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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský záměr sportovně-rekreačního střediska ve vybrané oblasti

MALENOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with a specific business concept of a sports-recreational centre in the area of Vysočina, Czech Republic. It provides and evaluates SWOT analysis of some particular areas of tourism, agro-tourism, agriculture and rural development in the area of Vysočina. This thesis also offers an evaluation of a questionnaire that shows the attractivity of the agro-tourism in Czech Republic and the degree of enthusiasm of individuals for agro-tourism in the area of Vysočina. Furthermore, it provides information about what does people expect from agro-touristic type of vacation and which animals and activities they would welcome while spending it. The last part of the thesis is focused on the financial balance-sheet of the whole project which involves the expenses for reconstruction of the specified object, fixed costs, revenues of the farm and profits. This final part is also pictured on the three charts that show basic, real and prospect variants for such a farm.

Vinařství Mikulov / Winery Mikulov

Vlček, Martin January 2015 (has links)
MIKULOV WINERY U Lomu Wine proposal is bound to a place I know well from my childhood - the house in Mikulov under Turoldem. The house where my grandparents lived for many years and have built their homes and facilities. Idea of my diploma work is in the design winery, which would continue in both local and family tradition. In addition to a family house with housing the winemaker and his family (private part), there would have been even wine production focused on quality rather than quantity (production part). The design includes a raised corner object that represents the winery itself - tavern with an observation gallery offering local wines and dishes. It is tied to a large garden with flowering fruit trees, pergola with barbecue and seating. In the vicinity of the summer garden is designed smaller square that embrace houses, which offer private accommodation for lovers of culture and others. They are designed as double duplex units with views of the city skyline Mikulov. The object at the head of the square acts as a barrier on the ground. Story building is underground operationally linked to the cellar, where wine tasting will take place for a larger group of wine lovers drink in a separate vaulted room under the ground. The spaces between the square and on the corner object applies water element - copper well supplied with water from the spring. Instead of symbolically linked with copper, which refers to the settlement of this landscape in the Neolithic (the time of copper). Overall, the project reflects the potential of the place and reflects the traditional method of farming into a contemporary winery.

Turismus ve venkovském prostoru - příklad obcí Švihov a Strážov

VORÁČKOVÁ, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis was to find out current situation in tourism in two towns in Klatovy district and to compare these results with the potential of a place for tourism. Specifically, the towns were Strážov and Švihov, which are similar in population. The theoretical part contains the facts from literature related to tourism, rural area and rural tourism. In the research part both towns are characterized and these characteristics are supplemented with photos. The results of the survey for visitors and the results of the local inhabitants survey, as well as the interviews with the mayors are evaluated.

An?lise do segmento de trutas: abordagens de cadeia produtiva e turismo rural / Analysis of trout sector: production chain and rural tourism approach.

Amaral, Gisele Ferreira 13 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Gisele Ferreira Amaral.pdf: 6779883 bytes, checksum: 6955aca88f430437e8fa1af81e3c53a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-13 / This study was the first step in getting knowledge about the trout sector in the Brazilian Southeast, from the production chain approach and rural tourism. The general objective was to characterize the current levels of national production and productivity of the trout producers, the potential of investments, the impediments for the growth, the market opportunities and the trends of the producer, as well as identifying the possible strategies for the growth and development of the production chain in the Southeast. Specifically, one searched to identify and to characterize the components of the productive chain; to characterize the partner-economic conditions of the trout producers and to create database to guide the private investments and / or the development of specific public policy for the segment. For this, it was selected and interviewed a representative sample of producers. The results had disclosed that the segment of trout in the Southeast is a hybrid component of the Agro-food System, guided for the production and the sector of services (commerce and leisure) that contrasts with the productive system of the main producing countries that operate in industrial scale. It is a short chain, still in formation, whose consolidation is associated with the regional specialty and the activities of rural tourism. The initial hypothesis was partially corroborated. In fact the activity has capacity to fix workers in the field, however its capacity of generation of work ranks is minor than expected and the relation with the agricultural tourism, duly used to advantage, has potential to promote the regional development. / Este trabalho foi o primeiro passo na busca de conhecimento sobre a truticultura no sudeste brasileiro, a partir das abordagens de cadeia produtiva e turismo rural. O objetivo geral foi caracterizar os atuais n?veis de produ??o e produtividade nacionais dos produtores de truta, o potencial de investimentos, os entraves para o crescimento, as oportunidades de mercado e as tend?ncias do produtor, bem como identificar as poss?veis estrat?gias para o crescimento e desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva no sudeste. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar e caracterizar os componentes da cadeia produtiva; caracterizar as condi??es s?cio-econ?micas dos truticultores e criar base de dados para orientar os investimentos privados e / ou o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas espec?ficas para o segmento. Para isso foi selecionada e entrevistada uma amostra de produtores representativa. Os resultados revelaram que o segmento de trutas no sudeste ? um componente h?brido do Sistema Agroalimentar, orientado para a produ??o e para o setor de servi?os (com?rcio e lazer) que contrasta com o sistema produtivo dos principais pa?ses produtores que operam em escala industrial. Trata-se de uma cadeia produtiva curta, ainda em forma??o, cuja consolida??o est? associada ? especialidade regional e a atividades de turismo rural. A hip?tese inicial foi parcialmente corroborada. De fato a atividade tem capacidade de fixar trabalhadores no campo, por?m sua capacidade de gera??o de postos de trabalho ? menor que a esperada e a rela??o com o turismo rural, devidamente aproveitada, tem potencialidade para promover o desenvolvimento regional.

Εναλλακτικές μορφές τουρισμού

Πετροπούλου, Αναστασία 11 January 2010 (has links)
Ο τουρισμός µε την σηµερινή του έκταση αποτελεί πια φαινόµενο. Ο σύγχρονος άνθρωπος έκανε πια ανάγκη του, την πρόσκαιρη µετακίνηση του από την µόνιµη κατοικία σε άλλους τόπους της χώρας του ή άλλης χώρας. Η σηµερινή σύγχρονη µηχανοποιηµένη ζωή των πόλεων κουράζει τον άνθρωπο, και αυτός µε την αλλαγή επιδιώκει την ανακούφιση και τη χαλάρωση. Η άφθονη πια παροχή συγχρόνων απολαύσεων οδηγεί τον πολιτισµένο άνθρωπο σε µια φυγή, η οποία ικανοποιείται µε το τουριστικό ταξίδι. Παράλληλα ο άνθρωπος της υπαίθρου µαγνητίζεται από την µεγάλη ζωή των µεγαλουπόλεων και µε την µετακίνηση του σε αυτές ζητά να απόλαυσει και αυτός, ότι και οι άλλοι άνθρωποι των πόλεων προσπαθούν να αποφύγουν στις διακοπές τους. / Nowadays, alternative tourism has been successfully improved. Here we are going to analyze some types of alternative tourism such as agro tourism and many others.

Šetrné formy turismu v CHKO Šumava s konkrétním zaměřením na agroturistiku

CHROMÁ, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Chromá, L.: Environmentally friendly forms of tourism in the protected landscape areas of Šumava with a specific focus on agrotourism. Master thesis. Department of Landscape Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, 88 s. Gentle forms of tourism can be defined as tourism that focuses on nature, culture and historical wealth. The theoretical part includes a literary research focused on the description and geography of tourism, tourism psychology, motivation and travel experience. An important part is the issue of the negative impacts of tourism, where afterwards the gentle forms of tourism are highlighted. The presented work is focused mainly on the attractiveness of agrotourism as a form of leisure time, where it is mainly about the trace of public interest. Another, no less important goal is to find out the contribution of agro-tourism to the participants and the village, the attractiveness of the Šumava for visitors, the reason for the establishment of agrotourism farms and the support of the state.

Percepce agroturismu ve vybraných krajích Česka a Slovenska / The perception of agrotourism in the selected regions of Czechia and Slovakia

Rychnová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The perception of agrotourism in selected region of Czechia and Slovakia Abstract This diploma thesis deals with agrotourism and its perception in the Ústecký and Košický regions. The aim of the study is to identify key perceptual indicators that influence the operation of agro-touristic activities in selected regions. For this reason, the diploma thesis focuses on the perception of tourists and owners of economic facilities that operate the given form of rural tourism. The diploma thesis consists of two main parts. At the beginning of the study there is a general entry into the subject, which purposefully serves to understand the basic terms and concepts of the selected topic. The second part is focused on the field survey aimed at questioning tourists in agro-tourism facilities through questionnaire surveys and on structured interviews with property owners. The research itself took place in the months of July and August of 2017 in selected economic facilities in the Ústecký and Košický Regions. The conclusion highlights major benefits, points to further possible work and identifies key perceptual factors and conflicts that have been shown to influence both the provision and use of agrotourism in both regions under consideration. Key words: tourism, agrotourism, rural tourism, perception, Czechia, Slovakia

Projetos de vida de jovens rurais : o caso do roteiro agroturístico "Acolhida na Colônia" em Santa Rosa de Lima - SC

Martins, Mayara Roberta January 2013 (has links)
Os estudos voltados para a juventude rural dão ênfase aos processos de sucessão rural, ao êxodo rural e à diminuição da mão de obra no campo. As possibilidades de os jovens permanecerem no meio rural, têm motivado análises sobre seus projetos de vida, uma vez que a juventude rural está inserida em um contexto de desenvolvimento que permite um estudo retrospectivo e prospectivo quanto a motivações, habilidades e tipo de atuação a ser escolhida – agrícola ou não agrícola. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as influências do agroturismo nos projetos de vida dos jovens rurais, reunindo aspectos ligados às motivações, às expectativas futuras dos jovens rurais do roteiro turístico “Acolhida na Colônia”, em Santa Rosa de Lima - SC. Como metodologia, foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa com uma amostra intencional não probabilística por meio da coleta de 14 entrevistas semiestruturadas, a partir da autoidentificação dos entrevistados como jovem. De forma complementar, realizaram-se também entrevistas semiestruturadas com 10 informantes-chave, entre eles, chefes de família e integrantes da Associação de Agroturismo “Acolhida na Colônia”. As entrevistas, especialmente as dos jovens, foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados permitem tecer considerações quanto às identificações dos jovens rurais com relação ao seu local, comunidade e o agroturismo. As parcerias entre as entidades voltadas a práticas “alternativas de desenvolvimento”, com base em princípios da agroecologia e agroturismo, colaboram mutuamente e são almejadas como atuações por alguns dos jovens entrevistados. Além disso, as condições de acesso à educação, internet, cursos e capacitações dão aos jovens entrevistados perspectivas para permanecerem no campo, já que suas habilidades poderão ser voltadas à localidade. Ressaltando-se o aspecto profissional nos projetos de vida dos jovens, observa-se a existência de estímulos empreendedores atribuídos a um centro com foco na pedagogia de alternância dedicado à proposição de projetos de diversificação das propriedades das famílias desses jovens. Desse modo, a juventude de Santa Rosa de Lima é dinamizada por seu envolvimento em atividades de entidades, o que potencializa a sua permanência no campo. / The studies dealing with on rural youth emphasize the processes of rural succession rural depopulation and reduction of manpower in the field. The possibilities of rural youth remain in the rural milieu, originated analyses concerning their life projects, since the rural youth is embedded within the context of development and their projects of life cut across by retrospective and prospective concern in terms of motivations, skills and the type of action to choose from being - agricultural and nonagricultural activities. In this sense, this research aimed to investigate the influence of agritourism in the projects of life of rural youth, thus combining aspects related motivations, expectations of the future rural youth project known as "Acolhida na Colônia" in Santa Rosa de Lima - SC. The methodology used was a qualitative approach and a non-probability intentional sample through the collection of 14 semistructured interviews, from the self-identification of respondents as being young. Complementarily also were held semi-structured interviews with 10 key informants, including heads of families and members of the Association Agroturism "Acolhida na Colônia". As the interviews, mostly the youth, we used the content analysis. The results allow some considerations regarding the identifications of rural youth in relation to its local community and agrotourism. The partnerships between institutions aimed at practical "alternative development", based on principles of agroecology and agrotourism, and are mutually cooperative as performances by some of the young people interviewed. Moreover, the conditions of access to education, internet, and training courses offer interviewed young people prospects to remain in the field, as their skills may be directed to the rural setting. Emphasizing the professional aspect of life in the projects of young people, there is the existence of entrepreneurs stimuli assigned to a center with a focus on pedagogy educative system dedicated to the proposition of diversification projects of the properties of the families of these young people. Thus, the youth of Santa Rosa de Lima is more dynamic by their involvement in activities of entities, which enhances their stay in the field.

Agroturistika v rámci vybraných mikroregionů (Benešovsko / Agrotourism in selected microregions (Benešovsko)

KOTOVÁ, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The analysis of the present level of the agrotourism/ecoagrotourism development in the microregions Blanik and Podblanicko. In this work the potency of the tourist trade in connection with these microregions are characterized and some farms are closely introduced. According to the questionnaire research the situation on the ecological farms has been analysed and the community interest in the agrotourism/ecoagrotourism, has been studied.

A associação de agroturismo acolhida na colônia e o turismo rural em São Bonifácio/SC / The Association of Agroturism Hosted in the Country and the Rural Tourism in São Bonifácio SC

Oliveira, Giully de 27 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 122250.pdf: 10576708 bytes, checksum: 7b792e85a231dd356160f832bb0d3e23 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The research proposed here aims to analyze the process of accession to the Association of Agrotourism Hosted in the Country - AAHC by some rural properties in the region of São Bonifácio SC, observing how this process can influence the practice of rural tourism in the region. The Association of Agrotourism Hosted in the Country created in Brazil in 1999. Is an association composed of farmers, integrated in the network Accueil Paysan, active in France since 1987. Has as proposal to valouing the way of life in the field through the ecological agrotourism. The research aims to analyze and reflect how the Association of Agrotourism Hosted in the Country may involve residents of the municipality of São Bonifácio thatvare already doing some work oriented to rural tourism or willing to develop. In this context, the theoretical framework has as guiding concept the rural tourism that comes before the crisis arises on agricultural activities and comes as an alternative income, alternative of improving conditions for families to remain in the field and recovery of natural spaces (protection), seeking to demystify the vision of the field (rural) serves only to agricultural and extractive activities. Yet when it comes to theoretical framework, will be addressed, the agrotourism and rural tourism in family farming RTFF and cultural identity. To achieve the results outlined in the research questions and objectives, the research was conducted within the qualitative approach, from a case study. The data collection was done through the research techniques, such as: collection the secondary data, documentary research, ethnography instruments, participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The survey of secondary data and documentary was first initiated through books, articles, reports and other elements that could contribute in this step. Following was held the field of activity. With the technique of participant observation aided by ethnography instruments, was possible to collect much of the data for production of this research. In this period were carried out semi-structured interviews with key social actors involved with rural tourism. At the end, these data were organized and analyzed later. It is concluded that the AAHC is consolidating gradually in the municipality of São Bonifácio. The involved prosper a better development over time and the community from São Bonifácio see the rural tourism as a way of local development, creating new forms of income facing the potential: landscape, gastronomic and cultural potentials that the city has. The associates believe in this new source of income as a way of maintaining or attract the young to the countryside, however not all are willing to wait the ripening process of the activity in the region. Another point which is still evident is the need that associates have a follow-up techniques or multipliers activity. So that the activities can be successfully developed, the technical support is still needed. / A pesquisa aqui proposta tem como objetivo analisar o processo de adesão à Associação de Agroturismo Acolhida na Colônia - AAAC por algumas propriedades rurais da região de São Bonifácio SC, observando como este processo pode influenciar na prática de turismo rural na região. A Associação Acolhida na Colônia foi criada, no Brasil, em 1999. É uma associação composta por agricultores, integrada à Rede Accueil Paysan, atuante na França desde 1987. Tem como proposta valorizar o modo de vida no campo através do agroturismo ecológico. A pesquisa visa analisar e refletir de que forma a Associação de Agroturismo Acolhida na Colônia poderá envolver moradores do Município de São Bonifácio SC que já desenvolvem algum trabalho voltado ao turismo rural ou pretendem desenvolver. Neste contexto, o referencial teórico tem como conceito norteador o turismo rural que surge diante da crise nas atividades agrícolas e vem como alternativa de renda, alternativa de melhoria das condições para as famílias permanecerem no campo e valorização de espaços naturais (proteção), procurando desmistificar a visão de que o campo (rural) serve apenas para atividades agropecuárias e extrativistas. Ainda se tratando de referencial teórico, será abordado, o agroturismo e turismo rural na agricultura familiar TRAF e identidade cultural. Para obter os resultados traçados pelas questões de pesquisa e objetivos, a pesquisa foi realizada dentro da abordagem qualitativa, a partir de um estudo de caso. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de técnicas de pesquisa, como: levantamento de dados secundários, pesquisa documental, instrumentos da etnografia, observação participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O levantamento de dados secundários e documental foi iniciado primeiramente através de livros, artigos, reportagens e demais elementos que pudessem contribuir nesta etapa. Na sequência foi realizada a atividade de campo. Com a técnica de observação participante auxiliada por instrumentos da etnografia, foi possível coletar boa parte dos dados para produção desta pesquisa. Neste período foram realizadas as entrevistas semiestruturadas com alguns atores sociais envolvidos com turismo rural. Ao fim, esses dados foram organizados e posteriormente analisados. Conclui-se que a AAAC está se consolidando aos poucos no município de São Bonifácio. Os envolvidos projetam um melhor desenvolvimento com o passar do tempo e a comunidade sãobonifacense vê o turismo rural como forma de desenvolvimento local, criando novas formas de renda frente ao potencial: paisagístico, gastronômico e cultural que o município tem. Os associados acreditam nesta nova fonte de renda como um meio de manter ou aproximar os jovens do mundo rural, porém nem todos estão dispostos a esperar o processo de amadurecimento da atividade na região. Outro ponto que ainda é evidente é a necessidade que os associados têm de um acompanhamento de técnicas ou multiplicadoras da atividade. Para que as atividades possam ser desenvolvidas com sucesso, o apoio técnico ainda é necessário.

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