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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku / Evaluation of Company´s Financial SituationChloubová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis evaluates the financial situation of the company. AAA Auto is using financial analysis evaluated and made recommendations for improving financial health.
The theoretical part includes a description of the individual sources of informatik, procedure and most used methods of financial analysis.
The practical part describes the analyzed company. Information needed for the calculation of the analysis are obtained from publicly available databases of annual reports. Reporting period is 2010 -2014. The results of the analyzes are shown graphically.
Evaluation of results summarizes the results of the financial analysis and defining recommendations for improving the company's financial situation.
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Antimikrobiální aktivita konopného extraktu u patogenů způsobujících onemocnění kůže / Antimicrobial aktivity of cannabis extract in pathogens causing skin diseasePařízek, Štěpán January 2017 (has links)
Diseases caused by microbes are worldwide cause of morbidity and public health risks. Despite undisputed global benefits of antibiotics, the occurrence of infections caused by antibiotics-resistant bacteria becomes more frequent. This can be attributed to increased consumption of antibiotics in the long term, but also to their inappropriate use. Appart from that, progress in the field of synthetic antibacterial drugs research is dramatically stagnating in recent decades, plus the the antibiotics have bad effects to many bacteria types beneficial to human body. This generates a strong need to seek for natural remedies with similar or better antimicrobial effects. It is known that many plants produce a wide range of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial effects. Such metabilites inhibit growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms by various mechanisms. From explored herbal medicines hemp, traditionally used to cure many diseases, appears to be a suitable alternative to antibiotics.
This thesis focuses on the antimicrobial activity of extracts of six different cannabis genotypes. Extracts with different ratios of cannabinoids have been tested using in vitro microdilution method on selected pathogens, causing skin disease (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.).
Results confirmed the antimicrobial activity of all tested extracts. Very good minimum inhibitory concentration was assessed mainly for Streptococcus spp. with a concentration of 4 ug/ml. Extracts NHS4, JB3 and CK3 showed best results against all pathogens, with minimal inhibitory concentrations in the range from 4 to 16 ug/ml. Only extracts of CK2, N3 and JC1 have proven ineffective (MIC 512 ug/ml), because they could not be evaluated by the inhibitory concentration.
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Hodnocení tělesných parametrů dětí s nadváhou v lázeňském zařízeníKolářová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with childhood obesity and its treatment success during reduction program in the spa. The introductory part describes metabolism, metabolism of nutrients and their need for children. There is characterized childhood obesity, causes of its origin, various complication and its treatment as well. The main objective of the practical part is assessment of the treatment efficiency in the spa. This assessment is based on physical parameters measurement including changes in body weight, amount of adipose tissue and muscle tissue. The physical parameters were always measured at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. Consequently, there was performed comparison between children of different sexes and different age. The thesis also includes an evaluation of typical weekly diet and level of physical activity.
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Možnosti biologické ochrany proti květopasu jabloňovému v integrované a ekologické produkciVrabec, Luboš January 2016 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, apple orchards cover an area of 7.975, of which almost 55% involve superannuated plantations. The research was carried out in the Agricultural and Trade Cooperation - Orchards Starý Lískovec, which farm on 105.5. ha. In the thesis, a detailed description of the apple blossom weevil is given, including its biology, ecological requirements, harmful effects, and ways of its monitoring and regulation. The thesis also includes a chapter that is dedicated to resistance of the parasite against commonly used insecticides. The efficiency of natural insecticides Spintor and Spruzit-Flüssig was compared to a common insecticide Calypso 480SC. As a result, Spruzit-Flüssig seemed to be the most efficient (80%), in comparison with the least efficient Calypso 480 SC (50%). During the beginning of vegetation in 2015, the observations were made in order to discover the species preference of the apple blossom weevil. Jonagold was determined as most attacked cultivar, since in different areas of the orchard, 207 blossoms of 400 were attacked. On the contrary, Idared and Gloster revealed no evidence of having been attacked. Furthermore, ingestion activity of insect after insecticide application was observed; in all cases, the ingestion activity was inhibited.
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Vliv přídavku technického konopí Cannabis sativa na antioxidační aktivitu u laboratorních potkanůUrbánková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis studies an influence of hemp added to feed rations on the organism of tested animals. In this feeding experiment the effect of supplied hemp to weight increments and antioxidant activity was observed. The tested animals were rats of strain Wistar albino. The experiment was performed with 20 male rats which were divided into 4 groups. Two groups were fed with hemp mixture and other two with control mixture. During the experiment subjects were weighed once a week and weight gain and feed consumptions were recorded. Spectrofotometric method Folin-Ciocalteu for determinations of polyphenolic compounds was used. Antioxidant activity was measured for the individual samples of feed and liver tissues of tested animals. They were FRAP and TEAC method used. The results of measurement of antioxidant activity in liver tissue proved inconclusive for both methods. Demonstrable differences were found only in samples of feed. The processing was used ANOVA statistical method using the Scheffe test.
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Mikroflóra vybraných druhů kořeníČíhalová, Zdenka January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Syntéza derivátů haemanthaminu / Synthesis of haemanthamine derivativesMarková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
6 Abstract Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Jana Marková Supervisor: doc. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D. Title of Diploma thesis: Synthesis of haemanthamine derivatives Based on previous studies, the haemanthamine alkaloid showing remarkable antitumorous activity was chosen as the subject of this thesis. The purpose of the thesis was preparation of its more active derivatives, namely esters. Preparation concerns the following derivatives: 11- O- butanoylhaemanthamine, 11-O-(3,4-dimethoxybenzoyl)-haemanthamine, 11-O-(4- trifluoromethoxybenzoyl)-haemanthamine, 11-O-isobutanoyhaemanthamine. These were created by the reaction of haemanthamine and the relevant acilating agent (acylchloride, anhydride) in the environment of anhydrous pyridine or tetrahydrofuran with adding dimethylaminopyridine as a catalyst. Most of the products were obtained in the form of colourless oil, one of the substances crystallized into white amorphous crystals. However, during an attempt of dioxolane ring opening, the preparation of 3-demethylhaemanthamine derivative proved unsuccessful. Prepared derivatives were mostly identified by EI-MS and NMR. All the substances were gained in sufficient outcomes in the scale of 43 - 81 %. All the compounds were...
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Vliv albendazolu na aktivitu vybraných enzymů u tasemnice Hymenolepis diminuta / Effect of albendazole on the activity of selected enzymes in tapeworm Hymenolepis diminutaKrejzová, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Andrea Krejzová Supervisor: PharmDr. Ivan Vokřál, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Effect of albendazole on the activity of selected enzymes in tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta The efficacy of anthelmintics used to treat diseases caused by helminths is not always sufficient, and in some cases, we are directly facing resistance to these drugs. Helminths, including tapeworms, are able to defend against the toxic effect of anthelmintics using several mechanisms. Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and transport proteins belong to these mechanisms. When xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes are induced, the efficacy of therapy may be significantly reduced. The effect of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes on the drug resistance development has been already described in number of helminths. In tapeworms this information is still missing. Main aim of this study was to determine effect of drug albendazole on the activity of selected xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in rat tapeworm (Hymenolepis diminuta). Tapeworms were incubated with albendazole (1 μM and 10 μM) for 24 hours. Then activities of selected enzymes in cytosol-like, microsome-like and mitochondria-like fractions were determined. This study is focused on...
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Vliv mebendazolu na aktivitu vybraných enzymů u tasemnice Hymenolepis diminuta / Effect of mebendazole on the activity of selected enzymes in tapeworm Hymenolepis diminutaLukačiková, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Karolína Lukačiková Supervisor: PharmDr. Ivan Vokřál, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Effect of mebendazole on the activity of selected enzymes in tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta The resistance of parasitic helminths to anthelmintic drugs is a growing worldwide phenomenon and a concerning issue. Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes play an important role in drug resistance development as they can lower the concentration of the anthelmintics in the parasite's body and therefore protect the parasite from the anthelmintic effect. The role of drug metabolizing enzymes in drug resistance development has been already described in the group of roundworms and flukes. Limited information is available about this topic in tapeworms. In our study we decided to test the possibility of the anthelmintic mebendazole to affect the activity of these enzymes and possibly to influence the drug resistance development in rat tapeworm (Hymenolepis diminuta). Our first goal was the isolation of adult tapeworms from the definitive host (rat, Rattus norvegicus). We used mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) as an intermediate host. After the successful isolation, adult tapeworms were incubated with the mebendazole (1 and 10µM) in...
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Alkaloidy čeledi Amaryllidaceae: rod Zephyranthes / Alkaloids of family Amaryllidaceae: genus ZephyranthesJánská, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Author: Lucie Jánská Název: Alkaloids of family Amaryllidaceae: genus Zephyranthes Diploma thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmacognosy 2018, 75 p. The aim of this diploma thesis was to summarize all knowledge about alkaloids izolated from Zephyranthes plants of Amaryllidaceae family. It contains a detail overview of botanical charactericts of phytochemically studied plants of the genus Zephyranthes. Also the overview of alkaloids with bilogical activity was described. Within the genus Zephyranthes 10 species were studied phytochemically and 89 alkaloids were isolated from this plants. This alkaloids are divided in several structural groups. The lycorine-, haemanthamine-, galanthamine- and pancratistatine-type alkaloids occure the most frequently. Acetylcholinesterase-inhibitory, anticancer and antimalarial activity of the alkaloids was described like the most important. The most significant acetylcholinesterase- inhibitory activity was observed in alkaloids from galanthamine sctructural type. Anticancer activity was found the most in lycorine-, pancratistatine- and haemanthamine- type alkaloids. The most notable antimalarial activity was observed in lycorine- and heamanthamine- type alkaloids. Keywords Zephyranthes, Amaryllidaceae,...
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