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Vztah žáků k pravidelné pohybové aktivitě na základních školách ve vybraném regionu v závislosti na zájmech jejich rodičů / Relationship of pupils at primary schools in the selected region to regular physical activity depending on the interests of their parentsSatrapová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a topic of primary school pupils and their relationship to physical activity in dependence on their parents' interests. The theoretical part consists of a characteristic and determination of the child's middle and older age, a theoretical definition of a physical activity and its influence on people's health; furthermore, the factors affecting physical activity are determined. Another important aspect of the theoretical part of the thesis is the overall definition of sport itself. Last but not least, the theoretical part includes the definition of terms free time and lifestyle. The practical part focuses on the actual research. Within the first part, the research sample, research procedure and methods of testing are described. The following part deals with individual parts of a questionnaire developed for the purpose of this thesis and its outcomes. The results are compared with the already assessed and evaluated data dealing with the topic of the pupils' physical activity. The final part of the thesis discusses and concludes the results gained from the questionnaire research.
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Biologická aktivita vybraných drog tradiční čínské medicíny / The biological activity of the selected drugs of traditional chinese medicineVítková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Martina Vítková Supervisor: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The biological activity of the selected drugs of traditional Chinese medicine The subject of this diploma thesis was to prepare aqueous extracts of five selected drugs from traditional Chinese medicine and deal with their biological effects. Namely it was Magnoliae officinalis cortex, Houttuyniae herba, Paeoniae radix alba, Psoraleae fructus and Typhae pollen. These drugs have a high potential for use in our medicine due to their beneficial effects on the human organism. The theoretical part contains a description of individual drugs and their therapeutic effects. Also there are described methods of toxicity testing. The experimental part describes the course of the acute toxicity test of used drugs on the model organism Artemia salina. LC50 was used as the endpoint. Testing with Artemia salina showed low toxicity of the tested drugs. For Magnoliae officinalis cortex the LC50 was found to be 0,6613 mg/ml, Psoraleae fructus 1,777mg/ml, Houttuyniae herba 4,079 mg/ml and Typhae pollen 4,34 mg/ml. No toxicity was detected for Paeoniae radix alba even at the highest measured concentration which was 15...
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Finanční analýza Subterra a.s.Kleinová, Svatava January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je věnována hodnocení finanční situace podniku. Jejím cílem je pomocí dostupných informací zhodnotit finanční situaci a vývoj společnosti Subterra a.s. za období 2002-2006. Posouzení finančního zdraví společnosti je provedeno prostřednictvím vybraných ukazatelů finanční analýzy. Teoretická část obsahuje popis jednotlivých metod hodnocení finančního zdraví společnosti - horizontální analýzu, vertikální analýzu, bilanční pravidla, poměrové ukazatele, Du Pontův rozklad, ukazatele EVA, Altmanovou analýzu, Indexy IN a hodnocení podle Pollaka. Praktická část obsahuje aplikaci popisovaných metod na konkrétní údaje společnosti Subterra a.s. V závěru jsou hodnoceny výsledky jednotlivých metod.
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Výnosy a náklady patentového režimu / The costs anf benefits of a patent regimeTřísková, Julie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with patents and their impact on innovative activity. Patents represent some kind of regulation of a free market which should improve market failures and create incentives for innovation activity. This stimulation should be then reflected in the growth of technologies. The relation between patenting and productivity which represents the growth of technologies is analyzed on panel data comprising of Finland, Denmark, Italy, Great Britain and the Netherlands. The analysis is undertaken on the industry level, namely on chemical industry, as firms in this industry consider patents as being an efficient form of invention protection. The outcomes of my analysis imply a difference between short term and long term relation between patents and productivity. Patents do not seem to influence productivity immediately, they seem to have a negative impact in the long run though.
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Finanční analýza Subterra a.s.Kleinová, Svatava Ing. January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je věnována hodnocení finanční situace podniku. Jejím cílem je pomocí dostupných informací zhodnotit finanční situaci a vývoj společnosti Subterra a.s. za období 2002-2006. Posouzení finančního zdraví společnosti je provedeno prostřednictvím vybraných ukazatelů finanční analýzy. Teoretická část obsahuje popis jednotlivých metod hodnocení finančního zdraví společnosti - horizontální analýzu, vertikální analýzu, bilanční pravidla, poměrové ukazatele, Du Pontův rozklad, ukazatele EVA, Altmanovou analýzu, Indexy IN a hodnocení podle Pollaka. Praktická část obsahuje aplikaci popisovaných metod na konkrétní údaje společnosti Subterra a.s. V závěru jsou hodnoceny výsledky jednotlivých metod.
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Metabolická aktivita mezofilních zákysů při výrobě sýrů s bílou plísní / Metabolic activity of mezophilic milk souring in production of cheeses with white fungusŠtěpničková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The thesis was processed in cooperation with Pribina s.r.o. The aim of the thesis was the monitoring of the starters of cheeses with the white fungus on the surface. The thesis was engaged in the monitoring process of a souring curve of used starters. This monitoring was based on temperature, titrating acidity and pH measured in the time interval. The souring curve was evaluated as the indirect measurement change of acidity of the starter in the time period. Further, the activity of detached starters was measured. The measurement was based on the change of pH measured in the time period. The influence of the culture medium was monitored by changes in behaviour of the bacterial cultures. The monitored starters were compounded of mezophilic and termophilic bacterial strains.
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Srovnání biocidní účinnosti dezinfekčních přípravků proti biofilmu / Comparison of the biocidal activity of disinfectants against biofilmŠlitrová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
A common vector of nosocomial infections is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This opportunistic pathogen is resistant against different classes of antibiotics as well as against biocides. Some P. aeruginosa strains are able to form biofilm. The biofilm formation on medical devices represent a common occurrence that can lead to serious illness and death. Bacteria in biofilms are more resistant than their planktonic counterparts. Therefore it is important to find disinfectants that will be effective also against biofilm. Bactericidal efficacy of four disinfectants has been evaluated on biofilm and on planktonic forms of P. aeruginosa.
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Úroveň pohybových aktivit jedinců navštěvujících Univerzitu 3. věku na UK FTVS / Physical activity level of students attending the University of the Third Age at the Faculty of Physical Education and SportMisterková, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Tittle: Physical Activity Level of Individuals Attending the University of Third Age at Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis was to describe physical activity level of the individuals attending the University of the Third Age at Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis has been achieved by using the method of search enquiry of both Czech and foreign literature. Its practical part has been created by using a survey at 226 respondents (of whom 83 % were women) who attended first year of the University of the Third Age at Charles Univeristy, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. The average age of the respondents was 65 years, the average BMI was 25,1 kg/mš. A short version of the IPAQ questionnaire has been used, complemented with demographic questions. Results: The findings have shown that an average given volume of physical activity in one week at the tested group of seniors was 5 841,0 MET minutes. 76 % of the respondents can be thus placed into the HEPA High Active category. By the survey, hiking can be considered as the most frequent physical activity. Interestingly, older respondents have achieved a higher level of motoric activity. The results of the survey have...
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Role motivace k pohybové aktivitě v léčbě závislostí / Role of Motivation for Physical Activity in Treatment of AddictionsPrunerová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Title of diploma thesis: Role of Motivation for Physical Activity in Treatment of Addictions Abstract: Motivation for a healthy habit in the form of physical activity may be beneficial for patients seeking abstinence. Physical activity take part of the treatment program and can improve the overall prognosis of treatment. It can improve an individual's psyche and prevent potentially harmful habits associated with drug abuse. The aim of this study was to determine the motivation of patients for physical activity during three-month treatment at the Department of Addictology in Prague. The research group consisted of 72 patients in standard 3-months inpatient treatment. Following measures were used for data collection: 1) Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2) and Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID- 5); 2) anthropometrics; 3) body composition data from "InBody 230"; 4) training diaries. According to the results, 72 % of patients were treated with alcohol dependence. Excellent internal consistency values of the PID-5 facets and satisfactory to good internal consistency values of BREQ-2 on the item level were obtained. Significant correlations of the PID-5 facets and domains of the BREQ-2 confirm criterion validity in terms of motivation. Type of motivation significantly varies according type...
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Predikce bleskové aktivity numerickým modelem předpovědi počasí / Lightning activity prediction using a numerical weather prediction modelUhlířová, Iva January 2020 (has links)
Lightning activity is considered a severe meteorological hazard that needs to be studied, monitored as well as predicted. This thesis focuses on the prediction of lightning activity by the Lightning Potential Index (LPI) in the COSMO numerical weather prediction (NWP) model that comprises 1- and 2-moment (1M and 2M, respectively) cloud microphysical schemes. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the correlation between the predicted lightning activity and the detected one (by the European network for lightning detection EUCLID). Events of the years 2018 and 2019 that recorded significant lightning activity over Czechia are considered for the analyses. For the first time over Czech region, the prognostic values of LPI calculated for each event are verified. In particular, the spatio- temporal distribution of the predicted vs. detected lightning activity is evaluated. Both spatial characterizations and diurnal course of detected lightning activity correspond well to the theoretical knowledge. Thus, spatial (horizontal) and temporal approaches are applied to verify the lightning activity prediction. The results of this thesis successfully verify the LPI prognostic values both in space by comparing the LPI values with the proximity of detected lightning flashes, and in time by contrasting the...
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