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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hasičský záchranný sbor hlavního města Prahy / Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague

Bošanský, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague is the subject of this thesis. Generally, Fire Rescue Service is the fundamental element of Integrated Rescue System. FRS of Capital of Prague's primary objective is to protect life, health and property in the case of fire and other emergency events. Area of Capital of Prague is markedly specific in comparison to other regions of the Czech Republic. It puts increased requirements on the labour of Prague's fire fighters. The main aim of this thesis is to obtain integral look in the function of Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague and to propose steps that could eventually help to improve conditions for the provided service.

Adaptive Eyes: Driver Distraction and Inattention PreventionThrough Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Behaviour-Based Safety

Wege, Claudia 30 January 2014 (has links)
Technology pervades our daily living, and is increasingly integrated into the vehicle – directly affecting driving. On the one hand technology such as cell phones provoke driver distraction and inattention, whereas, on the other hand, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) support the driver in the driving task. The question is, can a driver successfully adapt to the ever growing technological advancements? Thus, this thesis aimed at improving safe driver behaviour by understanding the underlying psychological mechanisms that influence behavioural change. Previous research on ADAS and human attention was reviewed in the context of driver behavioural adaptation. Empirical data from multiple data sources such as driving performance data, visual behaviour data, video footage, and subjective data were analyzed to evaluate two ADAS (a brake-capacity forward collision warning system, B-FCW, and a Visual Distraction Alert System, VDA-System). Results from a field operational test (EuroFOT) showed that brake-capacity forward collision warnings lead to immediate attention allocation toward the roadway and drivers hit the brake, yet change their initial response later on by directing their eyes toward the warning source in the instrument cluster. A similar phenomenon of drivers changing initial behaviour was found in a driving simulator study assessing a Visual Distraction Alert System. Analysis showed that a Visual Distraction Alert System successfully assists drivers in redirecting attention to the relevant aspects of the driving task and significantly improves driving performance. The effects are discussed with regard to behavioural adaptation, calibration and system acceptance. Based on these findings a novel assessment for human-machine-interaction (HMI) of ADAS was introduced. Based on the contribution of this thesis and previous best-practices, a holistic safety management model on accident prevention strategies (before, during and after driving) was developed. The DO-IT BEST Feedback Model is a comprehensive feedback strategy including driver feedback at various time scales and therefore is expected to provide an added benefit for distraction and inattention prevention. The central contributions of this work are to advance research in the field of traffic psychology in the context of attention allocation strategies, and to improve the ability to design future safety systems with the human factor in focus. The thesis consists of the introduction of the conducted research, six publications in full text and a comprehensive conclusion of the publications. In brief this thesis intends to improve safe driver behaviour by understanding the underlying psychological mechanisms that influence behavioral change, thereby resulting in more attention allocation to the forward roadway, and improved vehicle control.:Abstract i Zusammenfassung iii List of included publications v Acknowledgements vii Previously published work ix Table of contents xi Preface xii 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Outline 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Background 8 1.3.1 Behavioural adaption to ADAS 8 1.3.2 Driver distraction and inattention 9 2 Chapter 2 Paper I 23 3 Chapter 3 Paper II 47 4 Chapter 4 Paper III 61 5 Chapter 5 Paper IV 91 6 Chapter 6 Paper V 117 7 Chapter 7 Paper VI 143 8 Chapter 8 Conclusions and discussion 161 8.1. Contributions 161 8.2. Implications 171 8.3. Limitations and research needs 173 9 References 177 Curriculum Vitae 199 Eidesstattliche Erklärung 201 / Technologie durchdringt unser tägliches Leben und ist zunehmend integriert in Fahrzeuge – das Resultat sind veränderte Anforderungen an Fahrzeugführer. Einerseits besteht die Gefahr, dass er durch die Bedienung innovativer Technologien (z.B. Mobiltelefone) unachtsam wird und visuell abgelenkt ist, andererseits kann die Nutzung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen die den Fahrer bei der Fahraufgabe unterstützten einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Fahrsicherheit bieten. Die steigende Aktualität beider Problematiken wirft die Frage auf: "Kann der Fahrer sich erfolgreich dem ständig wachsenden technologischen Fortschritt anpassen?" Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der Erkenntnisgewinn zur Verbesserung des Fahrverhaltens indem der Verhaltensänderungen zugrunde liegende psychologische Mechanismen untersucht werden. Eine Vielzahl an Literatur zu Fahrerassistenzsystemen und Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung wurde vor dem Hintergrund von Verhaltensanpassung der Fahrer recherchiert. Daten mehrerer empirischer Quellen, z. B. Fahrverhalten, Blickbewegungen, Videomitschnitte und subjektive Daten dienten zur Datenauswertung zweier Fahrerassistenzsysteme. Im Rahmen einer Feldstudie zeigte sich, dass Bremskapazitäts-Kollisionswarnungen zur sofortigen visuellen Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung zur Fahrbahn und zum Bremsen führen, Fahrer allerdings ihre Reaktion anpassen indem sie zur Warnanzeige im Kombinationsinstrument schauen. Ein anderes Phänomen der Verhaltensanpassung wurde in einer Fahrsimulatorstudie zur Untersuchung eines Ablenkungswarnsystems, das dabei hilft die Blicke von Autofahrern stets auf die Straße zu lenken, gefunden. Diese Ergebnisse weisen nach, dass solch ein System unterstützt achtsamer zu sein und sicherer zu fahren. Die vorliegenden Befunde wurden im Zusammenhang zu Vorbefunden zur Verhaltensanpassung zu Fahrerassistenzsystemen, Fahrerkalibrierung und Akzeptanz von Technik diskutiert. Basierend auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurde ein neues Vorgehen zur Untersuchung von Mensch- Maschine-Interaktion eingeführt. Aufbauend auf den Resultaten der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein ganzheitliches Modell zur Fahrsicherheit und -management, das DO-IT BEST Feedback Modell, entwickelt. Das Modell bezieht sich auf multitemporale Fahrer-Feedbackstrategien und soll somit einen entscheidenen Beitrag zur Verkehrssicherheit und dem Umgang mit Fahrerunaufmerksamkeit leisten. Die zentralen Beiträge dieser Arbeit sind die Gewinnung neuer Erkenntnisse in den Bereichen der Angewandten Psychologie und der Verkehrspsychologie in den Kontexten der Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung und der Verbesserung der Gestaltung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen fokusierend auf den Bediener. Die Dissertation besteht aus einem Einleitungsteil, drei empirischen Beiträgen sowie drei Buchkapiteln und einer abschliessenden Zusammenfassung.:Abstract i Zusammenfassung iii List of included publications v Acknowledgements vii Previously published work ix Table of contents xi Preface xii 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Outline 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Background 8 1.3.1 Behavioural adaption to ADAS 8 1.3.2 Driver distraction and inattention 9 2 Chapter 2 Paper I 23 3 Chapter 3 Paper II 47 4 Chapter 4 Paper III 61 5 Chapter 5 Paper IV 91 6 Chapter 6 Paper V 117 7 Chapter 7 Paper VI 143 8 Chapter 8 Conclusions and discussion 161 8.1. Contributions 161 8.2. Implications 171 8.3. Limitations and research needs 173 9 References 177 Curriculum Vitae 199 Eidesstattliche Erklärung 201

Adoption of New Technology for Identifying Money Laundering : An Exploration of Artificial Intelligence’s Usability in Banks to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing / Anta ny teknik för identifiering av penningtvätt : Utforskning av AI:s användbarhet i banker för bekämpning av penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism

Hagopian, Patrik, Persson, Axel January 2024 (has links)
As money laundering is a global threat, with approximately US$800 billion to US$2 trillion being laundered yearly, it is important to come up with new and stronger solutions to combat illicit activities. Among the most exploited entities for money laundering are financial institutions, and more specifically banks. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the usability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a decision-maker in the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) department to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Moreover, the main research question was to explore the usability of AI as a decision-maker within AML operations. To enable this, an important aspect was to understand what regulatory and compliance requirements are demanded on AI from the AML departments. Thereafter, it was necessary to understand AI’s technical functionalities to facilitate the department’s daily operations. The literature review presented the fundamentals of AML and their precautionary actions. Furthermore, in the second phase of the literature review, the fundamentals of AI were investigated. Lastly, a combination of the topics of AML and AI were reviewed to identify techniques that the AML department can implement. Moreover, the methodology of the thesis consisted of a qualitative research design with an inductive approach. In the findings, a framework was constructed from the obtained results (second order themes). Subsequently, those themes were further developed into aggregated dimensions, which were extensively elaborated on in the conclusion. Thereafter, the dimensions were categorized into either the compliance criteria or the functional criteria. Also, the dimensions were presented in the order of priority based on how critical they are. To answer the main research question, AI is usable in the AML department as a decision-maker when considering the aggregated dimensions. Essentially, AI can successfully be implemented into the AML department’s daily operations when all the dimensions are achieved. / Då penningtvätt är ett globalt hot, där det uppskattas att det årligen tvättas 800 miljarder till 2 biljoner amerikanska dollar, är det viktigt att komma med nya och motståndskraftigare lösningar som bekämpar illegala verksamheter. Finansiella institutioner är bland de mest utsatta enheterna för penningtvätt, däribland banker som är mest exponerade. Därför var syftet med masterexamensarbetet att undersöka användbarheten av artificiell intelligens (AI) som beslutsfattare på avdelningen som bekämpar penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism. Vidare var huvudfrågeställningen att utforska användbarheten av AI som beslutsfattare inom arbetsuppgifterna för avdelningen som bekämpar penningtvätt. För att möjliggöra detta var en viktig aspekt att förstå vilka lagstadgade- och efterlevnadskrav som ställdes på AI från avdelningen som bekämpar penningtvätt. Därefter måste man förstå AI:s tekniska funktioner för att underlätta avdelningens dagliga verksamhet. I litteraturstudien presenterades de grundläggande faktorerna för bekämpning av penningtvätt och deras försiktighetsåtgärder. Vidare i den andra fasen av litteraturstudien undersöktes de grundläggande faktorerna för AI. Slutligen granskades litteratur som behandlade en kombination av ämnena bekämpning av penningtvätt och AI för att identifiera tekniker som avdelningen för bekämpning av penningtvätt kan implementera. Dessutom bestod masterexamensarbetet av en kvalitativ forskningsdesign med en induktiv forskningsprocess. I resultatdelen framställdes ett ramverk utifrån de erhållna resultaten (andra ordningens teman). Därefter utvecklades dessa teman vidare till aggregerade dimensioner, som beskrevs utförligt i slutsatsen. Därpå blev dimensionerna kategoriserade i antingen efterlevnadskriterier eller funktionella kriterier. Dimensionerna presenterades även i prioritetsordning baserat på deras kritiska innebörd. Studien föreslog att AI är användbart på avdelningen som bekämpar penningtvätt som beslutsfattare när de aggregerade dimensionerna tas i beaktning. I huvudsak kan AI framgångsrikt implementeras i avdelningens dagliga verksamhet för att bekämpa penningtvätt när alla dimensioner har uppnåtts.

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