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Měď redukující účinky metabolitů kvercetinu / Copper reducing effects of quercetin metabolitesMísař, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Jakub Mísař Supervisor: PharmDr. Jana Karlíčková, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: Copper reducing effects of quercetin metabolites Copper is an essential trace element in particular due to its ability to easily convert between both redox forms: oxidized (Cu2+ ) and reduced (Cu+ ). Flavonoids are common components of the human diet and they can have positive influence on human health. They are converted into small phenolic acids during digestion by specific bacteria in the colon. Although effects of flavonoids have been extensively studied, the same is not true for their metabolites- phenolic acids. In this in vitro study, eight phenolic acids, which are known metabolites of commonly used flavonoid quercetin, were analyzed for their copper reducing activity at four (patho)physiologically relevant pHs. Simple spectrophotometric method based on an indicator bathocuproinedisulfonic acid disodium salt was used for the assessment reduction of copper ions. The degree of cupric reduction differed among tested compounds. All o- dihydroxycompounds were the most active and achieved 100% of cupric ion reduction in low compound to copper ratio. In conclusion, based on this study, it appears that...
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Vliv individuálního intervenčního programu na vybrané komponenty zdravotně orientované zdatnosti u jedince bez předchozí pohybové zkušenosti / Effect of individual intervention programme on selected components of health-related fitness to proband without previous movement experienceKovařík, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Effect of individual intervention programme on selected components of health- related fitness to proband without previous movement experience Objective: The main objective of the thesis is physical analysis and diagnosis of individual, individual intervention program creation and subsequent assessment of whether and how personally leaded program can affect selected components of health-related fitness to proband without any previous experience. Methods: For the needs of this thesis several types of measurements were used. Body composition using bioelectrical impedance analysis, postural stability - posturograph, laboratory stress test on a treadmill, terrain stress test on the athletics track, the basic movement patterns using diagnostic according to Janda, as a complementary test was chosen dynamometer to determine the strength of forearm muscles. Results: During the 16-week intervention changes occurred in many of the parameters. Individual intervention program has brought significant changes in body composition, specifically to reduce the ratio of ECM/BCM in the early phase of the program, but later was its exacerbation. Generally, the trend showed improvement in postural stability due to the generally realized PA. The intervention program did not demonstrate significant changes in...
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Pohybové aktivity v zařízeních pro seniory jako prostředek sebeobslužnosti a nezávislosti / Physical activity in facilities for the elderly as a means of self-care and independenceMorávková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Title: Physical activity in facilities for the elderly as a means of self-care and independence Objective: The main objective is to identify through research the possibilities of movement activities of seniors in institutions for the elderly, as a means to their autonomy, self-care and independence of the surrounding area. Senior age brings with it many challenges and constraints, whether physiological or psychological means. According to my research (Morávková 2013), these problems can actually affect by physical activity in both primary and secondary prevention. But the question remains whether seniors have the opportunity to perform physical activity. In my research, I focused on a situation where the senior placed in a facility for the elderly and is therefore totally dependent on the supply of equipment. Methods: The thesis is the first part researches topics of geriatrics and physical prevention of seniors. In the second part I follow research which I addressed to all traced facility for seniors in the Central Region, a total of 49 homes. There I poll examined whether there are controlled hours of physical activity, how they are targeted, whether this benefit seniors exploits and possibly what finances have to spend to participate those hours. Then I processed incoming data and interpreted...
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Body styling - zásady a praktická realizace / Body styling - principles and practical implementationDvořáková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Body styling - Principles and Practical Implementation OBJECTIVES: The aim of this diploma thesis is the search processing of available literary sources associated with bodystyling and the draft and verification of appropriate bodystyling lessons with positive effect on body composition for women and men without previous experience with bodystyling. METHODS: While elaborating this diploma thesis, my efforts were based on literary search, in particular I searched in literature focused on bodystyling and muscular system anatomy. This work shows its descriptive analytical character. Verification of drafted bodystyling lessons reveals, why bodystyling is a suitable form of regular physical exercise or activity. The target group consisted of twelve persons, six women and six men, within the age from twenty to fifty. None of them had previous experience with bodystyling lessons. RESULTS: The proposed physical intervention positively affected body composition interceded subjects that directly affected the body shaping. Body fat percentage was significantly reduced in eleven people out of twelve. The result of percentage of fat for the examined group is (-0,9±0,6) %. There was also a significant increase in skeletal muscle percentage for all twelve subjects. The result of percentage of skeletal...
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Projekt "Sportovní dítě" / Project "Sporting Kid"Bejdáková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
Title: Project "Sporting Kid" Aims: The main goal of this Theses is to introduce the decade of operation of the project "Sporting Kid", to define the function of sport projects for children with respect to the personal development of children of preschool and school age and to assess the development and further possibilities for enhancement of this Project. Methods: In our work we used the methods of description, analysis and comparison. We used the description method to review the scientific literature related to the characteristics of preschool and school age, characteristics of physical activities, management, marketing, instructors work and communications. The method of analysis and comparison was applied to evaluate the functioning of project "Sporting Kid". Results: Based on the scientific literature research and the evaluation of the functionality of the project "Sporting Kid" we found that this project is viable and promising in terms of access to the natural motion development of children, in terms of the motivation changes during the functioning of the project, as well as in financial terms according to organizers requirements. The competitive environment does not threaten the project now. The Theses provided an objective overview of the functioning of the Project "Sportng Kid" and...
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Vliv životního stylu středoškoláků na vybrané parametry tělesného složení / Influence of life style on selected parameters of the body compositionMurko, Igor January 2017 (has links)
Title: The influence of lifestyle on selected parameters of body composition of high school students. Objectives: The main objective of the thesis is to determine the impact of lifestyle on selected components of body composition of the high school students. The secondary objective is the statistical processing of data obtained from the body composition measurements and from the responses obtained from the questionnaires about lifestyle. Method used: 60 high school students aged 17-20 years were measured by BIA method. Appliance used for the measurement was BODYSTAT 1500. We obtained information about lifestyle from questionnaires. Results: The average percentage of body fat of boys is 12.2 ± 2.6 %. In comparison with the standard, these boys have lower or below average values. The average value of body fat of girls is 22.5 ± 5%. We consider this average value as normal. 43 % of the respondents sleep 7-8 hours per day as recommended. Boys drink more water than girls. The average time spent with a cell phone and with a PC by respondents per day is 3.2 h ± 1.5 hours. The most common answers of way of spending free time are sports, activities with friends and family, watching movies/TV shows and reading books. Most students (65 %) use public transportation to get to school. 48 % of students perform...
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Příčiny a důsledky vývoje ekonomicky aktivního obyvatelstva / Causes and consequences of economic inactivity in the Czech RepublicPetkovová, Ludmila January 2010 (has links)
The aim of study is to analyze the causes of economic inactivity in the Czech population of working age. Attention is focused on its development, deeper understanding of the structure of the population and the consequences for him mean. The first section presents the concept of economic status, population and methods used by survey data in this area. Next chapters deals with the particular reasons for economic inactivity, such as education, retirement and disability pensions and other reasons that are asked in the Labour Force Survey conducted by the Czech Statistical Office. In the development there is particularly noticeable the prolonged duration of education of young population and the increasing age of retirement. The study continues with the analysis of the age and educational structure and development of the economically active population of working age. The last chapter analyses the issue of the average length of economic activities according to individual education based on the tables of economic activity.
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Vliv stromů na kontaminaci půdy 137Cs / The influence of trees on contamination of soil with 137CsTRNKOVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere and accidents in nuclear energy facilities in the last 50 years caused significant contamination of the environment. Half-life of certain leaked radionuclides is several decades and therefore they are still present in today's environment. That is the reason why there is still on going monitoring of radiation situation in the Czech Republic in order to determine the behaviour and kinetics of anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment and the severity of radiological impact on humans. The results of this monitoring serve to review the radiation situation, observe long-term trends and last but not least to gain new knowledge that could facilitate the management od radiological emergencies. The aim of this thesis was to measure the content of 137Cs in soils under and around leafy tree crowns in the area affected by radiation fall and to find out whether the tree's crown has an effect on the distribution of 137Cs in the soils below them. To this end, a research question has been set: Do tree crowns affect the distribution of cesium in the soils below them? For better intelligibility, the introduction of the thesis is devoted to information about ionizing radiation, basic terms and quantities in the field of ionizing radiation, sources of radionuclide contamination, especially the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, environmental and population contamination, and elements important for the practical part of this work. The theoretical part is followed by research methodology. The soil samples were collected under five leafy trees of the Walnut species that met the set criteria for collection. Under each tree, samples were taken in three directions at an angle of 120° always at the trunk, in the middle of the crown, at the edge of the crown and outside the crown. Thus, 12 samples per tree, a total of 60 samples. Dry and purified soil samples were measured by semiconductor gamma spectrometry which determined 137Cs radionuclide mass activity values as well as naturally occurring radionuclide40K. Graphs were generated from the measured values. Despite the frequent deviations that may be caused by natural phenomena or human activities, it was found out that tree crowns affect the distribution of 137Cs in the soils below them.
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Psychofyziologické koreláty emocí a paměti / Psychophysiological correlates of emotion and memoryJindrová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
The first aim was to determine the baseline psychophysiological correlates in healthy subjects as a first necessary step towards the long-term goal of application the psychophysiological techniques in diagnostics mood and cognitive disorders. The second aim was to establish an easily applicable set of tests for evaluating emotional and memory processes by non-invasive psychophysiological methods. EEG, GSR, and eye-tracking data from 100 participants without any neurological or psychiatric disorders were obtained during watching affective pictures and performing memory tests. The spectral powers were computed for each 500 ms of the stimuli in theta, alpha, beta1, beta2 and beta3 bands in 12 areas of the brain. Lower alpha and higher beta3 power was related to higher emotional intensity. Negative emotions were distinguished in spatio-temporal changes of beta1 power and positive emotions showed higher beta3 power in right temporal region. Memory encoding showed higher alpha power. Lower theta and higher alpha power in central regions and overall increase of beta bands were observed during successful memory retrieval. A summary of spatio-temporal spectral correlates to emotional and memory processes was provided by this work. Key words: Electroencephalography, electrodermal activity, psychophysiology,...
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Aktivní životní styl a tělesná kondice adolescentů na zvolené střední škole v okresním městě Jihočeského kraje. / Active lifestyle and physical fitness of adolescents at selected high school in the district of the South Bohemian Region.ROUČKOVÁ, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the active lifestyle and physical condition of adolescents at the chosen school in the district town of South Bohemia. The research was chosen by the Higher Secondary School of Social Studies and the Secondary School of Education in Prachatice and specifically by 53 students of the third year of secondary pedagogical school. The aim of the work was to monitor the body composition, aerobic capacity, muscle strength and mobility of the students on the basis of the batteries tested by the internet portal Indares. To compute the results, the Statistics program and it's forms of parametric and nonparametric tests were used. It follows from the calculations that, in terms of statistical significance, the students did not show very positive results, however, from the point of view of the subject matter it can be stated that according to the standards their performance was average, in some individuals it was above average. Research questions and hypotheses are partly confirmed at the end, but also partly disproved from what it can be concluded that more respondents would be needed for this research for more authoritative results.
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