as a matter of public interest. It is even better if these \"subjects\" are classified as news stories and publicized by the press, whether commercial or public. This is what we will be dealing with in this work. The corpus of our research comprises the reports about the new Forest Code, reported by Agência Brasil, news site of Brazil de Comunication Company (EBC), which belongs to the Federal Government. The cut chosen for analysis comprises the period between January 1 to May 31, 2012, period at the subject had ample prominence in the Brazilian press. Our investigation starts from a hypothesis that there was a favorable inclination to the actions and interests of the government in the reports of the Forest Code, published by Agência Brasil. This would indicate a form of instrumentalization of the public machine, which would confront the principles of Impersonality and Publicity disposed in the Federal Constitution.

Da fantasia ao transmídia: modernização do gênero telenovela brasileira / -

Murakami, Mariane Harumi 10 April 2015 (has links)
A ficção seriada televisiva brasileira, desde o seu início na década de 50, passou por inúmeras transformações, que modificaram não somente a forma de produção de ficção, mas principalmente a experiência do espectador diante do produto ficcional. A presente pesquisa propõe uma investigação dessas transformações, melhor dizendo, uma análise do discurso da ficção seriada brasileira e dos mecanismos que instauram agenciamentos narrativos do espectador. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa possui como objetivo elaborar uma investigação da ficção seriada televisiva brasileira, analisando as transformações ocorridas no gênero ao longo dos anos, especialmente em seus momentos de ruptura - a era Glória Madagan (década de 50), a era realista (década de 60) e era transmídia (anos 2000). Alguns objetivos mais específicos nortearão a pesquisa: - Investigar a transformação da construção do gênero telenovela no brasil, considerando o gênero como um discurso articulado em uma dimensão intercultural que envolve textos e contextos distintos; - Investigar como os agenciamentos narrativos dos espectadores se transformaram ao longo do tempo; - Investigar os mecanismos discursivos construídos que relacionam a telenovela com a realidade extra-diegética; - Investigar a construção discursiva dos mecanismos de identificação do espectador com a trama; - Investigar a construção dos mecanismos discursivos que relacionam, na era transmídia, as narrativas-matriz e as narrativas transmídia; - Investigar as transformações nas relações de consumo midiático ao longo dos anos; - Investigar como o fenômeno da convergência midiática afetou o gênero telenovela brasileira; Neste trabalho, postulamos que essa \"modernização\" da telenovela brasileira, desde o seu surgimento, não transforma apenas a forma de fazer telenovela, mas transforma principalmente a experiência do espectador diante do produto ficcional. Ele passa, inicialmente, de uma experiência ficcional bastante distante de sua realidade cotidiana, baseada em um mundo fantasioso, para uma experiência ficcional que pretende parecer cada vez mais \"realista\", em que os diversos elementos da trama apontam para o seu cotidiano (sem esquecer da utilização de mecanismos de representação naturalista). Hoje, na era da convergência, o espectador não abandona a narrativa televisiva, mas tem a oportunidade de buscar (ou não) em outras mídias conteúdos para enriquecer a sua experiência ficcional. E isso instaura, assim, novos atores no discurso ficcional televisivo brasileiro. / Brazilian television telenovela, since its origin in the 50\'s, has undergone countless changes, which not only have changed the form of fiction production, but mainly the experience of the viewer with the fictional product. This work proposes an investigation of these changes, rather a discourse analysis of the Brazilian serial fiction and the mechanisms that establish the discursive instances of the viewer and the author. Thus, this research has as objective to elaborate an investigation of the Brazilian television telenovelas, analyzing the changes occurring in the genre over the years, especially in moments of rupture - the era Gloria Madagan (50s), the realistic era (decade 60) and transmedia era (2000s). Some more specific objectives will guide the research: - to investigate the transformation of telenovela genre in Brazil, considering genre as a discourse articulated around the intercultural dimension involving texts and different contexts; - To investigate how the narrative agency the spectators; - To investigate the discursive mechanisms that relate the telenovela with the extra-diegetic reality; - To investigate the discursive construction of the viewer\'s identification mechanisms with the plot; - To investigate the construction of discursive mechanisms that relate the narratives in different medium; - To investigate the changes in the relations of media consumption over the years; - To investigate how the media convergence phenomenon affected the Brazilian telenovela as a genre. In this work, we postulate that the \"modernization\" of Brazilian telenovela not only transforms how to produce telenovelas, but mostly transforms the experience of the viewer with the fictional product. It goes initially from a fictional experience far from their daily reality, based on a fantasy world, to a fictional experience that seems more and more \"realistic\", in which the various elements of the plot point to everyday life. Today, in the era of onvergence era, the viewer does not leave the television narrative, but has the opportunity to pursue (or not) in other media content to enrich their fictional experience. And it establishes new actors in Brazilian television fictional discourse.

A governança empresarial e a emergência de um novo modelo de controladoria / The corporate governance and the new organizational model of the controller function

Santos, Lilian Regina dos 18 November 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo, os conceitos e mecanismos da governança empresarial foram revisados para identificar os instrumentos e elementos que possibilitam seu efetivo exercício aos responsáveis pela determinação dos rumos das empresas. Apoiados na constatação de que não existe governança sem controle e que a mesma depende da estruturação de um quadro completo de avaliação do desempenho que permita monitorar não apenas a gestão dos recursos como também os riscos associados, como os de agenciamento. Assim, emerge a necessidade de garantir a independência e isenção dessa avaliação, o que demanda a existência de um órgão especializado e unificado para realizar tal controle, independente das demais unidades com tarefas de caráter executivo. A atribuição desse órgão seria avaliar e controlar as diversas divisões da empresa e servir como instrumento de apoio e conexão, tanto à atividade de gerir, como de controlar e reportar o desempenho vinculado ao risco desses gestores. Demonstra-se que tais atribuições possuem identificação com as funções primordiais da Área de Controladoria, cujo sistema contábil-financeiro de informações é instrumento poderoso e insubstituível no rastreamento e identificação do processo de criação e erosão do valor da empresa por meio das diversas unidades das organizações. Conclui-se que a Controladoria deve ser reformulada para incorporar novas métricas e procedimentos de monitoração do desempenho vinculado ao risco. Desse modo, é proposta uma nova posição da Área na estrutura empresarial, que garanta independência a seu titular por meio do reporte simultâneo ao principal executivo e ao Conselho de Administração e, por extensão, aos acionistas/proprietários. / This dissertation revise concepts and mechanisms of corporate governance, to identify which are the elements and instruments that make it possible to the responsible ones, to determine the corporation?s lines of direction, its effective action. From the evidence that there is no governance without control, and that it depends, therefore, on the structuring of a complete performance evaluation chart allowing to monitor not only the management of resources, but also the linked risks, among them the agency risk, it emerges the need of guaranteeing the independence and the exemption of such evaluation, which requires the existence of a unified and specialized organ to manage this control independently of the remaining units, that carry executive tasks out. This organ should evaluate and control the several divisions of the corporation and work as an instrument of support and connection, not only to the management activity, but also to the activity of controlling and reporting the performance bounded, to these manager?s risk. Evidence is given that such attributions are identified with the primordial functions of the Controlling Area, whose accounting-financial system is a powerful and non-replaceable instrument to track and identify the creation and erosion process of the corporation value through the several units of the organizations. It is, therefore, concluded that the Control Area should be reformulated in a way to incorporate new measures and procedures for monitoring performance linked to risks and it is proposed a new position of the said Area in the entrepreneurial structure, thus guaranteeing independence to its head through a simultaneous reporting to the main executive of the Board, and by extension, to the shareholders/owners.

Reclaiming the Narrative: Black Community Activism and Boston School Desegregation History 1960-1975

Peters, Lyda S. January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Dennis L. Shirley / This research study is a historical analysis of Boston school desegregation viewed through the lens of Black Bostonians who gave rise to a Black Education Movement. Its purpose is to place Boston’s school desegregation history in a markedly different context than many of the narratives that evolved since Morgan v. Hennigan (1974). First, it provides a historical connection between the 18th and 19th century long road to equal schooling and the 20th century equal educational opportunity movement, both led by Black activists who lived in Boston. Second, it provides a public space for the voices of 20th century activists to tell their accounts of schooling in Boston. The narrators in this study attended Boston public schools and became leaders and foot soldiers in the struggle to dismantle a racially segregated school system. Ten case studies of Boston’s Black activists provide the foundation for this study. They recount, through oral history, a community movement whose goal was to save children attending majority Black schools from a system that was destroying them. Two theoretical perspectives, Critical Race Theory and Resiliency, inform the research design and findings. The findings shed light on agency from within the Black community, what changes were expected in the schools, the range of views regarding the intent of desegregation, and how systemic racism was the force that drove this community to dismantle a system that violated the 14th Amendment rights of Black students. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

Collective Agency in Christian Ethics: A Study of Reinhold Niebuhr and Jacques Maritain

Ward, Raymond January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lisa S. Cahill / This dissertation makes a case for renewed attention to the notion of collective agency and responsibility in Christian ethics. The overarching argument is that the kinds of moral claims we frequently make on social groups cannot be adequately reduced to individual or structural terms, and that a rightly construed sense of collective agency can help fill this conceptual gap. This view is in keeping with important elements of Christian reflection on the nature of social interaction and social life, and the main goal of the dissertation is the development of a model for understanding some groups as collective moral agents. After a survey of treatments of the problem of collective agency and responsibility in the Bible and Christian theology in the introduction, the dissertation turns to the work of two major figures in twentieth century Christian ethics, Jacques Maritain and Reinhold Niebuhr, to provide the central elements of this view of collective agency. Namely, these figures supply contrasting but mutually correcting accounts of individual intersubjectivity, structural non-reducibility, and collective intentionality in social groups. Perspectives from the social sciences and from analytic philosophy help clarify the issues at hand and adjudicate the differences between Maritain and Niebuhr. The dissertation ends with a theological synthesis of the forgoing discussion, proposing a view of the potential for collective moral agency that takes account of the capacity for both friendship and coercion in human intersubjectivity, for both community and conflict in social organization, and for both intentional creativity and impersonal functionality in the interaction of individual and structural elements of social life. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.

Rethinking Organization, Knowledge, and Field: An Institutional Analysis of Teacher Education at High Tech High

Sanchez, Juan Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Marilyn Cochran-Smith / A new phenomenon in teacher education, referred to as new graduate schools of education, or nGSEs (Cochran-Smith, et al., 2016), is gaining traction in the U.S. Profoundly different in program structures and arrangements from most university programs, these non-university affiliated teacher education programs have emerged during the current era of standards- and accountability-based reform. However, limited empirical research has examined how nGSEs conceptualize and enact teaching and learning and how these programs might signal a shift in the field of teacher education. This dissertation attempts to address this empirical lacuna through an in-depth qualitative case study of the first such program, located within High Tech High (HTH), a charter school network. The purpose of this study is to understand the HTH program’s core beliefs and behaviors, as well as the organization’s relationship with its institutional environment (i.e. the broader educational policy, funding, and field-level contexts). Utilizing institutional analysis and sensemaking theory, I argue that teacher education programming at HTH drew on a core logic of constructivism, which informed the school’s instructional work of teaching and learning and its organizational design. Through this constructivist approach, teacher education faculty and students were able to “practice with theory,” bridging the theory-practice dichotomy and informing a relational and actionable conception of knowledge. Finally, HTH took an active stance towards its institutional environment, developing organizational networks to both retain organizational fidelity to its mission and also enact change in accordance with this mission. My analysis has implications for teacher education, organizational analysis, and education policy. Because constructivism dually informed instruction and organizational structures, HTH offers new possibilities for the design of education organizations. The centrality of constructivist logics allowed for both remarkable consistency in values, beliefs, and goals across the organization as well as considerable agency for individual actors. The agency of HTH personnel, paired with the program’s “active stance” towards environmental forces, such as funders and field-level partners, informed how education leaders’ design choices simultaneously supported individual agency and organizational mission as well as ground-up approaches to change. Lastly, the case of HTH indicates that the nGSE phenomenon models new organizational approaches to teacher education, which can challenge and expand the ways in which we understand teaching and learning for educators. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

Theory of Menu Auction and Applications

Ko, Chiu Yu January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Hideo Konishi / My doctoral dissertation contains three essays on menu auction and its related applications. The first chapter is a theoretical generalization of classical menu auction model, and the second and the third chapters are applications to a resource allocation problem and an industrial organization problem. Menu auction (Bernheim and Whinston, 1986) is a first-price package auction with complete information. They show that every Nash equilibrium under some refinements always leads to an efficient outcome. Therefore, this becomes a natural efficiency benchmark for package auction designs (e.g., Ausubel and Milgrom 2002). Menu auction can also be viewed as a model of economic influence where the auctioneer is going to choose an action which affects bidders' payoff so that each bidder tries to influence the outcome by monetary transfer to the auctioneer. This framework is widely adopted in political lobbying models where the special interest groups lobbying the government over trade policies (e.g., Grossman and Helpman 1994). However, the applicability is limited by quasi-linear preferences and the absence of budget constraints. In my first chapter, ``Menu Auctions with Non-Transferable Utilities and Budget Constraints'', I extends Bernheim and Whinston's (1986) menu auction model under transferable utilities to a framework with non-transferable utilities and budget constraints. Under appropriate definitions of equilibria consistent with subgame perfection, it is shown that every truthful Nash equilibrium (TNE) is a coalition-proof Nash equilibrium (CPNE) and that the set of TNE payoffs and the set of CPNE payoffs are equivalent, as in a transferable utility framework. The existence of a CPNE is assured in contrast with the possible non-existence of Nash equilibrium under the definition by Dixit, Grossman, and Helpman (1997). Moreover, the set of CPNE payoffs is equivalent to the bidder-optimal weak core. The second chapter relates menu auction to a resource allocation problem. Kelso and Crawford (1982) propose a wage-adjustment mechanism resulting in a stable matching between heterogeneous firms and workers. Instead of a benevolent social planner, in ``Profit-Maximizing Matchmaker'' (w. Hideo Konishi), we consider a profit-maximizing auctioneer to solve this many-to-one assignment problem. If firms can only use individualized price, then the auctioneer can only earn zero profit in every Nash equilibrium and the sets of stable assignments and strong Nash equilibria are equivalent. Otherwise, the auctioneer might earn positive profit even in a coalition-proof Nash equilibrium. This reinforces Milgrom's (2010) argument on the benefit of using simplified message spaces that it not only reduces information requirement but also improves resource allocation. The third chapter applies menu auction in an industrial organization problem. In ``Choosing a Licensee from Heterogeneous Rivals'' (w. Hideo Konishi and Anthony Creane), we consider a firm licensing its production technology to rivals when firms with heterogeneous in production costs competing in a Cournot market. While Katz and Shapiro (1986) show that a complete transfer in duopoly can be joint-profit reducing, we show that it is always joint-profit improving provided that at least three firms remain in the industry after transfer. While transfers between similarly efficient firms may reduce welfare, the social welfare must increase if the licensor is the most efficient in the industry, contrast with Katz and Shapiro (1985) in the duopoly environment. This has an important implication in competition regulation. Then we investigate relative efficiency of the licensee under different licensing auction mechanisms. With natural refinement of equilibria, we show that a menu auction licensee, a standard first-price auction licensee, and a joint-profit maximizing licensee are in (weakly) descending order of efficiency. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics.

Auditoria independente no Brasil: evolução de 1997 a 2008 e fatores que podem influenciar a escolha de um auditor pela empresa auditada / Independent audit in Brazil: evolution from 1997 to 2008 and factors that can influence the auditeds choice for an auditor

Silva, Simone Povia 31 August 2010 (has links)
As informações contábeis são de grande importância para o equilíbrio do relacionamento entre os stakeholders, sendo direcionadoras para a alocação de seus recursos. A auditoria independente, nesse contexto, surge como um importante mecanismo que contribui para proporcionar confiabilidade a essas informações, reduzindo o conflito de agência inerente a esse relacionamento, ao expressar uma opinião sobre a adequação das demonstrações contábeis às praticas de contabilidade. Diversas são as empresas de auditoria independente cadastradas na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários para realizar tais trabalhos no Brasil; no entanto, quatro empresas se destacam nesse rol: PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, KPMG e Ernst & Young. Essas quatro empresas são mundialmente conhecidas como Big Four. Até 2001, tal grupo era denominado Big Five e tinha como integrante a Arthur Andersen, que deixou de atuar no ramo a partir de 2002. Este trabalho buscou verificar a participação dessas empresas no Brasil no período de 1997 a 2008. Para tanto, as empresas auditadas foram classificadas pelo ramo de atividade, controle acionário e negociação em bolsa de valores, a fim de verificar a participação das empresas de auditoria sob diferentes aspectos. A amostra foi composta de 2.024 empresas constantes do banco de dados da FIPECAFI no período contemplado na pesquisa. Os resultados apontam que, na média do período, aproximadamente 80% dos ativos das grandes empresas atuantes no Brasil são auditados por empresas do grupo Big Four. Em 2008 a líder geral no Brasil foi a KPMG, responsável por auditar mais de 30% dos ativos da amostra. Outro objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar características das empresas auditadas que poderiam ser indicadores para a empresa escolher um auditor componente do grupo das maiores empresas de auditoria independente, focando-se na influência dos credores nessa decisão. Para esse objetivo foram coletados dados contábeis das empresas auditadas, além das informações não contábeis já utilizadas na primeira análise de participação das auditadas (ramo de atividade, controle acionário e negociação em bolsa de valores) e aplicado o teste estatístico de regressão logística. Os resultados não mostraram que a situação econômica e financeira da auditada influencia essa escolha, mas apontaram para a importância do controle acionário e do porte da auditada. / Accounting information have great importance for the balance of the relationship among stakeholders, and driving to the allocation of its resources. The independent audit, in this context, emerged as an important mechanism that helps to provide reliability of this information, reducing the agency conflict inherent in that relationship, to express an opinion on the adequacy of financial statements to accounting practices. There are several independent auditing firms registered at the Securities Commission to carry out such works in Brazil, however, four companies stand out in this list: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, KPMG and Ernst & Young. These four companies are worldwide known as \"Big Four\". Until 2001, this group was called \"Big Five\" and had as a member Arthur Andersen, which no longer operate in the sector since 2002. This study aimed to verify their participation in Brazil from 1997 to 2008. For this, the audited companies were classified by line of business, stock control and trading on stock exchanges in order to assess the role of audit firms under different aspects. The sample consisted of 2024 companies listed in the database FIPECAFI the period covered in the survey. The results show that the average period of approximately 80% of the assets of large companies operating in Brazil are audited by firms of the group \"Big Four\". In 2008 the overall leader in Brazil was KPMG, responsible for auditing more than 30% of assets in the sample. Another objective was to identify characteristics of the audited companies that could be indicators for the company to choose an auditor of the component group of the largest independent audit, focusing on the influence of creditors in that decision. For this purpose, data were collected from accounting firms audited in addition to the information which were already used in the prior market share analysis (line of business, ownership control and stock trading on stock exchanges) and applied logistic regression statistical test. The results have shown that the economic and financial situation do not have any influence in that choice, but pointed the importance of ownership control and audited firms size in that choice.

Os escribas e a cultura mnemônica: status e intermediação de práticas culturais no reino médio egípcio / The scribes and the mnemonic culture: status and intermediation of social practices in the Middle Kingdom Egypt

Ramos, Érika Rodrigues de Maynart 27 April 2018 (has links)
Durante o Reino Médio (c. 2040 1650 a.C), os escribas se autorreferenciaram como um grupo que não servia apenas aos interesses administrativos, mas também à demanda por um meio culto e educado da sociedade. Através deles, circulariam a propaganda real e doutrinação peculiares ao programa cultural daquele período para garantir a lealdade aos faraós. Entretanto, esse foi só mais um dos muitos aspectos e usos da literatura naquele contexto. O enaltecimento da realeza foi combinado ao caráter moralizador e à autorreferência do ofício dos escribas que compuseram os textos exortativos. Conhecidos como instruções, os textos literários em questão traziam referências da cultura oral egípcia que afirmava valores considerados positivos para a vida em sociedade e para o bom desenvolvimento do indivíduo. Mas também tratavam das tensões vividas em questões políticas e socioculturais. A escritura dos textos disseminou na memória cultural da sociedade egípcia referenciais identitários dos escribas que foram transmitidos através de gerações. A articulação entre manutenção das tradições da sociedade e a disseminação dos novos ideais régios se deu pela agência dos escribas, contribuindo para a atualização do seu status. / During the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2040 - 1650 B.C.), scribes self-referenced as a group serving not only administrative interests, but also the demand for a cultured and educated group of the society. Through them, they would circulate the royal propaganda and indoctrination peculiar to the periods cultural program in order to ensure loyalty to the pharaohs. However, this was just one of many aspects and uses of literature in that context. The uplifting of royalty was combined with the moral character and self-reference to the craft of the scribes that composed the exhortative texts. Known as instructions, the literary texts in question broght references to the Egyptian oral culture which affirmed values considered positive for life in society and for the individuals good development. But they also dealt with the tensions experienced in political and socio-cultural issues. The writing of the texts disseminated in the cultural memory of Egyptian society the identity references of the scribes that were transmitted through generations. The articulation between maintaining the traditions of society and the dissemination of the new royal ideals were given through the agency of the scribes, contributing to the update of their status.

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