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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yahya Ali Omar. 1998. Three prose texts in the Swahili of Mombasa.: Sprache und Oralität in Afrika, Band 21. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. ISBN 3-496-02636-7

Omar, Said S . H. 15 October 2012 (has links)
Review of the book of Yahya Ali Omar `Three prose texts in the Swahili of Mombasa. Sprache und Oralität in Afrika´(1998).

Der Sauerstoffverbrauch der Lunge (VO2pulm) bei Patienten mit Acute Lung Injury (ALI) und Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) unter mechanischer Beatmung und PEEP-Variation, gemessen als VO2-Differenz zwischen indirekter Kalorimetrie und Berechnung über das inverse Fick´ sche Prinzip

Fritzsche, Katrin 27 November 2007 (has links)
Bei Patienten mit einem akuten Lungenversagen (ALI oder ARDS) ist der Sauerstoffverbrauch der Lunge (VO2pulm) durch pathophysiologische Prozesse insbesondere die Ausbildung von Atelektasen stark beeinträchtigt. Aufgrund der Annahme, dass eine Steigerung der Anzahl ventilierter Lungenareale zu einer Erhöhung des pulmonalen Sauerstoffverbrauchs führt, haben wir den Einfluss eines definierten Rekrutierungsmanövers (PEEP/PEAK + 10 cmH2O) auf den pulmonalen Sauerstoffverbrauch (VO2pulm), pulmonalen kapillären Blutfluss (PCBF), der den nicht geshunteten Anteil am HZV darstellt, und den transpulmonalen Shunt (Qs/Qt) untersucht. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der VO2pulm als Differenz zwischen dem Sauerstoffverbrauch des gesamten Körpers, gemessen über die indirekte Kalorimetrie (VO2cal), und dem über das inverse Fick`sche Prinzip errechneten Sauerstoffverbrauch (VO2Fick) bestimmt. Im Rahmen einer klinisch-prospektiven Studie konnten nach Annahme des Studienprotokolls durch die zuständige Ethikkommission 13 beatmete Patienten, welche die Consensus-Kriterien eines ALI oder ARDS erfüllten, eingeschlossen werden. Nach Sicherstellung einer adäquaten Volumensituation und Messung der Ausgangsparameter wurde der PEEP um 10 cmH2O erhöht. Um ein stabiles Atemzugvolumen (VT 6-8 ml/kgKG) und damit gleichbleibende Bedingungen für die alveoläre Ventilation bis auf das von uns durchgeführte Rekrutierungsmanöver zu gewährleisten, wurde zeitgleich der Spitzendruck ebenfalls um 10 cmH2O erhöht. Nach 15 und 60 min wurden die Zieldeterminanten pulmonaler Sauerstoffverbrauch (VO2pulm), PCBF und transpulmonaler Shunt erneut bestimmt. Die Messung der indirekten Kalorimetrie (VO2cal) wurde mit dem Deltatrac TM, MBM 200® durchgeführt, VO2Fick über die Thermodilutionsmethode ermittelt, die partielle CO2-Rückatmungsmethode (David®) zur Bestimmung des PCBF genutzt und der transpulmonale Shunt (Qs/Qt) mittels der Formel nach BERGGREN berechnet. Die statistische Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mittels T-Tests für gepaarte Stichproben. Nach dem Manöver konnte eine signifikante Steigerung des PCBF von 4,44 ± 1,15 l/min auf 5,4 ± 1,68 l/min nach 15 min, respektive 5,12 ± 1,67 l/min nach 60 min nachgewiesen werden (p<0,025). Dieser Anstieg wurde von einer signifikanten Reduktion des transpulmonalen Shunts (Qs/Qt) von 0,24 ± 0,08 auf 0,16 ± 0,07 nach 15 min und 0,16 ± 0,07 nach 60 min begleitet (p<0,005). Diese Veränderungen der pulmonalen Hämodynamik gehen mit statistisch relevanten Verbesserungen der Oxygenierung sowie der Atemmechanik einher. Eine signifikante Steigerung des pulmonalen Sauerstoffverbrauchs konnte für die gesamte Studienpopulation nicht festgestellt werden. In dieser Untersuchung steigt der Sauerstoffverbrauch der Lunge deskriptiv von baseline 10,1 +/- 30,59 ml/min über 11,42 +/- 27,42 ml/min nach 15 min, respektive auf 28,69 +/- 56,75 ml/min nach 60 min an. Die signifikante Steigerung des pulmonal-kapillären Blutflusses und die konsekutive Reduktion des transpulmonalen Shunts schon 15 min nach dem Manöver impliziert einen Anstieg der an der alveolären Ventilation teilnehmenden alveolokapillären Einheiten, was einer Rekrutierung von vorher atelektatischen Lungenabschnitten entspricht. Insbesondere bei ARDS-Patienten und Respondern konnten Rekrutierungs-induzierte Veränderungen detektiert werden, wohingegen die Patienten mit ALI oder Nonresponder keinerlei statistische Unterschiede während der Intervention zeigten. Trotz stattgefundener Wiederbelüftung von Atelektasen konnte ein statistisch relevanter Unterschied bezüglich des pulmonalen Sauerstoffverbrauchs durch das Rekrutierungsmanöver für die gesamte Studienpopulation nicht festgestellt werden.


Sergent, Amber Fogle 01 January 2012 (has links)
Called “The Pride of the Bluegrass,” Elmendorf Farm changed the style and substance of commercial pedigree breeding in early twentieth-century America. Between 1897 and 1914, James B. Haggin readily transformed the Kentucky farm first as a nationally preeminent horse stud, famous for its bloodlines and scales, and second as a premier dairy operation, exceptional for its sanitation, science, and size. Here rested the large-scale production of the world’s fanciest Thoroughbreds and finest milk. At the same time, Haggin’s farm reflected a lifestyle that has come to be celebrated and cherished as the ideal Kentucky landscape. A factory-style plant of large scales, of specialization, and vertical integration was disguised with the lavish iconography of portico mansions, rolling lawns, and white-planed fences, behind which million-dollar animals grazed on lush bluegrass. But a crucial, and significant, characteristic of this farm was the wage laborers who performed the back-breaking work. The labor and lives of the farm’s black workers, in particular, shows how Elmendorf helped reinforce a system of labor relations in central Kentucky, one peculiar to horse business and one segmented by race. Ultimately, this study of Elmendorf Farm shows the unforgettable imprint of Haggin’s complex personality, as well as his modern philosophies of business, but it also demonstrates conclusively the fallacy of an acquisitive nature and aggressive impulses in commercial animal breeding. As a powerful financier in the late nineteenth-century, Haggin’s perpetual objective was ever “large economies of scale.” Haggin made and lost fortunes by creating great industrial enterprises, and his Bluegrass stud proved no different—even if his individual actions meant defying the norm and jeopardizing entire industries. This best explains why the world’s greatest breeding and milking farm, in many ways, failed. When Haggin applied a dual logic of industrial and aristocratic expansion to a Kentucky breeding farm, the pedigree industry, however fragile and vulnerable, was pushed to extremes and instability of both horse and milk industries resulted. Those famed marble columns, the remaining evidence of Elmendorf Farm, now stands in a lush Bluegrass field, representing one of the most spectacular failures in modern agricultural history.

Model-Based Mechanical Ventilation for the Critically Ill

Chiew, Yeong Shiong January 2013 (has links)
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is the primary form of therapeutic support for patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) until the underlying disease is resolved. However, as patient disease state and response to MV are highly variable, clinicians often rely on experience to set MV. The result is more variable care, as there are currently no standard approaches to MV settings. As a result of the common occurrence of MV and variability in care, MV is one of the most expensive treatments in critical care. Thus, an approach capable of guiding patient-specific MV is required and this approach could potentially save significant cost. This research focuses on developing models and model-based approaches to analyse and guide patient-specific MV care. Four models and metrics are developed, and each model is tested in experimental or clinical trials developed for the purpose. Each builds the understanding and methods necessary for an overall approach to guide MV in a wide range of patients. The first model, a minimal recruitment model, captures the recruitment of an injured lung and its response to positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, the model was only previously validated in diagnosed ARDS patients, and was not proven to capture behaviours seen in healthy patients. This deficiency could potentially negate its ability to track disease state, which is crucial in providing rapid diagnosis and patient-specific MV in response to changes in patient condition. Hence, the lack of validation in disease state progression monitoring from ARDS to healthy, or vice-versa, severely limits its application in real-time monitoring and decision support. To address this issue, an experimental ARDS animal model is developed to validate the model across the transition between healthy and diseased states. The second model, a single compartment linear lung model, models the lung as a conducting airway connected to an elastic compartment. This model is used to estimate the respiratory mechanics (Elastance and Resistance) of an ARDS animal model during disease progression and recruitment manoeuvres. This model is later extended to capture high resolution, patient-specific time-varying respiratory mechanics during each breathing cycle. This extended model is tested in ARDS patients, and was used to titrate patient-specific PEEP using a minimum elastance metric that balances recruitment and the risk of lung overdistension and ventilation-induced injury. Studies have revealed that promoting patients to breathe spontaneously during MV can improve patient outcomes. Thus, there is significant clinical trend towards using partially assisted ventilation modes, rather than fully supported ventilation modes. In this study, the patient-ventilator interaction of a state of the art partially assisted ventilation mode, known as neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), is investigated and compared with pressure support ventilation (PS). The matching of patient-specific inspiratory demand and ventilator supplied tidal volume for these two ventilation modes is assessed using a novel Range90 metric. NAVA consistently showed better matching than PS, indicating that NAVA has better ability to provide patient-specific ventilator tidal volume to match variable patient-specific demand. Hence, this new analysis highlights a critical benefit of partially assisted ventilation and thus the need to extend model-based methods to this patient group. NAVA ventilation has been shown to improve patient-ventilator interaction compared to conventional PS. However, the patient-specific, optimal NAVA level remains unknown, and the best described method to set NAVA is complicated and clinically impractical. The Range90 metric is thus extended to analyse the matching ability of different NAVA levels, where it is found that response to different NAVA levels is highly patient-specific. Similar to the fully sedated MV case, and thus requiring models and metrics to help titrate care. More importantly, Range90 is shown to provide an alternative metric to help titrate patient-specific optimal NAVA level and this analysis further highlights the need for extended model-based methods to better guide these emerging partially assisted MV modes. Traditionally, the respiratory mechanics of the spontaneously breathing (SB) patient cannot be estimated without significant additional invasive equipment and tests that interrupt normal care and are clinically intensive to carry out. Thus, respiratory mechanics and model-based methods are rarely used to guide partially assisted MV. Thus, there is significant clinical interest to use respiratory mechanics to guide MV in SB patients. The single compartment model is extended to effectively capture the trajectory of time-varying elastance for SB patients. Results show that without additional invasive equipment, the model was able estimate unique and clinically useful respiratory mechanics in SB patients. Hence, the extended single compartment model can be used as ‘a one model fits all’ means to guide patient-specific MV continuously and consistently, for all types of patient and ventilation modes, without interrupting care. Overall, the model-based approaches presented in this thesis are capable of capturing physiologically relevant patient-specific parameters, and thus, characterise patient disease state and response to MV. With additional, larger scale clinical trials to test the performance and the impact of model-based methods on clinical outcome, the models can aid clinicians to guide MV decision making in the heterogeneous ICU population. Hence, this thesis develops, extends and validates several fundamental model-based metrics, models and methods to enable standardized patient-specific MV to improve outcome and reduce the variability and cost of care.

Civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimas ir derinimas / Unification and approximation of the law of civil procedure

Juronytė, Austė 25 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra analizuojami bendrieji civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimo ir derinimo civilinėse ir komercinėse bylose teorinai ir praktiniai klausimai: tai civilinio proceso teisės samprata, istorija ir pagrindiniai šių dienų civilinio proceso teisės raidos bruožai. Taip pat pirmojoje darbo dalyje analizuojamos civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimo kliūtys bei pagrindinės civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimo priežastys arba tikslai, svarstoma kiek jos yra pagrįstos. Antroji darbo dalis yra skirta dviejų pagrindinių civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimo organizacijų pasiektiems laimėjimams išanalizuoti - tai tarptautinės privatinės teisės instituto Hagos konferencijos priimtų konvencijų ir ALI/UNIDROIT tarptautinio civilinio proceso teisės principų ir taisyklių projektui išanalizuoti bei įvertinti. Civilinio proceso teisės pasiekimai yra vertinami remiantis keliais pagrindiniais aspektais – tai jų turinio, apimties bei masto požiūriu, taip pat įvertinama jų netiesioginė įtaka civilinio proceso teisės vienodinimui. Darbe naudojami istorinis, lyginamasis-sisteminis, lingvistinis-lyginamasis ir kiti metodai. / This work is the analysis of such general issues of civil procedure law unification and approximation of civil and commercial matters, as civil procedure law concept, history, and most important features of unification and harmonisation of civil procedure law nowadays. In the first part of the work the main obstacles of unifying the civil procedural law unification are analysed as well as causes or objectives of unification of civil procedure. The second part is aimed at the analysis and evaluation of the accomplishments achieved by two major organizations of unification and harmonisation of civil procedure - the conventions of Hague Conference on Private International Law conventions and the ALI/UNIDROIT principles and rules of transnational civil procedure. The achievements of civil procedural law are evaluated based on achievements in several aspects - the content, scope and extent, as well as the indirect influence of the civil procedural law. The paper uses historical, comparative-systematic, comparative- linguistic and other methods.

Modern Art of Pakistan: Lahore Art Circle 1947-1957

Iqbal, Samina 01 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the modern art of Pakistan from 1947-57, more specifically, the role of six important artists who founded the Lahore Art Circle (LAC) in 1952. The group played a pivotal role in the formulation of modernism in Pakistan after its establishment as an Islamic Republic. Framed within postcolonial theories and criticism, this study will address the role of modern art in developing new artistic sensibilities in the nation of Pakistan. In order to understand the context of LAC’s framing of “modernism” and “nationalism” in terms of specific historic and hybrid nexus,my research will provide an investigation of works of only the founding members of the Lahore Art Circle including: Shakir Ali (1924-1975), Sheikh Safdar Ali (1924-1983),Moyene Najmi (1926-1997), Ali Imam (1924-2000), Ahmed Parvez (1926-1979) and Anwar Jalal Shemza (1928-1985). In analyzing the works of individual artists and the role of LAC during the first decade of the establishment of Pakistan as a nation-state, this study provides a framework to understand the specific condition of modernism in Pakistan that was dictated by these artists’ careers and works. Thus, this research investigates how the framing of modernism for these artists took on highly personal, international, incipiently national and distinctly local forms in the early years of the Pakistan after the Partition of 1947. Lastly, it will also examine how the individual LAC artists situated themselves in the discourse between constructing a newly established Pakistani identity within the larger paradigms of international modernism.

Med andra(s) ord : Diskurser och identitetsskapande i Margareta Subers Charlie och Ali Smiths Girl Meets Boy

Lind, Eva-Marie January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om Charlie (1932) av Margareta Suber, som ofta kallas Sveriges  första lesbiska roman, och Girl Meets Boy (2007) av Ali Smith, en modern roman som utspelar sig i en annan tid och kontext, men har många gemensamma teman med Charlie. Böckerna  behandlar homosexualitet, androgynitet och genus, men det viktigaste för den här uppsatsen  är hur de centrala karaktärerna tar del av en skriven text, och hur sagda text är fundamental  för deras identitetsskapande och böckerna i sig.  Detta hör samman med diskursbegreppet och representation på flera olika sätt; vilka  strukturer styr hur böckerna och texterna i böckerna ser ut? Vilka effekter får de? Hur  representeras verkligheten i texterna? Hur tolkas de av karaktärerna?  De två böckerna ställs sida vid sida för att möjliggöra en jämförelse av diskurser i olika  kontexter. Genom att ställa en äldre bok mot en nyare med samma centrala teman är det  lättare att se hur diskurserna i de olika böckerna ser ut och verkar.  En av uppsatsens slutsatser är att den centrala skrivna texten i Charlie kommer från ett  snävare utbud av texter än den i Girl Meets Boy, och ger huvudpersonen som läser den en  snävare beteckning att identifiera sig med. En annan är att texterna påverkar karaktärerna i  de två böckerna på väldigt olika sätt, och att orden och att göra dem till sina egna är av stor  vikt i en människas (och kanske särskilt i en från normen avvikande människas)  identitetsskapande. Karaktärerna tar ord som de fått av andra och gör dem till sina egna, och  gör med det en tolkning av dem. De betonar vissa aspekter av texterna, utesluter annat, låter vissa saker definiera dem och ta extra plats i textens betydelse, och bedömer andra saker  som oväsentliga. De skriver alltså om andras ord, med andra ord.

Avaliação de complicações pulmonares em cães com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. / Evaluation of pulmonary complications in dogs with severe sepsis submitted to intensive therapy

Kitsis, Marcelo 18 February 2011 (has links)
O avanço da terapia intensiva na medicina veterinária vem permitindo a realização de um melhor suporte e monitorização dos animais com sepse grave. Esta é uma síndrome clínica caracterizada por alterações inflamatórias sistêmicas (SIRS) associadas a disfunções orgânicas, como, por exemplo, lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) e síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SARA). No homem, esta síndrome resulta em uma significante taxa de mortalidade, porém, na medicina veterinária ainda faltam estudos sobre este assunto. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de complicações respiratórias em animais com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. Neste estudo foram incluídos 14 animais com sepse grave secundária à piometra. Durante o período de tratamento intensivo os pacientes foram monitorados por meio de: freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica, débito urinário, pressão venosa central, lactato, saturação venosa central de oxigênio, hemogasometria arterial e radiografias torácicas. Todos os animias (100%) apresentaram alterações respiratórias, destes três cadelas vieram a óbito (21,42%) e 11 (78,57%) receberam alta do tratamento intensivo.Os animais submetidos à terapia intensiva devido ao desenvolvimento de sepse grave secundária à piometra, necessitam de um acompanhamento radiográfico torácico diário, a fim de se estabelecer medidas de suporte respiratório adequadas e, consequentemente, obter menores taxas de mortalidade. / The advances in intensive care has allowed to offer better support to animals with severe sepsis. This is a clinical syndrome characterized by systemic inflammatory response associated with organic dysfunction, such as acute pulmonary injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In humans, this syndrome results in significant mortality, but, in veterinary medicine there are not many studies about this. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development the pulmonary complications in animals submitted to intensive care. In this study were included 14 animals with severe sepsis secondary to pyometra. During the period of intensive care the animals were evaluated: heart and respiratory rates, systolic blood pression, urine output, central venous pression lactate, lactate, central venous saturation, arterial hemogasometric and thoracic x-ray. All animals (100%) had abnormal breathing, three of these dogs eventually died (21.42%) and 11 (78.57%) out of intensive care. Animals with severe sepse secondary to pyometra underwent intensive therapy, requiring a chest radiographic daily in order to establish adequate respiratory support, and thus achieve lower mortality rates.

Attitude change in Mohammed Ali Jinnah : a case study in deprivation and compensation

Shrestha, Anand P. January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Exodus of champions : the great migration and the shaping of the civil rights activities of Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier and George Foreman

Taradash, Daniel Lawrence 01 July 2015 (has links)
While the intersection of sport and the Civil Rights era has been well documented from a number of angles and approaches, perhaps no athlete has been so thoroughly connected to this period in history as Muhammad Ali. His stances on Vietnam, race relations and religion during this period have provided a fountain of historical research and narratives on this very turbulent period. However, what about the political and social activities of Ali’s contemporaries? Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier and George Foreman were not just heavyweight champions, but also individuals who were profoundly affected by the mass exodus of Blacks out of the South and into the cities of the North and West. Known to history as the Great Migration, this movement not only affected these men physically, but also helped to shape their ideas and understandings about racial identity, civil rights and race relations in their adult lives. The purpose of this research is to examine the political and social activities and experiences throughout the lives of Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier and George Foreman. In addition to exploring the narratives surrounding their migration experiences, it will display the differences in opinion each man had regarding issues such as segregation and how they defined themselves against Ali’s largely ignored, hardline segregationist stance. Finally, it will explore the possibilities for reexamining not just the popularly accepted narratives of these four men, but also of Ali himself.

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