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Sebepojetí, stravovací a pohybové návyky vysokoškolské populace v ČR a Řecku / Self- concept, nutrition and movement habits between university students in Czech Republic and GreeceTaras, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Title: Self-concept, nutrition and movement habits between university students in Czech Republic and Greece Objectives: The aim of this work is comparation between university students of sport faculties in the Czech Republic and Greece in the way of their self-concept, nutrition and movement habits. Methods: In our thesis we used the method of questioning. There were questioned one hundred of Czech students studying FTVS UK in Prague and the same figure of Greek students studying The Demokritos University in Komotini. Rate between genders was in both cases 1:1. Results: We found out that both monitored groups showed mistakes in composition of nutrition. Quantity of sport is in both cases similar. Greek students are more satisfied with their habits and general appearance. Keywords: nutrition, movement habits, self-concept, general appearance, satisfaction
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Vývoj boxu v Mostě od počátků do současnosti / The development of Boxing in town Most from its beginnings to the presentProcházka, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Title: The development of Boxing in town Most from its beginnings to the present. Objectives: The main Topic of this thesis is to obtain information about the beginning of boxing in the city Most. Describing of the development of boxing in town Most until now is another task. Methods: It is fundamental to define the main problem and reason of this thesis. It is very important to gather relevant and verified information. The author describes and analyses various situations The methods of dialogs, reading writing materials and electronic resources are used too Verbal material obtained from interviews was recorded in writing and was then analyzed and processed into an easily accessible form. Likewise it was run on with the writing and electronically gathered information. Results: The gathered information was gradually compared, then processed and interpreted by continuous text supplemented by images and attachments. information describe the origin and evolution of the boxing in town Most until now. Most of them was presented by visual demonstration. Keywords: History, Most, boxing, sports, gym, activity
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Charakteristika aktivního životního stylu školní mládeže / Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school childrenHojdarová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Title: Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school children Objective: To provide information on the active lifestyle of today's youth, to show proper and improper factors to identify and assess the active lifestyle of selected pupils. Methods: Anonymous questionnaire was chosen as a most suitable method. Questionnaries were distributed into two primary schools located in South Bohemia region and were filled in by second-degree pupils. Town of Tábor and České Budějovice participate in this survey. Results and interpretations are presented in tables and plotted. Results: Surveyed second degree pupils proved themself largely positive attitude to physical education and sport. More than half of respondents are regularly doing sport. Key words: youth, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition, risk factors
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Postoje k pohybovým aktivitám u žáků mladšího školního věku / Attitude toward physical activity in children of age 8 - 10 yearsHolický, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
ATTITUDE TOWARD PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHILDREN OF AGE 8-10 YEARS Objectives: The main objective of this work is to identify attitudes towards physical activities for school children using a questionnaire CATP / Grade Year 3 (Schutz et al. 1985) in deliberately selected schools in 2008/2009 and subsequent comparison with results Málková in 2002. Methods: In our empirical study we used the method to get data questionnaire. It is a specialized questionnaire for primary school children known CATP GRADE / YEAR 3 (Schutz et al.1985). The questionnaire affects six dimensions of attitudes (social sensitivity, health hazards, social experience, aesthetic and pleasure of movement). For proper completion of the questionnaire was a manual for teachers or other examiners who are prepared to answering any questions students. Research was conducted in the third and fourth classes intentionally selected school (one village and a Prague Elementary School). The research was a one- stage and continued the descriptive research of Kaplan (2001). Results: The observed average values of six variables, we found higher value for X5dimensions - aesthetic in girls. For boys the contrary, we increased the value obtained is the dimension X3 - danger. We believe that this is due to the initial awareness of female and male...
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Prostorová aktivita medvěda hnědého (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) v zoologické zahradě / Home range activity of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in ZOOVojáčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation deals with monitoring of European brown bears behavior (Ursus arctos arctos), namely of males Pišta, Miky and Honzík and of female Eliška in zoological garden in Plzen in spring 2012. Behaviour of all European brown bears is for better clarity presented in the form of tables and graphs. The dissertation includes overview of all kinds of ursine (size, environment, food and reproduction). Key words: bear, hibernation, bears activity
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Habituální pohybová aktivita u dětí v předškolním věku: srovnání klasické mateřské školy a lesní mateřské školy / Habitual physical activity in Preschool children: Comparison of common Kindergartens and Forest KindergartenZemlerová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the work was to objectively examine the physical activity of children in two different types of preschools, in forest kindergarten and common kindergartens. The theoretical part deals with the characteristic of movement in the preschool children, with factors influencing physical activity, the benefits for this age and the means for measuring objectively physical activity. Research is focused on one particular forest kindergarten. Pedometer was elected for measuring the examined physical activity. According to the results children in the forest kindergarten make more steps during their stay in school as well as overall per day than children in regular kindergartens. Conversely in the afternoon after leaving the nursery they are less active than the children from regular kindergartens. The most prominent difference in the level of physical activity between the two groups of children showed during their stay in pre-school facilities. Forest nursery could be a good alternative to preschool education in terms of sufficient physical activity.
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Měření pohybové tvořivosti u žáků ve věku deset až dvanáct let / Measurement of movement creativity of pupils aged 10 - 12 yearsNosková, Věra January 2012 (has links)
Title: Measurement of movement creativity of pupils aged 10 - 12 years Objectives: The aim of the work was to verify the impact of extra-curricular movement activities on movement creativity of the pupils 10 - 12 old. By means of survey questionnaire we will acquire the information how many responders pursue movement activities and what kind of these activities. For the purpose of this work the basic schools in Prague and Mladá Boleslav will be addressed, research will be done with the pupils of 4th - 6th class. P.E. teachers with the pupils will fill in anonymous personal questionnaires with the chosen group and consequently a standardized Iowa-Brace test of docility and non-standardized test of movement creativity will be done with them. Method: The results will be acquired by the methods of qualitative and quantitative research. Non- standardized questionnaire, standardized Iowa-Brace test and non-standardized test of movement creativity will be used. The results will be worked out by Microsoft Excel computer program. Results: The found out results proved that the responders who go in for gymnastic sports achieved the best assessments in the tested group. In the order of popularity the dancing activities and games take the leading positions, on the contrary we found a little interest in...
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Motivace žen ke kultivaci plaveckých sebezáchranných dovedností / Motivation of women to cultivate thein self rescue swimming skillsStralczynská, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Work name: Motivation of women to cultivate thein self rescue swimming skills. Aim of work: Defining a set of basic self rescue swimming skills, motivation survey of women aged 18-60 years to cultivate these skills. Detection of awareness of theimportance of swimming skills of the interviewed women. Method: Literature search, questionnaire design, survey implementation, analysis and evaluation of data, graphical presentation of results. Results: The interviewed women realize the importance and significance of selfsaving swimming skills. Due to the fact that it is evaluated in terms of level of swimming skills and self rescue high they are not motivated to improve these skills. Key words: motivation, physical activity, self rescue swimming skills
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Plavání osob s tělesným postižením - charakteristika současného stavu v ČR a VB / Swimming for the physically handicapped - characteristic of the present state in Czech Republic and Great BritainKantorová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Goals: The main aim is to map and characterize current situation of The swimming for the physically disabled in Czech Republic and Great Britain. To provide information about the identity or difference of working with swimmers with physical disabilities in both countries, in terms of content, organizational, safety and personnel. To draw conclusions and to propose possible changes and recommendations for optimization and improvement of the state while swimming with people with disabilities in Czech Republic based on these information. Methods: The method of quality, analysis and subsequent synthesis, comparative method, visiting activities and observations have been used. Information was drawn from Czech and foreign literature, as well as from Czech and foreign web sites. Some facilities were visited personally, the others were contacted throughout the internet. Results: This work focuses on content of the methods used for swimming of the persons with disabilities in both countries and compares them, further evaluate and compare the swimming centers in both countries according to set criteria. The criteria that should be meet by the coach who works with physically disabled swimmers can be learned in this diploma, and are also valid for both countries. The work introduces the various organizations,...
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Porovnání pohybové aktivity a sportu u pacientů po operaci resurfacingu a necementované totální endoprotézy / Comparison of Movement Activity and Sport between Patients after Resurfacing and Total Hip Replacement SurgeryHeidenreichová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
6 Abstract Title: Comparison of Movement Activity and Sport between Patients after Resurfacing and Total Hip Replacement Surgery Objectives: To summarize the available information about after-surgery regime and self- sufficiency after total hip replacement. To accent the differences between resurfacing and total hip replacement. To obtain the information about sport behavior and movement activity of patients after resurfacing and total hip surgery using questionnaire survey. To find out if they are able to return back to sport sctivity and how much do the total hip replacement limits them, to find out how the pain influences their movement activity. To compare the movement activity of patients after resurfacing with patients after total hip surgery. Methods: Thesis is worked out using quality assessment of information obtained by empiric way - using questionnaire survey. Results are processed using MS Excel into charts and graphs. Results: The objective of clear justification of advantages of hip resurfacing as a surgery method providing early return to movement activity has not been met. However the results cannot be simply generalized because of limited amount of respondents. Keywords: hip, total joint replacement, movement activity, sport
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