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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil de expressão gênica de sítios ativos na progressão das doenças periodontais agressiva e crônica / Gene Expression Profile of Active Sites in Agressive and Chronic Periodontal Disease Progression

Ingrid Webb Josephson Ribeiro 30 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A periodontite é uma doença inflamatória crônica, de alta prevalência na população, que causa perda dentária. A progressão da doença ocorre por meio de surtos, com períodos de remissão e exacerbação. A análise da expressão gênica de lesões ativas na progressão das doenças periodontais pode demonstrar diferenças na resposta do hospedeiro e indicar processos relacionados à atividade destrutiva da doença. Metodologia: Foram selecionados 54 pacientes, sendo 18 com Doença Periodontal Agressiva (DPA), 25 com Doença Periodontal Crônica (DPC) e 11 com ausência de Doença Periodontal (Controle). Medidas clínicas de profundidade de sondagem (PS), nível de inserção relativo (NIR), sangramento à sondagem (SS) e índice de placa (IP) foram obtidas em dois tempos: inicial e após tratamento na reavaliação com dois meses. Nos pacientes com Doença Periodontal (DP), os sítios que apresentaram perda de inserção de um ou mais milímetros foram considerados ativos e os demais, não ativos. O perfil de expressão gênica, de sítios ativos e não ativos, foi obtido pela análise de biópsias gengivais com o Real Time PCR Array. Resultados: Após o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico, houve melhora significante em todos os parâmetros clínicos (PS, SS, IP; p<0,05) exceto para o NIR (p>0,05). Dos 5112 sítios tratados, aproximadamente 4% apresentam perda de inserção mesmo após o tratamento com ou sem uso de antibiótico. As doenças DPA e DPC demonstraram diferentes perfis de expressão gênica, com sítios ativos apresentando um padrão significantemente up-regulated em relação aos sítios não ativos. Conclusão: A DPA e a DPC são condições clínicas que apresentam diferenças na resposta imune e a atividade destrutiva da lesão periodontal ativa pode ser reconhecida por um padrão inflamatório up-regulated de resposta. Considerando-se as diferenças observadas, abordagens terapêuticas individualizadas e capazes de modular a resposta poderiam potencializar o efeito benéfico da terapia anti-infecciosa e reduzir o número de sítios ativos da DP progressiva. / Aim: Evaluate the gene expression profile under healthy and periodontal disease conditions; identify possible differences in the gene expression profile between chronic and aggressive periodontal diseases; seek evidences of immune regulation differences in active and non active sites during periodontal destruction. Methods: Clinical parameters of probing depth, relative attachment level, bleeding on probing and plaque index were obtained in two stages: initial and two months. The sites that showed attachment loss 1mm were considered active and others non-active. The gene expression profile of active and non-active sites, was obtained by gingival biopsies analysis with Real Time PCR Array. Results: After non-surgical periodontal treatment, significant improvement in all clinical parameters were achieved (P <0.05), except for the relative attachment level (p> 0.05). The disease showed different gene expression profiles with active sites showing a pattern significantly up-regulated compared to non-active sites. Conclusion: Aggressive and Chronic Periodontitis are clinical conditions that showed differences in the immune response profile and that the progressive periodontal lesion can be recognized by an up-regulated inflammatory response. Considering the observed differences, it is possible that individualized therapeutic approaches that modulate the inflammatory response might enhance the efficacy of the anti-infective therapy and reduce active sites number after treatment.

O papel do núcleo pré-mamilar ventral na organização do comportamento agressivo maternal. / Role of the ventral premamillary nucleus in the maternal aggressive behavior.

Souza, Cibele Carla Guimarães de 30 June 2011 (has links)
A agressão maternal tem como função preservar a vida da prole. O desenvolvimento desse comportamento depende vastamente do reconhecimento do adversário como uma ameaça potencial e esse reconhecimento envolve a detecção de pistas feromonais. O núcleo pré-mamilar ventral (PMv) é um dos principais alvos do núcleo medial da amígdala, que representa o setor amigdalar crítico para o processamento de pistas feromonais. Desta forma, postulamos que possivelmente o PMv seja sensível às pistas feromonais do macho intruso, servindo como uma possível interface para os sistemas neurais envolvidos na agressão maternal. Neste sentido, inicialmente avaliamos o padrão de ativação do PMv, bem como alguns de seus alvos de projeção, durante o comportamento maternal e durante a agressão maternal. Notamos que tanto o PMv como a maioria de seus alvos principais (tais como, o núcleo posterior da amígdala, a parte posterodorsal do núcleo medial da amígdala, a área hipotalâmica lateral tuberal e a parte ventrolateral do núcleo ventromedial) apresentam um aumento significativo na expressão da proteína Fos durante a agressão maternal. Em seguida, avaliamos o papel do PMv na organização neural do comportamento de agressão maternal, em ratas lactantes portadoras de lesões citotóxicas com NMDA do PMv. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que as fêmeas lactantes com lesão no PMv não apresentam qualquer alteração nos parâmetros comportamentais relacionados ao comportamento maternal, mas apresentam uma significante diminuição no comportamento agressivo maternal. Observamos ainda, que a lesão citotóxica do PMv resultou numa drástica diminuição da expressão da proteína Fos em alguns sítios de projeção do PMv que se apresentavam mobilizados durante a agressão maternal (tais como a parte ventrolateral do hipotálamo ventromedial, a área hipotalâmica lateral tuberal e o núcleo pré-óptico medial), sugerindo a participação destes sítios neurais como críticos na expressão do comportamento de agressão maternal. / Maternal aggression is critical to preserve the litters from male intruders, and the pheromonal cues from the males are important to drive such responses. The ventral premamillary nucleus (PMv) is one of the main targets of the medial amygdalar nucleus, and is critically involved in processing pheromonal information. In this regard, in the present study, we investigated whether the PMv would work as a putative interface between the pheromonal processing of the male intruder and the neural sites potentially involved in the expression of maternal aggression. First, we analyzed the pattern of Fos expression in dams expressing aggressive maternal behavior, and found a significant increase in Fos levels in the PMv, as well as, in most of its main targets, such as the posterior amygdalar nucleus, the posterodorsal part of the medial amygdalar nucleus, the tuberal nucleus of the lateral hypothalamic area, and the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial nucleus. Next, we examined how NMDA lesions bilaterally placed in the PMv would interfere in maternal aggression, and found that dams bearing those lesions presented a significant reduction in the expression of aggressive behavior, but showed no alterations on the maternal behavior responses. Moreover, we were able to see that PMv lesions resulted in significant drop in Fos expression in selected PMv targets, namely the tuberal nucleus of the lateral hypothalamic area and the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial nucleus, likely to be critically involved in the expression of the maternal aggression. Overall, the present results support the idea that the PMv is seemingly a key site in the network controlling maternal aggression; on one hand, the nucleus is likely to processes pheromonal cues from the intruder male, and, on the other, it conveys this information to sites critically related to the expression of maternal aggression.

Creativity and aggression in men's mating behavior.

January 2012 (has links)
本研究試圖通過在進化心理學理論的框架內解釋和預測男性的攻擊和創造力。該框架基於性選擇理論,該理論認為人類的許多特質,包括攻擊和創造力可能與性選擇的進化過程有關。人的很多行為因受到性間和性內選擇壓力的影響,而會對具體的擇偶情境作出特定的反應。達爾文的性選擇理論提出,性間選擇壓力與裝飾品式的行為有關,而性內選擇壓力與武器式的行為有關。本論文通過三個實證研究,同時探討這兩種選擇壓力引發的擇偶情境與男性行為之間的關係。我假設性間選擇與創造力相關,而性內競爭與攻擊性相關。 / 在研究1和2中,通過實驗區分兩種擇偶情境來啟動性間和性內選擇相應的動機。具體來說,我要求大學生被試實際參與一個與異性約會的模擬遊戲(研究1)或者想像一個約會情景(研究2),並告知他們的行為表現會讓這一異性評價或者讓其他同性追求者評價。接著他們分別完成測量創造力(即,“納入類別任務“和“不同尋常用法任務“)和攻擊行為(“競爭性反應時任務“)的任務,被試在兩個任務的表現分別代表他們的裝飾品式行為和武器式行為。研究1和2的結果都一致地顯示,與男性大學生在性內選擇條件下相比,男性大學生在性間選擇條件下表現出更高的創造力但是更低的攻擊性。而對於女性大學生來說,他們在性間和性內兩個條件下的創造力和攻擊性表現沒有差異。研究3進一步探討對於裝飾品式行為和武器式行為特點不同的男性,他們是否會參與不同的擇偶策略(異性吸引或同性競爭)來獲得異性配偶。也就是說,有創造力的男性更傾向於採取異性吸引的策略,而攻擊性的男性則更傾向於採取同性競爭的策略。該研究使用問卷調查,118名男性大學生被試完成創造力和攻擊性相關的人格量表以及自編擇偶策略問卷。多元回歸分析結果顯示,創造力與異性吸引策略相關,而攻擊性與同性競爭策略相關。 / 本論文的三個研究結果支持了基於達爾文的性選擇理論的假設,男性使用創造力作為吸引女性的裝飾品,因此性間選擇與創造力相關;而男性也會使用攻擊來作為武器去跟同性競爭,因此性內選擇與攻擊相關。本研究結果具有如下的研究和實際意義。首先,現有的文獻只是在比較不同物種所具有的專門化擇偶策略時,才會功能性地區分性間與性內選擇壓力。本研究顯示這兩類選擇壓力對人類男性同樣適用。不同的選擇壓力還會造成物種內的個體差異性。如本研究的結果所示,男性在應對這兩種類型選擇壓力時會選擇性地做出反應,表現出獨特的行為來。其次,裝飾品式和武器式的擇偶策略不僅能夠依據不同的情境而被啟動,而且還會被看做是不同的人格特質,允許個體優化他們的性間選擇或性內競爭。第三,基於對人類這兩類行為的終極功能的進化理解,本研究結果有助於發展教育情境內(干預)專案或者課程,以提高學生的創造力及降低攻擊性。 / The present study examines male aggression and creativity as functions of inter-and intra-sex context within the framework of sexual selection. According to sexual selection theory, both intra-sexual competition, mainly among the unlimited sex, or males, and mate choice, mostly by the limiting sex, or females, lead to wide ranging sex dimorphic attributes, which are referred to as weapons (e.g., aggression) and ornaments (e.g., creativity). Within this evolutionary framework, I tested the hypothesis that inter-sexual courtship was associated with creativity as an ornament-like behavior, whereas intra-sexual competition was associated with aggression as a weapon-like behavior. / In the first two studies, I experimentally manipulated two mating situations to prime the motivation either for inter- or intra-sex selection in the laboratory. Specifically, these two motivations were manipulated by having university undergraduate students participate in a simulated dating game (Study 1) or imagine a romantic mating situation (Study 2) with their performance being evaluated either by a female date or male suitors. A set of creativity tasks (i.e., Category Inclusion Task and Unusual Uses Task) and an aggression task (Competitive Reaction Time Task) were used to measure ornament- and weapon-like behavior, respectively. The results in both Study 1 and 2 provided the consistent evidence, showing that men under the intra-sexual selection condition showed a higher level of aggression and lower level of creativity than men under the inter-sexual selection condition. For women, there was no difference between inter-sexual and intra-sexual selection conditions. In Study 3, I further examined whether individual differences in ornament- and weapon-like traits might influence men’s mating behaviors. I hypothesized that creative men tended to engage in inter-sexual courtship, whereas aggressive men tended to engage in intra-sexual competition. Survey data based on 118 male undergraduate students from a Chinese university showed that creativity, but not aggression, predicted inter-sexual courtship whereas aggression, but not creativity, predicted intra-sexual competition. / Together, these studies support the evolutionary theory that inter-sex courtship was related to creativity which men employed as an ornament to attract females, whereas intra-sex competition was related to aggression which men used as weapons. These findings have several implications. First, I showed the same functional distinction between intra- and inter-sex selection pressures on human males. The existing literature draws such functional distinction only when comparing different species with specialized mating strategies. Different selection pressures also act on individuals within the same species to create individual differences. As shown in the present study, men might selectively respond to these two kinds of sexual selection pressures with distinct behaviors. Second, both ornament- and weapon-like mating strategies are not only situationally activated but can also be regarded as personality traits that allow individuals to optimize either intra-sexual competition or inter-sexual courtship. Third, the results may help to develop educational programs aimed at increasing creativity and reducing aggression that are based on the evolutionary understanding of the ultimate functions of these two human behaviors. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Chen, Binbin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-83). / Abstract also in Chinese; appendixes include Chinese. / Abstract --- p.ii / 摘 要 --- p.v / Acknowledgements --- p.vii / Chapter CHAPTER 1: --- INTRODUCATION --- p.1 / The Evolutionary Framework of Sexual Selection --- p.2 / Sexual Selection --- p.2 / Weapon and Ornament --- p.6 / Evidence on Inter-sexual Selection on Ornaments --- p.7 / Evidence on Intra-sexual Selection on Weapons --- p.8 / Men’s Mating Psychology --- p.9 / Sexual Over-perception Bias --- p.9 / Unrestricted Sexual Behavior --- p.10 / Sexual Jealous --- p.11 / Ornament- and Weapon-like Behaviors --- p.12 / Sexual Selection on Creativity and Aggression --- p.16 / Creativity as an Ornament under Inter-sexual Selection --- p.17 / Aggression as a Weapon under Intra-sexual Selection --- p.19 / The Current Research --- p.21 / Chapter CHAPTER 2: --- EMPERICAL EVIDENCE --- p.23 / Study 1 --- p.23 / Method --- p.23 / Results and Discussion --- p.27 / Study 2 --- p.30 / Method --- p.30 / Results and Discussion --- p.32 / Study 3 --- p.35 / Method --- p.37 / Results and Discussion --- p.39 / Chapter CHAPTER 3: --- GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION --- p.41 / Inter- and Intra-sexual Selection on Creativity and Aggression --- p.41 / Educational Implications --- p.47 / Limitations and Future Directions --- p.50 / Conclusion --- p.55 / APPENDIX --- p.56 / REFERENCES --- p.60

Avaliação da eficácia da terapia fotodinâmica como adjunto ao tratamento periodontal de pacientes com periodontite agressiva / Evaluation of the photodynamic therapy efficacy in the treatment of patients with agressive periodontitis

Flavia Bomfim Garcia 26 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A periodontite agressiva é um processo inflamatório de origem bacteriana mediado pelo sistema imunológico do hospedeiro e é provavelmente a forma mais grave de doença periodontal, apresentando destruição das estruturas tanto de proteção quanto de suporte dentário, num período relativamente rápido, normalmente levando a perda prematura dos elementos dentários e, em alguns casos, terapia antimicrobiana adjunta é necessária em adição à terapia mecânica. O objetivo do presente ensaio clínico randomizado controlado foi avaliar o efeito clínico da terapia fotodinâmica como adjunto ao tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico no tratamento da periodontite agressiva Os seguintes parâmetros clínicos foram avaliados: índice de placa visível, sangramento à sondagem, profundidade de bolsa à sondagem, nível de inserção clínica relativo, envolvimento de furca e mobilidade. Foram selecionados dez pacientes com periodontite agressiva, os quais foram examinados no dia zero e após três meses.O desenho do estudo consistiu em um modelo de boca dividida, onde um hemiarco foi tratado com raspagem e alisamento radicular e terapia fotodinâmica (laser diodo) e o outro apenas com raspagem e alisamento radicular. Três meses após o término do tratamento, os grupos terapêuticos apresentaram resultados semelhantes para todos os parâmetros clínicos avaliados: ambas as terapias tiveram sucesso, como redução de profundidade de bolsa, ganho de nível de inserção clínica relativo, redução de índice de placa visível, redução de sangramento à sondagem, diminuição de envolvimento de furca e diminuição de mobilidade, porém sem diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre elas. Dentro das limitações do presente estudo, os resultados sugerem que a terapia fotodinâmica adjuntamente ao tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico mecânico foi tão eficaz quanto o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico mecânico sozinho. / Aggressive periodontitis is an inflammatory process of bacterial origin mediated by host immune response and is probably the most serious form of periodontal disease, with destruction of the structures of protection and support, with fast course, often leading to premature loss of the teeth and, in some cases, adjunct antimicrobial therapy is need in addition to mechanical therapy. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to investigate the clinical effect of photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment in patients with aggressive periodontitis. The following clinical parameters were evaluated: visible plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, relative attachment level, furcation involvement and mobility. We selected ten patients with aggressive periodontitis, which were examined in the baseline to three months. The study design consisted of a split mouth model, where a quadrant was treated with scaling and root planing and photodynamic therapy (diode laser) and the other only with scaling and root planing. Three months after the end of the treatment, the treatment groups showed similar results for all clinical parameters evaluated: both therapies have been successful and showed reduction of pocket depth, gain of relative attachment level, reduction of visible plaque index, reduction of bleeding on probing, decreased furcation involvement and decreased mobility, but without statistically significant differences between them. Within the limitations of the present study the results suggest that photodynamic therapy adjunct to non-surgical periodontal mechanic treatment was as effective as the non-surgical periodontal mechanic treatment alone.

Comportamento agonístico e deslocamento em ambiente natural de anomuros de água doce (Crustacea, Decapoda, Aeglidae)

Ayres-Peres, Luciane January 2011 (has links)
Os eglídeos (Anomura, Aeglidae) são um grupo de crustáceos endêmicos do sul da América do Sul e restritos ao ambiente de água doce. Muitos aspectos da biologia e ecologia desses animais são bem conhecidos, porém, pouco se sabe sobre seu comportamento, principalmente o comportamento agressivo e a atividade em ambiente natural. É sabido que entre os animais, os conflitos são resolvidos por comportamentos agonísticos, termo que abrange uma gama de comportamentos de escape, exibições (“displays”), até um extremo do combate físico. Em um contexto ecológico, informações sobre os movimentos e a atividade dos animais são importantes para uma compreensão das exigências de hábitat, padrões de utilização dos recursos e o potencial de interações interespecíficas. A presente tese teve como objetivos: padronizar uma metodologia para análise do comportamento agressivo de eglídeos em laboratório; descrever o comportamento agressivo de Aegla longirostri; avaliar o comportamento agonístico de espécies provenientes de vertentes do lado Pacífico (espécies basais) e Atlântico (espécies derivadas) da América do Sul; comparar os padrões agressivos de fêmeas de A. longirostri e A. manuinflata, e; examinar os padrões de deslocamento, de atividade diária e de ocupação dos diferentes substratos por A. manuinflata em ambiente natural. Para os estudos sobre comportamento agressivo, os animais coletados foram mantidos em aclimatação por uma semana em aquários individuais, pareados para realização de interações intra-específicas e filmados durante 20 minutos, período que foi subdivido para realização das análises. A parir dos confrontos com A. longirostri foram descritos os atos comportamentais, com 16 atos agressivos, e foi estabelecida uma tabela de intensidade da agressividade, variando de -2 (fuga) a 5 (combate intenso). No estudo comparativo entre quatro espécies de Aegla, foi verificado que todas apresentaram comportamentos semelhantes, porém um indivíduo de Aegla denticulata denticulata, apresentou tanatose. O período de latência foi superior ao tempo investido em todos os encontros agressivos. Aegla longirostri, a espécie mais derivada (da vertente do Atlântico) foi a que apresentou maior intensidade agressiva média e a mais basal (da vertente do Pacífico), A. d. denticulata a menor intensidade. Aegla abtao, A. longirostri e A. manuinflata gastaram significativamente mais tempo lutando, prendendo ou agarrando o oponente do que os demais atos, enquanto A. d. denticulata passou 18,2% do tempo sem deslocamento, e não apresentou confronto intenso. Em todas as espécies foi verificada reversão da dominância. Entre as fêmeas, o comportamento é semelhante àquele observado nos machos das mesmas espécies. O período de latência foi mais longo do que qualquer encontro, e o primeiro foi em média mais longo que os demais. Houve uma baixa freqüência na reversão da dominância, o animal que venceu o primeiro encontro, conseqüentemente teve uma probabilidade maior de ser o vencedor final. Para ambas as espécies, o ato mais freqüente foi o de lutar e/ou prender e agarrar com o quelípodo, seguido pelo uso das antenas. A agressividade das fêmeas pode chegar a altos níveis, por vezes, superando a agressividade observada em machos. Para avaliar o deslocamento e a atividade de A. manuinflata em ambiente natural, machos adultos e em intermuda foram monitorados a cada três horas durante nove dias, através da técnica de rádio-telemetria. Os eglídeos apresentaram um deslocamento significativamente maior à montante e apresentaram maior atividade de deslocamento na fotofase escura; a atividade locomotora não foi constante, sendo verificado que os animais passaram um ou mais dias sem deslocamento. Os indivíduos apresentaram especificidade em relação à ocupação dos diferentes tipos de substrato. Esses estudos trazem informações inéditas relativas ao comportamento agressivo de eglídeos, o qual é semelhante ao observado em outros decápodos com quelípodos bem desenvolvidos, porém, muitas peculiaridades foram observadas. Além disso, os resultados do estudo de rádio-telemetria forneceram mais uma informação importante para estudos de conservação das espécies, demonstrando a importância da manutenção dos ambientes naturais para esses indivíduos. / The aeglids (Anomura, Aeglidae) are endemic crustaceans from south region of South America and restricted to freshwater environments. Although several biological and ecological aspects of these animals has already been studied little is known about their behavior, mainly its aggressive behavior and activity in the natural environment. It is known that among animals, conflicts are resolved through agonistic behavior, an expression of which embraces a range of fleeing behaviors, displays, up to the extreme of physical combat. In an ecological context, information on the movements and activity of animals is important for understanding their requirements of habitat, resource usage patterns and the potential of interspecific interactions. This thesis has the following goals: to standardize a method in order to analyze the aggressive behavior of aeglids in laboratory; to describe the aggressive acts of Aegla longirostri; to evaluate the agonistic behavior of species originated from slopes on the Pacific (basal species) and Atlantic (derived species) sides of South America; to compare aggressive pattern of A. longirostri and A. manuinflata females; and to examine the displacement pattern on daily activity and occupancy of substrates by A. manuinflata in natural environment. For the aggressive behavior studies the animals were kept for one week of acclimation in individual fishbowls, then paired for experiments of intraspecific interactions and videotaped for 20 minutes, period which were subdivided for analyzes. From combats with A. longirostri the behavioral acts were described, 16 were considered aggressive acts, and a table of aggression intensity was established, ranging from -2 (fleeing) to 5 (intense combat). Concerning the comparative study among four species of Aegla it was verified that all of them exhibited similar behaviors, but one individual of Aegla denticulata denticulata displayed thanatosis. The latency period was greater than the time invested in all aggressive encounters. Aegla longirostri, the most derived species (from Atlantic slope), was the species that displayed the highest average aggressive intensity and, the most basal species (from Pacific slope), A. d. denticulata the lowest intensity. Aegla abtao, A. longirostri and A. manuinflata spent significantly more time fighting, holding or catching the opponent than the other acts, while A. d. denticulata spent 18.2% of the time without any displacement and did not exhibit intense combat. Reversal of dominance was observed in all species. Female’s behavior is similar to that observed in conspecific males. The latency period was longest than any other encounter and the first one was in average the longest. There was a low reversal of dominance; the animal which won the first encounter consequently had a higher probability of being the final winner. For both species the most frequent act was fighting and/or holding and catching with the cheliped, following by the use of antennae. Female’s aggressiveness can reach high levels, overcoming sometimes the aggressiveness observed in males. To evaluate the displacement and activity of A. manuinflata in natural environment adult males in intermolt stage were monitored at every three hours during nine days through radio-telemetry technique. The aeglids showed a significantly greater displacement toward upstream and had the highest displacement activity on dark photophase; the locomotor activity was not constant, it was observed that the animals spent one or more days without any displacement. Individuals showed specific occupation of different types of substrate. These studies bring novel information concerning aggressive behavior of aeglids which is similar to the behavior observed in other decapods with developed chelipeds, although several peculiarities were noticed. Besides, the results from the radio-telemetry study provided more important information for conservation studies of species, demonstrating the importance of maintenance of natural environment for these animals.

Groupthink Among German, British, American, and Soviet Leaders During the Holocaust

Woolf, Alan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Understanding the psychology behind the perpetrators of the Holocaust has been difficult because experiments on conformity and obedience cannot readily simulate the reality of the Holocaust. There exists historical documentation surrounding the leaders of the Nazi organization instrumental for the perpetration of the Holocaust, but the underlying motives of Hitler's leaders relating to governmental policies of systematic extermination of the Jews in Europe, are not known, as the strategy and operationalization of the actions were kept extremely secret, disguised by euphemisms, or only discussed verbally. This research study was to further understand the thought processes behind the manipulation tactics applied by leaders of the Nazi organization, and the leaders of Britain, America, and the Soviet Union during the Holocaust, by reviewing their personal writings, communiques, and orders. The theoretical base used was the theory of groupthink by Janis, because it is most applicable to understanding complex human psychology. The research questions of the study were: a) to find the origins of the Final Solution, why it gained acceptance by the Nazis, and the role of anti-Semitism ; and b) to identify groupthink symptom language relating to German, British, American, and Soviet leaders during the Holocaust. A qualitative multiple retro-historical case study methodology was selected. Data were collected and analyzed from archival material and groupthink theory was found to be ideally suited to the study of the Holocaust. Translation of a period of Alfred Rosenberg's diary relating to Hitler's issuance of the 'Hitler Extermination Order,' was discovered. The results show areas for further research, including the translation into English of the Alfred Rosenberg diary that was lost to history for over 60 years. The findings of this research study will hopefully help organizational psychologists to better remedy groupthink practices.

An Analysis of Teachers' Perceptions of Bullying at the Elementary School Level

Thomas, Tiffany Wilson 01 January 2017 (has links)
Teachers in elementary schools are often faced with countless disruptive bullying behaviors, which cause them to lose valuable classroom instruction time. In addition, bullying victims have shown a decline in academic success as compared to students who are not bullied. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to explore teachers' understanding and awareness of bullying behaviors and policies at the elementary school level, particularly in an elementary school in a southeastern state that has experienced large increases in student disruptive behavior over the past 2 school years. Bandura's social cognitive theory served as the conceptual framework. Semi-structured interview data were collected from a purposeful sample of 8 certified teachers at the school who taught students in Grades 3 through 5 during the past 2 school years. Open and axial coding procedures were utilized to discover themes based on teachers' perceptions of bullying, interventions and regulations. The findings revealed that teachers struggled with recognizing bullying behaviors, were unsure of the policies and procedures related to reporting bullying incidents, and their confidence levels were low when handling bullying behavior. Findings reflected components of Bandura's social cognitive theory in that individuals with high levels of perceived competence were motivated to set goals and complete tasks. A professional development workshop was created to provide teachers with the necessary tools to assist them in recognizing, responding, and reporting bullying incidents. Positive social change might occur from promoting bullying awareness among teachers and creating a positive impact on teaching, student learning, and the overall school environment at the local level.


Butt, Muhammad U. 01 January 2018 (has links)
To see if aggressive diuresis in first twenty four hours is associated with a comparable number of total days in the hospital as compared to non-aggressive diuresis. In this retrospective cohort study, we compared the length of hospital stay of consecutive patients admitted in one year based on their diuresis during the first twenty-four hours of hospitalization: aggressive diuresis (group 1) i.e. > 2400mL versus non-aggressive diuresis (group 2) i.e. ≤ 2400mL urine output. Patients were excluded if in cardiogenic shock, had creatinine level above 3 mg/dL on admission, or on dialysis. A total of 194 patients were enrolled (29 in group 1 and 165 in group 2 respectively). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the median cumulative proportion of patients still hospitalized for the group 1 was 4 days and in group 2 was 5 days (log-rank test; P=0.67). In univariate analysis, Cox PH regression showed unadjusted hazard rate of discharge from hospital was slightly higher in group 1 than group 2 but was statistically non-significant (HR=1.08; P=0.70). In multivariate Cox model analysis, creatinine at the time of admission when greater than 1.6mg/dL (P=0.75), LVEF (P= 0.14), total twenty-four hours dose of intravenous Furosemide given (P=0.98) and interaction between Furosemide dose and Creatinine level (P=0.79) were not significant predictor of hospital discharge. Adjusted hazard rate for discharge from hospital was 12% higher in group 1 than group 2 but still statistically non-significant (HR=1.12; P=0.60). Since the length of hospital stay is similar between two groups, we suggest the goal of diuresis to be less than 2400mL in first twenty-four hours to prevent excessive dehydration.

Análise Bayesiana em estudos de comportamento agressivo de peixes /

Noleto Filho, Eurico Mesquita January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eliane Gonçalves de Freitas / Banca: Eduardo Benedicto Ottoni / Banca: Eduardo Fernando dos Santos / Banca: Fernando Barbosa Noll / Banca: Fernando Rodrigues da Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar se uma abordagem Bayesiana aprimora à análise de modelos longitudinais em estudo de comportamento agressivo em peixes. Discutimos as vantagens da análise Bayesiana ao lidar com variáveis agrupadas, resultados não estatisticamente significativos e número de réplicas utilizando o Acará Bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare), como estudo de caso. Além disso, em um segundo estudo com dados de quatro espécies de ciclídeo (Pterophyllum scalare, Oreochromis niloticus, Astronotus ocellatus e Cichlasoma), verificamos os diferentes tipos de viés que combinar variáveis baseando-se em critérios energéticos, pode causar na análise de dados. Por fim, em um terceiro estudo, nós construímos uma ferramenta estatística usando o pacote Shiny para permitir que modelos Bayesianos se tornem mais acessíveis para estudos longitudinais com agressividade. O delineamento dos dois primeiros estudos foi semelhante. Para cada espécie, 15 grupos de 3 indivíduos foram submetidos a observações diárias durante 10 minutos em 5 dias. Para o primeiro estudo, as variáveis comportamentais foram analisadas parcialmente combinadas de acordo com a intensidade do comportamento (Ataques e Displays), e completamente combinadas (soma de todas variáveis). Para o segundo, as variáveis comportamentais foram analisadas individualmente e parcialmente combinadas de acordo com a intensidade do comportamento (Ataques e Displays). As freqüências de cada registro foram modeladas usando cadeias de Mo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work aims to test if a Bayesian approach improves the analysis of longitudinal models in the study of aggressive behavior in fish. We discuss the advantages of Bayesian analysis when dealing with combined variables, non-statistically significant results and the number of replicates using the Acará Bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare), as a case study. In addition, in a second study with data of four species of cichlid (Pterophyllum scalare, Oreochromis niloticus, Astronotus ocellatus and Cichlasoma), we have checked in more detail the possible bias types that pooling variables based on energetic criterion, can cause in the data analysis. Finally, we have developed a statistical tool using the Shiny package to allow Bayesian models to become more accessible for aggressive longitudinal studies. We have adopted a similar experimental design for the first two studies. For each species, 15 groups of 3 subjects were submitted to daily observations for 10 minutes, in 5 days. For the first study, the behavioral variables were analyzed partially combined according to the intensity of the behavior (Attacks and Displays) and completely combined (sum of all variables). For the second, the behavioral variables were analyzed individually and partially combined according to the intensity of the behavior (Attacks and Displays). The frequencies of each record were modeled using Monte Carlo Markov chains. The results show that combining variables, regardless of the criterion, can lead to biase... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Estratégia agressiva de matrinxâ Brycon amazonicus : conviver quando possível, matar quando preciso /

Serra, Mônica. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Gilson Luiz Volpato / Banca: Leonardo José Gil Barcellos / Banca: Amauri Gouveia Junior / Banca: Rodrigo Egydio Barreto / Banca: Anette Hoffmann / Resumo: Os confrontos do peixe matrinxã Brycon amazonicus são agressivos e geralmente resultam até mesmo em morte do subordinado. Como é uma espécie bem armada, inicialmente o matrinxã é cauteloso e, com o estabelecimento hierárquico, o dominante progride em ataques até a morte do oponente, mesmo sem este os revidar. Aqui mostramos também que o matrinxã possui alta motivação agressiva mesmo ainda na fase cautelosa da luta. No entanto, esse comportamento agressivo não ocorre sob qualquer contexto. Testamos díades de matrinxãs e observamos que com aumento do espaço disponível os matrinxãs convivem nadando em schooling, com pouca ou nenhuma interação agressiva. Já em espaço reduzido, disputam agressivamente a dominância; entretanto, mesmo que tenha sido definido um dominante, se o espaço disponível aumentar os peixes não ocupam territórios distintos, mas nadam juntos sem interação agressiva. Mais ainda, quando nadam em schooling a distância entre os peixes da díade é menor do que a distância máxima que deflagra ataques quando os peixes estão em uma arena menor. Ou seja, não é a distância entre os peixes que deflagra a agressividade, e sim o tamanho do espaço físico disponível ao redor. Portanto, o matrinxã modula sua estratégia de interação com coespecíficos de acordo com o espaço disponível, que provavelmente sinaliza a disponibilidade de recursos para a espécie dado seu habitat natural. No rio Amazonas, os regimes de cheia e seca formam lagoas temporárias, onde os peixes podem ficam restritos. Nesse ambiente de recursos escassos, eliminar o competidor é uma boa estratégia, e características intrínsecas da espécie dão a ela ferramentas que justificam esse tipo de estratégia. Já quando há espaço e recursos disponíveis permanecer em grupo, sem disputas agressivas, favorece a proteção dos matrinxãs contra predadores / Abstract: Not available / Doutor

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