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Teoria de Agência, governança corporativa e política de dividendos: evidências nas empresas brasileiras de capital aberto / Agency Theory, corporate governance and dividend policy: evidence in publicly traded Brazilian companiesRodrigues, Regiane Lopes 12 August 2015 (has links)
A alta concentração da propriedade e de controle nas empresas brasileiras, aliada à baixa proteção legal aos acionistas, pode gerar conflitos de agência entre os acionistas majoritários e minoritários. De acordo com a literatura fundamentada pela Teoria de Agência, o pagamento de dividendos poderia minimizar tais conflitos. Para a literatura de governança corporativa, por sua vez, empresas com melhores práticas de governança corporativa ofereceriam proteção mais forte aos seus acionistas, de modo que estes teriam poder para pressionar os gestores a pagar dividendos mais elevados. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar empiricamente se as empresas brasileiras utilizam a política de dividendos para minimizar os conflitos de agência entre os acionistas majoritários e minoritários e se boas práticas de governança corporativa aumentam a proteção aos acionistas. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foram realizados testes econométricos para um modelo não explorado em estudos anteriores. Neste, foram incluídas, além das variáveis de controle justificadas pela literatura (possíveis determinantes da política de pagamento de dividendos), duas variáveis proxies para conflitos de agência: excesso de direito de voto em relação ao direito sobre o fluxo de caixa em posse do maior acionista e fluxo de caixa livre para os acionistas e uma variável proxy para melhores práticas de governança corporativa. As estimações foram realizadas usando o método Tobit em painel com informações, referentes ao período de 2000 a 2013, de 466 empresas brasileiras não financeiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que as empresas brasileiras de capital aberto não utilizam a política de dividendos como mecanismo de redução dos conflitos de agência entre os acionistas majoritários e minoritários. Esses resultados podem ser considerados robustos, uma vez que foram observados em especificações alternativas e quase todas as variáveis de controle foram estatisticamente significativas e apresentaram relações com o índice de payout conforme previsto pela literatura teórica e evidências da literatura empírica. Os resultados também mostraram indícios de que o baixo enforcement da legislação brasileira e os incentivos criados pela BM&FBOVESPA não garantem proteção aos acionistas, sinalizando a necessidade de realização de melhorias no sistema legal brasileiro / The high concentration of ownership and control in Brazilian companies, combined with low legal protection to shareholders, can generate agency conflicts between majority and minority shareholders. According to the literature grounded by the Agency Theory, the payment of dividends could minimize such conflicts. For the corporate governance literature, in turn, companies with best corporate governance practices would offer stronger protection to its shareholders, so that they would be able to pressure managers to pay higher dividends. In this context, this study aimed to empirically investigate whether Brazilian companies use the dividend policy to minimize the agency conflicts between majority and minority shareholders and whether good corporate governance practices increase shareholder protection. To achieve this purpose, have been conducted econometric tests for a model not explored in previous studies. In this were included, besides the control variables justified by the literature (possible determinants of dividend payout policy), two proxies for agency conflicts: excess voting right in relation to cash flow rights in the possession of greater shareholder and free cash flow to shareholders and a proxy variable for best corporate governance practices.000 The estimates were made using the Tobit method panel with information relating to the period from 2000 to 2013, 466 non-financial Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA. The results suggest that the publicly traded Brazilian companies do not use the dividend policy as a mechanism to reduce agency conflicts between majority and minority shareholders. These results can be considered robust, as were observed in alternative specifications and almost all control variables were statistically significant and had relations with the payout ratio as predicted by theoretical literature and evidence of the empirical literature. The results also showed evidence that the low enforcement of Brazilian legislation and the incentives created by BM & FBOVESPA does not guarantee protection to shareholders, pointing to the need of improvements in the Brazilian legal system
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Por que eles ainda gravam? Discos e artistas em ação / Why do they still record? Record albums and artists in actionPicchia, Paulo Menotti Del 11 November 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação une antropologia e música para analisar processos contemporâneos de produção de discos e músicos na cidade de São Paulo. A questão central que permeia todo texto é a seguinte: por que ainda se grava discos na era da música digital compartilhada no ciberespaço através da internet? Em outras palavras, por que no mesmo período em que as vendas de discos físicos (CDs e discos de vinil) diminuíram, colocando as grandes companhias fonográficas numa crise sem precedentes, um grupo de compositores urbanos passou a produzir e lançar discos físicos de forma autônoma, contínua e intensa? Acompanhando processos criativos e produtivos de três compositores paulistas Kiko Dinucci, Rodrigo Campos e Tatá Aeroplano , o disco emergiu como agente fundamental realizando as mediações que possibilitam aos compositores se constituírem enquanto artistas, construindo uma imagem pública (e uma sonoridade), e conquistando reconhecimento coletivo. O mesmo processo de digitalização que desencadeou a pirataria musical na internet, desencadeou um curto-circuito entre arte e técnica no fazer musical, e um curto-circuito entre artista e público, reconfigurando o lugar social dos discos para esse grupo de compositores que ainda faz questão de gravar e lançar músicas próprias. No primeiro capítulo, baseado numa etnografia dentro de estúdios, acompanhei a gravação dos discos Bahia Fantástica (Rodrigo Campos), Tatá Aeroplano (Tatá Aeroplano) e Metal Metal (Kiko Dinucci). Identifiquei dinâmicas coletivas de arranjo das canções que caracterizam um processo criativo no qual as atividades de todos os envolvidos são permeáveis entre si, e em que arte e técnica se interpenetram. No segundo capítulo, realizei uma experimentação musical com a teoria da agência de Alfred Gell, para analisar como os discos agem fora dos estúdios transformando a vida dos envolvidos em sua produção. Os discos, tratados aqui como indexes musicais, se mostraram sujeitos atuantes nos processos de construção dos artistas. No terceiro e último capítulo, segui os três compositores na internet mapeando alguns usos e estratégias de ação no ciberespaço. Procurei descrever como os discos são disponibilizados no mundo digital, especialmente em redes sociais que possibilitam uma comunicação direta entre artistas e público. Os três capítulos juntos descrevem como os discos gravam os artistas, tanto quanto os artistas gravam os discos. / This dissertation connect anthropology and music to analyze contemporary process of record production and musicians in São Paulo. The central question that permeates the entire text is the following one: why does it still record albuns in the age of digital music shared on cyberspace through internet? In other words, why at the same time when the physical record sales decreased (CDs and vinyl records), placing large companies in an unprecedented crisis, a group of urban composers is recording and releasing physical records with autonomy, intensity and continuity? Following creative and productive processes of three composers from São Paulo Kiko Dinucci, Rodrigo Campos e Tatá Aeroplano , the disc has emerged as a central agent performing the mediations that enable the composers to build themselves as artists, building a public image (and a sonority), and acquiring collective recognition. The same digitalization process that has triggered musical piracy on internet, has triggered a shortcircuit between art and technique in the music making, and a short-circuit between artist and public, reconfiguring the records social position inside this group of composers that still record and release their songs. In the first chapter, based on an ethnography inside the studios, I followed the recording process of Bahia Fantástica (Rodrigo Campos), Tatá Aeroplano (Tatá Aeroplano) e Metal Metal (Kiko Dinucci). I have indentified songs collective dynamics of arrangements that characterize a creative process where the activities of all people involved are together permeable, and where art and technique intertwine. In the second chapter, I have conducted a musical experiment with Alfred Gells agency theory, to analyze how the records act outside the studios, transforming the social life from the people involved with its production. The records, treated here as musical indexes, have presented it selves as acting subjects in the process of an artist construction. In the third and last chapter, I have followed the composers, while mapping their uses and strategies of action on cyberspace. I have tried to describe how the records are available in the digital world, especially in social networks enabling a straight communication between artists and public. All the three chapters together describe how the album record the artists, as much as the artists record the albums.
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Trafficking for sexual exploitation: the problems and insufficiencies in North American policyElliott, Leigh 31 May 2019 (has links)
This work is a theoretical exploration that seeks to better understand the grooming process involved in some cases of domestic trafficking for sexual exploitation in North America. It theorizes the grooming process as a relation of power engaged in a strategy of subjection. The analysis points to how micropolitical deployments of disciplinary techniques restrict the fluidity of agency, enable the habituation of behaviour, modify thought processes, and produce consciousness.
This thesis also identifies two political problems in current anti-trafficking legislation and policies in North America. The first is that sex work has become conflated with trafficking for sexual exploitation. This conflation does not serve the interests of sex workers, as it has led to legislation that further criminalizes the sex industry, and to an increase in violence and exploitation within it. It also does not serve the needs of trafficked individuals, as it leads to trafficking being misunderstood, and renders anti-trafficking deployments ineffective as a result.
The second is that binary categorizations of consent (as tied to exploitation) in North American trafficking legislation are problematic and theoretically insufficient. Binary conceptions of consent are problematic because: (a) they enable a conflation of sex work and trafficking for sexual exploitation; (b) they force survivors or sex workers to relinquish their agency and identify as “victims” in order to work toward a conviction of their trafficker, or to avoid arrest or deportation; and (c) they emphasize a view of choice/consent that precludes an understanding of how an agent always works within limits that are unique to that individual. They are theoretically insufficient because they rely on liberal understandings of autonomy, which my engagement with Butler, Foucault, and affect theory critiques. This thesis makes the argument that there are varying degrees to which identity and consent are constructed through the production of subjectivities and the reorganization of preconscious thought processes. The “self”, consent, and judgment, are —to varying degrees— produced by external signifiers, institutions, and discourses. Thus, this work points to the need for a more nuanced approach to determine agency, one that does not rely upon binary and static categorizations. / Graduate
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Service advancement strategy in analyzing the future of LTE-R for next-generation smart trainsLigwa, Mario January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / This research investigates and presents selected issues and aspects related to the railway mobile network (GSM-R) analysis and its shortcomings. Research studies show that millions of South Africans commuters are dependent on trains for daily movement activities, which significate contribute towards economic growth. Over the two decades, the exponential growth in wireless broadband service indicates the need for GSM-R improvement so that it can support the modern IP based protocol. The principle of implementing the digital network in railway already demonstrated significate improvement in the railway environment, especially in communication and signalling. Train traffic and train communications are the most critical aspects of railway scenarios due to safety and reliability. Both features form fundamental content to this research thesis. The exponential increase in Internet protocol (IP) based services and higher bandwidth requirements in modern technology applications have pushed the current Global system mobile for railway (GSM-R) technology to its maximum capacity as such the (GSM-R) platform is going to obsolete soon. There is a great need for the development of improved IP based networks for the future of the next generation network for fast smart trains to meet desired higher data low latency while improving quality of service (QoS). The focus of the research study is on modelling of an effective sharing method between public LTE and LTE-R without addition mobile infrastructure by utilizing train access unit (TAU), the main purpose is for public network (LTE) to handle railway emergency service including drop calls to improve quality of service (QoS). The second focus is an improvement of signal reception by spreading signals over wide spectrum range by utilizing Orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) technique where LTE-R is not deployed as noted that this technique is deployed in the 3G network. The proposed scheme has adopted features in modern evolution communication and both scenarios were investigated modelled and simulated with comparison results showing better improvement in proposed conditions, there are many challenges in high-speed railway such as handover procedure and Doppler shift due to the velocity of the moving train.LTE-R has provided many solutions such as seamless handover, capacity availability as well as enhanced performance in both uplink and downlink. Digital evolution for railway GSM-R has been deployed in most developed countries in Europe and also expanded into Africa, there is a greater need for the seamless network to be developed due to an increased number of packet based services. Urban rail is the backbone of public transport in South Africa which is the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). PRASA, and is the parent operator. Currently, PRASA has implemented digital railway network (GSM-R) to meet a high standard in railway. Modem demand and challenges require a cost-effective system to support IP orientated systems due to an increased number of packet-based services in the railway sectors.
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Les agences de presse de Roumanie et la circulation internationale de l'information (1877-1940) / Press agencies of romania and the international circulation of rulesIonescu, Gina-Carmen 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le développement des agences de presse en Roumanie ainsi que la circulation internationale de l’information, sur une période comprise entre 1877 et 1940. Les agences de presse sont étudiées comme acteurs et vecteurs de la communication internationale et,dans le même temps, comme rapporteurs de l’actualité.Les trois parties de l’étude détaillent cette problématique : la première partie examine les notions de l’événement, de l’information, de la circulation de l’information et de la dépêche dans le but de les confronter à l’activité de l’agence de presse ; sont aussi introduits les contextes géopolitiques, géoéconomiques et géotechnologiques dans lesquels ont évolué nos acteurs. La deuxième partie tente d’apporter des réponses au sujet de l’histoire, des actions et des interactions des agences de presse qui ont opérées sur le territoire roumain dans l’espace-temps analysé. Constatons que les agences de presse représentent un terrain privilégié sur lequel se sont exprimées des options de politiques étrangères. Dans notre cas, nous nous sommes davantage intéressés aux relations de la Roumanie avec la France et ses voisins. La troisième et dernière partie explore le processus de circulation de l’information de et vers la Roumanie, analysant les rapports étroits entre les agences de presse et les ministères des Affaires Étrangères ainsi que l’influence éventuelle sur les conditions de production et de diffusion de la dépêche d’agence. Ce parcours a été enrichi par deux études de cas.Notre conclusion est qu’une agence de presse joue un double rôle : celui de collecteur-producteur-diffuseur d’information et, éventuellement, celui d’acteur idéologique. / In this thesis we analyze the development of press agencies in Romania and the international circulation of news during the period of 1877-1940. The press agencies are studied as actors and vectors of the international communication as well as reporters of the same events.The three parts of the study address the following questions: the first part examines the notions of event, information, circulation of information, and dispatch, in order to explain them in the contextof the work of a press agency. In this first part we have also considered the geopolitical,geoeconomical and geotechnological background of the evolution of our actors. The second part ofthe thesis attempts to answer questions on the history, actions and interactions of the press agencies which operated on the Romanian territory in period and location analyzed. It turns out that the pressagencies make a privileged ground for airing foreign policy options. In our case, we mainly focusedon the relations Romania had with France and neighbors, while only briefly touching those withother countries in Europe. The third part of the thesis explores the process of news circulation fromand to Romania during the time we mentioned, trying to answer the question whether the close linkbetween the agencies and the foreign ministries of affairs have influenced the release andtransmition of the agency’s dispatch. In support of this assessment two case studies were analyzed,zooming in the in critical moments.Our conclusion is that a press agency has plays a double role, of collector-producer-broadcaster ofinformation as well as an ideological actor.
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Human Capital disclosure on LinkedIn : A study on ownership structure and human capital disclosure in Sweden and NorwayAzelius, Carl, Johansson, David January 2019 (has links)
Background: Human capital disclosure is a widely examined topic by scholars, previous studies has mainly focused on annual reports and companies webpages. However, during the last decade, social media has grown in importance and it represent a new way for companies to interact with stakeholders. The increased interactivity provided by social network sites have made it one of the most important communication tools for companies to interact with stakeholders. One of the larger social media, LinkedIn has received little attention by researchers, only one previous study has investigate human capital disclosure on LinkedIn. Previous research has examined different corporate disclosure in connection to ownership structure. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ownership structure and human capital disclosure made by companies in Sweden and Norway via LinkedIn. Method: This study is conducted with a quantitative methodology, investigating a sample of 150 companies from Sweden and Norway. Human capital disclosure on LinkedIn are analysed through a content analysis and a regression analysis to test the hypothesis in this study. Conclusion: The results confirm the hypothesis that a negative relationship exists between ownership concentration and the level of human capital disclosure via LinkedIn. This is in line with previous research; however, this study shows that companies in a more digitalized environment disclose more HC information.
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Impact sur l'expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel immersif de l'utilisation d'objets connectés portés pour la rétroaction physiologique / Impact on user experience in immersive virtual environment of the usage of smart wearables for biofeedbackHouzangbe, Samory 12 March 2019 (has links)
Les objets connectés ont aujourd’hui pénétré les foyers et, poussés par une société tournée de plus en plus vers le bien-être, ces capteurs mesurent et proposent dorénavant une grande variété de données physiologiques. L’arrivée à maturité des technologies de la réalité virtuelle, couplée avec l’avènement des objets connectés, permet et favorise dès lors de nouvelles perspectives dans la proposition d’expériences immersives enrichies. De nombreux travaux dans le domaine de la réalité virtuelle rapportent l’exploitation des signaux physiologiques. Ceux-ci se basent principalement sur du matériel médical, qui possède des contraintes d’utilisation forte, reste souvent encombrant et limite de fait la mobilité des utilisateurs. Pour tenter de pallier ces limites, nos travaux se concentrent donc sur l’utilisation originale des wearables (objets connectés portés) comme substituts aux capteurs physiologiques traditionnels dans le cadre d’applications immersives. Ce travail de thèse se positionne à mi-chemin entre une étude de faisabilité technologique et une étude fondamentale sur l’expérience utilisateur (UX).Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de nos recherches est de contribuer à la connaissance concernant l’impact de l’utilisation des données physiologiques dans des environnements virtuels immersifs. Nous étudierons en particulier l’influence d’un biofeedback cardiaque, via des capteurs connectés grand public, sur l’engagement utilisateur et le sentiment d’agentivité. Nous avons ainsi mené deux expérimentations nous permettant d’étudier l’impact des différentes modalités de biofeedback sur l’expérience utilisateur. Notre première expérimentation met en place un biofeedback cardiaque dans un jeu d’horreur en réalité virtuelle, permettant d’augmenter le sentiment de peur. Les résultats de cette expérimentationconfortent l’intérêt de l’utilisation de capteurs connectés comme moyen de captation physiologique dans des expériences de réalité virtuelle immersive. Ils mettent également en avant l’impact positif de ce biofeedback sur la dimension d’engagement de l’expérience utilisateur. La deuxième expérience porte sur l’utilisation de l’activité cardiaque comme une mécanique d’interaction obligatoire. Elle est découpée en deux parties, la première permettant de quantifier le niveau de compétence des participants dans le contrôle de leur activité cardiaque et la seconde les plongeant dans une suite de tâches en réalité virtuelle ; le contrôle cardiaque est de fait nécessaire pour les réussir. Les résultats de cette expérience démontrent la possibilité d’utiliser la dite mécanique pour des expériences virtuelles immersives et indiquent un impact positif sur le sentiment d’agentivité, lié au niveau de compétence des participants. Sur un plan théorique, cette thèse propose une synthèse des modèles de l’expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel et soumet par ailleurs les bases d’un modèle que nous nommons « l’immersion physiologique ». / The internet of things has now entered every home and, with a society more and more focused towards wellness, these sensors measure and offer henceforth a wide variety of physiological data. Virtual reality technologies reaching maturity, coupled with the advent of the internet of things, allow consequently new opportunities to propose improved immersive experiences. If we identify nowadays many virtual reality studies reporting the usage of physiological data, they mainly use medical equipment, which poses strong usability constraints, is often cumbersome and limits mobility. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, this study therefore focuses on the original usage of smart wearables as substitutes for traditional sensors in immersive applications. Thus, this thesis is positioned halfway between a technological feasibility study and a fundamental user experience study.In this context, the objective of our study is to contribute to knowledge about the impact of the use of physiological data in immersive virtual environments. More precisely, the impact of biofeedback, via off-the-shelf smart wearables, on user engagement and the sense of agency. We have thus carried out two experiments allowing us to study the impacts of the different biofeedback modalities on user experience. Our first experiment implements a biofeedback based on heart rate in a virtual reality horror game, allowing to enhance the feeling of fear. The results of this experiment confirm the interest of using smart wearables to capture physiological data for immersive virtual reality experiences. They also highlight the positive impact of this biofeedback on user engagement. The second experiment focuses on the use of cardiac activity as a mandatory interaction mechanism. This experiment is divided into two parts, the first one quantifying the participants’ level of competency in heartrate control and the second one immersing them in a series of tasks in virtual reality ; heartrate control is necessary to complete the different steps of the experience. The results of this experiment demonstrate the possibility of using the said interaction mechanic for virtual reality experiences and indicate a positive impact on the sense of agency, linked with the level of competency of the participants. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a synthesis of user experience models in virtual environment and submit the foundations of a model that we call "physiological immersion".
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Estrutura de propriedade, governança corporativa, valor e desempenho das empresas no Brasil. / Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance, Performance and Valuation of Brazilian Companies.Okimura, Rodrigo Takashi 14 November 2003 (has links)
Este estudo investiga a relação entre a estrutura de propriedade e controle e o valor e desempenho das empresas não-financeiras privadas brasileiras, listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, entre os anos de 1998 a 2002. A análise busca investigar e compreender os conflitos de agência existentes nas empresas resultantes da separação entre propriedade e controle sob o ponto de vista da governança corporativa. As variáveis de estrutura de propriedade analisadas são a concentração de votos, concentração de capital e o grau de excesso de votos, sempre em relação aos acionistas controladores. O estudo parte da suposição de que a estrutura de propriedade é um fator determinante do valor e desempenho das empresas, observando-se a endogeneidade da mesma. As principais correntes teóricas propõem que em um contexto como no caso brasileiro, onde existe uma separação entre direito de controle e direito sobre fluxo de caixa através da emissão de ações sem direito de voto, a concentração de votos e de capital favorece o melhor monitoramento efetivo por parte do acionista controlador sobre os executivos de uma empresa. Entretanto, esse efeito seria ao mesmo tempo combinado a uma maior probabilidade de expropriação dos acionistas não controladores, pois os controladores teriam o poder de usufruir de benefícios privados da empresa enquanto os custos desses benefícios seriam compartilhados entre todos os demais acionistas. Na investigação empírica foram utilizados os métodos de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários, Efeitos Aleatórios e Efeitos Fixos. Os resultados sugerem uma influência quadrática da concentração de votos no valor e uma influência negativa do excesso de votos no valor, mas positiva no desempenho. A concentração de capital não apresentou resultados significantes, e as evidências de endogeneidade da estrutura de propriedade se mostraram fracas e inconsistentes estatisticamente. / This study focuses on the relation between ownership structure, value and performance of non-financial Brazilian public companies listed in the São Paulo Stock Exchange during the period of 1998-2002. The aim of this research is to investigate the agency conflicts that arise from the separation of ownership from control in the meaning of corporate governance. The ownership structure variables used are the voting concentration, property concentration and excess-votes of controlling owners. The main hypothesis is that ownership variables are determinant of value and performance, testing for endogenous problems, concerning the Brazilian context where the separation of control rights from cash-flow rights are widely used by the issuing of non-voting shares. The costs and benefits of such concentration are a combined effect of improved monitoring and higher probability of non-controller owners wealth expropriation. The empirical evidence comes from Ordinary Least-Square, Random Effects and Fixed Effects models, suggesting a quadratic relation between voting concentration and value, a negative linear relation between excess-votes and value and a positive linear relation between excess-votes and performance. Property concentration has weak influence on value and performance variables and endogenous effects do not appear to be influential in the models.
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Escuro: uma dramaturgia cúmplice / Escuro: uma dramaturgia cúmpliceMoreira, Leonardo Faria 22 October 2010 (has links)
Este estudo pretende usar conceitos relacionados a mídias de comunicação interativa e coletiva como ferramentas de análise e de proposição em um processo de criação dramatúrgica: um diagrama de peças potenciais que resultou no espetáculo Escuro. Em outras palavras, acompanhase o processo de criação do espetáculo, analisandoo através do transporte metafórico de conceitos propostos por Janet H. Murray ao descrever narrativas em ambiente virtual (imersão, agência e autoria procedimental) e comparandoo a outros dramaturgos contemporâneos que serviram de modelo à criação. A primeira parte deste texto trata do ambiente digital a partir principalmente das teorias de Janet H. Murray. A idéia é apontar terminologias particulares e descrever as principais características do ambiente digital, conceitos esses que serão utilizados como instrumentos de análise e metáforas para se falar de criação dramatúrgica. Na segunda parte, concretizase o transporte metafórico entre teatro e meio digital através de breves análises de fragmentos de dramaturgias contemporâneas que serviram de modelo à criação de Escuro, particularmente as excursões à linguagem cotidiana e as paisagens do francês Michel Vinaver; o texto híbrido, que transita entre a realidade e o lirismo, do argentino Federico Léon; e um registro cênico do Theatre de Complicitè. Chegamos a um terceiro momento e centro do trabalho quando, ao invés de usar conceitos do ambiente digital como ferramentas de leitura e análise, passase a utilizálos como ferramentas de proposição, ou seja, de escrita. Unindo a teoria apresentada à experimentação prática, descrevese o processo criativo do espetáculo Escuro. A pesquisa abrange não só a análise do texto teatral, mas também a análise de sua construção. Não se trata, é claro, da documentação de um espetáculo em fase de preparação, mas de uma reflexão teórica sobre um processo de criação. Por fim, é apresentado o mapa dramatúrgico criado em processo com a colaboração de dez atores e um possível agenciamento, isto é, uma possível organização do hipertexto dramático. / This study attempts to use concepts related to collective and interactive communication media as tools for analysis and proposition in a process of dramatic creation: a diagram of potential playwritings that resulted in the play Escuro. In other words, we follow the process of creating that play, analyzing it through the metaphorical transport of some concepts proposed by Janet H.Murray to describe narratives in virtual environment (immersion, agency and procedural authorship) and comparing it to other contemporary playwrights who have served as a model for the creation. The first part of this text deals with the digital environment, mainly from the theories of Janet H.Murray. The idea is to point out particular terminologies and describe the main features of the digital environment, these concepts will be used as analytical tools and metaphors to talk about creating drama. In the second part, we finalize the metaphorical transport between theater and digital media through brief analysis of fragments of contemporary dramaturgy that has served as a model for the creation of \"Escuro\", particularly excursions to the daily language and the landscapes of the Michel Vinaver; the hybrid text, which moves between reality and lyricism, of Federico Leon, and a textual record of a Theatre de Complicitès play. Then, we have reached a third time and the center of this work when, instead of using concepts of the digital environment for reading and analysis, we use them as tools of proposition, namely writing. Uniting the presented theory to the practice, the creative process of Escuro\" is described. The research covers not only the analysis of the theatrical text, but also the analysis of its construction. It is not, of course, the documentation of a performance in preparation, but a theoretical reflection on the process of creation. Finally, we present the map created in a dramaturgical process with the collaboration of ten actors and a possible agency, a possible organization to the dramatic hypertext.
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[pt] Órgãos reguladores atuam nas áreas da saúde, ambiente,
segurança, transportes, finanças ou qualquer outra área estratégica para
o desenvolvimento nacional, onde a livre ação de agentes econômicos e
sociais não produz resultados socialmente desejáveis. No Brasil,
atividades industriais de impacto sobre diferentes segmentos da
sociedade e da economia podem estar sujeitas a regulação de vários
órgãos governamentais com diferentes culturas, exigências,
procedimentos e prazos. Quase sempre, na aprovação de um
empreendimento industrial, cada agência reguladora analisa isoladamente
o aspecto que lhe concerne. Também nas atividades de monitoramento e
fiscalização, as agências agem isoladamente. A proliferação e
fragmentação da regulação têm, em alguns casos, atrasado ou até inibido
o desenvolvimento de atividades industriais contrariando, assim, o
propósito da regulação. Este trabalho de tese ilustra a situação atual com
a regulação sobre a irradiação de alimentos, propõe e justifica uma
estrutura para intensificar a articulação entre as agências reguladoras,
alinhando suas atividades e evitando inconsistências, duplicidades e
omissões. Tal estrutura contempla, entre outros mecanismos, um portal
único na Internet sobre regulação federal, a análise de risco integrado e
dinâmico e a harmonização do processo de tomada de decisão. O
propósito é promover a previsibilidade na regulação, a consistência da
atuação regulatória, o melhor uso de recursos públicos, a transparência
nas decisões das agências e trazer benefícios para os empresários por
meio do acompanhamento a tempo real e maior agilidade nos processos. / [en] Regulatory bodies control areas such as health, environment, safety,
transportation, finance or any other area of strategic importance to the
national sustainable development, where the free activity of economic
agents will not lead to socially desirable results. In Brazil, industrial
activities impacting on different social and economic segments may be
subject to regulation by several governmental agencies, with different
cultures, requirements, procedures, and deadlines. To approve an
industrial undertaking, most often each regulator analyzes in isolation the
aspect of its concern. Also in monitoring and enforcement, the agencies
usually act individually. The proliferation and fragmentation of regulation
have, in some cases, delayed or even inhibited the development of
industrial activities, and thus, working against the very purpose of
regulation. This thesis illustrates the current situation with the regulation on
food irradiation services, proposes and justifies an organizational structure
to enhance coordination among regulatory agencies by aligning their
activities and avoiding inconsistencies, overlaps and omissions. This
structure comprises, among other mechanisms, a single Internet portal on
Federal Regulation, an integrated and dynamic risk analysis and the
harmonization of decision-making. The purpose is to promote regulation
predictability, regulatory action consistency, optimization of public
resources, transparency in the agencies’ decision making, and to bring
benefits to the entrepreneurs by offering them real-time monitoring and
more agile processes.
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