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Vliv ročního období na tržní produkci sýrárny zpracovávající kravské mlékoDoleželová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
In this graduation thesis, I have investigated the influence of the season on market production dairies. he aim of the work is divided into the following sub-goals: the influence of season on the reception of milk to the dairy, protein content in milk, yield milk and ferment aktivity. The dairy, which I described handles mainly on cow's milk for cheese Niva, curd and cream. Milk came from 8 surrounding farms, which breeding only the Czech Pied cattle. Monitoring was carried out for a period of one year starting from November 2014 to October 2015. I found that most milk was bought from suppliers in summer and least in the winter months. The milk protein content was highest in winter and lowest in summer. While the amount of milk purchased was constant, the price per liter of milk has a tendency of decreasing (from CZK 9.05 to 7.48), and thus the costs of buying milk lower, while revenues are constant. Milk yield ranged from 7.43 liters of milk / kg of cheese (in October) to 8.42 l / kg cheese (in February).
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Porovnání úrovně motorických dovedností u dětí plavajících závodně a kondičně / Comparison of level of motor skills in competition and fitness swimming childrenNovotná, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Bibliographic identification NOVOTNÁ, Anna. Comparison of level of motor skills in competition and fitness swimming children. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 2021. 92 p. Supervisor MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc. Abstract The theoretical part of this thesis provides an overview of the knowledge about the developmental coordination disease (DCD), its relationship to physical activities and findings concerning swimming styles with emphasis on the freestyle stroke. The practical part summarizes and evaluates the results of the MABC-2 test, the d2 attention test as well as the survey that have all been performed on a group of swimmers from the TJ Slovan Karlovy Vary swimming club. The aim of the thesis was to assess the level of the motor skills of competitive swimmers and leisure swimmers along with examining differences between the results of both groups. Another aim was to compare adherence to physical activity as well as participation in such activities between the groups. The last goal was to compare the correlation between the observed level of motor skills and the current level of attention. The level of motor skills differed between the competitive swimmers and the leisure swimmers groups. Both groups of swimming children demonstrated worse...
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Využití animačních programů pro ovlivnění zdatnosti a redukci hmotnosti / Utilization of animation programs for affecting fitness and weight reductionStejskalová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Title: Utilization of animation programs for affecting fitness and weight reduction Objectives: The aim is to determine the effect on the fitness and weight of the individual motion intervention animation programs to a select group of animators, which activities include animation programs during the summer season from June to September and how they are demanding in terms of method, focus, intensity and time. Methods: The main methods are guided interview with animators, observation of animators and course of animation programs, measurements of anthropomethric parameters (weight, height) heart rate and resting heart rate of animators. Results: Animation programs are effective movement programs that meet all kriteria. The programs are versatile, covering all components of fitness. For whole season of four months: 56 hours on flexibility, 88 hours aerobic endurance, 48 hours power capability, 136 hours and 200 hours dexterity more components of condition together. Programs are also long-term, carried out in a time of eight hours per day, six days a week. The intensity of animation programs is the same for the animators whole season. The programs are in the zones of movement for health, weight control, and occasionally in the development zone condition. Requirements for activity of animator are...
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Syntéza a antiinfekční hodnocení substituovaných N-(pyrazin-2-yl)benzensulfonamidů / Synthesis and antiinfective evaluation of substituted N-(pyrazin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamidesParedes De La Red, Cristina January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis Author: Cristina Paredes de la Red Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. Martin Doležal, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Synthesis and antiinfective evaluation of substituted N-(pyrazine-2- yl)benzenesulfonamide Tuberculosis (TB) is among the ten leading causes of death, especially in developing countries. Even though it is an old disease with established treatment regimen, there has been an increased resistance to anti-TB drugs 1 . The anti-tubercular pyrazinamide has caught the attention of researchers as the different theories for its mechanism of action have made it an interesting entity for further investigation. Here we will discuss N-(pyrazine-2-yl)benzenesulfonamides (General structure is presented in the Figure below) as a new derivatization approach based on synergism methodology between pyrazinamide and sulfonamides. Sulfonamides exert their antimicrobial effect by competitive inhibition of folic acid synthesis and subsequent inhibition of bacterial growth and reproduction 18 . I have contributed to the synthesis and purification of 8 compounds in a series of total 22 N- pyrazinylsulfonamides. Two of the prepared compounds showed activity against Mycobacterium kansasii [2a (MIC...
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Studium biologicky aktivních látek fenyklu / Study of bioactive compounds of fennelMierna, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on the study of biologically active compounds of fennel. The theoretical part describes basic characteristics of fennel and its chemical composition, further specifies plant´s biological active substances and antioxidants, also describes extraction techniques for obtaining these bioactive compounds, methods of their determination and verification of antimicrobial effect. In the experimental part were spectrophotometrically determined contents of polyphenols and flavonoids in the prepared extracts of fennel tea, whole and crush spice. On the basis of extraction curves, antioxidant activity and potential antimicrobial activity against the selected microorganisms Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Serratia marcescens a Micrococcus luteus was determined in the samples with the highest values of the given bioactive substances. Among the all monitored extracts, the inhibitory effect was showed only by an aqueous extract of the fennel tea against the bacterial strain of Micrococcus luteus.
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Remediační potenciál huminových kyselin / Remediation Potential of Humic AcidsUhrová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
V předložené práci byly testovány modifikované lignitické huminové kyseliny za účelem zjištění jejich schopnosti remediace zemědělské půdy. Před samotnou extrakcí jednotlivých huminových kyselin byl lignit modifikován jednou ze série deseti organických kyselin. Cílem modifikace byla simulace procesů vyskytujících se v rizosféře, tj. procesů, kdy malé organické molekuly způsobují změny ve struktuře půdní organické hmoty, během nichž dochází k produkci biologicky aktivních agregátů/molekul podílejících se na růstu rostlin. Prvním krokem této práce bylo zkoumání fyzikálně chemických vlastností vyprodukovaných huminových kyselin a jejich molekulové struktury prostřednictvím elementární analýzy, infračervené spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací (FTIR), vysokoúčinné gelové chromatografie (HPSEC), metodou měření povrchového napětí a plynovou chromatografií s hmotnostní spektrometrií (GC-MS). Dalším krokem bylo studium parametrů biologické aktivity, získaných z experimentů zaměřených jak na vyšší rostliny, tak na remediaci mikrobiologické aktivity zemědělské půdy. Biologická aktivita vůči vyšším rostlinám byla zkoumána na základě experimentu s kukuřicí, byla měřena délka a hmotnost kořenů, rozvětvení jejich laterálních kořenů a obsah sacharidů a proteinů. Z experimentů cílených na půdu se jednalo o měření množství uvolněného CO2 při laboratorní inkubaci ošetřené půdy a půdní hydrofobicitu (metoda měření kontaktního úhlu). Na závěr byly výsledky podrobeny statistické analýze s využitím Pearsonova korelačního koeficientu s cílem nalézt vztahy mezi fyzikálně chemickými vlastnostmi a biologickou a povrchovou aktivitou studovaných huminových kyselin. Korelace byly zjištěny mezi biologickou aktivitou a fyzikálně chemickými vlastnostmi huminových kyselin. Naopak, nebyly zjištěny mezi povrchovými a fyzikálně chemickými vlastnostmi. Nejefektivnějším modifikačním činidlem z pohledu biologické aktivity byla 20% kyselina mravenčí, nejméně efektivním 20% kyselina propionová.
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Studium bioaktivních látek růže šípkové / Study of rose hip bioactive compoundsKonderla, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis was research the content of biologically active substances in herbal rosehip extracts and also determination of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of these extracts. Teoretical part describes informations about Rosa canina L., detailed specification of biologically active substances, specification of antioxidation and overview of methods determine antioxidant compound and antimicrobial activity. In the practical part was by combination of different solvents, procedures and herbal materials, made 21 extracts of Rosa canina L.. From measuring of these extracts, was made extraction curves and also was determined antimicrobial efficiency against bacterial strains Serratia marcescesns, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus. Results shows, that also all extracts has some antimicrobial activity, but only against microorganisms Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus cereus. Also was found that bud extracts contains more bioactive compounds soluble in ethanol, meanwhile rose hip extracts contains more bioactive compounds soluble in water.
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Pohybové aktivity a sportovní preference 15-18letých studentů gymnázia v Jihlavě / The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in JihlavaSCHWARZ, Marek January 2010 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused on the quantitative and qualitative comparison of weekly physical activity of boys and girls at Gymnázium Jihlava(a general secondary education institution) and on their sport preferences. The research was conducted within the frame of four school classes by the help of pedometers, online questionnaire IPAQ-long and questionnaire of sport preferences in the system INDARES.COM in 2009. Obtained data were elaborated in The Centre of Kinantropological Research in Olomouc. Outcomes of the research are introduced by the tables and diagrams describing the differences between physical activity of boys and girls, between work days and weekends and between sport preferences of students. Results of the pedometers did not confirm the expectation that boys perform more physical activity than girls. After all, this expectation was confirmed by the results of IPAQ questionnaire. On the contrary, the pedometers proved that students´ physical activity is more intensive during the week than at the weekends. Sport preferences questionnaire confirmed current trends in in the field. The thesis was elaborated within the research ?Physical activity and inactivity of Czech population in the context of behavioral changes? organized by Ministry of Eduction, Youth and Sports under the number 619895221.
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Klasifikace signálů denní aktivity nasnímaných zařízením Faros / Classification of free living data sensed with FarosŠalamoun, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Topic of this master thesis is classification of free living data sensed with Faros. Faros is small compatible device which measure ECG and 3-axes accelerometric data. The first part of master thesis is find out how automatically measure free living activities by accelerometer and ECG. In next part was measured data of 8 activities from 10 probands. Automatic algorithms are made for this data in Matlab. This algorithms were used for this datasets and compare with manually recorded references. In the end of master thesis data were statistically evaluated.
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Obsah antioxidačních látek ve vybraných druzích ovocných a bylinných čajů / Antioxidative substances in selected fruit and herbal teasTomková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This diploma project deals with antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of selected herbal and fruit teas commonly used in Czech population. Influence of different tea packaging (bag teas and loose leaf teas) on bioactive compound content was compared. Further, effect of long-term storage in common household conditions was studied. Antioxidant properties of teas were characterized using some group parameters - total antioxidant activity ("Randox Total Antioxidant Status Kit"), total phenolics and total flavonoids - as well as some individual representatives of low molecular weight antioxidants. Higher antixidant content was found in herbal teas than in fruit teas. Comparing bag teas with loose leaf teas higher antioxidant activity was shown in loose leaf teas. Individual antioxidants were analyzed using HPLC method with spectrophotometric detection and verified by on-line LC/MS. IN all tea samples catechins - catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate and other flavonoids - rutin, morin, quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin and luteolin were determined. In most of teas high level of catechin and rutin was detected. The highest level of flavonoids was determined in herbal poured teas. Ascorbic acid content was also determined by HPLC method. Higher vitamine C level was found in most of fruit teas and in rose hip tea. Antimutagenicity of tea extracts was tested by in vitro test using Saccharomyces cerevisiae D7 yeast. High antimutagenic activity showed mainly nettle tea, tutsan tea and most of fruit teas. During long-term storage (1 year, 20°C, darkness) a significant decrease of all analyzed antioxidant parameters was followed. Higher lost of antioxidants was found in fruit teas when compared with the herbal ones.
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