Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aggregate""
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Metodolgia de planejamento, análises de custos, de mercado e econômica para unidades de produção de agregados para construção civilSilva, Eduardo Schimitt da January 2013 (has links)
A indústria mineral moderna, com ênfase para as grandes minerações de ferro, segundo maior minério em produção no Brasil, é altamente especializada e seus projetos são precedidos de inúmeros estudos econômicos e financeiros, a fim de avaliar a implantação de uma unidade extrativa. Em oposição a esta tendência, podemos encontrar a produção de agregados para a construção civil, o maior segmento mineral do Brasil em número de produção, sendo produzidos mais de 600 Mt/ano desde o ano de 2010, segundo levantamentos do DNPM (Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral). A indústria de produção de agregados, sendo composta em sua maioria por pequenos e médios empreendimentos, utiliza técnicas e procedimentos já abandonados pelas minerações de alto rendimento apresentando, por essa razão, um avanço modesto, o que se constitui em um entrave para a expansão do setor. A demanda por agregados tende a aumentar significativamente, principalmente devido ao crescimento econômico brasileiro, sendo que nos últimos dez anos houve um incremento de aproximadamente 50%. Com o intuito de ilustrar um cenário da indústria de agregados e demonstrar o impacto que um maior desenvolvimento do setor pode acarretar, este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia e ilustra-la a fim de instruir a indústria de agregados de uma série de procedimentos comuns ao planejamento de lavra e à economia mineral. Desenvolveram-se estudos desde as fases de levantamentos de pesquisa até considerações mercadológicas, com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial das unidades estudadas e do mercado em que estão inseridas, utilizando técnicas modernas e convencionais, no que diz respeito à indústria mineral contemporânea. Com base nessa abordagem, este trabalho desenvolve o planejamento de três minas em atividade na região de Santa Cruz do Sul, com o auxílio de programa específico para modelagem e planejamento. Igualmente, apresenta o levantamento e a análise dos custos operacionais e de capital dessas unidades, utilizando ainda um programa para análise de investimentos e estimativa de custos, a fim de comparar os resultados entre cenários reais e previstos, além do impacto de cada unidade no mercado regional. Ao final do trabalho, conseguiu-se apresentar uma metodologia estruturada e de certa forma simplificada, partindo-se de estudos mais abrangentes utilizados por minerações mais complexas. A partir deste método, podem-se visualizar os empreendimentos analisados de forma completa, permitindo avanços financeiros, operacionais e tecnológicos. / The modern mining industry, with emphasis on large mining iron ore production second largest in Brazil, is highly specialized and their projects are preceded by numerous economic and financial studies, to assess the implementation of a mining unit. In opposition to this trend, we find the production of aggregates for construction, the largest segment of Brazil in mineral production number, and produced over 600 Mt/year since 2010, according to surveys of DNPM (National Department of Mineral Production). The industrial production of aggregates, consisting mostly of small and medium enterprises, using techniques and procedures already abandoned by mining high performance presenting, therefore, a modest advance, which constitutes an obstacle to the expansion of sector. Demand for aggregates tends to increase significantly, mainly due to Brazil's economic growth, and in the last ten years there has been an increase of approximately 50%. In order to illustrate a scenario of the aggregates industry and demonstrate the impact that the development of the sector may result this work aims to develop a methodology and illustrates it in order to inform the industry aggregate of a number of common procedures the mine planning and mineral economics. Evolved from studies phases of surveys of research to marketing considerations, with the aim of evaluating the potential of the studied units and the market in which they operate, using modern and traditional techniques, with regard to contemporary mining industry. Based on this approach, this paper develops planning three mines in operation in the region of Santa Cruz do Sul, with the aid of specific program for modeling and planning. Also presents a survey and analysis of operating and capital costs of these units, even using a program for investment analysis and cost in order to compare results between actual and projected scenarios, and the impact of each unit in the regional market. At the end of the work, we were able to provide a structured and somewhat simplified methodology, starting with the most comprehensive studies used for complex mining. From this method, you can view the projects analyzed comprehensively, allowing financial, operational and technological advancements.
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Variabilidade de agregados graúdos de resíduos de construção e demolição reciclados. / Variability of coarse recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste.Sérgio Cirelli Angulo 27 November 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia de análise da variabilidade de agregados graúdos de RCD reciclados, que possa ser utilizada em Centrais para o controle de qualidade dos mesmos, objetivando à identificação da influência destas características no desempenho de componentes produzidos a partir dos RCD. Nos três primeiros capítulos, realiza-se uma revisão bibliográfica do assunto, identificando os pontos relevantes do tema, abordando desde Centrais de moagem até desenvolvimento sustentável. No quarto capítulo, discute-se a metodologia de análise proposta, analisando a experimentação realizada em Santo André e no laboratório de materiais de construção da Escola Politécnica da USP. No quinto capítulo, desenvolve-se a análise de resultados e discussões. Nesta etapa, é exposto o estudo da composição de agregados graúdos de RCD reciclados por análise de imagem. Apresentam-se resultados da variabilidade obtidos para os agregados graúdos reciclados de Santo André quanto à composição de fases por separação manual e outras propriedades como materiais pulverulentos, composição granulométrica, índice de forma, absorção e massa específica. Como conclusões, o estudo aponta para a presença da significativa variabilidade em agregados reciclados em todas as propriedades analisadas e a necessidade de realização das mesmas caracterizações para a fração miúda. O uso das propriedades, abosorção de água e massa específica para adeterminação dos teores de concreto e argamassa apresentou bons resultados, aconselhando-se o emprego para a determinação das composições das fases concreto e argamassa em amostras de Centrais de Reciclagem. Os ensaios de caracterização física dos agregados graúdos naturais devem ser empregados para caracterizar esses agregados. A homogeneização da composição deve ser realizada em período superior a dois dias para esta Central. Os agregados, quando empregados em situações mais nobres, devem possuir equipamentos de controle de qualidade, como tanques de flutuação e separação magnética. Constatou-se que a porcentagem retida no fundo pelo ensaio de granulometria e os teores de argamassa têm correlação linear positiva. A análise de imagem pode ser aplicada para o estudo da composição dos agregados graúdos de RCD recilados, pois seus princípios foram comprovados em experimentos de laboratório, quando os grãos são distribuídos de forma aleatória nos plano. / The main point of this research proposes one methodology which analyses the variability of coarse CDW (Construction and Demolition Waste) recycled aggregates, applied on the quality control of these aggregates. With these analysis, it can be identified the influence of this variability in components performances. In the first three chapters, it is done one review of the literature, discussing about recycling plants, sustainable development and other topics. In the fourth chapter, it is discussed the methodology, analysing the experimentation. In fifth chapter, it is presented the results and discussions. The results presents the evaluation of the composition of the coarse CDW recycled aggregates by digital image processing. There are results of the variability of coarse CDW recycled aggregates by properties like composition using manual technique, particle size distribution, particle shape analysis, absorption, specific density and fine particles (< 0,075 mm). To sum up, the study indicates the existence of variability in whole properties analysed and the necessity of doing characterisation on fine aggregates. One developed technique improves the evaluation of composition by manual technique, using absorption and determines the percentage on the composition of concrete and mortar phases. The other characterisations of the study developed for natural aggregates can be applied to these recycled aggregates. The variability control must be done after two days for this recycling plant. In best applications, reycling plants need equipment of quality control like float tank and air classifier. It can be inferred that the percentage of fine aggregates (< 4,8mm) in grading test have linear correlation with percentage of mortar phase in composition. The study of composition using digital image processing obtained good results.
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Biokompatibilní amfifilní látky v interakcích s polymery / Biocompatible Amphiphilic Compounds and their Interactions with PolymersBurdíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This work is focused on the study of interaction between hyaluronan and high-biocompatible amphiphilic molecules. Using fluorescent probe method, screening of the interaction of cationic lipid 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DPTAP), mixture of this cationic lipid with zwitterionic lipid, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphochloline (DPPC), with hyaluronan, both native and hydrophobically modified was carried out. Results showed the self-aggregation of DPPC and DPTAP independently on lipids ratio in the mixture and the interaction of DPTAP and DPPC/DPTAP aggregates with hyaluronan at specific ratio of DPTAP and hyaluronan concentration. Physical properties of formed membranes and the influence of cholesterol were also investigated at different DPPC and DPTAP concentration ratio. Last but not least, the non-ionic surfactant-DPPC systems were studied, namely, the size of the formed aggregates, the thermodynamics of solubilisation and the interaction with native hyaluronan.
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Vývoj nového druhu lehčeného podlahového potěru se samonivelační funkcí / Development of a new type of lightweight self-levelling floor screedŠenk, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on development of a new type of lightweight self-levelling floor screed. The aim of this thesis is to develop lightweight screed with self-levelling function, which could be stored in a dry mixture in bags or silos, designed for use with only addition of water.
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Elaboration d'un nouvel hydrogel pour l'étude in vitro des gliomes et modélisation mathématique de leur origine / Development of a New Hydrogel for in Vitro Gliomas Study and Mathematical Modeling of their OriginGontran, Emilie 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les gliomes sont des tumeurs qui seforment par prolifération anormale de cellules dansle tissu cérébral. La dangerosité de ces tumeursréside dans le fait que la plupart des gliomes sontinvasifs : les cellules tumorales migrent dans le tissusain autour de la tumeur. Ces cellules tumoralesisolées provoquent des récidives quasi systématiquesaprès traitement (chirurgie, chimiothérapie,radiothérapie), rendant ces tumeurs incurablesactuellement et conduisant au décès du patient. Il estimportant d'associer des études fondamentales pourmieux comprendre leur évolution dès l'origine et desétudes plus appliquées en développant de nouveauxsubstrats pour reproduire in vitro leur évolution. Lescellules progénitrices des oligodendrocytes (OPC)représentent la plus grande population de cellules enprolifération et la plus largement distribuée dans lecerveau adulte, ce qui en fait un suspect idéal del’origine des gliomes. A partir de donnéesexpérimentales de la littérature sur la dynamique invivo de ces cellules, un modèle mathématiquereproduisant cette dynamique dans un tissu sain a étédéveloppé.Ce modèle montre également que les OPC pourraientêtre à l’origine de toutes les formes de gliomerencontrées aussi bien de bas grade que de hautgrade. Par ailleurs, l’approche expérimentale utiliséevisait à développer un substrat de culture cellulaireadapté à l’étude des gliomes in vitro. Ainsi, unhydrogel biocompatible, minimaliste et contrôlable aété élaboré. Celui-ci mime l’élasticité de la matriceextracellulaire (MEC) cérébrale avec une rigidité del’ordre de 200 Pa et l’effet adhésif des molécules dela MEC impliqué dans l’adhésion et la proliférationdes cellules tumorales. Grâce à ses propriétés,l’hydrogel favorise la survie de près de 90% desmodèles cellulaires de gliome utilisés dans notreétude et supporte la croissance en trois dimensionsd’agrégats multicellulaires semblables à lamorphologie de micro-tumeurs in vivo. Le modèled’hydrogel est donc validé pour favoriser la viabilitéet la prolifération cellulaires. Les perspectives detravail futures porteront sur l'optimisation de sacomposition pour mimer de manière encore plusréaliste la croissance tumorale in vivo. / Gliomas are brain tumors arising fromanomalous cell proliferation into the brain tissue.The hazard of these tumors resides in their invasiveability : tumor cells migrate into the healthy tissuesurrounding the tumor. These isolated cells causequasi systematic recurrences after treatment(surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) making thesetumors currently incurable and leading to patientdeath. Hence, it is important to associatefundamental studies for better understanding of theirevolution from their origin with more appliedstudies developing new substrates for reproducingtheir evolution in vitro. Oligodendrocyte progenitorcells (OPC) are the most widely spread proliferatingpopulation in the adult brain, which makes them themain suspect of causing gliomas origin. Fromexperimental data in the literature about in vivodynamic of OPC, a mathematical model that depictsthis dynamic into a healthy tissue has beendeveloped.This model also shows that OPC could be at theorigin of all glioma forms from low to high grade.Furthermore, the experimental approach used aimedat designing a cell culture substrate adapted toglioma studies in vitro. Thus, a biocompatible,minimalistic and controllable hydrogel has beenperformed. It mimics brain extracellular matrix(ECM) elasticity around 200 Pa and the adhesiveeffect of ECM molecules involved in tumor celladhesion and proliferation. Due to these properties,the hydrogel contributes to around 90% of gliomacell models survival used in our study and promotesmulticellular aggregates growth in three dimensionsthat look like in vivo microtumors morphology. Thishydrogel model is thus validated for cell viabilityand proliferation. Future works will be devoted tothe optimization of its composition for bettermimicking of tumor growth in vivo in a morerealistic manner.
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Análise de componentes principais aplicada a avaliação de atributos de agregados na separação sólido líquido /Almeida, Thaís de. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Rodrigo Braga Moruzzi / Resumo: Água de qualidade, livre de poluentes e patógenos é um recurso humano necessário e valioso. As contaminações por fontes naturais e antrópicas podem ameaçar a qualidade desses cursos d’água, fazendo-se necessário um tratamento prévio antes de ser disponibilizada para abastecimento púbico. Com objetivo de eliminação de contaminantes e impurezas diversos processos e operações de tratamento físico/químico são utilizados, como a coagulação, a floculação, e processos de separação sólido/líquido. Para a avaliação do padrão de qualidade final da água pós tratamento são necessários índices de monitoramento, que podem ser obtidos através métodos diretos e/ou indiretos. Os métodos diretos de características físicas e morfológicas tem ganhado cada vez mais atenção entre os estudos da área. Seus parâmetros, como tamanho das partículas e estrutura de fractal têm sido um novo recurso para a temática floculação. Buscando maior entendimento sobre os principais fatores que contribuem para a separação dos agregados de fractal, e consequentemente melhor eficiência de remoção, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o desempenho da Sedimentação Gravitacional e da Flotação por Ar Dissolvido, e suas relações com as características físicas das partículas floculentas a partir da análise das principais variáveis que interferiram nos processos. Para tal, foram investigadas em escala de laboratório quatro diferentes águas preparadas com ácido húmico, caulinita e coaguladas com Sulfato de Alumíni... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Quality water, without pollutants and pathogens is a necessary and valuable human resource. Contamination of natural and anthropogenic sources can affect the quality of these watercourses, requiring primary treatment before being available for public supply. In order to eliminate contaminants and impurities several processes and physical/chemical treatment operations such as, coagulation, flocculation, and solid/liquid separation are used. For the evaluation of the final quality of the water, monitoring indices are necessary, which can be obtained through direct or indirect methods. The direct methods of physical and morphological characteristics have increased attention in this area studies. Parameters such as particle size and fractal structure has been a new feature for flocculation thematic. The aim of this study was investigate the performance of Gravitational Sedimentation and Dissolved Air Flotation and their relationship to the particle’s physical characteristics particles from the analysis of the main variables that interfered in the processes. For this purpose, four different types of water prepared with humic acid, kaolin solution and coagulated with Aluminum Sulphate and Ferric Chloride were investigated in laboratory scale. The flocculation process was monitored by digital image analysis in order to obtain variables that help to determine the particle’s physical characteristics such as the Particle Size Distribution (DTP) and its representative β parameter as wel... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Assessing Condition on Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Affected Recycled ConcreteZhu, Yufeng 06 October 2020 (has links)
Many highway and hydraulic structures in North America have been reported to be affected by alkali aggregate reaction (ASR). It is anticipated that most of these structures will be demolished as they approach the end of their service lives. Recycling demolished concrete as aggregates in new concrete is an option that not only reduces the amount of construction demolition waste (CDW) disposed in landfills but also lessens the consumption of non-renewable resources such as natural aggregates. However, the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in new concrete requires detailed research to make sure that the durability of the recycled material is not compromised, especially if the RCA had been previously affected by ASR. In this research project, coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is reclaimed and processed from distinct members (i.e. foundation blocks, bridge deck and columns) of an ASR-affected overpass after nearly 50 years of service. RCA concrete mixtures incorporating 50 and 100% replacement are manufactured and stored in conditions enabling further ASR development. Mechanical (i.e. Stiffness Damage Test - SDT) and microscopic (Damage Rating Index - DRI) analyses are performed at a fixed “secondary” induced expansion of 0.12%. Results show that the overall performance of the ASR-affected recycled mixtures depends upon the “past” condition of the RCA particles. Moreover, the DRI was able to capture the “past” and “secondary” induced expansion and damage of affected RCA while the SDT only detected the “secondary” distress development. Lastly, an adapted version of the DRI was proposed to further evaluate the overall damage of recycled concrete along with properly displaying “past” and “secondary” induced distress.
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Propuesta de diseño de un pavimento rígido conformado de agregados marginales con presencia de cenizas volcánicas para el proyecto: Mejoramiento de carretera Moquegua – Omate - Arequipa, Tramo II, sector 1 / Design proposal of a rigid pavement made of marginal aggregates with presence of volcanic ash for the project: Improvement of road Moquegua - Omate - Arequipa, section II, sector 1Ayquipa Espinoza, Lorena Estefanny, Vilca Benavente, Branixa Nataly 17 July 2020 (has links)
En el Perú existen zonas afectadas por la geología volcánica ya que disponen de insumos naturales llamados cenizas volcánicas. Este es un material formado por pequeños fragmentos de lavas silíceas de granos finos de colores blanquecinos, blandos y deleznables. Suelen presentar diversos grados de cementación, de tipo fisil, lo que los identifica en la categoría de suelos colapsables. Es por ello, que para la construcción del pavimento se requiere realizar la estabilización o mejoramiento de la subrasante para el siguiente proyecto que se desarrolla entre Arequipa y Moquegua.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el uso de agregados marginales con cenizas volcánicas para el diseño de losa de concreto hidráulico referida, la misma que como estructura será evaluada con los resultados del módulo de flexión y esfuerzo crítico.
Los resultados demostraron que, en la caracterización de agregados finos al contener cenizas volcánicas, no cumplan con todos los requerimientos propuestos en la norma peruana (EG-2013) del manual de carreteras. Sin embargo, el American Concrete Institute (ACI) incorpora excepciones para condiciones particulares de los áridos, posibilitando su uso a partir del cumplimiento de la resistencia y durabilidad requerida.
Se propuso realizar el diseño de una mezcla de concreto para una resistencia teórica de f´c= 280 kg/cm2. Sin embargo, al ensayar las probetas a los 28 días de curado se obtuvo una resistencia de f´c= 380 kg/cm2 esto se debe a la estrecha relación positiva que presenta la ceniza volcánica con el cemento puzolánico empleado para la mezcla. / In Peru there are areas affected by volcanic geology and that have natural inputs called volcanic ash. This is a material formed by small fragments of siliceous lavas of fine grains of whitish, soft and delectable colors. They usually present varying degrees of cementation, of the fisile type, which identifies them in the category of collapsible soils. That is why, for the construction of the pavement it is necessary to perform the stabilization or improvement of the subgrade for the next project that is developed between Arequipa and Moquegua.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the use of marginal aggregates with volcanic ash for the design of the loss of referred hydraulic concrete, which will be determined as a structure with the results of the flexural and critical stress module.
The results showed that, in the characterization of fine aggregates containing volcanic ash, they do not require all the requirements proposed in the Peruvian standard (EG-2013) of the road manual. However, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) incorporates the specific conditions of the aggregates, which allows its use based on compliance with the required strength and durability.
It was proposed to design a concrete mix for a theoretical strength of f´c = 280 kg / cm2. However, when testing the probes after 28 days of curing, a resistance of f'c = 380 kg / cm2 was obtained, due to the close positive relationship between volcanic ash and the pozzolanic cement used for the mixture. / Tesis
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Etude de l’état d’agrégation de l’amphotéricine B dans différents systèmes d’administration / Study of amphotericin B molecular aggregation into different carrier systemSilva, André 19 October 2017 (has links)
L'amphotéricine B (AmB) est une molécule utilisée en thérapeutique pour ses propriétés antifongiques remarquables. Cependant, ses caractéristiques physico-chimiques très particulières, rendent difficile la conception et la fabrication de systèmes thérapeutiques chargés en AmB qui soient simultanément efficaces et peu toxiques. La littérature montre qu'il existe une relation intime entre la façon dont l’AmB est associée au système transporteur et les effets pharmacologiques et toxicologiques qui sont observés. Malgré de très nombreuses études, l’état d’association des molécules d’AmB dans les différentes formulations commercialisées contenant de l'AmB n’est toujours pas connus avec suffisamment de précision. Pour cette raison, le but de ce travail expérimental est de caractériser différents systèmes contenant de l'AmB, dans l’objectif de prédire les effets biologiques induits par l’état d’association de cette molécule à ces systèmes supramoléculaires. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé un système micellaire original ainsi que deux autres produits similaires tout en les comparant. De plus, nous avons étudié les mécanismes par lesquels se forment des super-agrégats d’AmB par l'augmentation de la stabilité des systèmes chauffés. Dans un second temps et pour la première fois, la capacité de l’AmBisome®, à former des super-aggrégats a également été caractérisée et testée. Enfin, l'incorporation de l'AmB dans des systèmes de type nano- et micro-émulsion a été étudiée, avant d’être appliquée au traitement des maladies oculaires fongiques et de la leishmaniose viscérale. Les principales techniques utilisées pour la caractérisation physico-chimiques de l’état d’agrégation ont été : la spectroscopie électronique (UV-Vis), le dichroïsme circulaire (DC) et la diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). La calorimétrie à titrage isotherme (ITC) a été utilisée afin de tenter de mesurer l’énergie de formation des super-agrégats. De plus, un dérivé soluble de l’AmB a été développé et caractérisé par spectroscopie de masse atomique, infrarouge, UV-Vis et DC. Afin de disposer d’un système d’administration adéquat, ce dérivé soluble a été ensuite incorporé dans une micro-émulsion. Au total, l’ensemble des travaux expérimentaux conduits, montrent que l’état d'agrégation moléculaire de l’AmB dépend très largement du système d’administration utilisé, ainsi que des procédés par lesquels l’AmB est associées à ces systèmes. Ces résultats ont une réelle importance pratique puisque la littérature montre sans ambiguïté que l'efficacité du médicament ainsi qu’à sa toxicité dépendent étroitement de l'état d'agrégation de l’AmB. Ainsi, dans la nanoémulsion, l’AmB se trouve dans des états agrégés et multi-agrégés. Au contraire, dans la micro-émulsion, l’AmB se présente plutôt sous forme « monomère ». Une fois chauffés, les systèmes micellaires forment des super-agrégats d'AmB, tandis que les liposomes étudiés sont incapables de donner naissance à cette structure supramoléculaire. Enfin, le dérivé soluble d'AmB que nous avons préparé présente des caractéristiques distinctes par rapport à la molécule d'origine. Cependant, une fois associé à une microémulsion, son état d'agrégation est modifié et redevient similaire à celui de l'AmB originale, comme l’indique les études en UV-Vis et en DC. On peut donc conclure de ce travail que l'état d'agrégation d'AmB varie considérablement en fonction du type de système d’administration utilisé, de la concentration de l’AmB ainsi que du mode d'incorporation de la molécule, y compris pour un même système. Enfin, ce travail a permis la mise au point d’un dérivé soluble original de l’AmB qui offre la possibilité d’utiliser des formulations aqueuses adaptées à différentes voies d’administration et pourrait renouveler l’intérêt de cette molécule ancienne dans le traitement de différentes pathologies fongiques pour lesquelles il n’existe pas de formulations réellement adapatées. / The amphotericin B (AmB) is a drug of peculiar physicochemical features: being amphiphilic and amphoteric. These characteristics turn difficult the drug load into therapeutic systems. AmB is currently available in the market as micelles, liposomes and lipid complex for injection. The literature show that there is an intimate correlation between the AmB bound to the carrier and its biological response. However, there is a deficiency concerning the physicochemical characterization of the available AmB-containing products. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize AmB-containing carriers seeking a prediction to its biological response. The AmB-containing micellar system was the first product available for clinical use. The patent of this product has already expired some years ago. In this work we have characterized the original system and two other similar micellar products. In addition, we studied the stability increase of heated systems, by the formation of AmB “super-aggregates”. AmBisome®, an AmB-containing liposomal system, was also characterized and, for the first time, tested for the possibility of super-aggregates formation. The AmB incorporation into nano and microemulsion systems was presented and the physicochemical characteristics evaluated, focusing mainly on applications for the treatment of fungal ocular diseases and also for visceral leishmaniasis. The main techniques used for characterization were electronic spectroscopy, circular dichroism and dynamic light scattering. The isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used as an attempt to measuring the super-aggregates energy formation. Besides, an AmB soluble derivative was developed and characterized by atomic mass spectroscopy, infra-red, UV-Vis and circular dichroism. Then, this AmB-derivative was loaded into a microemulsion as a vehiculation strategy. The overall results show that the AmB-containing systems presented different molecular aggregation states that depends on the carrier, the way the drug is incorporated and also on the diluent. According to the literature, the aggregation state is associated with both, drug efficiency and toxicity. In nanoemulsion systems, the drug is found aggregated and multi-aggregated. In microemulsions, AmB is loaded as monomers. The heated micellar systems form AmB super-aggregates while the liposomal system is unable to form such molecular structure. Moreover, the AmB soluble derivative presented distinct features when compared to the original molecule. However, once incorporated into the microemulsion, the aggregation state is similar to that of the original AmB molecule, as supported by UV-Vis and circular dichroism results. It can be concluded that the AmB aggregation state varies according to the kind of carrier, the drug concentration and also the way of drug incorporation, even into one same carrier. Finally, the soluble derivative opens the possibility for drug carrying into aqueous vehicles for the treatment of many diseases by different administration routes.
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Le spectromètre thermophorétique circulaire, un nouvel instrument pour mesurer la thermophorèse : application aux agrégats de suies de morphologie fractale / The spectromètre thermophorétique circulaire (SMTC), a new device for the study of the thermophoresis : Application on the fractals soot particlesBrugière, Edouard 03 December 2012 (has links)
Dans le but de montrer l’influence de la morphologie fractale d’un agrégat sur son comportement thermophorétique, un nouveau dispositif expérimental a été développé ; le SpectroMètreThermophorétique Circulaire (SMTC). Cet instrument permet de mesurer la vitesse moyenne de thermophorèse des particules dans une zone de sélection comprise entre une plaque chaude et une plaque froide. Pour cela, nous avons développé une fonction de transfert spécifique au principe de l’instrument sur la base des travaux existant sur les analyseurs différentiels de mobilité électrique.Une qualification expérimentale du SMTC a été réalisée avec des billes de latex monodispersées de tailles comprises entre 64 nm et 500 nm. Le bon accord entre les vitesses de thermophorèse obtenues et la théorie de Beresnev et Chernyak (1995) nous a permis de valider le fonctionnement de l’instrument.Par la suite, nous avons comparé les vitesses de thermophorèse expérimentales obtenues avec le SpectroMètre Thermophorétique Circulaire pour des particules sphériques et des agrégats produits par un générateur d’aérosol à combustion. Contrairement aux résultats obtenus avec les billes de latex, nous observons une augmentation de la vitesse de thermophorèse des agrégats avec leur diamètre de mobilité électrique.Grâce à une étude morphologique des agrégats, nous avons remarqué que la vitesse de thermophorèse est dépendante du nombre de particules primaires de l’agrégat. Ces résultats expérimentaux confirment pour la première fois les données théoriques de Mackowski (2006)obtenues par des simulations Monte-Carlo. De plus, une comparaison avec les travaux de Messerer et al. (2003) montre que la vitesse de thermophorèse des agrégats semble indépendante de la taille des particules primaires. / In order to show the influence of the morphology of a fractal aggregate on its thermophoretic behavior, a new experimental device has been developed; the SpectroMètre ThermophorétiqueCirculaire (SMTC). This instrument is used to measure the mean thermophoretic velocity of particles selected between a hot plate and a cold plate thanks to a transfer function based on the geometry of the radial flow differential mobility analyser RF-DMA or SMEC (Spectromètre de Mobilité Electrique Circulaire). For the experimental validation, effective thermophoretic velocities of monodispersed spherical latex particles for diameters ranging from 64 nm to 500 nm and a temperature gradient equal to 50 750 K/m are measured and compared with theoretical values. The good agreement between the experimentals results and theoretical values of Beresnev and Chernyak (1995) helps us to validate the operation of the instrument.Then we compare experimental thermophoretic velocity obtained with the SMTC for spherical particles and aggregates produced by a combustion aerosol generator. Contrary to the results obtained with the PSL particles, we observe that the thermophoretic velocity of aggregates increases with the electrical mobility diameter. Thanks to a morphological study of the aggregates, we showed that the thermophoretic velocity depends on the number of primary particles of the aggregate. These experimental results confirm,for the first time, the theoretical data of Mackowski (2006) obtained by a Monte Carlo simulation. Moreover, a comparison with the experimental results of Messerer et al. (2003) shows that thethermophoretic velocity of aggregates seems independent of the primary particle size.
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