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Životní styl a tělesná kondice dětí staršího školního věku / The lifestyle and physical fitness of older school childrenDOMIANOVÁ, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Work is focused on life style and physical activity in older school-age children. The aim of the work is to demonstrate improvement with regular volleyball training. They were used for tampering INDARES test of physical activite and questionnaire of life style. The total number of tested persons was 60 persons.
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Stravování a pohybová aktivita na základní škole. / Catering and physical activities at elementary school.Sauerová, Dana January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the issue of eating and physical activity of children in elementary school by comparing two categories - younger and older school age. The aim of this work is first to map the situation, to find out what is the level of eating habits and physical activity and whether the results differ in relation to the child's age. To provide the background to the research, a set of questionnaire questions for pupils was devised, focusing on two aspects of this topic - morning and afternoon meals and leisure activities with an emphasis on physical activity. The main finding is the fact that both children and parents are well informed about good eating habits and the importance of physical activity and they are usually trying to apply them in practice. The result is a negative answer to the question whether the age of the child is directly related, respectively. the influence of parents on children, the quality of eating habits and the intensity of physical activity. KEYWORDS A healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, physical aktivity, younger school age, older school age, nutritional and movement recommendation
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Finanční analýza nemocniceNovotná, Monika Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce charakterizuje nemocnici IN Boskovice a.s., informace o struktuře společnosti a ekonomických výsledcích v letech 2003 - 2005. Dále je definována finanční analýza, její účel a postup zpracování. Jednotlivé metody jsou podrobněji vysvětleny. Teoretické postupy jsou aplikovány na konkrétní data společnosti IN Boskovice a.s. a výsledky srovnány s ostaními subjekty odvětví. Práce tak hodnotí finanční situaci nemocnice IN Boskovice a.s. a důvody ukončení její existence.
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Regionální diferenciace v úrovni rozvoje a dotací malého a středního podnikání v České republiceMagnusková, Nikola January 2007 (has links)
Obecná charakteristika malého a středního podnikání, včetně jeho vývoje, role a možnosti získání podpor v rámci České republiky. Následuje rozbor faktorů ovlivňující vývoj malých a středních podniků v jednotlivých krajích a jejich srovnání se skutečným stavem. Poslední část je věnována analýze poskytovaných dotací malým a středním podnikům Českomoravskou záruční a rozvojovou bankou.
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Data Driven Marketing in Apple and Back to School Campaign 2011 / Data Driven Marketing in Apple and Back to School Campaign 2011Bernátek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Out of the campaign analysis the most important contribution is that Data-Driven Marketing makes sense only once it is already part of the marketing plan. So the team preparing the marketing plan defines the goals and sets the proper measurement matrix according to those goals. It enables to adjust the marketing plan to extract more value, watch the execution and do adjustments if necessary and evaluate at the end of the campaign.
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Vliv hygienicky ošetřené vody na srdeční frekvenci raka a jejich následnou mortalituMALINOVSKA, Viktoriia January 2018 (has links)
The study is focused on the evaluation of crayfish physiological reaction on hygienically treated water with chlorine dioxide (ClO2). A patented non-invasive monitoring system was used for observation of crayfish cardiac and locomotor activity. Monitoring was conducted from February to August 2017 under conditions of private commercial enterprise "Pivovar Protivín" in Czech Republic. Adult individuals of signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, were kept separately in water-flow aquariums directly after the water treatment device producing ClO2 in concentration from 0.01 to 0.29 mg.l-1. Observed crayfish response to the disinfectant varied among individuals which could be explained by a different functional state and individual reaction on stimuli. Diurnal rhythm of some crayfish was disturbed even at a lower concentrations of chlorine dioxide (0.01-0.2 mg.l-1), while higher concentrations affected all animals. In addition to that, higher levels of chlorine dioxide ( 0.2 mg.l-1) significantly increased mortality. Maximum concentrations (0.2-0.29 mg.l-1) were observed 28 times in total during 202 days of monitoring, which resulted in 25 mortality cases occurred several days after exposure. In average, mortality of crayfish occurred three-four weeks after stocking to the experimental system. Possible lethal concentration of ClO2, which caused animal mortality, is 0.2 mg.l-1. Results suggested that crayfish exposure to ClO2, obviously, negatively affect their physiological processes; however, further studies are needed to examine specific effects of chlorine dioxide on internal organs of crayfish.
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Monitorování obsahu Cs-137 spektrometrickým měřením v půdě / Cs-137 content monitoring by spectrometric measurement in soilLEPIČ, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to compare the results from in situ spectrometry and laboratory determination of the area activity of Cs-137 in samples taken from uncultivated soils. To fulfil the goal, the research question has been determined: Are the results from in situ measurement of the area activity of Cs-137 in uncultivated soil comparable with the results from laboratory measurement of collected soil samples? The theoretical part of the work has been written based on research of book publications, foreign scientific articles and electronic sources, which deal with the issue of radioactivity and its impact on the environment and the principle of semiconductor gamma spectrometry. The practical part of the work deals with the spectrometric measurement using in situ method and the laboratory determination of the area activity of Cs-137 in the soil samples using a semiconductor gamma spectrometer. The measurement and the soil sampling took place in the territory of the Šumava National Park and its adjacent areas in Pilsen Region. There were selected five locations (Nová Hůrka, Prášily, Srní, Nový Brunst and Hadí vrh). By in situ spectrometric measurement the highest values were determined of the area activity of Cs-137 in the location Nová Hůrka (19526 Bq / m2) and the lowest in the location Hadí vrh (5398 Bq / m2). The spectrometric measurements of the soil samples in the laboratory revealed the highest values of the area activity of Cs-137 in the sample from the location Nová Hůrka (10000 Bq / m2) and the lowest values of Cs-137 in the location Hadí vrh (2060 Bq / m2). The contribution of this work is the comparison of in situ spectrometric measurement with the measurement of taken soil samples using the gamma semiconductor spectrometer. The results of this monitoring can provide data on the radiation situation in individual locations in Šumava. By the comparison of the results of the area activity of Cs-137, there has been found a correlation between in situ spectrometric measurements and the laboratory measurements of the soil samples. The results of the area activity of Cs-137 are in an order of magnitude comparable. The differences between the results are probably caused by the measurement conditions.
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Syntéza derivátů haemanthaminu a jejich biologická aktivita / Synthesis of haemanthaminy derivatives and their biological activityBodoríková, Viera January 2019 (has links)
4 ABSTRACT Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany Candidate: Viera Bodoríková Supervisor: doc. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D. Title of Diploma thesis: Synthesis of haemanthamine derivatives and their biological activity Haemanthamine, an isoquinoline Amarillidaceae alkaloid, exhibits a wide and important range of biological activities, including antitumor, antiviral, antioxidant, antimalarial and anticonvulsant. Biological activity of haemanthamine relatives closely with its structure. By modifying the different parts of the molecule, we can identify some structure-activity relationships. With this aim, the thirteen semisynthetic analogues of alkaloid haemathamine were prepared and purified using analytic and preparative TLC methods. The obtained substances were then subjected to structural analysis, specifically, there were used MS, HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic techniques. Prepared compounds were tested on its possibility to inhibit human erythrocytic acetylcholinesterase (HuAChE) and human serum butyrylcholinesterase (HuBuChE). The most promising biological activities have been shown by aromatic esters labelled as LC- 70 (IC50 HuAChE = 0,12 ± 0,01 µM) and LC-73 (IC50 HuAChE =0,17 ± 0,01 µM). The cytotoxic activity of prepared compounds has been...
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Biologická aktivita sekundárních metabolitů rostlin X. Alkaloidy Vinca minor L. / Biological aktivity of secondary plants metabolites X. Alkaloids of Vinca minor L.Šípková, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
Šípková, P.: Biological activity of secondary plants metabolites X. Alkaloids of Vinca minor L. Diploma thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Hradec Králové, 2019, 66 s. Key words: Apocynaceae, Vinca minor, alkaloids, isolation, biological activity, screening Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. The number of affected patients is constantly increasing. This disease cannot be treated casually, therefore discovering and testing new substances that could potentially be used in a treatment is very important. The Vinca minor L. fraction after column chromatography was separated by flash chromatography. Isolation of the individual alkaloids was performed by preparative TLC. Based on NMR and MS analyses and comparison with literature, alkaloids were identified as vincarubine and (-)-vinoxine. Modified Ellman's method was used to test cholinesterase inhibitory activity of isolated alkaloids. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) are enzymes, that play a very important role in the pathofysiology of Alzheimer's diasease. (-)-Vinoxine showed relatively high activity against BuChE (IC50 = 24,61 ± 1,71 µM), inhibitory activity against AChE was insignificant (IC50 > 1000µM). Vincarubin did not...
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Současný životní styl mládeže a jeho vliv na zdraví / Contemporary youth lifestyle and its impact on healthHanák, Karel January 2019 (has links)
Title: Contemporary youth lifestyle and its impact on health Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to describe and evaluate the current lifestyle of young people with a focus on the level of physical activity, eating habits, spending leisure time and health of young people and to compare the obtained data with the results of international research conducted in the Czech Republic in 2018 as part of the HEALTH BEHAVIOUR IN SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN. Methods: The questioning method was used to obtain information about the current lifestyle of young people and its effect on their health. 334 respondents participated in the survey, including 142 boys and 192 girls attending the Bratří Jandusů Primary School, the Hotel and Gastronomy Secondary School, the Media Graphic Secondary School and the Secondary Vocational School for European Union Administration in Prague. Results: The aim of the thesis was to find out what the current lifestyle of young people is and how it affects their health. According to the information obtained in my research, the respondents' current lifestyle is characterized mainly by unsuitable eating habits, insufficient physical activity and excessive spending of leisure time by sedentary (inactive) behavior. Only 6.9% of respondents meet sufficient physical activity and appropriate...
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