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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dyslexie ve výuce francouzského jazyka / Dyslexia in classes of French

Šimanová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
This work treats the mutual relationships between dyslexia and teaching of French language. It proposes exercices for students with dyslexia which, being adapted to their specific learning difficulties, contribute to their reeducation. The exercices are designed especially for senior pupils and high school students of intermediate level. They may be used for individual instruction or in inclusive classrooms. This work can be used as a tool for teachers working with dyslexics who want to adapt the instruction to their special needs.

Search Strategies for Scheduling Problems / Search Strategies for Scheduling Problems

Kypta, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
In the present work I compare the search strategies for solving scheduling problems from the view of constraint programming. The thesis is focused on scheduling problems containing alternative activities. An analysis of previously published various ways of modelling the problems is provided, next description and experimental comparison of search strategies targetting these models is provided. The influence of strategies on the speed of the solver is studied primarily. As a sideeffect the work studies the ways how Choco solver, which was utililized for implementation of the experiments, can be used to solve the scheduling problems with alternative activities.

Vliv pohybových aktivit na soběstačnost a kvalitu života seniorů žijících v domácím prostředí / The influence of independency of seniors in home care by movement activities

Hrbáčková, Danuše January 2012 (has links)
Title: Influence of Physical Activity over Self-care and Quality of Life of Elderly People Living at Home Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis are measuring the level of the physical activities of elderly people living at home and the analysis of the influence of these activities on their independence in everyday activities and on their quality of life. Methods: For research I choose a questionnaire survey as main metod. To collect data for the research I used physical activity questionnaire which I created specifically for this thesis, Barthel Index the standardized self-care test, SQUALA questionnaire measuring the quality of live. To verify my hypothesis I statistically evaluated the outcomes of the tests and questionnaires. For this purpose I used the descriptive statistics in the computer program Microsoft Office Excell. Results: The main objective was fulfiled. Results of research proved statistical important depence among age, physical activities, independence in activities of daily living and quality of individuals life Key words: elderly people, physical activities, quality of live, independence

Participace dětí předškolního věku ve výzkumu: konstrukce a evaluace participačních metod / Engaging pre-school children in research: design and evaluation of participatory methods

Lněnička, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The modern world is focused on children. We care much more about the right regime of our children, about hygiene and other aspects of their daily routine. So it is not surprising that many scientists start their recent projects on or with children. Anthropology is not an exception. This study creates a smaller part of a larger sleep research study which aims to investigate whether two community based social marketing campaigns influence parents' view of pre-school children sleep requirements and healthy sleep practices. This work targets directly pre-school children and wants to determine if we are able to educate children about healthy and right sleeping habits through specifically performed game based activities. The main aim of this study is to find out which games are useful for enhancing the results of the supreme Medical Anthropology research. Secondary aim is to solve what we can generally do for a better engagement of children in our research.

Využívání městských a příměstských parků a cyklostezek mateřskými školami v Praze / Using urban and suburban parks and cycling roads by kindergarten in Prague

Damková, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
The thesisdeals with theuse ofurban andsuburbanparksand cycle routes by neighbouringkindergartens. The theoretical part ofthe thesissummarizesthe basic terminology, explains the concept offorest,park, forest park, bicycle path.Furthermore,it is trying todefinetermsrelatedto the topic(movement, motor skills, and sports). Separatechaptersare alsodevoted toforestpedagogy, its history andthe emergingtrendof forestnurseries. The practicalpart of thethesisintroducesmethodsof research.Theseare thequestionnaire survey, interview and observation.Research ispart ofthe weeklyproject for childrenfrom kindergartens, created specifically forthis topic. Subsequently, thethesisseeksto answer the stated hypotheses. It examines therange ofthe activities of childrenduring their stayoutside,motivationof childrento activities, the use of cyclingkindergartens. It examines whichoutdoorlocationchildrenin kindergartenprefer for their morningactivities. Thethesisconcludeswith an overview of significant Pragueparks. Keywords: park, forest, cycling, physical activity, nature, kindergarten

Zájem o aktivity v přírodě žáků vybraných základních škol na Kladensku, podle pohlaví a bydliště / The interest in outdoor activities of students from selected primary schools in Kladno district, by gender and residence

Kofroňová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Title: The interest in outdoor activities of students from selected primary schools in Kladno district, by gender and residence Objectives: To find out which outdoor activities students from selected primary schools in Kladno district are interested in, specifically which outdoor activities they do and which they would like to learn. Furthermore, to find out what experience with outdoor activities students have and to compare results by gender and place of residence. Method: The research has been performed by quantitative method. To support gathering and collecting necessary inputs specific questionnaire was compiled for students of the 9th grade of primary schools. The research sample consisted of 204 respondents. Gathered inputs have been graphically processed and evaluated. Results: Primary schools offer to teach their students outdoor activities more during sports courses, school in nature and school trips than in physical education classes. Most of these students have experience with outdoor activities from school events, mainly with hiking, alpine skiing and motion games in the natural environment. More students have experiences with outdoor activities from outside the school than from the school. Most of the students do outdoor activities, the main performed activities are hiking and biking....

Volno-časové pohybové aktivity studentů UK FTVS obor TVS / Leisure-time physical activities of students of FTVS UK specialization TVS

Měchura, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Title: Leisure-time physical activities of students of FTVS UK specialization TVS Aims: To obtain information about students of 3rd year undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport specialization TVS and their habits in leisure activities and sports. Compare the information about students learning the different specializations. Identify, describe and compare other factors affecting the participation of students on lemure-time physical activities and sports. Methods: Collection of information and the actual survey was conducted using questionnaires and document analysis. Subsequently, the results were analyzed using statistical methods and calculations. Results: The survey found that among students of different study directions are the differences in participation in leisure-time physical activities. Students of Sport specialization operate more in competitive sport than other directions, but don't lag behind in participation in leisure-time physical activities. Most aktive in these activities are students of direction Outdoor activities. Furthermore, it was found that with the advent of the high school students at changing habits and attitudes to sport. Students are less involved in competitive sport clubs and begin to pay more attention to sport in their own time and in...

Uzbecká komunita v Praze / Uzbek community in the Prague

Drahoňovský, Libor January 2013 (has links)
This thesis thematically deals with Uzbek minority in Prague, which was formed during the last two decades. Main part contain and analyze the structure of the Uzbek minority, and I used the statistics concerning number, working and educational activities, gender representation, territorial decomposition, crime and infringements of residential regime of Uzbek immigrants. I focus also on determination of expanse and method of integration in the majority society environment, patterns of behavior and thinking and culture aspects of everyday life in the minority group. From the research methods I use survey, in-depth interviews and participant observation. I place emphasis on the definition of "push" and "pull" factors of immigration. In addition, I document how the Uzbek Immigrants assess social and cultural environment of the host country, their attitudes and opinions to the people of the Czech Republic and members of other nationalities, especially to those with whom they come in a host country usually in contact, and how they integrate in the Czech environment. I also pay big attention to the changes that took place in the Uzbek community during life in the Czech Republic, including the period after 2008 due to the recession of Czech economy and restrict working opportunities and perspectives....

Zdravotní gramotnost žáků na základní škole / The health literacy of pupils in primary school

Caudr, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis looks into the health literacy of pupils at Primary school. The main aim of this work is to compare the pupils's health literacy with the computer literacy at chosen Primary school. To find out the level of knowledge, awareness, attitudes and perceptions of pupils in connection with computer and health literacy. Determine the causes of less interest in physical activities and the link between physical activity and health of pupils. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the basic concepts such as health literacy, computer literacy, healthy living, physical activity, etc… with the help of the specialized literature. This part describes the relationship between the pupil's physical activity, healthy lifestyle and health literacy. The practical part compares the level of student's knowledge in the field of computer and health literacy. It finds out the pupil's knowledge which are linked to beneficial effect of physical activities on human health, too. In this part questionnaires which are intended for children from the selected primary school and deal with primarily the level of knowledge of medical and computer literacy will be elaborated. Questions are also pointed at physical activities of students in extracurricular activities, their frequency and the motivation for them. In...

Body styling - zásady a praktická realizace / Body styling - principles and practical implementation

Dvořáková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Body styling - Principles and Practical Implementation OBJECTIVES: The aim of this diploma thesis is the search processing of available literary sources associated with bodystyling and the draft and verification of appropriate bodystyling lessons with positive effect on body composition for women and men without previous experience with bodystyling. METHODS: While elaborating this diploma thesis, my efforts were based on literary search, in particular I searched in literature focused on bodystyling and muscular system anatomy. This work shows its descriptive analytical character. Verification of drafted bodystyling lessons reveals, why bodystyling is a suitable form of regular physical exercise or activity. The target group consisted of twelve persons, six women and six men, within the age from twenty to fifty. None of them had previous experience with bodystyling lessons. RESULTS: The proposed physical intervention positively affected body composition interceded subjects that directly affected the body shaping. Body fat percentage was significantly reduced in eleven people out of twelve. The result of percentage of fat for the examined group is (-0,9±0,6) %. There was also a significant increase in skeletal muscle percentage for all twelve subjects. The result of percentage of skeletal...

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