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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of thermal-cycling on the bond strength of a two step and single-step dentin bonding agent

Omer, Amir Isam January 2010 (has links)
The aim and objective of this study was to determine the bond strength of a twostep and a single-step dentin bonding agent and to determine the effect of repeated thermal-cycling from 50C and 550C on the bond strength values of these dentin bonding agents.

Modelování oceňování projektů / Modeling projects work

Sekerka, Radko January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis we present model of the human work process on projects using multi-agent model. Within the project management plan is carried out comparisons with the fact not only in the context of subsequent checks, but also in the course of the project. One of the most item is cost of human resources. To increase efficiency and control over the actual cost to introducing a range of organizations link the accounting system to a system of reporting work. Such a system registry of the work is not only complex, but also demanding in terms of managing the time gap between the creation of estimates and their own work. In general, there may be several variants of complications such as delay work on the project because of inaccurate estimates of job performance and therefore insufficient funds in the accounts sections and stages of the project. The aim of this work is to find the characteristics of such projects for which this system work. In the first part we are addressed basic theoretical assumptions for modeling work in the field of project management and multi-agent modeling. Next part relates to the creation of multi-agent model, including detailed characteristics and verification. At the end of this research are described a several experiments with the model and analysis results.

The effect of thermal-cycling on the bond strength of a two step and single-step dentin bonding agent

Omer, Amir Isam January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / The aim and objective of this study was to determine the bond strength of a twostep and a single-step dentin bonding agent and to determine the effect of repeated thermal-cycling from 50C and 550C on the bond strength values of these dentin bonding agents. / South Africa

Contribution à la robustesse dans les CSPs distribués par réplication locale / Contribution to robustness in distributed CSPs by local replication

Chakchouk, Fadoua 19 November 2018 (has links)
Nous visons à garantir la résolution d’un DisCSP en présence d’un ou plusieurs agents défaillants. Les méthodes traitant la tolérance aux fautes au sein des SMAs visent la continuité du fonctionnement du système. Mais, aucune de ces méthodes n’est appliquée pour résoudre un DisCSP. La défaillance d’un agent au cours de la résolution d’un DisCSP engendre la perte d’une partie du DisCSP global, d’où l’obtention d’un résultat erroné. Donc pour obtenir les résultats attendus, il faut garantir la résolution du CSP local de l’agent défaillant. Nous proposons de répliquer les CSPs locaux des agents défaillants au sein des agents non défaillants. Cette réplication permet la résolution du CSP local de l’agent défaillant par un autre agent. Cette résolution est effectuée en fusionnant les réplicats de CSPs des agents défaillants avec les CSPs des autres agents. Cette fusion permet la conservation de la modélisation initiale du DisCSP. L’algorithme de distribution des réplicats proposé garantit que les CSPs des agents défaillants ne soient pas répliqués au sein du même agent. De cette façon, le problème conserve son aspect distribué. / We aim to ensure a DisCSP resolution in presence of failed agents. Methods handling fault tolerance in MASs aim to ensure the continuity of the system operation. But, none of these methods are applied to solve a DisCSP. The failure of an agent generates the loss of a part of the DisCSP providing wrong results. Therefore, to obtain expected results, it is necessary to ensure the resolution of the failed agent local CSP.We propose to replicate the local CSPs of the failed agents within active agents. This replication allows local CSP resolution of the failed agent by another agent. The resolution is done by merging the replicates of failed agents CSPs with the CSPs of other agents. This technique conserve the initial DisCSP modeling. The proposed replicates distribution algorithm ensures that the CSPs of failed agents are not replicated within the same agent. In this way, the problem keeps its distributed aspect.

Adaptable Java Agents (AJA) — a Tool for Programming o f Multi-Agent Systems / Adaptabilni java agenti – alat za programiranje multi-agentskih sistema

Bađonski Mihal 07 April 2004 (has links)
<p>The main goal of this thesis is the creation o f the tool agent-oriented programming tool AJA. AJA is the acronym for Adaptable Java Agents. AJA consists o f two programming languages:<br />- A higher-level language used for the description of the main agent parts. This language is called HADL, which is the acronym for Higher Agent Definition Language.<br />- A lower-level language used for the programming o f the agent parts defined in HADL. This language is called Java+. It is actually Java enriched with the constructs for accessing higher-level agent parts defined in HADL.<br />A translator from AJA to Java is implemented in the practical part o f the thesis. AJA agents have the following features: - Agent communicates with other agents using a construct called negotiation. The messages sent can be encrypted or digitally signed in order to ensure the security of the system. - Agent possesses adaptable&nbsp; parameters and neural nets that adapt themselves when the environment changes.<br />- Agent has reflexes, which are the reactive component o f the agent architecture.<br />- Agent can perform its actions parallel. Actions execution is synchronized.<br />- Agent is accessible via Internet, because it acts as a simple HTTP server. People can use this way to communicate with an agent.<br />- Agent has Java Swing based graphical user interface. Its owner uses this interface to communicate with the agent.<br />- Because o f the fact that Java-i- language extends Java, it is possible to use all useful Java features in the implementation o f AJA agents (e.g. JDBC for the database access). The thesis also presents an original approach of integrating artificial intelligence techniques, such as neural nets, with a programming language. Having the artificial intelligence components as a part of the programming language runtime environment makes their use straightforward. A programmer uses the language constructs that are implemented using the artificial intelligence<br />without the need for understanding their background and theory.<br />The thesis contains eight chapters and three appendixes. In the first chapter, an overview of agents and multi-agent systems is given. The second chapter surveys existing agent-oriented programming languages and tools. The third chapter introduces AJA and describes the architecture of AJA agents. The syntax and semantics o f AJA languages HADL and Java+ is described in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter presents adaptable AJA constructs in more details. To demonstrate and test the created tool, a case-study multi-agent system has been implemented in AJA. There are four personal digital assistant agents in the system. The sixth chapter describes the example agents and positively evaluates the tool. In the seventh chapter the related work and tools are analyzed and compared to AJA. The last chapter concludes the thesis. The first appendix describes the implementation details of the AJA to Java translator. The second appendix is a guide for the installation and usage of the implemented AJA to Java translator. Finally, the third<br />appendix describes step by step how to translate, compile, run, and use the example agents. The thesis contains many references, which include almost all the most important and the most actual papers in the field. The reference list can be found at the end o f the thesis.</p> / <p>Glavni doprinos doktorske teze je napravljeni alat za programiranje agenata AJA . AJA - Adaptabilni Java Agenti je jezički alat za programsku implementaciju agenata Sastoji se od dva programska jezika:<br />- Jezik vi&scaron;eg nivoa kojim se opisuju glavne kom ponente agenta. Ovaj jezik se naziva HADL - Higher Agent Definition Language.<br />- Jezik nižeg nivoa koji služi za implementaciju pojedinih komponenti agenta specificiranih HADL jezikom . Ovaj jezik se najava Java+, jer je on zapravo programski jezik Java obogaćen konstrukcijama pomoću kojih je moguće pristupati komponentama agenta, definisanim u jezik u HADL.<br />AJA agent poseduje sledeće osobine:<br />- Sigurna kom unikacija sa drugim A JA agentim a koristeći mehanizam pregovaranja, &scaron;ifrovanje i digitalno potpisivanje poruka.<br />- Mogućnost adaptiranja na promene u okruženju u kom se nalazi, koristeći neuralne mreže i adaptabilne parametre.<br />- Reaktivnost zasnovana n a kom ponenti zvanoj refleks.<br />- Paralelno izvr&scaron;avanje akcija agenta u z njihovu internu sinhronizaciju.<br />- D ostupnost agenta preko Interneta. Agent se pona&scaron;a kao jednostavan HTTP server. Na ovaj način se drugim osobama omogućuje da komuniciraju sa agentom .<br />- G rafički korisnički interfejs zasnovan n a Java Swing tehnologiji<br />- Po&scaron;to se u program iranju agenta koristi Java+, moguće je uposliti sve pogodnosti Jave, kao &scaron;to su na primer pristup bazama podataka koristeći JDBC , rad sa multimedijalnim sadržajem , itd.<br />U tezi je predstavljen i originalni pristup integrisanja tehnika ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije sa program skim jezikom . U građujući kom ponente ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije u izvr&scaron;nu okolinu je z ik a čini n jihovo kori&scaron;ćenje veom a jednostavnim . Programer ne mora da bude ekspert iz ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije a da pri tome koristi konstrukcije jezika koje su implementirane pomoću ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije. AJA specifikacija agenta se sastoji od HADL i Java+ delova. U tezi je implementiran prevodioc kojim se A JA specifikacija prevodi u skup klasa programskog jezika Java. Implementiran je i jedan multi-agentski sistem kojim se praktično pokazuje kori&scaron;ćenje i mogućnosti napravljenog alata D oktorska teza sadrži i detaljan pregled oblasti o agentskpj m etodologiji. O n a kruni&scaron;e vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;nji rad kandidata i njegovog mentora u ovoj sve značajnijoj oblasti računarstva.<br />Teza sadrži o sam glava i tri dodatka. U prvoj glavi se opisuje oblast agenata i m ulti-agentskih sistem a. Pregled postojećih agentskih program skih jezik a i alata se daje u drugoj glavi. O pis A JA agenata i njihove arhitekture je dat u trećoj glavi teze. Četvrta glava se bavi sintaksom i sem antikom oba A JA jezika: H A D L -a i Jave+. Adaptabilni elem enti A JA agenata se opisuju u petoj glavi. U &scaron;estoj glavi je opisan m ulti-agentski sistem koji j e ujed n o i prim er prim ene A JA alata. A JA se sa drugim postojećim agentskim alatim a upoređuje u sedm oj glavi. Osma glava sadrži zaključak. N a kraju se u tri dodatka detaljno opisuju im plem entacija prevodioca A JA -e u Javu, instalacija prevodioca i kori&scaron;ćenje napravljenog m ulti-agentskog sistema respektivno. U doktorskom radu su kori&scaron;ćene i navedene brojne reference kojim a su obuhvaćeni gotovo svi najznačajniji i najaktuelniji radovi iz oblasti multi-agentskih sistema. Lista referenci je navedena na kraju teze.</p>

The design of a JADE compliant manufacturing ontology and accompanying relational database schema

Janse van Rensburg, J., Vermaak, H. January 2011 (has links)
Published Article / To enable meaningful and consistent communication between different software systems in a particular domain (such as manufacturing, law or medicine), a standardised vocabulary and communication language is required by all the systems involved. Concepts in the domain about which the systems want to communicate are formalized in an ontology by establishing the meaning of concepts and creating relationships between them. The inputs to this process in found by analysing the physical domain and its processes. The resulting ontology structure is a computer useable representation of the physical domain about which the systems want to communicate. To enable the long term persistence of the actual data contained in these concepts and the enforcement of various business rules, a sufficiently powerful database system is required. This paper presents the design of a manufacturing ontology and its accompanying relational database schema that will be used in a manufacturing test domain.

Bolagsstyrning och värdeskapande - en studie av ägarstruktur och bolagsprestation i svenska noterade bolag

Wilczek, Frédéric, Perdahl, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Det finns  ett  antal  studier  av  ägarstruktur  och  dess  inverkan  på  bolagsprestation  med motstridiga resultat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska börsnoterade bolags fem största aktieägares röstandelar samt eventuella skillnader i röstandelar och kapitalandelar (gapet) relaterar till bolagsprestation. Detta undersöks med hjälp av regressionsanalyser på manuellt inhämtat samt tillhandahållet datamaterial. Resultaten är blandade för de tillämpade prestationsmåtten Tobin’s Q och return on assets. I framställningen erhölls ett negativt samband mellan aktieägarkoncentration och bolagsprestation. Vidare erhölls ett positivt samband mellan gapet och bolagsprestation. Resultaten tolkas med försiktighet men de kan dock utgöra en grundför att kritiskt förhålla sig till en av de grundläggande teorierna för bolagsstyrning.


Self, Lance 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Software agents are application programs that perform duties in an autonomous fashion. These applications can be used to increase productivity, better use existing bandwidth, and improve present and future software application programs. By using existing established methods, and adding a layer of intelligence, software agents can add problem solving abilities to an application program.

Experience, agency and the self

Gaskin, Richard Maxwell January 1988 (has links)
Wilfrid Sellars has made familiar a distinction between manifest and scientific images of man-in-the-world. The manifest image is 'a sophistication and refinement of the image in terms of which man first came to be aware of himself as man-in-the-world' ([2], p.18)/ and in its methodology 'limits itself to what correlational techniques can tell us about perceptible and introspectible events' (p.19). The scientific image, on the other hand, 'postulates imperceptible objects and events for the purpose of explaining correlations among perceptibles.' (ib.) This thesis is centred on a consideration of two difficulties facing anyone who takes the manifest image seriously as an autonomous image of man. In chapter 1 I consider the connection between perception and its objects, and argue that there is a disharmony between the manifest and scientific accounts of this connection. But I also suggest that the manifest image, which incorporates a certain Cartesianism or internalism, cannot lightly be dispensed with in our understanding of the nature of experience. Chapter 2 is a companion piece to chapter 1: in it I argue that the manifest view of experience accords a certain metaphysical priority to secondary over primary qualities in the constitution of any world capable of being experienced; I also suggest that the scientific image is dependent on the manifest image/ and so cannot subvert it. In chapter 3 I turn to the other main area of difficulty: freedom. I argue that free will as the incompatibilist contrues it is constitutive of the time-order; but that it carries with it implicit internal contradictions. The conflict here lies within the manifest image; the scientific image discerns no such freedom/ and so incurs no such problems. But if I am right that freedom constitutes time/ it will not be an option for us to disembarrass ourselves of the contradictions. I also argue that there is a relation of mutual dependence between freedom/ incompatibilistically construed/ and internalism. The manifest image as a whole - deeply problematic as it is - is therefore grounded in and entailed by something quite ineluctable/ namely the reality of the time-series. This is the principal conclusion of the thesis. If I succeed here/ I provide support for the claim that our difficulties with the manifest image cannot be solved by abandoning it: the manifest image/ problems and all/ must just be lived with. The remainder of the thesis explores topics related to this main thrust. Chapter 4 is really an appendix to chapter 3; it shows how no parallel difficulties attend the constitution of experiential space/ because space is (unlike time) not transcendental. In chapter 5 I examine the commitments of the notion of the transcendental self/ whose existence was deduced in chapter 3 as a condition of freedom. In particular, I aim to show how that self inherits some of the difficulties of its parent concept of freedom; but also how a distinction between transcendental and empirical components in the self can help us with the problem of privacy.


陳世庭, Se-Ting Chen Unknown Date (has links)
可信度是網路服務首要解決的問題,我們從數位憑證,認證、授權、委任授權等安全層面去研究代理者可信度,並提出一套完整可信度規則分類機制當作信任度判斷的依據。在此篇論文中,我們論證如何將規則概念應用在代理者的溝通協定、服務流程控制上。我們並同時整合語意網規則和本體論的技術,以達到可信的網路服務環境。 / Trust is one of the most important issues for Web Services. We studied the agent trust problem based on security technologies, such as digital certificates, authentication, authorization, and delegation, etc. Furthermore, we propose a complete trust rule taxonomy mechanism to assistant us on the evaluation of agent trustworthiness. In this thesis, we justify the feasibility of using rule concepts on the agent communication protocol and service process control. We also demonstrated how to integrate the semantic web rules and ontologies to have a trusted web services environment.

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